. “ 1 —W T 1 a > . — 1 a : W p 1 A — ^ Y ^ THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOUENAL. XXIX VOLUME LOUIS'ALLE, KENTUCKV, SATURDAY ALTiUST 27 1859 NUMBEII^^ 6 LOUISVILLE Journal, I miscellaneous. MEDICAL. omciAi.. l < LOUISVILLE «wi> rcBLUBCr at R. R OBINSON & COV, JOURNAL. ITEMS. rmSHVfrK BKNDa.RHOK, & O^BORn», I Tha Naw York Eaaaiaf Poat wiada opka artkla lTH0S.S.KENNEDY4 .TOH3ST Cha«lbi Di. OB OoT. Wba with bkh$._ I ibo |t BULL’S a are of thoaa who look foUowiaf paotical crlti^aa; 1310E S.HOEIHi * hciboat Lrnnae, i forward to the Mcond Tiait Ancaat 25U, 18M. to tbia conatry of Ch*». | Aad vhaa h* la oM aad faaUa laa, COMPOUXD Druggists, Piareot 0-ElSrER.AJ:, V PECTORAL Wholesale Dickosa, £• D. EaraprsB Plan. OF with cqaal carioat.y — Waatkarford, Fraaidant, ^ Oa tkf and plaaaura. Wa aad all I “f git if aaiM. rw M la aa.um. «r Jla H aot iw4 Be 11 bo mblno muonc tbo traat ha will racaira a welcoma •*'«Pt**aaara.Alaxandar,TrabQa, oTitor bodo •MMB ibia* MaalM; ("voatfr Daar«»; Tri WwUr M; riTT or NEW TORE. DTo. ACaItl Stxreot. that will 'bow that and Oa old VlT«inla-.ihSi^ ^ *'**^*‘ ouroo. cooDtrynaaooouwy moo will ootDOC oelyooiy forgatforgot B.ird, • hlabit noaracioaa , ^ « tw ~alia ngmcioai l tv- a in- r. lK9urmnce •CMjVCTJM^ fTS*&2JSrSf* Wild ommodloni 8TORF.-IlOU8Ej ji^ aod UQgrateful «o mofcoo, the reading of ^ Cherry! Wp hare to our oeir *»dc tr«c*e| treatraont of their cbarmctorfat.cally the joaraal WOFAIa.— r#moT»d for of I Cents f>E na on the‘ Bn . :ba pra- ttM» PaKW—la Aa*Aa<m.—WaaklT— tear Sinslf Rmhi^ 50 per Day. It**- 4d«*ld« oro( MmoItaiD wrert,ilreet, helio'weoawoeo FifthFilth aadacMl 5l*U5i«ta lUeeU,auertr. aarewaoofewdoo-* a^ive the Lzchanra H^i^i eothiwiAitic »“*»» »»’ diipenaad i pk il oetpk^iB- M M "he KEALOF Pl’BI ir *APPRORATTOA''^PKf'BkTION IlAIi.«8 BEFAnrrv reception of him tome aeeenteen yeara with. OMea oww Maifc 4 DawM, Sam* SUa e/ pleaaed to eeeare our old frlendrfrtro.1. and customem,ruatomrea. W«Wa wUIwill toonanon be in ww h*»vy Fall importation Mi« T ^»»‘‘‘“l'«rtaUonandw|.lbeand wM be i »«o. but that A mea«ge ao they will r. waa read from the &*« aMt a> Mii aia aaaaW* la a4aaim. City HaU Sqnara, earaar af Frmklbrt atraat, unmMakablr hied upon thia Madtetae that the parol t) oBrr eraar Indocement of the Maraet u the fade aeiieaalO'»“> p member that in that time Mayor recom Shaat, batwaaa Paattk nmd »* 8toi ihp, J)t« dAwiui j crTtiTnartrcr.tic party bVn*a «rtM i»Mlf“^m^!L' a be baa added menduig i Stophaa A. Riaaiia nw ar 2^ ta Tmawa r •< oarrM. (Oppoaiw CiljrCitjr UaB.) proprietor forir to he hi. to _ new laurela to bia literary fame, and that the Council authonie him to ^ Mm | B dntr call the atteatioo of all borrow H KAT|B or ADVESTIIIMO IK (koee hii jadgiu#at hM Uio b«¥Q improTtd from the Louifrille Water THE U>l iiVIU.E I Haal*. aa thee aaay bo ordered la tha apaetoaa Beloc. perentM to It a ho are etiflerinf from, or threawoed ¥1 ¥ 1 I XT r^.^1 a.^ lA-m Companj at Ml «* hwi>Uim tb* iOl KKAI. '••d ! «f Dr. Watta, LOUISVILLE, KY. F.>K ££Ol lab AI>TSKTIB£iU : etrengthaned oy the lesaoot <lAy*> to ^ lory. Thet* la a Barlwr'a Bhup aad Bath Buoaaa with, aflrriloaa of experience ha pay tha city’t nota doe at tha attachtd of the liuic> or throat. Ita haaw W the ac- FOR SALE OR RENT. IIU^INL^^ Bank of Ken- I **0^0.^ aaaalr, rm aaan «• M CARDS { to tbe Hotea. Uee priaeipte the - P*- J*j«i-«a»MB.a*r«iiaa» ii a» of Wild Cherrr Bark, but It runtala. Haas everlaatlM tbiaa*! . • Xm V t I&MM Ae. K B —Mmm-mrm m€ R«»»«n nad UackmieM, 4« IM M 1 aleo. in proper proportlonA other of * the moat elBeient pec- fITJ It hai Imen aa^BMlhiaal naarr. oa» a«lf tkaaMrt arM« vbo mj vr sro foU. U A hT XTOTTQV* that a atataa of tha lato tntala of the MATERIA HWICA. lt« compoaent pert. 1 ULl UUUlJlj) at laMwl»-*l (or Bnttaav- Ra FR£]lcn« Fropnslore vAUUnilll »*tend^ to him in erery ' j neiHt-fr ttutl -We...#..-*..-.’. cUy-or that The Mayor trinaiittad claim, ami I •a aaB (a aaaM f^r aach wMoaiat a*a. and propoctloBa are well known to phyairiaiia PTeri-wbete, ... ,. ._ AaMaMaa roMUaaaaBI aar VMk (or aack aaaw. a. the proprietor make. DO areret of them and they bare The I We DwelllHK IloUweS adjoiu- aAaaniM w oaonartr; aU achrn la aAoaaar. feaal met the aairaraal approbatkm facility, iiiKi nnd olher Propd^rly aaali oaA mmiAiii Wanted. of the who, a. i o4aitiaaiaiBli. •aariSr' os4 | ******'" -e— f— *ei-riiiral. riaiin it rpn pvadltSE.I tS^ a KepmKepio mrl.curl, fromfi U to IK jea*a old, coneial thiax, prefer naiap thia preparatloa to any pre- t ad earamaa nal paMHha l by the yaar I or to hta* tor thr halaacrhalo arc of the fL ot^ Xa . rea'. 1 S , F a<Tl|«Kin F wh hare O eh Uht can prciwred by a drnft'.t. mw far rh artu kt r laaHtiiaia.. Bre aimaa J08KP CTj on tbe Mb t»f Oetober next, on the orviniMe. nt I kt It caaeon hoM procuTMprocured from druemid.drufsuitfl aadond 0*1 BmA'aLaw ndire. an Jr4w!^ w>^. eouatrycountry atom«tor«o 7?^ 4 lock, toe f(dlo«ln¥ proy^y will be told nt I rrfryohm'. **<|nnction: Maamal natieai aad eomman l r a ti iai.iaaeftod laadlla **Jf Tbe crorlmn Houee, on the c.>mer of Jrlfenon i Ur. JOHN BULL'S Principol Ofioe, Loninlllr, Ken. real nal aw a. ie ee l a lii l Iwt .lefferson 1 aad a d ta promote ptirau reoam V JLvnter «ttVNKit. «rUh frondnf feet on m^ParBae.Maarealy laaattadal the dIartwWaa af Ur AimAwam •hd nioniox bock luu feet to o pored nh*'y; the l«vo brick I tiy dvellloy honor* next en.-t of the l*rofhnn Jlouoe, each R Ho a maal re tl i frrt to o pored ol. w a» wBI he tanectod DR. ZaA CROIX 8 fert on Jeflrroon. nud rnunlnx bock lOo 1 WOOIlLAW.N KACE COURSE. PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE ON THE ley. Aioo, tbe rocont xround on tlie coro**r of Greon ood ! l Mreh-eiodeiirtMaaiii t i a 1 1 an forlaatlaaiet ooaad Centrr BtrorU, 1U4 f«w( on Green ood running bock north- | te( eeaa. lor aarii remMa wanr aoeh ahaawe eoaatdarii* a PUYSlOLOfOCAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. voHiy luu fnet to o imred ollf*v aew adriftl wmaat Bt.adlae I inliimial for roewiar ^ f* bir, j' ;ti ;jfeiEge SM Pmgm ood.d I*im Vi~Fine PUInPUi. and..4 coimMColored umonrephaLitbofmidiA. ' MEWS, BOOK, AI%I»il» a rrptirter of A cornmnnicatkin waa load frrm L**,‘°***’!"^ aiigaii paahae. tor a arewM. of ant owrema moaltw, for oar 40 M WK.IPFIUCJW K.IPFI I’u^aiilnf'.^^ri JnJg. Monroe, mij iL^l^Tl/7ii— HOBTH aw p inw iwarnawa w </> w-. BU I _ yU3 ] ^ tJr-PBlClL T WEKTY.ri \ E CENTStiEh'T.s me .uv V.U|U,.T AAiar., luiurmicg boat aad aaf.wwreh addhiw.wU heat , -EOKLkONLY TWENTY-FIVE uioDih.' uoter, aud . Urn oo thr If and It muntha* noter. yw a a a.-.n . 1 ., 1 * _ V UM. LuUnciI lh .1 Krn^ j tboa oce coot o doj oocb. % ontm- mt Un rMat t*** 4p« uac Bn|4«*aib<ir ' J=A-BTB.ap, ^fw*er in tbo Adrarti. maata l aearit L* oaty w Iha Eeeaiat Ba l letia . freeraa of powapeyu«to«e to nilall ynrwpan. of th.tho UnionLutuh .uladtd. J. II. KHURER. Aiteot. *1 * PoilumeLUry tbo room duw fitting op for siid Court woo inadv Otiwi iieai m tha Year MB I*A0. Ffvt* f«r »H tbr«p CS> >'««r qM*. Heat 4o C TPI of A d^I^ir edi a. rha iwiid hall thr ahnr pftooK if laamad la Uailr Hnr. Aa »a tTidence of ON tbe intTmlUef* of I qaoie for uid Court, u-d thot tbe appmlatiaa of lake ewa. daaraal aad ia MM. Ftft< Uotinrv(MM) Vjitmnet-tvctatr-iw UoUnn youth end which (a% iiiHilv tUliofr bo would coll w h aai t . afire «r« iamtliua.iB thr Eraa- OLCOJ IQ pm D.elurlty,D..turi',y. dUtdUc ofIocorint thr wLet/orire•rere! folile^ DA.PKR y tbo (>|.l Wurld 01 iu O f/t * *"* iae ^Hetia. roH«il Foar or mo:« to mokr o t«c«. cUmt JROISJ AlCE DA.OS, otsoiuu of tho kloi?i.4tr4toa Itf iho ffumtv Avto/.m K®“« trade, we netice tkat the oam-f.Nmii I FUR:N th. ahoee pnaaa. of b'lUi aezo* D Ad.aetli mi ala MbofAivuA. W. E. RILTONa %i% of nU nfte, enuHiof do. a, pi oa thr lawda of thr Joetaal are blhiy, DcM-etoumow. straw and B*udeis’ Board. ahorwrdaa calm prW- Itl lioctvtory V ^ .IRBlA biiu;“n‘ro^:i^.‘^«2»*:i-dcMreodoti of FOI* SaIO. Sheatl t|>iriu, pnl|>itntioo of tto be«rt.mii. L*ISIIIXG to terminote our portneriih > ond cinoe our Paper and Twine. ho Uid tbe fouudxtion AwrcBTiainw JUraa In WasaLT daoaaal..— Raek ImnC'nntioiv, foffor »“on endnringondorinfr fame.famm C.nimittcer* il I involuntary Thr. wte^ttoherereleei), hiiataomuoa "> POH IIEB ASD KAFETF 8 E.
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