History of Marshall County
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History of Marshall County From Forest to Field A STORY of Early Settlement and Development of Marshall County, W. Va. with Incidents of Early Life and Roster of Soldiers of the Several W a1·s with Other Matters of Interest By SCOTT POWELL SCOTT POWELL, History of Marshall County 4 HISTORY OF MARSHALL COUNTY, W. VA. AUTHORITIES CONSULTED Early History and Indian \Vars in Xorthwcstern Virginia- De Hass. Chronicals of Border \\'arfare-\\'ithers. Our \Vestern Border-l\IcKnight. Annals of the \\'est-Albaugh. Records of Marshall County Court. Roster of Soldiers of the Civil \Var-T. S. Bonar. Report of Adjutant General of ·west Virginia. \Var Work of Marshall County (World \\iar)-R. J. Smith. Miscellaneous Papers. HISTORY OF MARSHALL COUNTY, W. VA. s The author of this book commenced work on it when he was in his seventy-first year of age and labored under many difficulties to complete it. It was not one of his projects but that of Walter R. A. Morris, a very bright, energetic young lawyer. He came to him in the summer of 1918 and requested him to write a history of Marshall County. Mr. Morris stated that he thought it one of the needs of the people and would be of educational value. He would render aid in pre paring the work; attend to publishing the book when prepared for the printer, and put it on the market when ready and see that it was properly distributed as the author was unwilling to undertake such arduous labors as would be required for that part of the work. With the assurance of Mr. Morris he commenced work immediately. And having some material suitable for the work he commenced within ten days from their conversation on the first pages of this history. He worked diligently and by the end of the year, 1918, had much of the material gathered and many sheets of typewritten copy lay on his desk. During the prevalence of Spanish Influenza, Mr. Morris was one of its victims. The author thought for a time to abandon the work, but concluded to go on with it; complete his part as contemplated. The work was chiefly done in evenings after a day's regu lar work had been completed, till the advance of the season and short days compelled him to give up the work other than gather material. His wife proposed a plan which would per mit him to continue the work. She prepared a stand for the typewriter which could be placed under a light near the win ter fire where he could work with all comfort and convenience of warm weather, till the return of spring permitted him to return to his former place of work. Day by day the work went on through winter and spring till the Fourth of July, 1919, the last pages of the history were written. Since that date some matter has been added and in 1923, the history was brought up-to-date, making it cover the history of Marshall County from the first settlement in it till the close of 1923. The sheets were temporarily bound in 1920 and exhibited at a "Homecoming" at which some citizens examined it and concluded it would interest people and ought to be published and put on the market that people might have opportunity to add it to their home libraries. The matter was taken up by different organizations and 6 HISTORY OF MARSHALL COUNTY, W. VA. since October, 1920. there has been much talk of having it published. No less than fiYe times in the past four years have repre sentatiYes of different organizations assured the author that they were going to liaYe the history published but the matter of publishing 1t remained a matter of uncertainty, till the early days of autumn of 1924, when Rev. J. M. Rine, an ex-county superintendent of schouls and a Yeteran teacher of the county, took up the matter and decided to fill the place left Yacant by the death of \\' alter Morris and soon arranged to have the \\·ork publisheJ ancl put on the market and to him and bis unbounded energy rests the creclit of having it pub lished after four year,; of cl:~appointments tu the writer. HISTORY OF MARSHALL COUNTY, W. VA. 7 EARLY SETTLEMENT ON BIG WHEELING CREEK, THE FLATS OF GRAVE CREEK AND AT McMECHEN THE first settlement in what is now Marshall County, West Virginia, was made in the District of \Vest Augusta, Virginia. The country was then a wilderness covered with a growth of heavy timber which is only found where there is a soil of great fertility and a bountiful rainfall. The great abundance of game of all kinds common to this latitude in North America, especially deer and the common black bear, made it a paradise for hunters and also Yery attractive to those in search of homes for themselves and families, who looked ,vith bright hopes of peace and plenty after the forest had been fallen and cleared away and in its place fields of golden grain, green pastures and beautiful meadows. The first white man kn0\n1 to have trod upon the virgin soil of this county was Christopher Gist, then in the employ of the Ohio Company. \\·ho crossed the A!legheny ~fountains in autumn of 1751 to examine land lyir.g between the Great Kanawha and Monongahela rinrs. The company had re ceived a grant of fise hundred thousancl acres of land from the king of Great Britain conditioned upon the company mak ing settlement and certain improvements upon the land and locating one hundred families upon its grant within seven years. The company made a ~ettlement \\·e~t of the mountains near the Youghiogheny rinT in autumn of 1753. and started work early in 1754 to erect a fort at the forks of the Ohio, the key to the \\' est. The fort was captured by the French in April while it ,\·as not more than half completed. The settlement made the pre,·iou~ autumn by eleYen families and known as the Gist Settlement. ,,·as broken up by the French on the fifth of J ul_y, the day after the surrender of Fort Necessity. The capture of the half finished fort was the beginning of the war known in America as the French and Indian War and in Europe as the SeYen Years' \Var. The war did not close until 1763 and condition,; had so chang-ed that the Ohio Company did not make further efforts to' make settlements and improYements as contemplated by the boarcl of directors. The fact is that the early monments of that company led to the first conflicts of that long and bloody war for the pos session of the Ohio Valley. Ohio County was created by an act of the General As- 8 HISTORY OF MARSHALL COUNTY, W. VA. sembly of Virginia in 1776, and the boundaries as designated by the act, was a line commencing at the Ohio River at the mouth of Cross Creek and following the creek to its source and from thence to the top of a ridge or water shed dividing the waters flowing into the Monongahela River from the streams that flow into the Ohio. It followed this ridge to the southern boundary of the District of West Augusta and west on that line to the Ohio River and up it to the starting place, including an area of one thousand four hundred and thirty-two square miles. It was the first county in Virginia organized west of the Allegheny Mountains. Much of the early history of Marshall County is so closely connected with and interwoven into that of Ohio County, of which it was formerly a part, that it is inseparable. There were few, if any, important events in the early settle ment and Indian wars in this section of the Ohio Valley, in which the settlers did not participate. They were usually among the first into the field of action and among the last to leave it; and among the daring scouts and warriors known in border warfare, none were superior to those of what is now Marshall County. The first settlement made within the limits of this county was made in what is now Sand Hill District, in connection with the settlement at the mouth of Wheeling Creek where the flourishing city of Wheeling now stands. A writer of early history stated that an amusing incident led to the first settlement made in the county. Dr. De Has:. in speaking of it, said, Trivial in its character but important in its result. The account of the settlement, as given by some of the writers of early history, is that in 1769, Ebenezer Zane left his home on the South Branch of the Potomac, crossed the mountains and reached the Ohio River just above the mouth of Wheeling Creek. Being much pleased with the country he thought to settle there. On his return home he spoke of the country in such glowing terms that he induced a number of farmers of like spirit to join him in seeking homes on the banks of the Ohio River or near them. In the spring of 1770, Ebenezer Zane and his brothers, Silas, Jonathan and Andrew, with John Wetzel, Mercer, Bonnett and some others, whose names are not given, left their homes on the South Branch of the Potomac, crossed the mountains and arrived at Redstone on the east side of the Monongahela River where they thought it best to leave their families until homes were provided for them in the contemplated new settlement.