
. “ 1 —W T 1 a > . — 1 a : W p 1 A — ^ Y ^

THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOUENAL. XXIX VOLUME LOUIS'ALLE, KENTUCKV, SATURDAY ALTiUST 27 1859 NUMBEII^^ 6 LOUISVILLE Journal, I miscellaneous. MEDICAL. omciAi.. l < LOUISVILLE «wi> rcBLUBCr at R. R OBINSON & COV, JOURNAL. ITEMS. rmSHVfrK BKNDa.RHOK, & O^BORn», I Tha Naw York Eaaaiaf Poat wiada opka artkla lTH0S.S.KENNEDY4 .TOH3ST Cha«lbi Di. OB OoT. Wba with bkh$._ I ibo |t BULL’S a are of thoaa who look foUowiaf paotical crlti^aa; 1310E S.HOEIHi * hciboat Lrnnae, i forward to the Mcond Tiait Ancaat 25U, 18M. to tbia conatry of Ch*». | Aad vhaa h* la oM aad faaUa laa, COMPOUXD Druggists, Piareot 0-ElSrER.AJ:, V PECTORAL Wholesale Dickosa, £• D. EaraprsB Plan. OF with cqaal carioat.y — Waatkarford, Fraaidant, ^ Oa tkf and plaaaura. Wa aad all I “f git if aaiM. rw M la aa.um. «r Jla H aot iw4 Be 11 bo mblno muonc tbo traat ha will racaira a welcoma •*'«Pt**aaara.Alaxandar,TrabQa, oTitor bodo •MMB ibia* MaalM; ("voatfr Daar«»; Tri WwUr M; riTT or NEW TORE. DTo. ACaItl Stxreot. that will 'bow that and Oa old VlT«inla-.ihSi^ ^ *'**^*‘ ouroo. cooDtrynaaooouwy moo will ootDOC oelyooiy forgatforgot B.ird, • hlabit noaracioaa , ^ « tw ~alia ngmcioai l tv- a in- r. lK9urmnce •CMjVCTJM^ fTS*&2JSrSf* Wild ommodloni 8TORF.-IlOU8Ej ji^ aod UQgrateful «o mofcoo, the reading of ^ Cherry! Wp hare to our oeir *»dc tr«c*e| treatraont of their cbarmctorfat.cally the joaraal WOFAIa.— r#moT»d for of I Cents f>E na on the‘ Bn . :ba pra- ttM» PaKW—la Aa*Aa Mii aia aaaaW* la a4aaim. City HaU Sqnara, earaar af Frmklbrt atraat, unmMakablr hied upon thia Madtetae that the parol t) oBrr eraar Indocement of the Maraet u the fade aeiieaalO'»“> p member that in that time Mayor recom Shaat, batwaaa Paattk nmd »* 8toi ihp, J)t« dAwiui j crTtiTnartrcr.tic party bVn*a «rtM i»Mlf“^m^!L' a be baa added menduig i Stophaa A. Riaaiia nw ar 2^ ta Tmawa r •< oarrM. (Oppoaiw CiljrCitjr UaB.) proprietor forir to he hi. to _ new laurela to bia literary fame, and that the Council authonie him to ^ Mm | B dntr call the atteatioo of all borrow H KAT|B or ADVESTIIIMO IK (koee hii jadgiu#at hM Uio b«¥Q improTtd from the Louifrille Water THE U>l iiVIU.E I Haal*. aa thee aaay bo ordered la tha apaetoaa Beloc. perentM to It a ho are etiflerinf from, or threawoed ¥1 ¥ 1 I XT r^.^1 a.^ lA-m Companj at Ml «* hwi>Uim tb* iOl KKAI. '••d ! «f Dr. Watta, LOUISVILLE, KY. F.>K ££Ol lab AI>TSKTIB£iU : etrengthaned oy the lesaoot to ^ lory. Thet* la a Barlwr'a Bhup aad Bath Buoaaa with, aflrriloaa of experience ha pay tha city’t nota doe at tha attachtd of the liuic> or throat. Ita haaw W the ac- FOR SALE OR RENT. IIU^INL^^ Bank of Ken- I **0^0.^ aaaalr, rm aaan «• M CARDS { to tbe Hotea. Uee priaeipte the - P*- J*j«i-«a»MB.a*r«iiaa» ii a» of Wild Cherrr Bark, but It runtala. Haas everlaatlM tbiaa*! . • Xm V t I&MM Ae. K B —Mmm-mrm m€ R«»»«n nad UackmieM, 4« IM M 1 aleo. in proper proportlonA other of * the moat elBeient pec- fITJ It hai Imen aa^BMlhiaal naarr. oa» a«lf tkaaMrt arM« vbo mj vr sro foU. U A hT XTOTTQV* that a atataa of tha lato tntala of the MATERIA HWICA. lt« compoaent pert. 1 ULl UUUlJlj) at laMwl»-*l (or Bnttaav- Ra FR£]lcn« Fropnslore vAUUnilll »*tend^ to him in erery ' j neiHt-fr ttutl -We...#..-*..-.’. cUy-or that The Mayor trinaiittad claim, ami I •a aaB (a aaaM f^r aach wMoaiat a*a. and propoctloBa are well known to phyairiaiia PTeri-wbete, ... ,. ._ AaMaMaa roMUaaaaBI aar VMk (or aack aaaw. a. the proprietor make. DO areret of them and they bare The I We DwelllHK IloUweS adjoiu- aAaaniM w oaonartr; aU achrn la aAoaaar. feaal met the aairaraal approbatkm facility, iiiKi nnd olher Propd^rly aaali oaA mmiAiii Wanted. of the who, a. i o4aitiaaiaiBli. •aariSr' os4 | ******'" -e— f— *ei-riiiral. riaiin it rpn pvadltSE.I tS^ a KepmKepio mrl.curl, fromfi U to IK jea*a old, coneial thiax, prefer naiap thia preparatloa to any pre- t ad earamaa nal paMHha l by the yaar I or to hta* tor thr halaacrhalo arc of the fL ot^ Xa . rea'. 1 S , F a^. eouatrycountry atom«tor«o 7?^ 4 lock, toe f(dlo«ln¥ proy^y will be told nt I rrfryohm'. **<|nnction: Maamal natieai aad eomman l r a ti iai.iaaeftod laadlla **Jf Tbe crorlmn Houee, on the c.>mer of Jrlfenon i Ur. JOHN BULL'S Principol Ofioe, Loninlllr, Ken. real nal aw a. ie ee l a lii l Iwt .lefferson 1 aad a d ta promote ptirau reoam V JLvnter «ttVNKit. «rUh frondnf feet on m^ParBae.Maarealy laaattadal the dIartwWaa af Ur AimAwam •hd nioniox bock luu feet to o pored nh*'y; the l«vo brick I tiy dvellloy honor* next en.-t of the l*rofhnn Jlouoe, each R

Ho a maal re tl i frrt to o pored ol. w a» wBI he tanectod DR. ZaA CROIX 8 fert on Jeflrroon. nud rnunlnx bock lOo 1 WOOIlLAW.N KACE COURSE. PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE ON THE ley. Aioo, tbe rocont xround on tlie coro**r of Greon ood ! l Mreh-eiodeiirtMaaiii t i a 1 1 an forlaatlaaiet ooaad Centrr BtrorU, 1U4 f«w( on Green ood running bock north- | te( eeaa. lor aarii remMa wanr aoeh ahaawe eoaatdarii* a PUYSlOLOfOCAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. voHiy luu fnet to o imred ollf*v aew adriftl wmaat Bt.adlae I inliimial for roewiar ^ f* bir, j' ;ti ;jfeiEge SM Pmgm ood.d I*im Vi~Fine PUInPUi. and..4 coimMColored umonrephaLitbofmidiA. ' MEWS, BOOK, AI%I»il» a rrptirter of A cornmnnicatkin waa load frrm L**,‘°***’!"^ aiigaii paahae. tor a arewM. of ant owrema moaltw, for oar 40 M WK.IPFIUCJW K.IPFI I’u^aiilnf'.^^ri JnJg. Monroe, mij iL^l^Tl/7ii— HOBTH aw p inw iwarnawa w w-. BU I _ yU3 ] ^ tJr-PBlClL T WEKTY.ri \ E CENTStiEh'T.s me .uv V.U|U,.T AAiar., luiurmicg boat aad aaf.wwreh addhiw.wU heat , -EOKLkONLY TWENTY-FIVE uioDih.' uoter, aud . Urn oo thr If and It muntha* noter. yw a a a.-.n . 1 ., 1 * _ V UM. LuUnciI lh .1 Krn^ j tboa oce coot o doj oocb. % ontm- mt Un rMat t*** 4p« uac Bn|4«*aib >'««r qM*. Heat 4o C TPI of A d^I^ir edi a. rha iwiid hall thr ahnr pftooK if laamad la Uailr Hnr. Aa »a tTidence of ON tbe intTmlUef* of I qaoie for uid Court, u-d thot tbe appmlatiaa of lake ewa. daaraal aad ia MM. Ftft< Uotinrv(MM) Vjitmnet-tvctatr-iw UoUnn youth end which (a% iiiHilv tUliofr bo would coll w h aai t . afire «r« iamtliua.iB thr Eraa- OLCOJ IQ pm D.elurlty,D..turi',y. dUtdUc ofIocorint thr wLet/orire•rere! folile^ DA.PKR y tbo (>|.l Wurld 01 iu O f/t * *"* iae ^Hetia. roH«il Foar or mo:« to mokr o t«c«. cUmt JROISJ AlCE DA.OS, otsoiuu of tho kloi?i.4tr4toa Itf iho ffumtv Avto/.m K®“« trade, we netice tkat the oam-f.Nmii I FUR:N th. ahoee pnaaa. of b'lUi aezo* D Ad.aetli mi ala MbofAivuA. W. E. RILTONa %i% of nU nfte, enuHiof do. a, pi oa thr lawda of thr Joetaal are blhiy, DcM-etoumow. straw and B*udeis’ Board. ahorwrdaa calm prW- Itl lioctvtory V ^ .IRBlA biiu;“n‘ro^:i^.‘^«2»*:i-dcMreodoti of FOI* SaIO. Sheatl t|>iriu, pnl|>itntioo of tto be«rt.mii. L*ISIIIXG to terminote our portneriih > ond cinoe our Paper and Twine. ho Uid tbe fouudxtion AwrcBTiainw JUraa In WasaLT daoaaal..— Raek ImnC'nntioiv, foffor »“on endnringondorinfr fame.famm C.nimittcer* il I involuntary Thr. wte^ttoherereleei), hiiataomuoa "> POH IIEB ASD KAFETF 8 E. 1 brown into aaaocution hi FT j with tha &h«A omMaabmo’ ^ public men of A cummi ^ , §n ^ mtion, ond loodtude. ^ KII.HY (ireat Luuin ^ *' Ar., ci'mprG- I 5Tthoia*rere\T tl street, tt" '•tea aotree maM hr pteea to lakr *“* and illU'draled with 'Mit ^ *? oatowl eadand mopatop ad I (mrnui Hiwdrr < oauwar. of UoWoo. Ma. are nuw *5 PM-*, |fi i;“acp:, and a III of the Ji-23 d:im Bt»reS’0.\. toonectii «*r— , * - • .>|Asm. rmwmarent.r i rni aoii iw. o.ot re.Hrr-wHy MrerlhmMwcnlrer. hm«e*hmre. thribr ywar raiwaa.raiacm. uirMafd* of one houdiedai^hiiudit-d aud thirtyIhirly ymr p efmivd to ramitr order, lor thr dilirreat uu.1 1 r. and mnd w tUiu*UArue tmlee of the F urna>v. of c immi n li •hrrm.o- wi dial rWy.rimryi tilltttl d mr rn«ravln*». It u** a Iruthtul advto-radvi««-r *r**‘r-‘ to ' HaAdr f am at thr aamr p,kmaad Icrmr a. other ap- 5c i. *j 4 xii » Funiaei* teiu Istiil couul*’. Ky., 6.W ml’es from the .. A. L. SUOTWELI U. ptoparcil h..erMmrt . -.ny tu Che monied oodBd tbnee coutetuHaf-cototetuHa'- A 8IIOTWELI,. for I M.reurereetdr will he diaroaua- p omd brand. The fowder wa laHed aud w Ji hr d.- A' Kentucky river, and i luih’s fmiu the cWehrote«l['J'?.*'’'V>ti|| otwsor to tor momore. wbt> ^•^totoeotertato eeercteecret “»'* “ m, vul ooy ckorfv be ttr««t4 ot our piiliit hi tbi* city fi «r of *• xi*POer Spr.iiyit land h heavily ti*nbe «h1 and Im*I•I of^of the toohe lor te» «Hh>« SHOTWEl J. & tOoo doubt* of I > r*r m t»» yoofly roto» Ordorv f oot U»c coouio lof I*owder »od 8oft4^ Fuor 4 their |di>^ol condtt oo, CO„ '**“^ ond who orecttne^u* of hoviof ha> Mwii run only aleuit th’eeyeor*. A lira in tbe karded the beaUh, (lappiutos, and wood, and meadowt, near Racine, F.kBMERS* I'KIOK IKBCBAWCB CO. OF . , The Irno fiuiii th^ Fiiman*tii of “'’“Ulh.t prtnluretto wbirh every Commission a.u‘ aXt bVgrea*:; ha:.!!::,u done aerioes Athaaa, Pena. Caah capdtal aad dnapiea. buman bwi or In entitled Merchants, th%**'* Mornin‘"?-‘i:’“ |‘’L’“- m damage, and ie nut . B> STIAMKK lOBKHT J. M \XI» «‘P« l> Mt the hiyh*^ a arket ?“ ^"'^'““8 •" ll>» *-e- cailamizod, waa read yet aatiaguitb- EiDg edition ard rtferrod to tha S'roat ml Th. m of which appeared tbe ••hkelchei-hkelche, * ^ dry flax, and the at- lakaii/fd BHbt« I oo, tuoe‘fa vl^l-^r^ ^-a.ruuidiaymynt.. brarinx ,nlcr.~t f.oiu the day of and loiumou tCnHi* TrTK STEWART & BARTER, tbethe other to illuatr.teilluatr.t. a hi*book lo exhibit the * “““*“*°*** ***^*io**“ ®f iwereh.ndiee TheThe EngitirerbngiiieerFn,.,,, .er _kh „ i ,1 .rriviog here *?* .obniiltcd.abtuiltcd an ap,.«rtionn«,ntap)>urtiunincnt ..f '^P»^5«P MTciK udventureaofudveotureauf a partvparty lb.tha !. amount I — adieM M • « of ccckuarcvekua r aporaapor a sen.”aen.” SaySay- ^r^’’6o‘’rrilX‘’rf mm ding and paving 5St. *. M.k»ON * tVIILLLLK. meur l*»ving of th.tha ..dewalk.aidewalk. on..n h.ihleith tbetbo recsi3i(»U ^ au4»uthfrbotmeoC-«uchme«ia*(’rv rtonttce OHa M committed auicida Uf.raImfira tie Uxikbook wa.waa tin-tin , rectipu from thia dApAitmAAtd.na^«t Sd 1 aLK, LEN«i1hK fOtIXtOll fur lb# wbol* «.id “''‘“Jway, m’ *i'*^i'**7r'^A\L"ArTV.'t .'ead'^^ ry-'l^be at the aamr liioe aad idare Klaht Thoii. Uhed, and the illutirationa were cooliouej bv llab- ,** fn.m Eleventh to Twelfth country, SUKLL I lr»dlm“ nacijeil*ri#ciielWar.*oi.re» an-tiowee, hitXI I .•Iimaao^..iirOaadiw V Y I S' I*,;. AfSTEkil! MIELL I < the I- rewHi aud Kiipllio • ‘ read A-rre ot Inud. known a« thr •jii-ad.ie'. *’ j'trewt, i tiarler* ATSTEIK! ho.i.ialii. — -iti-n-*~ rurvey." HrLOItFIXS, lot K Brown*, uudvr lh« BiitnMurw of *‘Fhii Smauicri* cvntrnctore when a runuiu •*"'"«'** f re*—. Il.1v D Iu* on Ml lor’. r.r.-k-arll tioile red. liiH- r.i.ae.eool FIJUIT OF THB z¥.^xxms. , (ieruuiny. IfollumI PJWl.Bd. llr- BCaaOAl rrrLFFrr J , X- lamammea at,.m.el..mao uirei lulyl dly I he rreaption of tbia liook, in England “*!? “'!“T*** approving the emua. a r* Milirrs. “rtOACt JTItrfiiaMha 414 I faau. weneiaiid. .ad W'.lea. vwitlaa in our renir ihe yrm- and rioeileut cuH Uaukk l.tiriWV IH.tf. KV. and tbe "V . -r- . — r I--—...C M.I.I I-aji^;Ui !•«,.. - KfiKinvwr rubiuliled 011 kp|»ortMMiiDeut AUiVnoiM^ WOOD. MORREU., A CO, (.miJoa. K-air. VeuJea, audWdewIm JOHN C MASON. Uoit*d Stmtoa, iramAtliAtolF « f thf SALI« i. Vieiiaa, uoiAblubAd the f«in« \ Cratfai IW lptH. Wetave be«u amul> pAviui^ uf Ten V repaid ty UESLEP th« kidAWAlkt •>« oawwitya i ! dwaduuea w oaMMtta c.WcwWwttT.m r . n;\Kn:xK . For fiirtherpartlcnlar..lii<,olrefurther paitlrnlar., Inunire ofof.).,). I.. WWheeler,heeler, WhV a MERRILL, mJ bumoriul, aaU a k«AD Uith tHl«* " »"^«lae we ^vr iu treau ST. CNARlES^RESTAUaANT, 'T'HF.rehacrlhre uBere hwwrvlore to the PTodare Ilea]. ^nnW Uw ***. pawpaiwd cherter, Ki ., or Ueu. H. .Mooie Oi LouIrvU'e, Thirltonth to U. ^to (wraha grr.t>:T at ahoH * , Ky. lira. Feu^ at««At, 1 Rhlte «f -"Ion. f Tda icbol.r io bia j, Lo,rt..ille for wwrrWae all kind, of tiraio and d^are. to a hWi we have directed on/ al- FIFTH -er., BETWEEN MAI.N A.ND wa*wA A ’ „ T™*-- who »“ceptaee ^mrelveetbemrelTra under will *1 CoBBtryU-oAWtry pProdnee.rod ACC . Ila.lucllatfue had loorlour raperienn'raaerienei' at the h«.toi. “••“V'*- our care .A /~W i:,> ~caa I “t' leeAA -AkCI^ESi el I Lai be can (ivr mlhfataiu hi all “[ “»“f NEW AND KFFI M M. II. IIOUWTM ANN A reiaNre. UIFNT KKm a bicb TT'ijjT \m EDI Ks we are enabled to iutrodaee CHOICE IIIIIU RIVF.R FARM, Id milre l*rACtk^, andAUd the FIFTH A UHKANV Mfv*^ tkf II*llcwiltArtASAfttoifortociMirpoMwIM Art a*a| Alfor tor piirpaM' of builacGcAluAudbuilac GcAlti Aud |MibliriMibllr meyoMiy iwtro*t Bw-tiKNlcw-taKNl ot tor b«**ow tor c ty ul Lou rvillc. for salr. }Wf%M •*?!** AAdduity, 8Li;kl-X;k aud (kAld PHItADM.I*Hi4. pTi^AOCProdiMC to ibrtor CBtoAtoMri ot I'rAAklm, Wvodrurd, HewO, , At:euUou bWof uodrryood fencr-Bu Acrv* wrll act lo t uiu- XT MAatoAct«d«r»Aad lAi|M»?tora iuccctolMlIy difiuiiruirk^ FcrMlc.FcrHlc. aoAod4 AdiolAtoxAdjo WtoAtoM. u* thy Aod e'oT«!r—A youu0 orrUard of chu ct* t^hefan hi Uur. tL Morebrad Col. “» •*b) *Wan In our PECULIAR departunint S and A O. iMto cumfo.tAblc two-«4ory FiAiur IiacUiuc Aud t onreoreemefrelm hH-e'Lh-'raemreri lladcaw. Frankfiwt; lln. Mtoe out-house* umiaI, « .ueuon relireud^ 2, 522^22 W. 8. Uaao and U. R. (Wmp- 2:2Jo':reT.X3‘“^'*'^ y.lyimp RJE 8V. “*' BireHlone rent to any part — UWH JACK 8.MPR. incRd, are Jtii Xtg LeU, (iearectonn. , ..**i'““** of Hie For beauty of Mtuatton, liraith. mud fertility, it is nrt htolM or t'auada.. by laheul. ooniniunicaUng a.a.xaaat ' •• repnrtar rent. addle* WILUA rnr|WAA*d by any i>lacr In di'ffc ayd Ckiuuty. " ^...».....n.B.B«iBtn a .m... Kh, b*( •hwy lawWe fhe aabmPwa «f w iwi rra 'i“'Ptoiu. by loihir. U. C. RUEFlre. PPipHeln. aad eowtharn Her JrPuIrpu d*f UeortetowD. By. Uaainem oorregaiadeoce atricu 1 would take IA*t of ttir va‘ii* iu other i»ro|K*rty, - , or S.a Aa-.e. Ilavmp ritim. re laHmhw m .aBuCaetuniw. alH - G mufidculiAi. i‘Hii.Ai>r:i PHIA. »n*l tbe O® HeiuyHaiuy A* Co, N. B. FaauHre, II.I.I., -.4 PaiWa. raa Trxa* or Htotuuri iauU*, a* micht be Agreed un. were dramutiiied for the,7poVuVr7muremeuU P«»'ng eidewalkt on bothliii'lre I he repalM wte pai-ww paaeMarattreWwa to Ihe FweeicB Market, Money *ke »h.w« nira W»acd et wean WA i 1 — film A. A. CAS8KDAV, NKW nil>UKTATIO.\S-FINK ** KlevMth etreit, from A UCnuNEEK.SANDCDMMISfllO.N On Amtent aiBea '0. C. B. — U ATClIRM^ M fvM. I DOUrCtl Main to Markat etreet, MCRCHAKTS mfaamdm i.Ar pnwi ia4aaeaaa.i. poured intolOtO tbetOO cutf.COtTv frjJ orMr.u Uickeoe, and the pnb^- | Ihee. Ir Ol -m I f aaV ^ T 4 li* W Morrn, cooti^tor, when a resolution ^ WaH. la all BoilersAWWAA* for Sale! Lfaolies tn^ebam*# Loinlou alike iRoisted Upon more Pick- C^CoshodvaAovsmadeoac.tjAscousiAnedi'tuVisdvAAoesuiadeoA fmde eohwened U» os te amy Brwk|f^ Tim«vK**|>*rB, PJl. j If^W , aama* at iM peter. I p Moran c.*a l*w wtU*’*‘^'*'^1all I *jf was adopted approvioK anu^Ai^^ * aad fhw« . kva- m i, in wicks and inure tbe Mine. >a.a*iTwaur.^ eehhratid 4xe«, liuuUun ('aroHOiid 0)>eu Foc«. WelUro. They were speedilp fol- nThd^Ll. . t:OMFoUTA«LE n SPdINti HKlkl- a DWELI.INO im . 8 I I iL LlfTm. RC \A/IMQI rVVAy HOUSE Ibe Kagioeer kuhaiitUd A report oa water waF!I rV'Msareat AllUmesr*ady leattrad toiatoeef Bee S**A**^^ ^ mya By Ibe aatoad efi fm lt> . •£"SoIf AiiUiorto* I AinmU f«r abjv*. lowed by **X cholav Sickleby,** “Oliyer Twist,” tan«; tgmu W Steml iU.k. at dim I'ndit M % O • I IN O L Gr**u betooea Flrwt mud Srouud suv*ts, uocu- kjtat* Morsbai’s or C>»A*Ubl«*« .saWo, llwueatodd W * Furai W f w INIKNWALL 4 IIKOTHF.K. Ninth „ Gold *odond 8Uv*r,Silver, l*:nyHi>h ond fiwirFfiwirf the “Old Cufikiity Shop.” “Bxrnaby Kudge,” all and Bro^way streeto, nre,<%e.. oa Tha Umid Kewanf Ood. An «»--H--^aree u^^F pc,-*.,, WATCH E.S. t^raistottafoctory to mUffs. if le Banrew^l p, .3^Rl!.‘ tiH;.!ir-8TKWART. Kich ,l*oeirv, Q*w dteOfus. waj rkftrred to .Street Committee, lay ISe. Henuon of luoUwr. her which were in kuccavMoo sAgetl/ parebaaed by I WcaUro Api ly lo Thome. Colemui, I^uiuu ts, Pearls, oil d hallay Mamarlali L^VHOK U.| , Kc-utucky and Luuk- oud to* Fashiiioobl* styl** By Lady 8hadlaT. SALK ^ ^ ^ bondrsda of iiwree. vvn»* tbousaode of deligbud readers. Oa • 1 ureirmoee udice, l-'llUi re. ly» uo-»n«M»*finpfuWawnViuiu style, quolity, -k ’rV l' i • Idyla al tha Klag. By Treaayma Tin. IdH hoxto ViryinlA. Kaatiiek> I and fiuish. Tte , aa4 Mo. TobAcen; I 1 1 fl Kvgireer’«"•«" snbmitted•wbm.ttrel a rajreportlort andaed ^ ^ 0 T U kl O O \/ R tF-8Uau*e.7v;S12r^bl aJel^^^^ U>«. completion of “Maeler Humphra,’. Clock,” iu estimate ooon TW Yoaag Uaaaak 'a aad. to do ItohAitohA Six Ul^rv; , mre FH MrBl Itaa CecMlkH. e i^nl onoo etreetstreet wharf,wbarf, ' *'•'• ‘1 which tbe two receding tales were iccludtd, Mr. C. Marpby,Murpby, cooiractor.cooiractor, T5e, FORCIGVi AVD DO.WCSTIC Ito caaks Hi CAib Hoda; I LUNAR LIGHT Tha ronvs l iissnr. H bar* UoWoA Vanw; ^ CHOICE faTAItLISHMF..NT, Dickens vireud America; was leferred to tbe Comiiiitte. oo Wharf, By N. P. WBUb Bl , conoid LAND^ I..U,. and when he returned The ef VldeB.. leiiiiaren It .nlim.tt«l M.mew. chief ef Ffeh rwAea Bl ML. EOF TFriliinMy a 8 agf.nt booia, he gave to tbo world “>•th. ™*““result of tho im- ' a tootract exec utml b, of tuf. rstatkof tiik latf \-uSu!;j2 ATeX'iS^'; npir ."n'd' no T'llln LtM^b^re irm Vplre^h.i i^i T-Wta«. A NmoL by Mim Mal-ynU. yariaUi.n wall a imiai RI. wbkb ¥r*AUvfA(iljut«»tb*pro««Mon**tolAitbymn*DUic FrAUcis tSuryrt, of Mii«>bwii.)ii. I will sell. At sue-, Ja'l-* prewion preduced by bu tour, in bia “American wall at tho corcor ! 1 »qaai w ra. .n>l I. much chrapoc taaa gaa Tho La. Mom* aad itareoa'. Dfaaeead ailre. (Mix MeatblMtor. Uram. I _ di,;.* Bl Ml AAkeCkA A VkwCkWwUa aodJatelCop-. uou, at i:iAr*Ddtui.i.iar*Dd«eii. oUall to* leAudsIsands iu to* pums, ivdiK-iuf MumocMubfoc iM>uDty,^Cormoty, l»r««iway - rma. at thw Agaa t¥b»iU (Mrr Vla^r: oilluflAmiBouob-reWillAliAy ALL Pain not., for Gaocral Circulation,'' poblUhcd in 1W2 stnaU, which waa ap H TInlei snair. Bl. Aod spAiuiiJdir amL>d, and is ArksusAs.Arkousas. on thoto* irstfirst MONDAY (toloc(t Mine tb«to* Tihdoy)7ih day) o«m *. OAMroxLL. bob'tm'kka Jure rmivad at ,4 FoauSh rereat. IK errr W>.ew O. ll. jab. d t.AMFhKLi. THE of KEW yore. Capa of November Dcxt;next; AUdaud on the r*coudr*c«md ThisIbis iKmkbook wajwire infinitel/ discrmliublo to .Mr. bK* 4 M’i ATV WIIL' i>/k»ri.-ro MONDAYMiiNliAY of No- _ «*>*> F. A, OGKr. lU ltl!.GLLAlh I’^iHonwa. read from the I CBfP. dk « 0. THK BO^IKIJS. veoiber (teinc(heinc the 14th>14to> 1 will, itatst oorkfouiiort,.>»rk»ot)|f*rt,e>orkfou|N*rt, sell olalloil thetbe CAJaPBDDIs, DickenSpDickens, Dotnot mcroljr ortland Fire Com- of Earnuic FlotU; .. of canjlca 'ATMAN WTIX HOLD THEIR FIRRT *'Jee KS?'ltoJkrti7^‘ I BffciCBB, St CO mere in matter, but in manner. It gu Half a piat hunw I ** F TRADE RALF. oa Tniwdei’. Aap. W, a*4 the maeaed- Depeod upon H, mutoan, It vUI LandsL®ofi*fcondo in JacksonJacksooro.:J®<‘o«®oro.:CO.: mudand on to* 3d3fi MONDAVMONDAV'MONDAV’ in NNoveai-01 n>«iuhly allowance “ y, ua,. , • Tukr- five rMt to younrlTee, wa,wa. hastilyh»refilw wmieiwritten,»FWf*.i and ailed with little of the go- a, a CblckBf1i)( nano Forteai tap data, aatfl thr CalaSoewe h diereaud af, at b*r tbeins theSlet).! wiUsell,at l^oeohonus.all tbe Uods HcCl'L U £mm tmtor (Nuw /^AAAjaj jtf s*a^aa *" «>f #2«« f>" l.<>luU-8 BALf> RiHiM. il*.l« in KoDdoluh cuuuty, Arkausa*. In all coses one hid will ^fm^M C^/wCV#ev8a nUIbi*l and generousgenerou, spirit that had made hi, otCr »<'«J TWENTY PIANO POKTES af Mb I>M«aL, aurareH M do hIw^huSn7r«Am^hoand c edar Bnekat.; KELIEF " MaHaa Lane. Danml » AND HEALTH TO YOCK INFANTS. be rewrvedfor the eHate. was referred lu oJ*Ur oil purr^s**. i;*4 oud H ItorCtL Ancehiarer. it hnrdeti. i pages attractiveatlractiv loc >orsai*et^ ^ miwB««r Dayes so80 anU fa.sciDating. We forbear y N. W* have pm up and sold this artkd* Tune—Txaaft-reOnr.fourtbUw-fuurth cadicanli or iuiU equWaloot;equivalent; r*re ifiu*iduc iito ME VI CotuimtU* on k ire Department. MW d. halt! Faraaleby for over ten OULEAIVS,’ LA. aiiuuingalludingalludinir loto that papartua it one.one, two, aud threeihrtie year.,>*ar», bearUicbearing intermiloterere aale.wUJi of in which he .pokeof Phil- y^f, and 4 ;am sat. iw ooNririxwoE from tal*, vUk I &.V21"'-*- i2"JU'2r‘ * RENTI'CXY TOBACXX). WELLER A PARKI'.R. and taitb -*****^ ••ff k,it, wbot w* barrboirr 0o*T«^(^*r been lieu to sscur* the I'oymeul.l•oymeut. fiAw ly adcipbia,0 dclpbia,cspeciulhespecially of hi. visit to the |«iiitentiary, rL.iiaa aLLOwro. - #• obi* | l e dtf to my of ouyout Mw iy T kareo l^M^ paiM^ H^w. hrt^p^v. lFl< gixC ^ other medido*— SLVFK ilA8 IT FAILED l\ a , Nor*mberNorember any efof thes*these Lands are of- ikTr‘*'tAT:»'r-«’r Z and tbe extraordinaryexiraordi inconsretsney iHms ^ feredat between bis Separate resolutions were adopted allowing the 1 ^ bm uBd Umw laimt reylas al Mala InsWumraSi 8INGLKIN8TA.NCE.T0 EFFECT private mie.atdsa<* ,axd oBer.offers w»or* invlteJ.inrited. OnUu appUM-apniiet. MUltRELL TT “• Ml haiM ^ A CUKE wh*u & CO..’ .•pecche,-peecheii .. .k ^ ^ ^ of thsir latere tma to at plots, at Ihe dmdinner given to him in that institn- following claims, rii: emaiifertarw with there rew rerae, enaSMB- timely used. N*y*r did we know me, IzminullaOuisvul .,Ky..Ky., plat., term..terms. *c.,^llAc., wilt be S au instaoee of ; nucoomort Murrell, 7, 7 ta« the lasure PIA.JSTO KORTKS. diomtisfoctioD • furnUbed.f®cDDh*d. The-eTbe-* areor* amougoniotif thetb* etrllMeAfileot .electedselected and beatbest W Trigg, & Co., tiou and tho opinion,opini noted W ImyewmmMaas SaowB hi a ymlkae PW by any one wbou«edlt. On tbe eon- down after his return B. K. PolUrd iKii Oil, fees, ’ ' Ac., from X,^ ^ •••. ef e viaa i Hfniit. ohm. aud state Mmd laa'. Cbaneerr I- rF WIT 1 i A YT, A vr aau FerSe. Fur mie re Iha Bureaa feats yetae trarv, all are deiiclitwd Arkonsas—above ovei flow, titles terfoct, all iCJV. riALiR X AiiXh (X ry hy ^ with its operations and and to w.hi, native countcountry. Thora who had .-truggled Court: * AUx.V.'N speak terms nbe novtooUon.uuvii^MUon. “‘‘i'* D. P. FAULUtI * ix»., A* "•Hb «ALEOALE ASt CO. tola of bi^M«4bi^Mwt St comiueudaUuaofit*®fof its uuuiogi-m*tfi. \\*holesale Grocen j ^<>«“ for the rivalry of introducing him to the .American 0. W. MA.TD ALL TUE NEW M AasBtelyrChtahaslBg* Saas. I» Mate at.. lues. irt Tiller $16 SO, night WeT^rek ta Jfi OEOROE HANCOCt. I MrvicM to Common H''A‘i>‘^VpHi^VED’^ Tto or MosOTiu FatMA A Co.*# owa ronklAf. idoAourr toI. toriiiac Ure AttcoUoD ~ •d lAkAweew Miwma qsi . af TASKtare l^ihm to* ^Un. 1:^ « awow,** aft*r t*u yton* (jublie were covered with ridicule. Of course every Cosncil; ud ThM. <^**fi ** ^ Iwcktor Ol Msom. Oiwto Wofio* Antou, Amumit*, Ai»d to* Public too- m ?VJ**** <*vm aaPTTATioif lua rut .pecie, 4Hrotoor«. “•• «CALK PIANOFIAhti JDESI^-AreBI-iE-DOrej-c^ of condemnation was poured out, in retalia- Harvey .Seaton $16 SO, for night services to Board ChFiniralChPiniral audau«l PharmacratlrmlPharmaerutlrml ^ n-LTiLijuaKT or wa.y »w a i anaaax i»ni>u'i.AaaXABA. A LARGE HAVANA aTB*^> re« GX InInaJ. GOHHISSIDH VARIE'rY OF IX BAOOO. j/ ® VW fill tfPObTC.gFoy^E. )jwH totroducod.lat^ucnd. Tb*The crtiwiaygrowing more .very I untane* tlx- HEBCHIRIS, tion, upon him. He was attacked in the newspa- of Aldermen; whum T' Ue^maotb01.111 b .i^tagfioiii.iiUbi lug fi /~ 'N.f iia dedto bAtos Af HatAAA *0 fiesirt- !> r o duOAr* pMkAO Fofte tllAt tooll A|*|>rOt^ U o ^/\ ~FI ivr cto 'L> 1 > XT' T_> \ T> A rn t v TobAAAO of Moowo. FAtAeAA Cd •*T™«** "• pain and cahaurelun.mief Bl ^ STOCJSL A 5 w V n-I* found Inla Oftreififi«e& or Hu, 45$ Mail, betwe«ii per, and mercilessly ridiculed in every variety of W. K. Thomas $2S0, for keeping -* ^ t -^Vxf^Y C) OWA bAj orlAtillA. GTAOd lAm VuluAW of OMIAd, AAd. At lb* OABl* Uo** A*Oid a^JT FUlh and Sixth *t*., watch-houiie to KliKK^VIKVTIO^s-S^ E PLAIN AND EMBROIDERED caricature. The must successful reply to his criti- Aug. 18SW; NOTICE. ^ AAAoiuly ai^otsao* of tboi tbroo-oorAcrod iafUu- # 1-OH bAIaiE. *°l 6*wly 22, nr tb. B*ot dkoc od our oo*rrio* to l.oriSYlI.LK, KV. TW NmaIo* of KoD'^Ar will to) m4» Cm* MAniMt dh* tb* yrodoctloD of sAcb o de- cismupon the Americans was that entitled “Change Court-house pay rolls$282 02, vouchers Xoe. 317 I TlTKIt BTtTCa IXB ri DAWciw ramnR o- NUH8E8to N*w Eudaufi. uofiuo R. A. BELL. l.YITEDl.illBW arxlBSSTATES A.iVA.YB EIROPEAHbIKUPbAx ba* been u*oa witb WM. MUKDuCK. for American Notes in Letters from Looilon to and [ CORSETSI ^ Now 318; Miivaa-raiLia« simsaa la A-^irfhILSSrJiu:i.raotted .1,, .. Q PluiituUou and Slock, York,” by a lady. Nor did be tiro in his ill-na- Ben Uambrall Z 'i:*tt‘airSi*' m 0™ .tMke , BELL dk HILKDOCK, $1, for putting away coal, city of- DUIARMAOr^DUAC wb*tbor ordorod fruoi Asdlroct otmM by any of our THOUSANDS Q O eighteen miles * • I IVI r TWTWfMBDsaparfTmi XT of UavmaaaafiHovaao oa IW t*'b_ *od Mb ^ north ef Meniphis, about two end a half ,, turud allusions tu the peoDle of thii country; for in fice^; iV \ & /a O • s , PHARMACOPEAS. « Aaa_ rm E rne a«baw toroneboat to* eoAAiry: oad ootMi cootiAQ. It Dot reti*r«3* j Aa a at wo a oaly to* didiild from pain,I, tulio. from the g M hatiit. 4ato«aa * HOAdod kkATtoOAA., % butbutinvig-ii MeCran-'s Laudiug.on Uimi>-rei'|ii. »nd iOlDIBISSlOD iL “.Martin*^^Ibrtin Chuiilcwit,”Chutxlcwite puuUtbcd(lubUshcd in ——a. ix-x -(-^m FOPWardiUP MPrCllBIltS.ci xiireuis, 1843, baho Con-CoO- I^aacIsbbc RedmanHcdoian $6 Afi. forfur narvi*** aa wtttckm.tn. !' /m giving tmr «WJ* abA *e>or*d I oratee 66, services as GIVING oar wbola aad nadivided arsrm- . KTTiNa. Mi Waaarotovw*. tbotpAtroAAffwlHebwebAo*ba*e *o>oi^ forth*for tb* k*t to* 8tom«eb and bowele, corrartala at^D',ad tarve mUesfom the Big tireek PUnkrod. II conuiiu ® watchman, j> to tbe buMatrw, posittot yoofA. A.A H GALEGaLE A Oit.*Ijvi.* I and flTBH too* aud oa*ray *•» *****ei^t hundred five AT THEIR tinued to laugh at bis friends, the Americans. Kentucky Uou pby«iciaa« aad ylnttai Pre,^ }> AOae AMAidweemyla. w«lwill bombke esh Msad mea thrtW da-sdo'e *fof *r to to«hm: wbelewoaie yatemyaieni.tyatem. Jt and 6ve acre,acrei withvlih eUiotabout two hundred endaad OLD STAND, 6ks MAIN ST., Engine House; I ^3| am.ato. **T WI Fare Twelfth eowK. New Yotk. vdl almo*t loalauUy rv- bity in caltivatioa, TV a*ey fiwi eunfi>l«i»t af bavins all tbeir waaia tmret.ri2Ttrk7rir.2LT-.nntm toea fi b*b* * to a«e4* ttme ••re exaaMa* tlie Here aad well proi>oriioii*d iu cr**k betUim LOriSVILLK. Visiting luly, io IB4-I, where bo remained for John Sargent $7 for g*TM MOOPSKIRTSI KY. 20, strychnine furnished In the way af l>rafiv aad tbe Caoipoaiidi^ ttf aad apland. Tb* laadfl are uf toe uioet lertil* order of toe A^ £M GKIPING IN THE BOWELS, wJOUTHFU.V o»der» pruiLpily atiout a tesr, be astshlithed in 1S43 a new mornicg polira; iT' Xjiptiuw accurately IN ALL SIZSM k AND celebratvd Greek bottom Laad».*' Tbe luiprove* aiteuded to and caoh aad faltofully attooded to. WIND COLIC, advaucei* mad* ou cuueiyuuieutn. iy¥i> S1,000 KEWA.K13. uiouteuMuw are fouafoud anaand comiurtaoi*,coiafurtabi*, wtiDwith D*vtra*ver laifai lagi«| vpriny dffwtf *’ i— Kastem Uy«>Aki 5 w’ o » P“"“ SCHEFFCR & FAOAir viiich. If ^water,etcr, a larr*larx* cUum.cUteru, a i»rcbai^ which he cootlacteu for a ihort time. Tbe ; VeaMT Gae Fixtoree bave baen vary fen*rally ueed I not apeedUy rem- audaad larr*torr* younyyouay i»rcbard oi Ur. News WI YEv^luO tale# In store lor > DUtricU *' edied, end W'liaatoo'e cboicMt aud sal by MANUFAUTURINO CHEMISTS. c-adw •» fib*Am. lea* aad to* Ea*t for twe vaarv paA aitoout a laaai* aeei- in death. We ^ bebeve it toe aaer and MiecuoD of valuable fraita. A ku dAw BELL » opwra 4*. ecaaaT eaueuy ih ^ woald to all oaaee Fm a Faaer Stock Farm it po« ewee every adv »M fRDlX'K, .Marhel aSrwet, aW feu% aad ei^ m> Net Net oa* be* *rer bora baard of. KotvilbAaad. tmk of uta- . to be mode At>«iee Mber», to* liivetiior of wundeilal Itobt EKraaT am> maaaiiKa la mV u pa wbw la tbe city el . ‘ef tbb bae bad a ataad 2 AKD.-^SIU kegs Leaf L*rd in store end for sals by ).10 iAMtf Betwrea Prwreoa aad Plo^ Mil. •iw from toetbuif. or f caofW. ranye, aud a wil well adai'tod to tbe all Ear fortbar i«rtiealai», addraaf I toy kraard ef fit eue for tb* i-root ef aa aapbinioB. oo om a? auy oCb*r We would I xrowtb of the L )«I6 **» WiU, eay to aver/ewer / lautoer yraib*. aod i*d duver to perfection. A MURDOCK. 4 ATMAN b iXJ.. New Veik. I ao* fan* ewer Bcaie fjrward to rlatou It. To eat all doubt at who bae a ebUd stiAknikfi frum I Tbe UU* U perfect ?URtiPE.xN HERBS AND ESSE.NTIAL OILS eel Steinway Jk Bona' Piano rorteBL reel to Keatoflk> tight la a** for ^ forecuiac com. rlaiota-4Mi MOT *‘«»fi a»»l^u»b*rud, and It !• only eold becaiuw tkere U 1s rereitiy un hiuid sad tor mle . where tok ba* boom oaly ^ LR VuLE I LANS AND L1NSKY8.--M balM on hand aud for eal* by TEN kiaeWfill Ptaae ®f »* «“»* iataE^_ Puee»af the akwra • er e maatbe. a* to ito eotar* eafrt} rawrn.cca voa vua pax- rri»i4-Ba vUnd “*••]* fore* warranU usio keepluc. Tb* by 1 Alderman Urerall s* , toe uod*niga«d «r uranu j ^[)* S dffwj BELL ff MUKmn:k. pre»enied a retolutiun diwt- the “Cricket on tbe Hea‘rtb,“ iUelf’a dome^ic dra- . hydraulic CEME^T. barwby offer a reward ef aoe tbotManfi fioUars, to b« paid Mifferiuc cbiid and tl>«* r* ll f tiiatAt **«ck I* a eboio* Mltectioa from to* best herds of Middle J. f.*****^ .-*uj«pend ifeha- et toe w*w York factory prtoe be 81. Tvunaww*aod 60 ma, was played for of the contract of Kim- m ^ ky ea vroof of aa evpioMea ef tbe Veeper Fixturw wb*v ™ UE_ye«, AU* 8ULU l.> . to Keutucky. UUOaR.— bbds loMore aud for sale hundreds nigbta io tbia and ^Ifiarkat street, r THE llisrr Ol by l°?i if ALITY, CHEAP AT WUuLE- ffilow TTTTjV fi J O. r. FAULDff *CU.B fdlow toeto* aee of ibic nied. Ido*. ilI! . * > - iiUill Kor terms aud farther particulari visit Ihe place and ^ cU dffir wwldering Main .Greet, frum oeudaeordtoarily.wdMordlaarily. s other O BALK AND B^AIU ^ / HELL A Mt.'RIBiTtt ctle»,rea'izing enorniooaprotlu for tbe iheat- u 8u«e Afftats for fitoAaaajr A»a* *a fibwcck>a« ‘ It, ^ p ^ pp, y Ge>^»vpe^rrra * Ky ., fAr iMlabis. UTAR CANDLES. |i« !r\IL^ri Maw f st, Va^wra««er Fixtoroi. AayAar owe tayiac U.ie apparm'twapparm'iia aud af. I imkwviiukwv to* fae tool*too i It el'Kri8ffA — boxes frer sal* low to doe* eoi A < MANUFACTURED , w ‘*’1 Hie curbing iffbffvrvaw kslwsea fiseaad aad Tkieff. jeSidreu- ^ rigomcot ey Q.H dAw Jo7^J^,Znrylo theae liiersry Ubr.rilabcr. ufof Mr. D.ck*nsDlck-ns mattmust be ‘f'** be aDicken oat, wbuh waa na’i White Lead, Paut Cvluia and hra kaa tar rata ky lar tnal mot fatty aatoffod eaa have bb a»owcy rafoodad I York, ! on toe ouuide wrapper.re. JNO. W. A F. T. 1 EFTWICU. BELLBEt“''A‘’;L^R?:SrA MURDOCK. «r** AKO BOLD BY Adopted. * by fwMirwlac tb* artoeie. l*r»c* ewat*. I added “Hxrd“Hard TimesTiui»a for ThaaeIhsie Times,"Times,” putiliabed «d“P»e>l- gcilErFEK A FADaN. . J: '• g , auk TiuiT!7^!77Z HTT. T~, Ortentffl Offniet and Pffffil Beta fflreffuP, BEACH* ff OO., Ail are iavitod to call at fi Tempi* and bu>- 8<>M by Dragyitta torottfhoDt th* world. canvireed Hreu. ta .kldermao-Vldermao . ^ Ne. Memnic a 1 st4>r* inta 1854; “Little“Littl, Dorritt,” in 1857; andaiid thathe catubestab Ovara'l praavoted a reaolotion direct- . hmmrn Now Attmay. a. Piiodial oAce apd for sale by Ll 2 he pt*PUf,AR PATENT MEDICINES of tke ludiag ea tbsm* eoodiUuaa. No. U Cedar st.. New York. HOUSE 1 Oil SALE. cloaingclosing .'\ dd"* iishbientkieut ufof aoaa I aprSfdffwly BELL A MURDOCK. cf “HouMbnId**H3UMbold Wurda,”Words," probably tbe alleyallej roncingrvneiog from Second to i a\ day4Uy cau be found at HI!! B V HoL'81. ou i.’)A*etout ftrert is tor tai*. In Tbird, . ^tweso abaence succetsfol journal of tbe sort ev*r known, York aad Brvckinn Wm, II. Fop*, j THE bh ALT.—LJH'M bbis Ksuavba Salt in prim* eooprrar* In comptnied ADAMS EXPRESS utf 1 in by a petMoo COMPANT! T apis A. 11. WALLACE. store and tor sale b/ thvss days of profreis atd of sotrrpriss in avkiog said privilege, wb>cb i »»• BELL A MUhlMU K. cew..papera. It ia aUttd that the circulatioo of referred lo_tb« Reyiaioa Committee. UHIV8, H.tUEL'S, H.\RRI80N'8. AND BAZIN'S ivrfmuery aud Toilet .Vrtielea un kaml and rale :jiotai'iih aling TWINK^lou be’** superior Baliny Twine, “Hiusehiid“Hiuaebild Wo^df,"Wo'da,” inio Looduo alose,sluse, in tbethe sin-aio> AldermaoAloerma; Kalfua, from Committee on Public L tar ky aSI WreV E. i i L gaa4wa£ ,x .x K 11 AGOl NO AND hopk a i.wrere .-ir K H H leta idlf aclIliFFF.R F.VtitN. B C.M.braud, instore aud for tole <*«l 4 1803.1853, Luiounredeuiounled to tiaetyliaetj tbouWthouaaod *?. U. FLCTCHER C. F. BR-MMCTT SpoolAl SJotloe! XXX — jeii d*w **EI.L A MURDOCK. copie-copis‘! It isia snan extriordiDAryextraordinary pnxlactioo,proiloction, exhibit- by r.P. *4 M Pfeiffer for the coatinoaoce of tbe lewer VOOT A KLUfK, dk BK.MNRTT. he ADAMS EXPRESS (NiMPANV hraWaret. a*. RECUVKD BY LATE OOK8IGMMEKT tag nut ocly f.rti.ity uf c.tnceptiua and imagion Ifaergroea Creek above Tbird S'reat Bridge, re- rLKTt liRR . ** efreiaaMiyof T W WBS. i» ihrerfncBd.. the y^Kc e« LrarevUw. that lira, but ported uma fur approval by itriking vliaci. MA8UKY A WHITOxN, remarkable for the pracrical ibfurmati a it out lUliug, M3 Mala conveya on ecien’ili:, legal, domeatic, hialorical, ’•••'-''i »»» aporoved aa reported, IL' 1 J and 6 ne Jewelry, al Kare.rm Prirea, No, WB raspeetlWIy lavMe atteaKaa to toW II I'kird airret. ne.r Market, ra 111 Fulton St, aal 50 Ann St., anil general aubj eta. Uf courae, Alderniaa Kalfu-, from tbe Committee on Public 4HhSta LuaoavUta, w larie aad vatiad stoek ot alLVKRff AttfemVll ek> DU MEe^NIL ff CO. Mr. Dickeaa KetiliIC>kV. eawewae of dtwws Frerto, Ladl— . FMeto could not have prepared all theae ^Vorka, to wh 'm wai referred a raaulutian groatieg BIf paper, him lelf, IJt-liraat rare taken ta iwUine Dinmnnda ia nil draeri, **« Taaihlk«i. M»d raosy 8>»v*s waoo ot eo. Perraiaaion to John X NFW to tuiioe witk COLITIS OllMSHYta YOKK, although hit pralltic pen doubtleaa louubad avarv Khrman traoafer hta atatl No. el Jeweirr. and doae Jiepa'ck. err de^rifitiufi. vairaatoi U aeadard iasasw aad ton ' I It.— Waviie. and Jewelry fepalred dffCMffff JAM»rn.mmm Miff • MASuPAirrvaaas or one of theae pages. IT ia Alarket llouaa No. 3 to N. Janaar, reported m a very mp-rlef warkasaoialfi. loanmrt-. aeyia blklU gmrxo eisedaetioa oar ffrle aad wtoas sattMtoff. Far MTisBi Bl. < to ra aa, Mrar. Ac., to ear U.her writer, of gifted abilities and ***• which was adopted, W M agBty AFSt, Uecciviny daUy i attainmenta HARDWARE AND CUTLEUY.— FL 6:Tt HER ff H£.NNirrr. A A. JUNEB. US Main ssceet I A toryr •lid nompMSd* *MQrt ot *m4a •altablt* foi WHITE ICAD,ZIXC PAINTS,ir0 lb5 haww, U ia aaid, AMeinian Sargent, from a msret 0 L0 givan him Ihtir Bid; acw to cash ur prouip cssefnl imilalioo of ht. ex>|Ui ite style casctala tbe “v.ir .vioneea, t» wk.— waa twtatrad separata OlliS, -re - We kaea reraoved anr _)yi^dl» HBserteseedsBt. INirOKTAMT FOU .MAN* ustomtwa liu^l ORVABY. VARNISHES. Ac.. ramlationi groBlicg tha followmy Ur- FINIttHINftaad OF P1TT8BUEU, impoeitkti from detectiuz, e.spectaUy when tie lic.Baoj, rapirel S,MI‘I.VN 0 ovaIU-iCiwiMS ta Ike rarner al Nffw BooMff. 'I^URF OIL cures old 8una. laroRTisa or whole the eame, wnicb were adopted, rix; iV ^w .0*1 olath stock ef sad work ia polished M Mnwm, Rornuld.'. naw (•: ALB under hia own peraooal Tj-yr^.g il I avatter. ea ttlMorteal JtoveL hf O. P. R faww to toe pabttc pe iwoefie ^ *•'."** FRENCH WHITE IINC PAINT fMttTen _ I Tnrf nil cur« fresh WoubaU. anperinteodence, pri r to ita being sent before tbe Kramer, coff ehonae, Portland; T PneafiL K.\GLISU, FREiXCH, A.VD inroi.iitrance on Main .trral, nlra LUPE ff EVANS, CERMi.Y ARTISTS’ ea SUlh, ia rear al Tke ckihi efi Walertoa, ky G. W. toywilto. eato- Ffei>lf the Turf OQ cur** HraUS ll*ad. pshlic with tbe p-ratiga of hij nems. Michael Xlittlehobler, colfeabonse, Market itreet. nuue.i M. (Crystal l*aAa^ pMe la aoe oakMae. PHsetoeeala 2MM -im.'ar k m« • .im. dilliculty with hia hetneen Sixth and Savaoth atreete. at* Fnclory earner iffi fiffwtf CerMT FIfto aad Jetonen Oa. Isjuisvttl^ Turf uU cars* T*U*r. pubiiabers, growing out of certain I of Fonrtteatk aad Main Wnwta efack I'ovaiaa's LeMen. by Jaek reeeiafi liElLU: M0^T4«;KE €«MriKY .'.nllbdutf Mto®* Me. domestic i Alderman Sargent, fiuui Cu.ninittFe PKTEK8. LKADG, * CO. *1 cares trouhlea f Mr. Uicksna, baa ioduced him on Iliepital, Lord M«>ntaM*» sg maancal . Tarf oil fiprains. X030. OTJU. 1030. I'iiic ColoFN ill Oil and IVuK'r, Pef* ky G 4»fi* rARU. ’ to abaodou tbethe “ilouuhold"ilouuhold ar.d to whomwnom waa reterreareferreoot*tota -kw.wbkb tb*ta. bedk.- SEGOISm rata a naw periodical enliilel “All the Y'ear Round,” Commiltre of Doctors, preieatad “.\n Urdiuance Kobh*)t Voal B« T'HEettewta.oofdeBtaraaBd euBraraw i. irarUculeily Turf Oil cures Bums and leaves no scar. ll iusor \FWtfln\Tllkff* A TakF I'lilArs Aaa* ot 4toiertoria, ky SW Walter stotoA Prtoe Me. 1 W b*to LeadI w» mlS2t2ipfitt—“ bl ^ irXatafareivTvretowlidwea ooC tom yellow, mas ’ estajlisbing . omtad ta ta. waimriur oealily sad low priore u( lire in which the rame I'hiracterMtici are preserved, ami regalitinga Itrard cf '‘ealtb,” I F U1.N< IFAL OFFH K~Wsu4 a«to oi Tkird •od mva^bty dem. 'J7faad vdl aeoaare7^ Ibr bard Of and 1 FOR BfiAWTd. and m Tke Musaeury. ky idr Wslt*r fieou. Priw Me. • - |-ta it..-.. abovi. Mostord, toaimfwctared b)* J. dt J. Cwiaisw, Iahi. liiiportRtioii! which•'bich waawas referredreferrvu to thetha Fall C-iiumit'.ee is Vuiaai*aafVg4eai*e i!Hs* oil aeiitiiwii idiato |OM**liacfOMP’iiac Ibrtorb^m ^ irmfi a T-^ eveneveo more icduairytuilusiry and abilityabtiity maiiifestedemaiiifeated. lie ia C>iumiU*a untiluo(II aphaLapha). . U ot ibatoo (!Heafi Etoiioa ;MiaTe Nssuff oew of Coacb wwoMwwbaet aidese of«i vanm^vamlto. .TT IU -f t. dva, auw toe o«al extooave tactors of mioUrd ia Great Tarf fttl curve HaddI* Gall. H - Sw .xa -a. od M ewsi> wasbad Cw*wf« w lb a amc bmas retain Ibeir Mi.NSItiTING ef eo or. Strains. C ^ u*w styles of Fall tik«, Slatliemalii'al dHI*r*Bt ar* niioiartiUTd wbirb ar* (fOgDS. 8 euibnidng evety and Draiiglilstnen'a Instrumriil.s, atorUa•torus in addladdi-ionion to theseihe-ie Uliors. CommonCiniimon Cuuccil,Cwjccil, direciagdiiwc^iag thetbe Committee on th.th«> earfiae*. ^ Fuar eoaUtio* |\ FerwDky WBL8H ff C«ke to* imaafis wiH eever e* nsweb vrkb tb* aam* Tarf oil cares Swelled Igec*. ij 4>v«‘ t> aud gtad* in tb* market. packed la keto. caabaw. Ua-M, aad boUtes. aad sorb < bridge acroaaacroas thetlie Ohio loto haveb 4 ve anaa erimatoettimate .i fFITT*» HI Ht* awd ^ orc« 11 IIN* IIE.N e* xfia af Isef ^a* Ur. Dickena’Dickens* iatellectualintellectual qiiilitiee4 uaiitiea areart not canlio-c-mHiq- made, Y t’OA L ymj*0 iffbkffb MalaMaia sA* ijjMai^ lA^s MaML bed> . peoad* tonw*^ fisvot enoaomy DrakViaitr iiitai ''riia-iii" •isia.irw peekac* is warrontod full wsitot. Tb* eeJ iDib. bn Tarf oU cures 8Uff Julnta. MEDIUM DIOJiS GOODS. " ** • A A ' ad lo hi.s icdustrv,ioduatrv, bis tkill, bis fertility, er,or, to coin »oJ •I'le|i|-ropriatingfxpriaUng tSiW#5tal for said purf-oee,pur;-oee, which wa«wa* |j recti'* ;lLre’)!.re‘^^ ,00 . l^oo'rs ^ , • & SHOES. l*urf I »U cares PuUevU. , I by to* >ard. Inc'udiufi tb* rictiu*t c*»b»iS and cbeiccst A«les stories. Ils is a dramatist and an amateur actor, A recolulioo from the ^mmoo Courcil, approving J086:plt rorr WEbaveooes Tarf Oil cures Uracked t1e*L in uiarkrt- Freweb and t^nglicb MvnniMw. with e\’*ry otlu-r contract of Juba Ksegan fur the grading ffa 4 ' d bas fur ibaritalde purpuser, not oniv written and pT^rt'vT a fxrx a. r*r\ articl* to b* found Ui tb* l*ry GimmIs tiaa*. PETEKS,q CRAOO, A CO,CO.. #11 Tdrt oU cures Wind GaU. plajs and ac’ed them, ai.d ac.ed others which have •I** sidewalks on CrSFson street, be- sumea irewiwt; * jPioy sito. nuoatiB « ; . - ... * ra,..rara Ore., —ek. .. m J I*; -U. k I ^ prAvrh.k'dhp'Tb? \SAVi*K*Ad**ri‘uPB« **7 eoo«. We toww WbAr we Gfwea Ml bsiac o-d ForsaDby WILSON ff 4*^ 8TARB1RD, DUllKKE, HEATH. & CO., GoMer imord Tw* awl scraa Ttoa Affa, Ike Jtfftoi-aS t:AkY ff TALIUlT, 1U7 FOl'KTIl STREET, ^ .sly toe of P4t«sai Leetker CmU. vktok we ka*e kad W. 8FKINGEU ff BRO., eo lo twNM lede to uvder. Uor eiartweat ot I idieW Wear li very THO. m;okctl ay dkw B*Iw«(!u barket aud JcArrsoa. roeiiaetfolly GRAYSONSPRINGS, lorg* aad selacA IaomU th* Aaw tiooiiaae, oa kaea sow# Eureffure at ah.Iht raw rataore tariff ef Ktare,ratare, mtaar Dry art ' i. W. rohoooro b.h. ... G» UaKT. oory lev pHe* raoiKyoe^ We kave alsoalsa wow a MeWtla o*dold ffykffyla GRAYSON COl'NTY, KY. Coeatr)* in State. frofS fancy silk ll*lts, asM>rb*d; (a tan. IIAIX A CtaRNr-IX, and all Dmnrlets and MerchauG tbe OIXTS.—lu werva* tkai we will aatt a< lr«i toaa eeeS to eluee toaw eoA e du P^uaoic'cd d(», Uu; m M>dea Laae. Naw Yrak. he Cofmtlve PropertlM ef to* Watesv ef Grayson apw> dly OWEM ff Wia>D, EAYNt ILlril. DEVUE. A PRA1T, T apnapi' bffuetoatrwafilily iis^sblishod. wbeoever tested lU do Lralbrr do, do; a* voaid rrspeetfbllytoetfhRV less Mkk Marke| ttossA akava ftord BB#; dhB WSaad Ita EnUBaalrark. Nrev Vark. at to* toeatoiw bead, la aewiiy all if to* Cbrooic DUsas** Just reocited aad for aaic by VI HAVE aa«'Xfyaa ‘he ef toe eeeatry, toerurt*d; was sdopteJ. tV-Faei..re raraer of Fuurirentb aad Mata atreera. ready fur iw* efter it has b-'coine hard iu tb* k*i<. Tli«Tj|« WALLACE. LlTBGOff'.ff OO. eye. plsfifa bb beA eodeavon to otak* hi* eatortaiuiueot Hi pU«(3S btuwu Table L-ncn. do. Thk Hiuiit Traixinc, ok WoMrN.—The Chnrcb A retalutioD from tbe Connell granting jauit bA)*f PETERS, CR.UIQ, A CO. loss uf th* h«« t4M>, is 4 cuDaMl*rmUun which should oot b* Common u dua*u Guyot's Freuch SusiM-udcis; , MENS t BOVS' CLOTHLVi, sack es to flv* feoenU selMtoeitoa, not oaly to Ihoss In SELTZER APERIEM 6 of KagUnd *•.*”Review•**’ LuB.eB« ao lonicle.B«ya.^ onvu femaleimiutato edneo-wuh IwdlOMFigutol.Fieht of. I'll* dif*uifw Jomu Guthrie parmtsiion to tbe Ill* FmWutPatent Cau act onlyouiy ubnaUwubnatm WeelOMe . extend width of * e re-'tK~v AJBBLEiBEX> IRON MANTLES AND ENAMELED emrebef lieeltii. butakm idseoir* seukma. ly ca*** Geurfiia Kerw-y, aoHU t*d; t are ficultl^, but Iu addition thereto furnishes tbe con-uiuer tiOQ, from wbicb we take tbs fallowiDg passag*: tbe sidewalks (12 feel) oa the watt side of Second V-> ./V JLjI t.. r*oi- F*aU GiLATkSt — ff * are maaafeetenay aad ke*p eso- Tb* Itobri! iistsblisiini*ai at toes* Spriafs wtti be la 16 du heavy Ji»up, du; Vj oax*b M ®itti a struug ’ W Jast received fur sale by aud eunvenlent painLyuA out of which ta Much remsiot to be done inio winnuwmgwinnowing cutcul of street " JC9T KECUVEO steotly oa bawd a foM aesortoaeat ef to* abovs artklM. rmfijiii for a fail bedasm by tb* first of Joae, at wblcb aud from Walnut toCbeatonttoCheetnnt street,straal, eoto aaos to save ~PT' I | ^~RTT~R<~^| AT THK ^6 JAMIraS luOW ff ro„ 41* Main st. “““ people’s niindj ridicnloua ideas of ‘a “'^“1“ceruia ,P«portly thetbe shidsabide trees, was adopted,sdepted. yr'-r-iT— — HSrok •uu I^FTMUBC IWTSU. UM UtUWrrBNU67 rxra ,t ra^aJd krar" F"?*?’* "'‘“f" "f/*-?'-" ‘I*".''' , f ^ OREAT CleOTHXNO HOUSE factitious style of>r living, wiibontwiioontwi,boot which Itit l.e orived toe most favoraola rMonmieada- The Ceiu ere iieckv4 in raw-diuit, in atrnnf coaea or wmen wU imfimpos A reaotmionresotmion fromfrum the Common Council directing H t>r Boas of tha Medical Profesrion kuzea, wliich coDtaih Sou iHii'uda rach, that i.au-i>unn4 aihle to keep house.use. There are plentyplenly of Toi WALLACE. UTUOOW. A OO. aud a vonngyoung thetbe citvcity ettarneTattorney to take tbethe necenxemarvwary legalUral pro-nr... S JC I^.A.CXJ S^l J. ttara. or i ta-poupd Oaiu, aud Ui«y niey rafely n. 4K.W.HTBOMU. Ihsoeridne Public, as toe 1 du p. d* i b un; ba .biw«-d ,Han wbo have yet to Dolearn the foppery of ex caedings against W. Ilshn *' F. to compel him to re- by rail or utoerwis* to tb* 8tstus. * I ’ I NATIO.NAl. 1 do CurtiiX l*laid; any lart of I nited i* 2 . a .1 GO A f A T OPriMITB THE M08T LJ^FICIENT AND AOREFJIBLK peosss dtpro^r-DDSdr.ioned to theirilieir meansmeans, and Ihe place the curb 1 cashiucfe Cirrularv, **lfi d^ni* sordidness•ordidneiu of luxuriesluxcnssxuries wkichwhich feed, notnut Mif-self-respect,self- respect,res end ADVANCES. SctlSxxe ,^x>ex-lGxa.t 1 du 8Mtrh Pla'fi: t-rowon Ufosdwsv etreete, was adopted. ( > prtaiNor ii IJr ^ uod larfiv YuoUto* 1 'Tirlkias Mcured to daughters acd yuuuger outers growing the Uos Company to place one or mote gee Ismpa faU BK1.I, MUKIMICK. manylany MiaereiMiaerwi thiHocSpring waters,wat*rs. heidlita Powders, audand other 4 pieces super printed AU-wuol DeLali P**" «“ jAbrt A ratioial, appreciative ».r4 'Si^^i'lSreJVld m2u». •w T M. AIMSTMOMO stnUor artirief, both Irooi iu eumpactaess and gswater ef* juat reerived aud ter ml« by K&ILLARD’S up to he compBoiont; girls on Gray etreet hetweea First sed Second itrrats, la Mtwii lito; O-TAOtoe; fieaey. It may b* used with the b«riHI*ct la all wbo, if they averever mariied,married, will cIkumcbci>sfi Bidacd vsinavalaa AND KMktUoiDRRitff..! ratt tka at J64jg JaMLSJAML8 LOW A CO , 418 Main ft. Superior wsswas adopted. I AUKS «ms Inmaidad; ^; H 8 BILIOUS AND FIBRILK DISEASES, SICK lUJLD- their husband for what ba if, and be interested ta ° A resolulioa from tte Common Comicil ordering I k*? robaea: ff'atoinetoo; APPETITE, isdiop:stion. CONFECTIONERY Jf"Ir ^ y*v*ri:?M!*^**i i! ache. LOSS OF *'•j w SCRDni bit calling and hia opportnmilet for obeervation; J. H. SCHROEEER I.' «> an elec|»a(prito Nueart ktuU. lUkl« eraaa* ..ua nLdbaod 1u 8 de I lusiu ff*t T P-Tup. Uaeaa Bird; woolen wbo will estiraate the grave aod sweet io SepDmber, fur choice u**>'>rtiB*Mt ft VutoariraiMwVutoariraiMW Law,Lacue, r lutlet Luc* 8 do raa|»*e Ool CULIARLY INCIDENT TO THE DEAL!DEALFKS IN CONFECTIONERY a CoBDcilmao to fill tbo unexiMr- ! Tatwoa; lifiraaidad: 86 du ^ue noHW JuImmua*# K. Havea, 8 to ttMhroUtored lluadlt*rchi*fa. u snut vunety ot Lace 6 do Hayailefe lakrfii; * 4; aud rsaliiies of wife and moiherbood, beyond any a«i- «d term of Isaac H. Botler. reflgned, wa* adopUHl. MUk. Uaiea; Lady Piaoktta. le do do du Boa kua.fi yea< sold; I^kmid*r*d ( uilafv, loudi**' und Kid Ulev*a, Ju«>ji? Jest rssuSved aod ler tol* kv SPRI.NG AXD SIM-MER 8E4S0A8. dent of precedence or sopeitlaity. By dismissing moothiv Ito do cci fifir Whiiff)-, The report of J. M. Moore, Flour la- ou*k Swku Edinfn laowtiar. Par wl* kr whatowi* aad PLtoil at Nav lertoaa* whitr. p | aad 8 do; IfYiirsU^ineg amattd Liiqitorg, CHOCOLATE, uad uad Uoea Edglaem JAMKS U>W ff ua. ma MMa SL low It is particularly ufiaptod to the wanti of Trmvri«wi by fal»e and foolish notions of rekpectsbility, by rofo- I alrprtemky Eirff' Fer ml* ky Ml J. MONKS. CHOCOLATE, speetor, for Joly, was tiled. Rihb'va*, uad Fuoii. la fuck, evciytki^ thak is oew uad PCYKaUj. Sea aad isaad, KeridenW lo Hot Climates. Peruoasof Vg qm UUU>—tebkta,k.rei. oterara-farratakw add Ka. t Mato sS aader to* Luoyetor HatoL No. 8» WALLwaI STREET. .liog tbe cbetp fascicatioos of a paltry tducatioo of The moetkiy seuDment between tbe Anditorood PRI.K « >rCUoNO TCA.^ai kf rtiww (1.8 pound papers) re. SedenUrv liaklu. Invalids, aud ConvaluMuto; CHOCOLATE, 1 ^ 5*J 6_te» SlBBlTT * RON. display, by discountenancing restraints misdirected Treasurer, for Jely filed. P eatved pur giailruad aad fur m u by Cuptolas uf VesveU and f^ater* will fiud it a ave^ on band for saV—sa'*~ It te* 1859, was ^ A WINE}*. skH tnn ritfikTssn*. IkV cultivatingcuUirufiniF anAB intelligentintaelliivtant mnd I A MraAlt.'lo *!- dr kt OrtPEN s ta il aiaabk* addition to their Medicine ChosU. H WL or loo rieor®BS, by and ! A resolulioa from tbe Common CoancU allowing WARE— B . Bncteta. Twk^ CMwrte. TKE BEST IN THE WORLD. | Cbampagn*. Catawba, aud Claret; of ioterc >urse, by a careffij fore- *,**r*^ Lataia., tiaare. Quassoming uu^e tbe report of tbe street inspector of tbe Eastern i Ire V—- At A.I'tlC dk IDOAV^ iS, I^AILS—Uee k*«pi Port, Sb^y, and Madeira THE BEST IN THE WORLD. ate a taa weraetraaiU of Wouteta Ware Ire asiwky sight in assisting young (eople to prepare them- District from HRA.NDIES. THE BEST IN THE WItULD. tbe 4tb tv tbe 17tb of Augasr. 1869. wta BIIIMIT, 4 BOII. aff TOKPID STATE OF THE LlVER~It readers selves for tho exertion amt cost uf one day being IN A Cofuac,romac RodieU*,RoriiriW^^^mand Domestic. n uautitiee tram liw pounds to Ito.uuo pounds on for f-tuo 71, was referred to Street Committee of ffBBkdraw. ACK EREL.—No . 8 Modtofol. 1b kbi*, kf bbto, aafi I freat uorviev in nwtoring beatthy ucUon. XI.G'KCREI— rerkwraa aew Nw. 3 Mactesat. khK » ta-BB.M. Mfftxr ^.rajr A rkffkff Md-av • wf k \| the centre of a peaceful, horpifablo homr; in those Ksstern District. W ADDITIONSadditions TOto I ^vl WHISKIES. UmI mostmuri rensouablereaiouuble tarmaterms. Apply or addroreuddree* EcEl%EDeceived THISthis DAYday LARGElarge kto, toeeived via J«toM»oavili* RaUxu^ and for ml* I « wrk uu fa-i‘k« i* kf bkta, ate re* >wta leaeiete ate Me rara hr IM GOl'TAND HHErMATInlf—Uttreetke beetrat. Bourbon, Scotch, otter ways much may be done to reuiovs ob- R eorrietoer Ry*, and Irish. U.11. MAILLAKD, end A re.sointion from tho Common Comcil allowing UARD.NRR ta Ct>-. tea Mretast, all tart.iuinatiiry rymptiitai, end ta _«»* kdiretiou, aJJaKtaf strnctioos to that gradual scquaiutsoce, ned that lailK rar- HtactuaUv curtae tbom alUicIrd. SUNDRIES. aplil d6ffl;m 621 Broadway, N*wNew York. the report of tte street inspector of tte Western Peach und H>audy, PRE.4ERVED GINGER. - 13 erera CwMata l-wsreew* r-AJSrC dteSTAFLE App> kiuu. Gin, Bith^ii, Cordials, antlf.cltd respect and aitscbment which lead on lo District from the 4th lo tte 17th of August, 1858, Y ' X Giaaer CTTEK FIRKIN8.-Be doias arab Conrad Buckrte ITS SUOUfcJSS IN CASI^ OF GRAVEL, INDIGEIL (jlaA-t, Tubaoco, and lArd*; Mu'dlHUu* Ai*, Scotch Al** are rata kf ’ marriage. reeel T*. uA I P, GARTA O CO. . CTIAS. 31. . . M’CUAW, DRY aOORS! B W. • M. BL'KKUAKDT, 417 Markrtre. to b* u Modtcio* of th* greuteet utility. — _ in tbe meantime it may be well to think with Weatern District, STOMACH, AND THE DI8- nut enly tbe !>yaipatby but tbe veneratiun they reaolativo from tbe Common Ccuocil directiog To I*arnitiiie ICtanaftactoxtanL ke wUek wr lav tr tar eterwtine ef all ta wmat af tar anr. |?NGL1SU PICKLES.- ACIDITY OF THE T7nV¥yY4>Tr 0^t\^r\ dealer I.\ OENTLEIHEN’S de- A •e elrw. ra DlUtak Urwrlta aad tar brat fakrier ia HTa- ^ s gr^ GTMi ff Ittato velTs sapeitor emoried pieki**; weat vanety btore, •erve ef many among tboae who will never marry; the Mayor to advertito for proroaala to conatroct a FLC FTOCTI. MAKK * IMDV>8. 6 du d'l du do aauon*; to aaaUt in multiplying tbe too few oocupationa brick aewer oa Sixth street, Pi^laad, extending Bl 471 Mata raraaL 5 fi® Lea ff Peftar'i ff'ureestorsblrc do; or oj*en to them; all, from tbe north side of Portland Avacue lUO fe*t 1 do Ijuodon Gl«b do; '^T^’fFORDsThE GRFATMT RELI EF TO -101 suitable to women above not 6 du liueuttcrp WITH OR 81'BJECT To THE FnilRTH1 101 to *** Street Cum- JM. O. iirdan iret wttk as w>R ta pereredf Kite wtth rete rata 6:m»oo* of Coffee; THOSE AFFLICTED . lUl 1 U U 11 il Ol., KDDIIS to preach by impUcaliuu or utherwi»e that a wo- ' lUl FIMIK ll R*e*>rud aod for mie ky PILES ACTING rvatif ou tbe tiowele. ueuttmliaiuc all . mitt*e of Weatern Disirict. tan ate oa tke raueS favorakta tairaa, — AND man's life need ever be dwarfed to a negation, ur AXAln. Sltt-oota r«uoTiii( all In aiii nia- BURNT * CfX, ofi6 W, A H. BURKHARDT, 417 Matori et. irritatlBs Mcretiuu, aud thetvbf H BETWEEN MARKITT AND JEFFERao.S. resolution from the Common Council directing HUGH A | consumed mi.«erably away by causes absolutely out oa3S tal Mata rewwi. torv icodciiclo. I tngiuecr to report the ^nditm of Eighth and . IS FACT, IT IS INVALfABLE IN ALL CASES ' A^V'^KANCY^illVi'p^iTii^ifJ** Fine Clothing!!wJaIUSm! of her control. There are women strung enough to street#, between Marketand Jeffersijn slreeto, af tac atarer raellid aa reeaM af pttae. luraara- WHEEE A GEN 1 LE AEEKIENT OR PUR- dignity •weetoetui, Ninth laso. oxjxx. laae Amr iu^rari. Pota^ud^d st ck,; keep their womanly and audio JTE'W^XJIY. FRENCH WHITE ZINC! I bartar ptara.ta Third elraat. tard re*e are e eaS katarr OATIVE IS REWCIKED. find report the probable c^t of repj^, was referred IIPEUA ULsSSIbi: them the moral elements, at all vs urguuiie amund Itleb and ***caot fitriytw of CuruL fvuri. GuM*i, nraa- It is In the fwnaaf a Powder. carefaUf put op in boU BAGS. and BtrrWthraN FOURTH AND FIt'TH STREETS, VIELI.E MOirTAOHE COMPART, TKAV. BASKETS, DRESSING CASES- evciite,of.n inJependent extetence. They whore to tbe Mrret Cummittre. W cetera ^tnct. caa, Laeuauad other MytM,ka *uriea>,aa4 at prioeaU Ueo. ta keep in any diniate. ate merely tmtolre. water ERE.NCHFKE.NCH CoR.8r.T.8,CUK.SV.T.S, DUli.lDVlli.lAA .SKIRTS-.HKIUTS; 1 k 1 I . ARE IN RRi;ElrT UF Y.UUOC6 9TYLRB UT ¥ J ASoDhanfiaiwIectetockAS OD handya **l*ct *tock of GENTLEMENSG«‘NTLEMK.S*S FUR-kLR« . I VVK r .^.ivira wall i skra »> .. * kra. krai% raoi .rawk A resolution from the Common Coaocil directing lileuit Vfrfy taele. It ta produce a driisbtfal eAsrvraoent bever. ill need the more to be VT >ii ponrte wpoD tjliess,kJllkSH, m Wieid,WiMkd, HouHuiu-,6', andunJ lvu*y:Ivuey: H11 NISHINGNI8IIING OOOD8GOODS uudaud CLOTHINGCLOTHING, to which the "‘ep» »™ f^We heli*d, rather ^“"8 new GuulM. raitakie tar Ika reias at ererr backgammon Utid C116:8.S uktoutiuu the Mayor to contract wun tbe towwt and beet bid •oMOk torn iirtotiiiiii for mle wkuli— I* aod retail by BOARDS: uf buy*ri< i* invited. A *kuck oi th* c*l*bra!*d than hindered, in the struggle with their fainter : WreA^XCMES- YR*K It ncrer ioterferee with uvo* ARE RBCEIVING REGUIaAR SHIPMENTS OF ‘fakea ia the morniiic. tb* PL4YIN<» caries "GOLDEN HILL** SlIlKTS alway* oo band. je8 •* *™'** portions of the J T. loANHiM ff Ct>., tkff veil and more yielding .‘elf. If they fail here, is it at *1* ia Gaidar iMeer Coiea, kouvM aud upiewed Fr*uck Aloe .\u. 1 catiuo* of to* day, acUna tfeoUy oa the •>vteu, reeioriuy GENTS* WAloKlNG und SWORD (!ANE.S taaprei, Saire, and AoMticaa 0$ ca*M ffPierbii Ofitoai» ot vortewi beooffff . ffc-, Tldrd ri. aS4 Itofionorv of Teou owd Souv M'kSi*. di7. io of sidewalk on the uortb side of Market street, between re pewre that caawre tail ta aMai bW sseifi kuttbdp oach; uton lb* diytwtive poven, exnuuy a bealtoy a d vifuruu* too* « IIILDUKVS FINE < AKKlAGfS. tiuui to all certain liiat iu wedded life their lot would have dratrokie la tiaaiUy and 16 bat— to* aad beavy Rrowm < ariaaff la fi7 fil2: aoKMtod ketm. fimaud la bleack>d aad |ir«r|iar*d Liuared tb* Auuiara, and creutinfiaoriaeticity of miud und flow : WlLIoOW Fifteenth and stara tatata R»«»reta.M s^treet Committee, Wwtorn Dutrict. Xs Uwa a. to hffet **given’* beneath ianguine, ya-rd nui|4> douiei*aadeoaeuBE*rp ut to* k>v**t aaal* ubbu tb* invalid to en)oy many luxurier vith iaipuuity, TABLE MATS, WlSiDKNWAltE; bent and unfulfilled OXreOGKiS. Mi du esa I iaaa Tuwato

' L resoiuuonresolution fromIrom thetne CoinmunUomuion Counciluonncil directingitirreung .. , .w.,.-. - >t^wi s*re tProggiMt*^ INDE.XHEKCMt A cu., truw whkii b* murt utbtfwW* b« deburrud, und without ITOYS, uf every duMcriptiou. [ WHOLESALE GROCER, resolutionsref««)lution 9 to reclaim and humanise the A — —^ — — — — le ll* lioea TabI* a. H^oif»0U^ husband cawstaatlr oo irate the iartrat araretaMwt tetlra cSt, caul* ttf* irktaoUA* diorriMinf. Wbu IwuyykVW; which b und i footway crossings to be placed at the intersection ol Ifie pfonaFaU UeLa»a«s®*m ' FORWARDING AND COMHIRSIUN MERCHANT, who has pulled the wife down instead to bis own j *v 11*. SumeriHM UMrUniotiiab fruiu i«ruf«9»iunul uofi other fB*o- Iff^ W* ur* conriantiy addiuf to our riock all the X,-T M I,'- WTXTi-f^’T* A Y ’¥ XT' vartoiy utoes 4'M Mata StewM. ~ Luv Ky NuVw Jefferson Preston slrreu, from the northeast *a ILA.- , T'fiHbwr wito a of yr-ooK torffed DtoSai* I aod * tIeuMm of lb* hlah**t rtuudina •kruuaUuul toe euuutry, eltte*of th«**uauii. AWU USALKBS IN mean un.1 wrelche.1 level? .Marriage is not a lot- staria Lawtoa Nai w toiib*. daeiMbi; Evrks I IfoMi— CaM B FMta aa4 Sixta. • taw 4aan above ara Ptocui lUtra la-Toa kuadily iucit' po|Kilunty lor wiriigofi yrnTL ™rnerto the soulh^t corner, was referre,! to the aod lu uwmt u _ All Deaci iptioiu of Boat Storea, tery: but it is a mere willful Mindoess to forget that » aad Mariteto Fviela Fmw**. ffik ! • • I eu • hm va wa au .««*• I atuTr uofi for eul* are Btao H by suoDgly yuwiwotkv il* elfiracy und vriuaU* ctkarartor, aud I ...... II I II Om. ill &lf«cttark3Xra.k Committee,tawa»are.aatata. raA*l*rn.rewre.*,... Dulncl.raeareo..*.*.. -. MS MAIN STREET. all higher aH|3«)cU it may he wufully inverted thuitb*l I bav*UAV* nWltUUreamufi foelUf y*af»yVOfU PUSCpuei. RtiuMtlS I flubcr—S ST I Tlloff. H. HUNT ff ittoit U»r fuvorubi* uotioeuft4 in iu I f•l,u«*f*|,U«* m DTTRKEB, HEATH, CO.. EPtraA 7* has> Brack PopBor CO. eummeodeumiuead to uoUo* anuniateUbevutiKibUc.iateUia«ut public, I I .Ufa I Hli*l II J[J Ml II I I a AMD 8ITCE.— A rwolutioarosolutioa from thetbe CominooCuminoQ ^maellCoaxeil a.lowicg a to wArrua>d ia **«*ry case. 4« Bstar: i^iarvd uad *uld, Wlti»l*aal* uud Ueiidl, by 1 1 or apimllingly del«i*ed. Nut all the grand provi- I •V^ycib » P ta i unn illu ou nuu 1 1 hrech-ra.basehur^ taef ttetho Wrere.-MijktreWskeb-H^ieew*^ DsTHrw m FOURTH rtRRET. *x; A. ff CO., A CO., tbe rep«»rt of tbe superinleodset of the wurkb«>os*, J. U- fffTERLE M K Ic CO. JOHN TARRANT Daiooiara, R A. SHRADER gracious instincts I rra rate hr K- A. KMBi 80 Sion of tender ties and -hic^ sur- pwvtpupt^ 4\n t^b - No. 8*0 GrveawKb at., cur. of WHULFre .loir, ata Warreu, N. T. LOUISVILLE, KV. CDMMI8.SION MKKC11ANT8 AND I for 1859, amouotirg to #6»>9 37, was referrsd BBw TUOfi. li ff the greatiSt of Divine ordinam-es will HUNT CO. jeUfilylti* — llukuil Ih'utor* iu WbUky, Braudy, round oneof ^ ' wra^_ Ml* an to Ci«mitlee onoo Workhoore.Wurkboosa. TE , J KbloKa tao loltao stat 4ra«> to the CwmmittM Ancient JeiaxalemJetr~;unaleni and Sacred PlacesPUctata. AMU MADDUL-4a«i Bookfi foi tBe Aged and the Young. WiiMW, .,607 Market fCreet, above Brook, make iwonle pure or hamir who insist un beinx TWbaaaa; I »0e; w w ' Tpv www^- A rosolotite from the lommoolomraon ConncilCouncil dir-cti^ I hi bwNi Jkarwrae Star tara laSigii w ^ y T m?nuribride Loubvill*. Ky. iSofily ”*®*"*'^ rpilE,P AraeriranAaireiraa Suadaryundar Mritakoolbool UaloaU.tan kashre pobBtawdpoblMtad anre -A. ytt uror worldly, sensual,seusuai, and devil* kfeoOf extra quality; ^ K orew-nooevish ororVrit^lous,iruoiou., wormy, anuue.ii .o'* k rata, gctan 'itaABor; tar rata kf r^LLEN DACRE.or Uf* at Aunt llenter*#. :6c. tbe Mayor tote employ somesoma l«rsoni«rsoo lo deependespen tbethe 1| ,K>aannaliM>ta*tniatIraatk trkat proep.ct*veProapuctiv*pro*»f Aaa-Awci-Aaci- reat JJmralem.Jmictom,i TWfIrm, mto by _B»4 alto B. A. KuBIKION ACO. la akore aod fur aato by rrwrivftt uad for ^ ditch OQ WeetWest Sixth sireat,street, to priveat damagadamage to I tb*tb*cit t«>wu.<. moubi»ta>*. su«l vuiWy*iatoy*ia ito viriaity.viciaity. It TUOfi. H. HUNT * CO.. 0 RLE.\NS MEDICAL NOTICE, .... 3 3. I gj» NOCK, WICKa, ta NEW i life n a great and buly mystery, and a We.jnim*iMto.l**eoniin«-ode,l to ib*the uti*utbinatwrate-n ufre utl wbewho ureofe og v. .. U-.II re . 6u bbU Buurbuo Whtoky; »edded pf operty overriowoverriow, and alio m te ewrakte*aau«*d reor j LCC TITRIoL -SiSW Ita BIta VBriol far rata bf — MIXTURE FOR THE' The Art of Exteniporv Sprakius. HioU (ur tbe PulpR, u pert y from aUo direciingfiireciio^ tbethe LEROV8 86 bbto obJ do; power for good, often tar beyond estima- '• “* •»* tew It. ta OO. th. Se^e. and th« i!^. il. sourra of pay tie of for damogre. Solly Btatad WbMt B A- kuBI MBOM PROMPT ANDt EKTAIM EURE oF ALL S io Gemlin sum *25 IJi'ltrey'oVre^W i 86 bbl«<;b«nT Brandy s r IdyU of the Klus. Allri-d there heat least one imul filled I BAGS re th i U kiema WhsaS far Stad. I Br Tenaywin. 7Sc. liuii: hut unless with tl I wtaeh wre CRCTHKAl,DI8EA8K8.ANDTHo8EAF- if thinks tbs dsmagee sustaioed aauaak to that xbwTbto VMWview toto*i*itaatiy*t*ita*tly llkhsic-upbedltthsi<>a|*b«d uadaad rnforrdbvrattuod b* bund,band. ! \B. INDMW OLAM.-4AMku Wta4ow Otara. sraarte4 •tor* aad lor aa;* by Here and Itayuud. or the New the 88 bbto Appi* do; O 1 raraky tar ha>^ by INR ef Jere EWTloNhSOl.KLk-TOTlIEPUBLU;.— Man True Man. »1. love, and strung in an unflagging faith, i*to caavatcaiiTat eiibwllb rvl rrpri*. uu4aad it*il* da*«ia* to ubotikabcnit jumraiii li w V HOeH uad BfiktaiAteto late Ute II ff 16 bbto lUackberry Brandy; uiiselfi'^h turn, was raferred to tba Street Coamiltcs uf tbs DIt mouatrO »u ^ TH08. HUNT CO. yeatv'uiul of ilii* ezw A 8eh^ GIo**ury of Lnrlii>b Wurdit u»*d fiu— Utekraua end Ibr rate br 8ev*ato*n Mixturein an furiu*riy iu •to bv V It will ad«>ra IS* wal*« •? th* SNOday tawooLficbooL state* K. A. ROBlKRONtaCO. dill*r\5Ut fwtu their l*n»*iil. 76 bbtocumroon Wbtoky; the formal union of two persons is uu guarantee Western Dielrict. % a* w>tMiv*pructio*iD New ortoaap butfuUy toftod ^a<** By Rkhard Ciieoevix. Rouai,R^>ai‘*'iltetb* :laid78: er to* L'brary. DAVIS ta SPEED. Mb MatatapeeS. Whtoky; for sal* by tb* Io**tur* udy, re Ura*Lbrw"^^ ; I>. IS c^aG. S6 btU old cupper dtokili*d Uf pow«rv uud reiuuved too** prejudice* which French U. whatever for a will ennobled or affretions enlarged da-ta., from Tke ViewVt*w to reo'm.irauledaccakBiMutod kyby awaa .raiRa.*H6lHn» tey,kd^« ateaad a , LL'M COri'UtAn Iff Bwefoffia GauBUetc wtti brw44 lew to rioM*ou»MgD Li*euuiw* resolution tte Common Canocil, dirratieg TK* 'KENCH I.RMoNA-ia bwvre prSma Praute AMU ~kt hMi Alam: i.hv*icuti-and to* public «*ooruUyUmv«uaaiii*tun udver- on Sebwt Topici A4dr*fl**d to the faith which so works by •criptlve loaaual, bound in mraLw. The ,rfc. ol tbe wkota Lsmarn Tfii iii ~H Ml NTff.NT ff « G and cican.'teii. Aud ta 4. THUSTHOfi. H HI T ecuCO., Sufcnn« Huuple 4>f the paymsnt of twsnty-sight doBara and nicety- F reeteved bp SpeiiMi ae’s Rxpmra and tar rale raw A Cawrerao; aodlcin* by it* Invan^i^ fueew i u ull Urethral Du- Oud. By In. Juiuea W. Alexau- te Ftatatahr A. reUra »®-Nu. «47 WaJ Ar«wS. ^ love can make a su^nshine in a shady place, wil^.ut OAETA.NO K KuBIMbuMA OO. ;^^S,MGuaon4»i*a.ChruukGouurrti4aa,Gto*t,8pua. ^veo cents to K. J. Cntteld and Henry O Bacnon “2U^wJd',iid for rata re tte Ue»ow«ocy. M3 F-artk rt. * CO.. Aswra. .. ^ ^ . ^ Main ata 4taw Nrurui^uNeuralgia of kb*tb* B^derBladder aod Ur*l^,Ur*tora, LUerary AUracUoiuAUrucUoar of th*the Bible. By Dr. an infant s or a husband s eye tu look into. Tho ra..>st isiu a sweelb aM M|>i4. boxer WuriarwWnrtiww Rkfimn-rassfre CHiuttlisiwf rcci^rccrired loollflaolto fiarficUrer,gtarictarrr, UaUey. for taxei ncjustly paid, was rafsrrsd to the Financw ojn jtabtaw] ^M.WM. U.6. bulkley'Bl'LKLEY. HEE8E.>ffs TO COUNTltYv.. w v i, a. .a s^..MEItCIIANTS. rarakra Kre oftB* KldD*y*, lacontiaunee of too Urin*, 91 dcveloiH.ddcvelo|ied transfigured ASTILE SUSPre Ita ka> t.'asHta Saaa. BsS, HaOlad. Mr Bailroud aod for aaic by AffcctioD a thei. •« harmoniesharmonics of a and woman- Commktes.'Committes. •«««• C . .. ..re-.... . W.WV tac"'M-re Tb* D*oc«Dane*Dance andaodaud th* DancioxDanclnsscbool.DuncinxSchooLSchool. 3uaocent.auMnise*nt«. vpAR, UMR, AND URMRNT.-7i hUs far rale te tar rata F. HOWARD, hr aa4 kite, hr JSO. ‘ been set many a timelime to other C I kluMsluri recrivudr*c*iv«Mt uudand for sul*nal* hoodhiKid have music resolutioDrssolutioD from ttetbe CoamonConmoa Conncil,CoQAcil, dir>cti>gdir*c*i8 * »Ai ’ by A It would bobe well laIw obstinalsobstinate casescoses Ofof CenorTboeaCoaorrlMisa and A. DAVIDSON A T g ¥111111 111111110 MiBBlTT * Rbll. I ^ hetweeaPeiwreatarare^TbirfTbirdTiuni audquaate rFugrtb,Euwrtborem. A\r “WF h 1111Y teiw A. aC.ta.. -X- ; M t IMUMRu^ta OO. 3*tji Mala with tbe suau8434 Jffb T^Irdhird street vv • vV • -L -L-i 1 > v-' 5 wedding helD.bells. She wbowho is enthronedenlhnmeil ~ Oluui to use Id soanectionraaiieetioii to* MixtureMisture our CAM- marotur Murk*t.Mark*t. AV. AV. TALltOT, thantouotbutofthatof nev- thetSe Mayor to hive ttetbe rradesrade uf ttethe allevallay soathsouth olot |lf||l|lM l|l|Y LIIIIIIX Ita irarc Palm teas tar rata kS boxa. la sta-e ate PHORATED BELLADONNA INJECTION.INsIEC'TlOM. Price ke6u any roof, in a m*»lher’s holy suvereiguty, between Fourth and Fifth a. a. MAKE (J, r. ALM OAP.-MS hr NGIJ3U DAIRY CIIEEliE.— 4 T fffiffff * wwM M ff er, under Urosdwav, streets, w>wn£ aS4 tew K. A. RUBIMBUM J-'O. F. HOWARD. eenta I 4 OIII/V\t7i~ MDBS DRY j P taOO. E frefataby „ . , . s earn her right in many a house of comre^^^^ raired at^ c>« not to exceed Third ate Fuwrth. "TARENOTICK.-A.inNOTIC®-Ae ln_reiall uneomreic.tedc.re.ONE'iinromptyted Caere ONE .STOCK OK FANCY may Mai, ta . brtwren TAKE fm. AJjlj fa A^M1(J\Sixk-rxxi v/i.^ Kj, 1 8 NOW OPENING A LARGE H FALL FASHIONS. —* DR.DR- LE ROYROY’S*8 MllTLREsuMee.loelfactMlXTURE«iffe*.to«fl*et 3 t.Dt.iHtL NOTIONS, every i»uul to luve her. >he will create or find an Street Cemmutee, \V esterfi Difitnct, bwlra Mw. 1 BwKita ta star* aa4 tar rata BuTTLEefBOTTLEof , 1 ®BA«KBA.SKETS,ET8 FFaNA:V CHINA 8 , ATTIKC-M toriebtei»hl day*.days. u*»iri*d .if STAPLE DRY SUBacRlB»:R 18 AI THOIU8ED AGENT FOB a pennaMotcure.Bsrmaueoteitre. I.ifa ^rumfroia thythree to oom^.H ON Saturday a**t A. CRAIG -I"will tetroduce which,whicb, u»itblib hi.his Ursulars* »tock«toek ufof uiuiu(ii»here in which tu keep, unwitbered A resolution frt)m tbs Comm>n Couocil, dirvcllog GOODS! B Iw W. * M. ML'MEUAtaDT. 'PUE InDoduee toethe and TuYTOYS,8. and in fi tttr foUuwiaf bug*iw for to* a vial of the HeUaduuna la>eetM>u. tbe euet k Of 411 Markre taraat. 8toto of Kmitmffy to tor oMMory, by ALL STYLES HATS, iocludiii, the New ' ““ *'• MARTIN tV FENTON’S. D.kY LABtaC ADfWTlOXS M eteef prorapilyUy «are<.ared of a kiradrosa b l. and oftait dan. f“» |{^JJ2»J>^THI8 TO torir Wlamiaad B*andi*w oftatetek | I French I MMOttt€UotMI'StiCtg„»iiHiuSot 11u'#7/«ird//Oir w Vfr«.f ditch cleaned, referred to F.Shl'BER.—ta Bwtar aragrtai Miiwrav, fa sten aaB maladyotaSadyuu trifllaf.trlfttec. M ' ®®“fi G*nl'*iu*ii nues uf life.* Her bands will redeem lb* time, and southern was tha Cv nunit- Ho««ie. A Uo.,j foroaagarow. ,, 3 , old GenUemen’r Stiff M tarra r Wf _ A. Bteii *^fr Yoiitbii* Krv^ will off*r yreat luduocniento U) notuoi he idle. Lit ing singly, yetyv. notuui tee 00 Tublic Horks. Itooestic aa of bto own iupsTlor mak.\ herner brainoraiu eon-soli- 4 Stato fixSs! are W. * H m-BKHARUT.4IT MaiWreta. *n Otaku ta Co , L* Bockeile. a«libu>sr...^^theuifioni3otajuirec.ot. when she dies it will nut he till ‘smote’ reaolutioBreaolutioa from thktha Common CooEcil,Coaccil, dirsCingdirnc*ing Boavet, 8r., Ho deans. clrel2“i3!te^i Youn,T.u inry,, ary, by A Awl Afo ffafiy rg**rriag eX otm ssinriigm ffom to* los^ riar <|aal>l) r irata si ate ruDvinced. UCAM'T MATS wf awrs far nahseouk, can te usad i juuntne tbe .luck aud be gratitude the Chief of PolicnPolica to remove the fruit caru iRatKMW*! 1 not and Valluer; Puelcel of audand cheerful, from . 30^ es of tte above eaa te saew at my star* ate order, Ills eadcely usislilT Felt lor travsHiix; Old Men'. many a touch reverential ^ rata Mr W. ta u. ML'IUiHAlcDr. rare. dure ret A ante frowi tte Cestora Howw- ta New Oliraa. ate teippte with prefret .reeur. roaddeore and “*1 Men', ate Youths' Ledser and Ladie.' IbdiiK aSi M • W. TALBOT. Kourth street, tetwanabatwaaa Market andaod Jearcr-OUJaffcr.ou Itreetl,streets, ” 417 Markre rerraL U.u, bted; Jtab sympathy,„vn,uathy, ‘the chord of self has, trembling, piosedpassed j are te tete to Ite pwreharera, t ‘—‘ml adtact tte brealb. rtsiuires but little ckan4« in ktat. aoa re luaDyotbers. — — ‘ tk. Dms aafi Faaej (toris! ” wrewas referred to the Kavisioot^inasil^.Kavisioo Commiltan. EKMIIKiriDKKlFraH of vT«ry k»i»4; I «« {tutauera.whichbaspsndered ItreiTPoP*- iRTOHandMirad in rourcour in music out ofuf sight.sight.’ J. MONKS. restrictionfrom m order, for IrrexularIrregular beadsbend., as no nwii f Cownatut d'wriuifa* ll RaiPE. AND TWIM'K-A r iatasn l swite/ u no rer SepwralsSeparate reta.lu-;3t3reaila'lau werawar* racntvtdracnived from tbnCora- FRK.N4 nilNTA And UALICUBfi; to which Wk Wkuld can tte eltvwtinaef tot w^ten to AOGIM’O. both witbwith ttetbe public andnnd medical men. lorter batbut will fit tbeiu. ’ C HTp^lSi C-HTp^lSi l/*rp^lS» tbwCom- ate farrata kr la.ter . . , are i Mt:UiaNOI>8Jj aim! ( ASlIMEKKd; I ap Wdh tte r.otaioNS B re ww—alloswraaB Irate PICKB.-afi bam pimetato; orearc •truoflyitron»ly reoeiuiucndsdreoaiuiucoded tet* riveipvc ItaIt a Cooccil,Coaccil, granting various pwrsoosparsons tav.ra and OP THE Day PersousPwrsou* o«taste New Corpeu. Fl-sir CU . moo UAVI8 A gPEED. do tepper; i.aii iuihihtatioN' 8 — „ t ..., DDxL.VlNF.H4Ad P«>PL1N8; mark ta ^ M fr4*t.»birvWfaI,whaiilU|icem,lefcetitta|ir^«ptaiffB*t willoonvineewiflaaavinc* them efeflUilk e®.eS- *e., dewrii, UttUUltU psperpaper calledCAlletl the Spy, at CUvaland,Clnvkland, Ohio, rafarrodreferred DOWN*. andevery licentas,liceiiMa, whichwhicb worewere New Bookd!Books! I* ctatln Russ, MaU, Ac , tae., A coff-ecoflT-e bouseboust to the TR-VVKLING GiMiDri. 1 bbta ire. I New BookABooks. K rfo ; pool, and rtimniin*.. just rreeivte i, edited by a youngyeuag UJy,lady, wbu,wbo. in thetbe fMrjooAlptrsonal ALFXANDKR AAd BAjorfi KIDS; E-IME KKAMDIES- . „ Ms eereii par Railrei k ate lata by ODI.-W PS-R iwpi-ri p as TVI I P.1 U0RIIAI-V

aII Xind*; L> bra caara CAUTION.— KiomA AtoroD, or til* New Ijr*. Luanda a hhrastaad Cektare New MV Kfmktolabriha* tb* wriUau MCOatuf^d L*Roy« M. D., liffpp iimo 66* ’""i and wall a well at th. interroctimi of Mn n Ht*4»p SKlKTH^wvcWAt TATirtow; m dk Hop. dto^ « dotai ifoWf Books. Eteteh libel bra the foe tamita ta(- >««>»• an and to bur sanrenm, IIOHIERY, «• pi£.^2lt .id eJiry K «"»»<' th' attention re Purcb^rwsupurciiMrotau ““Ptete Kighteenth streets, wss referred te tbe Street Com- LINSKYA COTTONS. Bsktoviac kud far afa te tbdp^j. D. B. M emoirs of VIDOCM. tte pnacliinl Anewt WVV of carveUii«‘, compiten* the bite printing press m tt4o, tbrowicg tbe latter *'*',*!rf*rk**out of tke af the I retan re » V Itenerml arauruuent Weeiern Dintrict. W* Invite uiirebAW* to aa iuepectfoA of oot rioeX. a4- _fa» JAMRR LOW ta e kU M Frawrei Petane. Wrtean hy hiraaeir. C. THOMPSON ta CO., Sole Proivteora John C««l«y> En^sl;^^^ g. M^kE lAniwtelte I UK. L. •Ite iSrere drei«ra re iindo^. It wan a severs pitched battU ef the moat . " Marine*' torm tXnt no effurt will b* wnatlBf I* tooir the with I lii orteaiin. Mf-ln,!, thet^^ i:- (TM tnmeA, u tetiura (rum urigiiral detafiu. • Seulteru Medical InRrnury, New An ordinnoce ^frum Cummon Cooxoil to dig I oUtofAetioA. | ' Rutteway. or tte Lota One Found. amusing sort. MARTIN ff PK.\TONe 87 pp. Wr^typ^J ^ "“•I a "•*’ ** intereection of Main I>RUOa, • . .1 aoJ and ASUlxUkwcow sfiFuorthffrml OYE-STUiTS, n' III 1 -J c ... , Starai’. ewatanuHve ArehMnetura. Indudte« .1—1— Per sate ' price from fiutu 76 o*oto per****** yoM: ex. of LeRoy's IfUtnre. twi^toIi*r*to, vAryiM in I PmunalPmuoalPrrtumtl Regard. 1 wuh,”vy»h, midsaid tbethe slight Just raoeired a supply LixEkClAlrt, ortbeLArilVnny. 84 ihwo B VATVIM Acdand TwentiethTw streets, was referred to Ihe Street Com- pp 'is* retail . . Thr**-i4y nod TofnJn her friend, filrx whutesree and hy Little Ubfiri*>-*Pu*i'e. ,?p lAai« 15c .Wantreant Mr,.—Mrs .0to Mrs. . -h^wh^ Fourte Were, I « — mittee, Westera District. JSS-- ta TYLER, 7k ^ mksr. SakktA l RAYMOND JHifaf IS teso Strikinglystrikingly handsome, 7^^. ^V. ftek ieraise. Ak,, 4a era pvOU “I MILLER, tar LootavUta. Ky, pricea Purcborer. wUI do weU , loaboa wish 1 .. . . _ aam 4|f Sale Apaat. •re?al tee KiS^irarket , the „ purohatatepurohotanf etew^^etarwbere. fat, andned yenyuu ‘ ordiaance ftrom Common ConneU to re- ‘-»'-* ’ U,te fiveidTe u. a callcoll before hadid somk ofcf your bad somenuiDa of my R»em •'«»«*>« Mm ««.» — hata*faM i^h WM. H. Bl I.KI.F.Y. the 0'i£2S3Jrtte2S^ lean.”an.” “I’ll tell you,” replied the fair wit, “what P*»*P^' ™«urb sidewalks on both siOet of Tte putar re Fite nte tte Prince of tte Horae of Dnvid aM'shm^pirol-t. IS NOW RECUVINO UlS STUCK Our arreepsmrwM far toaeira ierkdktadlmpreeid reate AKPF.B-BMAOAZINEforSkwtembe*. F»*«*re. father teto theths wuh:wieh: youyon think foetoo raaei Til street, from Market to Main, was referred to OP 3i«. I far snta kteap te Itararsurpitaanhnteate brratahy Another Ai rival of Ftse OppositeOopositeUpposite BankuaoK reoul Kentucky.sLontuesy. is thetbe nwk ofot me ree bkw kw (umpfaktop tmt mtmt ites w. O Otal N-tafa kMs for Bepl. Dry fioods, asnajj j^h;tab krekreMi^rad anSf C- ta H kNiCRERB.XKEK MAGAZINE 3^ yoniaelf.” the Street Committee, Eantern DintricCDiktricC dkSkratoUkd E< Okoaprek sa rnarafuRp wtte tel LA^a ta RPCED. HAGAN CO. —4oo(00 bllUUtHe of ite *« tevw3 K TUe. HOME-aNew Book-by Frednka Bre^. tl.ta. N RI LK ROBE:s (new style.) Check Silk. Plain Cotated Ure- TimThe Engineer subnuttedsubmitted two sperifientions lue lick water— c tem merevad a rappiy a THE NElGHBOKS-a New Book—by Fredrika I SUte yatewetaune Edgiiia.. Valeuctaime larartings, STYLIsS! IS59! The UovercorcfVirgiouUovarcorcfVirgiou basban issued bin proclama- pre- ||AM6 Cfc siiw fsmily IH59!|H5S!l«»wwa FALLFAloL STYLES! Fancy Staple from Ite mer. CAOlbric l*dgillfii, Lsnibnc & direct Sprtaca Price I Inaertlius improving streeu OATlSta SPEED. B Irate Mae Lite, R 3E ,o«ii.t.w LAdb»* lletniuasij ^ tion forbidding the colieciicg officers of tbe Ntate te with a bowl- HUGH BRENT ta OO.. Embruidcr^ do., F*AC«d!ae ShMwto, PRATHERVRATHERX & SMISMITH. receive cotes purport ieg to have been issaad by tha pavement, which were received from the Corn- ta tai with 31 Assta . Mate tareet. A vartoty of ulber Good* too of “ioa Council, referred to DuiD«roastoflHAUon,wbkliwenumerous te nseatiou, which we rvspe^ttUyrespectfully Mkate toethe LAdtosLadle 4EJfaJfa JMMaraMmm MmS. Bank of Weston, in paymsnt money due the aud the Revision Corn- to eXAmine. tximiaatioB of tha booke nod — Inttoduee to tbe pubic on Saturday Hints. An proceed- • ^ DUVALL ff CO., will ^r *0>wh^ .tata ^nrxt.Aucuta 3U. ISte, their LulTSVILLE ings ot the bank dsvelopiKl tbs (act that netet bad A leeolution was adopted to ailjoara to Thursday _-! “^'^TtaOO. o-ron-m«.nti:dfre.tefb, 687 Mnip itreet BkE Thud aad Pwwrau, FALLFAI L ^YLESTYLE OP DRES6DIGlM HATS fortar i«EISM. ^^W been btned wbkD there wen not enough specie evening, Sep'ember lit, 185S, at 7 o’clock, DRY lo when KOODS *** DCMERML atyles, ^^te Mta^i^te EANS AND LnfSEY—Wk atw pnirared to SR redars - 25 ^ORALS-Of every dereriptloo-at W Ata), New York and Pane and ifaSauate dy»tetei ««!->» “<» b“k had Tailml to rta the nndlitasi CrosMuk MBIs mnnwinntuse. oa eonsteniiient and for V/ andlKV.^K-^fafai^ftnew-yieso H^L'Ld’^rramareyarey BoLd iff.uraed. J for Junta y , IhlAILS.-Hu kcasamarted sterawora eo eo JOHN KITT8 ta CU.'S. n^sandBoy. FOR FAIala & WINTER. leoeaku, a tb,i, BoteE s nte- tatastaisfar M.nwfaiwnrtai aeweaMc terms. ail HUGH BRENT * CO. IV satetew. HUOrHUGH BI^T ta CO. I J31 Jtah Molntai^ J. W. TOMPKIXS, Clerk. 1 • aetei te teta ^** Mkh facraiete saaTmtiWICKR,*0U. ^ . K , . , . - > M ' . ^

lo A JOrUNEY DUE EAST. The LoyuTilU C-«ritr, •cnif time since, lOUisviUE DENTAL DEPOT. HOliTlCULTUKAL FAlil. The ,\s^orf d Farlkipalr In the ProOU! MUSSKE.-VrA->s^ & SON", (Ccrrei^ioikdooof' of thtr l^uuisriUe Journal.] 4fci»d NA«liTille -In'y, iH*,T, pr. ct, eoBoervtB|^ the l-XMiiseille 1859. 1859. IM anniuU dirtaim t> paiicy-iwtldct.* V* , I'rfscrlption Morf* ISTtiK I'KKMII FIIKT1II-: •• “ “ •• riiiLADELruiA. Aug. 23. Family Oruir aud I MS KKNTUCKY Hoi: l» », pr. et. lioancul :uiLes* and tirulturai Hfycirtr.tlis iHtU •• iroftd, MMrteii that the a if'T iiai.l. /) atmivcmary sihibbioD to C^XI ad “ to pr. ct Heae Biaa: Talk about blcsiiai; the man wbo lovrntcd at OTJii^ b« b^d ths Ma-uulc Tsinpls ID LouUvaUe, on tho l»t, nnsx -turei'S of the work wrrts dui « xduwvoly H)l urU *A JElthR»ON.Y|rIFKFFRSIIV Toljjvcco ]\XuiiT ilVvt a ooaM^ctioa inymiwl «ueb com- COKNKR OK ad, aud dayn of SrpU.mb#»r. IhW. ^ I HA I I I of J.mrr UiitlirM. autement of the CONTINENTAI. IN- thi tact, poalioa, and indiMIloe forUMr ptan. to 4ce|i. oo WMoaoday uickt lut I lef 8 r. DAWES, Proprietor, a FfilTIT DEPARTMENT. CAM lAADflDTATinkl TUIKD NTUBKT, KKTU EUi TIA1?I %!«U TUK BlYKS, Is. got at diftAwlamil StJRAJfCB COMPANT of New York the lint lioM the Courur bwd paaeed Loahvl into a t»orth at Jc‘fli!>r»onrUle. aud tlet>t the best 35 varielies of I MLL IIYirUn I A I lUN I waa BOi For ApploH, named.... Agu go Wlliniiuiv the r»t* oC fcto, b«t »ald not lunk. th* diaunc u f«t u For tbs beet 13 •* “ on the Qrst day of July, 1859, made to XbQXJIS XJ-bIbTTp K.'sr., i,- ar.f i< d tultable |g gg V fkiUifal HTV ice* ^ tbo ARTIII R PETER •JAMEft BI CHANAV ^ “ *^"'*"* ^ d»lroDborss,d»lroDboraa, ft>r fHlawcittaeofrtlowcittaen.ow cituen and*nd “ “ the Auditor the State of Kentucky, *w , t or> j . 4 Tk« votfTytntr dIstinguUbsd b* » W — of PreiKlent oft L. r.*a .T *• angle rariet/ “ ** w. wOlBt *H lttotoB*w*(to.> *»*t*i. *f wr own ton.^iatoto, friM* VUwtw.- K*B*Btkr. eBercTfl^OoT, Helm, the Cbartts routed 5 gg HERE comwawa d» wwr. Wpler, best rarietiee l-tof. to wbicB .* raapactfiJIr cmll tk* k- Ba. of in. For the 18 of the pear, oamM lu Oi) W T.BMWW m WHoLKSAEE TRAKE this pitiable & BUCHANAN. •* •* *• •* aBd ioUBt of ^ ^ ladiaaapoas, vban 1 found mrself fairly diitaocud. PETER 6 “ 10 00 gy-Tinna lltwrwl. ITT dAwto.j klki w-ticL.n.:.w«KI-.NA!R A ** _ k.r »hat arrang^sats. ny drgis plate of pear« itand acd the Cosncr's casiur''. U Ood bW« tbs Inreator of those Sl^^epiut DEALERS IN 6 gO RICHI &. MFRIIIM Cap.:f for *n'.tli«r|>«»r •* yallow dsdisd ** , .. ,i._ ^ it* fwT. “ 6 CO *«*cf to oievBtlBg tke polltlM (xarden & Grass Seeds “ “ p Hor.- let mr ci.e my «*p«icne* (for th» hcnedt of Othf n) white fleebed frrealoije 5 (F> the fiuthful P.eudentoflhe “ yellow named 5 Situation Wanted. griBenttheexpeBteef „„ ,j„ route to phil»ddi>hl* from LouarUlc, for l W) ^ g, For tbs be^t disi*lay of varietietf ATIOX Plums, S or more... loco KX AM IX ioia*. itwi. «*- Hr tooiaaal^ to belong to the hnve tmeeled *o«r. nod know • »ood f"™ » b-onb- For the be*t dozsn Quince*..,. y a aobar. IndtoW ontor Traal a. Umt. nB t. E, Ex- » yjgd, who IwpptB* 5 gg DnESS (a-h1usi. Nch.as H«<.k of rafitoala y y of IB. HMTd *f M MAMT-VCTIwAvrr vfTrttPRsKERS OFnr JJmUUU oodentowt.. th» c«w and mnoawwwnt a For tbs bast display of Tartsties UUUuIJI B *’tc"«i aiBiaiaefl,hw*in*d iromfrntr. ;cienn.m*ttoKicterm.Bgling iMoineMsoneoBc.one. Thej or road*roaor irvwfruw Indl»n»pol>* to ITMtliB*.« .w,...*, Nttiee ^rapas. 3 or ® j. 1. ans fin Hoed* and M<>rira. ami fwdm *nd from t^Un.t^Une to Htuburc^Htubur*. qq lien an nnlncumbetet of k^rww and earnaga*. H* iptmesi of the ri. BolWonfinrIWIefontmne KR R , For tbs best display ot Foivirn or tb* ears and maasgemedt Id. piwJiticolfcoltogtUi.w..l fMltoc* Withwith the m.nmBniftmesiof nigriCUltUralilgricultural MmplemeHtn^tUtplettUHtH^ Oree^ouss, 3 ta e wD'th at koM ip],8iiu,aa—f ^er 6 in a pHra*a - I*“ * ^ Fort W.yn*.Wayns, *ndand ChleefoCblcafo R. ER... «r»are th*the varietiej or more wabe* a titaat*oa §0 _ . niwburf.rutsburr 10 00 , a BOte lo We"• regret *“•tb, «-'•*icsrto “ofrftha™the I.OrilSTIIXE,I.OrilSTllXE, For the b*st plate * gardener for ssre^ year* AddrsM compMT’ettpMT’B deancft. and b*n rfflccred 1 bare ytt seen. At I KY.HV. or basket of Latawba tirapss 5 i4) ** *• *• [ai5 dS*l kl JL GARDEN ER- viils t.tftoe . lo Guthrie, must ** iMbel “ .... 5 00 P jst ntofe oe BCccnBt of Mr. who Hotel, in nion, yon h»Te *mpl« time -non* ** *' Cowrtor I ^.^^iSalLLl STRATF.n CATALOGI ES SENT BV dioiday of Grapes, Native and Forehm. 80 00 men (ntia on Bppliewtion. augSi dAwSra .. •* COLLElilATK DSTITlTi, g BOturBl loothiBg at the towning ijoephucr ^ beil^tinglnc in the middle—for hreekfut, and a mCS Wa ermelon 5 00 MDERSOi, BlRBl, & CO., 10 BRKKUER!* %.\U FtRtlERS. ** Nutmeg Melon 5 tO pnta'sJ b> the dfaie ol York NEW ALBANY. INPlA-NA. tboB we do from anT »nbw»nti*l one you can f*t. with the poAtire aaeurance New which dictoted the orticU, For th'* flneHt f«o«ral dDiilar ol fruiD in seaASn (orufr owned h) the c*omi•' n>» "* «»'**“« u Apples, Fsai'hea. Pears. Phima, (traps# 4r4nA4m.^ to the “ Bamberm Kk OBcan dono tTi'iMiKs Impcovements ia Agricnttare the rieanne. Breed- JQBIAxl oDlaO, tTUSCipmt n»osi faeudioaf couM desire—nndar the personal attsntk>n A F.\RMF.\KM ofSl^arresInof Sl^arresln HnlUtlRnlUtt c mnty.Krxioty.Ke ,. or FaiiTg— l»r. .1. A. Warder, rtneinnatl. C. pT**'LlunA» rtue aud uol c »l>acted on modem I — r, iu». pr« aen^ to htt coaUnnad ax- <>bu>; Charles DufU-td, A. Muno, (^hsrid, tr. MASONIC p.4 des >ssue I 7,^85 lag, aad pi eper t eatoMrat of all kitoda ef Valuable mock raPAT.APorw MgT i*padi»ent it ca» BranUm At Alliance you can Imre a good din. (i. H. A. TEMPI .F, « SAT T. !t. B.-1I. LoiiUvUl., fcy. Cattle. Sheep, Honea. a*Ml Seta* MANY THANES TO MY KIND PATBDN9 Bt bBort. But •^/TORE 1 WITH io much AM) WILI. ItE t grtioB* to the CBum be hM „rire *t pittaburg in time for .upper; after which Jruoca or r*onhoff, p. Mortm, H'ViJ' DULY TgIcJ amouikt of A-Mp -s To any peat emaa with piopertr. rtuairing th' **p«rv>e- f f e# the roy aad Htaae: a tele tbeeaef Keatudhp. Mw- jgjgj,»» and r^Tenw; b*l*nce° well*”umb*t^ Fiowtae — Dr. J. N. to • to«« eit^ Butlsr, ioD of snehape ma. tbia is aa opporhiaily stftdom «. tbeftr i beral patrona^s far Yaek Trihwwd.TribBe*. Gov. Haim baa a maclvmacly go to d*«pdeep in a comfortable car on the pennsrUpennsfU with wsiuut,wEiuut,w*iuut, popla%popla*‘,popla*', beech, oak, Ac.; hewed loflog Dwelling.Dwelling, I Mra Auvtin Hesy, Mr-. J. P. 8|wed. anS «w«fl Khao a*>d LouwaBafor - >,W Y«k wra aratalmufTBtalkaU to badbftd that .©a n ^Ti‘^?*•T'8T?^JK; ta Hnrn, and Stab>; good Young Ore^'d.all raiietl«wor| with. Please addives srve*^al yeaf I eeg bavete psasw my |» ^luMMsb ran .a R. R. and arnre a, Hanikturgh in Ume tor break- VKGE FABLE UEPAIITMEST. T.ItBIUTn.-*. to tu titoabethtoWB I>e-Ocr.tIto-Ocrat «n CflARLFJi E. STET^^f. I>|.. I mofiaae wtfba iaaiSed amaaere# Msla. aader mr tern#. jjm gg« politic.To^BtpoliticBTo^Bt L'‘sse^ iocurre I and not adjustel l Ul ' while pawing the L 9*,7il amor Heusv. New V •> k. or magiaa^a gBtaB ef ih* Oppeai faat. thereby aacurlng your own comfort dance of wab r; canan be aoldsold In two parD,parte, a»as tliere i*is a dondon- I For a general display of Vegetables containing ths G-0033S X w | u shmebea vserpt Im tbs medsr* to lewmd te B .ith IndigBBntindinant emUmntemUmpg t^tba leU«*ei* leptirtcd aud ID MU.-e-.se I.tsiu AmmicBBV_— to - which chBr«t«.z-. wrth 3. a85 d1 Ths Editors of the .N. Y. spif it of the Tlmca vie PlaglMb. Lalla, Oraeb* portton of the Journey. AOer l«rtng t ie wt of buUdlng.buildings, and, l«rtbest of all, -U.wUt be so«d really low IN’ER BROUGHT MeedM ibe iWMl baacbm, only uninlereaUng TO THE WE>T, 3. Claim* f^r luapes i esisred oy tae C*> . . . B*wt half bii'hel bwi>«>t Pritot>es, red 5 i- liarri-burgb yon raw throngb P6 strtkfl. fiulp^tur Yellow 5i0 OvtNSIBTlMU WlUltbd. to the fol'ewiad, W-wH: Pb>mo*<»a m^nbi^b eou^ry imafloaUc.imagloaUc. Ona moment bemmad in a#as It we«e Yam> 5 us ^ TADY earabiy ef taking efarfe ef the boil e-k «pini fey. Ge«dQ(T. aad Caassaea Law. Tbene hllrirad amned pwiygiyty uia ibR ^ K’oh Vd»et /lie ton ••••» 8 heads Flounced Robas; ia a torn ieaiaie ptibed UMBiures w.tb tbs asaeomry aiipaiabw. rahbaea Sn» departmsat boarmag • by hBto*^^ yon fancyfucythcrvthere e*aliut \ abuoL U fa— *j|f* *[11. .t—. to »i». iiMtoad?aaad? wiium.aatitladBBtitiad for bUhi* aarricea.•crric**. TTb*La Uemoenk,Democrat,. latn a n^,raai. gigwnUcgigEntic ranchpnncL bowl, from which •• kch:h Chene du d. All oUier existoig agaioM the Co. S,bw rUTi.-. vhich ww^ hl^yfr^h»»«nwB pwf Uig janU*Jnatlv IQ^QI T.T. IQ 8 plsnD of edwy 3 tw do; whom good wmfve will be ^ea.ne*. Krf*r**e*fcedsrvace reaakw*.reaalred. aad rba^ _ ** Rich . Hnofuth-t,Dnorutb-t, but praseoUyprssenUy doutltugadoubling a cape and rudilngrushing X k/ 7 i V^s h lK)ubla-s(kixt do; i»«m fbsiKi bsta tor th*the WtolMtbeialaat Urms:torto*: bk aa•• «BCbBiB« cbIib.calm. temDara*a.t*mp*r»'*.tempsra'e, sodand duiDidedai*;nifiedil4;nifieil O f AAhJAh Ftwk Tuiustoes 3 UU Applyto WELLER Bb PaKKEK.Parker, V ouag wil iad everv (ollowtoc ... Total amount ef Liabulties ^willkBMkto hmtba . *• 8 Rich Rrorad'* Sixth wraM,streM. near ugeias ail their toadipa lap Ir mas awafwed to ap«a lh« • into a wid* eii»n*e of ooanuy *iudd«l and dotted with fnilD of Plant 8 »u a34 )bb4 Mwr k.Ma'a. Fd pc ta UTB* to abataao* c..^n *' Fuur.tfuuucetl UB||fcag*. rebuke* Dug. roou of 8al*ify 8 Ou ' tboea graduatuig la Big*>c-beetoB^ PiBwdwBriil OBBtoBt the mort rbewful and well eonductod fmm*. Here yon “ “ ** of l*anmip» 8 cju ^ * '•I'bfndid line of every 3^P«’*er-hoMer» r-srtlcliate la the prottj without >— BtoaSba....9A “effronUrv »na roDtemi tli>l« nirxuDeu deacilpton of WA^TEIWA^'T’KI N^lsljrROl*AS,* to«writia#aad Tu u»a pas Sawiiia of five lairiT reSccto iu cell* th* ero*.ln« canal, then running elangaide a beeutifnl “ 8io8 10 iucunlug.«,l»hlii,y,h.t.wr. ceadidk* who a of (Carrots . . . * **"ito Be etocl • ^ .lUwill pay th.the hlJlLhtobssl «ghcash ssicas forlo, fL• Tu*t*«a atot»e de da ka Forth*) 1e*t Dck of luroiiN* 8 ig) *11MbHU WE w reeeluteljr cany owl Coarier : river, end freah. iuteraating, pueUeal vlewa apiinrng to * - tor will of th* ** ** VO HUNDREDhiHI NDRLDni.keu A*aTiFtykIPTYFIFTY NEGRiH.NEGRiHn£gk..i^ tialy tbbfy papito will he admiltod and aa dabasMaa ^d r^Jj; TWOtwo Ubit*. use. 8 Ut) | doz*‘U th'rts, fur 8 W which can only be TilOS. 8. KF.\.\i:nT 4; BROTIIFR, QA * luiaaiaetL torost.sCrMst,jN)tweeabet diSarewcB*^ "**""*^ ** ** jK at oorwarwoi uAe**, oa FutoFuel ween M^r abesasa eaeo|4 tor yruiractod ulaemk ..BtuB* “airkiBR IgHii»TiIU CoBli. r of the « Ji cool«hn xn eiew ceery moment. of CaulUinwani 6 Uo | tk* Tb* hA f doz *u kesds ' *Z Geuuine Irish Tabiurbiand PopWns* AGKNTil. No. 471 Waiosire«N J^- ket andan Jeto'rwia, Louisville. ^Mr. >f bb4 •BbarSinate BaattBf^ " which due* Go*. Helm, the »hl* end inde- 81 cannot forhev tolllug you that among the paaaengeri “ pumpkiux 3 (#• -^y*"** ^ toado»a..«»a.toaathe arvi Monday latbasaatb. Wh*r xrticl* •• (lettuiue Lyon- and .Norwich do: Batweea Fourth and kif k stree'*. NVgr -r»I slwaysell oa haad^ tor sale. o|(B**tt* •* th* liBi»*to BJBW “ peck of Ouious 1 u.) " e»to«*« ud k.hrwy. the pteci** S*»hvill» waa a mguUr, ilmight up, T. ARTEBBI RNK. I the* thto to httCBble Pretod^t uf th* laruirwUl* Bud from Indlanaiwlia to ('raaUlne, Chintz, Figured Foulards, and \ tieck-<' Over Mark A laiwna. **too»awia JrDOta.—Istac Everv't PliUip .1 udge, H. W. Gray E. ABiemoBB. Me. in-N-s. t ai*hme es, J. AKTKRHl R.SX. KKyKKENt'K.**. by the North auch inlsntiunioletiUon is I elickslick family, whose pedal I aud I hibet tM! plain Jell dSmkAwS h***“*^ Kwroad, injustica,injustice, thoughlhvu|^h any ^ud down deerrodantdericendant of the wboM ThutuiNH)U, Frederick (•. ICdwardi*. Good< and hgured: M==!!r^=B J. B. ANDERSON, tmf.- . txpraasly ditKlaimed. eilreullit s were iierfoct far .alniUes of the immortal ream's I «_ FLUWEK DEPAKIMENT* lK‘Igaiue», in Robes and by the yaid, vodd colored, in I of the "‘^£1 It ataua in aul»atar>ce that ha completion in hw wellAtt'twu pietare, via: Two aud a half feet of •INO. A. MILLER, ever)' ahtde and 00 or; For the ho t 3U uaiiicdusiiicd K'>sj*Ri>aj* Inin bloom 91*git i*S FOR SALE OR RENT^RENT. •* ('biid*eu*s Ri)Im*s; he SURS4 RIItER having sold his STt»CK IN have t*een aUained without the ser- *• “ •* I B«». TIU«L AI-EN. ER. N*w Alh*By. rend could imt li’rafa V to krei> Uia pautalooiu wlththemill- * I? « Ufl Fancy Jac, in every color, T TILVDE Tt» Priacipatoof the Famato SebeatoJ yiceeof the lion. James Guthrie; that, altlM>UKb OO r*o\xrtlx sstroot, For tl»e l»ey)t diepUy of 24 named Dshlias M4J I tary eide etrap— er the t ip of bis booU. lie carried a *• Rive ^^fa* “ •• •* SAIOL i n..BxE b» ti er, if tfcis canree tkey sfcanW rJioale b* “ ol 12 I IW VALUABLEVALUABLB FARM FOR a b . . x. Hoi, by oecBpyiBi;oocnpviac an *p|m«nU*ap|karenUv ml. ^lioo, ** -barrelled gun tbrungh the can in aiich a |«dUuu a. ** of Ito'ddiiiir out plants iu variety lu on HAVINUolherbokBWM.BgBwmmw.nsinlHngwrII A VI NO other badaemengarenmnts. rexinlriiif my in ‘‘»“J “J .O' IS NOW OPENINO ** ** w bu |ta*ket .Stand... luiii kt, to the groat horror and dtouay Oruanieiiiil or Flower Evening -* ladured totooitormyoitor I W. B, TIIOMP^»N, kag.. Weedmavilla, Mart Os., Kv. .J*- to "ke them ton aud Dress Goods. Ae&j^coaetanlcoDstaat ativaUoa,ativaltoa, I havehavr bwo mdurvd my whito It luiv ha*« ii*wn iniMidedVetoonly *• *• jgi WM. C. CO., lUk.41.el SWEET nrtos. 1^*. , ^ . Table & ST f*rmfsria for Ur.*%lr. It ewatUascuateias *28 acres. Ito acre of.*f tob-rh other HOURS; 2T fur particators, addtem Bf IMM, lilfH FMim IDERKl) VELVET •* “ “ llludon and 1 ace Roliv-*: J* bewnda. tb. SaTco-ipli.iwmt U the linaocial .nd butooe*. kt.il lUml 5m wiuiLI roMto-etfully rrotmna iol them n> b^ o'd fr^Vudx an*! D drst’ratedrst’ratr Umtof. Ail tbathe betoar-*totoar-* H aader K*acr,K*aci*, aug-> dbw Vibaay ladtoaa ** (treitailine do; New r*lha». Se hUf anapreted ,t might go o«. toad^ or noload-l . Al*. l;IlTl IHd'IILK-dKlKT SILK KtHlRS; Fb rwl De-i|fM ait ..Ji mir reroUitoBrnry ev«rry ea> ewithy of Uivir eonSdenc** and 1 and in a hi^ -tale ef ca*uvatH»D. ia nala aad pwlky *f Guthrie, la n rilnut lboB„h unuid.trii.l.le ** ** < 'nil. cliou >•! Cut Kluwe s. Damp'd lUUO 'Par Stan «i«to of l*re*ide.it lUlui. Now w. »r« not irg ** ** Tmseletl Bayadere l'arl:(tai)«; owBaurw r. I lisp ay of all kinds of Flowering PlaoCD la full atow *f tbr cmdially go with b» ib r.»mili4ed aark of poutoea Kolll-S; imtoasauib-wMCinti iiiiuuM, LNliLlSH AND (j£liM.\N wA('ADENl^) the Nuath woald borne uadt -and eaacUy a VOLANT POPLIN Dlusioiie. in »*her>* rott»r; I mb to that Gov. Helm hag ImcD ih* *oto bi« a T«0 intub-, |*ot«,Ac WiW citv, and capitoi of the :4talr, I- »»:biii'm i.k-*- «*f • w-a ^ ,«UB(I aad . Pans and Its lau KepD, the (*oo*1s of the toSm m*«ammaH ^ ^ aaeh a Mtoa. ' B“t *be mual remarlahle d. velopew.nt of lii* clmractor liUTI llAYAltEltE SILK.S, For the U‘i>t duzeu Gteeuhouke l*lai*ts in or out of JAMK.S HMlLUmBl npaunp< abieh the variiMM dvr'IlieR,-. ImiDa. and aal-bnasM, MK . go deep aa iaieregt. Hig ter* keg *r* lodge eontainrd g blade for iwch day In ibo wm-l; leaide* i;llENE |S>PLINS; v*. »! ... oaaatT bare PI-AIN AM) KTi*wn by bliuseif bersedf. c...„f.*rtAhto preuiiiitu ibali hwe Ucu or « wou-d inv tlie ar*- dwpWag aaiao oaly *f thot* who Oxxx- Xx'jUslX Xa LxXOXXiS, f Us attcii'Sun uf bu' ets (u y 0^* anarerrv«wd. The buHdiug- a ^ _ that tharg h* a vouQ- I * •aggggt g,j|y oppracialed bare, a^ B«t «oe ia Hardin a^vrtal other run\«mU'nt artidas, such as lioof-deane-, VALF.NCIENXE LACE 8ET.S; 3. I't r or artul«v'r«uuot receive premiums, even thouidi .... tlwir iartn* aud eouiplrU* amu.tiuuot e( * roKtziainffcoi elcvi'u mam#, wKb n>ll»r, aaidi bailee, *nmke- MK. 4 MsOANLa, Wfillog Matosa. j have lieei nstaomoo of that b« not n moat mnsttfrly Ui-re rliouM be mtntmUtiuu wh rh bau#a, lei^baim^, rmi>roter.#ho,>, carriage-bouato eytoeie;’* it n erai, natural, and p-ernmnl to the h*d bMD ^uander«d, acd ^t k wa* every- fruits I a.* I aat beaMw ea the preatoi^ TImw« ie a large gartoa and ^•Ml* ,;re*utn». J'IOITREl> AND I'la III tsi'ssii ui sii ^s*ioarit*w« p*U asa0m|4Wag a pertoaS amSertoand ag of araryttoag ^ 4. IVr-^nsIVr-ons cotup'cutup- ting forft»r the premium for fwoiTalfaoiTal dWdl* tka ptiiry, ha caialy caasU ba w igpmat ar m aa- financial circles rtgardad as n- lostwwe— aoUr-vw.vm. | urrhard. coaiahHag marly evtrv rerirty *»f trwH ahmb flight. ml ths bsrgiiaii ^ whsiWRal a rhanrecbaDrc hashos eonn*ooiiH* overovcT tUMthis City(Jlty ofOf Itr.ktborlyItrolliofly laovsIgOvs I • si*a«>u otTer |)1 mv of fruits in may anv number of vark-tle* Kiel fi*l4kV^K, aii4l grows la tOto ewaatry. Tb*> iawa -wrrh*uo«liae Ibe Jw* iliag emU m s# toe ctoM- aei that aaoagh b*b to tba prig* via* ag to tkiak k pgttobto laa four years ! imagitkct buildings i "1 '| Nod auy number of specimeOB in cac tiilfd with a large varirty (*f the rbmc* >4 ul fruit trews, remening pawer f igmg. aff|w<«ama ef toe . . durltmthe Only MW aad F«r toe , _ %/| Z' «ii auntlcls; • recoil#^ tbat oar pe«>fd« •bruh#, fluwer#. everzrvraa. orasmental and native shmto German toaruane the kw4 »<>rs4, toe pn- party *ill bava aa/tbinf to lnct>uTwof.r«tioDthUseaMO.ala<»stof#:i,n,alaoostof 8:i,ugoto826o,- JA^-L X llXvJt.fe5 SHOES! I iTaailr m ftaa&b to*w oomstiUMavu^immxm am j m t *“ full liuc of Boon & T»iP‘ther Of ao aLOfwous lax, ani that UtoV Dad a rvi'|>ccUble ro irctluu in suy ibitx* of theciaisi*- uf truiD I with a trrm. Any ^utieuaa d'-sinax a rieb aad wHl imyruved pF# ac'ittenag it la the vaam way m they 4to thiiron^e tlto praasafe .. \ ^ , y shall keep on hauil at all times, in addit on to ob it. «n«h- I‘ think U.e "to-cior.obi<*ctorstoto kreetstreet rmlroml.ra:lroads would.o..ld oaniM in thatcffer.oiar competemiid reoi4vr theprvmiuiii. I .. We farm, and a 4-llgbtful coaatry re iilance, «UI flud toAe aa- 4»«ilh tach B BBtoa bbU« to maka ww thTroeedy cumplelioankh ofcyT tb* ro«d toftgk lookikwOt IgNto *.k TAI^lIxtFRE PLAIDS: _ ^ " sluill I #uri>aese.rT wi» rh » \|>>N.«. VM.'Tl.R m.ILKA >r ftalr. fartbar aTtatum of utgectiuos, nltix|Mlin PIJlI*iMrlur tba fraoad oZ ca paisas tabk of relievu>c tba Cumpafij of a ntiiumi ter than speculative and soooer or later mmd Aod fanaiog Imiiiaai *u • tu emrry oa aicb p'aolaiiua I .*1 terbaa -chwul#« Faim. oKiBra to will , are low, OMKict upas bo ~V{xleiicitxs; plHUtsin pot#, tub#. d(C . b«dt)Ug the SocieD*. and purrlia#** our jmee# nuiiu.m aud aud we bm serviae* to a tonoh- it# vegetablee. and an: d«*t4*rm’ut‘d to give #ali#tucii w w which would be s%4d with the farm, aKmfd parties 4c«re er of l‘t«acb aad Drawing, lie nmie iirOdi Qg^ldQg^id carrv a ain^la mqmo alavaboldioR coatract with ftej moor & Co., who had oedertakeo prevail; thcretorv. wake up and have street railroads, aad )*e sold fur b**ut'(lt. ^11 utherfiuD. a | at to tha m»- I-i:Ib'TKI) UxIJkINES; wilt the ^wwr it. AarAnv gvnUrmangvoUemzn wishingwishtnc W pureh^zpwrehtoe az very suimwiur ertionarrtton that hrt wUlewoKe any pwpK lurngwre well flowers not wltbdmwn by the owner be guld and .b | wh* tteougM X to botldbwild ttotfaa ruad atgt tba astinsteegtimtt* of tbatb. tb*nIben cbwfchief do aotnot kt it.t be ««lih*tsaid that "Lo**LouisviUc D alwa>s last in adopt — -bb. Bm»«B.aB.** b*** cumatwcowaty «tock &nu would do wuU lu vDttlhi# omm. Tmrm*rnmy. owe #«MMse under h s i Sim^ ^ m eiacUwm^wm Coa^ToistoBgl DigtrtotDitor^ mar ^ well printed Delaine kobi3: proceed# given to the uwuer# a# at Uiri wrekl) sIhiws. AVnEDQnK] JR PII m#8nm «Wn I* dini ew with mmf fir- aownaar ^L. Bobtoro'^, who was sospeoted for RPRrV I hbnir# further infunaztiun, will a4«lrvw»me zt L. d*«eef airmcher. IheYveftch p eMMlsMe^ wh eft orpaactoctMaocbBcaU. Many caotoitoimhW PI-AIN DxLAlNEil—alloolun; SpcbiCfieid, lllinuK. L. P. KA.NGEIL «u often i# a n u tter uf Ibe# irzziieizl eveu coctrgeton. A railroad Jonroey famtabe. bat few iacideuta of gi ner- if btsifiUrid lu I'etar «k Ituclumau, l*uut#vi)|e. uad ift* enmm C. CO., zu38 »t*4hwi* of abnndon i n the fnr s# the BobUi were BBprioci- addr***wl himself with s will aid an L Young, inesideDt. WM bWEET u th gmsmZ uf th bbbIiot *f perwiB* to w Gov. Haln ,1al inin'eiajt,o,B. hotbat ouchsuch aeas It ta.is, yonyou eresre welcome to. AlfO BAYADERE W. T1. Gallauiirr, tWr»*tary. aid d vVwS guitnd hr him to h-s cuyft# in z 8W|( i BBargT worthy of tba important intarart at gtake, BTRIPED, PLAID, Copaitucrahip. I Btod ag to balig thair owa caavictigaa by toking Your*.Yours, At.,Ac., JJ. W. (VSIl BOOT \\U SIIOL UOFSF, X and hit owa kaown cgp»city and fair rfforU were ^I^HK ui»deTelrn**d l.zvethD <*zy a-e c-ztM themaelvxr* aaoh growak, awwy i^igwtimtauw—.aakwowirm XBO^petmouyBOttocUv STATKMENT " For Uie lo,^.vUI*LouisvUio joaroxl.jJouroal.] a toettbrr uudvrtli# #?yU* and firm uf llart& Cizrke, ” ver, Hettder«on thirty I or Green ri in nonniy, Ky., nhont that aconapltoh aathtog UEd*r Paris; for the puriko#** uf traus^t iis • z> n-rai btiiftm'eM ia wio*-#, mouth. ell they ooaM 0, tUiag care to con- de mUes from the There zni om# hnnomd nod <1*v«a jj, Valor w^v BorideiBetides thetbs g*D*r.lReoeral ioleregtinterest we feel iain the wel- auw TIIF. CONDITION OF THE lti)Uor#, zod fancy irrurvti**#, and have izkeo tbe buii.-e twenty.flve zerve clrnmd. TEATEAwHBRS'wMBRS EXEXXMIlffATION-A M wUbio tba Umitg of bis very Urn- >:OTlCK. , bMvac by it czeapi tbair own poHtkal proatmiab fat hk oparaUoos fare af every county in the State which has coo- TIUVELING DRfSS GOODS. lab ly f-crupi. d by (*#o. No»r, No. 14, Ihird "trt'ei, be- \NN namiaanMvuaaiaatHHi of amttaaa*..galVaa t. tofag TnteitW a***.* ^ nMir. Sl'BS RIHl'.RK WI.-HING TO CLOSE GIT Tk. cool ta vanr Gunwahnl to tba rhnw and ta af -xosl. ***^ Haana, aad wban oocaaioaaUy from cAoaas oo- luhiiraucc (onipany, tw**fO Halo zed Mzrk**t. ehrre they bui*e by -Iri-t ztten* -Xw*V wilt tok.•• »• d aaoa ^TuriJaT. 31. a* • a'*fa*B triboted loto boild up aadand sustain our city, we justjnst Phoeoix Fire 1 Block o( Goods purvbzsed Dnt unaUlr. Tkar. ta a. tan* amoual of volaabto iliabM’ Tur-da^AMugammI g •Bd dMimoa. the t.iiMir pwtroraim. the o.d of Mr. wUl had gooa beyood the meaos fi^ tba time tiuo to bu#ioes# to merit z »Uzre ut OB ihta land, mw aiUta oonnataat, and aavlmiton ante- ?*.***at Um *.*?Fan.,— Ta UwkHwh SrSrta.ilta.il Baild^.BailriM*. aaawar af VaaAm . _ -a w,^»B *- -— 8aan be feci a special and peculiar mterest io likrrsD eell the im xe toUig«t la4^ ^tha N the 1st dxr of JULY, 1^98. n zd*) to th<> Auditor of HENRY HART. Waiinit idrate*. MM ^ p„t hu own nxm* in bank, aad terai'lad at all tinn-. cobbIt on account of IhY preaent •inigglt of her airi of K^'itluck/, in cumiHUiier witii su zet «q- [u2 • d»^1 A. CLARKE. Apgly In ^ O the S iVugust 24, JAS. .^t Aur »erw>a dwtriag t* iar.:ka« will apv'v In tka Sugarictaadeal (ta tb* mm* BuM^ damaad or cxyaet Bouthara privata credit to iiutaio tba credit Oost! Karth can hanaatly pladgcd hi* own ettizaaa to aecur* batter facilitieg for prumutiog Linen Goods. UU d “zo art tu r#8ulzie A#»*iieiiw of Fureicn lu#urztcv W. ANTHuNY. /uuraarB. O. W. A-NDtDdul z|)|‘r.«vrd S I )Jibrch, 1>^. I NTIL THEY ARE ALL DISPO.SED OF. *Ai dul coaaarrativw* ar aarbadv ato* to eamaamt to taka of tt« road, well koowiiig tl^ a tecood tiupaaaiua tb«ir owa aoiixl acd commercial advancameot a* CoDii»zui<'*." HENRY HART A, CLARK. alkdAwtalai* mraoDoio. Kr. D H-4 A lO-t SCOTCH DAMASK; »' P»troiia« to Fir»t. NAME AND LOCATIJN. XV ,n. C. SXX tET dk €«., th*tha gtoBBdgroBBd ofaf a*aa fruthcrfrnthar axUBatoaaxtaagtoa ofaf alawtry.glavary. ThitTht* P.t IU.4 IIARNSLKY DAMASK: FEMAI.E HIGH i * SCBOOIa - bava beta doo* by oiherr, and.» T*" The Qzroe of tb** Gotcpzny U Fbuealx Fire lo»urztct> HAKT & C:LAI{Iv, DESIRABLE RESIDENCERESJ FOR SALT. . . • • •J Ix)auvil!e. Uarran ha* hitherto baru on* of L u- (Suenwnn to Jama* Samll). 1 -J. u- — DAMASK: T’HE wraad exaaatnalinn of age -canta far adathmaa I* waa net tha ynociplaynacipla afat tt*tfc* MmaonnMtoaoari oeapremiaa,oaapremiaa, Mr. Guthrie for oeght w* know, bnt it war c*r- 8-« A 1U.4 SNOW DROP Con>|FiD>*, zud ia located iu lU« c ty of Kit>ukiyo, Sutc of IMPORTERS WHOLESALE DE.U ERS *"** ev»... from Shamr,ou.ik. by uwilU’e moit valuable cailumari in point of tolid AND at* «; MARKirr STREET. | m., Srtaool .lU n-mawnr. oa Thar.o. Tbeziuount of ID czpMzl ttuck Is gg OICft; ig»ol. fiid few U-l11-4 A& 1*ii 4 LINENlinfn SHEETING; \Vl.\eX -4>il> XlUt HAVE this d*>- o-mclatkJ with nw. in the Feed and *1.^ vfiCA -Kuia VK* wa vary couatUg that have 2*iu,uuft u# I b/ vide, az the LouwviUe Turnpike-S mm«1L O. ANDCMUTt, pnmtopU«r^ tha CutoprotoiM of IMO, which w Tbe zmuuut uf lU cztdtzi »tuek ivbts due tb# i'ouipiny, •#- A. O. SANDERS & CO, Im, weud. bain b»iar.c far., tbr lw*l ary touth -td* Braadaov, kaO. I am and Itaaak. b«v., *t oae Ume or BEbtber, t*il*d from the iter- . and aad •luamr ...... J « , ctt X -Y"t IY eiirod iuurU;z9# oo uolu- •larary coaM b* •xtaaM eoath cf tb* Ua* «f M tad eveo bi. lift, h* ba* pm* oa faithful and by nawr-iailliw .airt Tk. grouto. ora han^maiy ot^ 'T' HE doltaa af ikD tahaol wM to mamad aa IB* dor ling old county of B and, while tke** form on , M ; TIVT I . I j cumber^ real estate worth— Gt.XiEKIL HKOUrcE, fd A \ 11 J-JK XI/,K ntrnfad wltk av«rftn*B*. cbuim a.**'., and tto aa»t ailar - g --amtor. wbage T tb* paopl* cb*M, aad tb* two (rcot Ft*mft, aatil tb* oampUitoo of t^ rood ig not ooly •tarnlial elemcat in th* octiv* bu*ia*ti X Y v-r , XX. MILLER,X”-IXXJX# | ^ W v popaUtion JNO.O A. *:B.''Ba w-«B. *•« bun of fro'D znd z •miiv purden zttnrbrd. hCkT «t hand. thia Ute dzy, in the «K» -a c8rUtt bwt At the cilv. likiran cuuotv fumia an cqunlly cotea- ses»6 RTH 8TKEI8TKEIT.T. Forwariiiiu ^ («iuuis»ion .IfercliaBts, Tnrm«#n#jr. Inunneul the underaifaed, on Ike premi- Mrviee ^ ewM* ,S7m.rt dldi FOURTHKOI HetweeQ MGu aud Mziket, Me Fanjikk Rdeenlien, za w«ft ee in tin Mnth— ef Tou-b**r« zod aciiedule ac- #L-s, or zt k s uAee, uvcUf^th.jtocctogofa.ei^^^^ tUlcl.m«tlotUproduc'Uvowoaahof Itisuu. No. li Third idrvrt, keiwecQ Mzin zod Wzter, Mi. the cIs nirs. the ftodem LnnpnnftM, znd Hkm dftennte eoiugeoyloK 183,413 00 zug.fC d att LgI'ISVJLLE, KY. illtoff tbal tbi* cguditioa *f tbiag* abonld cca ,t heart for tw**ty y*gr», w* ttick be i* »n- zu3 li dimis* THOMAS J. THBOUP. Temm per Ao nttom mi twentp-Uirvn wevkft 888. <^,1, in view of theie well-kcowo facte, it ie but oalurol due the com|*ztiy, otli- latlUlSVILlgE, 4. Debt# KY. No extjnzA whntevzr. tiama. Th* Mmaouri com wo* rapaoUd, bat rittod to at l*a«t • obor, of tb* proio* that th* ciUzen* ghou’d feel aad exhibit a noiv*r PENTON, rrwi»# securMl, per voucher# MARTIN & aikASS FIUTIT .TARS! Trset Tar Sale. Pznuent InvzrteMjr in zdvnnez. A. ftYBHTZ. Coorier i* wort loUyitb apoo tburn who have doo* zccuui|»sn)'inr t>4,OI8 50 Ysinsbic #f Laid the iwapti tinri to repeal came from tb* Kartb aad coocero in behalf of any asd every eoururiM O tiun of Pl.-ODLCK z:h»>kk11.* a»«B jra»«am-SSa og«. 5. l>«bta dutt ih# Coiui'auy fvr th.; lowivt rotm. eontzininf acraa, 3M zeree elenr- LooigvilU. W h:t* we cuacede Jertiaed to eflact lO rad.cally and beneficially tha Z8.3nss a-oox>s, 6. The buud# Zitd rtocka owu»*d Copartnoibhip. Thisl'zrui h w«U zdzpte*r* InleKuiit , — loczl#d on duiemnt pnrta of tke I'znn. ooMtymgn. who *uc- gt x., i* by no mean* an in.igaif cant project, TINGLEY, ftvir of ft tot lythoBCM aad thmk. tbat tb* eawaato* wa* a l cured, zr<4 Ibe rate «f ioter- WM. tonriher un T fur the rsc 'pt on er «ako4nra. In it ft pniunod • aver atfoin ef Dvr A1NE8 AND POPLISB; . ceifolly pfuiidad the tb* rimJ, ord ROBE fstUiereuu, to-wit: zleznrm ed aftadiee enlenhMed lo hi rnnfti mnnfzr . . . , every anligbtaoed citizen of Tlziren muat read- iiiaaarrili 1 tbotaocht ™ )ilLK R01H.8 and 1'i.AIN SILKS; tkdac narar to bar* bean who boa oat tb* locomotive to ranmnit o-er nearly ....fj l#t. lo #hzres Allzotk Bk, WAOON MAKER, iof zdvztetenuiiy into bwftmfti ev npon klplHr pi i,_ fullv apprecUte iU imporUuc*. And, if UGl Kf D DiLAINES; PLAIN. RAVADERI. AND New kork 84,HW 10 t IB chid by a rad* haad, wa daa’t aa* wfay tb* Mki milM of road with a rmallar debt bafaiqd un- nniveroal tympaibiat of our citizang TAN.IORS. AND Eol EA No. i>id Molu riretd, between Brook and E.oyd, beany aud CAMII.LAS. ,, *de 5o share# Uulted Fer- rTIMLNAS; I ’ iww ahooldaY I?** tb« any read of tb* oomc amrtgate cjgt in butl)Ut *p**dspaed tbathe cobl*coble work, thetbe happy day JAi-'Dl ARDS. TAGiIOMS, AM) zUend to ziu' Lusiaez# enkrusled to our en e. Y» ZwS b* arilUaf to rgadar a ptactical abaarr- could of ryC«mpzny 5.350 CO LOriSVlLLE, KY . cool neichborhood, 18 aftUn# from Henderson, Ky • on tke OtiRI) MI.RINUEs; I PLAIK, EIGl'RED. A.M) N. & Gl ORFa, For Inclkeff ini.ifnieHzn zppfy to it* campletioo would nut be long deferred. g>i*v\’t.*w: LAg*alPlf\’ X^tkUITTS. rood to « fwvnskem. We wiU wU with nr wkhont emp znd ome* to tk* priacipi* of k a* for aa aka kaa oppar- GW)VES. hosIERV, AM) MITTS. T„,.i .. ’••>Inptl»aII nnleiwforanydrarr'i'ton !zte o— of Pviiton ft Glorn. on rezMinzbIe time, to ze to mU purekemr#. f*nezmdea RKV. Ra M. « HAPMAN. PHiilp zla Ibe great fundameatal fact, that this proposed WHITE G(H)DS-all kiua.; “ l «f WAG*>N.S. carts, drays, TIMBER-WHEEl.>». toait»g id ra. T All ottor ;«Jriti«'';i;;‘iB R. DARLING, fiven immedintoly tf destmd. .lOIIN PL'NK. zlPdPwft* or DR W. W. HILT, Pim’t rd Ttm. d4doc If ah* tboagbtaad thiak* Mr. O. J*nning» Wim u an b«r.dit«ry duellitt; KMllRGlDERlta? AM) L.M'E.S-nrw; ’ 1,0 -WAGON.S. SPRIN<1-W.\U«.N.S, *r.. a.U> ted to im‘p;!;^v?m7D\'TiirTuUw‘ mViroIDWgSTndT^^ t-real mgerued Dul notiot dueUna.. HI-7,tl- 00oo z23 dtf of UzimlHon, Ky. M. P. K( CKRR. that ‘*** Governor of ^nia. wa* a WHAWI d AND FALL WRaPPlNGS; Wratorii and Southern . ourtry. Ordrn.fiom Ear- a Uw p»rmittia« alarafy ! to gm wharaTar the Pf***“‘ ^ bicb dn^rev the iniaresu of fitricullurzl pop- fti» wdirited, aud any FLANNELc— T..1 I waoa UK u m<- i>, ?! nlotion cf Uarran U oo obvioa*, that to multiply 1 ol J a«et, of the Coiniau, COMMISSIONERS SALE. paaptacbaamtocarry itoaathofaoittoiaUaaeacht CHINTZMCHINTZES AM)AND DOMRsTI-1)TI.S.S. J? iof„r,nat on lu rrsa d b. ir cee. Ac , i.rou:| Niftoa C'tfcuit Court. jazultmcn’icomingoetn**. Tomekee toriooeergu- itockatork of DomratkIkinitotk* Good#Gooda Dta very f«Rfull endand »««nw« cen I /kURVR niutwoj.jr,.u,.«ml 1 duel, la which Joaatbeu of withwl:h uju* I T. P. IJothicmn, ftc., d#f*ts, ) wbhtcbcw if iwMou cr coMiHMcy ebe cab mw mwu CilUy C.lmy, t© prove nn acre of Und cepxbU of proiluc- O •»risycilEAI*.CHEAP. KverythlugEverythiu* can now beb« (oundfound Out AtMTon'e Omcr. i Ilx-^ir. *** ofc^ with a rifle by Mr tbzt the FzrDcr or liuusexeetztr can roqiiiie. C'nil and N obedience to z decree of the Ni'lsoz Circnlt Conrt. ren- raftam toe* into a PiaaidaatiAl battle upon aa. other S— jag 25 bB.bel* of wheat i. more valuobl. tbm) an- FkAHKroBr, Ky., Jsly 8ft, t*d8. 1 I dered in tbe zbove came zt In Iz#4 June term, 1 will,_ z# o/Koatacky. It wag a coldbi oded «.d the W. & D. S. PIATT. only bu.belg of o-milar ol .I... uim,1... a.-g um—ouwaai. i .c-.rLT—appagmio, Xr c.pabl. of yigldin* 10 "‘^SrARTlN a Tble ft to certify Uut John .Muir, z# A«#Dl C’oizmig^'nrr,C’oizmigei.>n#r, cucn Mopdzy.Monday, (be 5th of .ft#pUtuh*T,.Hepu-nihtT, I'd#,I'fip. x- m myder^ aSorr, Md excit^ on almoat univarial zl uu.iiiy.’cr that a machine cgpible cfdtiog th* work *« Eourtb Phofulx > Ire liuurzucc t'ouii«uy, of New York, Lou- ^ ^ mm f po#npuse to publxpubl'C #zW*#zle »oto the hlebciUhlebcst bidder, on tbe premise*,prvnaiee*, tha axtoamoB af gUrary. At aay rate aba ig ef over tb* whole One door rium ket ftvltle, Jxfft*rEou cuunty, liz# filed In tbft otHre D e In bou-u#bou-us andznd lotsoolote (aJty ftaitoK axacrotMa mntry. kiven ig at7 jAbAwrow M* zn iicdivtdFd tlchr.thlrt)tlchr.thlit) filth# two oo uf2S inen ia* given »!jUacd at a cat raor* zn nVft 8w •tut#in#iits znd sxMbit# n-^uired by the provUlou# of Id 8w tne i4ile « «irert #z.«t of b OueeOussst..#t.. aftkagroaoHt lolly aad ^-r*ato? Poat- mw tn** oorihnorth i4«le f MzlnMain and F«urF^ur abaardi^ if aba axptcto valuable than oca which would accompliah the ~mma m am ^a * B zcteutitl«i**Auzcttoro«uizt#Afeucl«#or Forciiin ln#u- isud scnwt#crvet u. .v u*,, ogrt*.* bcm«bems the ##o»ndsecund zod ihUdthUd doomdoors «A#tex#t of #zid Kou'-lhKou*’tk Tbot’a a olaader. Mr. Gravat brr* a note in at Couii)Ziile#.*'zp|iroved zndubzviue MAIN, ULTt^KI.N SEMiINTH AND LlOllTII HT:^. tba Seatbara OppoaiOaB ar aay laopactabla portico bam work of only 10 men rimilar >tj Ie and tka ‘"mil g 18 1 ft18 ft I rznee Mzrch 8, 1^; zndZLd th#the azote now l•ecnaiel•erntfiv l1 by J R Ku^ll znd GeorpeGeurpe •••• •mo»mmmw--a»ag to do with_ith it on tb*,),. ground««nrd thaIh.t ^ mcliid.n* Nrjr Vor* ^ hundred zod CODartnersiliD.Copartnersliip. tw.lvc,tw.ive, rUhreco,el«hfe«o, zndand twnniy-f-nrlw«niy.f**nr months for rquzlequal pzrt#part# Tb* adiur af tb* Tnbua* mya that if tb* Sooth- NEW 8TYLE HATS, # ^ j^a aum* catogorv vtHad as- -nld the laid Muir,.Muir, z#zs zezi zforeezW,zforeez il . ^ IntrrviilIntoiwiti fr*»mfr»>m of Jg zc», mid John AdnntAfeot . of the purrHz’Wtturrha-w money; bonds totu brzrbear dzyday “•* a gontUmaa. At least Mr. risk# nndrrsirned hzve Ihft dzy ziwo-hil^l tb#m#viv#e eta Oppamti iB rafam to aaito with Nartbara moo C KrUined an(fexperimenUlly damocotraUd propo- r^'iA%f^io Ii**n4*YouL'*Nelr'8t,*i«^^ Is bxTi'by lieeneed znd t»«*rmi(t#d U tzke zud ^piiK A lien will b# retZ'0*donUw Interests suit! lo tnr- trznmct businea# of incuraoce, zt bis oftice in Louisville 1. to^etlter umier the #tvlc zni firm #f DK.UN ftCLIr- tbersecure tbe purchase mune}*. J.G. WILMl.N, panmptorily rufamd to say that this was not sition*. With Ibis conviction, which we oscum* pEI T bATfi, Ereach and Aniertcau maualocture. I r'*rwzru- OB the baoia af tb* aaa-axtoasioa af aUverv eke for the term of one yezr Irom the date kerifoi. cut this roKli for tbe purtNiso ci cuuiiucnne z (vu*‘rxi Auri#t23, l**5lL~«‘a;8 dtd hav. batu in the bftU"^ b* Thereupoo mu.t Umg since wrought mind* «« license may be revoked if it #lizll be made to zpi^ezr to the iuc sud CntomUdon burltie**#, zod have tz^rn tbo - n Irilda. Iitff natoa tkam gfrlnr In ito'am ««»“ »»•«* nfusad. ““ lolslligaot farme'i of Barrtn, w* have underriemd that since tbe fliincof tbe vtztemcut# above zdioiuinit 11. D. Newe>»iub*Vc Kro.. No. 3ft Fourth or Well a. /' a % -.-1, k of all tb* ’Wanted,txrani-oA Grave* chaOeagad Mr Cdley, a* b* was car- SlluaUon cz(dtzl i I been s'r##t, betami Main zud Rivvr, wb#r« we will be found at toW a m ixiaaaf a^. Toi* of a cortoiaty U wee- Udj, „toniJ;m.i:t that tb* anUr- lu tbe available Company bz« all times ready tu zU#ud tu auy biisiocss IntniFtdd to uur flmfallY cool aad caatgUcaat. Them bmb of th* car#. J. W. DEAN. «f UanroUtou, Ky., THE KENTUCKY z25d5 11. B. CLIFFUHD. Tribee* echeel tok* exclaaivelT sad attarly nc MIUTARV INSTITUTE •tefael greoad; they iamet apea a platform of aa- O^IIOOINT’S De VfBor« 3 C*., Eperaay, Fraarr. piUCTKO to a Bsato at weapon*, sad diitAoc*. Ha n*in*d riflao, a weapon JOHN MUIR, Agent r mtZtinaa l aad acwareal epperitiea to tht progrem aid iU agricultuial it.Ur**t in perticuUr, GRAYSON SPRINGS ef eUvervovon la ^'Zch h* iMtoriaaaly need with vary nmatkabU I with ain|>l* mean* to b*lp, sboald not only with. 1 WINE, from the VloeyzvJ W U# VOTOhS ft Soarh*ra teiritorr; thop to.iat I rateas* at Calaaaf O. W. ORAYBON COUNTY. KY faTAYTE IVVEIJVT ff Uhaai- “f- Co., wImmz v^uhr* ia theeeuter ‘he far-thmud MUKOA.Y, a teateaafaaod ^Utlorm at warwzr t apM am m withwum LOTthe priifiaUpvOTCipin At•« LMth* e. ,, k DavidY IierT'drtn nf M»*to^ari. j.m- r lire Oa»ii.iltiou oliw tetlaatic FTrw In- DRYGOODS! pZ8u# Dftirktof Frsaez It ae hitherto been caafiaed z owned Of . . , uez ^/ zcbtlllOJ Cblcnlntnd tO beMt Itk prOiTrCM 18 by of gzadnate af W«a( Pagat, aad *“* BROADCAST SEED SOWER! tables o# E attend and Bhi G«etiaeal. znd kzs Mim«ari Camprosrioc. arkich they thonght too hi. Ufa, .ad ha mad. tb* di^ tb. «rn.«i .mta^otejtonU, 1. to ns . N. te the h^ a gr***i(al Fagte***. aidad *a- -“u Burance Company, of Brooklyn, Y, oBiy very rerwntiv been iatndoewd iaio this eawatry, raiult. > oa *M* Faaafaf. crad to ta* l-arhri > <»d*r tbat skill might toll in tht mo*t Isexplicablt rsalit;. That neb a f.ct Ol tbi* ^hr*i» fint-uawrfi roUrnirn arc farmcriaod being For Sowiug Wheat, Oats, Hemp, Bar- rare qeality. eeml teed wi»h the mederaZ* prlM mad oi war with Z* Camacnm- on tbe first day of July. 1859, made to I where ite ta tka* ley, Graaa Seed, Ac. .izl ohich.kii K ft iHla.eda li ahead V echievkat z mc cem aad TWraomaaf wady HU friend, bod Um mmt porfact confidtoic. in bi. tbe Auditor of the State of Kentucky, I im*ri«0,.bicbtb,rp,*te.-dagoamalwilliag- NOVELTIES ia ihe ef the Wine utehi la tka h*** Cril,ja, GlIANU I pfipuizrity naptecrienied saeeU 1*57. Atao, Patented In Europe. to .. iu compliance with an act entitled ‘‘An Patcntoil SepL 1, . ^rag*18ade. MU toom a Uasnsi thay lamU .poo a pit- indtod. not i. the idaa J .ISgle el- .gti trong. Tt.m’^ rSJ5e^L"u'Iiizny oocinthe puic*.z*putUiowh.ile;ortftl*«re eoualry. IL V* llAI'(«n\%”Ut*T, logv aim te (aolbk Ltama .. .. ** temr.Um# dbPtl* tdb tba ooznte ifzzir hot t#i itiMzw March. 1856. the ^ u iai term I l ag i^ommund him with tb« nir of oen apezkio^ from *^*^’;|***# Sio^ be*znyone^d#elrlD* to buy/ said prop#n>property znd leave HOLE IMf^OhTEiL tar*. Utatartaal R Wam. sad M aim*, •oam wior n• «»7dny wivMivitkont unw^ ewenlowuzweyc nwnj byoy »•tkn ^ ndjzceot, nad, we admit, to thie FjlII Arek'WwIara. tamasariag. C i I, Medi- *fa* counifti dty purchase, l wUl confirm anyzny saleezi# of Uie Groods #i.* r^ootaoT mn M n*e out ol the iflP fWodftnis Comer Broadway ft druume N. V. i* if kaowlodgo, utiuom J. Grave* low a oaa oanimt atitortain fciT on* a *"f«“*07 ISHL RANGE CUMP.VNY, oF BROOKLYN, N. V., and weight tbat we«a canoot cnierUm for ooe momentmninant e fuUowlup xcotlemen of Luuft- Tk* tw*alv-Mk mmi-aaaoal wadaa *f*ag l*te*tek*r I*. oooUf tall HP tbzt ikf wAide rTfwimeifi#firz resf# uEtoim Det Groves escaped aobort, and CUicT fell. Abd be is re erred u> tbe ta lucatod at th* cit/ of Uiuuklyn, N. V, AT :SITER, ' ' Of to Rs nliimzte focoets. Ibe present 1*1*. Ck*rmi. a»dl go* kau-jmWj mmma. gajaki* te *d- / ^ . a a a a., mv L J *> a I J ii)isitiviDii vRi«, Kyj «s 85* n York Rveninf Puit slander- 8t-cond. CAPIT.VL. ofpHdrnfm fWMdcnlml eun es# a mrilmm^ «s- this M what tke New . falieriim end fziliny in an enUr- Mr. J. D. 0#bom#, Judee A. Menroe. l>rs. L. P, ft D. gii|iita i,al. a* -MWtarv IteMteM, a »d’_ J *1- a »_ (_»a a . tl jjif ij J—. OT_ I di.m.a-.^ . . - I t VzndtliAzd Hiliiliu J udtf« . Lsu.: th# la#l-iizmud ot Uie "Adfavm tk* ua H . ioa't wiah to to ..civU, .fa mU. a teU Uaodtd -anlrr. W». J. Grave, mivant.g.g .re to to to £flni..l» .bora bm eanh M#y p,;,, whJS T£::S;:S‘t2fltat‘?p‘;l!?i£S‘Ji d*'“'‘*” VAN CULIN, i I tempari* n w.th all the digadvoatagag involved in up is.... IMI.UPO oamptieeg ere econgh te pat evaa a goed-eotared I wag as iacapabl* of being a coid-blooJed murderer . Third. A88ET8. C. MMLL k mo* net ef all mogacr ef patiano*. as hit ootd-Uoodad ilaadcrar is cf being a gentle- m l^^^^mplating tb* important conicqaeoreg of *r»-rrj-M-Tr; TxrT* $9 Sufi 03 sa>v A 1. Cztzt# woith — i*er cent, forikar ganata at carfaia tmcitd rin\(DAYV or* «mlro*ii at c imktel* * tk* tbat article recomraending a anwa of tto Up- digeant at tbe txpra*aioo of a doubt that they would rAltK. I lUL 11NdUKAiHI/L LU.urAni, mm# UizD th# iamz is mo*tKm,*#d oar MACHINE 1 w* ahoald jadge, (ram what to laU wbsa acoapcii^ THE HAND H081 EKY, hraaek«*witklkai*aa>al**llag* Bill Imfa l faatotr lad- '*“* tLom exaltedc*zi,cu wzim*.claim*. Lou- for, zs p>*r voucher# zud schedu'g BRITISH, FRENCH, & AMERICAN ' of ttotbe Haaselloaae of Uepre-Uepiw- |)« .*’*'*'^^“* ^v}j to Auditor of EIGHT ACRES PER HOl'K. ttotks aemiaatiaaftoaiiuUoa at hitbio party:vwrtr- ypgtitaaaseiMw ia ttotbe orcaaiMliooorganixalioo ^ ^ the l*t d*r^ •f July. IW, mad# the zeoompznyiuf 154,308 33AVS FROM FOl'RTO •>““ **?»“<*«<* raversl milliocs of money 1 > im, sute of K^ntaety. In eumpllanee with an act. oth#rwiiM I t ••btoU**. isi. repubiubeorannldtatori and warmlywormlv approvaosniwovfal nybv 4. iwbts due the Comisi&r, (iLOVES, 1I #a#• aattot knawkamr yhojrbe my o peaspgegat itig to to. I hope advantages of an luiprovement tbat g6tltle4*’An*ci tore*uUfa Aecnclesof Foreign In»uronee zccuoipza)** p •ecurud, per vouebers I he witlwill to ttothe stgtreaengestl *a J a Itopublican paper, Compantaa," appruved id March, IcM. toet maa af hi*hit party, tha Lafayattc find.) Joaroal, till at liberally accrue to tbe beneflt of lltrren Ing 4ft* 00 THE HORSE-POWER MACHINE F.L7CT COODS, Zc., Far rank** Iteifttl.a. iltram Mza RICMAIM. M*. (or•er (htiwItofw is sam*earn* cradk iain Imiibaatiar tbair Firet. NAME AND LOG.VTION. 5. Dvhtsdu# the Com|«znyforpr#ui8. 5,4Jfi 78 ag LeuLest mannaan Wc an glad of it, otd we b< pi tto article in qaea- onaty as to any other section of conntiy. While zt the osuzl wzlklnc fait of z boiw 7* RoM Twvalr-mraatk ta. l*ark FireFir* Imuranee «• Wm. U. Amte-aU, Em, a. & tokktea thirty thcataod votes, which I sxpaet, tf I live, to i, realizing them benelits In commen with other ccun- The name of ibe Con.p«.yConinouy bta Th."rh* vouchers zc- taTRSET. Rteiaaacag— _ni i- approved..n-.j by Ite whole_i,„u OpfUtaitionrinnnaitu.n tue itfimuzuy. p#r FROM TEXTEN TO FIFTEEN .WRES-ACRES PER HOUR.HOIR. ?••• •*#* -VABHKT WiMtam ik, .*am YotfcYork; A. A, 4e. ItoatefaelltollooaMto Gumyany.Gumpm..-, and ta locatedloe.ied !Tc..yTToty of Nt*Nc, York. GDOM! SOWS *fa Sa!too, toBaakw*.!te!!ra_ N*:to hi»l wSms^^U vSTwellfartuied t;,, contribute liberally to otenra cuispaayins^Duw secured, zud lY i JyO^mdMIOta Oardoa. L-o iR*, tbe *K^ rtf J*.*g*gaa«ithter#rtn tai.wity tfaw* Mzehta##Mochiara whichwkieh harahav* Kr WiU lam. Uroogboat tto country. Oar netgnbar of ^beip, B*rren hoi enjoyed tbe privUege of with- Sraonfi. CAPITAL. the rztc ut iutei estthereou. to-wlt: he vastVAST NUMHEUNI MBER of tiUOT ______. -o-U*-T A. soldrold variousvorloii, g*>ta»fparts uf tbethe enmatiycoaatiy •dneedi>*e j-g^-CX-L-toV.. zmouut of its czpttz! stoek, is $200,000 Mzrket vziuc. T zlfczdyal>r*dy b«;nbeitQ ioin r*j 1 BTrir raT>rtnnn py.r-w Izt HarrzD The ETTM Cev. lirawx, of coarse, kaowg that Coarier mra't expect ns to to at all mortifiod at bolding pecuniary aid entirely. Nowu« let Uarren do (a)ioita since),tane*>, thetbe RHV. OEOROB BECJUTTXto “lilemad on Tb* ISSSStamount of luluraoltlicaplul teSrt«k t^yaid uVup. ta V.V.V.V*r?*AluLAIL AmuuuL LADIES' VELVET CLOAKS; their firstfirta introduetintroduct on (zIm>u( IHowntlw10 mobths and Atom I ^ 0 Sharwi City Bzuk Du CLOTH CLOAKS; iceoe' Mfa'Tl'PrTC* PikB KftfMdl I hMEM thorn wto expect Iktle, for thtyJ ohallshall notwo, wto tump,diaap.diaan- ——ainding that ASSETS. 1.831111 1 C« rvfc IVli.vMi l#.%VUi9e by reDdttiog th* Louiavilla and Nashvill* Railroad Do TRAVELING W RAPPERS; ford tbe strumeiwtstTumeiwt proof vhkhwhich can b#be deaiieddeeiied that they ^ AT^T'k WTTiTT^T^CCx peiatol,’* aad OS latont of iLflaeocing npoo aa important Broidvay Bank tU.,j4 )>1 Untie ...dctainodrarymontodeaCiuud very soon to a goqaanca* that efloto#kfloto# vamty it exptaamdexpiaam ,7h,r fa.mars ar.d meeboLic. to the ful- |p Sbar** A Bwk, l>o CLOTH SHAWLS; are JRFFRRdO.N COLN-^, KEN-rCCRY. t.1 H-wl eatauaai« Qaiocumberwloniocumberad Z.tHfZ.047 L>41i div'd e VVEDDHi^SlTINQ.il^ii^^ION CARM N. Y., 7 p Do PLI'SII.HOKDERED SHAWLS: n ni a babble aaoily prirkod. With Woiraa Akia far pouit, if coary, tto actioB of the two geciiont |e,t prac’icable extent. We bizardcothing in stal- the wcured by niungag« the etlio 11 ,nti.natibort*«ie*L t*his acHout tadteamd dm » u. du*u* Company, Pbruix Bank, Sup«rsrdeLDtireIy Common 8 4 j a. DebU jm, ^hanw 1)0 PI.rsU SHAWLS; ing that with a terminal branch cunnectioo tba re- on soincumlM'red r«ale«tatv, vonb luo^r div'd 7 e KUimOIDEREI) CHKNILSE POINTS: *f all itgl** for rol* to tto candidate af the Oppaeitiap. to say And tbat ef tto Oppocitien, u approved by both acctioiia. N. Y , p of aowtnfirowing Grain and GramGrz#e Seed brby hand. CARDS AND ENVELOPS - Ta*Th^aamharaambsrmbwogofot gggitagagttataamtaod.temtawfagcfataamfad.la mdar fa g cent mot* than tbo aome ta uiortgagtid for, Shajoo Iiuportcn*' and pin, Hounc*; keaaty ^ Loniivilie i. 6u SILK Robes, I suits uf tbe and Naahviile Ksilrusd will zckaowledvtMi superiuHty•up.rioritr o(of lh»W!tbvee Machine# *TtrWTar ARNOLD A MlLLy 8, mr»« a hamm failtee.te>_ Tbefa^edTh* jfaga ol ttoikalatalmmtafalm.laditete tafa tto raoak of tto okeiten will tong vnarihiag a* per vouchor, and wbednl* occompony- T^d»r»* Bzuk, N. Y., Do do. Velvet Flounce; The K-knowl*d«Ml Mochinw . akia E*kK FA ^ JeAreen. eJeealaatafaa< nnen^in alldMaS te*;^ editor of tb* Mobil* to more valuobla tu Utrren county than to any to7.su zU uUufuthtt* s hz# z>cvadyz>ceady securwlsccuriMl for them z poeuiuuposuiuu znu»8znu>n8 fa* Fenrth ift, between Mnrket znd gar* a ibireeri)thwroenh zndo-daad wamma^hwe^glwetao m 4^Tbc UiD. John Konyth, lo»^ MW div'd ftp c 1)0 do. Brocade Flounce; — -fate to ZiappiiatmnL As aauriterof iotoraning aoeurod lie I*. Tbe advaotaaa,amasmoKradodfarad on.i fae ritai**. fam ” poii- other couatv within it* vicinity, from Jeflorson in a Debt, 'doe tbo Company, oUicrwia- 5v 58 fibzr## Slio# ft LMZtlicr p^L^.niLLFR-_ Bagioter, lately Mr. Uucbaaaa’t Mioigler in M*.\i- m. rvrr TheTbe MostHost InUieptmtebl*Iu(lii>p«n*able of UltarLak<.r SkviogSariog tb* tekaot ta wfaet, aad witb ml )k#r aceumpanylu*. a*a#U-low,low 51,luu 80 ft •tf to iJavidoen io Teoetseea. low voucher*vouchers aceooipaeyluf, U Bzuk, N. Y , div’d P« - hinoy. we give tto piatfnrm upoa which Mr. Keotneky . 'JSfJS titen^fa.beta, fa* gagifate**nmtedgagll*«*(uard*d *•*!*mteta »*•’ iTr **m bat enemy of tto President, has ju*t 5. 1>ebtsdu# tb# i.'ompany for uremium* fi.470,4t9 3833 t>(iar## Am. Exchamc# LOUISVILLE MARUFACTURERS oe, now an W’e are infoimtd thri the Uesir*. Eedding*, for- *; iS, ^ AORICULTURALAORICULTCTRAl. IMPLEMENTZIMFLEMENTK Akin is cappettod by tto coacervatirea of 8. Th# bund*bond' aud«d'im!i'krS«^dstock# uwu#d Cyby £«Ih# ComranVCouipauy, Bzuk, N. Y.. div'd 7 pc Gaargig, rotta I merly contractors on lb* Louiiviil* and Nashvill* aveurkd, E^Thvy ar* warraotod to rive porfert faetioa and 1 elected to the Legislature of Alabama oo (b« pur vuuchvrs accoupaoyias—how T'tal aad vaatBf* to tbat State to *ave lb*-ir outa in leoi time Uiaa any farm laiglement ret pta^ wUl ahnw Bore art exacting with meat tfli riant energy znd ihtt rzt# of inlarest thereon -to-wii: 7. Allolh#r MwurHie#, luteiaR i Daaglas pUUoai>.. He is ratumed at Ue vary UiirKidiMad. wester.^ BL\rikl3G Far ebeafag* *ai funtor gortitata- fa oddrm* ItL lft#3 fUzres Broadway Uk., market aud uflicri prupuity...... GRE.it daeiAad cbaagci krzdufiUoD zLd musoDry of tbs road. inz- I tkan evoa Virginia, Koatacky, i. a 1 at. T • Ml the Tbe ]VIei’iiioes. ore built with care REV. G. BWXKTT, n $01,187 50 tar-'nu y nibvtantlaUr aod ordloarr ” vziifto aad i hood of tto ticket. « Lo«uviUe Coo* CO to ratara tb«ir taaear* tbaak* I* tbair Mead* St aWb»w'«.Jifa«v «*Ca-.Ky. H>aryH>ory u:;d much the Lexviest halfhair of thethi grade are ill Iotalata mauirniaur ra i. Jrl dlBto M Toaaaaiae, ar North Catalina: 3d. leu shares Puuplu'i^llaok, market Total A*kU of tbeComiiou/ dto\u« ii PLAIN A EIG’D FRENCH MEritINOES, in oU cA>ri; w•)]! > a for tto very liberal mggort tbey baee ra- ~ B eataouMn — ESr~'i1 horoboro for to T oatavilfa .. . thiak of that? If Donglat strong with tbe UP Eto^ MacblnoMaebioe, or* w)* by — .. I rW u *o already in very nearly a finished state. vslu# 8v5t«0 Do du ENGLISH do, do do. eeived tanee ibetr comrovacata aa* te tke tatateim. Uavla, I PirTER ta BL'CH.AN.AN, aad SonUi,Soath, We hope to b* abj* at an early future day to eddad oeaier faettiba* far tb* — oataaiera ot UmW mgo- fa^itariVl»'to fito^^ngbU, Itateocrscv of tbethe extraoM what sat port PITKIN. WUKU. ta GO. AYERS e^ Mviiegte ia o°tlc« hahjaA mot, altborauly. No. 391—Rksiswal. rtor ardc)* of Maebiog, ib*y oie aow grigeied fa AU *11 tha i At-i>iT<»z*B Orrire, Frankfort, dtetce It (Joton, aad eqaal diaCiUwtiaa at its burdgao, ay to Bte expect from tto IVmocracy alewheD? Kr.,) Arrangeoipota for Agnictae lo tbo of IVooeawc, I .ry ore for that ortteta at tb* aborteta aoUea, ofanag at tto txerciat JulyI7,lH59. ( Keotueby, SouUtprn *ud Ceotiol lUiooio, aod Mtarouri, low a grte* a* tb* mm* iieaUly eaabe uU at anywbera. ad I toby CeoginMCoogiBM only at tach*adi u AGUE CURE, pawan Im't tk* aatira Democratic world gcUing “Dong- $00.17; UI DeLuilies. czn btt uisJc by zddrcsaiufi zt eur Kentudky Muwzrd and $|»too Thii ft to certify that John Muir, z# Akvet of th# Atlao* ky*Mznufzcturrd Cl'RR U# y •tf tf*'* fry, aad ineidaM to, OHIO RIVER FARM FOR SALE. 6th. Lozoed ox same $51,300 00 RoltB DrLAINES. oew tayle; FOR TUR dPKSDY y laa-mad?” Uc Firs lu'Uraoe# Uuoiiftiuy, of New York, zt LuuisvlUe, W. 9PARR(»W, SlMun Mdft. 8ft Bnlha aciOTi. *to KEfa to«i tod rii ra PL.UN DsLAlNE-S, oU color,. dhnft G#o#rzl A«#ot, »t Looft, ITTKIUlITTMSTrKVSM. OM rMTMM ASD JOVB, ^P— amty to cany oat gack I WILL eell mp fzrm. nontzlmof 870 AM Uu‘ above baok# are la the eity uf New York. JvtlersuD couoty, bzf filed in thft office tbe i^ztemeou zod zogy Mo. Hawkins ft thurnton. gvnoted $ws#w8t. sere#, zll Izittum Ui# river, in the provfttou# uf act eotitied SDTMM, DCMM ** :'0$ laud, ou Ohio lftu9, 10 I exlubits required by ao ‘‘An p. 8. Moalnrd znd 8slee put np In zny ftylz lo antt SMMITTMXT SKSKM. CUiU. ^0" The WzzhiagtuB Stniee dnee not beliere . All other seenritie# lotcrest due 1st July, «,0M Ureckmridee euuuty. situawd 4 toil**# zbure Mcttu recu(ate Afeuctesot kureigo InsurauoeCompaoU#,** Marshal's Sale. tallar# at reeauzablo priaae lor pmnima zrtldiae. Bit- Uaie*, at aat i U iakad by tk* I A9VK, SMMJODtCAL DMADACMM, O* K-i' duverifiort. OM-tizif the laud cl« z#sd zod ift 6 zud It havinf buen »tiowo to the kze jet let heir niran hie MLg l# $a»l,H04 39 apt roved Mzich 3, ftc., pill#, 3 je87 dSmia H. ft T. Cmtottatna. tf tk* that the Piezidnnt e of the ComozoF* P. E. Grzr, BILIOCa SSYSSS, Uttar to fank/aUy car- in cultivzttuA. the pr#mft«#zre zfood frame •l»7in — tbe ouderrif nud Uiat azid Company is pus- IOCS BMADACKM. ASD Ou satisfaction of 'V'a^lexioio-s. vs. > In ChzncciT* No. 14,88ft «» *to aoT^ emtraaty at ns;>imet«. all 8#ud frnit orchard, a capital of at lez#t one hoodred flf- OS DID- —^ tto rigkU aad bend kftov whom, emoog the nuBerons zod ueCLsezry outbuildiue#, semerd of an actual aud P. R. Grzy’a, Adm*r, ftc ISDMMD SOM TUB WMOLM CLASS PLAIN. PLAID, AND STRIPED, In oU colon. , 6HUJ :r. e. miiaES’ mtofaateofall metisM at 1 tytboumnd dollar#, z< n^quired by said act, th# said John DM- try, end ihenld prcfzr# for the place which be now filU.” AU ^ tkeumwml] y virtue of z decree of tbe Louftwille ChzncoiT Court, basks OKlfitSATtSa l.V MJUAMT ^ '‘TU^aod win b# sold on liberal terms. For partlruUrt. Omrr.Ofmi’r, Muir, zs Agent aforesaid, I# bareby licensed and permitted WHOLKAALK AND RETAIL Aupitoz's \ rnpdeivd in th# above czuae. the nederrizned or one TILK MAIUMIA risks sud tpzusatt budoes# of iosurauc^ at bi# office - B KASOMBKST, CACSMD MY FnxMKroKTFzAMKrozT . Aue. 34, 1S59. \1 to take Kv , Auf. 1^. EVE1SJI3STC3 of ua will, oo ibe 29th day of Aufust, lft59, zbuet tbe hour 8 .1DDLE, UAR.1 ESS, .A.\D TRHIk MIASMATIC VOCSTMJKS. This Is to certify that Julio Mair, ai zfeut uf the Park of 11 o'clock A. M, svU, zt |mb^ sttcGon, to the hifh#et or Fire Inturancw Company of New Turk, al Louisville Jef> bidder, zt tbe Court House dour, in the city of IgUuWrUle, tersGU county, ha# filed lu this uffic« tbe etatementa and on z ciedtt of six. twelve, zud ekkhien •nSSLiismmonths, the folJow- MAisnjKriiYCTOKY, exhibits required by tbe provb«oii8 of zn act eutitlud ^‘An Dresses. iu$ I ruperty. W-wit: oe preters neni w biidki ot, ii uib * '* “* 'far ;£ifa’7id*a nefemni , , - 7te.”^*;;iis2 WMCiftezfiefi hy ... act tu reyulztereyuizte AireuciesAlttfucies of FureUnFurelsn IIri-urmoceCompzoi«#.'*ri-umnce Compeulw#. II RoIUUt, A Lot on tn# north side of Mzrkvt street,wrat. S>*) feetfart fri»ntfrost ’“*•'* i2s.j the frnaert nnd fallw rMOTnissri M'ftloN Two Flounciw; ta between aeeoad aad TbSM. .o~m torn.. k..roro«.rimfaim tanete-tkestiwetz^tke )*« dtao , ttoy would to .martar than zpprf»v«d March 3, left'; aud It ha\iu8 been shown to the luive KMHKoIDKKKl) by th# by 3U4 f##C dveis between Brook znd Fk^dFluyd am^.ttotefara. riawy „im. iai.J.a'Sffy af kmra te ki. wig knew, Stray NoUce.Notice. Id teriimohy whereof, 1 let my hand, CUAPK, Yard; snennty. aati-f«eezr above written. znd ftikift * kM, ne zinreiy l« rvoentzed bts brmiar. CAMFiutotheF. iuto the eocinsoreofeoclosor# of Cbari##rbzrie# IN mer, sessedsrsaed of actual eapltai <*fi*f at least one hundred and pnrchzser sill ho r#i|ulred to rivo bond with as- VIELLE MONTAONB CO.'S TWwhtaftptnmetofreiof i r i v nod *jft"2rTh CA M zn Al- TUU8. 8. PAG£* Auditor. WHITE AND GOLtlKED UtlAPE US8E. Tbe aan ieo In iftr* MiemezIMoB whsfw ft fiMCOencd by the CeMtknteoc CenerMt irbich onoo Uiettie Frauktort TurnpikeToropikt; Kinm),Kiukd, zb->ut two fifty thousand dollars, zs requiru-1 by said act. the said j pruvtNj swcurity bvzrlnz IntrreaC trom dzte unbl paid, znd ho ef nMzense t ** thaa aam. fa* fa* l»fan» fiertwea 7* Zrot. ,t ai,* zsdZad z half inUf*iaUt‘7 from llietiu* city of LuuisviUe, JohuJohn Muir, as Afen: aforesaid, fti« berubyhereby liceusudlicsused zud per.per* z lien will be retzinvd zs zdditionzi sectu ity. volte Pnvvif ta m rti inwura ftsM ihn *fi i I* * “• nop^iLt\Honkii svilleUI8 remzieFemale Ft^Ht MUIR, WHITE ZI2nC. vwfaa* aamaatf ' ueerDcer the Fair Uruunds, z red zndand whilewhite muly mitted tu take H-ksri-ks and traosscltraosact budu«*ssbu-iuess of lu#urzne«lusurznce at JOHN Agent W. C. D. WlltPft M. L. c. cagmth*rtaawhmhtom«taraate *fs ks^siiTi 1 a ^ tne enujeet elerery, dtafaamer. Tbifa-yaiV- oogeta ** "“tf m except par ite neper entitled Cow.au>ut5 orfiysen old, vitb the uuder part bit off Uft «-fliei‘ io LuubvUle for tbs term of one year from tbe 37 dU J Aft G. IteXLEE. ) MsM . SeMinarr^ are Du*dMhinir n Klerarw Irish ^*^P**”—tifaDutiOT. grweaamlto 8rhe»n if it Linens. oai Ago* from tk* «yta*m It viiete: .7** ear. zppraifWd by Geo. Demer, z bouse- f. But this lic«oae may be rwuk* d »ludl be TllOft MOKGAXet maof Fever fa^**®*^ thnt the Terrilnriei are . , iherixht and date here zl9 blftMtd A. coneietx of# take* *a fa* Am •ggreeaS Ihs - « MAff&olm. Tbe iditcrtai coozmittne ke#« |MY uf szmI euuuty*,euoialy*, zt $35. made to appear tolo thetbe uudervl^ueduudcrvl^ued tbzt riucealuce tbethe fliiDcflllD* of M * .^ft ffv8TSJ*l* teeefaamaatef faateaam,lf eonmea DttmnrtT ef nil HtatM mmA t—TB; i ^ A ftviivrzl ZMSuitment ot Irl#b Liuvn, luzde expretvly fur ^ %m : Atl^i;Atuwt: JGi.Jufi. CLEMLNT, J. P. J. C,C. the stalumentsstziuments shoveabove relffii^relt ifipd to, lb#th# available czpltzlcapital of i^8h8fiMn 8^ ototAs^mhsTi m mi wL* fitmznr, l*ncyI **» Wil.i.msin lUinme, unryllaFv a.A lAnvtii,I^vsll x. « / Tl.\ UOOFiXG A.\D GCTTEUl.NG. pMw *n ."4rfa‘fMfht u*• •‘•reatnr mMmpul nnd » Z37 dlzw4t said Comi^nvCompnnv has beeu reduced belowbtflow oue hundredhundrwd aod CooditiOU Of the Of the Moutauk Fire While do •tofy amj Tarriuty aitk ikoir aia***, a* wtfl a* O^den, Lou Wars, and Litzle finow Dry do OlyapinPcoick, Anne Insurance Company on the lat day of S. J. BARE & CO., in oil in France hi metnitic pnekaara. ul‘,!;r?tooDy . horoof, I h.»e wrt wr Uand, , , Ne. I znd Snow WklW In Linseed oil: Sm. 1; ud they du Ibetr work UeUfolly and well. my farm, known a# th# fiuiumon NuU fsnu, rituah*d ills day .Dd year above vritivo. JulXiJuly, 1859, made to thetile Auditor ofOf the No. JS» MAIN ST.. IlETWEEN !«EVENTH ta EIGHTH. Snow White In P^TT Ibied OL I 1 lion. s. pag^ State of Kentucky, inIn compliance with hae* i( aad am S freeiy of the above Pzink# ea are prepared le a#ll zt z » hepad Uu# pfte wdl hrtns B ll | entitled -‘An‘‘An act !*#»•••)*, greet kwa, and peerotTotzs well aeOT Wethe ri^rich. A ** • • tafaw ev*r fam.vtawd far ito oylie$, rmr .ay J. F. SIIFCKLEH, paniea,"pauiea," approved 3d March, 1856. Tokvols, and riancaa which giv« the fnBaaa mmm mmm of he ot fact rufiirufK mtnafil. I We rvfer to z roof ]u#t CAimpleWd bv na ea the r# iiid#n ce ty. izU dftweuw8OTW WILiUi.S ft STARHIhD. teataby a* if fa*g bto aar*r bad tba iawali tba fellows wb> tball to fortucat* low, a;i|4r to ued.-nigsed on the preniian, and to Rickard 'T/XilOI*, FIRbT—NAllEFIRbT.—NAME AND LOCATION. of Wllliz'n Kendrick. Ij#q.,oa Uroedwzy, between Center I site te )t am talt m ™ to voaag' IVXOX'OlX.CkXA't ^ - Iy>otavil-e. steSStTtf dir lraarj> and Ji-1f UrowB io tlw city ol and Sixth stn-ete, iu tb s c t' , and wou d respectfully soli- y**#**?y — ••• **JE?'***** at Ik* — No. 73 FOL'UTll STKEKT, The nzm#name of the CuuipanyCuuipznyCriuipzny lathe MuntaukMuatzuk Fire ln#u-lOkU-In^u- H. PKEISSL^K S tf aeTteal State* * I ta a*, fa... fa. »te *-. Jte — them: 4 f I f 1 Aga. wto aaoogh to wia augr:;ddAa4 root. U.ktonedtreet. cit the pztronzjcu ol the public. zuf l*« s aad rou** Ctarogooy, .od ta located it lirooWm. New York. III ^ si»y_.^to^>ttom,teriT«rit«rir aJe.tohwoM jafroti.andthri.ob- -4.n.-a-gx.* w* Thai^fcai adocatioa•dacatioa wkickwhich imd*lm;• ~ _ ’ fafa/ V-r , 2DEJSTT-A.IA IDEFOX: totfa*. *to> tkat tto fartta.. .v _ _ _ , , oor of tbr fitrort aud beta rolertrd 8RCOND.-0AP1TAL. j •si^ at sacaairiUetdiet at tor kusbatd,busbard, or itolb* bu'jacdbog'jatd lodatea-iDiI*|»a- taock* of Good* over brought to tbit morkrb lUv. zi*z«> nazxnn im slagerr wiU toad I a -V •a .j.^, amouut of It. capital rtock ta tlbl.uio to a* JVT-^V-X- 1 Stx>eot. zl .vffftcsazn of tna anftOT, Hymi^ U _ Iff etigogrd tbe rorvKrr, of .Mr. W, W, WELLS, S07 Worms! Worms! I — pziB#OTnez Fn-n ** **5' CMpiuU stock paid Is ay Rstiaa •# tto cotetrr i ^ Tb« zuiuuut uf lu up iM Drugsdwru^n .Wedicincs,.TmruiYinrv, pziwfants, andznd dDzanagaenfiz#z ateTu will r**ume her Cloo* g' azdnnu . oma ifaaiJteuL teweAsu Uzisz. Pzminft, md 1 MliiR LIZ/.IE P. KIRK uttrrv Oir Wert, he cap ru gnb,r -- Z25 h«^ oor i jbe J*gi j iu dJia^ *••, ragarAiag Mray mataal doptedeucc taatweao tb* (cx*s, isroiii- tk* ariaciM aa V**.. *i** gin Mutarontbr Itaof brjderober. gi»ud bt io every lortaocr. ordrn TlllKD.-ASSETft ^ , Tsilst Ar. "fateacat •roog. brier lo I). Faiildv ta Co.. H. O. B. Whig- attended bi. aud at Jifi RUN AWAY.—tin Tuesdzv morning, 9 h lost PerfttZfry, Ankles, aaTjadictei iatolalroiw / f P. outotr wiri be gromjd'y 1. Cash on band $7,131 AVOllMS! ii* * tto p**ait g'e, NoUe BuUer, Joiuer A. Uiber, and Chorlev lower tbroi lor tbe moie quality of good. ,> erituU; uniocuuibertsd Xfi two Negro Men made th#ir e-czpe from th# private te to* tete* at Ik* T.*vCi^_Il7T*‘***"’ f |,riooa a triHr 8. Heal Mu toufa te* at Mortot. bfaw... Fo*rtk oaA F« Jb-^W tete* 'jK uf Mr. Clzrk, of thi#iSAAa citv;fainw, teipir 1- t-t d« otatrd Molo tamt. aurl7 dim 3. Debts due tbe Co mpzuy, secured by muri- ^1 * one ofu« whomwuulu b#-to*'- fieglD hecuoie both troubMAime tell* Ceriaia ou 1 m- i 4 te' ^ to zod dzugeruusc CVlb* WaAlcgten Coastitalwa lungeil to me; h«a oznie Is — — ' - foaaoao wsvfataaw laafamratte gmt:e on uulocuu bcroil reiU entate worth 50 to Juhu, somaumes Jzck iir .I* ll\ itri i.’fa v#'i;t*T\MI K WofiM DKWritiiY. dMMMtewata ate fa *“*'***““* **•** /''* itawta*. If tokra o*safa*sailp Imtiing DtfaucraU, tbat, if ttoy eoB'.uia* “tbair Tug p«r ceut. mure than tbe aauie ft mort- ’^ghi from 155 b z remedy zlffi# ptensnot effwctiizl forwe evil. T-> f Mfaram* t **^'*^I^*'J*'* TT-? f MUSIC. FE.M.ILE COLLEGE, for, zs per vouchers zud aciiedule ^ JSyrotevifrKmdfa.ItoteAtefate Utewni tor,^ VOCAL UENKY gairrd ac- There is th# lezet dittezity iu getting thUdren to tzkz dt-l ..^?^^g JL\m. lilLrCjrO,J_> -L \JT VJT faclioa* oyyoiiti*ii to tbe admioiitratiM,” it will •*** * >ack#t zud K cuuuznylug I48,lu0I48,lu( UU the medicine. It ft prepzmi in the fo* ai of Candy Drops, q*- H. OEOROE 8. WHIPPLE CASTLE, KY. . \ ^Vi* mi„—«Wm- m>%g4 rr* TSei*r *oSnaa af NEW zud uiurtgzte sud tvaApurzry Plumbei,Plumber, GaftOao, and StewSteam Fitiay,Fitior, anaaad «wr *m. H***? itta**aam*n*^ aa^L^!^y!^•o^nFm^uty «w,.attor- read of Interest ou bouds ziidwuibeemt#uw tli zvidSy bytwwirnofziJzgez. It w nU ita Lwotb mm ttom oat of tbe party. Tb* keeper a Leaaous the first Monday In h- groee^i no other vlutbing recollecU'd. r Ibaa ate faww«l*v«gafaa > WILL ruauma his luaut \'J$41 lAA 07H? destloya expe's WuniAS more efltnnriror tebta far grw artfaa «*, *^-V/*^* *^***^/^t^** L^ I II A zod zny Braaa Foundar, SupteuibiT Priacipal and Proprielar. ilie i'uutiHSU.i A llberzlliberzl r«'zzrdr«'zard will be |>zidiNsid for hft delivery to me,1 or .^*10*. lairrauifaate If th*y avaiil pnilaatiary coo* tbraatened it* inauU*. tba'., if W. H. HCMNElt, 4. Dei U due , utfierwise #ccur«.*d, rz'utMlv nttw in tute m hiL- at th^ tine ft wuiteirovUl Im ufi . a*. tram AppLcwtions may be left with D. I*. 3'zulda ft ludged lu zoy jail su thzt 1 zzu get bitu. n/fA Orort. hotmaam Mmm amd — togritery eftk* per vouchers zccompauy lug M.Mora3030.3fi<.Mo ebuduedue tbe CompwuyCompzuy for premiums. S-tffAti5d fiUAPLKY OWEN. Sold letail B«A.*«W,)RK.iLKPlMPAri^DA onum ofarale **tforol ^HE TWKXTY-FOUKTll 1* I ..U.,!.. VI ,.-.0 wholrmir and by Dr BL LI , at hta Drpot, * VARIETY OF J aeampromi^ I Luuftvill#,LuutavJlr, Aug,Aug. 34,fi, l1^38.%g). dtfftwiJlfta wl iftneketa. «*' •-"•-‘aglyaU uf tbw fichool wUl be upMUed OU tbo first Muuday in xhe bouda and stocks owuvd by tiui Com- „„ tarvet, north «f Main, aod by UraagwU groerfaly A :ttzuda, Cuchz,. m-k. znd..g ConpUnga,• orodiam. Chzndelt,-baadta erv.zrs. Rnwfcvte eats tke 4aetriaa. wkoadro oat of tb* astaiiluhiuect. I tfaptenitjer. pzuy, per vouchers zecuuiiskoytiig.bow se- throughout tbe country. zj dftwiZfaiu 1869. FA.l-.Xa.XaXa. 1869.1^36 ^^. , m aVzwwvw n smvmvm tf tailggd ta furutabod by Ita Tnitaefn aud Wnci|*l cur^. znd the rzle ut inicreat thervuu«-to. Mouoliom, ta* olwayvcB haad. RrroUiagateGalmte X , Tkat tk* taeklam Till* **1)01 , Somervill* * roUd aud or- Frotav*. Fotaa* M-faL f*“»vagancr ef I SeThr (T«nn.) Democrat, which for with evt ry uradful a|<|>liaaov for bujarUu* TO THE DISEASED, log doo* *k lb* vhortrta aollo*. PAINTING, Cotalroa, aad Hobtat M-tol od.te.rdor. *,. «tely tto last year JNO li. IIOWE hza ramovzd to Bnm ba* toaa making an anctmpronitaing iincxce^kd in tl.e C. EN & CO., ^fXwfttzoU in zll depzrtoicnft, Totzl z^'ts of Compzny 1 LIGHTEN ' hft old *t«u4 No. 31J Grzea sirzet, No»th or teutb, will zul the Fiiuc^pz*, who 1 Who zre fufforiiiff with i>zio znd czn fiud no pOB Mr. Dno^Uf, has $wJ€ over to him. TLc Cwnrtinnd zt. Yerk. and Norihwezl at*>* r#«Wf for ft^^firetdaer from INmith, wb#rz he ft | 4^ i.iixum W davutrifa bftbis peraouzlueraouzl znd undivided tunetime zud en#r- body or mind—who are cripp e«i with Fzrzly«is OTZ |MiMic 8KfieiwUtru *8 bimzcli devotes or l*zfty prepared to attend lo zll kinds nnrw bzzn ihcrznzzd Ouat cbhiicet nrz docidzdly ('•rnwr .tlaln azd Fifth zlz.» lg«wlavllle. couifurt, prugresa, men- hzve frowi iatprovice ia giOT bJ tb# dii« pliue, instruction, No. 89U—Ubnrwal. ufUI .urzuy kind—who beeu aj.cugiven upu,, byu, tlufir.unr physicizu*phydriauN of liuu,., ,.,gu, aoi] Kancy I'aiutiog, GlMfog, Groiniog, hi# puppi.pnpi's. Auditoz Ori'icB, ) ave their HTHK'K of KKA1>Y-MADE CU>TH- UGUJ zudaud moml.zudmonzl. zud hzppio###hzppliHvfsofuf h>s >>“*«- MoibUng, *c„ io tbr *«ty Iwfa oiauo*r, at #wrt ootlca invitesInvites tgz'eoU|gz'eoU zud guzrdlzn#,gti bzvirg FhAMbroRT, Kt., 27tb July. I'AP.t BID kOt IIOI K V>u have tatUi z good H ING fully zesoriud fur tbe sezsuii, znd Invite the trzd# 'Ibe'Ihe PtiocipzlPilociiwl WE chzDcz for zud zt pncea to suit the tiinea. ‘ OTOTl zz lOT- educzted, bt-zlib Vm WmJX r-.-m at received, dzugbtera«ateaa,v».*... zud wzrdu tu send ztirozd to be W •«*• -fatt^a** «* th# re-turzlion of your \ i^ily dues ud>t conaftt Mixt.d zl.1 Conwtf* to tusp#VTt til# gr#zt rzri#ty of n**w vies ju#t a ^ im..-*v..mA Thfti zw ftis loto crruicertifyy tliztb»»«vuJ >hn .fa-***Muir, —zsz^ut of the MON- Mui,.d l*zintolItainkul Iculotz,Iculoia, Gta#*,ii IPnuy, Ac., k«vt c*a. «lteUy tagpoo.i) ujK«uiUJuat clziuis to uzD in z d#tzcU#t1 rrinctple, nor is it z siiuul# eftmt-nE 4, __ _ d<9riatiaa. of tke |M*Ui* taoaay to oarrr “UbmzbzBda>»«»toBdg. ThatTtbta* »a.u II Ate .i-te- zug37 dG capital of at Mm mtkag all tbe diflien uc*. •«t kft vmwg, anil for mmd dneznrg tke Muat «d«. Copaitnerohip. WI'NDKIEK.—rotton Tara*. Gl AT qniteoal ate anq ltk htjt OOQTf ag ad ogodgmoatioo that ig af tk* wkuls to tke father of tb* b«v* furnied a ronartnerahip under ri rt’HE undiTubrate t ,„‘r*ilebv**"'tee l*JiJ natij , —Itornblicaa)caa partT,party, IVa ho*. -i# by W* bopa tkat tbs old waotla It tbetayfa^McML'LLENitotarirai MeMULLEN ta KAYEKAYEforlbeiKirpoMoffor tbe loirpo** tf maa'* next child cjuductlng * general Uroeery and I# f*V tbe •tateiue.ita atera above diroaro# ore potaUvelr aud to kag bowerer, tbat *“ “tf." wvopite by McMulten ta and Seboo • nupplied on bb- ou«*^^iIndro^^^ The permanently eared ba occaflcaallr taou>k. ,bawni, Ac. Tbe Trade been reduced below oue hundred and . P**tftffa*# *a* »P»0Xg t.ioner, wtwra toey wUI be boppy to aoe «.idGoioiN.nyh.« Trratmvut wl-hout «r koadiad tiiaag ia aatotoaet, .fr-* $48ki* mUMTratbar Bxlyvglj aU perron# *,*1 Uinu#. F. A. GhLMP, V™ “^uvro SUES. toatbrat withwkh r'ichtr-..w titt thou roud dollare. >**«“«• HR. G. G. EATON ta thorongbly good will wanting goods In tboir line. y , I liave aet mr hand competent t< •teMrtkaaatoCaacramto *“.'*'*"“#“^ ** *'*•* dtae*#e# Lleetropatblcly aud without ROtos Uw to ^rtoact 0 . ta'^.wifaLn medicine, bae. '*•*' **“ »peut miieh ttiue wiih and reoeieed full tfnv* tesFarty U tka Tarritoria* Uouaebold Augel in Dta. /Kir art**** rn'n* pirtp ioolructioiu ol from „ OL8EHULD ASGEI.-The 1 *' *“*-‘‘*' ^ Baltimore, Marvl.nd, faniel. «l. Auditor. SxfaiMtffaa, H gutae, at fa Fourth ia thvir nev siid grezt discovery ofz#p>3ing electricltr. to vonld iaaoconto rirfl war r nt-up UU SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, U aor *17 Jtab F. A. CRl MP. Agent* lizi Kooms the HALBEISEN & FUCHS, ^7 dta J GllN MTIR, DK. 5‘fa\TON taken »t 8T. CLOfD HO. Uod- Wa Smi't Uk* to rantradict kim, bad TEL. ou u#rof fiveond znd Jefferzuti strwts. ha AU.! thrir. te, oot tto L'AMOL R —Th* gib *'y of thta moot dngulor fMueztion of SI f.m,ie uUg ove The fictzocz of zod Art |*r'KMitinztotbuunifrum0A. 41. to 7 1*. M. l/a;urrrfr. Ealioc bad th* Letor Arautrong, daoeoaed), li^TIAIuS ANi> NUMBER - a few day* awo <*««•(Sneearonr* tf W. D. 85. to |*zrtiogtoD. $1 Ell Eitfli Sea HARRIS’S Uo«mte..Tcaaai.Ii*i.Arite,_B,ttotoiir«|toc tk. cun. tf tto Itoparor (iALLERY. te,d o, 4'794-7 ]i*a:A.IISr ST., ** ‘ ^ Utf Sstetor Vratma. Has Four Fifly Three!! Duo^ Eac*ni« go*, a. pteuy a foot a* FIM fioor, front' ro^>m, up stzira, imaudlatzly over C. ICc- Ikiffli otesgooroor craw's ruinfthlug toabmmMaaNtritotor tollagpm^’.ltoathly,.ad Axtfrietei *trU, Doctor? tMorr. y. A. CRUMP. YY want tefDgitehmmaitoa atmy ^•to W5:HAVETAKENTHE8ToiU.OT^^ai^^ ^ of «altodiTUMclmtb*. '8l f^Ji£>formerly occupied by Ibos. M. Oil- STATIONBRT! v«r. Merchant Tailor, but nnirz recently TEN TIIOCMANU UOEEAU HTOl'K OP BOOKS AND Thos. Keeffe, toMta Martfood Stoto aottority. Tto •abtfaae* ®“^**®*J •<**•«»• to bra- Jsw.jJA by W. ir ^ mJLLArii atrong. drrzzstd. Wa zrz ruoeivuig uur Fall WALL PAPEU AND SHADES! at Ito teSeU U UaaamMAadrnm. tka ItowTtek ^ «>• tfoal aud Winter fitocA, arizeted from tbe latest loiportations, W.A.TCHES- Commission aflerchaMt^ ^bf Mr. Hzlticft#o In person, consfttlng of C'otbs, czm*- THOSE wfthing to purchase a gold watch from FtoLkktoteVteaaly.p,.,«>d„. «• to which ws invite A Firturen aud Framen! oadgtorp. me#es, and Vestings, the zUuntion of $50 to $350 would do well tu cxzminz oor stoek. NCW ORLXIANS, LA. PRKFARRD BT olft'er, zs wzt) zs tbe pztiun# of Mr. those of Mr Ana- F.n|flftb London lluot#rs, from $?«Uto $13S, ^...gpatto tototetto.teiradfahipr.tehte ft Our .B YJAlljl)i^D durzctlf tbe maker, therby LOOKING GIuASSES, &e.! AND FORt^RD DAILY AYER & COra otLotKws get from znd get O'* CO.N8IONMENTS T )TL I* BGEIVC DR. J. C. ^ «r Tha Zgq, A. J. lowest ezsD flgurzs. W« gusrzntzs the Lon- g^The country trzde supplied zt very low rztzz. LUWALL, MAS8L Dooaitea. wto 4Ud racaotly Ion wztehus to bs superior tz zny other English wstzh. fab h dtal* A i.ND*n?rrAT!L^Al^^ RRW HLGIUNAN ta O . . >»•“»•••* to fa A. p**toan * cm Ia- uA.. O-E V'IXaXa, Fifacbltf^ fal kied*. Pa rk.**# STAa loSkte aditor rap, w, ha^*a„mte . LKAYBPta tea tf Oetx*cX.. KKFfaK^ri faa^MfaOH'g MMt. tto kero tf tba Hamit A“ fsctly executed esczpzmznt UMn which grzzUy depends qjddtawlm te MAIN aTRECT. . It*. Won,W*H, »,V* .hallgbaii ttorte toUtel kfa. — 1. —^1 am. a . W.W E. HEISTEEICT.IIEJN EDICT, kim whte, k know Mszwz Hzlbslszn * ^ They zrz both the zorrect perfrrmzoes zod dzrzbility of ths wztenT If ^ TTHIRDHIRD CT8TRERT,RERT. BCTWRRN MaI.NMAI.N ANDAND MARKMARKET*ET* II M. (ftf J«# KiMttonektto^gr. rzr r?ntlzinen,,OTr* ior wzy wor- any onz ©ontemi*lztez purebzdog z wstch fbr czsh wW esU g-y A '"k - te A. Mr. HzloztssnttziozOTn ^ ^oif P«WIcpuMlc ounfideoes,cunfldznes, z^ Mr unquzgrionz-onquzirionz- on a« ws willsztwfi'will szdsfy thzmtnzm tbzt it ft to thsirtbsir zdvzntzzszdvzatzgs MV Itas IfIO OTwtaid SOTS \A^aOzM RwotUm .fa to PLATED dsvots his cntlrs 'W.AJEala"V\r.AJEaIa I»A-F»-FrF»_ KF$a$r8 thzt I of. SILVER fubseriber intends to time sod zt- 18 pf«pzri$$ 8$ hiy hzs oo sopzrlor zs z cutter know l,ny one hero. he teTfZT^rK giving instruction on the Pizno Fort# |Lf stoek ft Izrge, znd 1 zm tzUlng **^~^^k~^^^~toTiawltod 18. Ibr Z87 dim THOfi. M. OLIVER $^Amzrlszo Wztehzsztmzaalze^nrers* T tsntlon to z^ Y znd it z Hta. •$88bi$rr8phy pttblicztioa. Wz zuzzz OTOT, prlerz P- M. tar Pisakfart **d I irieriM. " ’ “ fof EITCHERSI Offfzo, comaeocing Mondzy, ^ptember 5. A few hours ^*1 chezply ss It w dons la thft city. Fersnas sriritl>s AiaV M ate IM ****“ *• Oaj •* bfa gV* bols zgoots tb« oztobTztrd ICE . beam im rnOkm Aka^ All Al -Ah.- . cbznzi 5'rudshzm 8fa*-Itfalra.d. xkili tor koakmd fifOTT At Gnj^jo zrz unengzged. new booszs would do wzU tz ezU exzibize fatal k thz p$otsC8U8$, oChzr 8$ff Izit i$tp8ilizl hzBdg 1^ I8H.—ffzImoD, Mz^eret, znd Uerrimg In bbls, hf bbft, wztohm, undoubtzd iy tbz bsst Ume-k#ei»#rv mods taytofa witb Wfatom^^bfaU^^nd of each we«8 yet znd my sto^ teW^teltolA^ to Wtohl t te- Oto’tlathtetok. J^EW Orders mzy be left zt cither of Uw Mus'e Ktores. befere buying elsewhere. My stuck of Leohlng CHziOT e »tf !»^.!"dtf" •* u Dm. lw«ltepply.im7prattytoipteto.to»teiteg. r^.te klu «n rotel by . a iroww. UIBBITT * bon. .« dtf Mala aL, bfawegn ifaeuod aod Third. z4 dlinft U. W. BRAINARD Urge, well zsaofUd, zad chezp. lyi — i W — J A Y G T ^- »

S A. M. BIVEE AKl) STEAMBOAT ATTltnAT, APOrsT T!, MATTEUS. Tr.KurniiuAL Basks. — udge Seen, of tbe Thiid Ei.kvkx rxKRUxs MrRDlRXD.—A horrible trage- IjOUISVILIaE ACJENCy AMl)SK>iK!N'rS. or *ti« Judkial DistriA of lows, decided in euit * •otovioBS hat s in- dy fans just been ]>cr|ietrAcd in the .^mall village uf BYJFd .EG RAPH^ rowdy Mmed Foal Plaride TW river was aUNtl at a stand lait cvcLiug Of TRAIhiS. wilb etiUiled on a premi'eory note endoretd to tbe Dank “tl fired UKPAKTl'RK Wctxeargrun, Saxony, and a letter frum Trevcu LOUISVi Ul-IC THK-VT UK. T'tota rise Evani thrss bAtoi RIVER 4 fset 4 iaebaa waur ia tbc canal. ng Bulletin. '*.1'“ b“oinrm«E girea these rather incredible particulars: lOIIN T. rORTOS Mana**-. *Rt. Tbs affair prsducad j^ym aat. A slight rain fall yaalerday coMdsnhis JBrF’Elt«»>»''H'LK moraiDg. nted lUnki in that Tig'MBO l'K Tliaauter Life Insurance Company. AKRIVal sxcMsawnL LKaTB Tarrilory an i'lltgul, and alt “Vestunlay morning the only wine-shop in the W. C. of the iBTNA. PORT OP Locixn i.l.r .Vaw Steamrr >'larpe a. tn four act*. ca'Ied II, TsOV. York Life Insurance Co. -«* «' ^lOBwendTwnsiiiiii. ixarr hkw auu.sv- ball has been ccastrccud auta go early to work, it usually opened at daybreak. T t urdi'e New **^ •‘‘p. Jokn Totoftona, cMn. of tbs beat material and of the Territorial L«gislAare of any nf tbe Tsrri- AriiRK. or The G per’* Venacanre—Lady Lonora, At tbe bouse still remained shut all tbe morning, *« th* o«ce of Wnu 8. Varnen, In th* city of The Zurichzu*ricbt“n?.r‘:freicoD-'erenc* baa up aunia Milner Azuceoa, MBs H. Parne: Inea, Mr*. eld retolrml - . aacoiad ia a manoer that trill bid defianic to (bo lories cf tbe Ccited Loutsvilla, Feb.eeo. ist. l«W,isoo, th* isiiowmftsllowtn( weewaa ‘'“'“•ug Sr. .StAcs, Ucorpertting « Back or tbe Mayor ofWetieargrun proceeded to the spot with jenec: Maurieo, Mr. Howler; ('oont di Luna, HXX LouitvuM, Ky.,ny., r«. ue thetbe armistice until tbe ratification-Mucauun oV„v it Locn, Angnst 14 P M .AP.n I Julia anautmonalr adopted _c of tbo trentv Tbo ^ ‘ii2iiS«ESr«.’ aatryata af B-d riear. liar macblaary performa any Mr. Awley Cook. Perrado. Mr. Kndolphsen. ®‘ptoce. river coAinna. • . . institution with t>uDkiBg powers or privileges, e locksmith and two witnesses. He knocked sertr- The undcrslrn-d, Piwodent end Director* of the Com. j »boot Sailioad. I'Ts** Circle erd Parquette 5W fact «b1t tgomimriOf asd ttaaonctoo like clock-work aad laclndas avary aafagaar J. Htr btrsAlcr be el times at the three doors of (he bouse, end receiv- PRICES OF ADMISSION— Deny, bat* axamliMd the report end ozMMt of Um New It u reported that tbe foreign Cairo. to pasmd, AiAl bava any force or effect Third Tier St; ambassodort in •trnama^ii^' AH tbo nnonr 7Sc- Second Tier S*c Pr'.vate Huxea $0; Life InaurauLe t.ampnny fur tha tmlt year eudlup lAling. ^ ** «nn Wrottor to^ro kl l>. abatarer until approved atd coatirmed by (^n- LoSorA Jaa. lat, MW. and belns sattafied with ita proeperoua eon- the itdicatijBS Tra» N*. t AU M <>•««.of * •«>•*•*• ^Sa^ To the great tuipriM of Ibe Mayor anil tbois with oolof* toaen from the enemy were ^ a. .1.1 .**“^, recommend it to the encuurassment allowed ^^MMAatioo Tfmtk «.« P. M wbo aapplisd rarpsts, rartaiaa, oil clotbt, abeet- " fW^R/.r (dBce nnenfromSA. M.toSP. .M , where seats ditioD.sjrdUUy and to be tba gns4 The Julge bolds that au innocent bolder ^ BTRS^IP** ; 19 ffei him, tbs thtp wat completely empty; even tha two baseeurra for eny niftd durins the week. auepott ofthecomsianiiy. sarried in the proeesaion. — 3r. T 11 iiRfte Rallioad. can Lotm. A»» *«-ea ».tolto bgy. fioalaillU and KaahTilla iogi, 4c., have done credit to tbemtelret. This York Llff I nsurane* Company ha* been Is ax. Tlia‘bs ffeSfettoZ^ pJS. of a premiseory before even if given heavy counters, covered with zinc, had dia- The New • SanUSanu FaF. - , k . nAa mAnrity, p poors open et 714 • end Oveiture to commence The Bank of France hot raise.1 AT Ann noar _ m>ii w.. c ^ I " 6‘.S*0,(K>Of. leteuee foortoen year*: U* eapltal he. ettaioed th* mm of .u ,n The ^ reached In.toca ..J , .u , i*T Kiowa I»Jn»«d-ea firm bavc a large and aotinJy Law asd rich stoik for tbe itouas appeared. He then purtned bii invsstigationt in 0 o'clock^ eJ7 dl apsot* during the month of July. ,*’“?** ?***^***^*- of tLese inetitutione, would be pro- 01 , s’si.iisa. invested in Stats atucka, bouda, and murtfataa "*oppnd tbs forced themtk.« “•** .ft— Ctoatanail — . of tbe attaalioo other pert* of the boiue, when e dreadful apectscU ou real Wtato. Three per cent, rentes J”to fi‘»id*divid. P*»ty and as? men. — of gticda, trhtch ie worthy uf par- tected, acd could enforce tbe contract as against a on the Paris bourse had “seiared•,. tbeir *“* 'BdiaBi AU eleven in >»*J«,.Un*d m«« "Vt.Auf -uc. intentino i ebaaart. the beneit of th* Ineored, AI *“*» ‘•vy wrong d»r—bat tbe Uw would not lend its |«wer b«r, viz; the landlord, hit wrfe, bit three young AUCTION SALES. niuoey. TbeproStaeo-orelo pa*i*rspa'ser, bv b*i3t «*“‘n»>Btion*rontribntioro^^on eud have evsraa.’d not less than to pea cent per anuum on -A vague rumor prnvnil* that PriAcn Napolnon Wo iateaded to notice tbc Fiela aam at Uagtb, children, two female servants, acd callerman, a A eompanyeomnanv ofo* OP Tot OaiAt Foaeia.—Wt mentioBed to usiA a party in ttfrreing a coAract A between tile prumi'jm pAd. was to ba mode sovereign F**:* returnedretaraad Pik, of Tuscauv. Jeep. 1 — -- Pike P—p ww.. nell atabUman, and two man who worked in the fialdt, By C. C. Spencer. Jicside. these iuveetmeot* ih ttoeke. *r., tbs lew of Nro “ snow *"in tha *^«*ksvs**o*kars raport giviag bar diaiaaiinas as as tba name of bor pAl ies to tbe bame frandoleLt acd ilUgA tranme- The King of I'rai ru sixsia wnawaa not exnectsd to live mountain*.^mountain* jaMMday th* arraM at Chiaafo of AlexaDdar Nor- additional Security that 81UUX00 -.hall be expected 10 live wera all found murdered. All of them bad tbeir rniTl KE.S ANUHOLSEHOLDKI York rieiuirrs a* baiUara, bat wc have not baca furuabed with BToKi: KXITLUE with the State tioairae'olUr, to meet aay lawfal **' aliai laBiar, by Ofiear Blifh of tkis tta tion. bodiot liUrelly d-IKMilud ,f*r’ taa, Wa. covered with wounds made by a AT AflTIO.M. which the Coiupauy may fad to ley. I >>• collium lietweeo deieandi Austrian Prutainn • and lA tk- • Wasisixotov Aaw..*i data. ON . ibarp-pointsd weapon, end hendke-chiefs were tied eaty, aad Mr. Kaaaady, tba Cbicaco Huaf of po- lUi'ES THK SfRives Hill Oh'Iue —Crat fir. A Frankfort waa ^ .^eOtomitmonar at Pataat. i,-. serions. but it wii l•AMvaJueiievsj i tightly around tare, uf life lusiiranceoa^ forth by tbia InwitatloD. ~w™nrourondaaircn- Tie Jokm To^iAtos—Tfcote going to Cairo will chant .Vy/rfays, Aoouet 34.— Second day; puns $3U0; tRs faces of tbc female’, donhtlast to tbat no livea ware biat |^j,g j y^ j^^ liar. Tboy arriTod with kia laat rraoiBB, aod at houne. No. Kou fib ft '«$•(, ltwUlbe*acnbylhcab«c*UU-ioeatthatUilt(k)mpaiiy $.wi JO prevent tbair tereamieg. The fimrtaf tba rooma II. i'arfv n«ar Market. «“i "x i u which ia th. enxravmw find tba John Tonpkiaa a desirable two mil* beat*; to go to tba Mcood norae. Soutisbioa cuediiion. Thoee desirous of loforma- !^in baa raoolved to boat to travel Intbaia'« be found a aeuc^al aafortfriem of Hou«e. lain a locrnnse the fortIficAiuni i ®*®yrmbt, and a totlS aa tba lailraad naaibar paiaad dowo atraet a where the bodies were fourd were covered with •* eubjact ** F. G. Murphr'a br f. Ellen Doyle, S vesri I •udle.^tirk^ to n la retard to ihe susfect of Ilfs Insutsues would do of Cub*. “• of a patent. aa. Sbe bat fi^a accomroodatioot aad ho’tl YuTDlture. F ated ^verntary «ud Book A eooeriwht e^ iif aata aa ax- blood partly I'oagnUted, and in no part uf the honta )iofai*. l.ounr>*f w-Utorallanth*loc*ls#B''-tof theahovaConiiwuy. who <:*“<• atartad to th« jail to aar bia. Ad, by Lexington, dam by imported Itlar- t'-ane, BBreana, rhairt. Wnnhxtaiidt, < o The Britiah Parliament was ..I .k. lo.k and gives a mooenolv good aaay paraoBi that lor tabla. ftod Ketches lofvther will give tbeciauylnformaUuu may bsdssl^d. or • '“»? y«ro— ocUaat Mr. Twonay is tW (Serk, aad a grave 1 1 was tbere to be found tba amAlaat ar.icla of furni- ittf HaM**> witli tha Coua. „ , k. j!, W wbiltt a patent . .. alther of tbs LocA buaid, all !“**'' *“* u*y.ibe jE on aAlad. eoMx fifteen dAlari otkan irbo oaHad to aat lagta, wfaicb U tera. iHawcn, SbelYinc, Show Wiaduw*, aud Stora FU* ivfsrencC apply to maaibsr C. Lecr.ex Wyke and Avea a gal laat aad polite gaatlamae. Tbof. G Moore's b. b. Uarengo, 4 years old, ture. appotnted turaa. of whom A# inaorad ia to**"*"- Htr Majaaty's Eavoy Kztraer- The Commiaaroror Saoddy, wbo bad baca Tbs polite wera immediately sent in all direAions . ^ W (to. bia baa aaaa, waa Mr. by imp. Sovaroiga, dam ieabelU by Bls- tpecUl attaotioo of tboae waatiof JUHN MILTON, PreatdaaL dicnry to Central '^** **““ The Time . The Furniture or America. Tbe t* Uaned —Tba regular Tet nnna ilvrr packat, to Atlutic Tala an a work of f. that be toi 2 2 make icqu'riet, bat np to this time no tracat of Etora fixturet in ralltfd to thu naJe. mmaovona i>.-; and is aariadtad by bia. Ua coolly told Mr. graoh tharea era anutad at roust Tk. intendad for tala ns tneb it kl Tima, Capt. Jobaaoe. wll' laavt this tveoing. years the murderers hava l>*en discovered. Twe inhab- Tena* oanb. <*. C. EPENfJER, (topyrightnd; act J<>ho C'empl-eU'e b. b. AAbur Adame, 4 bat that whan no’t eartaialy aiatakaa, ar ba : lagla did uttiJ? dtd AuctioD erf. prodncaA waa itants of Watzeargrun, wheelwright j “mto TW UacU Ike, a era boat, built we believe at old, by Wagner, dam Helen Faccett, by a aod a CApeo- Na iiT Wolfe, Au.rocy at lAw. '? potnical nmnaalv, incUdiog it falto umfor r»aaba of tear bariag aaaa bia. Mr. Saoddy, T ranby di*. ler, were arraAed on eunpicioa, but they were C. C. Spencer. patnet laws. Pitlabarg, is advtrt'nd to laavt for Naw I By A G. M'tnu,M'lau, Miunfa-taiw.Miunfo-tarur. Cbaogarnitr, Louis Blanc, and Ledru Oiiaaat immediately eet at liberty, ea notbing Bo lio , tbere wat to 1 -. a- "O M-r tatatag aaida, taaarbad that it waa eartaialy the Time, 3:48%—a:4«K STF.tX ENOIN*'. PUNCH MdCUIXE,BOn.EI*. IROV. F.:-.).0 Devil, (All— haat. to day. werrant tbeir detention. Every on* ia lost in con- jjtnH'Jtun C-*i< .Njrtiirrn B-uk. race was woo by Ellen Dos Ie with great ease. TiXiLeS, A.M> SIlOF UUlLniNG?*. aT AUrTIuN. .b,*;S:Ur .. Tory baagbt of iapadaaee. Tbc to of *WJ{lllVe Portsmuath Nashville, jecture at bow tha murder eleven pereont and api>i,'aiairi>l4'toL aWM.i’koa.St4MsImt of it will r.Avis Rj.>,'i, M. i>., h. C. Itevii', M. D., and B. R. . Juba R«s Froa Maaan. Bligfa aad Kenaady be aold, by o'der of rnon.ahie. at Mr. .J |{. maa to (Xira, tbc Orb to St. Lnb, and tbe J.naie O rally were bitterlr opposed tolls ^*'*|V'“'''*“''^'**«®#*n>-haTo(Eig>4ad,haa4- cocuderably larg- Urge and heavy, and mercbandioe couhl have Smith'# Bu;=er \ ard, curufr of .Ninth aod WaUr nU. on>i Fuoirr. M. i* rs'urncft'e weatber fije, aod the attecdance Uken , ia regard to lagUa *.: l« this taiaod aoaa aaort |«rticalan I* V. i VEKNON .4 6<>.n' 8, Local Asent*. Duksa, and F.rini, tbe t,<>vermBaBt Whipple to Aikaaaea Biver. placa unobserved in a locality ratber deneely popu- I'pr^bt «u*am rnne aud Urua hutvr. Iruu Fubchinit DictaUr of Modena, threat- a dispatch —rmtlT iotarost 4.-4 er than tbA of yesurday. Tha manifesUd Marhlo**, and TogU for naiup; a lot of B<*'ler lioo, togeth- tar'i iB«e. .No. A*in m-ut ea* to level tbe city lo tbs aad bia aipeat, wbieb we aball briedy raapita- lated, and where during this flue aessou ground eouoer ibau see ‘•’f ™ epaainw af tba elavs Tbe Bactan ia tbe mailboat for Cieciaaati. Tbe peupU ware er wdh a’<'TI:R. Geucral .vginL trade beiaaeu •P'?,'*. in tba racea ia eensibly increasing. tbe Duke restored by force. the Luitsd Statni mevirg about at ail bonra.'' Ainu, the Itaildingn on the l,ot aM Afatca. and lata. G'eawoed ia up for Pittaborg. /•rernwl BreaaettiJ/i Market. Aup. •*<•*."**.*“• lebewarmuean of Trrrord . Hatf enth; baiaucij on 4 month)** credit with lo- lA— Mmn. Rich- Uucbaaao’s Aitmiiua erdioB npenre rcri-rt ihv weaiber Jratlun la lagta ia origiaally froa Kew York rky, aad ia Cirroltoa W. McDonald, Jr., bas been appoiat- teredt and #acaat/. * favureble for the that regard. If tba Tbe star packet tba Irada, tbc Frre- ffff'Georga Auekic.vk Iloiotxa ix £.Nltuea of a ii itiab race courM to believe WIII^UlI'aK^\viii<$ki:k«« ouoh .wystaciicj’^L'aiTACIIG at a declU#of5u«d<4ue#Uut report, aud bolder* ar#prf#»- COM.VIERCl.kL.* Ib.'aLj. lugoutl.a market. " - ^=.- : S.iAo Cjuoty Agricultural S.tiely for having its , a a • L SaIm of repacked at Ttk* 3 r-rr , wbat they have hitherto denied, that natives of AT AlTTlrt.N. from red,red. gr«y,»r,y. or -wndr^andy totu a rich — hr rtaarrd froa «b,aad to trlti.aod. lie baa bum late C^apt. J. liiair Sannioas, was moatly inarriud Cjvcrniucut nfaer, to n-eelva Aiaeriran cured printed by tbe t'iorini.ati tlcm- otber lands train "tnaosgu'' N WF.DNF.tD.VY AFTEUNdON. Ah*. Sl.atSu'e'ucIt. in tbe aJw DAILY REVIEW OP niaaiiiiotb |K>*ter* cm Ad a hurae aa well c.utrari. H.C..U 4Ia«lT. Urd Urn, at tranaliag CAtaaeirely all orer tbc rocotry, and it bi Wsllavillc. O aillbii yo4tt Ttfty and jK^ramtiUirily aold, ou tha li*'MILa\(,AC 'K OR ni70\W Me* T*. ,‘-“*‘**“•*4 as ttaosu of tbeir owr; it KOKH f-trerpoul Auxam 27. > and let noWX /VoelMc* bas them into a ifarZrf.—Eice heavy •! . niercicl. Ou tbia aide of tte river things ar* dona b«ei, thi* tullowing . , ! u a decline of raluabte and di‘#4raole pru(>«rtf , tu-wit: a r,-arft'ur of7iojuriugiDjiiriug or staininxstaining the flour and *raia. ia Mated cuaaiUed a auaber of furgeriea ia Tcaaa Tbc St. Enii Kepabltcan of yesterday tar>: little s-cret io regard to tbe by ukin.akin. 8*. liueiB aieady at adiBJ. »d fur cummua. Sornll mJea *f toa lovm- .kmerican nstiun in 4>ue laot, :S\ f(^ front i>y luft dt-cp, # tuated on ihc «uuth Suinbuf more cunningly, where sgricAtural flusters are turpantiue •! -ady at 34». *^a4A4ai^4 7A Wh#at rgthMc rivtr here eras stationary all yestarday. particular, namely, (hat friend Jorsthan uf tbs ••df uf JelferaDU airaet, butworn piMtou aud «;ack«o f*TI’ TNNyr? and wMb. — aad atba plaaa. Tba day 3 , LRaoTADOROSCRISTADORO'S DYEdye London .Var^etM Aug.lftA -Br#adgtuff$«t/*dr «iigar Ami# f»o« imraof iM-arV. tot printed in (.'incinnati with a Kentucky imprioL New World iaeverv bit as goed a tsctiiian faet Wt.'at Iruui Uia cutuar uf Jacstun. wa uark i pri^a whba a. There is only six le-t scant Uctaeen this* pert and in mat- iu barmh*^ at*ai* water, mi*d a# new milk, aod quiet; prciwea«4cr but quotaUoiiuuochaog**ii ^ ..ww . h#fhd eorm at It appaara ibst logUa baa a baoiber-ia-law ia Al^‘, "1^ I.«'t. fdvt front by 134 d*-rv to a 10 foot allar, '•)»*• •»«< returned. Tbe* Lacey foond six and Falla tera equine aa hie elder brother of tbe old u'le, yclept -*-** a( an a.lraoc* „f la Ia •tb,, fralro — Cairo. (Mt, tbe uutkaMuUi Md*' of Walnut xtrovt, belV(*«‘U Firotou *Xa-*.-«-» a-a wrn -www-a oalr a recartty Faii liik ar Cixcixwati One Ike Txrxxo KTa-txxro Ijrtal frrifuAt ***** Kaw York, a raapactaUa atae, irbo weat Ci'T only & lest 8 iecbca. Anothsr — of •lohnov Dull. Tbe match which tbia ideutical nag a'td to -.Pariiamest wav proroqasd oa th* tt hhde easar at 7 M(47M* ij« ijj. — lo the majniliccDl relur* it imraiU S,:u evyrywhere aod 13.b. ibe Lo tm bia far a Urge aaiaabt ad bad ta Day M. He Tba apper rise.'* are all falliog. There are abuu' Vorttn I>eramjteJ — We copy th* following from the lost at Newmarket drove tbe Dritiabera off thi ir l.ot# are eliwtblr torat«Hl Io a portion of th# d ChiBcellor read the Ujeen’i e eech »“d eeaU mle. ef oottm at liu (rite tapklli’ lmi ru>ing and areidcadtiy incicudiigio value, apillcJhyidl H.irDri«.r.. Sa* regrets that lb. for i Id locbes ia f'e Miaoia river between Peru and gnaril, and enabled b>s party to invest tbeir money iaterruptio u during Ibe *e»I HH". LesBayra , kaew lagla iu Cbieago, ud a*de cffjrta ta Cincinnati (iaaette cf yeAerda; : and will bo *o d wbol jr without r(‘*#rTa. »m c KLSTADOItO. r« h.v. p-.v.otad l. aaalto, and 30 iri-hes b*lucr Peuria. Tbe laat re- at a capitA price. They won a luge stake, aril kf many important mejaarav .t sVc. looee. tta* 1 be #a will coiunieuc# with the I,.ot on .ti'ITe' mb vt'ot't from pteee. ,, —,.1. got bis BMiicy barb, bat nitbrat aacie-a. Kiully Vas'erdav it was annoanced that Holmes A Con- No. C l»tng carried, an-1 torlT^ pjrt from tbe Tpper kliasiasippi waa 30 in -iiea have amply reiml>uraed tbcmselves fur tbeir ontlay A gvMt iBMulatioo mar be made iu |»oreba4e of thia A,dur Hu..-, New Yutk. hep** for th.tr eailv c..nM.I,rs- !»«•*" haeo.oa onto,, -j well, formerly eogeged in tbc grecery and commis- TV II TTl” be oact tba iriaia tc tbe Cbicaga Chief of Pulioe, the (x>wer Kapida. and falling. Mirauun in Iba expaneo pruporty. Th« tltte 1# full and eointlvte. Edward Wilder, 440 Main *tieet, aod Mi*. O. Nicholaa, tioo at tls next reaaiua. The on TW of pnrrbasiog horses ami importing war in llalv bivirg det^ rlear .4dee, as) ,-^J 'k.” ion bnaaeks, but wbo UtlAly gave tbeir Atentien Teria.fr.Fo'’ the jeffertuu etreet I.i»t, tbi!«I mab, talance river it falling with three them to Kagiauil. 76 Foiirih rtrwt, •''»fl.®®rclu led, EigUnd bad from Jeatpb down, * AzenU. haeq iavilad" latiKiilaie Ingles by tbrcAtooicg Hi Tbe talent of tbat go-ahead au(tt dAwim Io take Sale. |<4 half . aiA wrote bia to cbtrrtr to tLe l!(|Uor trade, bad Teilad srd iu 6 aud 13 mcoth« with Iiit6re#t and lien. Thu wa uuti*!. fact iaebae ban. made an people will part ID tba conference of the ^ 10 oa tW not again be qneetiuced. It nae liern tot, til rd ca#h, baUhuce iu 1 aud 3 yt« • w th iutereet Gr-at Powers, ta.mld at dbrlaaaM aalecs be paid tbc emoaat amignment to W. Tetert, It aud UK- Sato, ^a tmle* Jeaaa aad baa wkb river, C E q waa also lien- efl^HwIlwwny*, Pill, and Olatmrat. — While one be bald; bat no •officiant Uaacri m rvivmto Freights an irprovirg in the Miaannri and displayed to C. C. SFK.NUEK, i wondruus advantage in five inatacesa , . inibrmaiioa on tb-i tarma.' made known that Mr. (Jonwell hid aljacooded, ai? did furtbwltb. Tfaic bod tbc dtidied effect. loglcc M Auctiouaar. ewelliure, fe’on*. stiff ^ subject have advaooad cooaiderabty to New Urioari. on Kaglish turf. | )oiuK chilblain*, burn*, and cuutu- to admit of a deliiita r-i4 y ba — leaving beiind him a letter to bia partcerconiesaiog ®®®v® 1 at tba dl.ddu llcrdia Cuaaly Kailroad A good deal of bemp ia cooiicg frrirtld frcm the Winning *ioD* have no te-ru-* for those who inmsiw* llulle-ay's - csivad. 8 aa would rejoies at $t 70, 18 at 3 3Sto3 tt. a at oaoc gars ap ona Cwserwitcb, and beaten by a bead being able to ouutrib- - tbat be bad been the meant of ruining tba By C. C. Spencer. 4 4 ^ 1 , • *. Miaeoari river. riMn Ontuieut “I® *» arraneementa to aecura “ *<‘4* » •» 7»7 J at baad to tba cbisf to aatiafy tba btalber.ia4aw's only fur a second witb Friorest; winning a Great and know lUproteiUe*. in alltatsiiial disease* a laating peace. She 4 )». 4 is^ and tbA be bed besm gmity Of grievou* wrongs. It l*03TPO\El> SALK (*F MAl.N 1 »» » sa. Yurksbire STREET LOTS, rely ou the *>ope* that th* direct Fire to Slemmer Halite —Tba New Alb any Lsdgar Handicap with the tame mare; and now MCa aJO dd co(nmunic*tioa with rvamwiiPekin wi 1 riala. appears that Conwell left this city, or Purported to AT -kVe TIONb .••aica •(.rf raw whWky winning aGoodwo^ Stakea on Wedotidiyand Ibe prove lieoeUcUI.IreosUcial, at MHe.MHe, of laat aveaing baa Uw foUowiag: t.mnt^t tbriateaed di»claaar howerar betenod i>aa- leave, on laM Kiiday to visit bir wife, wbo WM rpo MORIMW AFTKRNM.*«. will b«* |K)f(itivt‘l>' «old, ou the prenitm'N, 3 val. l^Y *onna wiy At II o'clock to.day a fire waa diee.'rverod oa tba NAbing blsraUuunsbis raiatiuni with all tba ‘"'•F. -tye: ColMboR,CraW piidaa aa lagtca, aad tbs chief mi care wruto to un tbese sborea but a few' mnntbs since, aad a uable l.uUt'U tb« uurth # de ot Mftiu rtrei*t, b**tw ca Frup- n..en. 4 e-„ powers audau,l rtjoiciDgrtiotcim.' at Baltic, at tbe shipyard of lK>wermaa4 more was beard from him until Welnesdav morn- Burnetts Cocoaine. ..***?“•man, Ana llanphnyr, ' tbethe completecomDielecomplele of 'L 1 .. 11 . - The flaissvi trad* of >. 1 . I mmmphBRBmpWs. Nursery Stakes on th* latter day witb a cult im- ton aud .larkfuu, each fuet iioiit b b5dc4>p. iuppreBioosuppreiaionauuDresaiun of th*tb*Ik. ladiasludian lndu,»,w,H. *• Mvcral rciia to in<(Birie(, telling bia that be Ilolmea found letter rebeltomrelmllton. i,,T5?. “TTtl toeomla* .• fcetorofaetsv* finpimeo aakc wbore was lyiag ap till iag, when Mr. tha to which we J luf |4V)fe‘ii)- wA‘4 tu hare l)ut*n Og «o#M Wrl sW tW Improveaicut uf Ht d at tte aam* set all IJy* euld la«t Saturilar, Burnett's Cocoalne. So*Sit* prumiaeapromiae* her serioussenous attemionatten. •*?*• ^ { time—have dispute on tbe ion to tbe iaUrna' .x*iX.*hito.“sic Whill *dr~‘'v **«-r Th# te# mm4 have referred, ander tbe doer bill «a>( uikavuuiably iMMpunud. The ea’i* wi |H»RFHiv#I> ^«?1ST:Ji” mamntAtumt i bare await reply froa Kew York baaiBoas, aad ia ibe Bicaatima to naovato and re uf bis residence, on 1 iinprovemaat woaU drM to a point of cleveruess at rest Civilizutioo and tearn- of‘f ladU.«ad*a. Sb*She gladlv ki?krt. ij>iS« *feito take plan* bi.niotTuw a b»tnuuu,aud the ]>»t* will bi* eold I gMly auditedauroted to tb*the I/’wW aod’^R^hVK^d'^uSjT pair fire Vine Araat. Tula Utter was addreasad ts Mr. ttr i,f 4 > TW originaud •ram the blackcmith abop, A cmpoimd I'ucue-nut (HI, Ac , for dmwincdrrwinc tha i, bill*bills prtviding »( bead woald be aeeupted by tbc aeeari- cg bav* always IrsveleJ weAwa-d, and tbe tons tis^tli(*r. if ilceired. Sal** pusiiUTe— tit e ifeTf»N*t. for tba naval and militarymilitsrv raaarvesraurv.. CentrmCantreJ Indiwna.lodiana. 1 . iimlw wbatba the iadividaally. It bad ritm Jmitoi. mSri workman wen cagated ia baaliag rivota, Holmes, a uis cent postage lup canb; lia at:(^i: when and uf New York bav* in horse rsdog shown them- Te •Third iu I and 3 vearx with iutcr- ty. la tbw way tiac wa« girea to obtaia repliet stamp un tbc eo velof e, but It bad nA passed tbrougb tUu caaght on tba boiler deck jnA forward M tbe barber to Maud c. c. bPENCMlc, selves be most “learned Tbebans.'' Starke a3U di buraiag tba tba poAuffioC. Wbo placed the Utter under Ms Auction -af . frua otber ritiea mt to lagtar'a cb aneter. bop, balkhwd af tbe l>arber abrp, ceased to be an outsider very stxirtly after his num- F#r frwiwhi or pa##a«r# aMi*- ra Vrard #v ta part of tba railing acd caavaaa oa tba bnnH-aiic door U nut known, but the lupposttioa ia that Cun- Uetiiy aa? BaHHAM A Wo bare prertoaaly rpiAca of tbe letter Ibat waa her want np oa WedoeAav. Tbe liettirg men did By C. C. Spencer. 1 M Naw# aa^q tbht tba guiha tuMi mtf tba men well met some aci|uAatsuca abroad wbo carried tba roof, aad twelve atattnasaa. TWra wen a auni- It k*av^u uo Moc|(iag tu the Building ^-xchauM DA find him to serve tbeir turn—aid they wanted IloLSEHuLD U ltMTl UE AT A FKIVATK l:F8I- dluagrM'mhle udur. Ajgcctatiuo wa# likaly tu wral dowa ta t per e#at, ar#miwiB a m rocoirod bare froa tbc elctk of tbc Cbieagu police. ber af man at work at the ship yard, wbo qnit tbeir letter to tbe city, aad imtead uf dropping it ia tbe ^ one—for sintrcely a iKwk was opened whose framer Kt.Nt K AT AfCTIUN. It uofU*nu Uk* lialr wh*-Q liard aud dry. Ixut long. work aad aoon exiiogaiebrd ’fwAi IHcr, as was evidently Intended, carried it to UAea bligb left bet* ea Tueeday aigbt aad raarb- the fin befora much bad But belted this winner. cannot Jloxinv uo4itht*u I'ba Herald ha* rtuson to believe ?*»•-- agunst We N MORNIM;, Au*. 29, mtlO o'cl>M-k, wIl' It the irritated ucatp ukiu. tbat tb) Grand r«^‘'and'lw Ml. Holmes' residaoce, aad, lluding that tbe family "* *“ ••-«««*•«- damrge was dena. TW la*s A supposed to be, by O b« M»ld, at Uu* Iat4‘ ivrildciKN; oi .Mra. New, on Ui«* Mouth Duke UMirtanliae on a .ti tr„T ad Chiaago oa Wadaaaday nigbt. Ua Tharaday overtook tbe merit of Mr. Ten Broeck in declsriog It alTurdu th# ricb$*ut luulur. learing Lyd) will fay a viit (topt. Mockia, abeat filoO. bad retired, be p A it under tbe door. With it wat i»*df of Waliiiit idroi't, Ikctwcoii iM'Vi'Utb and Ehhtli, the to win witb tb* right h('rs)-; ie to for to Ibe Eniperto Nzpolimn at Biarritz. ( praim due bim rlitire lloa«^bo‘d Furuiture ouuta It rctuaiiiu lougmt to uA'Ct. urreaev lela hettar (tornaad. aaralag ba nallad a tbc cbaTr uAoc. aod after eea* anAber letter dircAetl te a friind, with whom Cun mnl lhu:v n, CoUMiMiitg Ontor. are ««iw 1 . satiiug an example uf tbat uprightness which, wa lh«dr, Ihnlpta'ailM, The doiuge in 1 arliaineiit on tbe I3tb •*•**!* from imr coaatry ^ of bu «auM, Wajthptand#, WardroU*#, Ii ouatu fifty cunU fur a half plot wtre cot of rri i ii mlaa tu with 2Lbttr well bad transacted tiaanci^-^widnese. 'Tbe ex- buUla. pf«>diira eaaiag with tbc cktk abuat tbe auttar, tba chief Cff*rW Ktw Vtirk Spirit of tbe Times is pablish- lament to say, bas been too iiioch on tbe dwline of t'anH'U. chaL#, TahU-a. iRuvtsM, aud hitebcu UtriiMilF. gnat importance. d^ uoahoauM hera. #r in to II. preaaioBs the Utter Hr are vague and its klT'The aUuntiou of the LadieM i# calk'd tu tlii# WM iafa raed of it. Uc abuwed BUgfa tbC railroad ing m lertot cf “Sketeboa alioat EiaisTUIs," by Craa late. More'ttaaii one instance hat occurred of par- meaning aa to tbe freci e ca'nre or extent of the lAle. The Furnitt&ra han oeen but l.tt'u Ui^»d aud i# lu vx« liat declariog to win with the bor-e auf Intended. order, Burnett's Cocoaine. load, wbteb was Na. TS, aod tbc latter iaiBadiately Mar, a wall kaewa geattomaa. No. II, ia the Uat franda committed era a A jat fully uedaratood, ORileut iitklt |tu#klive. bA vesto em.i, ttoawj-cxKwi. Time wu when such a praciice would bav* been Tena*eaph. C. C. SPENCKH, uuurs. i Ot ano 111 • *•**»• «warTw is that Burnett's Cocoaine w x1 Ti^.^ ^ >aaaar#m telagraphid Mr. fur the aatoberr cf tbc Spirit, is quite interastieg. It has also n fanny tba Uferetcc by a system of false entries a:»dtd iouecr. the Indian to bauddy met with a note of censure irom th* Jockey (^ub. Auct and Kuaaiaa loaua would ba ^hwitb !*?•? aad forgeries be La involved tbe firm la hopeless Burnett's account of on annUur ebootisg match wkich took remem jar tb* Cocoaine. in'roduetd cootribuud to tbe two beads rabicb bad basa ubtahsed by lagUs, wbo W* a Jwkey baing reprimanded by By 8. heavineM, tboagb aut «-««-. »hieh. addsd m ttotri^ w wh^ rain. O. Henry & Co. to eo large an extent ^”r>i» nSim^J^ui* pUca lately aanr this cAy by Fits Jsmas. stewards, witb a cautijo to ^ mora circumspact in aa wa> *xpac-*d. Tba eff ct a wry saUs.vrto^prisL^ P-ddmto.^^Jmw^^ by appoiaUacat was la call at tbe chicTs oCcs at ]• It is probable tbA be bas been in tbe babit of TFSriMU.MAL. -neomM remfo*. store far futnrr, for winnieg when bis rroployer bad declired was nevertheUn prejudiced and apparent in every ontwd. rme. aomto forgirg the namca of partita in tbe country to note*, lioarojf, July o'etoek. to win with tbe Aber horse. This caas occurred at F*f Iniami ar eeems* enely sa hoard sr ta fir itove Ctncinnsti and S*. Loais pnp« rs by and tliA tbare, to a coneldertbU extent, era now in N* TUESDAY MOiiNIN’G next, Aug. 30, at lO a«7 BASHAM A BI CHA.V A.'«. \aanm. to Wafl d. Goodwood . Loadm Field. toak a saat ia a prieatc laaat aod aaw — O o'clock, ae «luill cjium**uce our larya regular weekly tW Adaan Expraea aad Mr. Howell of tW tbs bards cf parties here wbo diacouAcd them, la Omni, falliatrvuf Foraign and lioaiefflic Staple aod Fancy l' FDt Cairo laglas eama iato tht sttoc, wbo ioqaiiad af tba hit letter be says tbat tbe ontstandlog note* are and Mamphia. Attemjil to Puteoa Ckthirtm—Smetde of the Uother. Good#. Ready Made GlolhiUf, Hate, Cape, boot#, bhoef, Tha Sae aad bos Lias. Atoa n NsshvilU paper by Mr. Ksdasy I, maaaMeeM eMvaasrmaamre mostly right, except tboae bald by a privaU capi- umWtiiug (biod#. Notioca chaaf wbatbar a rap’y had b*aa racairad froa Ksw —A woiiitn named Kisanna Toy, on Pink street, > and i-or many mouuu my hair nod acea tauiuz off, untu lime canbut be me rwesis la tea sDatb - fEg* a, SAM E1RKM.\N, I aumindral of tbs reenlt of a tteidy dir lii^ |«rt ef tbe TaBus>w.dmem. af tW Express. Ws oaglacted yestarday to Ibank taliA named. It Bfmart tbA Ur. Ilolmaa wattha rV^Reiug ia recaipt of Good* direct from the manufac- DcaV safety wll toav* f(« above York. above Matter, iu tbe S-venteaotb Ward, attempted • os f,-arful of lostos it entirely. The skin upon head abaoiption sneb aa it indicated tor for refudns two Aol- aad latarmedtota perto am Oa baiag toU that auoa had yat ca»i, be tiirerr, impurtera, aud ^bber# in New York, rbiladeUdiU, my by tbeas operalioae. 'to* of *rr. Ike tnk femear. el 4 s-cJockP. Swiaaoy, oowafaoy ea tbc Kasbvilto traveling partner tbe bouse, acd being abaent to kill ber two cbildran yesterday afternoon. _ ^. .. JL. tW Railroad, Sht acd Hiwton, on e*‘iul|ri)tiieDt, we cao ufler great breame jraduatly more and more inllaawd, so that I ooald Yha daclin* in conailt waa naarly Per Inaura- ons quarter Bank • f .St Pawf — IMskI of parnax* apply SB Beard sr la lUgUa) said that ba araald go to tba talagrapb adtoa thrae-fuuAha of tba time, Conwell bad exclntita w* Irora from ik. m w. i administered a dote of land mum' to each, and then nient# todG' and country buherr. not it iwr »nt., and altbuugb 'fi* far a paper, aad aleo Mr. Eaing, c^adactor oa tbe touch Withuut pa n. This irritated condition I attrl- duiiog th* day a eilight **“* •* 8*- Peal, eiihorob MOORMtAD a fOl. -I—- to Itoiaao. aad toll. O'igfa, bdicriag ia tbc adage charge of finaacUl affair*. Tbit enabled bim to l^iU’gtilar Male# uf Furnitur** and IIoa#e Keeping aru- b<2 *• uSto — awAlowed a quvotity herself. Her act was discov- huted to the use of verioiu advertised rally ensued it was not maiotaioari, rvpwta, has aom* te JefsraoavilU Railroad, for attaatioas. cl«# fver> Thar«day nioming dariut the oeaeou. hair washes, which 1 particalarlv tk# eaBaladwa to Ibat bird conceal frcm Mr. HAmet the true condition Albeir ered ard medical Ad lUBmoneJ. Tba cbiltlreo when it was found For St. LotUa. ia baad is wunb two ia tbs bash," coa tA^Uruecriiw, LU|U«>rM, GlAMMware, Wrapping-Paper, have since heen to'd contain campbene spiiiL tbat an adilitional falTbad taken Mil,n,lt t# ratherthau bneiaert, and the Utter bad bean made to bel'ev* th^eoastam'aaaoTsalcf'ef't^i,^? The toWadid Hskt droosM were relieved, and it ia tbon;;ht that they will re- and Notiun* ev«ry Friday uiumiug. " rcnle*, the pusiliva | dadad to Adlow him, tho^ tba ebiaf waa vary By tbc advtae of my pfo-ddan, P, whom you had diowa ™h range in quoU- »ldi sendinx Iwblto Mowaa. as loha Mnlaoa, a man So yaan of age, was that tba boas# wat in very good circum'taocet. Uaviug removed to tlte hoam^ldtollltton’kli _ ORd cover. Tb* wratebed mother lingered until Isrt large aud tba chiltlren **^ Tm fnixbl or paamx* apply board er I* alagrapb oSot aad tbaa to tba Kicbaaad lloaac, coaaty, an Tharaday is an infant aid tba Ahsr a boy about txii or privaio lalef. “v™ •‘‘v«®(*d beurte.oJT a, that “ •“ * * UA. ins and l-riUt on: In three or fonr da> . th. rednam and wUi pam-bJrT^uIm •« MMRUEAD CO., Ijreti tha book* un tha Loillow principle, thus keeping six years old. I'nvtrty is believed to hava iatti- We bav# uow one of the large«t and br»t arranged Ane- Tw A where he slapped, Biigh still foAowiag bito, aad *'**** well fait Hon llouaef in the Wert, tenda-ness disap;«ared, the hair ceased to fall, and I have *!**>••*•» resUrday sayt; tie bock kaip-r, at at paAcer, in igcoTAce gsted tbe deed. Sbs bad been io destituta cirenm plenty ot n>«m, plenty of good REGl LAR 1. E MAIL PACCBT ff^IW cHisaos af N sabrille will gi vt a barbecae i# tahiag a paait i sa appaaiia tbs batol, so aa to haea light, and what better tbaa all, pleuty of good city I U of bU oparatHa;a. la hi* lettar ba takaa all blame ami now a thick p-owth uf new hair. 1 trust that uthars, diul- audauJ quolatiuusquotatSuuii haba 'elelrv maintain'd.malutAln-d. **«*»•»•• '*“^**ramahi “aa b«r#l(>fcf#,fi****®*^*®' •** staBces for terns lima in vontequenca of ber hus- I f!,&^ffrm RtoaUrm.Rleti arm* r*twhe?M tW For Cairo mid Mstphtai. ia country tuetoaar# that will Lay all th# Good# cuiutgip^ steaily. ewaaiaad of all Iba doora, abcabl ba an tW C h froxiaia, honor of tba opcalag of the himself and says Ibat ba never iatacdsd to j larly afltirlad,afflicted, will be inducediudiiced totu try tbe same nsuady.remody. Sacar LardduU bntdeaJy. Gbaqnotatmn.oilaqnatatmns lurelybarely (laglas)osaM foo band having deserted her, and the landlord of tba I.It RuXritliSd'tkifi# unJertoSi that m -v . C* (/ Oa Jf-a, JfcZwjij. anybody, but expectad from « I... roapm, ta. I aat. t LoaUvilU aad Nashville Bailrand. wring moctb to month boose in wbieb tbe resided had givan ber notice to Yours, very truly, ^ Uc aat s aid Bligb's patianca, aba at laagtb /Amdom—Saturday. Last aveaing, ' n-rr. hazel is-. to make everytfaing Hgbt. Aa usaA in tucb case*, quit today, Stsmration aL'SAN — after tb* cloae SSf?'of,kt I m - - *7I.-«EL*DR!LrRsreI*mISdeli. Rsaa. — starirg her and ber little E POPE. woat iato tba balal aad lackad aioaad, bat aat aas of AgnSUEwSI tamwe fee ekeve aad Inline nrnttara, instead of working "right,'' grew worse the atock axcharge, tba prcapcctus of tba Kus- l*®**^*®, "• iefsi^ w, saxpom. mutnai- idta>pes«ee« Ai>vr.KTUuo— bst Txxxsaaax Wmo. — Ur. 004* in t&e face, she conceived tha idea of first kill- ^^^™"Meaday.tk*»lhlBr4aBt..l4o eto*k dao loan if (JOt) P. A iag biai, iagairad at Iba oSoa for lagiaa, whaa be and worse, notil they were finally brongbt to a cri- A'12 at 3 per cant, waa iasned. 'Baoval p,'r IMxht ar lamexe apply able editor Tenaeo- ing tbem and then putting an and to htr existenc*. 1^ dto^vmtos eacearax* the kapa tbat elattaam *• koard er w W. W. Galas, tbe of tba WaA Burnett's Cocoaine. Tha appLcationi for tha loan trum tba nombviml e» - toae told that ha had joat got a package aod laft. sis, Ad the string man having ruintd^is partner, Sb* sru about 25 years of age. cuatinaot_ _ _ara aouiag tk# atkar rtaa ulutral rwMK## M.mikueaD a ca. 111-1 atticjpaieJ aa Whig, pablisbad A Jackson, ia new in our city. tongfat refuge lor oimsslf is ezIU. Burnett's Cocoaine. to b# very numeron.*. Tb* Indian loan la cooHag aat af tba odhsa, aapiad logics ia PklladelplUa Juormal. BUgh X5.0$0,000 ii tu tm raised Fox Sale, caa sboA baartily isoomaead his highly axcA- lie intimated in bia latter that ba waa oa hit way TV A.M.< ev - 1 to 5 per (mat. stock tba Wc Burnett s Cocoaine. Tilt - barber abep. He also aaw a gaollaaaaa af this to foreign Isod, wb«ra be would Xn, War Departmant hat decided npon k-ivieg __ H*R aad Cakto af tk* oar aarebaau ons of very baA n endeavor to re Elrtlvm Frond . —When tha final result of the ClMCIMMtTt, Aux. to. M. toat papsr ts ni tW J'* 'flHVI LLE aaw ly tax a* 1 klyiliimqiiit aity aad, hariag triava bi* lost furtnae, aod Iiogl(»J,th(lop- Wkoat eoaUaar* activa aad **• to ba rscagaisad, ba eleppod expreaaad a bopa tbtt A Kentucky elaetiun is known, wa shall bare aoma- t A sinfie application rsodert the hatr (no Mtoyaat aad pricre hava jjgSJUK wharf— all kavieq ea Smxsaw aad aoA vulaabls advartisiv«i'ng In the Worid. • BogTON, Aug, 2d. 77^7aa. RrairmatTl LwtovHN, Ildgb faUasred hiai lar — Ky. afaoat a qaarter of a au'e^ few moetha Anot tb* ttocknAdcra of tha Soatbern firm *i 4l($dtr. Ptoar market A. HAMILTON. ttoa, sajoys great popnUrity, aad ia aarroundsd by Piet«ivd br JOSEPH BURNETT A CO., Do4on. The news from Italy in tbe papers received by aarkaaxM . wbaa, thiai ia Pacific RADoad appointed bim tbeir agent to carry NaaOviUa Teas. g bo h had goac far aaoagb, be hailod dcmami-s.lm L»®a bkts 4 to for '' ff^For Ai Undt at lumber, draatad and androts Fur mio by dealer# geurra'Iy at Hi real# a bottfe. the arrival of the Etna b eontrodictury. « x* BkA caaatiaa that do a vary cx'.aBaive baMBOM with oar tooM fifieea or twenty tbouaard •< r " T \tt, Th* Lit- btto. aad, addwaiiag hiai aa lagiaa, told biai that ar|KM>l to"* ** '•(**'*** **' extra. Wakky"'ktoky Srm aadad oa- nd, anab, dsora, blinds, a^ dim Post give* tbe foUowinxfollowing result: The rnmurs Tog CaEtMit. TttaciunMa, and cAy and will aoon do a muck men exUativs oar. to be paid over tbera to Dr. F<.s • -, • - lAo mouldinga, bozst, 4c., oAl ^ Tlormnom ***•**'-’“• <>®II-=*® tbc Naw Y'atk dbpttcb had coou far bin. lagiaa published yesterday that tbe red republi(«n. had B ® -- ^ ibc ategEEt llgkt draught pamrEaar eieEmM oooUiagcncy. Finding that mAUr- svra iit .atix- Alsxaodar, Kllis, Co.'a mill, onah, Wa baiievs that avary basiuesa advariiaeiBtnt Ibat A 4 planing .* Kentucky Tektimony. at $14. Bacon in moderate at r}Ajlloward Hrevt aad Okk»$«|lat 13M aad For Cairo. Hickman and Memphito will that tbtaa Main atrsst, csrrly oppoait* the Uonas, Lonia- Mt'Mcixxa 4 Karx.—It bs aeon of hat GAt Mi## SALLlE CitUTCHF 1 ELD. handhitl# thrown Into city aiilD at rs. Wheat firm bat Tk. Sat and hani-dnuisns enwerevr tunsntx to the ebiaf 'a tore*, credh Holmes 4 Cunwtll not bsen good in bu carriage expreaa- aafk#actid mlae ia_>ii that ba had baao di^alrbad to BOLL-IKD KOIS1.T fOf • fH?* JOHN T4.MFKI.Ni4. fii'.n.lrwtor, gaattotoaa hava foramd a partaanbip. coat, of lata, tba foot vilto, Ky. (aul tf VKS CKLU2ATKD * We bank owing to that tbsir papsr bsa for annexation to .*'*~“*^ »e-r*Uew totofie. wbia. ^flMPHKwfll towve for ek.v. briag bin to tbc oCoa, aad (Iqyiog bis baad oa Fir.a.4*TO.uTr,c;^^;irdC(...Kr..JuIv1,l)«».FiaRASANT Gbotp, Garrard Ue., Ky., July 1, 1MS9. and istotiwWtotf, pwetaeB ataod cor frton ds. know Dr. bssn offsred frssly tbrongb street brokers, and proTUlonsI government of Tmcitoy a Provudoa. Arm al fonmr tmtea. ""^^“Oatnnfoy.tkaKifc BM,. at «*' aleck F. .frere tWm warmly U Wa I have bevnbeen eattrvlyentirely cured of TetterT.-ttor ouoa my face brby tb*the ^ued Whtokr tocady M l(l••’a MOTICnEia FnrtUnd toiUtokw l Aaaldcra) that ba naat go there. lagiaa bankars gensrally regard tbia aa an avidencs of BUSINDBa uee of Faiiucr*# Vegembic Cuemeiic Lotluc, pFoclaniAfioo to tbe people bafora tba al-*ction took atte.igc, dua kv rn frefokw, wKk urlwltore aff Kaye vary well as a maa of buainrm aod a gcatle- after trying mkivi-ina. wrakceat if nA of rottanssas. without Bucce## every oJicr article 1 cuu!d bear of. placa, calling upon them to anaLle ranbsd. Bbgh arms ciaad il aot that Icglas bad by tbair coadne; New Yaas. am m. w Far nrHakt ar vereusr ewptv am beard er •• maa aad bnvc an exalted regard far him in both Timx is Muxrr. tbe paopls are aware that “'*• UOYSTON. It wat atcertaioed ysAerday Ibat Ur. OnweU —At KIDNETS, Ue Emperjf Napolwn to do for Italy what be in- Fleur bwnyau'; safoe baaatoc a larwad, acd that if be bad pemittod bin BlSFstSK OF THE . ik*s* kkfo w xa 4mS4 refov — cbnracten . Ws nssun all whom it amy coaesre, bad nA viutad bu family, at bs proposed, and D. O'Hare, 427 Main street, between Fifth aod $oo«>:.*:d. It it sUtMl >. and Si to«4Xfi (S for Stortltoru.' tlKaCLAK PA.1SKSOMX get a Stoat ba waaM eartaialy aavar bsea rs- nothing was known sp to laA evtniog aa to tbe L.IVER OOMPUAINT, FACMKT Ibai all his dssliags witt bs *'apsa tbs rqnan." Us Sixth, it tbe oldest, largest, and most experieicad Ifr. aSoIon Falmcr—rear Sir WUling to benefit thuau * Wbml ha# Advaaced it; 11.aia kvkrl# mid. Cura doU; For laaaad. coiiient$“?r Arkannas itwer. TW package be gal fran the adka waa bis dirscrioa fa* took. K'*hb*r could anything hs asesr- that are uoubk*d with cruptiou# and cutaocuiift dt#ca«ce, Of tba rruMiao govarLtnant to tba re- #aJea will nlsrsys sell gaod artictos ml raaanaalda prioes. maBufactorar uf trunkt aod simiUr articlaa in tha 1 la 5aa bufikd# at for velUw Fork mt Tb* fisr and ntsxBlficrnl pnmrnxer ataarest iaio*d mi to tb* liabilkies mf tbe firm, owing to tb* WEAKlfESS or ^'tfY KIND certify that a gnat uiauy rattcc baveco.ia uuder my per- movaJ of the praMCt dyaEfty, waliot, naa t atai r bis Boasy. tSo ia anoaat, aad El I tio# #i t i*ii r.nr re* a It* a* mmi JLNNIK WHIFFI K,4 one t 44^7^ g ehy, they fi>4 tfoaxU S7H for mrw> end Sin for prtanw. Wbtofc/^ JT3;» :g •nrsllabl* conditioa of tb* hooka, but it U soppoesd tbould avail tbemsclva* uf tbs lara op- wiU to*ro for obo.* and elOTBwdtot. perl. OB Ibis gaaa to atreegtbsa Bligb's aasi'iciaa, tboagb ha PoLicB PaooBKMXua—FViAy, Aufuet Xtk -^^^^"8ntor(lv. tber* ia but Ihlle, if njytLicg, left for creditors. portnaity afforded by Mr. O'llar*. FEVFR AND AGUE$ lk**7ihlBaaM.ai«*'elo*RF. M.. AM cat know at tbe tine wbat it waa. D. A. Kmach aad J. E. liAUy, snapaetod felons. from *Hy whorl Frelskt tnkan tbeo^ wRkonf raiBXp. To country end city mercbaou he offer* peculiar I M. 8o“tb««n7. Mieblxon seutbern sworontsad S4. Oa ratara l ag ta tbs ChiaTs oSaa, lagiaa aakad Laid avar till to morrow by eooaant. ExciTKMKirr in St. Clur Odnty, Ili_— n WM. 8TOFT, msntluned, viz: n marTioxe batween the Grand Ferfre4>hterpeees*eewnIy*B beard er In advantagsB in bis wboleMie department, wAle in IDYSPEPSIA. Dnwv st and Bouksolier. L well knowu that w# Ejan- A This snwt Skin Purifier to the randord incdieine (or uel, l<>»l»ny I*. Erie Railroad tb* rstail lias h* emnot be cqjeled. feel th* Prince of Ctrignen, tuba followed by olber Jiff, Mirhiren in the naigbborfaood of Belleville, which hardl) dlr^oeed to oecupv tliue or ei>ace In It# ex|)«#l. ai ns. Ha aakad Btigk far aa atplaaatiea, wbaa SsAth, stoaling psekst-book from Henry Kloos and nearly ra- INmoov. of tkr Skin. Then waslu no mure moasy on sc- marriage, dsslined 4IM< Otovvland end Tofodo .L.,,. ngj. rat Memphia and AikanasM Riwbt dtract. Whoever wants to travel with a tmall carpal bag Hon Few have efrcai^ riffuriug from oae or a»utb«r ol to c*m*«t th* noios Itotwren the 9S. Galena and Ckl- .. Tb- ter and luanlflcrnl pnawnxrr tosnatax the lattar toroad to tba Chiaf aad sfaaigod lagiaa $5 from Phil. Hotecr. Bail of Mayen in Blut) aAted in a tragedy. Tba particulari, as given in it# vaHod form#, lu fact, H b ei b<‘r a oaow® or a #on®e- coDd or thfid rate articles, but at eiKc procure ttw Rinxof houara pf Siroy and tbs rexe 47. Ck-vetond, Colmnbw, and Llurinnail _. ir M Bjur'jons uf Psrma, and sallXUs.XU*. Mto- to Jt-NMK tStps. 4-. or an arnamental trunk need go no fuither tbaa tbe quMwa of alTDo#t everr otber db> a#e: aud, Ukeu in ibu* fC?* WHIPPi.F. f. Gmav. ibemoli. the same time to piomotn tha cause tomii O’* s:*,, TmiwwiM e's nsv ***** ebovw artoh haviag ceaaaairtt d torgariaa oa Mr. Saaddy ia to answer ml thU Omrt sad South ia $300 for three a commnnication to the Bellavillt Advocate, we •Uge,wc believe ou« reoM'dy—*l<£RHAVFrS HULLANH of Iiaiizn nuiiv oflOHOa**" ^ end Imermidtoto eerto oa Wuatarn fact of FrirvFrier eoIKi rentscrnls p(N'p(N- Ihe GreA Ay Mr. O’ Hare. B1TTFK8—will alwaj# mitigaUt, If not eflbct a termaueut buttle, or 4 botHrsbotilra for 83 iaidi under Sardinian supremacy. I aaiieilie, aad donaaitd his amat. lagiaa Uofcad msatht to bs sf good behavior. here labjAn: New Yonn Ana.to.U.P.M.IS F If His manufactory is a credit te Lonlsrille and care. W# might uecetrougHr language, but, a# w« are ad* For iwlti by druyidsts aud doaivrs goucrmlly. In I>iK-by of M^cnn eve^thing M«nu in Coton brnry-sales l3to middllns Bidnfofe'uwui teads For frefobt or pamnxr opBiy *• brerd or Is aataaigbail atd daaiiil tbc charge ia tola. Bligfa, John (UrroU, atoaling n abotgns worth over I On Friday cvenib’i ci for wlita i Ibe rwl. and dUburset ludlgiwiHii), Heartburn, Headache— Pi k and Nereoua— Duke, it it added, is in tbc cnyiruo. of Keggio. wkh bin to Koatacky fanbwiU ar go to jail ia ing tba gaa and giviag it to s man on tbe island. w lUtOlLAR WI3>NF8IMY AND aATURMY PA8- iDqniiwd of tha mao engined io threshing wheat for In fact, allthat have tbeir criprln In imialrel digiwU'.n^in where he wander* alwot ™ *y -ofo* i*re b^LIT*’^btwkria Pro. large auioont of money weekly. As a matter of GRKAT^XCLlSilI RE.tILDT. in (Lsgnvs* in sacret, to to w bkNtiKR PA( KKT Cbicaga aad await a reqahitiaa fran tbc Ooearaor He did know wbo tbe waa. slept on tba prioa, nying they wished to purchtts wbkbarelncladed BILIOUS UlSOKUEKd aod LIVER THK *•' aA mao He some for warm tbc zeal of bi* psrtizsni. 1: is foriber ststod ' For ONFBitobora home pride and to aobaerve economy, porchaters COMFLAINTd. Mental lii®ord«n, Iili:abibtjr, lodbpwi- l^^****”* EyranBwUlek W H«iid«raoa iowiag. With tbew inea at work wat a negro MIK JAMKM <'l•.kltl(b'M •*•** ''^'“•ky drrlUed He-reir* et af Kaatacky, tolliag bin at tba aaaaa tine that be tba iatoad all night. It it doaUfuI wbetber bs is man Uoo to Think, lmpati»'t:ce, l>e$»nw^on ct HplHta, N*tr\uu* tbst tbe Uodc'ci amTPsrmrzaas bar* bees invited STJ*...... Yb. eiesTi wr taxBI-diwwxkt paiaraeer etmamaa will consult tbsir beat iulere-t by purchasing of D. ... Ellis, lived Mola,sc. dull at : ft foK 4Tr. II. named Barion who baa in tbia county Fean* and Tr-mbUng. I*e«iiv for ryil'.iiide aod a Dumber CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS!! to B nioniur banqnct, wbieb it 4VIA43. rRFNl (^>oia Carvnov, W. (). aaaU aat ba pradtad by tbs delay, aad that be of seand mind. Boil in $400 to answer A tbc Cir- to Uk* pine* at ^ three yean, and is abont thirty yean of age. Tbe of uthcr fft^ioa# of tbi* da##, rend .riue a man niiHt fur Slocks variabl(,-\ irzinto Cs O'Hare. PrepsrvU from a ITrscriptiuu of bir .T. Clarke, M. D., Plocinga, for tbo purpoee nf coming to on nndsr- Kb Pneifie MaU Steomskip JmiMlA.'*.'"* a that tbs inteicouTM* with Uw world aiad tbe •ociety uf bb faiul'y-. ^ ^ bad dispatch fran Mr. Saoddy cak Coart. ' (Bligb) Committed. mao, on isAng EUit, wbo waa at work near tba standing npon three Cuuipony 9lW; Rcadiux ItoUruwd eiW; MIchixan Central * - Y-/„.*T-** *** Dememlicr that the UiiiUJ States prize medU will ail, in oioit la#tanc«9C, bo found to liave t)rucfc«led PhyPhr k-UnU*Un ExtrauriliuAO'F.Ttrmor.tluarv to thetha Quecu.Ouern. punts, viz: Fret, th* d*- fr,,?r7ill.wd tbra^ieg mtcbiu, out of tbAr burgr and FwfrwMior pwMwxn, (toe. UcUallea, nsenalt oa William McKay; and gA ap fruiu that di#ea«ed ftate uf tb*' d>g*;#(ive organ# wbieb Uu# "«ron(,m«otof the former dyn*.t, aeecnd, the on- G***»® *«*» ‘-‘i**** -New York Cemral 74. knvtox mpenar aswas waa awardi'd to D. O'll are for tb* beet trunks made. TbG wcll.knnwn m-.llctn- is no ImpodUon. but a sure ; apply on ptoacbed him, and, prcMoting a pistol at bit modiciue 1$ #o ciaineotl/ boaid sr I* to tba Chief aa naapaad ul with aaa abtained bon head calculated to relieve. “*.**'«« t® P*®"®®®': ‘nJ ‘h>rd, ctmftoma: ion New Oniiona, Anxnstll. P. M. Kpbnim Laa, at Davis nad wonadiag him and «4fo remedy fur FeiuaUDifflcul'tos and Ob-lructiuor N. 8. 1.0.NO * Mo and braaat, oommenced tying bini. augl5dlin *“ Mr. 8. I^ios tboo agrasd tooona oa at oaea. ia tba foal. Bail ia $100 to answer to-morrow, no Fenults SuCrrinr with Nausra ami from any ran, wb,.vrrr; and, althonyh . r.w.rful r.m- He rosiated aod ona of the men knocked him m^i “sjy'^io^^^ Jy,y. ituytluy containcobtffUu nutliingiiuiliinx hnrtfulhurtful to Uiethe It is daa to say to Mr. Ksaaedy aad bis aaaiat- wi t i eeers beug preaaiit. down with a pitch-fork Ha arose immeaiately, aod Debility. coneUtuUon.coDetlUiUoB. Kaiiical Core k>>r Dkoimivs. — here ia no dia- Tl,, m,|iury rioU at Hayenc* have hcea followed loot rear, no ozporV-i rreelpts ahead at las yonr W,S«n bAag Urge and |iowerfal mao, threw off bia asiAl- A Tonic SUmnlaBt, enitable to tbo«e paeuliar period# in laEtfiri# aato Ibat they affurdad srary facility to Mr. Biigh £. T. Harriagtoa, committed te jail for sixty TnTw .^arrlrd.Vfarrlrd I.nwirit by ethers of n more tnrious notare, in tba neighbor- bilca; receipts ea.se in which tbe Peruvian Syrnp baa achieved the life uf ererjr Female, more parlicularlf e«ery motber el all Sontbern port* ekand at ku* year amt aod ran, pursued by tbe two men, wbo shot at 1I U i»crulUrlyi-rrulloriy sniu-d.#tiiU*d. It will, in1q a #hoft.(lort time,tlma, brinybring enoo buod of tbe City of Frankfort, la tbair power, aad Mr. B. canato this city. lagiaa days, to await a reqaiaitioa from Arkansas, for Uk- ba« long lN*en a dc#Nlenklntn to the medical world: •umu* tb* rest of tbs Ger- *w,ino b«lai« mock et New ucleans bw'**. Csrndmi bim fiv* times. Oae sbA look affect, tbe greater winders than in Dropsy uf the slMlomea 3M®® ball thing tu br retaioed a# a neeuMeiry eum|K>i»«>i!,the opmion is gainiad ground crLTcnAxSociiTT.—Wa call tba AtaatiuD of onl- thus tmlb cante All tiune oQadlUun# we bell* ve lo be pcrf®*ctly fulfilled in riAuru moU. J. MU8C8. a ..a k-iu sWak was far AIM, aad that tbair aetaol laas wUu men, aeigblKtra of Eilia, and for whom ba BtFsRHAVEH BITTERH. Frum tbe nature was and coatequeocea in these affections. HOLLAND Gea Ui* (^nidgnati CemmerciA.j Fall G(X.us. ed to the #atkkeUun of the mort incredulona. off* r 1,7 Kxehanx*ExchangeKaeboim. on the^ath*tbe Eaat veryrrrr llrmtt u Drt — utbria & Brothers are re- We stitutiunnl Piedmunt, the Two Sicilies, Pnrmn, Tus- fim at M- ^^^^^soBirday.lheSTth inatok*,al heir toast aaeeaaafal aagagcncot to a ctoaa this Sociaty for tba aea ton came off, aad it was by AI one of tbe mo#t ituw aud certain remediee for thU rUmnf idib dt^wlr&weowly S-'alsehP. M., rORTHCOXINO ARTICLE FROM DOCQLA.S IN fall caojp End Modena bu from city wharf. ceiving their purchases, wbic-h are made up of affectM>D#L and all thuee, wbetber ueculUr to tbe sax or amalgamated? What mea#- oraoiag with a rapatitiea af Verdi's odds tbs moA Atrac'irc in tbs fruit departmant of UARPEK'8 MONTHLY. Far friixkt erpwax* enpiT en hawrff er t* II Troralotc. not, which re#nlt from weakotw# oi any particnlar organ, adopted for tbe uniform duvelopmentof NSW Yunx superior goods of every grade. Tbeir atock through Hiuhlt Imfobtakt to Momajtft. Sin. Winslow, an ^ Cams Masxn. Aux. 34. M. 1. Nxw Yoxx, or genet al It# a’inuet Lung * mo say Hmt sn bsvs Atoadad . peaches aad aacb Ang. 25. debibtf of tbo py«teni. eonct# are TW toetobair of tbo canpaay bare node a last- Sacb experienced uuno aud female physician, bas a dootbiag moral and productive forcu!< of tbo nation? How ThacorraalTbeeurreal prlcaeforpric# ibe ws.* al oU tba motkouar* the season will bs ample and select, composing tbe magical, yet tbeeare radieaU It commrakatoauo violent m quoatibas Tha feature of Htrper'i Monthly for September unity bo *®**owa:follow*: iag inpraaasoa aa ear eitiasas, aad their fatare ro- aad vaimtias of them caa only ba mA •iR*ck to Ibe •yatem, but, gently in«iouaticig itOKlf tiu-oiigk Sirup for cUUdren toetlung, which greatly faciauiM the eaUblUbed and discord prevented? isa long nrticl* l>y Stephen A. DongUt, tba beat goods affjtded by tbs American market. In tbc whole mime aarru. Fur PwkBTsbors. with ia district on frato*. roo#e« the vital energy lu normal action, pruccMf of t$»eiiaug by aofteuiDg the gums, Miwt Piedmont make a #acrifice uf her liberal inno- trill giro a combiaing tha advantages of skill. redDdnc all in* p|f>tFirst qnaHtyqnsHty, per The slereet I4|kl liiinOi tara than aasariaces that absaaoe eaa- aud . wh’le pareewL 81* ssx|)| paamBV toeereer divAiog line lietwcan Federal and SUta authority, drasa goods, especially, their of eumbluig nature to throw otf the caoetf, it tbor* ^'^Ation to m __ Hoe splendid silks, tUmuiatlon—will allay all ikftin and Is #ura to n^ulato Rome or \ lenna, or most tbe contrary OrdUkary....*. to GLENtS(J4>0 fA cultan aada gaaUl lAl aad climata. Wa board oughly eradicate die effeeb' of dleuaiO. the OviUnary • Here » to (T^- Beniireuw. Mfor. Bos inpair tW faroraUa inpreaaioa they laarc Of which tba Evamog PuA girea tba tubstance wtII leave u delAnes, merinos, 4c., is nnexctlled. Fourth, YulJ tti*on it, it will rest ^neationgp it adds, can Cemmea.,.,..^** s (jure V as itP- fW for ebwvc aod inumi Stole pneto am bs- _ ARK NAU81-UTEI) IN EARLY MORNTNO*- bowels. Depend moUMTs, give to your* 9*i°? n gaoi Umaa who boa spaA mack UoM ia forming follow*; INDIfiPOBEIt lofartor •••- 7 • uw "““"setunlay. the *Tlk ti iixn l . al 4 •Geek F. to. Wbiad than. Wa wish than aareian olaawWie, To RISE?—We carnoeUy reuncat >oa to ealves and relief and health to yonr infanta. FerfecUy only be decided by a Congreas. uwiff oar complex syttom of twsen Market and Jefferson streets. al7 dff Far Inuxk* er panm#* ap*4y oa board re •• n familiar acqtmintaaoa Under govemmsnt. ha * wHb tha AmiU both of Ee- safe in all casae. See advertiaemaot In aaethcr ^>^tai^e“Tbu nawg from Paria U pacific in ItE tncu. eJfi M(.a>RHRaU aad an nnaai Min Aaaie Milaar ia paiticalar to Yet we poanively guanintee new acecA of energy, aod a cotamn. _ . ,, O out. oxasa sayt, Ute fi'A da^ of ao Amaricin lUtasm sa is to Toe kmpuror bat ^ ropa and Amarica spaak of SAurday'a axhlbitioo Kennekt's klKuicAL Diucovebt. coeerf :l, iiuitefol rookttig forward to the datbw ofthe day. apr37 d*wly rujolvcd to ioaugmra*.u a real tW uaoMdaratliiB of oar tnatBn|i(irBriai mark diatinAly tM diriding line between the Fed- — Scrofula, For Catro ARE YOx; 8 UBJKCT TO NAUSFJh BEl ORE OR and solid puacu policvp aod with tbia view hu now oou»«u.*.V’V“V aad Memphis. ia tba highaA tarms mt commaeda'ioa, aod ha eloaed erA aad locA governmeutt. It ia a quution which aAt ibeum, tAter, and AI Aber diseassa of the skin, AbTEK EATING?—Iry the #ame unantity beforecaeb Tbw fin* and moratofent Mreenxre (Brejmer A CARD TO THB liADIBS propoaua to rudocu tba export dn*y on curtain raw lefeftor.I.'il.'III!!! meal. A# we mid hefore. It will not liarm; yet we a/«nr« fCy fo JIHIN TOMFKINA. Kiww, mamre. oH >ba Bitaat iBa af tW ladita to the Ua raaarka by statiag thA if tbe Soeasty's tabUr, aritaa moA prominently at tba presait time, ia ra- BartiDg tore bilea, V mouth, erys'pslat, cbroaic tore you of relief DR. J. DUPl>NCO*B materiaU, irclndiog coal and iron, and to promoiu from that dWUcflelng loathing at the thought to tba goyeramaat of tba Tarritori** of tba of food, elagBat atook af goada bow opoai^ by Anald 4 i jaA as they ataod, eoald bo sA down in Loadoo nod eyes, old ulcers, pimplea on the face, and al«o from tbe di^Mdtion to vomit afu;r par* «=«i otherwise m giv. .u»uiu.tu rt^^ity.ea -<*:arday. the 3l4h tnei.. at 4 e'elach F. to Uaioa. leading party cbroaic rheu- fioldrn Periodical Pills for Feaales. f">"®r*®ri» Ona (Rapablk-an) asserU aking. W# promiae (.-erfuct digeatien of wbwt ha# been iraou EOa cofnmurcu. Ordinary For frwfoh* or peige apply • board re <• Miliar at IM Foiuth atiaat. TWy totoad to naka ward sat ts INrALLlBLETvvAt 1 iDf p * go smataan aad cAUvAotn, sacb ax- that tba CoeAilatioa confers tbs supreme right of matism, and dyspepsia are all cured by that de- ri . * Common 4 tA g «» j^lRlIEAD A CO.. AxsbB In correcting Irregulantiu# and reiaoving ihstmetloDs et iareey.—Thu ConstanUooplu papurs aonounca inferior ladiaa’ f atoaa, whsra arsiythiag ' S 2 4 Aa amaabiag atay cAtoacs aad sacb profbsion wsald give rias to qsite legis'a'iAi t»r Terri'oriei in tbe Fsdersl Coagre**; servedly approved remedy, Kennedy’t Medical the Mooth^ Tams, from whatever cansa, aad alwaye tbattbu Ixat uartbquake dUuiuli'h tbc qnaauty to «uU you^oouacltation. compictuly dumulishud tbe uikxp ahi> lam^* Fox New OilBana ami Rod RIwbx. Biafal lady'a toBat ia tbair but on tbe Absrbard, tb* Democratic party, which W faoad far a graat aad a furore Tbs fiiA of September ia tba period Discovery. Try ft, by ail meatu. READ CASKFULLY.—Tbe icnuine bigbly coneentrat* E™-®n~,fifi-l®*®n<»®m®U.hedth.rmu- jualtty. » h-d The eleei wt Bxlit drerebt pwreswre •*• ed rruSSE^pUL-\J7Srfe l^*re II oopoe** this asnrt'ou, U diridad into two opiAuos, Bu$rhavtt'« IfAiUnd Bitter# l« put up in half pint butUce 4iiMa»uv FLETaV, BarntnEeMmer.Baexie, w#tarr. trariad aaaortaaot. A atora af tbia kiad baa laag VMB tbo peach aad tba oalive grape arc maA only, 1 Doctor in bto practiee for many year* both In Franc* JS2l^JSSIbA _ro. which asrioutly dutnirfa its br.-moay, and threaten RAYMOND 4 TYLER, and retaUeo at ONE DOLLAR per bottle. Tbe great ... i SU f S j^^E22vlll laavu Ibr eawvu aad msarwMdlala yarta and America, with uuoaralluled iuccee* in ev(»rycaae; and The r-tna brought no regnlar files of the Eng- .r??-* ?$ sufiu 4 UU #• heaa waatod ia Loaiarillc, aad tbay iatoad to carry abaadaat, demand fur tbia truly celebrated Bcdlcioe ha# induced • *2 2 ^^^^^d^tafday.lhetnh iEvia«lbal4u*aiauhF.ll.G and from wbA on bava aaaa af tbeir Its latagrity. 74 Fourth Areet, oppoAte NationA Hotel. he i* oryed by Uiouaend lediee reoidinf In Ibi* city lUi^SM“• •• many Imitatiotti which tbe publie #bould guard agaiiut many liab iooruU*. but a few aUcsIUneou WMrs were Ikom u*ty wharf. Tbese diffkrercrt of onioioa arise, according a* wGI a* other ciriee, who have u*ed them, lo moke tbe ewinm •at thaw pUa aijae extaanraly if tWy bad tbair qaABy wa foal warraatod ia snyiag tbA tbe di^itoy, to Mr. tal3 aod4eow pun hueit^ ®<*no onun boardhu.ud aid...I forwarded to the,k. agent1^1.. of-r tbo.k F«irfMghtergunmgee{>f4y oEhauid eria pill* public for the alleviation of tboee .ulleriux from any pint qunllry, |VKV toSHmxv Dougina, frin diffarant iaterpraUtiuiu placed on BEWARE OF IMI'OSITION!—Sao that our nama la M pill* I* ^ —AncnitwB-n RCGt'LAR stATPRAD.tT PAdstKNGRR PAGKICT of the fuHowing claams: bo Tieliar* BEiVJAKIlN CO., Tbe eompodtibn of the** mode knuirn to every dwrimt the poto fow wrek* tha dereaad for Tbriw tare fao(7 ind staple Dry Goods adapted to tbe fall and FAOE, JR.,* bw- Oieut *>111111: Ui-m, and they wiU tall you Ike pills ere per- tbs Demoeratio of eelive. we qnal* ailvenc* For Mound CStty. Cairo, and Mamphia wdl bafoaad anatiiaal. sisa, aad this is sayisg a goad doA. that the (xmatitation of the United 8txte< aeithsr SOLE PBOFRIETOKS. FirrSBLRG. I’A. At conventioa tbo Third Coe- emne end en on ihto dwrrtetl winter trade, conrUting in ]«rt of rich 4-volant fpeUy hormlc to boaltb, yet at the umo time wUl_do *11 xre»*ional District, held n ol half a cvnl a pound, while all other kind* orw atxUisbaa aor probibita alavcrr in tbe Statra or Leuisvilla ar WILSO,N at SXAKlilRU. W. few dmvs nnee William »ncS^. SPKIH0E><4ifVl.l? C^IW Use. Oea. W. Sniiay, bariag ratarctd Mobs Ooi.a News. The Leeveaworth Tiams of Tarritoriat, beyood the powar of tha people legal- ILjbes, 2-vulaot do, double jupe du, Bayadere Silks, EKO. (Market .urmt, aeiW(9.e Third *d4 — tourtb), ly to control it, bnt iaavee tbe people thereof t;AKY A TALiPriT (4EI Market atresL. uSar eomniun yet debilitating eoui|>iaini known asLeueorrh dulegnta to city, wHi praae b ta tocTraw (Sabbath) noni. tbo toys: per- roartbi.aad CW 33d "An express arrirsd last eveoing Plain Puiot-de-Suie, Evening Silks and Satins, AI DturtUz x:u(,rallr. orWhitut!. rrioagli*«rhox. fectly free to form and rcgnlate tlmir domestic in- toarcUa Bf-^h tti lagn Ongr^aticaal Metbcdiat Cbatcb, )AbvodAw]eoviLL . TUtd CWataM Waiaat, at 10^ dost. Fonr tbunsaad of this belonged to tbe Ex- atitation of tbe Uci'ad Stele*. Second, tboee wbo Plain and Cbene Puplinr; Traveling Dress Goods, To whom all ordemmuM be edtlnweed. They will torBiih WASMlNOTtiN, August 26. CoiM and C'alvw c»nUnou dull and nomtaallv unehang- PRIVATE MEDICAL DISPfeNSARV; *huw cards, eirculare, aud pills at proprietore' pricea. Orlaana and Red Riwar. ffvisek. Alas to tba crcaiag at M a'daek. 1W believe tba Coaetilu ioa atitblisbat elevair ia tbe TbuXKa ^StEU Ua^rauQt boa buun officinlly adviMd •** »• **»^a*« hend,^n For New press Company —the rcA to tbc pnssengm— Messrs. all ftylto and oulors; Cambrics, Jaconets, Mull, Sold also by i^ary A Talbut, 4&3 Market street; Thomas Thu new and •elrndM musveew T*iritoria*,aod wiihbolde from Congnea anil tboTer- fk# relief tktmiaffuulodnHd imptu- tieeq an art iavited to atfead. fieborcb,fieborrb, 49 Hfth street; J. W. t^eatoa.conMWfieaton.tonMW Seventh aodand IDdtthat an ixderotuur oa# h*ea recniv^rrcuivta at tbaUkU CaetwiLmstoai VroT Calvae ereare -UII«tlll paMk Moore, Orr, and Orbinsky, AI of whom arc mem- Swiss, Nainsuok Muslin; white dent faUn pUoiture, mAo, Jlnditnf that ke W '‘‘^Tcatre* tala moderefolyuoderelaly wetv.activa reqwereraquaet Irefor thetha > %M FLETA, i:upt.i:apt. fianm.KaEwm. riluriA Ltgulatare tbe power to control it, and wbo and and colored ^ Green etreete; H. PreteUr, soalh side Market street, he* mu MwWbcd the aeeds of a eertmin loath^nu dueoec, Uouuu at Para, Brazil, niltboHziog tbu rudaction wry beet, bat dull for all oUwr kinds at w qnutatioM. v ^ ^ ahevuand aO iaierma tbe inaiat that in tbe evoot tbA tbe Territorial Legttla- twveu Kiu^ and Fifth: J.N.Jab^, corner ^>Bd and vtx; 3 4e for inferior ““ on .Satarday. iMa 37th bers of Georgia Co., came in for tbc W and ewmmuB, aad mui lMl..U 4 a’< wbo pnr- Tarletons; Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, Printa, iU-tinml nmwr of Akamea deterred J ro-m of Ibu Gowurnmaoi export duty to 5 per cunt , E dif- Wta«Hfor Akbotal. lir. A. B. Cuuk bas raracrad hit oSre lilLwidilie. * to affplyino Obestnut; Vandereftpt s curutf of Lafaytdte « /a , '^•aA ^ * 'ri. iinltnari tn riilier PM. from ^tf wharf. tare fails anaet tha lequiaita laws for itx protoc- to « pkgeiciAH icAuec ktwwletiea- af$d fcreDCU of 2 ^r cuBl. in ^wur of the uxportuf. Thu pose af prueuriag atiiuag matoriA and apparatas. and Chintz; IrUb Linena, Table Damaxk, Sheeting, runcec^^^^, aud Pre^ioo; J. Johnson. JelforsouvUle; Scribner A Ma* gheeu aad Laml'e are pivaly, aad dall far all k' Uu*f tbe above ageau, cao bay# the tent cunddeatiaHy U.tvtM.kto* oo nde qautatiuae. The p^oc^ portioa •*! Ihr satae have N deriug my#uif a# t>ruflc.lcat a# pu^ DALTItaoEB, AEg.A— e.*b. district. Bilvar Third, tbow wbo, wbila profatting to believe Ibe by mail. been et abuat $4 per tend, tha Wife vf Uw uffiwtag Wiag mf the mining ba* beea diaoover- hand, all of which will be told very low. ***ble in prufcettkiu 1 have the adopt- ' tbulir ebareb, where be will be fuaad at all tians N. B. kek for Dr. puf^Dco’t Holdra PUle. flee tn^ tha George Brown, thu Mhior partner of tbu Baltimore ordiimry. FUKHiltTw. cocstitation attabjiahet ilavery in ibe Territariea, 0*1* I have leceuUy vlitited many ot OV er ^8 •iguacure is upon tbe box. Yon will then gut a pill you Swiae r«iEllaiir la limited rv^wta for all feiade, aad ed mi well me eoA, and tbc whole ngion i* ia a G. B. TABB, : •atoaa prtdaasiuaally aagagad. the H-N«|>iiaH» In hnnkiEg iwb«totobonau oftaf ituuiguilmatram HrtkwnDrown «A GoCj\ QiuarlMfl at kiabis bayond the powar of Congrett or tba Territorial principal New may depend upon. Remember, too. (as uther ^Is are ia , In Uvor of the pr rebawr. The sate haw beva RET.l'LAR 8ATIRD.U PASuENCU FACSCT iW Altany, Bum'oo, HUila-lel- rusiileccu this at an auvancta a fcimoat af joy." L^alaturo to control it, at tba aama lime protast al5 j4b cor. Fourth and Market streets. I B IbeIba uarkeDmark«D tlmt yen felpel a piUof quaJityquality ratheribanuuan-rather than uuai momiog, age* Mrs mearqnotaUuae; abeotl4*taaabl atliM^it. wbt*'6 had From LouiBWiU* to Calro^ DHnofiB, uha, ac.^ I the prlvi tily. Whtot Ufised of taking four pUlswben one will anai wealth. Traiua agAaat tha duty of (^togrM te interfare for fta pro- Brown poaseiuud immuosu Lnm Text SaaMcaa.—K'a pcaaebiag at tbe Mfe of witUFUdog oiany new and a eiSdly (Pormy Wmer\ LarxsT ntosi Assuca.—By tbe arrival of tba tection, bat iatiat tbat it it tbe daty of tbe Jadida- To TTIK BxoRDUOXU AMU POISONEU CITIZENS OV Jamee Swan, another wealthy citixan, also died OXLEY'SOXLEYfi MONTHLY TOBACCOTOBACtX) ClfrCCLAB.ClfoCCLAR. dae ami li^at-^zaaeht euew^uar Teal to-aigbt. Frtachiag to-BMrruw afterBuoa at from rv to protect aad maintain tlaverv in tbe Terri'o- Kkrtulky.— ou are overrun witb a deluge of the tbii inurninR. ButhBkjtb were exux lYefidcntsPrrtideota of tbetbu I PrrAmm.] Ia>now.Luweow, Aro-*-Ang. t. Tf> k loHN ToMiE'NA caie. KiwfoGnB. W. Mip Baa OaapbAl Sierra Laoae, A New Yark, — riren- toav* PoiWweff in the form Drinks'' Merchanl't Baok. wM wkwrf 4 e'etock. TW aaaatiags will be euatiaaed crary riat, witbontacy law upon tha anliject. It it need- vileA compoauJ* of “AlcuhAic {>r> 1A. Imo beue- AVIlft 11 IsKKIiKlkla# Li C# It WIfjSON’Sft lliOUil O ie.11 "“eeeir snBvdar iwieta x elS*'c4s*k, i uBT i- Tba Dan that Mr. tbat ever emanated from that |>eA of society, tha a TbuThto BaltimofuHBltim/bffto AmericaaAmtotob-toii puhlUbe#tM.Mi-.ktoto a« call tbiatkSto fourfttu* week#.totokw we«• dadUud aotbiagofBffbtkiibeof »p«wtaJmommuJ iniM#inieraetio raport, aer Bight aaxt track aadar tW sapsriatcadaaae af laat to any DoagUa adberat to tbe fiiat who art* eo unfiirtunalD ai> ui U: afflicteU with I ly. with whatrver aamhar ef la n agiri aad taae ol fiveaht Ckmpbali is detained A qaaraatiaa, baving bides of tbeaa opiniona. LiquoK Mixer 'limy are sold to you at a luxury, •o>' *hoeeditt(.*towi vhich come under my special prmej taorntcK f..r . town mretioB of the frien.U of l.w thiu may he uw hard at that Wur. The John Thmpklim named j the >raUe. re .Wibrel ta .rer etawntar lyS(M ta. TUfiee 7 Maaan. Owimm aad Bubiasm. TW Teal is still at IW or they are dispensed to yon as a Medicine, and lu Vdo bcHt»ve they bave eontrarft*d di »*a«c I enJ order, witbont ditoirctiin of party, to pat in vill Wwve pB^teelly as ahuvun whether the hue a puytag sa board, ysUow fever aad saiAl pox being vary I ba advocate* of tbe Aber two agrrr on the Iheo- shsMiid Biake lttim«Kliate applioatlou, as. by uiy improved I "i ratr af EteTcath aod J ffsrsoa streets. ratical tb tbe conatitation aatabliabe* either cote tbe effect it the same. treatment, QomiDatiuo ceiuHdatea in oppouitiua to thu nomineuu The bodaeee forforbornehome tra>?v tranmiitai daring theihe meath . • -- o- ^nt slavery iu I ^ prevAeat aod btA Fraatown sbe sAlcd. A | am enabled lo cut short recuut emw a few ••• er ynmaga app^M mm arm A wbca davs. uf tba ruwdv clube. ufef July ha#has beeabeen amremore Ibnited rv«aeven than Ieta a aal aiat ihtaihle ^ _ tbe TcrrHorict, and compela them to hava it There it but one way to escape, and tbat la to nse ^ ^ *A>N1# • **^ . piw^period ef the year, for, whbe the utaal *ulee*ulea do aut exceed iu*y*^ . Bff~Ate. G. Is a totter af tbc 31A, a Liberm merrhaat writes: or aa a luxury or a medKanieut a safe and raliabla YOUNG MEN, who. by lodulciox ta iolitary hablto, . -k-a * wf mpaet, (Mrdta will praaeb ia tW toctarc whether they want It net, aod dilfer on tbc prac- Cl^i'IXXATI, Aug. 26. aboutabi>ut^hbdi«..aeailrxta hhdu. . aeai ly a UUrdthml of thI#ihta qaaathy,goaattty eeneeadsttagliwitag have (»nlraet«iild apply iinuivdiate- Cboreb, aaar at Smnrn Eseaa asoA learfaUy, ud bava carried off Ikm thAI be By (IVtogroat when tate coneKiuenees, ebaots, havu aaaigntd. Cuowull abecuoded. tW ooraer af Sseeath aad Cbaataat ly,«ther In have e cure efftirusl For EwBOBWillB, Cairo, aad Mampbito AI other remtdiet fail. Tbe reason assigned for not an article is perw>n or by teller, aoJ MtoaM, Saaday at •aarly all tbe Earoptan prpaUtion, basidet ban- by bM new aud scieutific mode uf trvallng Ibis disume Nkw Yi»wk, AugngC 26. DI U>W , CING MX A. U. aad 8 P. M. proU(Hing by law a right taenred by tba (xmatito- CHARLES’ LONDON CORDIAL OIN, WATUL which never faU« a «|uick aud rauU-al core. I of afii'cUofe’ Tbu Spioish stuamship Haj^ro del Oceaco, from theM*>ck has sute^nraUy Wea increased hy tbearrtval of dreds of b’acfcs. ie tbat it ia tba duly of court* to pratect alavery which is diatUled under inspection of the Uritieh KN, wbo. by In* tkm MIDDLE-AOEHaod oi.D M | «>« »>*-*• iwlerew: eaU tbe apacUl •«« S" BVWc aueatiua af an readen Government, is delicAAy flevured ( unlike any other dttlg>‘Dee In their laaioos liaw produced a d« bilily in ad- Havana, tu* been signalled below. “Mr. WaAiagton wm SUrra Leona with a car- ia tLe Terrilorier, witbont any legialation npi« tbe ^mQb^taik. wneesM abeve eerey M^a-, A vance th*Hr eousull l>r. Qau*e with the fulkwt y» •''afa- to4,-V*etaI to Mr. Spaaoar's aaie af Uaia atraet tome of tbe valnabie reaUirativea of y*ebr# ean X,...... praparty this tabjact. Bnt Mr. Donglat faila to aee bow tbe Gin) with moA aiwurenof state of bvaltb PirrsBi xo, Ang, 2«, M. (rewnike •* e e'eloaa Ob a go of Libofia sagA for aAc, and iateadad to go for. of heing 'again iv4t4 >r**d to that Ibe Vegetable Kingdom, and it by far tba moat whtcli at Iks Melelton). aftaraaoa. TW ewaar af tbia prspatty ia (XMtrta are to afford protection to Aavery or any oth- they woald have euiuyed bad they never commit, datar- River 2H inche* st the gis** huuio snd tailing, JohnJOH N GAL}.T.LT.J.J. H. Bvaes. re ta srard to Goroc bofon nturniag to Liberia. Bntinem tad an? vieu##. GAL ^wen. CeotaiB,g ta . lerewel** reebeww Aataay prica— er property where tbere ie ao law provAii^ reme- baaltby beverage extant. (AcuVATiaea: niaadtosaU Waottaalasuu bay. Pemon# coniemplatlDg marrlaga aod havliig any donbt Weslber wet. ** I • tt-e (rf tb* was rorv dAl on tbs cosA.” dias and impoAng proaltiat and conferring jurisdic- Tb* moat emineat phyuciase of Knropc and Amer- Weetern L..l-Lu*urlta2;”fo25 3 re _ aaka a bandaoaat laeiatniat. agio Physical ability to enter iuto that wlemn oon- an nay Sae adtar- ica not only recommend its nie by the bAe and Cincinnati, Aug. 2«, M. TJ;MPE8T. P. G. Fa*B.tsrta;n,lrovrere Owrewre. tion npon tha coarta to boar and determine the cuMt t^t^onia apply at once to Dr. Gat**#, who will remove - J f?(. it aa madicina atim- all obmecie# life. f fo» k?®**!)- at they arise. Ha remarks: baarty, bat prescribe a wbare a to preqrent a long and happy River 6 feet snd tailing. :: FSTererShtau.'::;.'.'.';;;::;::::. ^ ^ MARRHID, Iu all caste he guaranty - a perfect “It'is difficult to coccAve bow any parson who nlaat ia requrad. wh*ch he undeitaki*#, and penuanent matter whu uor wbat else bas toauyw— ’.n e* *.*•*- be ne aff eeceefi-wxiy'tlSf (Me eto i . find it not only aplaaaant cure, uo Wwwwv Fbaalb Collcox.—Sm thetme aoTwiOT-advertia*. **“ JJ.J. beliavat tba Coostitulion cooferi rigbta of protec- Tbs female aex will failed. for the Louisville Journal. Iwe4xi^i^***.Mr. 4*ui»‘“'u**Fi rxeasxo x 10 Mi*i II AXuAUXT Mru- Reported " Cordial, but a certain rAief in autfaringu of a psri- r;ate«* on Slii-trated toW FrefratabSwvnai*XSero*zeBbenrireta ritoriae, regaidliesa of tbe wiebe* of the people and odicA cnaracter. new and revised editbm, V with toH'iiUiix Itav *eu- Wsaiii.NuTON, Aug. 26. UviBPuos, Aax. 4. maatm to •atoBseBom Ms twsBty4sBith ssssisB sa Monday tbs I lb. bv lev. D. Moore, Mr. per. uumvtuiw plat** aud eupraviuB* rvu; ^LBEKT * COU AXM*. of tb* actioD of tbe Territ.-'rial Legislatnre, AoAytlcA Cbemista of AI ranks pronouacn it H. Qs«>aoB X, Wutm,! to s can iul orgau*of iwxv* iu a *Ut*- of kraith ami wnwwiBoirjnB Aarnys tabs s l sssnsw sBoskiBg this fectly ^ro, and ita restorative merits incomparabla. Trratinx k-kv. uch • SAt. Ws U A sntiAv bi* conecieno* and hi* oath of fidelity to (he oa oil privatr diaeo— inc ilvnt to both thins bnt in «>• Tobew tr*R#_R be mrt eff tarn. M** »'*>• Palar LOUISVILLE, KY, roaxea nxto ZEVtJL hr Rev. B. Baker. Mr. habit*. factory exsminalioasto ,% toi n mtoS*SF**to snd willvvesB lio warrantedwtossroskStoNa asmm |||re Owitauafetatf gl CgcfnnEW ymim tfBtfarwftfgga^ reneral, noillary I Sold only ia quart and pint bottles by sU drug- a* n»rvou*, an .1 iKXual dcbililv, log puiBt|MAlBt Ofof thi#thta SCaCOB,seaeoB, WEmwbte th#the promtaaMtlBitaa efo£ a n b. kBow sf sny I Rauaiuoaa to all Constttntioo, in witbkulding such Coogreasional new iBAtattoto tor MbaI 4e ba femaU Ygy**** Mto 8oraiA Embosk af Mmikol ini nictioo* for TO THE PUBLIC WHEELER A WIL* Eogioutra. grocers, 4c. Sold in lAiuisville whuleaalu wtokn^ impotenev. Ac., with 4 | \\rE OFFER Third A#3Ulaot crop heglBa to exert a nearur inffneaav, xad traomutaoM Fox Ct&clanatL " lagielatioo ns may bs ateeatiisl to tbe ecjnvment of guta, oddna*. ochBA la tha United Stales SBparHr to A. The I and pcrinaoeat cure, »cut to any Th# unusually largo namber of slssmsrz sddod accordingly. Up la'tba prmuat Mme m Buw aad agirflriBt pusuaagv AmmA a neb rigbta and sr the Coaitiiu'ion. WiLsoH 4 Stsrhiku, Main straat. Eumdnw C. TRICE Uodtr this TEN CENTS. reader, •** 1*® fh>gTON, Hii*mbt^ wmtata. Bev. Mr. SsmiA has prodigisBt energy, nad he CtiARLxa, General Agent, 40 Broadway, New York. dvilJ.Sn lUml^i reV^ to Ihe Navy daring a« past y.sr the in- yiew uf the suliject it is imposAbl* to resist th* TO THE LSDlEd-Dr. C. I* oxvnt for M. La Cronx’* SCPRltlt4R* Orrtia*B,maMr. Sewing Machine now in use. It sew# equally well on tha I cruaae of fucb officara BUC«a*Ery may2 daowlv iefi wl7 Freueb Trsveutive which those who, from very mailhutaBcea wee doDU Im Uverpoel duriBg OtauaflheahevuiEBuf Iheabevu Unmtfi wM taaeufociffiE with It kiadasss, gsatlsasm . and jadg- cscclaAoa that if tbe Constitn'ioo does esub- Towdan, by thu estohiass bA thkkret aud tllinOt:'>®t fabrics, m«k*e the lock-^tcb Impoe* (>*«( any caore, deem nereiwary to avoid eoueeplion, can do N ^i definiteN*ct*ixxkto actioaasvnsvBX baasx,w yi.«• buusmnreress takennBnro«re ob**.. tbu..*« c.uuv-rew^ I 8—* -oath,i not vxe^BX 4Krerore kbd*.toSMto. efWfl mueO kisda-. -aw- sbevw part doilv *» M e’eioex, M aUrerT in tb* Tsrritoria* it the ere. extrsBrdiBnry dsgiws. Few man liA beyond tbe power so (ntbout healib orconMltulinn; price Bble to unrevA Vith u^ edvaDtaxe of beln* - tael wdeidr ^ntekoot 34u hb^hhde. VlndnlnVlrelnta end re *• toSBt, to n very lanurlnx deuirerlo formiox no “ Onertermnstar Crou rccttitlv*<»®"7 Invneticatnd‘"vneiigiiinu bvoy Kantackr LotfLeaf feetre lfo» ftnitht Mr of tbe people to control it by law, it i* tbe imper- fitoo.ecentforMademeCaprauaT* Fem^e.MontWy alike OB bulb ddM. rids* nor chain on tb* an- „„nrtaHua; inibk.1. .i..re. vw-i- to kvs exsrtod batter aad mato beaefi- WIRGMA^lSra der *ld(4-b iiniple In reretructluB, more upeedy ta aHive- n Court Martini. Thn (inlay i* oniog to Iba sl>- KoAacky tir* daty of Coograe* to snpply all the lagisUtion C. H. TUto. etaf«,m| effectual remedy for Irrofuloniioc, Ota awdWIhhd*. tat kaaJtUniam'mu2.\a^,}iy*^ilOBly mwu ment,rostit andtttut moremnM durabledurtoklto thanihxu anytonv otherOther machine.mtofklntt. •uncu fromfoe\m Waahing^onIk’tattksMtMfrofi off\t tbuthro Sucrutarr uf^ War.VVrer no 1 ^a etruc^n* . There Fill* *hould Weelern hteO'Emd, and IP MarriaBda. to its this A, prtc* n|. Caimoiil ecaorary prstectioo, u.d if propositi®® Jfierchanty net be *uro lo pro. We five full iibstrueUonc to t'uahle the purch—er to eew There CoMiuigsion token d^ni TiNgnancy, »* they ore Commiuioour of Indian Affairs, Grteawood, haa m eo dt^orifioE oa the part ef hoam trade te CoEBHiBEClal lAnraaoB CoMpHtoy. is dA trot, it Dscrssarily rorults that tb* Constita- due* moil to ordinary teams, stitch, brB), fell, quilt, gather, bind, and 3«1 MAIN 8TKKET, BELUW EIGHTH, Btocorrlaxe. 'Tbe TIU* and l*o*»*erc rent by rucuivad a diapalch Eoooaacing thu arriwal at Au af BAti- auy pa^ tirklS^Ja*Si mme mShi^e.’ Md w I . Notfraa gbiffkerd, tion asitbsr tstabliabst nor prohibits slavery nay of tb^ country. •»!totaTifeS*ttai^Uid'fa'^"**^ LOinSVILLB, KT.. Pvraens at by ^drae»- reere. Lesv(U>worth of the children who were epnrtd nt u .*®J at a dMaoee may be cured home | h to Ika WalBA Strott BapXist wbarc, bat laavst tb* people of each State aad lireeUr., (Wntaiuinx taetlmo^u from lodi(» of 'Mid OKBveny B ••• amOaOm jto Ita a tatter, eaee, symptoms, length of time^ tbo MonnUin Moadow Mnscncra. Thqyly will nt 8LPPLY, SALE LOWEST ftafing I ^ Tarritory entirely free to fum and regulate tbeir LT REPS A FOR AT highest tUuding. Last and West, giving piieee, Ac.,wiU **1 TT OlMd’lfia tw forwarded , k* tmhmwu t« I' krMlltffbfi ’Dj* ff F.iBftk mmd Wmlmul ntroau, • V "-“basoonUnued.and havu medktoe oo«uixtabsba takentskni to t^rroUton,Carrollton, ArkaEaaa,Arksaans, nonr tbn bnv* b.e» Wrxa, aad fbvean nxrenrd at PHOTOORAPHS iu- be furnished gra^ ouappUcaiton in twreon or by letter. . domestic affairs to sah tkemwlTu, witnout tb* from damage part of the country , with *•'*' ‘“*- or enrioeity, to any point frcm wbi(tawhich tbuythny sUrtud,startod, aadsnd wUl tbsro ®*‘ ‘“‘‘•‘•d » ore •lock -ntw half-foA 10 fiill directions ma>31 ileodAwtow WK. BUMNER * CO. bo ; tha 3$t4 iasL, A TBB lenrantion other wbnt- use or of Coegraat A any powu IjICOItICE. for — - Stock eo .lta Anx. bdn. •'•velfr •(»•*•••*••* DoAsuitation be held from 8 a. m. o 9 p. m. (on reaUirudraaUired to tbeirtboir friaBda.friends. KU. Ikst* M.J rTciiretr '®***!i? ^ • #' alack •oaver.'' 8ft for4*sftu4 otbttr bxftodaof flnt quUUf 8FAN18B may ead »iu*mIF •• M oeenao. ovsBkag A $ fiuMyfh>ni# his office, northeast corner off nd OB MrewreBwre V G KEEN RIVER to 5 p. ni.), at „Tho"Tbo AssionmAssivUnt SocreUrySecretory of Stats is sbinnt: in renMASad •• Staombonf. BRIIXJE Tba writer proceela to demonstrate his own MAJI8. ISm'd''.'.''.'.',''.''.'.'.'.";""''. tail latec.an(lufnrta«i then of Third and Market streeta. Private entrance on Third LANE & BODLEY, *S S mlXl MStoO.Msino. WcOlren leaf tMo ISOS Ui» freaui Uetak ». ItoPaBt pAatsoBad Cann- peAlino ia cxosedingly Aabonle, minste, sod •twwtv LootavfUe, Ky. MANUFACTURERS OF bnro TOBACCO. Chicago, •• Bon'd 34S7 sis4 WEBSTEK’S 04 ciossly rsstoasd of ffi^Secrecy Inviolable! Don’t forget the name and nnra- Anf.^ 36. MU j LEERY, sccoaat Of lb* whole biAory oar Obotoe and Medium VIRGINIA BRIGUT POUNDt •*>Mnd*nd* MSI IiSd ISXI (Matter. .totoypipaatkroBgb tb. mty to b«. All letun ebould be tt\hOll tt'\hrAsihlg' AMueMnCiry Thorere FcdnA Goveramaat io its ralAion to State and and oUmt cradM. preparationsPreparations sreore making for tbo fair of tbo Uni- ^ M. D„ ***' Tarrhorial wgaaizstians. aball oA lollow bim flB LuiMvUle _ todlod States AxricnllursiAgricnItursI Sceitty,Secistv. to bnho bnldbnl in this 'Mnl._- iMl 4M S4H ALao, Wa OIO-A-B.S. disAweowtf Ky throuh bia Iwg diaiertatioB, nor, bnliaving we city, commoocing Snpt. 13. AU tbn rnilrondt can- * uaoranoma. is is Ml eX-t-Lu to- PnOTOORAPH* u aasertmentof GERMAN, end ^awfflllls, F.H, AvwBrea de****®>L_ I EXCELBOR that Aa HAVANA, DOMES- Circular W*®**™n lent-0^nn^™*?r‘ 4 »- ' VUUSkBD PUOTOOKAPHA bit ptemista are fnadaroentally false u to at teriM bare hsvn mndn nrrnngemtnts to carry stock T!C« aod orden filM ia Naw York lowaat £a«tare CORNER OF JOHN AND WATER STREETS, M(^^tain.,djrR.....„'****’ AM BRUTYPEit. aa4 tb* the p®war el Caegrast, to criticise Iba rioM throafb my A««ocy for ao excliulTa ClQAf snd articlsn for ezbibition fret, ... nsdertabe mstvb IS dlri* (.1NC(NNATI. and visiton fev IwreuX «I>® wnicome will Iw tentini.d him. Gov. Sny CkfmmissioM mlMerekmmiry ^ riNE OLD WHI8KIE8 - sionmer America. StetSAl^ti’-Ltod!^ X ..u-i- I monr is s pnissnger on the 9’G'vc 'S'ozrlK.. IM bfalc pure Bourbon CouBtr, 3 to 4 renr* old; Putol*, BUre of arerr deecripnon. end every srttai* need_• Mo. SI COMMON rraCKT. 74 to 4; Sportemeu; eHo Fiehlnz Baltihobb. Ang. 36. d* |>nre eopp*' • Johnoon's N. Haven, 3 by Gunner* sod (zlSutaS*.^Tnakle of every NEW OKl-BANI* , . U do do do Boiubon.Srenraold: drecriptiou; ell of wbieb they will wU for cnab or -.nf .u- i« b to pane- ef the propriolors of tbe ReettelBX do do; tuol cuetotuer*. ne e call, ft- nidbugb, oae M'Jildil eUaBBoB xH*B •* Z*tg£f •j.T Eis?iis?:tsaa: Copper Whirkr, 1 nod 3 Giro ell ufrr^^o*“iyon wbo ore5^la 1 ^ •*" For tale uegEiiltud tbii # Macebn-Ure. low bp [A] J. MONKS. vnal. nodliiUglf dMbwoovtf(UMwpoif I DeOj ExcbEBgu, WBt tax aU ‘ ; v — o ^ . . , : -

wi*hont rial tfce Tarntorr io hi* breecbai pocfcat « CITY ORDINANCES, &:C EDUCATIONAI.. RAILROADS MISCELLANEOUS. YORK. BUSINESS RAILROADS. I NEW CARDS. inl’lSVILLE JOURNAL.. *^,,,af o|.poa.tioa; be|rov.rt.iaithoat^p.u«- _ ^ ^ — cHhar or pabiic ^ = baity U U* Notice to CUtern Diesera. PAST TIME '.rORK! dk >. - leoo. |»iarhtil a bet that of “the Cniucu, SHEUiY COELEGE. TO NEW TIIK CKESCE^^T, CAME KCilllBY, HEGAN & xaso. Bav. Oaorgc GillUaa lataly poarar haia Sealed projxnal* will be received at the office of UPENB BECttM. OF SEPT., (I4TII.) ESCOTT, WEDNESDAY (Sec asaoaa Tu Lawia 8. Moaais), Ki Main Stnrt, Iridi pradi^ly^ t-b^- U. o’clock M., FROM CISCISNJ II VIA (Xa.V'llBUS. MARKET ST., NEXT TO FofUTlI, NORTH BIDE. aad the gnat U icci«*-i t ia the undersigned H Friday, Septcui- rpiiE Tmaee. in tl*lr eircilar di'clare that thry have nvtTak ia caMrml, rich, Md ii aim®* •• Th«»he chonfacharcD »ii . ,f| a reorgenUed lu lucheuch manner a< to give it lEvrau _ ^ I «-i*r.iv. her 2d,Itl. ISiV,1S5V, to execute the following work;work: raorianixed the CollegeCioileie m m Wrvvwiv T«E rmnsittw ‘ iii af exeita F«r A MV ANNOU.NCE to CommiifioH.nerrhanlt, l«r«ie*l*r. The aa m •'. to acut^at tb^^intamctionof WTTL^LiTTL^'^. HI ]>l'?HM'Kl£^'f,S*^A“ Eagrasui*; paopli ear ‘-“KrrLTm, mcu.a. cu.ture wU. receive chi., atten- m.^ni * eriH, ihriakr, groaai attend; ^treete, of ftOO banwl capacity; 1M to I'^^LT WlJd!!w'^h2^ (to : •tb.le .be Cable nnd Mam tloo. phyaicel trelnlog will net be ufwlected. Tfaeetodeou YOiElBL. —IPX; ***r^vaa«-» wmt ml«t ••fTthiof I XdXJisrcH: MateriaMaSafta'a• »ortor Grae*aGrsriau FmaUma:PwallBg; "Wfir'I* aa< gm ?****“** •inVpiwcU«-d inmlllu^ drill and wear uniform, hie ™ ,,D. drtnn sad, I i wall ciitarn at the l Aarah U hta; fo^ ZT . a—h .~r,dinn e.. .r 'hr,# To dig and a Enginea Uonse TTTV/TRTTt i "Vi at W tyt.LOOK 114 Pront St. Cor. W^®U St. photographic ApparatiMaadSatOTiaKApparatocaad tiatariah. "T“'V itad aet af FidaralGoaariin>»tt^Da,««»a » «rMrfien._^^My.riv.aam.,ly^^^ COT ,l —a’rTT'VrTA . , „ A. M. T "T A I MK| bajnl cap^ity; lA snd s full sanr^nt of the T ® -F lav of bat Uquois and Ci«ars of the of Hemp. BUMA I •rT^j,,„„tt.v.gaimofd.rnaad.av-into aitrava^uim of dare* aad in Po^d, .me exmeue. and.nvir.r. wQ lRERALadvaiicf*«iiia4« on eoodUromooU , ^ FIDE J ~ _L I j _tv» ^ ri most approved brand.. ** —^ mi gint a*h«i»**~ upowtrUa-iand da-piwd If, To dig and wall the following enitemt of 100 atn the mind for ;t .dy. |3::::gsSEB o-Q dim I oi Tobacco, aad Wmtern Prodara caoarailT. Eefw to bfiiibiB ooariaea himhi- thatthei, l^^ij^-nLehori-.v, jg^ » tioaad to It) •iW''W” loOl# M«mrt. r. H. Hnal Co . LoniTtDa, meS4 dir* ratbar a ega o*hlili*~*^I ilih— eovareigniv .n tha at the placei deiignated and under ^5* preferred. The ColliciCollege A jj ^ bm manarof prWa wHh a«to baUd aa - rgr.MdrarcraLomw rr to •• . havi “popular hairel capacity **”?i*' Sf '“'’ISir T rr this mmmA la aww®ww OWB^ ara to thorn for efiablMia^t worthy of o«r c®»«id ltd fotore claHw. m TO an wtrh teebitaaoa. * what I “ *E3 .A THE IlAJDIES. aay *** -^bcn. __ » Iw iVo CowatPF*uuustt Oaak -af »-*«BaUaat ^ -I hTae'^e «d S the Clt? EnginnT Ther will receive the aame f-i aMdwiu’ a%n ^cu’ ViiBK ” t 2Tl)r.t Or. Oag feSiT^ J5c« kindid endand metronlrmatroolr oereoar« eaaa etat 1 J coudWimnetothtacoanwyla .jrtaodMMtamiLwh.eh wi.hdraw of FANCY OOOCS ^T«TVAMSH^‘l'V<^?n?wv^\V^VM*TO I ai wai Govwnor, home. rAMSrllP Ct *j€ PA* —ST FAX TO ; _t|i ' - . tha devil raappotnwd and Jackion itreaU;•treeU: hem*. I Jr® ' iw to iBaanfartoi>naaiiiartiirr Oftt WorkWTork 'ifftt »)»*»» work of Brigham ha intenoction of Main ’ wlU enable no dtMcrlr* ^ — lathwTir a EXCLrSIVF.LT I A /i7»tL* t” 1? A^^ UhergM for b«erd end tnltirtn for coUegletecons,l.te AN EASTERN BOC PE! Yerh««jrcs.>nd_warraa» U ss THRBB ttrcet!>: re«,peer, excln.exclt. ttoustNew la^-ds sta^ i TUROVOa KF.AL lace SFT.S: •icRfYv'i'LOV^VnERH^^I nl.IN. A LO —far gSO i funtture of reomi. auM. PROM NDoNDERRi gmaem sad purity of drsign, de*ieecy of Smeh, and dura- .mw w _ ^ CINCINNATI TO I>> do COLI.ARS ; ;!ysa,’'.y&"rrrc= FROMFRnM NFWNRW YORK. bURybUlty fully u^imls,iial to anyaay rt<>dnoed to .mm. I Nt"' YORK In II honn. D® do M*nSH€t%0€^ « A , HANDKERCHIEF*; ** dtf HEGVN***«tr^^^ * ES< UTT.OTT. FDINBI’ROH rumaun Wednesday I at , B.ALTiMOREinmhouis. SETS; d , 9 JaDSl,atli,ns3u.Jana IL a&am. »K^^<«ee ^ PMnr sirnoAi BRI^FAST Thomarn. *• P*» *‘Tt*’the intenection of Jeffenon and Hancock GR.ifE CHTRCR FEitlALEL.TIALL SCHOOL^SlHOOLt ‘“ }« *>onn. Dl’NKIRKlnlsHtoara iAraTANE?i'!!S'' OlAdGrtW. Aua.i4.*atAug.i4. at linooo.It nooo. >-n a gn a rfiTT' -r> AND PHILADELESIA* LWa^wi?tmh^ lVjrJA';9 ^ ^ cs 4 1KTT~\ A i «*5Awra*yFim» l araming, ^ ^ VewTbck do go »t thiir own rtak. _ _ — ‘‘oot*- CLtVELANO In SKbonn. THRE.lI) do; EDiNBUKO, J^XTjSfyn uticocn.atltcocn. GASCxAS AND WATER. mm kwMffiwAt Withwith . .L- mm htmrnm. VKa TttrritdVW tx’t tbem. ftfCCt. . _ _ frpT-lip’vx'ii*^ ^migfMU bfo«(ht ^w Mormom hero tb« Territory to t'Mm- ... ILl-Eln 10« h. CRF.8TLINE in *J“« 11)4 hours. COLI MBCS In sMkoun. WitWl*. RAMSAYRi ^ hr* etoek for lalvar-H ii | N V. aCRHART, vawitj Aoiee the side itreels; *« Msto a « le. .raa bv cutting off CATtooCxTioo>aUevValiev cn DMociMda , t-, . . , — M . het^^ lh» it, „„ by Three Through Express TriUns, f)So"w" Territory oaon thathe At the mtersecUon of Jeferson and Floyd itraets; rpup. FIFTH 116 rnURTH STRF.tT. “ »w me Imd^mktaga KcckyBecky MounUln SESSION OF THIS SCHOOL WILL *1 dtf CDINBl'RO. Cummuid, Jalys. iBd makWa streets; A A saw feature, aod peculiar to the Opizart Hall. _ ail kinde of Ptpea aithoao ahaaa* of car* ft — At the inuriection of Jeffenon and Third commence oa the sth day of September, i*ts. t»mii .1^ W.I r> KE p^eparad to fumkh aad pnt np coadaama. ~ n^randtuenandtben latlet t^mthem gogoonoo tbiirtheir way njoicing.rejoicing. Rates of PasHxe fr.om New York. Philadelphia, cr Boa- A ^ otbar streets; IsITTLE sMIA.Vl ^ ^ r;5J“*SrJJ?Water, and,2 Stca«a. Haf on hand aa amort- mm ara aflkMhad la each ®ma; W^>o4r®ge Ihi Nitfoeel the chaapartcheapeat bat thathe At the inUnection of Green and Preston A«^tion« ean bt made to the Prmcipa's at theG Home RAILROAD ONLY', tou t-. Glassuw, Liverponl, Beifait. Dublin. er Loudender-5ir af ia aotnot ouW hrbv far i Also, Puipsfsr *»• mrU. f . Maary, **f? i balfova thU on 1 stieet, louth of -lentV“e«» of ksnaeUer* usad Gas FixtnrssL SJTS*^ Fm» Trsta THK *X- to daHvar the dMBcuItiesdifficultiei the intersection of Green and Floyd street*; cheitunt, or to the Rector. At t A. M., 8.30 A. 11.80 0* FR^ «IffVNJN3 taviutiaa haas nowla cV dealing with At M„ and P, M. " Wrih uot Winter. DailyDAILY MsUMaU aad i ax- tha L?S*.-a dealing FOURTH A.NNl'.lL “ ! and ctato. US tkat wUi Frmsa to aadramutos»Fm Um » ntay — aoMted ^ ^ P- d smwial F.VlIt SiJSf/wkJd'irr.^'^eSi”"*SoSsrivpr^rly ^kJdrorked pmvmern,^ >!»M sSm gwmd. ^ Omnltes will be ,». . Ttataacaaaact liai . In attendance eve-y itoda Aepvan* DaUy W_ divelopi^ unh« At the intenection of Green and Brook itreett; I* the only to p—FaueeSn. and Wator MMlw»T7Yarh. ^ ^ Saihvilk, davaJopKl and daily to MIABI KAILRO.AD the al.ee. V.- V-,* I ni„ady ms - c*nr k oouf l»dJ*»«ifioin TwI at to* a a au • a ...ed ,1 -a---a-. a dwtant patt of the cUr OF THK the MiBual addiato .r^?Knilar Sovareigoty ' in tha Territp. At the intersection of Gtwen aod Third streets; mnnin* a NIGHT EXFRaSS toewm train, audis the O.SLY ROAD upon which Wf“ A'.*- rn”e^ri?^..i' ^oan no don. and a.1 wmk w* W- •»•<> givan up. “^p- the intersection of Green and Fourth «treeti; ^ t^t. i a Thaa., Oewhw attatfy ixplnded At . _ Louis .\gricultural „ nai ii to be and Mechanical steamer. No chitffe for niadidQe«. le n contredictioii streets; Bleeping Cara are run fromCincmnatlEaat.fromCincmnatlEast. i* b Tnrritory At the intenecUon of Green and Fifth LOIIMILLE FE.MILE I^STITFrE, For freight or pama^e aypta to Morsisx Liuu from ss wai-vhff eiB GBEELF-cp irn rv nlnr Sorefg4c®tr” I LoomrUi. ooaassl Ftotoan wtto FMOM MB. . In a feriit^ .A.SSO IXTTES tarini,^ut’’lV>puUr Sovereignty At the intersection of Green and Sixth streets; CONDCCTED BY MR. AND MRS. PF.RING, ThrOUghThrough TlCketStOTickets OI^A^TIOINT, ROBERT CRAIG, R«. 2 .MANO.VIC TK.MPLK Xa. 2. tkotoSP M FsM Liss. srrio. la Fklta Sslukm sstA. M.. ^ to Bilail EasternESSteril CitieS:Cities: si Federjl bav. ne*» ind a 4« Walnut strset, hetsreeu ) ta N«w Y rk I P. M sad BsWmr.ru Rfl aT M. »h*rp the intersection of Green and .'Seventh streets; Second and 1 hi; d 11.001.. • declJdly MOHMOHIBM. bv a thoniand At 1 , 17 Broadway , N. Y. .—TT MORMOHB A.WD bathed I^omFrom Cutcina^lcinomn.M Columbus,„ kHUiron (WlMwiing). Mid Evoataa Truta. esaosut as Plwtoasa nah • P M. to- battarTofflviagaitillervuloomooitr. Ui.futi.i », iDterscctioD of Eighth street..; fl’IIE TWENTY-SEVENTH SESSION OF Baltimore MILLINERY , , ,a At the Green and THIS IN- and < duo R»lh.,s? via fvhlmbno st-'utonvIUe AND FANCY STORE. srsss, srrita la Pk.>u4alakm as Is A M., la Nuw Yssk as t C*tt.Citt, JalyJuly W.18. u, Id ‘ *<" commence on Balt LauaLaku ewiadie, to be mueb lo-;«- intersectioo of streets; Monday, S.-PL 5. or Cn^ue M wbifT.^- l4un.vl«uM 0,000 to be (uiven In Pmniiima. Ip M sad la BuMmaru asil:’l A M. At the Green and Ninth , MRS. M. J. trsia Isuo Ptssskars ss M., snSvia s* with BrigbAUi Touag I hu^ FU.yd «tteets; rr M. *“****** *wr* a rRANSPORTATION. BRYANT Mail n A P. u Itota- iatorviewiudervisw toleratail. At the intersecGon of Walnut and and Erie nther« to the IaiiiU air: reap ' K or : I'clf laciMaes *yto? or Nea Yor^V'enu^Vo^tVsS^'‘£.^^t".Sl^ilrol^*" WOULD reap''elfattyally iafarmIwfarm herbar IMU i P M., Now York IS P. M.. sad BsiUmssu aSM* f#r studv^ the Mortoeui m Fiat street) P«rPar 8ei«:onSeiwion of TweulyTwenty WeeU,Werk#, PayableFayibli- QuarteriyQiiartoriy in . iV No. I. For r.i’at ibur ugh-bred Bull Id fnenda aod the JlIS oppoctoiiitMS At the ioteraec-ioa of Walnut aod ; Ad- „ ^ ~ .n^s-i-i' g] um B9S- laUk ia feis«r jBr j®'*! lb t-n d to PART Aar rvxxr a a t /sssmawi he*t KfM*d.ter I FARE AS No. S. For sullen in Aevtoisuul ueec*- »To«Y —We be» itieets; vanee. ® LOW AS THE LOWEST. turuem.::::: Si Jkm ^late of KentarksTu Jefleraon Conaty* the haa new opeaed aad to **!isx kstw«ua Pkiladrlakis aad Nuw York A Tow HWi At the intersecUou of Walnut and Second tolf ! Imi.'y Tnias Srint*!»*vfo*^ ^ #- r.ei . ^ _ ...... T. J^UIlion ^ tbt . ee Tuition lu th<> "T 13 A daily raeeivlM tba InMat Aylaa Bamsu eeciel iutereouree— w to^- «f » KnxliBb braDcb«*<<, with board, iucludlny A/^T~» A-ii iT-»/-iT^T^Y-v gEUW A ST.kTKMENT WZ\m af flli^A i/w Two Dsilr Tnuos kscwtau Now York sad privuto tk« rwriul Attbcinuriectionof WilnotandThirditreets; / kreMugoTienlc lor Of wa-hiur, fuel, -I^-^vJVjrAVjrl^A C i 1 1^x1 > Iv h* | > have t#*eu made Ibe luoat brJUant e»- •ut lM>a‘diugboa'diu*. .. lugu to New YorkVork, i;aab)nItasb.n. Fhiladelphis,PhilaiUubia crfdibiliiy. A* un . «*^‘“**'*'' (.(•MP.V.NY oiaife pur4u«utta aa Act of the leC.klae hate; beiw.au Jfonuoue Uo itrar>: • for Pieparatur) D.-partuiei,t lidUtimore, V\a*hiogonyvs.hinson, a«u»»race bi arre« of land, euver*Nf »|th wden W/t a: the ff^•re cr bar r ndence Nniaish, coupararivaly litUs eee® tbs intsrsectloo of Walaut and Ninth street*; i* "Sj,'""''’'' Buffalo,p.iiffalo’' IHUiklikDui.kitl,imi.aiit, Pituburf.Pittf^i^c'i »n»urg, tr* in par tlanJ TIC'KETa Ss Bassos ara asod »>s Fa tkeiu Is wo«U At hliirjra*. cn.anjeuU-t Urei.t tree* tu e ui th« State of keaiurky, eoiiiiefl ‘*Ao Act «;mi. Bs^T i»- i® F.ojd*nidt^ each or l . lu Mraagen. of count foto aco Ikrre intorstition of Chestnut and Preston to (eruiiig Ijipie « Cornpanied.tJoiDpanie^.*' Rt.or. dir.a.oi>> The Atuph'tliea'er, uiiich ti e larKc< lu lli« United bii4ue« cf ••aid Coutpaiiy liprai uwvicee KTliir Ie«Moii« n (til Paiutiug (on Satiirdu>ii on'r).... at ilir Soiiili aad XI'whI, Slatea, m uiauaged and lU apU dtf M. J, BkYA.NV issaormas tmai idBcoala Iho Wars, aim, aa ta-atuaap '**** mi .1 • UMWt ct our • baviofi an lia-iH) perM.ui and BlHdter a# Hiaof a« S*i,(xai. • pn>p«nr uud eA'C « a:o fwoed M*x«a ar ia tha cburchee of 7^^^' A** di^ulty the intorwclionID"arwc'.*on «of Chestnvtv.aestnHi. acdat.u Floydno^uaI'reeD;rrwfce, Lef^MinK to thow not menibeiuui the institute...... !!!! Wh.vyvn WkBiitotal, d*. .M.C .a a. J s.«AiK«;r_ by Tru>te«i, oI Llau .f sammars oaiM MStotoM _.Ti “77 7” 7sL ..kAKdvLktialif ^liAIAt me ^ ( ointort and spt*e<| coinbioed wi'b Safety, whoM* full d aar rraoiar will parent*, There aie also V'>i>ral, Fine A't.and Mechaoiral Halit, name* aud iioper plaie* s»lr: lleusy >\elU, ol Auri«ra; I <1N< I.N.NATI and John ItutiordeM, I Youk, toMmara aewmbiage ia the the child aud ertapeJ atreotr;atreoir; reliable ttira; 1 too., of tko CwmHsap ns BaaSoa. Now aa avaeag. worahipiac abducted At tbe interxectioninteri^ertioo of ChettoutChe>;tnut aodnod Ninth No deducUou for aliteuc^ exo<^4 m of protracted U I' I lK MlA.\ll K A 1 via (ialHoarium with HO conti>s*rtinenU 'or the exhibiti -n f>f Wuliam <#. fargo, of IhiA'o; Johaetdin Living- Criu LUOAD (JOLt'MBLS. I 'W Pkila ilH| kia of ®Dctw®;Moctioa; f»>«n«l her way to I'rovHl^ce. Here INiuitry, of .\ew York fnUfall ; foand tv.ouy,auaMt.e,uiuuitoii.gkFi^aud a Ueauttful for «®iry.^,^iry, nad tbe intenectioniaterarctiuo of GriyGray Acdand Floyd streeO;itreat^;atre«t>; aagi^idiui UoUage Uicaccotumo^Uou of I ; Alexander IT llaiMl. of New Y >rH At Fol: TUKOrtill TU’KKriJ, city; WHOLESALE i1^ ^ totatodffidiViffaat fmtu her iU |cott«o chni^a nrd dle^. aod Wili am A. Uvlo^tno, of Liviogutuo; all In U t OROeSISTSi Faie aa by any otbar Rosstto ^glurde-si|t t> ^uom wonried of the interiwictioB of Gray and Uruok atrael*; low as At and bP ialonuaUuu at Ciut’iunati, plfaiw A Roreflora Railroad aillwill conxey | eraomeraoaa to aud rromfruui theIho Male «»i New Y*t»tk: and llamiltm 8peoce.*, cfKloGiuiug- I raasbling.ddgaaatie.aad L^], tbe li'Ue foil*'* ‘®. FUESUVTERIW FE.MALE apply at tbe | •>«•••• Third and Fourtk, I ,i,„Joutd SdiOOL, ! ASKaSK Fok TiLKrraTICKRTS byBY pimBCRu.PITTSBfkU. —t.. Tbtv MMadtotot tbe inlerarutiun uf Qrar and First streeU; i Wkci No. J lUiriu't liouHe. FairairatguceoDapiece.at goceuD a picci*. too, in ih.-tbe simoSlate otniim^Tof lllino«. Tbe pe.-to.ui* in while she Wt At curui*r cf Third and erewed ai tha alivets of Brovidatice, Vios-; Watuiit 8t. at oiii i.'nuipctitioui.'nuipetitiou iuvi.ediovi.ed Irotu tliotlie whole Uukm, *'^tul'v-tal quoqiie truMtruta u.aie theihv .iu.khalda»ulu* kholderM ni.ot taUf U auda no Eo«Ko* C »mi4Mi*.,m,mn<. whowhs. IM.M. H V. I wsiu luMh iu- it is not kuuun that ste Broadway ai d L rt.pt, upiMstMii- the try Foe charre«l. I arivaaia Rsilraii il ckSaaao makm IkSa Iha TtoSuosunto to srhich I listotod for the far WasI, whaec* rix’Dtcr lluuM, aud at w li’i’ Lai>tt*iu IVnamu de-irlug > awpn—iMnd hanth— dn«k®*» At tbe iotersecUon of Broadway and iS«Cs>cd U. N J : Hi ) I : And ar the .ulK-ri.-er., ibo Tru-lec.lo.tr Lnn. TK • . W aaiorj, do byh> '»r« hi UaatiM Tra.taiau PnSiPaSdSa.to a a v aadand Tra«a®n« all Um pawn aad gptoador thai in%Dih.U.dn wrought an fcavo f..r Ih* oom thr,m — f , .0.. i , the narth in rm-eivad in Lr.rht arivo that ^ «® ^ lr.nl ,.r.oo.« -ri t 1 ..,.„u an . ’ v if St miMr etraeU;^ » aaruL \\ fikllKSrikiiKs K S r irjRDwui^wdirjRDwtaldaid ai* praoaad wri . of iko uf that he will tJkmm lor, and two yeare ago ba U.ai..rr -. r ..f .aid t ..j In .1. caa^wr— ebang® in the |m , .«,d . .ball . fA«rrA#*ff ndRnnAnfff t** NA... »A.a Kauf*. interaction cf Water end Third etreet*; M J it •'J*!:''.: . mfamam/r /- Shte ba tip toiuDt-dihCe hi thi* . At N. OIM.r.ANS, Mf:MPIIIS, llif rtl ausl taken a«t;iMHl eervu-v (' nitotne Karkst ai»4 *baU siwavg N-%. hiehis aaaaiiae (waakind la gen- S'nce thatIbst Unwlime b* hsi i SOITH. p *n *a*4i •mi«anfmi«anf. For I reiirhi * nntrwcbi .*r .ab8,rpM^ Hwvctonnn anplF I® «t vtui^aaosw»Wgnaaca toea *““^ dwebargeddircharged aess reformedreforioed. sirettar baud a «wud rCus uf It. to tah»taha I ll inUr*eiiioa of WsUr and Fourth , 8 B BARTON, A. M., ITmciisl. k \k« wui t« ir^rawd in furoM tbs Snpvr- m. Inlo wilm*wriwlM-nolwitui*-ri wlH-n-ot aeg hakeha» hereiitiUi«il4> eub-nib. adJtww wiibar ni Ibn f--'k>«iua .igenWul lb® Cui^bg sr bsatlmn ar aomia^ly ^rmuaa)^ oudsr the otasrvsttooof HQ, (,1 ^ (hnur* who ata* 1 <-f ihr airtrle atol. Whsth ooustsntly cfof WaterWsler acdsed Fifth slrrsG;etreetF; KwKev F. 8KNOIC.SKSt)K, A. M , Fiufe.-Piofcsveur ul Ancient laugiufee a- At the inUriwcUonioUr,wction -Vfi!«*.l otT haikit* 1 Itli I* A. \irr. pit.Aborv; thUhU iT to.1* a a 1 day uful Nu- matH dtf .'•UTl. I.I* M: w IU aud Riigl-«h Literature. ijsy-’wa** rx—^v ^Istla GHR^ |w*v> ro.. bb^nhenkilln, »l. <«. pto.csy At tbe ict^reectioD of Water and Sixth etreotf « f^euiUr. A M ; A C®w,.Z®M®- Miw F. K. bENNirTT* Tcarhur in U»e Uo’leirlatc Depart, ( ^ IIKNKV KI.L vJIc.u.J, J. JubM n, kipA*y o.: R. McNewly. Ms>*- At tbe inlereectioo of Water and Serentb htreeta; I • A. I 1 vile. OIIN V. )U , ,«>rm-br.v (T-mer. t%.ffip»snib. «» : P®Ad®r® meut. Tliix'ly IK I PON r c k> snd E^Ulh Hovi.x*s IKkMLLD, c:o„ At the iDterserti^ Wst.r <; A tw , d-BMOvdlr lad.; II. W. |tr«wn < •„ x >®M- j ; I.,r,,srst..ry I)«,tart w 1 \Ki:o, MAM FA< Tl KEUlt ..F A ^ atrrats. RDM SAiI.o; Albem llibtoit lirrlbbntl, Oi; (’ 1- At tbo iotrraccliun of Fourth and Curran uient. II. .si'tN* Fi:. ® R

dmin. MaotWsn, Ind . L*»ninvtiie. by P W . A. LJ\ IMt8T<»N. W» MngbnA, I'aual securitv rruuirad. H Tc»cb«*r in^ the |Tiiii*ry Mr*. “B. UA1;T>X, rnmrt I'l.'Xf I.XIIVATI, 1.01 l.<«VILLC, tiiid .P«»IIN,* Ats*.. ivanawt.b*. Ind; >. W larabam A Cu STaJ:‘^ m.vot.Mayor. meni. l.lVIN(.8Tt)N, NEWS, BOOK, & COLORED PAPER. "T"‘h"ckawfobi>.T. H. CKAWFoBl), “s.:. « atrw. <4ajs At. !!•• ItaffTx® aiv of ALK.X lioLLAND m. R r L®4MB. . »obn H. yuan; s* the uf wh^ psriod, t^ to from the Kefona ^«bo•J,Yfbby“itbu adviceh 4 IIU'A*bhitv. Ten* : llarrinA Mew^pbia. Tenn. ( Inrk® M,«,r'sMayor's tUHce,tKlics, Aug. — Hunt. ^ coarse, iutormiog SithnrrPel sod f )f No- ttaaafcrrod to hoaveu. tK 1 to his psrsats galhsr to be Cushman, be wrote A cblragu IU..W II H k 4»«ts. AK •», IR ; Hurt HIt. H. „S. WlllUri.I^willl'i'lF Tesctiaruf'ivsclioro Ihnuiiiy, Fudutiuy, end veinber, I'toi M<»N risOMKUV lilHliM, WHOLE-SAIjE DCAUE343 I af ihie Lets®®, L>wt it uway® ai.d circum * «L mmmt to wue a wwry — i'^efff«t of thet Utter TheTbe uwoert »fi»f luUkits aiat d parteparts ofuf loUlots designaGddcbignaled ^I^IIKriinK fiksTFIRST SF.SSION8FmSSl«iN »fof Uuthe euriuinfr Uolley'.ete Ycer FItiiM .iUldefore- a» if tbe grave 1 will Csiuiiut uoe uu Moudue,M..uduff 8c|>t«‘iubi‘r the TW 4;mnlret YmrMIltnn ntfnmA fnr Ibo P® the iMOltirTTl Imag^ whereby t. _a^rited it cannot iw. it wae be'el.v informed that (TdinaiKee have wHI cmimuce &, l^H AO.\MS EXPRESS j COMPANY, 8c^.on, January », Mki t*after of' all t^etlnn wmI ^#nn®y Tpmna^wfftnttow nf Lalw hadffn giwat epent®al tra jahirmatM^ ®fie®ed, aad tbeir eldeal U»ra bed toOme forth to by tb® iiaoeral Council, appruxei and ^ p^d ^'TATK *»r KsvTCt'SX » •TtM He **• Mermo® raligio® appMre to father wa* in the r-aat Irdiar, in raicEi* < r ivi JtlT»r« « ^dtutoa^f Armn.iii-wfati' na, w<®l oMtoJ grtiili(»®i ft® Bwt the spirit af the j— tbem. Tlie smblUbed, rt«|uirirg ICe if|>aviog atd recurbiog of St. Louis to Mempliis. u uuuty. > f^A'»H PAID FuR RAt ^ Iraveb Ohrietiae; aad 1 raadilr b^ of which bebo wmwae a» largeIsrge owner, Primarvrrimsrv Deisurtmcui,Dc|sartmcut, i.erjier ie-..*U»n of tw.uty wreki*. ou A STATI MRNTre i^ritii.y ii t-ffitfa r* of tbe VILI.K PAPKIC Mil •mm ng •• cAnf®a ibcren# Me Jadaec rather than c^wimatdc^immbtd of a• abipbhip ^d«wu*ke»idewu*ka inia frontfn>nt ofgf Ibeir mApottivereepeitive loU, audnu*! .fi3 a AUma Px. U.VVULF.R.'tvi.i tiw fri’iiir» the ohi.issk:* valley,.. i. pr%*ih* ('i-iiiirAnx of the upper Mlwie. KEIsTTXTCKIY , usaCe (•uegiiiku ta* au rr: ui lit** Ir-utn- kimball, ar at aay rate sue distant hem-)iv|d tU^ii^ tl^ wi'.bin PREIOBTS Issvs that Habsr WhenMheii iato adi^nta fail to have tbe saute (*roperJy done il T. I WESTWARD. ^ if Ibey !! T Mpi.i.'fftpl'i. iiidSlid thr''iAk.wthe l*ak«'e mkiii«*l^%m‘t..irujli?^“^taking the vaitotie traiutf lur lure uf Kctilurkv, eiitiUe.l ,\a Art Cuusrru'ug l>Apre-a ** t’GLSToN SBsd ia coavsrsatito st4a bis intein»t af ths Chsiroh, staws waswne alive, ^ho immediatoly audwd«i renchiug ( total lights aisbig soaeon thirty daya fnim the date tb® wtrk will Ui Calm,Cwiro. there alMOjsi moo a.A. M., arrive•rrlre atel Mem-Meui- (.oiUkauie4.4.otUk aui«4. riidxiitl iiuiiibr>e.liiuiiibr>«»f, deeUrltSrrUri »g»|f <«idwAiil r.-niHW-'s-mh®- I pray SAFE MANUFACTORY. Yl “I *> pray for my etonsier; vemel,we®iel, resifresigned tbe c icnnac*]. and embarked lot fxtsa otfeauts. plih(ihh ai 4:JU I*.!*• M. #au«*» day, >ia MubiU e^and OhiuObiu suiaui LOCK AND u>4*«u*4*ff t«» bebt* eoujtus»neoiutus»n nhnb'n*.ear»h*ri«. aud hr*prt.viiiugviiiug lortur the Mx'Mfwi'ety COI.STOXV>\—/ A X vkh a Gtotsla— 1q tb® uoder a contract at tbe »\penM of SAid I Um & STOUT, ^e^thar ftoai the II A«rsl, of artiLld^^eiiitOi-t** I 'u Uw-r ea;e. that thay amy all go to bell.” tar EaaUad,Eadlaad, writwriUog to bis in Hr..viJua« that in tu 7th Mode n Itau«ua*r.. lach, per «* on of so week. »IU A. as providtd for the 3d section tba “V”mr fro" l" ?ta from a Mormeu ^ w •Ont'it, betweeu Maiket aud Jiilcriioa, *1 bt* bi»rii*«***ftoi staid 4!un-|«ny to eundact«sl n'lM* Bar alaswhere have I baard Gral wiiliogwilling be wouldwc spe-.ltiv »o f;^- "^ No. ItT.) Third hr auui> atpM .rticie if thi City Charter. liSiuta inV^Uv \l 1.1.1"®“ a»«*ip. wbussf r.il uau*t24 aud per rvcdguitim sf the asarnUal ^Fdiglxcd, ard abur- Lot'laVIl.Ll’:* KY., i»r plarea ut rvffstleucc ax® ipialaa basrty ,, the captsicaptsia t ari.val in -• th** Hv* r »tcsiutrff. aas Afttr Murk, whcD executed, to bs reoeivsd by the oI ^ • . JuI afffullf>««a Air: PURE BOURBON t**<)Fn, IhoiUiit WHISKT, rtou MoAtacois. KwUivkr. Toawwas. F^w- tact in The Tuition For. are tu be imid in advauoe-uur half at Woi. It. rr, Xe® Y*«»rk, N. Y*. — I UaKIftlS** CllPrkctI 'rhrOIIK>>. rMota. Iltai. UFMorv)*. Wita.-otaa. Elwartto K. >aiifi»r;l, l*hlladrl| hta. F«reiKii anri r Mtiwoft. Y i ewalk Pa. Dom«»Ur Lisinork. kr4 nv.fo, bo,inuin(i aud oiio half at the mhld eof each aeiw on. HAN K I IP KS >h.t tid detare lo VrsII!iu''^itc'4^ArSolu*-. owl «»a oS l.lov.toaa Aoutawtoy, Paiwurer* for N.-» ( >rle«n«)rlr,ni. Usehave a. choicech.-ice of two rouUu;roi DKK A.N I) LKVKtt ^alui•el M. SU«>euiaker. rAlUinor®, M«l. jp®rtJ ' vd- r. “.I ID. I. AK I) FI K F.-FP< K)F Flour, Lard, ou4 « hseana •.«h.s..«imwith wnottl fostootatho NunhwoaWsw The SchtHjI Build ug, which )• Isr^e, oonvwu ently sr- Via rsilroasl to Memplur anll-.rteai:..;ertoer to NewNewDrieauaDrieans HurtUr* ...d F AN (fffl «rx® W CaiM, Piiubiirg, Ha. Bacbk, lutler, Chcasa. tried FfuiU,dc., owB®rs. t* taeamer•**’•*“*** u \VioGhurxwGburg aud Jaiut'A SI. Ttkouii 40U, ^pringDe1d, M®4t. rsnired,rsQire4, audsud wellveil veutilated,yFUillsUHl, to nitiisle^diiitiiat*^d on Sixth, Ijctweeal>vtwf<>Q ann «a.wo#adTTvm«M or ®.-rrha»l® aad toiPa*®* haar mis ovar moltitadssia I to thfoam and to k,,— (kt ship, aod u fallieg spar struck . to\>4^0rieaur 4-1f|’p .sitsMuer, )lHdK«n**«rt, cosu. •e to — ,, .tab. af Iafael,atosi.. To recart and repiverepire tbe sidewalks on tbe north WalmitWsluut *udaud cbeetuiiti hertunt tareeu,i«reeu, on oe evated rrouud.rroimd. sum.sum- «l>>W ^*°«rtfoto Gto. “ai ctoriAg Umoss Inarw^ cos,;,;, tIdNSNS DEIJIVS.DKIJtVS. X. Y'. OlCiOI* VlXX.O«ChX*, tronslt. "•** Brock acd Hojd. AM) NoNO Jv'ho Hioghaiu, m *l-.-ri)r has today a-Wgaed that to am as ship toiled cienUrctouUy «xt«*ui>'veexteu. VC to affordsiTurd thetbe puirftapu|Ato nmvtoami-le i.itacentiset* forfur tecre-recrt*> I'hilade pbto, l*a. aaak.'ievstosiito japmlv aad aadiv tbs stoira-sirickuo KAILKOAI) SWITCH AM) C.tK l.t I KS. Hotel and toF.unk.sn.t.tos.ta..M.i..iri ThK OATIH oP YRMAUT So onr tasla the WwS THROUGH3 TICKETS Aufuff U. Kiadev*, Newport, K. I. ww. -• ^ *- aiaasto far ^vgaaav; be waste to n. A. A. (iORDON. llouee Boll* him* lu the beet umuuor. aud a'l wi rk war. b7taby tb* taltallL'lS!iwu^tasaio Rota, o4 on f i p„, of . „ , |vriDA<4 For unto st th^ ulhi p of Illinui*lo[. t( eu’raleu’rsl KsUmsd,Kahniad.t4 iiirsgc;liir^; iel7 d.tnt The iuU*re-Wd ®4 cewtui qua tni«t are th* ttoek* Mil ItaTILI-K. KV. morariMwAbrsayolb a Us]^ aa^ divarssded Csmily hare, lor was weaiily couaGog Murray Dr. J. L 27 sl3 dtS«»|)tt UhstnnsQ of th«* Board of routed. by fkUag oK)tbrr wbo j bolder* of Ball 4 umi*anr, wrto rolhc j Ohio nt>d Miff-ln*i|'t>i. Si. I*outo «ud (MuriuuxU. sud N**w cMuge from day lo dat aver hss princspality ia the “new .Murray Ur. J. L 2o aud cl w hoiu H to im|N ffwlb e to tff~Con*txnm»«t» and Orders «oiicit*<. mgy, fftf kir-’-r rala ,kc w^s that must elapee l>efar« her biuband aud Albany. .S.leu,, a«d J,ffcrw,u.l.|e^^« make au arcarate »late- KrilKtouSfw.3uMerrhaut* bi tb* WnS ortaiws assto I ment,meat, owing to tbethe fretiueoey of Mich cuaug®«. aarth. that he kaawi to bs at htod. I tbisA ba wobIo be restored to her arms. Kllwd Wm 40>i KKNTrCKV UNIVERSITY, J.j Dn r capital etuploiedeiuplojed in U.® LuMDemefLu«Dem cfimidimid WM. ALLKN. .TJ Sui*ehute*idf?nt•eriutvndrnt MeoiplueaudMt niplui* nud OhioiihW RaUr^.RsUrndu!. I la# Alaiow Portira ousodlac So Ibtar ->wa toiystais fVam tbs BmS jgt- tor battor davats a few yuan to potoariag sailor’s wife, aod accustomed to lock F;iliott Koh't J 21 11-12 U.YHRODSBl'lHt KY' W’^XT*'**'• llWfKW ^ C^Ov.#., Ay.r* jklthongh a Compiny In the 8Uteblate of KKentuckyentucky to, a« nearly tb® IS '.*.** 'Mfiuputo,MetupUto. Tcud.Teiin a* via Rata I* stoat laiirasllaeaB aalb*msast*f IbiaCom Id on It .a J A . * aayiag to this effect; “He who wow bs naviga'.ioo, this sudden die- I’rsstoo Wm. 22J^ . can l*« ®®teptali»ed. Qhriat'a of — ^ ' «um tea thuomn.! pg ,ks porile CoIlpfDAte and Academic Departments. 337 Jilaiu At., bPlWOrD Stiveoth aiwl Eighth, dnlUr*. May ol tba tsbuwiag plan. Wiora toiyaim: n* tsSlwi ota Uaavaa, ths aaaae shall ho Johnson H.nristta OTTER & AI.LEN. is the af F .... «*j.d. ta I* af siwaa Isaal kingdom , ,Uiaf cf the pleasant viaita) qnite overcame her. 22X «11AUE below the U.UsyiLLElU.TEU n*« .Mur oa ma tatasn of totariaw wta *'aci i.tv. one Soooowora awo: oUb oswaySaSSaalSoa: gnatast.” was aaixid with the peags uf prematare labor, Tyler Mary 46 2-12 1869! TU THE FAR WEST! 1859! to Gsrta fe llofta, 8he re>>ared tn forntoh an 1 | at tip in c workmanlike ed ag eut ut *ai«l Cuuipaur in mid cuunty ffhall with regard to the Book of **”'”“* rk t he“doottiSdeemed F. J AMn-lDKIt. FbdaJalp'-to. I sraa andorsiv r d boors joined her bnsbacd ia the world Tyler Itobort, heirs 103 bavin., 3 T.) 6 aniier all kiudsof H4|m*4 |s»r Oa<, nt**atu. ami Water, aud taken aa goi>4l ffcrrice ^?S.h^c2‘lIlt'ill;^^'a^d S;;,i7S'"rci; from DAYS AM. TEDK.t S A n npen aaid 4jompany ou7w-aud tmr- XXIIOLESALE UROC'EU!# Macks W ta KOONta. -* Norsb «aat. ftoikssosa. I hod andsTstaod that ft is saw vittaaUy Adams Dr. 83 NAVIGATIONlATlUX OF liaml a Urge a.-*urUuent of Otu FUtureeand celve*. (.'< Warmsk. saaaraUoos come tot and tto'ms aoll ahip- W ROBEKT RICIIAKDSDN, A. M,. Vice President, aud THE MISSOLKlMISSOURI KlVtK.RIVKK. Hare uu LEFX.II * >., .N)). X Atao- l|oa*a.or >a. 1 A Wm. M. X T - llmuerff of pvtry de#;rlpU»u. In1 Q w.toe««w:toe«« wb®re f we diaeatdsd, ar at kaat aagUetad, by tha Chkrch to Usi> Amanda 23)4 B«to Tko- - harehar® bereoutoberwouto M.baerih-wibaerih-Mib#erih- LAKLU ta CU., Na. M Kilby tarsas. BosSir. m,*cks ate naknosm. 4, elto, HENilTlL“win’T'I^A.''M^^ .Mathematic. Isifl aud Force Pumii* of every kind for totem#, W edesi lui< lu baud#baudjthtoihto llth 0a> ofef April,n. A. D- Mi aarvioas and miaistratioas Bat Eldar the dsatk of hi* father and Bull Timothy 26)i ]3i MIP^ D CoBBissiff# H. U. HoCRTOM, Itttar aanootciag -SraLl— /seALJ The JOHN H. NEVlLlU*, A- kl., Profynporuf Ai*c>eut l.sn- & Forward iBc ^lercbaalx, •sbrsal rtabtos Ata»at. rtimtaals sla ayaapais sf its coktants aad treatod ft Martin Ale pump Beer msue as a ^ociur as we have nairsled, raached tbe bov in Wm A 26)4 All kind# of Soda Water .Uiparatu#, WM. n. din8M0XFhOftf-. 8IXTH STKEKT. .NEAR MAI'S. u u Hoirr. FiT. e%vty de#rri| ti >o for 4###, Steam, Ikaeaghikt as af e^ aathority ato importaaos g, Toesdsy last, and, aa may well be sup- Martin Wm. A 26\ kSS^'T CR4HAM. A. M.. Frofeator of lleUc LctUn. II.W.MBILll.\\.\rB\L ANDA\U HT. JOSKPli KAILRUAI) Fao'tsto, aod Cuch# uf fc. sa.NFOKD. i LFL’4 B. KINiiLKV, Ooiwrai TWbst A^t, PSutotasiabia. Hirtory, snd Putlticsl Sc.eoekii. and Water. 8. M. SHoEvaKEK, J AS. [.yjj,* I.Ofi»syiH.K. KY. .Say'L. Qtd amd Saw Tertameat . Ua did aat read Wo, druff .Su.ssn M. THoMFm.).N, THOA A. 90 •TT. t.Wl. Ahoaaa. Pa. XtaM wfth tbs po,ad, ovsrwhelmed Lim with grief acd a sanse of 26,V alsors* Kiie WILLIAM 4.’. HiPKK, A. a, PrlnciiAl of Taylor Acad- pmAll kind* of .Tobbii'g done in the with tJEo. W LA.^S. i I.Al-H 8F,M)NEK. ’ teaag “•*? L®t ®« bi»fi that H®®fbo tampers repclivd and W. P. a R. att®r da®oH®ti®o. Tj r®cur*j ®c.d repave tbe sidewalks on the soulb OfO/* •lliMsottri^ di#i>at«h. i haudelier# and iia# Fixtunw JOHNsr.NLmSGSTDN.JoH-, Bl.NGlIAM. L SHHYOCK. LOI'IAVILLE A.ro .r.4SUril.LR •®*t ®ft®r t®Rl DM to® rropROTS, ywica R® wm will and sup* ' cleaned to equal new. ®pi dtf viml to th® gb4ira Umb to Ruid® of Maui street, between Brook and Klo>d. TO KAN8A:4 SF.BRA8KA, 8T. .TOSIPIf. LFJLVEV- eft . th. wnltog and fftseorery of thu ^ H this youth, w, sinrulsriy snd deepW^ ™ ^ UiTV.K \X8.A8 4 lTY',OMAllA»CUl NCI L Am LEBA.ro.r BK.Arcw ^^4, Dicltaon Mo.ee 140 *nl2?VrifL.trnJhVbV^I^L^^^will IxrUtigbtbe-taiigbt competent i^Sjrxi! WURTH fnage*gnagM wm by romiM^Unt iDstruciom.Inctrucior*. it r«a*enir«- uii. that, uo rni# ***^ be enabled to recjgmse wub filial love BLVH'8,BLVI-FS, ToPrKk. I.AWRKMI.AWRENt aE, LETOMPToN.LECOMPToN. TVTOTIOE3. Be c'ercnth d®y of„ Aiw®, Commission Merchants, . . that be may Voch r.oni.;o irl/' 17.^ ft it iftw’oo beiore me pime 4ieon«c l a#*, uf the I j“*!?***'' HKAhe KxeMooofKenguckvof Kenluckv VnlrrmVnlrem ty will commeocrcommence FN, NEBRASKA FtmTFt'KT I with .lu#eph lUwkin#, of the Parteb of W. pte ideal Tha caagrs|stiua caiialatad at efthar aarvics sf gf , f who ebastonetb whsmtsuevar i-'ij FORT CITY, N connection T. oiapany . j SentSept. I®, 1«<&9.l«i&9. s'lda'ld terminatet^rtniustr Jun»-June}?.J7. l»iu.IwiU. StudeoDStudent# W’oTT,W’trTT, LKXINGTo.S,IzKXIXGTo.S, PICHMgND,PlCHMoND, and PARES,KAKl.S, 1 St. Mary*#, Utitotaiia, (a# Pferttitr in con meudum), w« Aiam# Exprw* I an t made oath that the for® w- 82 II^ILHOJlDS. UtwuthMssaad mat* 17)4 T foauerrml St., VrI. Kbr Riri OUyr St*., asms fiftaaa P*rs^ /VoiWmc Prtm. V V.: oboiild lu nttendarce few ing ^Ufemen* wgiiea by btm to tru« according lo th® b®#C ^^ **• |„vaU— Irwin John * W 84 ne a day# tetore the 1 dh, to #e- audaJliN.int# in NiiKTII MlSSOl'RL KANSAS* NE- hare oi-oD*-d a hou#e in NfW Oilcan# for the pun>«»Ni uf TTSsT*: of bu knowledge a.ad r.e.tof, BRASKA. aud Southern and Weiiem IOWA. tranradUng a litueral i oinniUisin Bu«ine#a. O. rre»kl®nt St. XtaOIXiS, jmllysf them (ant iacluding the aidars a^rhief EitiroasHir a%d GstNif*.—Had Scott or Uyroa, llaniiibaldaily,rH>ruing W. C.kSS, ACO. >ASSKNUEK IRAIN.Sleate ii' Vi x- w Ac^ N, York. nmn, af whom affuasn or aa wars prsasat) wars their illootrioas contemporsiias, licen EXPENSES. acid eveuiiig fur St. Joreiili. uim»u arrlral of the H DLMESNIL MclLV.VlNE, AKRA NGKMKST. ,* may of u'^ » v TP., Orlean# NKW •,?*'" and St. Joaeph Railroad Packet# irom St. Loui#, Alton, April t. D50. II. A. Dt MESXIL A X. . CiTt or rimui t«. Connly of .AFegheaf ) asridamlyar EsmufiaaB birth; I thiak a majority af 5' Tn'-t'ou per a-*i4oD. In otavauct- I nstr.^ to ths obmoos task of editing n daily .'^tai® N aad *A*r Wwtaanfey, AapMl Ifefe Tmtoa wtal rifvely : of penn/ylvanla, ( M, “ .lou-toi's lev |(er tos*;ou in odrouev I and Quiucy. I'mln# ounnect w^tb Railroad Ud#» o' — lJL ~T~TL.r__ the malas warn past the amridiaa sf life. All gave atav qaastioa wbaUter tbe Wsverlv O rwa * fdilcea: Mwapepor, we j ftcfft data# INicke s. ruuolDf up aud d>wn Uie Mtoauiri f1 iTT Y A Bi |1 llT A Be it refcem^er®! that on the eleventh day of AprtL T f| || \/ iflflfTYlfl A NoriiviU* ICxiWM Maeealh* Itsaat daily al Leafestona* sst head to the axeteteea throkghoui; m fuS, 1 Harold, other iune from S*. .lutaph. for Nebraska I vS| ft| beff.re i:h. Met aam noTri<, or Child* or mtjy prudoc Jf., ‘ver City, Omaha, Conn- Ii I V fl ki fl I I If II 1^> m®, late llaya. a t 'umfnia>iou«r la y Ri Uf \ am A. M.--ta.-ytaa«at.-tlt .sharta*eilia.Jii * iai» Bl mksSh- atea a mors deyssst aod iaUat asaam I Bliifto. Atchtoun, We#t#n. I*e»\coworth, and Kruixa# .1 fl |l|||| I f| III II fl I I, fill.® rbe State of l*eani*ylvaiiU f.«r the .state of k®ouieky, do- haws mUam Bare woo a hiyh moed uf praiae, would Lave ';r-^ H k>em. aata oil -thar renlar Stoffoa* ttmt* Oosal Uto*. ity. The pa(*k<‘t® l*eav«owurth or i.ity eon. ft I aod eouirairi«K>nei I baaa told that the Unrmuas were rs- “ W Kanra# UiJJSWBIRYfl AlAlU A lAivAl WATCHESIA A UJAAIII |y au*ho#i2® bythetiovemorMiLon- Uaga. had ea it ia with at; tbe inso Al aata tooth*'. okaatax»*iiataw)saaan isen- aoac the light. Yet en Andonaa'a . e-jt StaieHlo t J’ , J-. _ J* a II ta !-• ta n®*jt wUhwith StAaC# lu l*awreor«.laRwivtirc. la'omptOD,1 a'ompton, Toi'Ck®,Toi^eka, Fo _ - tuck*, acd under ib** Uw# ttereofa^isach U take aeknowU ’^. includ^g fuel. Itoht#, m.*. ..i*R*a.,ta , aS It. It M. AaUyatkaUy igwtBBt,{gwtant, ssipcrMfttjas,ssipcrMfttJbt, aadasd braUlixad, iniotollactiialiniotollactiinl porsuiU,porsuili, as wall a* tbetb* nrtizsn,artir.so, 7 boiling, w^ F«rtFort Se#(H>watto«iie,4>«(H>w»ttuiiik*, jCji YVehaveY> ® have r*yree»*i«rt-dwed by EX PRESS1 RESa a larg®large lug at Honatava A gg*,rt# of toeureiitta. loava* Hora* cara ata m ta. M., iiatoiaa at htothsaafectafthaaecotgikKaticiasdidBatsastaiabmihaaafsctafthaaecoLgracaticiasdidBatsastaia of hiebis Ubor,Ubjr, cinoot RlI St. Jureph dim* comu—tio«4coniie-tio«4 *reare madeuinde with ^ttg« line# l-®)#®mdl> ‘-nme l»* . \V. 4 a*e. wba, being duly xwomae aiastgiast give daily vrideacerrideacs or beb* cznmf p .T?/! J**»'**'*uieu, decire to mudlify v »«• a w*#s«ffi»rii yfeicei *s-4iia* Luwarault os T.ta P. wriestPriast «k.cbc» u•> 4b,\ Ind'gfUl ®ud i»)uu#/^ng ecouipton,«9cou)pton, J JKWHsKYc IsK i A.AND.>1 # WATC’IILM,V* ATI IILMr lAa -aoM K Ihs tr rtnrtiii i.s. VaryTory few rural osoerkgatiasa wealdwoald u>> I Levrenre,Lawrence, Tu|>ek«.Tu|>eka. FwrtFort Rllev*, and all O *L oordiiig lo law. myt that th® fomcoibg ttattment within Ws kam haba apprecU'ed.apprscU'ed. It must Iw koowu that be ia al-unt, *Air 1*^’* duUei* makt-ri #)•#!ttffwk ^tnpleie.rotnplete. Lekaaaa Expmal avw. daffy ttoataayeexaaottdl, at *- point#uinta in Use Tfmlorie..*,Terriloiic..*, andaod e iiecUllyiiectolly where liovrtioverottkeotromeot wMMl^whtowhir mMc* ourmir to true the be>t uf hto kbowle-lge i abilinr, sidewalk,sidewalks t> and belief, and a# #uch •sMbit•sMbft mart heads ariaciag dse dsd aad I lodeed,Iode«d, if i won'd sbunebun To racurb acd repavarepave tbatb* unon tbe north iiitaod to mlJ««ll < heap.hoa|.. so.-an<* Ui.u»lor«tlieretore iuvlleiiivile out n. i. A. M. sioyyine a* .Naw bavaa aata *4 rogriar tamoaaa ,,g, b,,,, «U1 be anaoiiced. e and t ffitw om;u. T^iutoodWe onr D ,„g ,nbwrii*ri loioi* wo. taania iiiliiag oS LaAotaea at lAel A. M. to- tosbfatdskbt whether aay aaaembtage soao laigaly Earopeao *ids uf MaiuMain strset,etraet, batweea F'loyd aod I'reaton.i'reston. Haiiiilton .Mt>ti tlirtl)e II. cotatomenUcotatomerato taUtall and exauainecxauaiine our «tock, which i#i« aaaa tba .borooghfa-a- boroaghfa-e orer tbe mart, to achieve csoMthingcsoMthioK Daily ^tafeMuuu from Hamilton m on and I ^ lu^lextimou* ab«re>fl have he'ennto t®t my u„ lurala* havo* L ihaa. a at Ida P. M- to Sa g an fea Bsake a battorbettor appaaraaca. St.t. Jo-idiJoieidi hail’uadhail ..«d to lzfzlu.u>nloexiuicton and.li-l RichmondKichmou-i Mo complete.ooiufklo. hai d and a1lx«d uthcial w Ib ftaits otmaoritiaaosouoritiaa wsald Buke would babe daem^ a visiuoarv. z' \ my aemUie day and afgf laWaglaw'ag renown,resowa, he HracLioJ. S 83 to Uh- lliircor Oohn W. t srdwvji, all iij-oUvt.lvItaCultavUe to St.tat. .J.1 --o.-li-e. h ’Jti hour*-.G-uuTUtobuiir.— D-u''ivUk to oar aloxo wriUea. KatKst that EarapisEarapaaasa i are laatlaas intalai taciactBal ar oomaly gsxftte,gsxstte, therefore,Ihtrafore, ia tbs be*tbe«t vehiclevsh:c:* I* whK-li n Uve ia-vu rumniitU-d to bliu niKS»toHIHSCHBUHLHIHSCHBUHIi &«x DOLFIHOER,DOLFINOER. v __ ) Noeavilla A3aitauta.-datWa toavra Leukwffls daffy (ton. XkaXbo ephemeral D. up Da)Dar i«l 70 dr* (or mou*r *y L,,„raw«rth<;lir#Niveuworth4;liy42hQiira-LGuLvU*etuOuiaua72hou-.ri hQui*_I,(,ul.-vUK- tuOui.ita H hoa-. tuit Mc'^LFRE H.AYS, thanthaa >l s. ri ssna l. bad am tmmigraau arcare mainlv seized with av.dity, it is for tbe lArment of h • f»n, »x)u*#, to»^ii;g, and other day. emyssiV. a* eit P. M— tanapiota al tafetahatffwtto. gf intriket.intvlkct. It may be U Grav P. k., eeuuesuu 105 jy-sbipj•if*Shipjer»ofer# of Freight #av«lav® 4 tobdo#audto b dx; « ®ud all iu#ur.iu#ur* I 4Joinmi#4oner for Kea'Utky in Pwana^lvanm. neettatary expen#ee; and tht* d 8|K»#it on «bai be luade ' °»'J tM***^*^^ Joaeciaa, Kkaabeii.ti.wa, eata ettor taUueoa whan tatoai- afif We«he aaawaaansr cla«);elsM); a^ nm^y.aattay. nnvatiaa,pnvatiaa, and a vividritid imprevxior.—hatbat ^Q^enee. no d tf Between Sec- ud aud I hifd atrecto. tnm—it may evensvau make N:.uwJeo F'rank, J. B Bowlu,Bowles, ig’tsg’t 78*-a78*-g received at aanviaa oi Hone « a»* as >.4* P. M. ^ of 1^ lemittaoce# by him any Uiuc durtug the iK-urer C tr lUnre- le*ve* 8t J J#eph duly for *he eta by feta— Ikggadiwggad trilaril plow hard,hiwd, fartisMiag IjMImaa ia the ha- this eagsreesseagarcess or this im[itassio.-iim[irassio.-i 22 at Igog will J-thestooJ-ihestou HenriettaHentistta P ‘i G4)LD;^u^M^NKs!^^«vMINKS. Fate (rar'L!I:uir.'’'{hXh.'‘boI?Strom LoittovU « through, board artoracta, laaera Han* Coe* sl feta A M. aailjaa L ce alnesrhars -aw . ta *• « tajj airar. 1* at 11. itaMssaaMoaLorijewhars^uLtah.maataas u Ltah. Bngham g,,id)F I* or further Information, addnwB the Faculty. AMERICAN HOUSE,HOUSE tha talalbai*—aiTiviiita at Loabwito aM A 1^ Kramer MoaesMoees 26>a26>z i^tion?* Included AN-16®- TTito toa icliable ExptoM AMERICAN feaJoaWlM rt praai at at aithar sai » ii i. ®H fliPiAw? Pa ey tha am A M. Tramtamat •nyX waa a Gaaiw. tons, is like tbe etatoe of Memnon to the Forman Ezekiel, J. L. Brown, guard... 84 7-12 Company aod aie rc*-putadUefor their oun’ractr. r. IBoA.NTN’QKirs li tnjaiittafitr braabrm aad ooaasot at Bona CWea afffe Da I ragard the gnat body cfUiesa Hut^a ** All the l*acki‘V of the II and St Joseph Ralirotd line* 3SOSTON F.4I.I.M CITY TKUKR COTTA WORKS, SDciaat Egyptiaar; it playr it* tone to every morn- I Craig luaioo, aatate 180 tataerafi>r Mataoiota Cwea. towHa« Gaiaa. Uaar Wal- are ehigAot Stcaiaem and are run e*.prni4ely to connect tha ‘.’I* *•7''* be*« •rranx'd '• ">• dtf i:lert ol .lefferam Fifth fftfvet. B#Br WaimM, !>>«to®te®, Ky. tto regarded a* lifete** marble for the re- tor gr'»- at«5 Gouuir. ItT.^ luw. Gbuwoa.GeUatia, aad off laaib-n p niaii. saffbr “** “ lueoto ur4Ut»rf®oiu# C?»»*. New feiiginiitl Ststei-: to te'ilrwlly located and r%»y - , Xo racurt aad repave tbe ride walks ub the south ISS MARY K PEASE, a graduate uf the Clinton ANI FACTI RER®f aUkmdsof tWMicwm for ea rt at New tiavea wah taia^waTw^ra taUwma slian^nf tki laet Labaaoa fc tpetaa Train toay saa aa while on tin* p»cket# ul IhtoComFi toy. <*f ®tsc«s th® travel. ton- r a rr^e^.T“, maiadcrofthe day. M uefa ba* been said of the ride of Ma n, brt wean Fmyd and PrsstoB: ITl ll*ghIt'gh Schuu',Sefaupt, Ma*MhcIm#rtto.MuiWBchUiwtto. will open a®n ’•khtFul'kii«H)l'kii«H>l for Bs*Hi from ail mute# #f It v T_>/“M >T' A »T' TCA X.^ M twrior d*«oratioB ol Buildi»g». #wch 4'®»irato fhr tabagn fee Dta- *.VLiy!^ M L*^* .v - w- jt m tanas* for tortawii wa. at Lfbaaia whh £mii/r*nt$ de#'rtug to MCttmiiuuy thi-ir stuck ni*y d«. M **i| tait.R a>l 4he mo«tern liuurcvpnivau xnJ **very Xar\lN v-f A i, X A. X XX*ta.w* Ut.r.ry.ffort Y ouDff 4ffirli'i4nd Buv# on thp 5tb d»r of .^-eiAcniWrU*nib<*r uiill tb*'the tilt*, pvrryvtto, Harr.risn.ra. Crab tmbatta, fen see* t, Winkler PhiUp ! 49 10-12 1**^^**^ Uifiugh by /o#f /rnV^ A':r|fre#« traiu. cuncp^uu 4 iw fur the eorafurt acd arvooiuHMiatiua of the S:::ii2:id^Jlv.:^rnJrrallt^ «rbooi liuildiug funncriy ooctip ed br Mt#. liodiurdliodinrd nudnod New York and Eri«, Little Miami C. Oraanabary. Caionbbs, Barbrafffe, At. la imd it be« declni^by n rr»i*'Af lakfu at lowstaif rivtr rat®#. C Cam-balMvn*, thw ^tr> . hw Inttoiiy thi* tioilh side F travplling pubH'rpkbli'r Th#a!««*piagTh#a!«eping rutin # ar# laraelarite and well m t Godurin, of Wnl* i tafeTantobto Ihm noaaa sf the mngon'a. P,U, Dr Matt 42)4 by Mms on Sl f% aii<3 aiwgb aVti-tv-to Xirs.^ tba Dayat fee Nartviffa, iial poasly dieUtoonl esmyist on this *ubja« thnythe l^aMrnger# i^» i*wIm cl fully re>|i*®riU>d to cenetdpr thi# vt'RtUai«-d;rb«taUite«orrotu#ar^wpllarai:g»dajaecm- C.r Lake Shore RoadK Cta~ I hrootah TMen raid at ChsBch ikgard this ao-oalMtoUgina (with (Jros»iu*n K 21 nut between K'ghth »ud Ninth. atM n#w, sh'irt, aod chi'tp route b:*fore suli'ctlug others, ®# it hi# pli'U-lv fumtohv«i f )rfaa i'i*t# ar-d large traT**tliog partieSf for is the ascendant: but, For Wriup, Ac., npply to 8 Afcot# tb® Above wlUM® U'm# w® ere ct®:®4| ••** of nnthorship in i'br>«kinorwn uU4iiri«tiouable advantayri# over #11 mIihts. to • >B *«e«B«s. DaaviMe. perryvi Ir. Har ofebart, Orea^- aX athi) an n eaatrhrnaec for the er I'nremmit A 21 aud Um oiily and Um buure wilt continue to b« k«*pt a# a 6r»t claw Ho* thiouch rfWAipt# ft.r all kis-to ^ugtu dfibrpl A. P. COCil UAN. V ul iTodoce Aud M®r> - i wibat Cabanfffe. with all dac dafarance, this patronage raeemblef too roNto by which i'llUOl GH TIC'KETM to JoeepA by trlinev®r> nwiect. LEWIS P.loE, Pmt*nTti.r. tu coara. fen-mi t. inrawhvill*. G n a. g 11 ring af the macy and tba aggraadixameat ! Rudd Jtmes 23 chAodtoc loiuf All point# e®*l uf Ciacumsti At a# low rtUlroad ran be purebaatd. Ticket# for sale at alt the Hi huuu, Jan. 7, AnU diy and ISurkevitI*. »k., ,' lAtffM®# af•r the tow;few; tottbsft I oaamAcaaatA baUavebelliv* thu gn metgg,^ g,to ooa-gg^. closely the wish of oar sturdy fellow-eiGsens to wit- Young Gw j b> Auy other rupvtudhi** lio«w MAUISOX FEMtCiT stnooL, railroad olftce®. For further inlonua;iou and all contract# Pieig br train Mgrrs tarilr i taaafeye e i iiynta) at tari A exhibition of fire-work* in one of the public COtJjTON * ftroUT, ridarabisridRtwfal* aadnad sa•* vigoruMvigaruaa as tbe HornseaMuroM. waswoe everevar i aas* aa Bono Fi. V 25 applyto 11 u J. HoWKN. i«Sl WaU fUrnb HAT.T. M. Airtva*ASTtvaaotUrataeiUeatlXM P. M. lUCHMOND, KY. CELEBKITEI) OnU EGO STARCH, m BURTON a , sqaaras, holiday evening, when they have no- Traioor Oeo4)ral Agaut, St. Louis. TUE P. 6AMBLR, fondedfaksdad ia eeawioa*eaaacioks impoatanimpaetar. aror baiit apup aa•• aaynay I ua a J»ha 73 lAA P. B. GROAT, General Th*ket .\geut, } JCAMrrAOTVMKO ST .taayatfeStotatoi atlmr baiia thaa that of aarasat oonricliaa. If tba thiag alec to attract their attootion. Strong indi- Kuble &. Baker 4(1 ii.,.„iKrai a* taSf I I. T. K. UAY WARD, ^pefiuwudeuU WHOLESALE GROCERS, wiariata ayyatal aloaa eaatot ani C tafeta . ri tare three af his chief elicited tbe Uborer J. II iraatee Goudwiu'a devisees. 21 M-e 4 1. Kl>GSKOKD & SON, Nvtta a— ? Fsafoelsr aad ar cuofcdsralac eatiuns of delight may be from wonder- , Atnloguv, which mny be bud upon npplicntioo to A. I*. felii dly_ BUi^UNESSCAltDS. *« wSSiTs-.which earh tnaatai-r is affoweta >naafe (Mtor sefebri ' ShotwHI, L»-|.,Bud Fldtu* D. P. llcud«u»ou, looutovilli', or WWTS kBBaas. ths graal body af thair toUosrara were the kidile Msr^ L 2-)4 j AN BE OBTAINED OF— lag aye* and vulabla tongaa*, as momentary thaa baarata* ba i b. *x»*an^ftrij|btjM|ta nm ba tu the under^gued, Rkhiuuud. Junitas FundA, W. •% II. Burkhsrdt, VomtHiHHon m* dnpaa. eutraseations sparklefand lla*fa and glare, but their C^utchill beleoa'e cat 20 NEV7 ALBANY AND SALUM R R C .VerrAwN/#. JSSJTtC SAM. G. ML’LUNS, J T. Leiubsiu ic Co.R T. L. Jeilnrt' THAYER, BRIOHAM, to riEEoi s, outa ir 4. I aoo^R th* carml Goatite pmamptioc ' if F>»nklia luourutce Co nM ddiwtlSSci t PtincUuJ. Na. Ml Main ri., briwara Sreaath aata nghth. naelh tadt, ebomri ulmirUiun expira* with the blue; nud, they ever V. U. Gs^-Uno & C-*! , T. AJ. F. Jr>0»-riMn X Co. fo Mermi iai an aa orgouxed butaUKi— And s2«ti th«*ir 4j4>l:S FTABv >iuift*'t to *uch a* I uiyoflfcaB teach. v,. tiaia totaarau * Brulber), StaX.-StSSiS.-lSS.TeS?^ rilHAPKrtT!ciihai'k-wt: fllE-APKMTIIfiiE.ii-KttaTii C1IKAPK.HT:::tiiKAi-iMT::: IMl^RTERsS nPBBMINATEff AY WA.eiilNOTUN AND htahTI \ETI AltaRWT AM) SALEM RAILROAD. A-MA-M-A-M-B-B-O-A- A-M -B-R-O - A-MM-n-RIUR 4>-Tt)-T Y-P-E-8 AMBRO-A MBRO- J. B. WALKER, & JOBBERS JLsTo.-rtSSl-S'-TMra”? TVPH^TyPHsi Idlo Uie city ®tst Umtb® N®UcnwlNAticnwl GsIlM'y,Gallery, Just bslovbelow ovpG®at« bank of Kentucky, roada, dioamac®,Aw., fa® awd fb#m all p®tel® te lb® dolhir to clitfg*^ cftch pupil ®# luc’deutBiexpvoiw per yi-ar. FAKE TO CHICAGO KKDL'4;ED TO $4 410. nllu4®d, di»putc ih® Uopcl ivitb tbetc; Brierl/ Kdwanl dO iBffifenmdaBrw u fewtoUnt that thttw knv® wo«W B. Fourth,Fuurth, on MaidMain #treei.street. MorTHWK.-*r. a.nd U. Mc4JU>%y. pMJCMpcTs /or Httrk ttUonda liurlim/toHy Jvwa Citt* m? M.MN STKKKT, FRENCH, IT.\L1AN, St INDIA SILKS, wiwt. .NOKTHWBvr. f« gmuu. to Ftaiglud u prept, Wirt ain Tj^mt Pat . 40 0*R®onou*« PostoOec, JeSerum Co. jytn dtSeptft ^rto^!I^Uri?!^o..ri^^ 0m4 all foiaU SuTlk»ot»t ir»U «Btiff Otu — /YFPfRS to tb® public on® of tbe tantvrtand best leleet- feaittok .»ri Pan W. New York onta Ifc-Sto ONE DoLLAff b*n lhata -"5*"“* “ VvUor by takint/ thin JtvuU. Tbe Office of tbe LooievUle and NaebTiUe " ®da-w*»rtmeuUof 4fftKid#«verbrou®hiWtbec»ly,eo«»- Ci^rB2D#ferrwao, BrilnB#DriiisB, BUSlo# .tarncaii,%BPriCBII viavt. aay.ay u^«rusfer »astareal®. aad plaadnr af warferm., U M CTrdible. . it® e4->tio® riuth#. Cabinet#, I ^*®^*^* fUmpii^. brnveit •ol- ‘j'p uf and Ve#(Ui4t#; lodevd, evwry* Aiacrwdjt the uln# of !?. npAvo noU mcorb the »id®wnlk oo tb® tcuth iide »>««--• Do tA«, Mormco oatrafe UAIInltOAD ( ' iMUSCEULANEOlIsS. 0>1PANY thiiitf a ®toutlHiuan wear*. ^ F.f.vc’i’ ••• “®* alwaj* tloiioocd in tta *»- There Main, betwmn Piedon and Jockiou: nni* GoooA, aad ctima—of tb* marder of the PoriohM tb* ^ 1859. WINTER -ARRANGEMENT. With the be«t uf WOUKMEN bwaet ronnratMro *ra »afe by them waiaa •« 1850. pre|>afvd tdv make mil ^aarnfftata rota MnaauiaMnadtaw amnmrre, dta.. #r,wbu;wftli -«7 “ BradlevBrtollev Clmtk 26)426)^ to t»L'TFIT at wmiUr art .nm.ace|j Wo^ even II I' I ,Y| f #hort MoUce tu the be»t mauiMr. L'R Mock for the atataroaebiuta ta(rta( Irataa atil be FOR ALL THE EASTXSUf Cl Tia& WRCMMri am hu recently bemi’ritoeketaF N.-, I ^.y i>oons, C A K U E O E E J Burks Jamce W5U . f-f min complete the victory. I — J, P. WAUKKIL O fouad ta roaerae* ia eiteat aata variety Uia a>j*t eoa,. ' Thw h Ih* aaly raala «• Wa7. leoyU S-^Sueau . . . 28 4-12 7Sm) jMuljf TnU ami CmctmttUif amd Itaala uf any iMk of FANCY l)RY GOODS me ..ferata roraaataM* by tbh rowso aaa vh« lsalliro.ro. rVtolil other* DAKIUL aAcMUlALUH, to by Gaatil* malice— ara djobtUu ezoggera- I , ...... Cravcrafl II J 32)432W iMe itady Tnstn lo th* trafe of LuuWrtW. la whKk v« yorUeulariv iavtia rii,. N<« York, aata lb ssua al tha sari of a totol la ffaa. “ “ COIMRTiNraiSlllPS. th® attontiua of Merchant# VMitws thi# aiarkrt. ;17 dtf tod-bat thmv fe«mw bari. ri truth for the vSmnt ‘t’ '"r*!** u"** PmPoiuionutiln Sally P V. to30 XtaI3NrjZ>S, MANLFACTL RLK of igliralow# br wUiW fwnir®. Oil and alter Jauuary ~ toOacMrt« caw GOaaril*iatil* coavtatoMcoaviettoa that Munaoaa have ruhUd,rubbed, 18A9, toito ThMnakThffwaah TWhet®Ttoh*»4® t® Umth® FidwFiitw «aw b® |r®®nr«d|e®®nr«to ' UcIlowtUUclKiwtU Rliz.Eliz. P 20 ROBSR.T 4 llv ®tai ddhiii®®! ihn#i# C , W#®hinctMi i1 kv an wMkffu«nl«h®#n®efcf gse® perauae #*** ^7 independeoc* Dissolution of Copartnership. ARMICHALL VaV!a W®2wc mi gkm toaimad, aad avaa kiDed permae ia this Tarriurv, I ” McD.)well jj B021E2S, !*"**,T**f*i_i* ^S B 28)4 UstwS tiaw* and mer ##nn#rtiii na partaervlnTkkTravil^^KALTIMoRK andAND oaioOMIO ttrmet. H e have beard it g-avely ueerted thtt if «)t Chiemeu Mtoil at iP*wi a * P'-mon AOc UUlon' wa# by niutUdU odm'UL on petoatorenafeatora to aoadignnoadiwo pnaieameat,DoniaamaaL b«thot dint to amaaJ!— I u aNDawo wUFLaaaLBwuFtaaaaa ifbalbbifbalkb lalu yiRaI LROADLIlUAD *zat aayai^/ uf Um eriniCwal It® ilfwcd 4Mttca® thn M S^lcro-a John the <«b day of Ju'v' la-'t. KIUht party h arithoiiz-‘d to ?IO. -ta« WK-iT FKO.NT would be independent, io the true md** ri tb* 37^ ft*. Louuaiid CiuriuoiU. lUy Ka|«vm ai.!!!!!i;^o6 P M* ' STRKKT. Wwil. K. F- rCLLKR, Q®n®c®IW*®Mm AWinC witae mon, araad jartrs, p*di jitrDceru. '1 be book# will be iu®ud Nut#, Orstera. PicKlea. Marblaa, Perfutuery, Sardio®#, villi « ; 3if ai^ ^ Iro CoaroaiGentfei TiatoiT1®b®i AdMt* d. be mont leora to»" khtveshave »withlih cold ^er.water. IonIn a simn#ar«* at Mitc)i«*U taMITH. M®#w.rofMarieruf Tr®a#MW%iW>n.Traaroirainan. ritaty cold wmterrinter't mvrataig, if a ^ to made with all tbe l*a«> S. 8. liLukll, Cl®an* Tobacru, Awurted »iap«, t.'aadlm, W.Wa r.P. SMITH, * moo undertake* thave II ’ rJu: II imm j A V E O N A N U A 1. A U E I. (» ri bolieriag this; bat the facts ore iccoo I G T senyer Tralu- un th# uliiu aiu4 Mbwtoffippi lUilroad to Tropical Fruit#, Wiar# ia hi. chamber with cold water, be be insula- Usual security required. 1 of aud Tuya, and may from bt. Itaouto and 4'loHonaU. ’VOTl4*H—X-’OTIl'H—TlThe iioderMUned wl I ronUnue the Feed, Liquor#, Whit® 8u®ar, Cal- u*“^*“l?***T.*^***'!J'*^ LaaisviHeLfeaUffiHe aa® Fraakfafft aa® iadepend^t. T. H. CRAWfDBD, Mayor. Rflacliiny 8'. J*uiito wt 'iMi A. M. aod tSi) X PthIuc®. Mefchandwa, and Maanfaetarwd hnirt## . Ibat a large party ri emignau—aot lem than BOORS, M.4.SU, BLI.\D$, P. M. il prvduc#produce, andaa 4 ;umuii>«*H>n biHtue## at the wld «taiid uf #up« to sSaucea, aud _ . B0.\E8, kc., CiuciauaU at liklu pr Ltboroi atavmaee* arataa oa entatanm*—.. Fraakfafft Mayor'* Office, Aug. 26, 1868. a26 dlO Ueachiag P. M. and hdu A. M. P*-uUiuprtUUiuprtUluu Ato GUire,Glurv,Glur#, No. toi Fourth Mr****!,Mreet, when*wb**r»* he will be Kilract# for LexlaalaaL«Kla#laa aa® FraakfaM righty-lta Artain. to Slilfonti.. were foully ' A" Raroaoju-aa: Chaa M FaoSa, Cariuvr, WorthiagiasA toll voa that real RnraNiNU— I*e®ve bt. l*outo d*&U A. M. aud 2:40 plra.'*eJplea.'w;plra.'w; J tuto wait uupou hii frieudi>fri«*udi> aud cu.-doiuer#cu-'Uoa^ . . „ Msmataia Meadows ia SeuraraW ! LttiitoviUe at X^LffiB ^9 AiiItIoc at i:-!® A. U. aud Kiw P. m! '* - . - Pto4aic*, each as oar ancienU fought, blad, and Notice to Street Contractora. 5o.No. B03 Maif H.,it., adjoining Bank of LouixfULouiayiUe. Day to MaUact. liar® to W®rt, Wynn®. Haincn, to Co., Zll AuzueiAu«u*i 13 IH-V.iH-v. -au’.3_gui.3 dtftaif *totdy ut ai^ the Cmcttiikati* Archer, Whlt4whl®,to Co., -•» b,lng abU 10 aws mbU a*^en a diy a. prop-Mals will **-1 Miiiii ntrref and tbe —7-7— Wm. Wishoiian, ^ m -« ^ ^ SEALED be roceived at Hirer, - . r — the office ^ K.%’.k.%’. **‘*'*?“-o_„_ -r r; r-r— r: LOEI<>iVILLE,loC'I<>)V1LLE, SC Loui®: SaBwol DiT, Pevaawvttbr KubvrT DaUellto I'®., B«ymay he aleaaant,aleaeant, in grog shoo, and there ing — I—c /\ 1 1 . r '? € f 1 ***T* . a meetmeeting ri the uedersigeed to 12 o'clock F riday, and aiu ureyioreta to execute all orders for Dissolution of Partnership. X. V k.7r • t**T2i*" z*** M , Sep- Alaiaadcr Laimkhn, littohiirsv M«*.'nlcbffun •****•" ririaity to whom, aad aot 10 WOOD WOKK to 4;-^rl TWt, am to theuic ta, red-laadird-laoed brotLarhood,brotL«rfaood, gozzl*guzzl* n*w-«ry for tbe iiuid* fiuieli BaKKiMC« Checked Tbrou(;li. ri'4iiji:cupariDcivhjoii.-r..tuf.^^^r|*iiK m* down agy qu»nqusa-- tembor 2, IhSR, to execute the following work: of FRAME or hUICK All Order} prouiplljr attended Philadelphia; Me.tndrrw to Warn, New York; dohn A. # ^ftar Monday. Jnn® Uhb, Tmia® wd aavagn*, emigrentn had tarreadered, ff of Itrannuo. l*atsar.Mi,tai.4>. a;id l-atti-ra-n, llraiiuun, • •d, riier a “ HOLtafS of e»^ dt^ptiou, a. toae^ _ . ^ OalehwU, iRvijty ri ram acdand lager, atd hn*v**v* noeenoae to my “WhyWhy To grade aod p.vo Migaxioo atreet, from BEI.NOTHIRTV MILKS SHORTER than any other 4^y, lU ; Batter to ( f ^ 9** ,h, ta llulloda/ war* Ulaiotvad .u tbn 17th iui-Ulit, by mutual Kwir ItWWdi tot eira tom m. I _ ta W->, ^ Olmritiml feiiartlllrin Invitastat tzi ffltto Itawm*. tat Weltaro wb—wbro wrtat line of Elevexih atreet to the ezat Uue ri coueent. ta. II. KATn-.lL-KiN, W. C. TYLER. K. J. MAR all I*a«M‘ni^Traui#outhei>bioMiMto®i|ffiAI(ailrua4,atMl ••fo he ^ared, is ooubiuhed by avideoee that Wa oiKse beard s lady *ay that in walking the JAS. W. Twelfth Mreet. iudefthltely for 4> to train# KUANNO.N, •l.-WT T-D a. mg a r>-l-Twr WEIzIz waitiu® M vbt*ii they aiv 4le- t ra„Uv totaBMlI think,Utinky ben* invnlidnttalmvnlitanttal them evidonecevidence riof < SEASONED Iz)ubvin*.Sei.t 30.1H5A L. K HULLAUAY. TYLER & MARTIN, — rtreaU ri s lieter city, she beard a man, who a|.- To grade andan pxva with bowlder stonae, snd layiid,lu#ure to Pa#M‘nr<‘r# fU-liable 4jom®ectluu#at Mitch. totaaaetaaa-iwtinn partaker* to the erime, j both In- pcaredid to be sa foreignfureign uilur,eailur, loudlyluadly Tociferutingvuciferaling curzcur'j CollegeCoileg® street,itreet, fromffom First atreet to Second PINE LUMBER & SlllNGLEb *^g^iiirir*.-^*ndTi«r and from any I Copartnei tthip. WHOLESALE GROCERS, totod «K*JB4MBUU, totod ®f duldrsto of tb® flMi^- that tbiitbi® wa# tb®the lawsdlowht indefivtidcntindepc*b fur tailor# totu lir®live in. ‘•Here,”••Here,” aaidsaid be, “for“fur To ^ralegraie and nawenave llacc^ck street,atreet, frotn the YARD ON Th®ouuiiTuaoouiiTaAtusronm'ctatTBAiNsrunm-ct at GrtrffriieattleGrt^ffriiea with tbe f isttion tliercliun r«, Terre I h Vomtn hedatofwrow# erea a# witneueei, and of whom tbe fu«r copper#, •O'Hh cf Bread way to tbe sou.b ~Wfe''Staa BW ff <*• •«?!«> H aute aud Kiebnioud Ka'iroad, We«( fur Terre Haute aod ft CU. JOHN F. HARVEY. a man may get drunks and have Um line of Locurt ajfto St. Ixiutt. aud IJaat for IndiauatioUe. At l*afay«*tt« with BEN. J. ADAMS, LuubviUe, down to tbe State® half cno4ifL left t4> get drunk itr®wi. BETWEEN EAST AND FLOYD. ajfain.” uie 'KiiSo ;Tid‘w;)i;iii tapri**?«M aud WATKINS, So. 498, Dortb dde Market, bef. Stacaad tad TkM. ^USSlta. ••na a li girt WM. —nnabh e loto Uatimony;laatimony; bwtbnt tw®twa boy#boys are re- tanner in New llaui|ifehir« To grade and pir#pive Hancockllaocock atreet, from the g^iUlli> of 1-rice* will b* furuizhed on aHiUcatiou. all puiut* we*t, aud East for Toledo. DEALERS IN BGrKUON WHISKY, A once told tu that a Aud wiUi um Miclil- (Lat® of WatkiD# to Oweley.) LOUISVILLE, who dtotiiM^y Laurel atreet, *au taouthern aud .Nortnorn Indiana luUruzd av, , mmembnr nmn may c«fO#ider bimi>elf independent wbo had a to the south line of gWURDERS SOLICITED. for Toledo WIL54>N S. HI NT, Fayeiieou., Ky. -'Wtao. A«K«R JfefearoaBB. j and Chtcovu aud allliiieniMdiaie >uUon». •• w«.» lafbmw hie frisata* tbnt lb®ir pdreot# —nendered W white men, and rtiwet. • m.T >> V. .1 m T And at Micbi- JNth II. C4K>PEK, n KSPEtrrrULLY end ttopakh* Oeeero*.... I ftve>esuleffve-aaule team etrunratrung enoughenough’ to break up = o grunwoeavs«.eW L#av®®a>4MF.Lro»roatAfeP. MII *I ^o Clitcax* LoubrlUe, 1, li6d— LOriSVILI.R. KY. Maw*. THIRDTHlItD TRAIN—‘ tbdic white men tot beat d#d todt ariempt lo prevent jgTo grade aodand parapava llaecockllaecsxk rtreat,streat, from thetbe JelO1*10 dXrodxm J.-y. l*.IN. tfAAAJAjAel>Il,rzrl*DlliINlu.*, Utod.land. — and all point* Ws*t aud Nurlhwint, AU tioi Detroit and WATSON * STUl'FKRirSTuFFPKirS FCRNitCffURNlTURERB WARE-WARS- teyptaw at all atattotoe; a»d,iwiirBiir wttilewpe I Watr^arfftaion. moarociw. *trt*tfoctit to th* eoutberatoutbera taxabletoxabla gji pglgtj Eo*t. ihaapreyaiad la make ta urttif witt all #hil»aa, and afrtv® at L®a*m A,Aa .idaid „„man down F. mt,let, who hadhod wastherolwrottored tbe — L^ttisville and atCJir. M., tteppiwg al J'.T' IIN T. O.VLLAGHER. Bleachinf EstablishBcnl. rhiidpan, Loei/theuty. REMEMBER THE Veaiuaa Blind# of every #1m. eolur, and vill® et >Ui X M. momavir, were toll found is tbe Useublaau af aereotyseventy wiatv*,wiatcrii, lustedloasted of4»f hi®his happv ™ ROUTE, .. n . . v-- K' MfeKta fou.*uto- the trade al#e, ta retNtir, rvyamt, aad ra- Tralimarne**m L#®ftieiM# e® *#li#wr Fviattfateatlto.1® MMMoto af HonMOto—toot o«a of thorn is the sSote, V« mplrt» the»fo SevtntoenUiSeventronth atreetttreet sewerlewer from * k aUte, modand raideoid that be andaud DoUv.I>oUv. hi®his wifewife, wmwere ... .ilbuiiy aud Salem Uuilffoad. 11. &UJ bblaziHxt No. z Uu-fin; MRS. WM. OSBORN. at «hert aodea. Fre«i a pra«ueal knuwh A. M.. Bewitod ttnteatTJbP. M., Lejfia®# a®e—#—datiato hotode of Indistor; totod, '* 'fo.'onfo muc“<« of #«»kBank ateoet to the south sidetide though tha Mora»os« aay iadapnndoatiadepeodaut a®a* lord®.lords. *«t, NMX to SoQtk aide. betveuQ :iu ti i ttewb ren i n il specificatioosspacificotioos M ca«k# C per cent Mreurth) Soda Aftb; to five ffarafartton M all who bmut daal with him aiU me® ir-Tbrou a hberal ptotroaato® .itfeiiww, oed dhMby- tffAltaltafczKMtaMtafetaBta. M. (pu aud l-Uifeue Cue ^uut Champagne; - ha# U Hrahsvd. feMWw t. Yimtal*.. U Ihi chlidfota data, ft, mying that thay navar lived thar*ttor* along minister ^ ucurity "re- i itKETS and turthw InforuuSTu S^Q returuffnl from the t:a#t witba well- csmMcom* a audaod kind of deacon, “l^*} can be Su.fttiu »uper ur 4ff«Tiran C'fta*#: Plica® rvnconabl® aad terwM Ca#h. ili dip vtat*; oed oU fenbro ie Mt Tlrk«t olBctf, leiiuigTiil# iHIIPeriectff-d Work of Straw DmiwU, Ribhooa,^ftH^ nar wan u the kae|iing ri anvagat: and th* soft '**1**^ T. “H CUAW fOLt^FOUD, tUyur.Mayur, llutul. lu i*afM*# 4qre and Ul#) Sa diu##; eata iweeh ro-oM. and nappednspped themIbtm np.up. JonathanJuiulbso liAiagreedbtoi agreed totosqp-#up- * ie LuoMwIUa. rareer ri Juffhnee ^ kc*'iD®at# heretofore not eojofed lo the Tnluaerc runby Luuwville Tbof. Flower#, Wreath#, aod Head Drame#. Mayor s OrsicK, extia heavy Indma* bav naoenmot taatimnav. 8o ia the Ofsk-k,* August 23,2o, 18u8.—18u9.—26 dtd Su baU» Gunny Bayw* Al#o AaMLRL ttlLh. Pv- portnort as, fi a f*»od ajMortmeutofehilflr®®'# I..1 k R. U. WAGOENEB, .X fiodi^fiodiag eauod aodand cider, and allows Dol- ^ "/ way of ezeeiieotIteot Imht.fiDe,lutht. fioe, elryairy KOOttft,KOOlaft, »ud.®#aud. a# «a K.|K RICKER. Hat# aod Flat#, duUN U)NO, I I Suu'LR Inu ba#® p>lm«‘ Uid (SoTernuieDt Jav*a Coflh>e; Itot® *4 ffept Lea, ff ffreob. eata ffteeb. ta Le*. 1. *. **• fo">dy h«ff bean \ aud Bockraro FramtMi, and of the lateaC ityleB. ef F*)na«riy ef ,** Mvmons, but had ly ten dollar* a yav to get a boaoet airi tboan, aad ,, _ matter of ooopeqiHfOce,iMDce, th«the pureetpurtwt cryaUl-cUmrcryaul-ctekr PKlNTftPKINTtJ A. B. B.YKKK* Ticket Ad't, LeuidviU#. Crowu# „ ,, T ,, roo lOU baU'# ivariou# brand#) Jvau# aud IjitMey#; Armetroag, AaWto, ffomatuad— aadartaak la retnr* IcOtiCto to SldtaWtalkSiattWJlllc that canCBD be produced#ced by tee phot'ifrkpbphot'kfrapbFbot'ifrBpb mudaud D®cucrr<8*uUacucrr«8auDBCwerr«ukU New Albeny,Aibupy, Jan. l#t,I#i, lh6t*.Ihot*. Bleacbiu® carried to Cto. Riio# UviH^ Ky. vd U tbe tftnu*; gives me twenty dollars every \av to gat clotbaa, NoUce Pavers.PaVttri. Um Jl®jllj dtf lot do rbotce liaiiiMf Twine: aod J*reaanf on a# oeoal at _ri * that Ibay wtmld be kiliad if they luo Dkc# P. P., 4 kFkiuf, PoweboBg, to Mj _w M.uta BoR.vA nad S-‘a'ed Souchong Tea®; ^ *r*.*****^ fcaronnien wvk ferpiguil—and if w* ore not S'a'ed propmal*propotal* will b*be recaivadreceivad at tbatb* office ri the <>3 .Main.Moinatreet,•treat, Oraud Truuk Railroad of ^ _ ^nftook^Oftook farforth* GLASS FRONT, No. Cauada. ffhell WAGGENER & LONG. reaola'iae; did 141 bag# Suit #liuoud# P*****J““ they peniri, aad indapandent it's onr own fault." tbe andartignednodertigncd to 12 o'clocko*clock M.II. oa Friday,F'riday, Sept.Srpt. one dogir b»*luw the coroer of Fouitb iirect, uver R»iudey'a al8 SPAUK K to G A LLAC HER, Wall AKTlfEHT. of Ih* fou M wbktk thev were rnshing knew whv a bay eix year* old, named Michael CoUiu*. a 1>KI i*iHTFtX and U0.\IANTIC HoL’TE FKuM silOES WHOLESALE GROCERS FHEIOHT of Brotdway between 8 xth and havsntb etraet* m rMS”T"TlT7 zx Uie WtMit to Hu#tuu. New York.feDd they srere kiltod, nud crold diwusvar fftUy fr* “• ^ Vork Caotrel lUilroao U»eE®#tff»ii.*>t»U'# AT SAMl'tX L. LEE'S, romUf, Ut^ J^rity wu?r*a ^ ^ Mlchiran CeDti^.GrvBt Wertffwn. 4J®dei^bur® WHOLESALE OKOCEK axo GBE-IT WDrCE.VE.1TS T® SlirTEM. arh* killed them. bndga* at Sooth Bjatoa, into tbe and ^ ii 4b* Market #Ukiet, tt^cund door a* ore Fourth rtreet. wW, wu II. 'pRAWFi tHn U.vnr J®9 djtf ARTIST AND FROPIUETO^PKOPItlETOr.. a«d Vefiuoiti 4J«uUiU and Graad Truak Railroad of 4jan- T. CRAWF'OKD, Mayor.^ ' eew rtorared I* »t«* tbsee^ "!» * to Mri Th* yi^ fact ia the cnee ie Jaat thie; Alter th* toy been ALL thoee who arefftftaH^ I AM » Tbe grant Mayor'* OrsiCE,OrriCR, Aug.Aug.' 1839.-^26’1858 *26 diddtd 1 Baele oeta Latte Igli ml feitraeta fee ft ilebs I* !few tb* surface ^ 25, in want of buuU.Shoee, OM ri tfac** pagffle. u a body, mean to b* buooet “a^r ri the w«-«r about 20 inrauts*, a Brandy and i'lianipa^nei'liimpaji^nf in Bond. Commissioii Merchants, Yo.*. fhitefei.bte Hemmef*.^ ffeTOa «».*«*»»»-* wroro^ro^ro^roMlaw^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ra and (ffa'ten wiil ftud it w humane: bat they ore, batere **' A*h (W* bav* tot biaCaristian loccrcal CommissionCou„»i3.iou .Werchaut,mllerchanty tahippen ky ibw reese **u olwey. trip sa kevtata ife*r rod ntov* nomr j l-*t 4!A8KSt'ASKS ai> # A'Bfei Uverpoul Ply- W nr RK HARr»T, 417 Market A. rpilOW. .MAf KK.>/.IRta-MI.N;i. Ne. A-tataBel. ^ KK.IY H, assffuast, uiBrtatol,ia«wo, Hull,aawoa, KallllEDT 1} QftRIS, ostiriaclioa ri mouth, (Daneow,Ata-romKVw , Aberdeen,Av^JMcra, oaff peoarial mean* if peaeible aee^ bi* effort* at audMoatrow.aUd MOBtrOOC I , bat by any mean* rrooeciutibo Adon’s cto 'STo'U.tJLkJs’ X limorr atrrrl. lluUiwiwrw* .Mil , impuruBT" aad _ __ _ .. _ 6^ Pol RTH 8TKEET, An adeut df Uie Grand Truuk Kailruad «uperiateud« P* M.\R<11\'L, ^ that may altimately be fotanff naoaaaory. css^aeff with taccess. Lott evening tbe l*y Ue M- J. A. DlCKlNd4>N. Manufaciurvr# of 8l:rrup«, Bridle Bite, Buckl^, Weha, k ^ 1—W TT . The wu »n dtf Opponlte tlie National Hold. remove of emigrant® aod badfafe to Ut« of Hite to 2 «itA T#ilet .trtkies, JFFFFKSO.WIFLi: Mammoth dteam#hlp 4$, and ^ ” **“ J. iW. AK.WSTKONCS, iiM|r\ PKUBABLY the heud#omc«t and mofftro A The CARPET they vo^ hart tnuU^ S met peieooed and tiav r*"‘ **‘?**f-^‘^* ftock of (Juffurn#. AND HOUSE-FURNISHING 481 Main gtreet, thirel OPPOSITE d^ complete China, Giaer.aud £3 J LEVlATIIAIli! dooc bcluw Potgith. hare toW mart, after TUE NATIONAL HOTEL. ly ware. Cavtora, V#ae«, LfK>kio® GUme®. iMlj ^ J« if SXOHE. sCj^r3V pSS55^a oS7 tiro which wotaU hare dropaned th* ganeral pceja- fLa! i W Lauteru^ Water 4.'ouler#, Toilet .<401#. and W h;^Tu^-P-^fo ’o'? Sfnl-ap? JJ 1 jT jTI 77 YTtifl — 413 Mftiu itnHft. KtefV I LROteVD. bt#' rvlum ticket* frum Cldceffo to tli* chief tamtam In V'n MARSHALL & DICKINSON, NE’W AND USEFUE ! a CTO-. * *•“* TYLER * MARTIN. liBwhYr# nod con#umer« ere iovited tu cell end exemioe. «,!« is ‘for,:s era It is roM wU} Aurtiy he TickeU laUad trad*. r#f jr-sd that be left with I ^^ Chlc^o for ell CIIA.^UE OF TI.WE. Ivl5 dU W. II. CKCTCIIEK.KLTCllMt.kCTt* iri-S"* puluG Le#t, eJ«Mj fur tbe Lt'vieUieo. or for l.MPOUTFUfS AM> DKAIaKMN. P.tTE5IT €\!4E liabtliiiet Uerov fresh beet fur *al* the M O 8. 8 IMH BLE 8EIT CHIU. . ^ - . #20,000, *nd Uot bU ore about doaKI* I? by Yfe. aroiro..*. kata im tor Co.*f #hip«, CAD be obtGm-d et toe oflke Tt Fourth f*t., u*^ the N®tk>mU Hotel, sadelter WEDN EdDAY.;*a* •.Itteb, TRAIN* affl -ri ta^ *b ri'k of the PIANOS. N * TVLER ta MARTI N. Gi«nd *» Tt* Trunk Roilro«l, No. Wi Dearborn rtr*«Tbi^ JOHN a CANNON 4 CO.. Mareta.tferreneuls. re ptirom tiriro ff i, s* fe feroi ! *Ttrr- 1 1859. 1859. LUL18VILLE, KV. O •I'tafoad ia pert from I A.KKKEL.-» 4 *fo*y “ bbU No. ler**. received . . .Mnnwfnrlwrwrw* ri ffeTe^rokro * k, ^^ttov *eqaroUy P°— ‘“1\| A by uoU- . „ „ WAKRACK, II A. W...4.VU 1# r. m. m U ww * yT ”)ta g»vro trig Pilgrim, boataud lonwieby Lake Ontario Agent Orend Trunk R. R, Co, of CeueJe. dc tli A. n„ inaarasce oa ri wb ebbewas and Biver St. Lawrence. W/'K now openlu# ® new rtoek of U«>ii#efurni#hine PETERS, CRAGG, CO.’S LOVI8V1LLE, KY., AND NEW ALBANY, INA »*fofo.*fo*fo!=**? RAWSON. (OOP, ta V V Trein rero to feyroearealy, ***n**tm rig - •“" time mace, «d fund, euurottel to TODD. Good#, con#i#tiQr of tvery vuriaty, Ayle, end quuluy bte A. M. fo-'- *— • ' •* al^.iL^iSTantlr ^ KX 1'HAM;K on* KrUOPK. of 11*1 r ij rw — Threoffb lb k kaareff AMERICAN Slfbt Drefl# il*are Rooms* A STEAMBDAT CD. on Loudou et five dollennerx to«ritnri Cnrpvt#, CurtniB#, ^hnde#: , wteb Ubto Mn 11 A. M. Trari ii**Mta *t fen**» rod hebe obieluvdobtaiued et the office of the Grand dtf WILL on tk« l-t of Mey eoaoic® rua TrZnkSSfia^ Fkmr 4nlcaoth«, Tnbie oilcluth®; •U Comer of Main aad Sixth As. kirn'- tor **d to. Leakk **d at loffrote. * ! MbriMtori Cam their fevorite teeiuer# hetwt^su LewL-ton Cnnoag In Chicago aud ttnt# of all Az*w; V ’ri li aad taa| actioa tor Tmt* Ife*. yAjwv— ..... ul Rud# TUO®. 8UANKA •STwiri tto Yrira llaam lto®ff Haro*. ^ (.N‘i##ere Kiver) end Mootrvel, touchiu# 4 euton and C<»cob Mattio^ which for dwrabiaty and eh#apai u I# unaninllnd Thay e*irri Iffriori, *>d wbb S: 1 rZTT Sl I^^a. o»ff I tte- •taStotat ImptaTtaliro * ri M ormro bnroiriffro aata asst- fj-frtaiiW fcsroleemrry.—Soma beymakar* in e field SUGAR.S — a . eli the dillervut point# oo thehe i^eL*ek« endand Buffalo andanc Lake Huren l*t»nu,l*uinu, Tcie,Te'lv, end suiid8t«ii7 rear xo do l-ovdeiild; Through ticket* can be purebased th* Cl. l)ETKt)lT_At th. MA fo^fo at Offlreofth*Ofltccofth Ly .bu.eoffle* ticket, for New York, B.anket.B«®Bketeaiitland .Spread#;.'tpreod.; J afokm * »>.. Ife Troadro DecrTO, **d ib»N«rtta. ead wlri ri* digaftirie* ri tto ctorch may be Iccladed den ditappeerocc* ri oot Of tbelr number. Tb* su do Urenuiauta. lta>ui*\illc Cincinuatl WUOLESALK .\N1) BETIIL GB0CEB8, aud i:. ta. Mall Lluc audlatat thetbe dU.dt ti„n»onlbe New York aud Erie and. in fact, every a> t ele upually fobik#pt >“ia •a remilarTgular Hon#®*Ilaiuw- ^ J! K*ri tor L l eveto*d. Ptnekws, ttofeto. N*« fo.fofo ff^'Yed per audi aud New Vurk i Wharton l*^n®T*. Hull aamtoe. Bat there on men in tto ebareb wood* aad mount* in* were tborongbly boateud ior«*)e low by fereut Itoib uad ufficc. in LoulsviUe. furnlehing t rUb Irbrneut, *11 Beitabtoring Railroad, can be obtained. J. WAkHAiK which we have relected with Moitbaa#! eorntir of Third mod Jeflhmon, Job® York, pblledteroi* *to tarom ttte **d TYLER to' II. f' are ca i MARTIN. McKAY,cKAYj It. e *““d' wjl *41 at very low price. Ind a»* Ceronl head to* Doytob, Wk roff**. aad *for naf l— ro wto know aoaa.'wd, wittoat tuocaas. Sfirit power wa* celled Xg.„. of * L. II {^i;^ UM Fnmlnfllrr •lldlwc. the and . Hk mat'd dim Gen'l Ticket AgeuL Xiofera *rail*.*!•«- »>®wui n'm* r" keepBeep un baud and luakeumI to We mMo banom hand FLAT ftPUT CUAIR aprdS No. 3ii iHsarbom -ff d*i,^2te. I .. o-der Ta |-u far Ito in. A saediam pntaod'd to kaow tbe preci** *pot UDA ASH — l)«*rlwruVi'hiI!.rei”r» «»-. Chicago. Msluct and 8Ak'E8. pug,.. m„,,u,u, u,,.. »h.vte. 111'. ave now o|«CDcd mod on hand a and choie® lot TIN WIRE ^ *C*P.*M. Tnta mmmmm ri feyrinor wilb ri* Ubt* **d ^ ]>u roidti. KnrU’..N4 t-er rent. A-'eanth; * #cp •» dly JNO. R. CANNON to CO-_ firmly ia tto peed ia wbicb he bad drowned Limaclf. Pie- loi te, mud II mkc tit 4 i H* of treoh ®r»rt prepared tu sell#e!i ouuu the mofet mccemmutlmtinfmceeimucMlmtloftffsrium.tasrium. Com® ladrorota*- ^** !^ * iev* to paraliro* for “dreeging" were actoolly lo prograat, lOore^nd tor 11^1)*?* manner mud mt uutiee Wrek. *'.d tor Ciacinrott *.d tto Grok, aad at u ‘t!2teJ*^TYL'l^T' u /W|fk PIKCE8 l*rint*4d ll®uilkerchi«iiet (cent#; one, come mil. *ndAnd r*ve u# m omllemll befurv makingmakin® yoar pur.pur> w M M w h T J^ro 2Tfe*tori* fofotoS ?fo*S? feere «T” -- -- — asi MAH.'^H.vLl to DD 'KINSON , liewbk tbe dUrraat rood* W *U tb* KMMli*l cbfeari ri* sy oeoaiataBt aata laicallogii when the lost aaddsaly reappeared ta tbe midst. - 1^ 1 5oU piece# IkituM do tb do; - . YORK. — ^ , NEW , —— rhm#ent>m eWw^where.here, m#a. wcw* mreore deCem:deteruinriucd to phw#e.pleoee. Uavmjo* thaa thair lO C l,«-4^i do bhirt lioMom# at lu do; - ufBKta-AU breth- by w — ,4 111)11*' if I? ill) fPIIP wouldiM mfluftirm our ®ouutrysountry coatomermraelauwrs of the tUbleatehhi aeeotw-aeoota- I- *,rvl Cekamed H'oaaea SberidoB laid beautifully: U uui>'e, tu oriive. LaftJjloXll TY'i.k.u a u.uriv ti vii •tirru euLtewe. moke. New York hff Nfebt Brenm ri to luroa. — TYlER dt MARTIN. t.t«l du Frenchjimbrutdered Uu.Uu Hand. leti Thrmrobto 5:^ Owen, d Co.', General AKlliVAu f UlV llll'j ItaEiK modati n. ia oar imiuediat* urizbborhood.urighborhood. » MD With aebd Ft«Mh tfl **Wr amii govern lu; let u* reader them perfect. at 6U coot#; sTZJ^Td. IMPRuVKD rwKTAHLE MILL*— irogron* slMctod fe*ri U*ri»fffe I* alt ri* uri ri* P^ a Lta^-day Soiafe oernnng Uouk. H6 and 34;. flruadwep. knt'mB plea. aaduaUiagly ealigbteatd, ea Coal Oils. 4.0UU yard,yard# lilrtif^Riviere# atl'ecnte:at 6 cent#; A« KrM N \ TmTmri'v'V\^ burr# and mad®*® b«#t iik>aa aU oppoear. ri Tb* more they or* much tto amre 8*vvral4^rca»kin»la Ma^ tto Motmoo Chroebto li 1,4B#) do Jacouet InaerUun# at ID c«ut#; J Iff. H^VKKOW,I'S-i^V.IlvX'CO >V • 8MCT MACH1.NE8— peerongin *bd Bagfede tab** feari off |e.to ri Ito “»*1hall »•we ta.•>•- UlUa tbatto cultiveaoocultivetioo rior toethe nmied ri Ged’a nbaniii m i» ui-T—l.T , 1.4MI de Mualto do IS do: oati^zets fe** ri ikirto. — mi bbl. l.iiUr rating OO; _ •Me* I* Ito D*fet ***- 'EB.\L UOluwt.ai3rtIk.tIOUi.YU!iEFlBM!iUI!VG man isj® that them ®p|ie«ri te the Aah aod W’ork#—a tmr# ferii ritHEONLYPAl-KUWAUElIOL-taEINTUELNrrEb““-titiiiw GOODS.UUUU9. LuriMVILI.R. KY. ' UEKBKRT ta WRIGHT. tbe uriw- ri lb* taeffmoavM* llritnad. NroW roorinaa* 1 STATM conducted on tbo plan of Third te., between Mol* and rtv«r. saraar of Mm* eata Third tenari, Lito i, Ky.. ar a* dailyDAILY -SALFta of HORtaF.SHORtaF.ta •*,77 dtf No. U V •« corn-wallCORNW ALL to BRO niER- IIITEIIITK taITuuiiSMALL,I tarmac. ri* Itorotm Jeferarovlm SziDDLERY |re^ a. * T" ra e g - ^.dp^andW-A-^and trAKUlAOfctatrAKUlAt.luS »lat Aft;Al Um *., , ii. W t>»t>^m LriO.NffV_riONffV—— Xtofet AfenK ft * B I® ^ i ^ CJ _tt®Y «»4W MamMaiu« Street.tatreet. LuubviUc,Loubvillr, Ky. «»»•« ^ A labama tieed Wheat la rtor* and for atyo'ci ek*» A. M. SKENE & CO., tTofo.rore WM. t^H. RKYNOLDff. 300 Slieby*^^ ' HELEW ta PRATT* AND OTUXm mme.r i * . . , oi* V‘r»'*ed •* notice tbe folil cuuuou'* Tt ® hir®, Trainin®, au'l KJuv'mtla® ^ that brieto Mormro who hrokilW J. DD. BONDL'RANT. many odJUioae to Hurae®. a rr * iitrere Iiiitnii it.tiTrerere - \V . ,V* onr fact urerM* Tbe I'lmae will me *t at E. Iteriow’# iteble every uU»«r day OilmRanu Lnnd Bmles.^^klr. Samatl fl. City ba® ®oM hi® ; LAltGE •faainte Mtonr a like viav of hi# 4«ty willwrorh® « _ ~ lifY Y4JCU W'AGON HARNEad^* PAPER lIOLbLb IN LONDON. Cruriilcy'# ce'ebrmu>d lueGurthlurGurth OFFBK.—Ftiiuc old Rk), Loguayra, Java, and Moetia ImiicMtry lirudaul®; furfor the pon>oeepon>oe® of n.b. HIkltdSut dSni BiiUitt idUMTUlt, iy., PE5i.'4SILVi.UI t'E-TTBAL BAIL®®!®. fcirty Mvioted in thi® Tarntorr. tbr®« bnndrwd acra®, lyiog ftiurmiln® TKL'NK^. llaudamie Mcdatl un *n - i Kn jwry ena U CC^^ufc^or!<[te“by*^Coffee formic by J. T. * CU., S!*v and Flubbing lu our own -UbIUhmrot Vc vet; LAMIAM by .. . town, to B. K. Bedford, jr., et tb* HLY ALL YoL'K 8AD DLERY' et Krtre*M1- ECF ®0 B#iawdy ®n hand yar®, Bimittw and fin. ft ffnawa hare, Obtam in ffagreat ffaffanrori the Terri- •C4,-4 ImportmufImporters uf T**e.*7Teee, 07 Tbiri'k.Tlffrdet. entirely^1^mkw vaoemsa, by the u#® of ^ PATSMTm® 8txam Mmuy dceumbccUfap i^ Ott. MmnhiiM and Hoad Udhl Uli, Nan. 1 mad ft aad parcfaassd, at tb* same < e*ffBI Two-FHt K Lm^ tottol laws irhieh i* mot maialv nnmiiimil ri Mar. O. T*T# 7!^ A T . MmouiBENT fxcluaivcly our own. l»uLlc.Uiiv®«l LuorkaUn® Ott* Rmb Ott of dittnaat grmda#, aad Wh«al mud NuU u#'ham 1 mcc 4 uftminc TRAlItS ff#OM mroe; be roah jaiy tt ird * HUItofr.ue H 4 Gr«n#« for Wmimn®, Drmjrm. and Carrteea#, ate® 8R®nn'® THRU DAILY wUI arovint a No. Th .u«et • Tmble Dm:i>m#k: Mormro ri -rabirfei^S ertd“clllJ^^ ifff fe* t *fe *M . ta- .a stout Weobteiuour paper In the I Ut from the •••w*OITTIl* a «®w«w ff Wtoltotoy Drier, whiah i® warranted te dry eente ^ I»muI»murm^k '™“ ‘o»“. «fo Beet m^kmudand Suuw-drupSuua.ilrup wfliETWORK Mumrior ^n» atim* foraay bet ffoMia tohblf God'* 2^* “ Prt«:« ri *100 who em!» aud ret*.l by J. T LANHAM ta Cu.. Ftne Min# Duy:ir*Duy:ir» mudaud .Nmpkin#*.Nmpkia#* ^ilm tri FUII..4BXFHX4 ri kibgdam riT'i'SBl B« #aw»aa*ibire m m~l~0n7iT^T^aA~i 41', «&. ®**dand 5o tuch IHituvPiitov l.inco#;l.inen#; th#B mayothriT Drimr. JyUdtf °fo oi* Importtn. of Tern, tac., Third et. n tbe Couutry. A -4hri b, ri tto Mormro Chanh. «?>«>** pUcro ar* w OrU/mO Atuvrican good aad comforUbi* tot MAPUIMLC f and Pent.an W>nc c otiv. nvmnay,...— Fur the ume of Clrbutubn and other ®dditi«iu, wc have tuvoU toMMe, iiooBB,...re....heA Bans profemioDal * arrtv®, for «veryfery ‘Jaythroiighouttbelimy thruii®hout tbe ivaauu.reo. w« Manufte:tiire every variety of S«nuo« L.,gi WEB OF MAzNY TEXTURES. H.i®E.Y, 1 0 which we would rc#|icctfi WOOBE, MrBB.lYy * ta. K- a te a a. t ta II te fo* *“"“*1®“ Cape, Note, mnd Paper, hromd llBed, **“rti** af tbta en.n.a-rere Letter ob mil tide® of trade mud the pub k seucimUy ,>1BS. Tht**® GuihGdeateforso-e.mte F.IBTI.\GTO.\’S NEW BOOK, GROCERS Train® ften® the iheet, for #a.e. HITE ta SMALL. WHOLESALE ~ Ita^ Taflor#, MILIE8, Cffacb.Trimmcri, 8mddlvn. I -***“*^1 , ^ Shoe. _. fo "a “ "trret awn *" ADIK-ADIB8 AmreicroAmerican MofettroM®®a*i»« to Ssptojbsr Prtc. »** F maker#. SeaiumtroaetM. mndotheniin want w* . . . AND A CiURMINU ONE IT IS Tut). ^uSriS^aAlS:^^^ | *8 of ® #ood For Soaooite and Sx.i.vzxiKS, manufectir* Not* aS Three d.iore went of the Bank of ttetitevU *f «fo fofofo ri “-fo fo tfo L. «i»LcenU At (^4J(a>43 F.I . MaDDEXMADDEN 8 I 6ewin«8ewia® MachiueMftc^iue are requtUodrequocted te cullcall mud examineexa^mimt* Gctotafftol Cto—Uffitoto Wcffcmfetota, A-taito* ri J-**™' thetef PUin, aud every , Jti4 rund.'cd aud fur #a1® by and Ltatler, Tinted and vutoi,«roy gfof FancyPgg(. !T . . .. Itefeyta*. l »dto— ; Ctaeribrit. Cabm- PliySICUBS Mri, tarot, briwro. ^tml ‘‘ Payere. ftlld UrBftKiStS. N». to. D*ytoroTri*tafo Ctoreriad, fo*H.*fo «f JaffffTO^riSrr^ ’**'“'* •* bro loro*. te» ffu# ai ;z Poriomre.HoxlJM (aplX dlyj Looiratl^ MAXWELL tfc CO., ^ ^ sMto. craerib*, M irottli*. *ad W***. Mto to aan thaw aalari**; bro tto y.^ Mzxaxa, *” •“ftNDL’SXYI’taXY calcinedCALCINED AND LAND PLA8TES-HWPlraA8T£&-lUi Main and Ri^ir. PEODl'CE, 6R0CERIKS, ---^1 tiack, rod tto brightJ? ^ SUrte.atatybi, at* great reducuonreducliou of prtitoprtcas. TO beg. -l i mn ,,-T- ^1, I || ) w 23 r**t. 8 ubteioin More aud for oele by to beto‘filll?uJto'tto*to^fefully up to tb* tond* Yrid or our Nat o^Pi.Vro."" ff^ARPETCUAIN— he., bU. )iias, Utr* ri RANT. Rye Whisky, 1 vcon oM; ' ‘ h I* a vteatfo* ar tto Utah to rife i. agg,. ribroyrod SoiMe.-A J. D. BONDI Drotera- and taUUoncr.' Good. ffuUhwl.Krogrt,red. Mnrkte te. ketw.ro Firat •»* omo ia Lexington, nam*d ~ — I IV VINHCAR -Ml bbl* paoD. Cider V Juet reoelred and for"roi"by Noetk tedta ri a * CO., nI tbelr»..l. ownn.n stylen.l. and wreppera.wreotier.. Stamped,Stamiiri A d*.A. _i „ LSYILLfc fe oame and Dru®®U«mud Manufatterin® chemh^ GARDNER A CO. Irti 1^1 Y^ P-ckJing purpoeee for role by J. 8. ORTH, vice furnbbed, without extra eborge. al® i;urpof of Third mud Wmlnut erwete J. T. LANHAM ta CO., Commitatoo Meixbaat |>EAC1I URANDY of Mmwriur Humllty la aterm mad for Paper Mokerff we wiU exchange fcom Sur •tocktf Fln- R4>W N'8 T4IBAC*C0.— Importen of Teat. tac.. M TUrd tat. No. ri Wall ft., trotween Main and ftlver. i aateby W. A U. RLUKIlARDT. Papers to your advontog*. luu bx# mud h!f lorib N*. 1 BMrir jwte roritv- •bed Goode ler Flat B bx# Btuwb*# mxtrm fin® ®2i 417 Market attweC* B. hot 4 CO. •• TIIOS. la a tagfttaa stare cb-a; in atoft, tto Fsffotal _ te A Tm»v’# CULSTUN ta ffTOCT ^ •• 85 ,F. lUrd*# BKBCHAMTm jM Mfoforr. to* Vatoibl Kascriire, naff tto Mronl w, z V emvea and tor role by Rtuu bU*^ore^J^ Cnubed, dfc \Y^R\IJ»I\G TWINE-A bU# rap«rlur CottoB Twin® CO*MI»#IU'^ OLLAND'S OretuUtod, Powdered. I C^A-UtSO^^^" K.A.HD, sale ow TDRACCO— For by V V received aod for «al« MAWWVanv®n®d® fofoTTtoaaw afftaibg in Unth, are thre* taabanb. ita .Uf J. D. BONDfRAKT, Sixth iL by 4BB w^i»»toi»ro H11 HfekxsT.bx* T. J.ta. BoUoiid'.HoUoiid'. Exm It* I ®»ca ” * ^•5“*®'Tafeteo,- WHOLESALE PAPER WAREHOL’sX RAW80N, COOP, A TODD, oa ta H. Bl'kKU *fofoffg»«gforo to “ A T. H*.l*bd'. - IdO bbl* New York Crutahed and Powdrred- W kROT. 417 Market ro. Mtachiif Bopfe fcrero; thafarecffatl^ in PLATE-Ife* Boxae a*W)rt*d eiz** of tb* b*M “ Poww-kHW BbgsiBC B to^ rLkto^ *fo to - M. Hallaad-c ® IM Baltimore cnubed tad Powfeted A ta B- Stxxxt, OBAWOZ ^*»fotj Yfoy fo«f» ronw to ba parpaai; oaff tto L T otoreciol bread* in More aad for rol* at tb* lovart mar- matt dtf No. 44 Bxxxitz;« New 4,WALLiT,WCl^U*KT. to - C. H. B«U*ar* ~ » Ito “ ifeltuuon Soft Cnubed. SO bx# Haro't Gold L'tef; ^ Art peta by ** ** WALLACE. LITUOOW, ta CO, roi* 40 John W. Stebv'# Cranberry; Ite 171 ttorcss extra in More f >r rol* by TTTT! #e , rerign. I1* ri*R and for role by For by 4S7 M rito teWri. fofo te^ 8.0. SofcUh; oaAl RAWsO.q, y fe arfttotrewb. battor far aU bM a «»«fo ffffWlON. _®att RAWflON. COOP, ta TODD. COOD, ta TODD. ^ COOP, b TODD au ^ 8. G. ThoUMTiOD: ktoM ri aabfea^. ^ raaetred • “Pa^ria, rowareigtor" l.\C.-M Cook* ^ Carper, ftae. ^^.^M..kfeto ttokri 'tiTTuN YABN—toff bane aad to ^IANTU8 CUrrCE.-n tor «i* Ma.ktMlacb) Zinc JaM rmseivri, la I EAT BALKS-ltl,'I*** reeelved and for U do old Jamatca; as hite brandy for puttia* u> tnOU la rom and b^ ^ t toaarohtaff swoiy hare that Brigharo I Store and lor sale low by YY Railroad and For #ak by JAMfffftOW^ Tao^i^- tt^ TYLM I roM by JAMES U)W ta CO., Received via j4;fii;rtdavUlc foromic by W for rob. by W. ta IL BP KKHAKDT. “ ta MARTIN. <>(to COoO. muss RAWSON, WALLACI, LITHGUW, ta CO. I *« a tto Main •trari. m®S RAWSON, 4i- TODD. COOD, A TODD. oXi 417 Market ilreei.