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An Important Message from Hatzalah. See Page 30 $1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 6 NO. 27 24 ADAR 5766 MARCH 24, 2006 INSIDE FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK UNDER CONSTRUCTION MindBiz BY LARRY GORDON Esther Mann, LMSW 34 High Call Volume Getting Out The Vote Hannah Reich Berman 36 The 15-Minute Chef This is the first in a series of these articles will be quoted Jamie Geller 38 of articles that will appear in out of context to create a sub- this space leading up to the terfuge for readers about the Gosh! My Gashmius! all-important and possibly his- true position vis-à-vis the Rabbi Ben Nathan 40 toric school-board election upcoming election, the school scheduled to take place on budget, and so on. Last year, Wedding Prisoners 73 Lag Ba’Omer, Tuesday, May for example, I suggested that Nissan Rosenthal 16, 2006. The election comes perhaps as a gesture of good at a time when the schism faith it might be advisable to between the school board, the make an effort to get the district administration, and school budget passed in an The partly demolished Red Shul in Cedarhurst, shown above earlier this week, the community has never making way for the congregation’s new and improved synagogue building. been greater. Bits and pieces Continued on Page 6 But will it be red? See “Heard In The Bagel Store,” Page 12 Orthodox And Secular ISRAEL SOLIDARITY Planting New Roots In The Negev Ezer Mizion Far Rockaway SHABBOS BY JODI BODNER reception. See Photo, Page 64 BY ARYE NISONSON Haruv, a new community in “We feel that it’s important the northeastern Negev, is not that we mark and celebrate David Perlmutter’s first resi- our solidarity with Israel,” dence in Israel. The Rockville said Phil Fuchs, a Cedarhurst Centre native made aliyah in businessman and prominent 1982, married, and began to long-time member and officer raise a family in Beit Shemesh. of the Young Israel of But tiny Haruv—where only 22 families currently call Continued on Page 18 Cantor Naftali Herstik home—is in full alignment Mr. and Mrs. David Perlmutter Continued on Page 19 and family. HAFTR students protest Iran’s Sefer Torah Dedication At YFR president. See Photos, Page 78 The Legacy DON’TGIVEUP BY IRWIN H. BY AYELET BENJAMIN THE KOSHER KOMIC Beatrice was my best friend. We shared every- I’ve spent my life quitting thing—the food we ate, the all kinds of things: school, places we went, and even the jobs, relationships, projects— games we played. During the just about anything that I years 1953 to 1955, Beatrice once had interest in doing. As Leon Mayer Fund and I were inseparable. Not soon as things got a little too delivers for Pesach. only did we have similar hard to handle, I gave up. See Page 46 dreams and aspirations, we When I was living in New Photo By Ivan H. Norman even had the same birth date. York and struggling to become YOSS FATHER/SON LEARNING But there were differences. a successful actress, I spent Mar. 25th 7:40 PM & 8:10 PM I was five feet, ten inches; lots of time in my agent’s Beatrice was six feet, seven office. I would go in and help CANDLE LIGHTING Attorney Benjamin Brafman of Lawrence dedicated a Sefer Torah to inches. I’m white; Beatrice, out, keeping my eyes peeled Mar. 24 – 5:53 PM the Yeshiva of Far Rockaway on Sunday, March 12. On his right is an African-American. And for any opportunities to get Mar. 31 – 6:00 PM his brother, Rabbi Aharon Brafman, Menahel of YFR. See More Photos on Page 61 Continued on Page 21 Continued on Page 20 2 March 24, 2006 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES March 24, 2006 3 4 March 24, 2006 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES March 24, 2006 5 FROM THE EDITOR issues, that things in the district would At this juncture and with the elec- improve for the public schools as well tion less than four weeks away, it is Continued from Front Cover as for those attending the private important that the issues that are at effort at reconciliation between those schools in the area. stake become perfectly clear to all who P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 with differing outlooks on this issue. After years of work on these issues, reside here and have children in the 516-984-0079 But that didn’t help. My suggestion two things have become apparent. One educational system—private or public. [email protected] [email protected] was taken out of context as an is that community residents beyond Over the coming several weeks, this LARRY GORDON endorsement to pass the budget the private schools have had their fill space will be dedicated to exploring Publisher/Editor unequivocally, which it was not. of a board seemingly consumed by cre- and analyzing those issues from vari- ESTA J. GORDON The idea at the time was to recom- ating ways to express their ire with ous perspectives, as well as comparing Managing Editor mend that voters be a little giving, in those who live in the community but that which currently exists in the dis- YOSSI GORDON the hope that this would create a quid do not send their children to the pub- trict to the way things could be just by Director of Sales pro quo—but that never happened. lic schools. Clearly there is a frustra- effectuating some simple changes. CHANA ROCHEL ROSS Instead, the condescending attitude tion at so much time being spent plan- For now, the major issue is making Editorial Assistant and even vitriol of some board mem- SIDI BARON, YAKOV SERLE, JERRY MARKOVITZ bers on the subject of District 15 Sales Representatives private-school needs continued un- SHMUEL GERBER abated. At the time I asked, “Where The only way to combat this effort to Chief Copy Editor was the good faith or even a little bit of MICHELE JUSTIC, YEHUDIT SANDERS a down payment on good faith?” But Copy Editors there was, unfortunately, absolutely confuse the real issues is to come out and CONTRIBUTING EDITORS none. Today, as the demographics in Irwin Benjamin Hannah Reich Berman the district continue to shift—as the vote in full force on Election Day. Rabbi Arye Z. Ginzberg private-school population grows and Yochanan Gordon the public-school population shrinks— Michele Herenstein and after three years of resounding Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky Esther Mann defeats, by a cross section of the com- ning and plotting on issues that have certain that everyone who is eligible to Rochelle Miller munity, of the school’s budget, the nothing to do with educational activi- vote is registered to do so—and then Arye Nisonson opportunity is currently at hand to ties in the district. And secondly, that goes out to do so on Election Day. The Paula L. Simmonds make things right in what could and the voter numbers are present to sad reality is that many people are not DOV M. GORDON should be an outstanding and harmo- return a sense of balance to the school registered to vote; and, amongst those Operations Director nious school district. board and, through the board, to this who are, many just do not vote. Those IVAN NORMAN, IRA THOMAS Staff Photographers You can rest assured that if the community. who are eligible to vote are those who school-board candidates who are more People have a right to choose where are 18 years of age or older. The com- FRANKEL & CO., CREATIVE DESIGN LLC Design & Production closely identified with the private to educate and how to educate their munity has demonstrated the ability to schools community in the district are children. At the same time, because a bring out the vote on Election Day and TALIYE CORLEY Art Director victorious on May 16, then all the chil- student does not attend a public score decisive victories on issues that The Five Towns Jewish Times is an independent weekly news- dren of the district will be the victors. school does not mean that he or she is are dear to many district residents, paper. Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not I would have to say, knowing these entitled to any less of an education or including matters valued at millions of necessarily those of the editor or publisher. We are not responsible for the kashrus or hashgachah of any product or people and where their hearts and related opportunities than a child who dollars—all that come out of the pock- establishment advertised in the Five Towns Jewish Times. minds are on the most important does attend public schools. ets of local taxpayers. 6 March 24, 2006 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES The saddest thing about the process these last several years is that so much energy and so many resources are spent befuddling the real issues. Of those issues, the one that is constantly abused and offered up most often is that the money that the law requires and that deservedly is earmarked for private-school education somehow forces the district to reduce services to public-school students. This is patently false, and is offered up despite widespread knowledge of this fact. And you can be certain that it will be raised again this year over the next few weeks leading up to the election for the school board and the budget. The only part of all this that is still somewhat confusing is whether or not those distort- ing the reality genuinely believe what they are saying, or whether these things have been repeated so often that, by virtue of the repetition, they are now believed.