MUSKRAT Be Reached for Eoniinant on the That While Coal Production Haa a CAP
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v''' - i i o D A ^ A t X’ nnpneHer^!mmn^H^^id *• ' , • I '-k' '• , ' 4 ^ The Weather 4’^‘AVirago Daily Cirealation ntaki of honor for 'her sistsr, and cellentytoopefatlon of companies smoothly. All branches.of the Red' for ^totting donor* to fiielr ap- t in Rockville it was rod the Month of inly, 1848 VorMoot of tM l^ e o th e r Raima Shorte^Text the hridjMmslds wery'lfrs. George ..Biood Donors like the. Ellis Cloak Co., the'i^g- Croa* connected with the project I pointmbnta on time, did its work up there. I'own R. Sprsghc of Shelton, ano'th^ erA^aper Company, the N ort^ fu^tiohed ihearly perfectly,, and' effiC'enriy and well, and the Dproii;^ Carr DUCmico, Philip Bhower* Into ^thid- afternoon; istster, and Miss Alice Csrrtg-'of Metric Co., and the Keith Fuml- ^ i h harmony. ' saalatanta, who have ht^.aliperi Linnet and Majop-XIurtia were 8.229 New Haven, Judith, Ann' ld<^er, »onse urs Co., when they were contact canteen -hot, only provided-, ence" with two preViqua-^alts to rmiler tonight; modwwto wlndfi and* :Sfermon Tppic duty u FirstJaddra, Meaher of the Audit « ' \_, ! ▲ smairniece of the'biddt, wgi flower ed and found there was k real aandbqches and coffee for the the unit, needed no-'fiwtructlon In at «The BovydeoutB Irom Ceptot girl. ' . ; ; need qf donors for today' la ex large nbnriber of donors, but, feel order to go a^ee^with'the clerical church aptf St. M iry’a ehureh not toaroMi « t CIranlaUou tremely gratifying to the local Mancheeler—~A City 'of ViUage Charm Rev.' Paul G. Proko^y . Paul R. Briggs of Stmsbufy was Today’s Visit* Highly ing that the hard-working, staff w.ork attpndimt on the day. only wdrked today, hut.^'’aet up Umm.- heatf man. fot" Mr. Weisner, ahd Blood Donor Service. from Hartford, needed Something TlM,jrur8ea’ Aides '^who aaaisted equipment for the. .jnbbile unit uahertng were Thomas 'V. O'Sulli- Satisfactory; ^/Every The facilities at St. Mary^ii mote aubstantidiv served them a Uia^artford staff are most profi ^ iterday. AH in nB, today’s visit ' ' X < ■''' (TEN PAGES) PRICE IMKEETJ^M IN To S jieak Sunday on a church are Just righ^Jor the unit, (ClpkiUed^Advertising on Pago 8 ) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 194S •A- vsn of 'WeUOsley, Mafs.. Butler good. nourishing.jktnch. '' cient. In fact, a short time agi of the mobile unit was a moit ait- VOL. LX IL NO. 269 •X- v^ntoling Subject.' Andrus of/ffiirsbury, and Harry thing Moves/Smoothly. and ' everything moved along The Motor Corps;--: . respo|tst6ie it was requested that they asprat isfactory one.'. r . X48«gr. «< Harvard B. Randall of Bridgeport. '' '' . ____, «rhe wmt «M c t 14 fn tet town rt- t - Rev^Phul O. Prokopy, pastor of ' The bride who eras eecerted to Due to Ihe^^ohderful 'response |'*t* aatar V. a Ifavy aervlea at to requests fdr dOliors, the ^ b lle |r«w Havan thia noMthc, tela* adh LuUiMWh church. Cooper and the altar and giVM in marriage Nrei Tank ‘Caught TJjp an Alley* by her father, wor^hrt'mother’s unit of U>e Hartford ■ Red''Cross 1 koena that ha haa been ha High streets, preach Sunday Btood Bank had one of the busiest Momentum of Red wedding gown of iyoiy^.^eta with te the U. S. Naval TrainbiK days jn.- its career today. Tha sx- X httaq at Newport, R. 1. He Waa, morning on whet duty, be'consld* lace yoke. Her tulle veil w m draped : ■-''rt;*' aaed at the aaalcnment bacaupe ered the shortesi text of-tlie. Bible: from a lace cap and ahe chtried a X. pmmcer brother, Ihomaa Lat* “Jesus WeptV^ He wUl refeVtp the white prayer book with oiroHld 'S T U N N IN G r, e t Norwood, Maaa., ia, atationed Judgment and destruction that, marker. came upon the Holy City, Jerusa The maid of honor and brid JOHI^-MANVI lem, which waa r^ ed in the year mhida Wore identical period g o ^ s FINE PBOOUCT8 Olaaa petty oSoer of Edton rose'taffeta, with inatch- PAINT - ^ s a v e ;P d e l '70 A. D. The siege and destruction ITH FIKEP1 NEW h e a m In ^s o f ’ ratine a^a motor machinist’a mate of this ancient city, with the ac Ing tulle:c^s. The flower>prl was i n ' waa awhitled to Paul L. Turcotte, dressed in aqi^amarlne taffeta, and ASBESit^lDE/WALLS f 90, huaband Mra. E. Dorla Tur* companying starvation' and bloody X-: X. loss of life, was the grimmest ail attendants imiried^olonlal bou ROOFS<- NEW/COLOR8 totte, 19 EMraton atreet, upon quets. ' AimC^SULAHON X I . 1 n ^ oa tlon from tlM Navy'a Sefv* tragedy of its kind up to that; time X I Russians Smashing at of world history. The mother tha,''bridegroom II T h i c t ^ ^ Wool Would Drop i n achool at the I»v a l Air Tech was attired ■Jii blue''vrtva|^ with fy term*, por'^toce^ssfimate Strong- German Forti- nical Traihine Center^sNavy Pier, According' '-to' Christ's own or InapectloB' drop^jhdra to Bok presentation, the destruction of wine acceMdrles and coraaga. of Trying to Save as Much I* Chieafo, HI., last week.xHa now rosea. Shwaaaisted the bridal pa>^ A-B, Herald.' obag^qa,'' • libations in Spas Boiiibers Hit, will .report aboard ship oK to a Jerusalem should be considered as Old StatuteA Atm y P la n ^ Material and Man-: Chore station for active d u t y ^ a a sign of the last day and the be i.. recejrtng at a rsceptjon at the' Fiemensk Sector in dieart motor specialist. ginning of the final judgment of Manchester Country club following 3 : as Eoi^Blble the world. th^eremony. crease ganger to Bry On F rau d s W ar Plants .At the time when Jesus made When leaving with the bride Field F& tion eckage of ^ groom for a wedding trip of undis ansk and Smolensk. His royal entry into Jerusalem iM ci^jiester ' . for^i Battle PoKce G)urt is re^D^rded: ."And when He closed destination, the brl^-^pre Justice Department iemia JPl^rt^ fo r A ll coming' near. He beheld ih tA lty , a blue taffeta costunie^vfUi white Moscow, Aug; 14.-^A*)— X *. Retreating Be-? and Wept' over it,” foreseekig the acceaaorlea and whitrrMraage. On and TJs^ Russian troops smashing at ports Wave of *lu Thomas Morrisdn,.of Newlne.ton, destruction.', their return Uieywlll live, tem strong German fortifications Strang Rear-; porarily, in.Niw Tbrk City. Hotnes AvailiibleNfor former** Suits* After Attack Wiener N^eiisUWl W ill Exledil Systerit tq I rent to Jail for five days on a Rev. Mr. PrOkopy WUl refer to in the Spas Demensk sector guard Being Hit Hard. ; j;(;>dhar(e of intoxication, atorrisem present-day condWoits as signs of The'bride 1^ h^graduaf* of Man Immediate Occupane^ t increased the danger to Nazi- Attorney Collects. In Forniicr Austi^f Every ^Unii Withih^ the latter days, and a causa, for chester H l ^ school snd of the ; ataa picked up in a helpless Oondl* His grief today.'^e WiU also pre College of Practical Arts and L>et- feeid Bryansk and menaced /Few Detailfi G iv ^ Re Three .We&ks to Save[ "Allied Headquarters, North| ■ tton yesterday. sent Christ as the sympathising tars, Boston University. She hae Alexonder Smblensk more strragly from Washington, Aug. 14—:(5>)—Now The court turned over to Proba- This beautiful collection of first Fall Fi^hions garding Air, xAfisaiilt. Afr’t’a. Aug. 14.—(ff*)—Pelt-i >yior and/friend, of whons if is been on the staff of the Simsbury the sdutheast as inomentum that a Plttoburgh attorney haa Both Food and Cush. ed by eVep'thing from block- ;i'| 1 Officer James Duffy the Invee- when^riis friend- Lsizarus had High achool for agveral years. i^tintion o t aeveral youths charged Jarvis is really captivating and will adil glamour of the big. Soviet summer of struck if rich with an “Informeria - Li>ndon,,Aujg:'14—(fi»i—American .busters to' jrnachine-gun., bul-,: dled^i<^Msus Wept.’^ The sermon is The bridegroom is a graduate of 98 Alexander St. Manchester fensive continued at high speed (Chicago, Aug, 14.— —To! save Lwith taking vegetables from a suit,*' the Justice Department, re Liberator .bhmbera, .atriklng . deep let." from the'ajr find artillery on West Center street The intepd^ to bring comfort to so the UnlVeralty of Alabaipa and it Phones: ' ^ when you go on that specifRate. All the todav. The Red-Arniy newspaper. both money, and- food the Army y giievi^ ' or sorrowing,^ in an engineer with the Me- Oflies 4113 ResMeaee 7375 porting a wave of similar UGffk' into'iptfcr’s hitherto almost un- fire from the sefis the German will report St the next court Red Star, jlescrlbed the fortifica will extend the field ri-tlon syatem isss times.. Graw Company, New Yojrtt; most-wearable styles in ' tion* Around the Spga Demenak tion, hopes for early-kongrekeion' rtaehable southeast European waf Army has begun fi^.full-scale of feedliig forces-to all uilit.a of the ta- -midway betweed', Bryansk al action on pending-legislation to Uferally caught "up an alley" was this German Mark IV heavy tank, wrecked by Allies in their Jfiduatrles, yesterday attacked evaruation in an effort to Coming Msririago ahd. Smolensk—ah. several ^contln- outlaw aucb actions. Army, probably within the next Slc^an north coa*L drive at San Agata.AaaVM.