E30 SEM. O.C. Disclosed Is a Compound Represented by the Formula (1) (51) Int

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E30 SEM. O.C. Disclosed Is a Compound Represented by the Formula (1) (51) Int USOO9453000B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.453,000 B2 Kimura et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Sep. 27, 2016 (54) POLYCYCLIC COMPOUND (56) References Cited (75) Inventors: Teiji Kimura, Tsukuba (JP); Noritaka U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Kitazawa, Tsukuba (JP); Toshihiko 3,470,167 A 9, 1969 Sarkar Kaneko, Tsukuba (JP); Nobuaki Sato, 3,989,816 A 1 1/1976 Rajadhyaksha Tsukuba (JP); Koki Kawano, Tsukuba 4,910,200 A 3, 1990 Curtze et al. (JP): Koichi Ito, Tsukuba (JP); 5,281,626 A 1/1994 Oinuma et al. M s Tak ishi Tsukub JP 5,563,162 A 10, 1996 Oku et al. amoru Takaishi Tsukuba (JP); 5,804,577 A 9, 1998 Hebeisen et al. Takeo Sasaki, Tsukuba (JP); Yu 5,985,856 A 11/1999 Stella et al. Yoshida, Tsukuba (JP); Toshiyuki 6,235,728 B1 5, 2001 Golik et al. Uemura, Tsukuba (JP); Takashi Doko, g R 1939. E. al. Its SE E. 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