Public History News Volume 34 | Number 1 | December 2013 Monterey and Sustainable Discounted JPASS Briann Greenfield |
[email protected] Access for NCPH Public History Leah S. Glaser |
[email protected] Members On March 19-22, 2014, the National Council with sessions that engage practical on Public History will meet in the scenic and considerations, such as disaster preparedness NCPH members historic shoreline city of Monterey, California. and energy efficiency. The NCPH Task may now purchase In recognition of our belief that public Force on Sustainability will also present a discounted one- historians can illuminate current issues, a draft of its white paper setting concrete year pass to read and our conference theme is Sustainable Public recommendations for how the organization download articles History. We thank the program committee, should respond to the problems of natural in more than 1,500 NCPH staff, and all who responded to the resource depletion and climate change. This journals. If you don’t call for proposals for helping us assemble is an important opportunity for all NCPH have easy access an engaging, challenging, and timely members and conference attendees to provide to JSTOR through program that we hope will stimulate lasting input and guidance on this critical issue. a school or public conversations and actions. The number and library, JPASS may quality of submissions was truly inspirational. A second set of issues our conference theme be a perfect fit. This tackles is how we can sustain public history virtual library card enables public historians In consideration of the growing evidence of in a political and economic climate that working outside of academia or at institutions climate change, one of the core questions frequently devalues and defunds cultural whose libraries have only limited access to our program asks is how we can use history work.