
Volume XI.—Number 81, HARRISONBURG, VA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1876. $2,00 a Year in Advance

SLANDER. Kate colored, but made no answer. FALL FASrirt)^4$. Styles and patterns which has become are retained in bonnot8t while all that Dora I'cdro. as a she bear with (t sore ear. Pity, 'Twns bnt a breath— Tell a lie she dared not, aud what to • important and produced the most per- we see are taut, trim, and small, re- ain't it 7 Nice family he has, too." And yet the fair, good name waa wlltod; say she did not know. Latcst Styles and Best Goods. fect imitation of au India shawl which lieved of a prim and contracted effect BY BIZARRE. Bodwell was just getting back to his And ft-ieuda ouoa fond grew cold and stilted, "Come," said Dick, noticing her con- 1 —-— lias ever been manufactured. by the sauoy and defiant manner of ap- work when a little old man in a linen And life waa worse than death. fusion, "you know well enough; tell me The last roses of summer are drop- PIUNCESSB COSTUMES. plying the trimming. William Bodwell was a nervous, fid duster and a shocking bad bat, and One veuomod word. the truth. I don't care any way, only ping from their stems, and the world The French dresses imported for The shapes of the round hats are as gety and irritable old gentleman, with carrying a small satchel in his band That ntruck its coward, poisoned blow, I'd just like to know." of Fashion, like Nature, is easting qff models at the New York furnishing various, and in some iustanoes as ec- an apopleotio figure, a bald head, and entered, set his valise down on the In craven whispora, hushed and low— Kate saw Dick was determined to its present apparel to assume other houses embody tbe leading featnres centric and capricious, as those of tbe a let-mo-alone manner. desk, opened it, took oat some photo- Add yet the wide world heard. have an answer, so she laughingly gave more suitable to the season. Though and novelties for fall and winter attire. bonnets. We note particnlarly tbe "I see, William, that Dom Pedro graphs, and said: 'Twas but one whisper—one. n version of what Cora had said in the for a time, when the days are bright The word costume is used by the French "Gainsborough," with the crown more has returned to New York," remarked "I'd like to show yon some of the That muttered low, for very ahamo. forenoon. and warm, summer clothing may be modistes for walkiug-drdsses only, bnt nearly conical, and tbe brim a little less his wife, at tbe breakfast-table, as she finest pictures ever taken of the Em The thing the slanderer daro not name— passed up her plate to be helped. And yet its work waa done. "Zounds I that's the reason is it?" worn by tbe ladies, they know very well the late importations show princesse wide than tbo distinctive "Gains- peror Dora Pedro and the Empress." said Dick, giving his horse a sharp cut that the reign of light fabrioqi W. about costumes that are saitable for botu borough" of the summer. "Is be?" be avked, carelesslyj after "Take tbera away, and yourself, tool" A hint so slight, with bis whip, although the animal was over, and their minds are directed to a house and street. The first impression ohildrbn's fashions. helping her to a liberal slice of steak. interrupted B., savagely. And yet. to mighty in its power, "And I should dearly love to see A human soul In one short hunt going at a brisk pace; "I didn't know oonsideratiou of what is suitable and on seeing tbe new dresses is that they Fashions for children are, at the pre- "In this pbokigraph," continued tbe Lies crushed beneath its. blight I she was such a little Puritan ae all that. fioeeible to.be procured for fall, That are single garments pat and made to- sent time, at once very simple and very him, wouldn't you ?" she inquired, as peddler, "Dom Pedro is taken " One would think she expected to see lines are hard and mpney scarce only gether like gahrielle dresses, and very becoming. Tbe plain, princesse models^ be handed her plate back, and was "Are yon going out before I murder warns them that >n their selections elaborately trimmed. It is evidently the long waiets, tbe short skirts, the turning bis attention to bis own. you ?" screamed Bodwell, nearly /ran- CORA'S INFLUENCE. me lying in the gutter some day. I "Pshaw 1 you're crazy, what would I tie. hope you have more sense than to have greater care and economy are to be ex- tbe design of the modiste to give the bows, tbe braids, tbe small buttons, and orcised. They may still have their effept of the princesse dress, yet these the stylish mode colors, nil tend to im- want to see bim for?" be asked. "And here again in another attitude "Come," said Cora Dean to her cou- such silly notions," said Dick, looking "Crazy, am I ? Well, I've got some we have Dom Pe " down with an admiring glance at Kate, goods made up in the latest styles and princesse.costumes have alwavs a sep- part real elegance to the most unpre- sin, who was visiting her at her elegant to the best advantage, and with a view arate lower-skirt, and their overdress is tending costume. consideration for other people's feel- * He never finished tbe word. The country home, "get your hat and we wb)ch made her blnsh brightly, as she ings and wishes t" she exclaimed, as people passing by were aomewbst sar- answered;- of lending some assistanoo in that di- quite as often ia two pieces as in tbe For tbe street, girls now wear as so- will go down to the lake and have a rection we present a survey of the field, single polonaise. The two pieces of ber neutral tints as their mammas, at she sweetened her second cup of cof- prjsed to see the office door fly open row. It is juet the morniqg to be on 'jOb, yes; I told Cora she was dread- fee. about this time, and Bodwell appear, fully foolish to think and talk so." made up from quch information as this over-dross are, however, so intri- least in winter; and in thick fabrics.— the water, and the walk Ut the lake is could be gathered here and from the cately and so closely combined that it Like older ladies, their attire vibrates VGocsideration I I don't know tbo dragging tbe little old man along to perfectly beautiful." "Ob, well," said Dick, "she may think man," he replied, crossly. the bead of tbe stairs, where be ttiolced so if she wishes; I don't care." . But pages of the beat of the.northern mag- is often difficult to tell where the basque between tbe two extremes of very dark "I will be ready, in half a second," azines. While it is not presanftd that leaves off and tbe overskirt begins, and and very light. In warm weather, or "Oh! that's always the way, if I bim down, heaved bis satchel after bim, answered Kate, as she threw the book daring the rest of the drive he seemed all of our lady readers will bo able, to the appearance is given of a close-cling- in-doors, with white dresses they wear chance to mention any little pleasure, and shaking bis fist, said defiantly; preoccunied and unlike .himself, and in which she had been engrossed upon procure silks, satins, and India shawls, ing polonaise. To do this the lower brown and maroon ribbons—in cool away you fly into a violent passion," "111 flog tbe next man that aays Dom the library table, and rushed up stairs Kate was glad when he turned the the mention of those precious goods is edge of the basque is left nntrimmed, weather, oat of doors, black velvet coats she said, bristling up, and looking dan- Pedro to me, it he shouid be as big as for her hat The girls were soon strol- horse's head homeward. not omitted. It is to many gratifying and tbe upper part of overskirt drapery bordered with gray fur or brown vel- gerous. the Post Office, aud I bad to hire a ling arm in arm down the long shaded After tea Dick refused all requests cornea up above the edge of the basque "You women, when yon get an idea ladder to stand on I Do' yon bear my of his sister and the two young lady to read about them, and to be kept in ■ vel, trimmed with cream cashmere lace; avenue, chatting gaily, stopping now formed as to what the favored dangh- aud oonceals it. toque to match. cross-way in your beads, are worse gentle voice 7" and then to gather flowers to fasten at friepds to take a hand at croquet on i, , . EFFECT OP THE CUIRASS. than the itob," he mattered, pushing the lawn—a most unusual thing for ters of fortune wear. At the same time SUITS FOR GIRLS, their belts—themselves so fresh, fair we refer particularly to artideB. and The effect of tbe cuirass is, however, Gray and marooa, or gray and gar- back his chair, taking bis paper, and Fokeveb Buohted.—They were fond and charming in their maiden beauty, him, as be was considered an exceed- obtained by hbpking or otherwise at- seating himself for a quiet read by the ingly obliging person. He was shock- modes within the range of all purses, net, are pat together for suits and cos- of each other, very, and had been en- as any flower they plucked. As they hoping to give practical information as taching the overskirt drapery near the tumes for girls, tbe gray forming the open window. passed from the avenue to the street, ingly tired, bad a headache, and said gaged. But they quarreled and were well as plensur?t ; . i .. q edge of the basque, which >a fitted body part of the garment, the. garnet "Good morning, pa," said his sixteen too proud to make it op. He called a they met a young man with a box of they must excuse him. "For a long the trimming. year old daughter, coming into the time be sat musing alone, not even THE Fldgr DEMAND. ) plainly pver tbe waist and low down few days after at her father's house— tools on his shoulder, stepping lightly In changing from summor to fall on tbe hips. The overskirt drapery is These combinations were formerly room. "Whot does the paper soy this along, who returned Cora's pleasant having the inevitable cigar for a com- to see tbe old gentleman on business goods, tbe demand is for something attached to the lower skirt usually; in- considered quite out of plaoe for child- morning about Dom Pedro?" of coarse. She answered bis ring at 'Good morning, Mr. Arnold,' with ease panion. deed, it is tbe exoeption in French ren ; now they are adopted by fhe rep- "Nothing," he answered, tersely, "So Cora Dean don't think I am re- with a touch, of wool and warmth; for the door bell. Said: aud politeness." something, in short, that cornbines .dresses to find tbe two ekirts separated. resentatives of tbe best styles and the without raising bis eyes. "Ah 1 Miss , I believe. Is your "Why, Cora," said Kate with a shrug epectnble eSongh for her to associate highest taste. "Maybe it's on one of the inside with because I smoke, and occasional- lightness and warmth. rtn-ni;; There is very little "looping up" in the father within ?" of her shonlders, and a slightly turned And what does this so.iperfBotly as new draperies, and all bunching bouf- Striped hosiery follows in tbo foot- pages." "No, sir," ahe replied, "pa is not in up inclination of her rather aristocrat- ly take a glass of liquor, and once in a "Well, if it is it can stay there," ho while have a high time with the other cashmere? It is true that cash mere is fant effects are out of style. The low steps of more important articles, and at t>resent. Did yon wish to see bim ic nose ; "do you know that person ?" not bo much the rage as it was several draperies that were introduced last sea- is striped in dark brown, blue, dark growled. personally ¥" Cora for a moment <|pnldn't speak fellows. AH right, there are plenty of "The Burkes saw him over at Gil- other girls as rich and handsome as seusoup ago; it has been superseded son will be universally used for winter gray, or cardinal red, instead of in "Yes, Miss," was bis bluff response, for laughter at her cousin's generally somewhat by noveltieBr—by the woollen dresses. These consist of folds, pleats, light fancy colors, as formerly. Shep- more's Garden last week pa," she con- feeling that she was yielding, "on very shucked appearance, but finally man- she, who are only too glad to associate daraaoka■i. andJ i_.brocadoa, ! J__ i jthe-i. _ soft-..ri. Bilks j and wrinkled breadths sewed across herd's check is good wear for girls, tinued. aged to answer. withTVii/U axaaj.me, uuuand m\j\j*feel 'flutteredxALauwvia.ova aait jlI showauo vv - . . « , . . •n i • particular personal business," and ho a nd trimmed with black velvet bows, aud "I've got no objection I'm sure," be them anv attention." ^ cheqks-bnt pt.U cashmere is the fronts and sides of lower skirts, t ( rondly turned to go away. "Yes, I do ; and a very nice young 1 either straight across or curved, or else ttbe "Jottie" polonaise will be found an muttered. "I beg your pardon,' she called after raau he is. I became acquainted with Still, Dick was far from being satis- standard, hke black mlk. It is m ma- "And Mary Jane Bursell is going ter what cl B,C9 a a they are placed diagonally, but always eexcellent design over a black alpaca him as be struok the lower step, "bat him at our mission school, where be is fied,iled, even if lots of other girls did like '» « ^ J '1 ture, in easy, irregular fashion, and not set sskirt. over to Wallaok'e purposely to see Dom a teacher. He is a temperate, indus- his company. He thought a good deal and therefore never unfash.onable. who shall I say called ?" Tl and stiff, and in most oases the sides cuffs and collars. Pedro if he drops in," prattled away He never smiled again.—Cincinnati trious young man, a groat help and more of Cora Dean not liking it.it; for f styhsh oa8bmore costumes are arranged .differently. Tbe back There is no change in the forms of his daughter. comfort to his mother, and the perfect there waswaa no girl's company he liked are however.: no longer pombinat.ons Commercial. of drapery, as we have said before, is very 1'linen cuffs and collars since last spring. "Let her go to Turkey, for all I oare," idol of his invalid sister. Oh, yes, I so well as bright, bewitching Cora's. . l^ materials; they are coniposed he said so tartly, that bis daughter of slight; quite low down, and ie made up 1The straight rim attached to a neat The English Lanouaof, —The num- know him quite well." "I say, Nell, I guess I'll go to the "aBbmere, profcely trimmed of bows, scarfs, and pendants. A few jyoke, the small corners rolled over, not dropped her egg, which she was open- "But he may be all that—a very mountains jvithwith your party, after all,all. wHh many rows of narrow braid and ber of words in the English language 1 ba al t b acl e un regular ronnd overskirts are shown, tturned down flat, and tbe cuff with tbe ing, and tbe subject. nice young man, and so on, but do instead of loafing around hernhero all thetl.o ' . ' f u" - has been variously estimated Web- d 0 ubtedly tb 0 t dl9 m but these are not festooned to look ccorners cut off, which jnst admits tbe Bodwell had fioisbed tho paper, and you think it just the thing for one in vacation," he said to bishis sister that . il ! ^ f ffm8hed P™- was getting ready to leave forbneiness, ster's dictionnrj contains 81,011; Walk- bouffant, as at present They are Ihand and displays tbe jewelled buttons, er's, 79,114; Worcester's about 83,000, your position to have a speaking ac- evening.evenirg vided the materials are handsome; but drawn together low down in tbe hack, 8are as simple yet as dainty as possible when the Widow Pinob next door ran quaintance with people so mncb below "Why,"Whv, what made you change your young ladies wear dark blue trimmed and Johnaon's about 54,000. But (be 8llli and bra,d and Bllv r and hold there by large, long-looped -—fine enough for the most fastidious, in to borrow the clothes-wringer, and von? But look, Cora" there comes mind?mind?" Is Cora Dean going away ?" ^ ^ . , f. said: number of words in actual use is about b tfcons bo a tn mod tb bows. Iplain enough for the most severe. 40,000, and those employed in daily Dick Garle—ain't he perfectly apen- she asked,f 'l with. a merryJ twinkle in the silk." and-' pfQla^ braid"! ^and Bmall ™ gold™ but- D BESS-WAISTS, SLEEVES, S:0. The novelty of tbe season oonsists in "I s'pose, Mr. Bodwell, that you've did ?" said Kate, without waiting for eye. * seen the Emperor?" couversatiou about 16,000. Disregard- The seams of dress-waists follow the tthree quarters of au inch of rim, in ing nautical, astronomical, legal, medi- an answer to her question, as a ybung "Cora Dean be hanged,"hanged." was the tons and there are still newer shades natural outlines of the figure, and have ccrimsom, dark brown, or navy blue.— "No, ma'am, I haven't, and what's man came towards them, swinging a rather inelegant response; "what do of claret color trimmed w'th silver, r more, I don't want to," he replied, ner- cal ond scientific terms, and all those whl h ftre very effeotlve clotb or less of tbe masculine oat lately given. The crimson and dark bine are pretty, peculiar to any trade or pursuit, we cane, and puffing away at a-cigar.a cigar. As you suppose I care about her ? Don't ° ^ Thus, though shoulder-seams are still theI former, particularly, with gray vously. " ' young Earlo approached thethg girls, he youvt.mi intrifoinvite herhrar frtto joinimn fh«the rtorf.v•party; if vnnyou ^BWlflnjCfO. "Not want to see Dom Pedro ?" find that 40,498 remain. Of these 20,- It is early as yet to speak of grand short rather than long, they are not to e N. Y. Suu, Inilepondeut republican.) ,1.in Vermont, made Mr. Tucker's opinion Every voter feels the weight and value General William F. Bartlett, of Montgomery. Ala., Sept. 26.-0™. Stone xS. KX the subjectu of some violent partisan re- OOMBERTATIVC KpUUiSC. "Judge Sinnott'sstatement disposes of the ® of his ballot. As is a common expres- Massachusetts. and Manderville, of New Orleans, passed kona, Ac., Ac. allegation both of fraud and perjury, and it marks,marks. In reply Mr. Tucker has ad- sion in the State: "There's bell on the through,a . this. city• to. dayj withi.i ten. nurses for* you wantTIMBERLAKE to save rooncy come & to BELL, the store of leave, the New York Times In a very unen- dressecdressed a letter to Mr. Mnrcellus Em- Prof. W. G. Sumner, of Yale Col- Wabnsh this summer 1" The excite- lege, who wrote tho Republican Stkte runaw c , eorgta. sepM-y Conrt-hoaae Square, lUrriaonbnrg, Vs. The next State election before tho viable position as hsving made charges of qory,™ 0off Maine, in which he incloses the such gravity without any foundation or any nhieeti. ment runs to the boiling point, and plattorm of 1874, and who has now Mumpbib, Sept. 26.—At a public meeting important October elections in Ohio objectionable extract from bis opinion, business men contemplate no activity reason otlier than the imnirinalion and Inge- (U1LJ a, written the strongest letter of the kind to-night in favor of yellow lever sufferers, and Indiana will take place in Gesrgia nuity of their aulliors. Facia ilidicate very and' also" an opinion of the late United in commerce and exchange until the yet published in behalf of Tilden. clearly a conspiracy against Mr. Tilden on States Attorney General Holt on the $1,000 wag subscribed and committees ap- on next Wednesday, October 4tb. ides of November. It is, therefore, Prof. Al'L. Perry, Williams College, pointed to canvass the city. the iiart of certain Federal offlcehold«ra in couStitconstitutionality and legality of that pffetty certain that a larger vote will be State officers and a Legislature will bo which they use their power as agents of the 0ninioi the diBtiDgnisbed political economist. kovemmeut to propagate false and ground- opinion,■ , showing that Mr. Tucker's polled in October than ever before ColoDel Augustas H. Fenn, the Re- Macon, Ga., Sept. 26.—L. K. Davenport, elected. ' 1 less charges against sn eiuinent citizen, sira- ?Popinion P ' is not only sustained by Mr. known. publican candidate for Lieutenant mayor of Brunswick, and J. M. Dexter, ply because be has been uomiuafod as a can- Holt, tbut also sustained by Caleb Gush- Mr. Joseph Pulitzer, the German or- Governor of Connieoticut last year. chairman of the board of health, appeal for BRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT Oar sprightly contemporary, the1 dilate for President." ing, a former Attorney General, and help for the stricken city. Half the popu- (frnm (bo N. Y Tribnnc, rpptiMicair,) Ijul; ator, who is now stamping Indiana for Frank W. Bird, Massachnsetts, tho ■Washington Telegram, announces that an unbroken line of decisions of the U. the Deraoornls, stayed several days lation are down wlth.yellow fever, business "On many points which lie does deal with, g.S. Supremegup Court. The following is founder of the Republican party. after an existence of seventeen months1 Rov. Tilden's answer appears complete.— in Louisville last wCek. I had an in- Ex-Congressman John F. Farns- suspended and supplies exhausted, and nn- -PIANOS!- Heedless and hot headed partisans have wan- Mr.1 Tucker's letter to Mr. Emory; teresting talk with him over affairs in worth, of Illinois. less aid is speedily sent many will die of Having received tho highest cncomiuma wherever it is at last upon a solid foundation. Jjexinglon, Va. Aug. 29, 1876,—My starvation. The suffering aud want cannot they have boon int rod need. 1 imuly. ' . 1. jiaraded t o<»r» supposed mi.1- items of"r his11 ,.l. Income .1.1 „^ I inn r^ £ Indiana. He is an agreeable conver- G^artes Francis Adams, Jr., of Mas- If it continaes in the future as it has lii tlie year 18G2. This was a foolish thing Dear Sir: I find that Mr. Blaine and sationalist, speaking with great ease sachusetts. be described. Contributious of money and Made of tie very M Materials liromM done in the past, it will kaock the to do, and nobody will be surprised to find the would-be Vioe-President Wheeler that the Governpr is able, in nearly every and readiness. Henry Brooks Adams, of Massaohu- supplies are needed. they are ncverthelcee offered at prices that will com- foundation from nnder the Bepablican attack the South through me for the After a conversation on general top- setts. pare favorably with those of any firHt-dnsa manufac- case, to show that the item, as stated, is in- opinion Mr, Blaiue exhumed for use New York, Sept. 30.—Grand total of sub tory ou this continent. The beat la always Ihe cheap- party. correct." , ics, he said: Colonel Nicholas Smith, represent- iscriptions publicly acknowledged here for est, and hence purchasers of ST1EFF Pianoe will find (From tbo Phllatlolphia TiraeB, independent rep.) against mo in debate in April last. "I think, in foot I know, there is a a aatlsfactory equivalent for their monej. Asfit may do harm in your latitude ing the Greeley Family. 1Savannah and Brunswick sufferers, is $12,- The latlinff quality of their iBstrnroenle is fully at- The Soldiers and Sailors' National "The cliapassionate reader, after reading political revolution going on among George W. Feuton, of Cbautauqua, . tested by the many Educational, and other Institu- Judge Siunott's statement, will be sorpyiSed I send you the following statement: thb Germans all over the Union. I am tions. in the Southern States especially, where over Reform Association lias issued a at the mendacity that line characterized Qov. Attorney General Gushing in March, brother of Senator Fenton. 460 are in daily use, and by the unauimous verdict of Tilden's ecciiRera. We now have the an- convinced that the change in this po- Colonel Fred A. Conkling, of New Vroo, Spain, Sept. 26.—The U. S. steamer the best performers ofthia and other cmnnfrle*. Terluu call for a grand mass convention 1857,' decided the same questions in tential element alone will decide ihe "Franklin" arrived here at 10 o'clock this a. as favorable as is consistent with Ihe timee, and ercry swer, item liy item, with a minuteneBB ofde- the same way; see 8th volume of At- York, brother 6f Senator Gonkliug. iuHtrumont fully warranted tor Jim years. of Union soldiers and sailors in favor tail that forbids the possibility of evasion or election in favor of Tilden. -There are "Fighting Joe" Hooker. m. Tweed was much surprised when told We are also Sole Agents for the Southern States of concealment, and no unbiased mind will fail torney General's opinions, page 480 of reform in the national administra- at least 500,000 Gorman votes in this Charles A. Dana, editor of the "Sun." that the "Franklin" was to take^him to the The Matchless Burdett Organs, to regard the democratic candidate for Presi- It is full and exhaustive, and goes fully country, the overwhelming majority of United States. He had hoped on arriving in tion, to be held in Albany, New York, dent as fully vindicated." as far as.l did. Cbl. 'Alex. McClure, editor of the which speak for themselves. A full supply of every October 19tl). in the interest of Tilden which went for Grant, aud a still lar- Philadelphia "Times."- Cuba to be able, through the assistance and stylo constantly in store, and sold on the moat rcasun- The Philadelphia Evening Telegraph, In November, 1850, (two aud a half ger majority of which will now go for Iftorras. and Hendricks. The call is signed by years later,) I gave my opinion. I eu- Jndge Henry R. Selden, of New inlluence of friends, to avoid being surren- Fifty Second-hand Pianoa always ob band, at jirlces a republican paper, expresses the opin- Tilden without a doubt. Just look at York. dered to the American authorities. He ex- anging from $7(1 to $300. the executive committee, with Major ion that every unprejudiced'person who close it for such use as you please. tho signs, and you cau tell yourself. For illnstrated Catalogue, address, My opinion was referred to Post- Howard Potter, of Now York.- pressed great disappointment at the new as- Gen. Hooker as president. persues Judge Sinuott's statement will In number over two-thirds, or about Charles Q. Davis, of Massachusetts. pect of affairs. On the arrival of the Frank- No. 9 North Liberty Street, master General Holt. I enclose his 165 out of 240, of all the German news- Bept28 y Baltimore, Md. be satisfied that the charges against opinion and instructions. Itis full and Ex-Senator Ross, of Kansas. lin, Mr. Adee, acting Minister of the United United States officials appointed by papers in the country, support Tilden Ex-Senator Tipton, of Nebraska. Statesoiaies iu absenceauseoce ofoi Gen.ueu. izuamng,Cusbing, wentwem onuu — ATX r\ TT T1 TVT T TVT Mr. Tilden are absolutely and unquali- complete in its endorsement of my and oppose Hayes. In point of circu- President Grant have defaulted to the views. Ex-Senator Cowan, of Pennsylva- board and conferred with her commander _£ JL XjJLl i I I Ti l\ I l\ IT fiedly false, and that he is innocent of lation and real influence, however, nia. Government more than five and a haf Thus Gushing (whom President regardlug the proposed transfer of Messrs. any wrong-doing whatever. these papers for Tilden represent, not E. S. Cleveland, late Republican Tweed and Hunt to tho Franklin. The in- millions of dollars, as reported by B. H. Grant nominated for Chief Justice and two-thirds, bnt nine-tenths of the Ger- sent to Spain) aud Holt, who has been, Postmaster of Hartford, Conn. tention is to remove the prisoners from their Bristow Secretary of the Treasury, since THE TRUE REMEDY. mans of this Union. Look at the lead- D. D. S. Brown, of Monroe county. present quarters to the steamer this evening. judge advocate general under Lincoln, ing men who supported the Republi- —AT THE— 18C9. Grant and his ndrninistratiou Johnson and Grant, both able lawyers, General E. F. Jonee, of Broome coun- During their confinement, Tweed aud Hunt Hon. Lucius Robinson, the Demo- can party from the days of Fremont ty. * were kent in separate rooms closely guarded, was comn.eudbd in the Cincinnati plat- and not on our side, indorsed by re- until recently. There is Judge Stallo, cratic candidate for Governor of New publican administrations, hold my view. Judge Edwin A. Reynolds, of Or- and not allowed to communicate with each Lowest Prices ever Offered. form. Hayes endorses that platformi in Cincinnati, undoubtedly the most leans county. and has recently written a letter eulogiz- York, in his letter of acceptance, has Can that party gainsay them ? scholarly and accomplished, if not tho BLACK ALPACAS CHEAPER THAN EVER. Suppose the federal government al- Oolonel Charles James, of Orleans ing Grant in the highest terms. In something to say about national poli- very ablest, German in tho United county. Washington, Sept. 20.—At the rifle shoot Black Cashmere aud all other Dress Goods at wholcsalo tics. In regard to reforming the Gov- lowed obscene books to pass through States, who made thirty speeches for price* the face of this what does the cry of mails? Can it be doubted that a State Porter Sheldon, of Obantauqua coun- ing between various crack shots yesterday, For bargains give roe a call. ernment he says: Fremont in 1856. He is uow strongly ty. Fenton, Iiish, made largest score—48 out A. H. HELLER. Reform meairfrom such a candidate | might prevent a lewd temptation to for Tildeu. There is Herman Raster, This will not be an eapy task for any one. prostituliou from going into the hands Ex-Governor David P. Lewis, the of possible 60. Midner, Irisji, 40 ; Bigby, Hats ! Hats! Hats! and such a party V It is a sham and (I For the party now in power it will .be im- of Chicago, by far tho ablest German of her innocent fern ale child? Could last Republican Governor of Alabama. Irish, 41 ; Dyas, Irish, 41; Canfield, Ameri- A largo assurtmeui chenp, at will deceive no one. poaaible. They cannot come down from their journalist of this country, and editor of Judgfe Daniel S. Goodiug, Lincoliu can, 41; Weber, American, 47; Shade, Aus- Bep28 A. H. HELLER. baa eminence t^ learn that, however, they not the father forbid the postmaster to the most influential German paper of may disregard other laws, they must euhmit deliver such a book or paper to his Elector at Large in Indiana, 1864. tralian, 47. Shawls and Blankets The "Boys-in-Blue" re-union at' In- to tlie laws of nature and the laws of trade ; the West. He was a very effective Ex-Congressman James M. Ashley, Cheaper than thothe cheapest, at daughter ? Aud would not tho post- supporter of Grant in 1872, but does Bopt28 a A. HiH, HELLER'S- that we must produce more than we consume; master be justified by the department of Ohio. Boston. Sept. 26.—Dr. Chas. E. Wood- dianapolis, has proved a failure as far jj that we must pay our obligations in real and not support Hayes. There is Mr. Os- Gen. Jacob Brinkerhoff, of Ohio. as a re-union of Federal Soldiers was ' not Bciitious vuluee; that we muatlive within in obeying the father ? And yet where bury, assistant surgeon at the McLeao In- GEO. S. CHRISTIE, wall Ottondorfer, certainly one of the Jndge Hoadley, of the Supreme sane Asylum, Somerville, while playing concerned. In the great parade on 1| our means ; that we must export more than does the father's right to forbid come best and most influential Germans in FASHIONABLE ' ; we import; that statutes will not pay debts; from ? From the law of the Stale, which Court cf Ohio, who supported Hayes croquet with a patient yesterday, was at- Thursday last there were only about 'I that an army of useless officials must be dis- the country, whose Stoats Zailung in for Governor last year. MERCHANT TAILOR, makes him the lawlul guardian of his Now York is a power. There is ex- tacked and beaten about tbe bead with a HAS Jmit received his Fall and Winter supply of twenty-five hundred in line, a large j1 luissed ; that extravngaut expenditures, both child's chastity. E. W. Kittridge, the eminent law- croquet mallet, in tbe hands, of a patient Goods, oonsistiug of ! public and private, must give place'to fru- 1-, . , - • i .i #i i v^v»v.Gov. Mueller,xvjluvi < »of »B Ohio;v_*4xivy. Gen.VAULS* Sigel, vy*of yer of Cincinnati, who supported majority of whom were members of the '• gality and rigid econom'f. The road will he distinguish-tbeJederal power over NeW York ex.Gov Roerner, in Hit- who was standing near. His injuries are Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, too rough and unpleasant. They Will not transmission from the State power of Hayes last year. probably fatal. local clubs and negroes from Kentucky. travel in it. And yet it is the way. and the nois; Ed. Jussen, of Chicago, Scburz's Charles Reemelin, of Cincinnati, who —AND— The old veterans would not reune. The reception. Suppose there were no fed- brother-in-law; Fred. Hassaatek, of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS! only way, out of the difficulties which sur- eral, postal system. The States could sapported Hayes last year. A DfiMooitATio CamPaion on Wheels. % true purpose of the affair leaked out, round us 15y following it with patience and Cincinnati; Mr. August Thieme, of Etnil Hoffman, of Cincinnati, who . such a"* Cravats. Ties, Bows, Scarfs, CoFars. English perseverance, we shall in due time receive have one. Shall the postal power ex- Cleveland, who edits a very influential —The Democrats of Davies county, Hose, Gloves, Patent Yoke Suspenders, Uiiderahirts, and becoming disgusted they refused our reward in the resumplion of specie pay ercised by the federal government take supported Hayes last year. Ind., have arranged for a traveling Drawers, Coat and VestSindings, Tailors' Trimmings, German newspaper in that city; Dr. Ex-Lieutenant Governor Jacob Mai- etc., etc. to take part. Itf has been asserted, up- tnents, uot by act of Congress alone, but in from the State all its police power over political camp-meeting. The arrange- His stock embraces all goods suitaMe for gentle- obedience to the laws of trade ; in the, re-es- Bauer, in Pittsburg, who edits the ler, of Ohio, elected on the Republican men's wear, of standard and fashionable styles, aud on what is claimed as positive evidence, health of body and sonl ? Could yellow leading paper of that place—who were ment provides-for a moving caravan, he offers them at houest. living profits. tablishment of a steady and substantial pros- fever be sent by mail, and must it be ticket in 1871, who supported Hayes to be composed of five hundred Til- I reapectfaUy return my thanks for the past patron- that it was only a scheme gotten up to perity, with activity in all braeches of in- all radical Republicans, who all voted last1 year. age ffbstowed upon me. I shall endeavor to merit a dustry, with full employment for laboring delivered and circulated? Cannot the for Grant, and all noW support1 Tilden, den Guards, in nniform/an advance continuance of public patronage. carry Indiana for the Republicans in j men, with a revived aud prosperous trade, State law forbid it? L.' Judge J. G. Stallo, of Cincinnati, escort of one hnndred and fifty wag- jflGB-Call at my old stand. both at home and abroad. and who are all leaders in their partic- who supported Hayes last year. set)t28 % G. S. CHRISTIE. October. The soldiers were to remain State quarantine is recognized, non- ular sections. The fact is that the Ger- ons, each cuntaining men, women, and ohstanle the commercial power of the Frederiok Hassaurek. late editor of provisions for the trip, and a twelve- The great hard times pa^e ■_> in camp until after the October elec- mans naturally gravitate back idto the the Cincinnati "Volkeblatt," who sXip- The Beat, tbo Cheapest, and the moat Pop- X%/ tion, and were expected to vote the IVOS'T MUSTER. Union. Shall the State have power to Democratic party, to which they all be- pound cannon manned by gunners. ulor. You cannot afford to be without the protect from disease of the body, and ported Hayes last year. The design ia to start on the morning Republican ticket. The Republicans of Botetourt coun- longed before the issue of slavery and Aiigast Thieme, editor of the Cleve- CRICKET tSX-J HEARTH! nono to guard against disease of the the war drove them into the Republi- of September 19, and make a complete Itis a mammoth 16-page Illustrated paper (stxe of ty, like those of RoCkiugbam, counted mind and soul ? none to prevent treas- land "Watcher am Erie," who sup- circuit of tbe Second Congressional Umrper's Weekly) filled with tho choicest reading for can ranks. These issues, however, be- ported Hayes last year. old and young. Serial and Short Stories, Sketches, There is no abatement in the yellow too many noses. It will be remember- on and rapine, and assassination ? ing disposed of, they naturally turn District, stopping every day at some Poems, Useful Knowledge, Wit and Humor, ••An- Tho odium attached to slaverg col- Colonel Edwaid Jussen, of Chicago, prominent point for a meeting. At swers to Correspondents." Puzzle*, Games, •'Popular fever ravages at Savannah. The deaths ed that when that party published its against the corruption of the Republi- brother-in-law of Carl Sohurz. Songs." etc. etc. Lively, entertaining, amusing utrt ors the opinion as to the principle, can and back into the Democratic par- sunrise a salute of one hundred gnus ' instruciive. The largest, handsomest, best and cheap- on Friday were fifty-six, being two list of county committee for this coun- which, when applied to other things, Ex-Gov. Koerner, of Illinois. will bo fired to convince the neighbor- est paper of ita class published. Only SI pvr more than the highest figure reached ty. The election and the future will Gen. FraOz Sigel, of New York. yaar, with choice of three premlnms: the beautiful ty, some throe or four of tho committee will be found to be just and proper. bear out this prediction." : hood that business is on band. The new chromo, 'Yea or No?" size 15x10 iuchear any one in 1854. The disease has made its ap- denied their allegiance to tho party, How as to liquor, under your law ? The eminent Germans last named Hons. Heister Clymer, S. S. Cox, of tho celebrated novels by Charles Dickens, orau ele- "The Germane are thoroughly who have abandoned the Republican gant Box of Stationery. Papr without preminip. pearance in Charleston, and in other 1q Botetourt county a few weeks ago Must liquor be delivered by the post- worked up. There has been a decided James B. Beck, and others will accom- ly 75 cts. per year. Or we will send it Four master, though Maine forbids it? party to support Qov. Tilden, repre pany this camp-meeting on wheels.— ou trial for .only 545 Cents* AF'Specimen copy places. It is reported in Baltimore, the Republicans held a county convcn- change among them. I have every in- sent the great voting rank and file of sent on receipt of stamp. Agents wonted. Address In 11 Wallace 113, the federal pow- dication of the truth of what I say. As Baltimore Sun. F. M. LUPTON A CO- publishers, 37 Park Row, ah'O, though the Sun persistently de- tiou, at which committees fur the vari- er to tax salaries of State officers was the Germans in America. There is New York. sep. 28-4w. niea that there are any cases in that ous districts were appointed. The last I travel I ask and observe. One ques- not a single German of national repu- rigidly limited by the reserved right of tion I always propound is this: 'Are Y=LIE1IZ). Valley Railroad. city. At Fell's Point/ia the suburbs, Fincaslle Herald contains cardh from tho State. See also 17 Wallace 322; tation, with' the solitary exception of there any democrats in this section Carl Schurz, who now trains under At the residence of tho brMo's parents, in Bridge- ON and after Monday, September 26, fST |MV Mh there is an epidemic of some kind, but five of the appointees, saying that they see also, as to police power, 17 Wal- water, on Tuesdny, September 29th. 18 76, by Rev. Da- 1876, Trains will run as follows; flBfcjBcSlSr who will not support Tilden and Hen- Uje banner of "Zaob Chandler." vid Barr, Dr. D. A. Bucher and Miss Annie M., dough- EAST. the San deoies that it is yellow fever. ni nut act with the Republican party, lace 5G8, citing Gibbon vs. Ogden, 9 dricks f Another is; 'Are there any i ' ■ .Mil » II — ter of A. L. lindsoy, Esq. No. 1, No. 2. w Wbfeat 1, wbere Marshall (a federalist) Ou September 17th. 1876, by Rev. Frederick C1 Ine, Leave Staunton. 3.00 P. ML The New York World has had several and throe of them declaring their in- Republicans who will not support Hayes as a Reformer. George Ettinger and Mary C. Bull. •• Verona, 6.42 •• " 3.17 " " states the distinction. Hayes and Wheeler ?' The answer to " Fort Defiance.... 6 62 " •* 3.30 " articlea on the yellow fever at Balti- tention to vote for Tildeu and Hend- In 18 Wallace 138, Field, justice, On September 17th, 1876, by Bov. M. F. Koiter, Jas. •« Mt. Sidney, .... 7.115." " 3.37 " »• the first, save from a few greenbaok- In ttio Washington Republican of W. Shickel and Martha E. Whetzel. " Weyer'a Cave... 7.16 " " 3.50 " •♦ more, and seat its medical reporter to ricks, held that the police power of the State ers, has always been 'none.' To the yesterday it is angonnced that "Attor- On September 17th, 1876, by Rev. M. F. Keiter •« Mt. Crawford,i,. .:-...7i26" " 4.05 •• " "embraced all regulations affecting the Samuel B. Bridges and ClariBU V. Whitsel. " Pleasant Valley, M 4.20 " " make an examination. It asserts pos- second I have beard dozens of Repub- oer General Taft has left the city for Arrivq at Harrisouburg, T.45 " 4.46 " health, good order, morals, peace and Obip to take part in the political cam- WEST. itively, upon his information, that there Republicans are leaving nothing safety of society; that all sorts of re- licans openly declare tbeir intention to IDXE33Z). Leave HarriRonburg,.. 5.4tP.M- is yellow fever in the city. We hope undone to curry Ohio and Indiana pn support Tilden and Hendricks." i - paign in that State." This is a baud- In Staunton, Va., on Sunday uight, September 24th, " Pleasaut Valley, 6.52 '• " strictions and burdens were imposed "Where do you find such, sir?" I some announcement to come from the 1876, Mrs. Adele Points, wife of Wm. Joseph Poiula— •• Mt. Crawford,.. 6,00 " •• the World is mistaken, but certainly the the lOlh of next moth. They are mak- under it, and that when these were ag»d jimut 38 years. •• Weyer'a Cave,.. 6.12 " " "Everywhere I have been. In some 'leading radical organ of Hayea, in •• Mt. Sidney 6.20 •• " Sun should not endeavor to mislead ^ng desperate efforts to obtain that re- not in" conflict with any constitutional •• Fprt Defiance,; 10.11 ^ " 6.25 •• 14" places many, in others few. Every- whose letter of aoceptanoe occurs the OOIVUVIEIY^OX^Xj. •• Verona, . ,10.23 " " 6.35 •• tho public on the subject. Let tho suit, and foul means as well as fair are prohibition or fundamental principles where eomebody. In Lawrenceburg, following couBpicuous declaration of his Arrive at Stttanton,.,. 6.60 •• •• facts be known that tho disease may to be employed. Repeaters have al- they could not be successfully assailed of 100 German Bepublioans who voted intended policy. Says Mr. Hayes: "Wq uarbisonburoUARBISONBURO MARKRT.markrt. W. H. JORDAN, in a judicial tribunal." for Grant against Greeley, 72 will now should return to the principles and oobbeciedCORRECTED wek.ltWEEKLY BYb* A.x. II.n. HBLLKR.hbixir. 8ep28 Buperintcndent Valley It. R:_ not spread. ready gone to those States from Phila- Tlie absurdity of all this clamor is TTuuubdayu0U8D Morning, Sept 28. 1876. delphia, Pittsburgh, aud New York, support. Tildeu. m Jeffersonville former- practice of the founders of the govern- noarFlour—Family,_ylimU. t!is'75""'on15 76^6 00 Commissioner^ Sale palpable. It. is an attempt, through ly gave a majority of eighty. It will ment, supplying by legislation when noDo Extra ....6,6 00@6oo®5 60m When a party refuses to discuss it and tlle judges of elections are being hatred of slavery, to .destroy the con- Do Super,.I. 6 76:5.6 00 PURSUANT to a decree of the Circuit Court of now be 3,000. Of 400 Germans, for- needed, that which was formerly estab- Wheat snptr,,:.... .«0 90®7ii|B 1 00 Rockingham County, In tbe cause of P. Zell A merits and claims in public with its an- instructed in the arts of bnllotbox-stuf- stitutional guards against the invasion merly Bepublioans, twelve will now lisbed by custom. They neither expect Rye Il'.V.'.l'.V.V.iV.'.'.lo0 60@0^11 ot60 Sons vs. Jones, fco.. I will sell at publle auction* at the fiD of all State rights. I am not surprised Coru,(new) 0 60(§)0 60 front door of the Court-House in Horrisonburg, tagonists, it may bo set down that it g- Negroes from Kentucky aud vote for Hayes. It is the same in New ed nor desired from the public officer SSu('"wi'.V.V.V."".'.V.'."".V.V.V0Gate, (new) 0 ssl026®0 2535 On Tuesday, the 24tk day of October, 1876, at Blaine. He will do anything to di- Albany. The change seems to be any partisan service. They meant that oorBMmi,.'.'.."!.'Oorn Meal 0 ia«o60®° is considers its professious will not bear other Southern States are being colo- Bacon,....0 •*•0 12(^0 13 a tract of NINETY-ONE ACRES of land lying sooth of vert public attention from his personal brought about by the laws of gravita- •public officers should owe tbeir whole Porkp^k". 0 00wa,o^0 00no Harrisouburg. owned by and now in the poBaeusioni test. That is just the case with tho uized at various places, and an order sore. But for Wheeler to descend ! Flaxsoed, 0 15 of E. W.Jones. or tiou, being necessary, as it were, and service to the government aud to the Salt. V sack 2 00@2wm 25ia TERMS:—One-fifth cash, and the mfdne in fonr llopublicap party uow. Its leaders ^ in the departments at You will please note that our law upon them I'base my confidence of people." This is one of Gov. Hayes' St...:.h./,...... \V"".V.".'.'..'.'.'.'.".'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'«o 00 oo^ioOrttfolO 00 equal payxuenta at six. twelve, eighteen and twenty- does not authorize our justice to enter Lord 0 00f$ 16 four months, with interest from the day of sale, tbe harnuguo tho masses on "rebels," "kill- Washington from tbosO two Slates to carrying the State." distinct declarations of principles and Butter,{^^;" (good(good'freVhV.V.V.""!'."'.'.!lV."!!!° fresh) 0 20(8)0wm 222° parohaser to give bonds therefor with approved secu- the postoffice or disturb any mail mat- •'With what majority?" "reform," and one that his party friends En*...'.Eggs, 0 JJj®00® ij|15 rity. and the title retained as ultimate security. ing negroes," aud other subjects^which bo sent home to vote has been received .Potatoes, new •..••.•■•■..#•...•••••.••0 40(8)0 40 JOHN E. ROLLER, a ter, or interrupt the mail. It leaves "I cannot say. The actnal vote will have boasted was tho true policy of wlwimunwh.dii0 soUi m scp 26-ts. Special Com'r,, appeal to passion alone, but decline to ' ^be Republican headquarters in that Wool, (unwashed)w hBdl ...... 0 20(3)0 25 the whole matter to the postmaster. be very much affected by Morton's government. But in tbe,face of this Do (washed)< »" 0 ©280®mu 30 jutet the leaders on the side of Reform uRj- 1 Mr. Wheeler recklessly speaks of hav- macbinatioiis, bis frauds and his re- hero is a leading member of the Presi C-A-TTIxECJVTTLE MA-KKETS. "ISAAC PAUL on the true issues of the campaign. The National and State Democratio ing "heard defended the right of a peatiug.". dent's cabioent leaving his official du- Baltimore, Septsopt 20,1876.20, isve. WANTS TOBUY AT HIGHEST PRICES Morton has refused to meet Voorhees, Com'miUeeB have been informed of all Virginia justice to detain and open the 11 * 1 — ties ia Washington and going all the BeefBeef cuttle—Pricmr Cattle—Price® to-dny to-day rauged ranged u as 'o" follows:0*^ Flour, Wheat, Oats, Clowcraccd, Best *• ™ » » »» Butter, Kgga; Schurz to meet Pullitzer and Bristow 'bis, and the frauds they expect to mails of thq United States." No such Eev. J. B. Langlois, of the Catholic way to Ohio to stump the State for SroeSfyratedhrrtqatiity'"."-".V.V.V.Generally rated first quality 4400a4i5 001« 75 ggrAND OTHER PRODUCE. law ever was passed iu Virginia, and Church, died of yellow fever on Satar- Hayes and his rartv. No "parti- M-ainm or goodf»ir quxiitr-.-- »JjJ » ® '' to meet Wutterson. It is the same practice will bo fully exposed in time i y 3 H7 And has for sole SALT. PLASTER, AC. Call hnforo no such opinion was ever defended. day. He went to Savannah from Mn- san service" is "expected or desired a!!n"rM .™^ 3 87 * you sell. way all over the country. With no one bo thwart them, The law made it the dnty of the post- con to assist in ministering to tbe suf- from a public officer," says Governor Extreme rangerang, ofor Prices. ?2 ?00?!!?? a 5 26 Bep28-a ISAAC PAUL. r t i\ 21* -j • -r-r *.«..• . . * Most of the salessolfs were fromfrom...e..#.•••••• 3*> 02u* sa 4 3701 AT- to question what they say their uttor- master. if he knew of such mail mat- ferers from the prevailing epidemic.— Hayes, and their whole service is owed rimTho msrketmerkot waswm mtnorrsther slow.low and»nd hey;heavy; prices de-do- The journalists of Europe are almost ter in his office, toI give notice of it to His death beirs martyr testimony of the government and the people;" bat clineddined on moatmot gradesKradee ',aHc;seHd Inm some•l™e Instancesinitanc.. a» ZE-I- KIHLLjXJIELFL'S uuces find credence in the minds of The journalists of Luiope are nlmosl larger fraction was forced ouU commonm grades.8 Total YOD CAN GET FIRbT-CLASS their hearers,■ andi in•' ,1.that i way then par- slroekstrnck dumb bybvJ the calm, indifferent,indifferent p .J the justice, &c. The justice acted un- bis devotion to the principles of Chris- almost every "public officer" in the land tSS^t^ta^^e^kiusreceipts for the week 4143 hhead.e^ To!ldTotal ^iaTsales for "thethe llolaocmticdomocnitio conducteoD dact of DamDoid Pedro.—edro der and after nnotice from the post- tian bonevolai.ee and charity which he is now actively engaged in electioneer- week 3293 head. improvement" * m butcher. . . oEH.imet. ty is kept from disorganization. Did They observe with awe that he reftised ghcep—There Is some improvement Iu butcher They observe with awe that he reftised master. He couldcon not enter the office taught 1U his life. ing'tor party ailticess to the neglect0 of Sheer andend stockersetnekers thoughthouahonly only the latterletter showebow any they dare meet the champions of Re- the place of houurhonor iuin the St. Peters-Peters or know of the nmatter, unless the Uni- _ 1 l,,1 o . edv.neeadvance inIn price.prloc. There isl« no EasternUMtorn demand, but STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. m, ^ , ,. Official doty.—Petersburg Post. itUconttnedlohutchora confined to butchers and country buyers of stockclock form upon tho hustings, by the lOlh of burg CongressCougreea of Orientalists and satsal ted States postmasterpoatm informed him. The Chairman of tho Republican » 1 * ■ ^ Sheek. Wo quotaquote batoharbotober Sheep at 4«5cMSc per lb. audand THE ANNUAL MEETING of the .tockhoWor. of stockeys at X2.50a$8.G08< t8 50 per bead. Booe,,>uUocetpts this weekitk the Rawley Springs Company, will be bold at November their clans would be utterly lnin a commonplacecommonplHce cbuir,chair, and they disdis- Again. It onlyon applies to writing State Central Committee of Illinois has Tho Boston Advertiser says: "Gov- gg^Md*'3855 head. " ' ^ '" ' Rawlfv Springs. ON THE FIRST FRIDAY IN OCTO- . , , . .» » ix ti. . ciiHwciins his condesoousioneondescuusion min uamcrusing tbithe which incites to insurrection by slaves. written to 'Bob' Ingorsoll, aDd|Bob Las ernor Rice has offered Governor Kern- u.Hc-i'riceeH«>gM—Prices .tiffonodstiffened earlya.riy thistuu week amiand uioesales BER. 1876. It is important Dial all the stock should routed aud three-fourths of the States , i , ere he lives have been affected0 as fast as the Hogso came inU at ku be represented. A. B. I RICK. President 0equipageslllip:lg<18 of thehe hotehotels8 wherewb he lives, PapersPapors discussingdisouisin slavery wore uever allowed tbe letter to become public, per, of Virginia, the use of the Masso- lS«n^of^aadvance of )(a\o^" an ^t*VMk"last week's quotations.5nota0ona Pr5SPros- angsl-4w of the Rawlay Springs Cck would vote for iilden, Hendricks aud mui in visiting the schools and scion pects are now promising for a coutlmisnoe of present and in visiting the schools aud scien- i iuterfcnud wilt,with. Yours, that the cbances are decidedly against cbusetts building for Virginia day, i prices, Slfe'sO'-xO per lb, the Utter lor extra. Receipts niHE BEST Gunpowder Green Tea. .IuhI received I'.cfunu, jI titleliiic iuslitutious. tI J, R. T'lvxui. the party iu ludiuua. which occurs ia October." i thin week 'J0i9 Lead, and lor sale tU L. U. OTT'S Drug Store. UKEVITIES. LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE, ]Report of the Valley Normal lustltnte. Hell Gate Opened. SALEH. ______MlHCKLLANEOl'M. Old Commonwealth. The Staunton public nchools started laat rilOM McCIAIIKTSVlLil.K. flow. W. RurrnKM, Supt, Public Instruction, Rich- mond, Va., Some weeks ago we published the COOK'S CREEK TIIKKK 18 \0 PLACE LIKE Harrisonbura Va., : : : Sept. 28.1876. week with 625 pupils. MoGaiibysvii.lk, Sept. 25,1876. ' In their little red buggy they etarted. SIR Wa beg Ieav»to iDbmit to you th* Iplan and arrangements for blowing out LAND FOR SALE. There wea another equinoctial storm laat tbe rocka in New York harbor, at a PHILADELPHIA week, beginning on Thursday. And far Medieon they derted. third annual report of the Valley Normal ' PUBLXRHEU KVKRY TBURMPAT BT Its thooRbt they went sparking, point known as Hell Gate. The explo- "KN pnr*n*nc« of n dftcrt# of tho Circuit Court of O. II. VA.NT>Kllir011X>. Inetitute. I J Rookinnbuui, reudered »t the Mey Term. 187C, In FOR THE PURCHASE OF Ex-Lieut. Qov. Marye, of Frederickaburg, But neither wee loading. The Inatitute wae opened at Brldgewater, thin ohencery rune# of Jonethen Sheler VS. Joseph wan in town a few days last week. For one went Larking, . . sion took plaoe on Sunday last, and Coffaum't Executor, fee., wo, tut Cotumieftiouere, will, flWOllro over tbe Store of Lono Jt Hkllkh And the other Reading. Va., July 17, 1870, and continued six weeks, was a success. The Associated Press RELIABLE READY-MADE South of the Oourt-lloHse. To-day being the Day of Atonement the the closing day being August 25. On Wednesday, September 20tb, 187G, Jewish business houses will be closed. Two of our village boys left on the 15th dispatches give tbe following aocouut •ell on the premiaee, it pnbiio eurtlou, TcrniK of Suhwrrlption : inst. for Madison county to be gone for a The teaching force was much greater than CLOTHING I There lias been a large increase in the at- that of any preceding year. There was a of it: Two Tracts of Land. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. week only, but two long and lonesome ones About 12 o'clock streams of pedes- lyln»( near Dayton, in UocUintfhaiu County, oonUiniuK ron I tendance at our public schools this week. have now almost passed by, and yet we corps of instructors, a corps of lecturers and together about Ji5U ACHKS. nrv I hots to urns I ciin.nitKX | Ad-Vortlslnar t 1a board of examiners. There were six in. trians were pouring across the city to Thneo lauds arc among tbe very bent in the emmty There has been a change in tbe running have not welcomed their happy return, nor In noil: are highly improved, having two valuable 1 afjuare. (ten linos of this type,) one Insertion, $1.00 structors present regularly during the whole points of obsorvatiou on the east side. brick rcBidencea theroou, with good outbuildiuga; fine And NO HOUSR like I •• each snbsoquoBi Insertion, 60 of trains on the Valley liailroad. See time- has one word been heard as to where they Yost numbers of strangers oame to see orchard, plenty of water and tUDbMP* 1 ** one year.. 10.00 table. have anchored; and therefore we chronicle time, five in the Institute proper and one They will be offered in two parcela, divided an they 1 " eifi months, 6.00 had charge of the children in the Model what everybody expected would be were between Joseph Ooffhian and David Coffhaan. Dr. D. A. Bucher, of Brldgewater, will bo it in your widely circulated paper, hoping ■ a magnificent spectacle. The street having ono of tbe realdeucca upon oaob place, and VKAni/T ADVKET1RCMKHT8 $10 for tlio first square and that they may some where rend it, and then School. Although two of the five lecturers will then be oflTered aw a whole and the boat bid or $3.00 fo each additional square per year. absent from his olllce from now until Octo- oars going up town were loaded with bida accepted. The land will be nold subject to the 1 s ber 7lh. probably remember that they have an anx- promised to the teachers could not be pres- dower of Abigail Coffmau which has been aaaigned by ]>rofessiokal. Cards $1.00 a lino per year. For five ent, yet the corps was completed by two police and oitizens, and First and Sec- mctea and Ifounde. lines o less $6 per year. There were five marriage licenses issued ious father and mother here who are long- ond avenues, as viewed from the TERMS:—do much caeb upon the oonflrmation of SIXTH i MARKET STS,, PHILADELPHIA. otbere whose valuable assistance we were the sale an may he imfflclent to pay complainanta cost* Lkqal Adtretiskmemts the legal fee of $6.00. at the County Clerk's otlice on Monday and ing to see them. Hut as far as we are con- heights, were black with pedestrians of auit in tbe Circuit Court and tbe expenaea of eale. For Lowest Prices, corned they can stay as long as they please, fortunate enough to obtain. Of the three moving towards Ninetieth street. aud the residue npon a credit of one, two and three Special or Local Notices 16 cents per line. Tuesday. examiners, whoas regular duties at that year* from date of aale, the payment* to lie equal in For Best Class Goods, Largo advertisomeula taken upon contract. The Republican Convention for the Sev. just so they get back in time to walk up to About two o'clock cross streets and amount, and all the purchaac money bearing interest For Immensity of Stock, the polls with Wm. Heed, Esq., and stick in time were so numerous, but one was com- aveuues from which a view could be ifom the day of aale. and the purchaaer being required All advertising bills duo in advance. Yearly adverti- enth Congressional District meets in Stauu- pelled to be absent. to give good pervouol aeourity for tbe purchane money. For Guaranteed Sntisfoction. sers dlHcontluuing before tbe close of tbe year, wil their herds for Tilden and Hendricks. bad were swarming with people, and BOBXRT JOHNSTON, be charged troasiout rates. ton to-morrow. This shows that thirteen persons were GEO. O. OBATTAN. A good many of our citizeus have been to the housetops along the east side were aug94-U Commlaaioners. The Largest Clothing Honse in America. The Grand Council of Virginia, Sons of the Centennial, and seem to be very happy actually engaged in laboring for tbe atu- crowded. When heavy showers of raiu •Tol> Prlxitlncr. Jonadab, held a special session here last dent-tescbera present at the Institute. In POSTPONE MLNT. We are prepared to do Job Printing of all kinds at over what they saw. Even Milt got a peep oame down tbe immense multitude The above aale has been poatpoucd until THURS- low rates, fou cash. night, in Temperance Hall. at the big Corliss, and then came by Balti- consequence of tbls much more aud-better were immediately under shelter of nm- DAY, OCTOBER 19TB. 1876. work could be done both by those who im- RO. JOHNSTON k G. G. GBATTAN. The United States Court for the Western more and bought a large and handsome brellaa Great alarm prevailed amongst acptJl-ta Commiralonerfl. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Valley Branch. District of Virginia will commence its fall stock of dry goods. Our father merchant, parted and by those who gained knowledge many residents of First avenue and GOING EAST; session at Harrisonbarg October 10th. than heretofore. Each one could devote his cross streets from Eighty-second to TRUSTEE'S SALE j4!avo Harrisonbnrg 7.60 A. M. Mr. Uilmore, has gone up to take 50 cents Arrive at Washington, 4.90 P. M. The barn of Aaron S. Prlnta, near Blosser- worth In the show, and we guess he will do whole time to his specialties and present Ninety-sixth streets, and some bouses OF A HOUSE AND LOT LEGAL. •• Baltimore,.. 6.16 " ** vllle, in Page county, together with Its con- as Milt did—return by Baltimore and lay in them in that new light, with that freshness were entirely deserted by residents IN HABRISONBORO. GOING WEST; aud vigor which natural Inclination, love of through fear of rocks being hurled JACOB BYERLY, Administrator o-^C. Hoover. Leave Baltimore 0.95 A. M. tents, on the llth inst., was destroyed by his fall and winter goods. BY virtue of a trust deed, executed by G. A. Jack- Complainant, " WashiugtoB, ...8.10 " *• 1 the subject, experience, profound thought across the river, or a huge wave caused vs Arrive at Horriaonburg, 5.30 P. M. #». ■ ' in (1. , , : • ; • : H' There has been some talk of having an son and others to me. on the 10th of April, 1874, , J. A. Hammen. late S. R. 0.. and an snch adininistra- old time barbacue on the 4th of next month and vigor of body and mind alone can do. by upheaval. Every house in that vi- and of record in the Clerk's Offlcn of tbe Connty Court tor of Peter Brown, dee'd. J. M. Brown, B. H. Brown, There will be Another excursion from tbe ■ of Rockingham. at the request of A. B. Arthur benefi- Josiab Faught and — Faugbt his wife, and Mi h. — Yalloy Ilailroml. If It comes off we want every one to come, The enrollment surpassed that of last year cinity had doors and windows open as ciary, I will sell at public auction, on the premiaea. Kennedy, widow of — Kennedy,...... Defendants^ Ho. 1—East—Leave Stauntou 6 30 A. M. Valley to the Centennial. Exposition on a matter of precaution, but the great •« •• •« Arrive at Harrisonburg 7 45 " " but they must be sure and bring their own by six. Many teachers entered late, because On Tuefldmy, the lOlh day of October, 1870, In Chancery in Circuit Court of Rockinebam. i «• «• West—Leave Harrisonburg,. 9 00 '• '* Tuesday, October 17 th. This will he the of a want of funds. The first week we en- mass of people bad do fears whatever, the following property : ONE HOUSE AND IXJT. ait- Extract from dmr^e In vaoatiun, Juno 10th, 1876:-— ti n * •< Arrive at Stauntou,.10 45 *• " last. dinners. uated la the Zlrkle addition to the Town of Har- dBftj "It is ordered that thlH cauae be referred to Peudh ton rolled 40, the second week tbe number was and spectators swarmed on tbe piers riaeuburg. at the corner of Johnson and Broad Bryan, one of the CommlHHlMnera of this Court, to take Ho. 2—Raat—Leave Stannton,., 3 00 P. M. The Tilden and Hendricks Reform Club of Most of the farmers are backward with and low grounds directly in a line with eireeta. known as lot No. 101, on tbe plat of the®U»- an account of the debts resting against the estate of Arrive at Harrisonburg, 4 46 " ",4 seeding. But Mr. J. M. Weaver, as nsnal, increased to 45, tbe third to 50, the fourth aaid Zlrkle addition aud now iu the poaaessiou of said Peter Brown, dee'd, and report the amount and value «" «••■ West—Leavei« Arrive Harrisonburg, at Starvmton ,..66 5040 " •• CbarlottesvIIle, like the one in Hairtsooburg, to 01, the fifth to 00, the sixth to 71—the to- the rooks, where they would have been Jackson. of tho real eaUto of the said Peter Brown, dee'd,. and has a number of colored voters enrolled on is ahead of them all, for he has wheat up drowned by.thousands ia ease of an TERMS:—Enough cash to pay the cost* of execut- the aaid Oommiafttuner is directed to tnko such other and growing finely. Truly, tal enrollment. The attendance was quite ing this trust, and to pay the amount then due on the aocounts an may bo required by either or any of tho its books. good, the average being nearly 50. 27 stu- upheaval wave. debta therein secured, to wit: $76.34 with interest parties inierrated In tbiH cause." LOCAL AFFAIRS. k - ULUIC. from February 19. 1874; $90 with Interest from Jan- The parties to tho above entitled cnnpo and all oth- J . I —. The Staunton Fair will be held on the dents of last year were again present tbls The police lined First and Second uary let, 1874; $90 with interest from April 1st, 1874, ers Intorentcd In the taking of the above required ac- avenctes, and were stationed amongst and $00 with interest from July 1st, 1874, and tho counts, are hereby uot'fled that I have fixed npon Persons knowing themselves to be 10th, llth and 12th of October. General FROM MTV CRAWFORD. year, 20 never taught school ; 41 taught remainder ou a credit of one and two years—tbe pur MONDAY, THE 2nd DAY OK OCTOBER, 1876. nt my Early has been Invited to deliver an address from one to five years; nine from five to crowds to be available in case of panic. chaser to give boud and approved security for the de- ottlco in riarrinonburg. Va.. nn the time ami plnco of indebted to the Old Commonwealth— Church Dedication.—The only ripple to A bird's eye view of the point of inter- ferred payments. The title to said property is be- taking said accounta. when and where they will attend on the occasion. disturb the nsuul monotony of village life eight years, and one taught twenty years. Moved to be good, but Helling as Trustee I will convey and do what is neccsfary to protect their respective and "their name is legion"—are re- Virginia, West Virginia and Ohio were rep- est was had by 12,000 to 13,000 peo- only such title as 1 have. interentn. Rev. R. D. Rojler preached morning and during the past week was the. dedication of ple at tbe height between Ninety-sec- septU-ts GEO. O. GUATTAN, Tnistoe. Given under my hand an CommiHsioner In Chancery qaestod to make immediato payment. evening at Emmauul Church on Sunday resented. From the first, Rockingham county of said Court, this llth day of September. 1876. the M. E. Church, North, on Sunday last.— ond and Ninety-sixth streets aud Third nept14 3w PENDLETON BRYAN, C. C. The amounts, with a few exceptions, last. Yesterday lie started to take charge of Notwithstanding the inclemency of the claims 45, Augusta 17, Bath, Halifax, High- Haas Ai PHtterson. p. q. land, Page, Rock bridge and Bhenandoah avenue, where there are no houses. Di- Commissioner's Sale are small, but aggregate nearly .five his parish in Hanover connty. weather the house was well filled. The ser- rectly opnosite, across the river, was "mriRGINIA TO WIT In the Clerk's Omce of the each 1. Pondleton county, W. Va., claims 3 PURSUANT to decree of tbe Circuit Court of Rock- y Ciicult Court of Rockingham County, on tha ithousand dollars. Few, if any, are un- D. SlteflfeV Lewis,-son of Senator Lewis of vices were impressive, and everything passed Hallet's Point, and timbers and sban- ingham, In the cauMe of John Harnaberger's ad- 7th day of September, A. D., 1876; and Preble county, Ohio, 1. The Model mlnintrator va Mitchell M. Ilaruaberger and otbors able to settle at once, and it is hoped this county, ia the Republican nominee for off to the entire satisfaction of those most tees. At the opening of shafts, nearly rendered on the 14th day of June. 1876.1 will, oh com- John R. Bowman, adm'r of Peter Good, dee'd, Com- Congress in the Danville district. He sails interested in the success of the meeting.— School numbered two pupils from Bridge- midway in tbe river but a little to tbe iniesioner, sell at public auction in front of the Court- plainant, vs. 'that all will do so without further no- water and one from Harrisonburg. House in Harrisonburg, Willliain Good, George W Manzy as CoirmiaaUmor to tice. for Salt River November 7th. There are three ministers and a number of north, was a little island with boat sell the real eetato of Peter Rover, dee'd., and as ad- laymen from a distance in attendance, and The instructors taught according to an- bouses, and a few hundred yards south On Fridsy, the 20th day of October, 1876, miniatrator of Peter Boyer, dee'd, Defeuduuts, — The Centennial Excursion on Monday left nouncement, so that a few remarks will suf- the tract of about 100 ACRE^ of land in said causo IN CHANCERY, ON AN ATTACH WENT. Coustx CaoRT.—This Court is still Harrisonburg with two huudred passengers. as a revival meeting will follow the dedica- a little rock surmouuted by an adver- lurntionod, or no much thereof as may be necessary, Tho objeet of this suit is to recover of tho defendant fice on that subject. The principal also gave tising board. to the highest bidder. WUliam Good the sum of $64 89V- with interest there. in session, and will continue some days There were seventy tickets sold at this place catlon services will probably be continued Thin tract in nitnatcd near Elk Run, about throe ' on from tho fith of September, 1861, uidll paid, and to for a week or two at night. This church lectures and drills In parliamentary usages. The rock to be blasted lay beneath jnllen from Conrad's 8tore. in Rockingham county, atUch his estate In tho hnuds of the other defend'nts longer. The case of Commonwealth and one hundred and seven in Staunton. The vice-principal delivered several lect- aud is part of the land formerly purchased by Dr. 8. and subject it to the payment of Hstd debt* aud cost*. Carrie, second daughter of G. S. Christie, building, which has just been completed, tbe surface between tbe little island and P. H. Miller under a decree in said cause. And affidavit being made that the.defendant William ws. Henry Baiaes is reported else- stands as an enduring monument to the pa- ures ou elocution and class arrangement in Hallet's Point. Government scows TERMS One-third of the purchase money paya- Good ia a uon-re*Ident of tho 8tiite of Virginia, was thrown from a horse on Monday even- general. Prof. L. P. Slater had a very in- ble in hand; the remainder in equal p«5'roents at one It ia ordered that he do appear hero within one ■where. tience, perseverance and untiring efforts of a and police and emigration boarding and two yearn, bearing Interest—tbe purchaser to ex- month ofter due publication r f this order, and answer ing. She was dragged a short distance and teresting algebra class, and bis closing lect- steamers and hundreds of bnrges and ecute bonds with good pcraonal seenrity, and a lieu the Pla'utKTs bill, or do what is neceraary to protect T. W. Rhineheart, tried for assault sustained some injuries about the head and few meiubdfa of that congregation—promi- to be reialned as ultimate security. bin interest, and that a copy of this order be pub- nent among those, and deserving of special ure was full of the most practical sugges- row-boats lay between New York and Bept21-4w WM. B. COMPTON, Comm'r. lished once a week for four tncceasive weeks in the and battery upon Geo. K. Movers, was shoulders. Old Commonwealth, a newspaper published In Harri- notice, are Messrs. M. Shipplett and James tions, and evinced the skill and experience Ward's Island, about opposite 110th sonburg, Va.. and another copy ♦hereof posted at the found guilty and fined by the jury $300 Marcus B. Buck, who was charged with of the lecturer. Prof. Bucher delivered sev- street. DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE. front door of the Court-Honac of this county, on the Alexander. Though the work has been de- first day of the next term of tho County Court of said and costs. The Court added ninety forgery, has been fully vindicated.. The layed for want of means, and has in oonse eral valuable lectures on arithmetic. At 2 o'clock a faint puff of smoke JHAVK a very desirable Farm for sale, containing County. Teste: grand jury of Frederick county, after a full Miss Paul's work was very highly appre- arose from a scow, followed by the re- 174 Acres, situated in Augusta connty, on Na scptl 4-4w J. H. BHUE, c. o. o. u. c. days imprisonment. quence dragged slowly along for several ked Creek, 3 miles from Weyer'a Cave Depot on Valle Roller, p. q. I. N. Rhineheart, charged with as- investigation, refused to bring an indictment years, yet the completion is fortunately had ciated, and will do much to encourage ladles port of the first gun, and there was in- Railroad. LARGE BRICK DWELLING, against him. to teach. stant commotion, tbe crowds swaying large Barn, and all necessary out-bnildingH /PfvJBn EORGE KLINE Complaiuant, sault upon George Fawcett, with in- now at an auspicious moment, when the two —oil good. Two branches of Naked Creek ;ii ifffl The lecturers will be mentioned In the or- about in their eagerness to get a good run through the farm. A splendid OR- Wtn. Knnpp .* ...... Dcfeudsnt, tent to maim, disfigure, disable or kill, The Valley Normal School of Brldgewater great branches of the Church, North and CHARD; good water at the door. starts this y»ar under more favorable cir- der of time. Rev. B. B. Uigbee, D. D., Pres- standpoint Cries of "down umbrel- TEHMH—One-third cash; the Italance in four equal In Chancery in the Circuit Court of Rackiagham. ■wus found guilty of assault and battery South, have, in a true Christian spirit, ami- las!" were unheeded. Ten minntes annual paymouta. For further pdrticulars addrens Extract from Pee-ee r« udered ou the 15th of July, eumstauces than ever. Higher classes have cably settled all past differences, and are ident of Mercersburg College. Pa, delivered H. J. SHOWALTER. 1876:-'••On com ideration whereof it is adjudged, or- and fined by the jury $175 and costs. five lectures to the student-teachers and two later there was another report, and a dared and decreed, that thin cause be re:tired to a been organised, and the teachers are zealous starting forward iu a new and brighter career Cowan s Station, Rockingham county. Va. Master Oommit-Bloner with inatructions to examine, Tbe trial of T. W. Rhineheart, in their diittes. New pupils are entering to tbe public. Subjects—intellectual quali- deep hush fell npon tbe multitude.— June92tdeul Btaie and nettle the fo lowing nccouutn; of prosperity. Stillness was complete and unbroken lut—An account of the real estate subject to the lion charged for same offence against Geo. every day. New Goods.—Our merchants, together fications of teachers, moral and religious of the complainant, its fee simple and annual rei tai qualifications, the necessity of law and or- from them until the third gun, at 10 NEW HARDWARE STORE I valiK; Fawcett, was commenced yesterday If you want a cheap suit of Clothes go to with our esteemed friend the junior mem- minutes to 3, which was followed pre- 2d—An account of the liens againet tbe same, and der, the value of correct primary instruction, the order cf their priorities: morning. C. N.'Harper, he will save you some money. ber of the firm at the depot,' are purchasing cisely at 9 minutes to 3 by the explo- 3d- Any other account wl Ich any party in interest See his sign, Post olllce Building. P. S.— their fall and winter supplies this week, and the relations of teachers to parents, the rela- may require or the CoinmlHeioner deem of iniportar.ee. Rev. Warwick Rhue of the Baptist tions of parents to teachers aud the future sion. In a straight and seemingly In hiking the al>ov.« a-couutn notice by publication Send your old clothes and have them reno we may look for a perfect avalanche of dry narrow line running north and south Hhall he oonivaleut to personal service of potice." Church qualified to celebrate the rites vated and repaired. Satisfactiou iu ever;* goods with the advent of October. of our youth. These lectures were the pro- Ail pvrties interested will take notice that I have duct of profound thought and scholarly mas- for about three hundred yards .the wa- fixed ou MONDAY, THE 2KD DAY OF OCTOBER, of matrimony. parlicular. Mr. E. J. Johnson, who took time by the ters whitened and rose evenly three or ROHR, SPRINKEL & CO. 1H76, at my office in Harrisonburg. an the time and tery of subjects, and were delivered in a re- pls.ee of tnkliiff paid •oeoniit«. at wblch aaid time and P. M. Whitlock was appointed com- The Shenandoalv Valley Agricultural So- forelock by purchasing his stock a week or four feet high. A dull thud wne beard, HAVE opened, in their now room, two doors North place you will attend and do what ia necpsnary to pro- two iu advance of the others, is now busily markably winning and eloquent style. The rocks trembled beneath the feet of tbe of the Poat Office, Main Street, Harrison- tect yonr reHpeetlvo intorestn in the premiHes. mittee for his insane daughter, Eliza ciety will hold their annual Pair, on their lecture delivered by your honor to the teach- burg, Va., a full aud complete assortment of Given under my hand aa Commissioner in Chaucery, Jane Dickson. grounds in Winchester, on the lOih, llth, engaged in exchanging his goods for a cur- multitude as from two quick, short thin 5th day of Bontemher. 1376. rency which, strange to say, has received no ers was so highly appreciated that moral in- pulsations of earthquake. Tbe water, nept7-4w PENDLETON BRYAN, C. C. Wiufield Liggett obtained usual cer- lith and 13th days of October. We tender struction wag a topic of conversation wherev- EMLISH AND AHBE1CAK HARDfABE, Roller, p. q. thanks to the Society for a complimentary attention from the great political parties of which appeared to remain stationary tificate of the Court to apply for license er opportunity afforded it. The same is true OUR STOCK EMBRACES BF. LINCOLN'S Admiuiatrator.. ..Complainant, card of admission. the country, and has wholly failed np to this for an instant, broke and spurted up in IRON. STEEL. HORSE SHOES. NAILS. NAIL-RODS, • vs. to practice law. time to produce any agitation in the ranks of your excellant lecture to the people on in irregular dar yellowish masses about HOUSE-NAILS, GARDEN AND FIELD HOES, D. H. Ralston. B. B. O., and na such adujiiiiutrator d. "TheGreat London Pavilion Show"—three State education. It will exert a wonderful BAKFS, SHOVELS, SPADES, SCOOPS, b. n. of James Hopkins, dee'd.. Win. K. Hopkins, Naturalization papers granted to shows In one—exhibited in Harrisonburg of the hard or soft money factions. twelve feet high, mixed with dark AXES. HaTCHKTS, HAMMERS. fTHAP Hannah J. Bare. Archibald Hopkins. J. Hlcktnau Sold Out.—James W. Barges has sold his influence upon such as were not very favor- smoke from the dynamite. Then it AND T HINOFS, WROUGHT AND and Joseidilive his wife. KIteabith A. Hopkins, H. B. John C. Eaglebage, a former subject of- last Friday, and was well attended. We able to the school system. Prof. Pendle- CAST BUTTS. SCREWS, HarnHberger and M. Harvey Efiiuger,..Defendants, stock of confectioneries and notions to Wm. fell back, and iu a moment tbe river BOLTS. SHOVEL. FORK In CUaurery in Circuit Court of Rocklncham. the Emperor of Germany. have nothing to. say about it, except that be- ton's lectures and drills were of an exceed- resumed its usual peaceful aspect. BROOM HANDLES. Extract from decree ren 'ered at May Term, 1876:— fore the three shows combined they must R. Fallis, who will continue the business at LOCKS or EVERY DESCRIPTION. GLASS. PUTTY. "Tide cauao is leferreel to one of tho Commissioners Chas. E. Fabrney was appointed and the old stand. Mr. B., will now devote his ingly practical character. They lead teach- Then a mighty cheer arose from all tbe of this Court to Use an acoouut of the amount of the have been miniature afi'airs. ers to work, work systematically, and with Plainiiffa claim, au-i any other c'nlms or debt" against qualified as Registrar at Timberville, whole time to his business as Constable of northeast side of the city and from dissTons saws, the estate of James Hopkins, dee'd. together with any in the place of Henry Rife, resigned. There has been a slight change in the Ashby District. all their might. Pr6f. Lindon, of this coun- steamers aud boats, and steam whis- Hiinrt. Urom-cut »nd Mill S.wn, Chlnel, ol every do- other matters deemed poitineot, or specially required running of trains on ^he Baltimore & Ohio ty, delivered a lecture on physical geogra- by any party intores ed." The estate of Samuel Betchell was Removal.—Messrs. Wise and Shipplett, tles were blown and bells were rung •criptiau, Table end Pocket Cutlery. Scineor., linior. The parties to this suit and all others intersstod, or Railroad. The regular passenger and mail phy, which contained a fund of Information joyously, and all was over, and Strap., Sbeep and Pruning Shear., Mochanlca' to bo affected by tbe taking of the above s count, are committed to the Sheriff. blacksmiths, have removed to the large shop Tool, of every description; Anvils, Viaefl, Sludge, hereby notified that I have fixed upon THURBD^Y, train leaves Harrisonburg at ten minutes of recently vacated by Mr. Marshal, where in- and was very interesting. Maj. Jed. Hotch- Tbe report was scarcely noticed and Xugera and Ritta. Also a complete line of the 6 i'H DAY OF OCTOBER 1876 at my office In Har- Will of Anthony Rhodes, Sr., dee'd., eight o'clock in the morning, and arrives at not the smallest fragment of rock was risonburg. as the time and pi ce of taking tbe same, at creased facilities will enable them to meet kisa presented the geography of Virginia in WACON AND STAGE HAMES, which time and place they will attend and do what is admitted to probate, and the estate half past five in the evening. a light so new and in such an attractive hurled up, and not so much as a rip- Trace, Breast, Halter and Tongue Chains. Coach and necessary to protect their r^-spactive interests. the demands of their rapidly increasing busi' Saddlery Hardware. Door Gougn, Hand, Cow aud Given under my hand as Commissioner in Chancery ■committed to D. H. Ralston, Sheriff, The proposition to subscribe $100,000 to uess. manner that teachers certainly will become ple was caused upon the water save just Sheep Bella, Coffee Mills. CurryCombs, of said Court, thia 4tli day of Heptembcr 1876. more diligent in studying and teaching the over tbe spot where the explosion took M;pt7 4w PENDLETON BRYAN, C. C. for administration. the Washington, Cincinnati and St. Louis Public Nuisance.—We mean tbe great Horse Cards and BmslxeB, Wm. B. Compton, p. q. Railroad will be voted on by tbe people of number of hogs, of all ages, sizes and root- geography of our wonderful State. After place. There was no concussion of air, and not a pane of glass was bro- PUMP FIXTURES, AC. ALSO, AB. ARMENTHOUT (JJpmplolnant, Raines-O'Donnell Murder Case.— Rapabannock county on the 14th of Cctober. ing powers, which are allowed to run at the examination the examiners, J. Hawse vs. and J. K, Campbell, addressed the teachers ken in the city or on Ward's island. HEATING and LOOKING STOVES, George# W. Ysnoey Defendant, This case was brought to a close on Page county, on a similar proposition, will large in our streets every day. And when vote on the 17th of the same month. ou important subjects in scbool management. Immediately after the explosion and in fact everything to be found in a first-class hard- In chaucery In tha Circuit Court of Rockingham. Monday, the jury rendering a verdict we add to these the fleas, which seems to be hundreds of row-boats set out at their ware store, all of which wjus bought fxclusively for Extract from Decree rendered on tbe 8tb day of Au- The Tilden and Hendricks Reform Club the Bashi-Bszouhs of this army of pokers, On Friday night, August 25th, the lusti- cash, and will be so.'d a* cheap as flrat-claBs goods can gust. 1876. in vacatioa;—"Ou consideration whereof, of "involuntary manslaughter" and im- best speed for Hell Gate, each anxious be sold. , it is sdjudgoi . oidored and decreed that thta cause bo of Harrisonburg will meet on Monday night the infliction reaches a point almost beyondj tute closed with public exercises, which were 4tM~Tlie public Is rrtipectfuny invited to call and referred to a Maater Commissioner, with inatnicllous posing a fine of $100. In pronouncing entertaining, very Instructive, and highly to have tbe honor of first passing over examine oar stock. to fxamJnc, atate and scttlo the following accountH:— next. The eloquent Keilly, of Richmond, endurance. Yours, L. the scene of the explosion. That the ^OHBERS FOE LEATHER AND GUM BELT- 1st—An account of tlm real ertite aubj-ct to tlm lien sentence, Judge Q'Ferrall added thirty has been invited to address tbe club on that appreciated by a large audience. ING SOLICITED. of the coraplaluant. its foe aim lo and auunal rental In conclusion, we thank 6ur students, our work was effectnallr done is the gen- vaius; 2d—An aocouut of'he liens agaiuet tho same, days in jail, and thereafter, until said occasion. Turn out, everybody, of whatever [FTom the New York Herald.] eral feeling, and this also appears from ROHR, SPRINKEL & CO. and the order of their priorities: 3d—Any other ac- assistant instructors, out lecturers, our State March 30, 1876. count which any party Inton ated may require, or the fine be paid. nationality, race or previous condition. Soutiiern Hen in Congress. tbe fact that tbe police boats passed ( ommlssioner deems of importance. Superintendent, our examiuers and our citi- Iu taking the above ac ounts. notice by publication Before tbe jury determined upon the, It was reported heie last week that Geo. zens for their united effort to make the In- over the spot safely. The tide has WHE ATJSEE DIIMC. ahall bo equivalent to por->ona! service." Amiss, of this town, an employee of the B. A Western republican organ re- been materially obanged by tbe explo- All parties Intereste vill take notice that I have •verdict rendered, they stood seven for counts tbe number of members of the stute the best by far that we ever held. sion and tbe new current sets directly WHANN'S fixed on MONDAV, THE 2nd DAY OF OOTOBEK. & O. R. R., was dead. We saw him a few A. Hkichenbach, PrlncipaL 1876, at my office In Harrisonburg. ss the time and absolute acquittal, four for imposition days ago and he informed us that tbe report present House of Representatives who on Big and Little Mill rocka They place for taking said acc muts, at which said time and A. L. Funk, Vice-Principal. place you will attend »n I do what la ueceaaory to pro- •of fine and one for imprisonment in was not true. He fell from a wagon in which sewed in the,rebel army, and complains will have to be exploded next. Raw-Bone Super-Phosphate, tect your interest in the premises. that so many of them should now be Given under my hand as Commissionei in Chancery, tbe penitentiary. he was transferring freight, and had bis hip MAXUFAOIUIUED DY this fith day of September. 1876. < > severely injured, but is not dead. sent to Congress and that a number of Let the Government Explain. sepiT-4w PENDLETON BRYAN, 0. C. them were made chairmen of commit- STUPENDOUS ARRIVAL WALTON, JiVHANN & CO., Fall and Winter Fashions.— Geh. J. G. Walker, of ' Texas, a gallant It has no doubt struck candid peo- LWOODSON'S Admiuiatrator Complainant, tees. It speaks of "Confederate su- OF SPLENDID "WllmlnBton. JJelwwnro. s v*- publish this week on the first page, es- soldier who commanded « division in the premacy," and tries to alarm its read- ple as rather odd that the only prom- Julia A. Washington, Thomas wkshington John Dli- pecially for the ladies, a chapter on army of Gen.' Lee, together with his family, ers and to excite their hostility to inent man whose "income return" has ler True toe for Julia A. Wsshiugton, John K. Myers, THIS well-known F.rtiliznr, which for th. r««t and 8. R. Ali^baugh, late 8. H. C. and as such Ad- Fall and Winter fashions. It has been is at the Revere House. He is pleased with southern men, not on the ground that been put within reach of the public Fall & Winter Ooods! sixteen yftRP. h.. been UHcti with gratifyintf .uo- ministrator of Jacob Arroentrout, deo'd Defta. the Valley, and is here with a view of par- press by the Government should be ce.e, I. aifoin offered to Farmer, u one of the most In Chancery in Circuit Court of Rookingham County. said that to be out of tbe fashion was these have mlsconduuted themselves in Extract from Decree rendered at April Term. 1874: chasing a farm for a summer residence. We Congress, but on tbe score that in the tbe Democratic candidate for Presiden- THOROUGHLY RELIABLE MANURES ••And this came ia referred to a Commissiousr of equivalent to being out of the world, will welcome him to our county. cy. The curious significance of this this Court to ss-ertain aud report any lisns on tho 50 late war they served in The rebel army. in the muket. Kntwlthstanilliiff th. high character acres of land in the bill aud prooeedlnga mentioned." so those who would know more of the . •—t ■*■«•«» This is a very unworthy plea, and is, fact will be lessened by the following H. E. WOOLF'S hitherto poueeMd by The parties to the above entitled cause, sud all oth- latest styles, can find it in "Demorest's reply of the Cincinnati Commercial to ers to b • affected by the taking of the above ncoounts, Land Sale.—John E. Roller, com- besides, more calculated to offend de- FASHIONABLE are herebr notified that I hsve fixed npon THURS- Port Folio" and "Demorest's What to cent and thoughtful republicans than a correspondent inquiring after the DAY. TH E 6th DAY of OCTOBER. 1876. at my offica missioner in tbe cause of Bauseman "income returns" of Governor Hayee: in Harrisonburg. as the time and place of taking the Wear and How to Moke It," the stand- to win voles. The war is over. What RAW-BONE SERUP PHOSPHATE, same, when aud where they will attend and do what is vs. Bauserman, &o., sold oa Friday tbe best interests of the conntry de- "General Weltxel has not refoaed an ex- necessary to nrotect their respective intetasis. ard authorities in fashions. These amination of Oov. Hayes's Income returne. its standard thlrf year has been GREATLY IMPROVED Given under my hand as Commissioner in Chancery last an undivided half interest in seven mand is that all parts shall send their The returns by Hayes were made in the 1! by a liberal addition of POTASH and of the Cinsuit Court of Rockingham. this 6th day of magazines are on sale at H. E. Woolf's ablest men to Congress. In tbe South- Ssptembor, 1876. acres of land, lying near McGabeys- Second District, and are in-an enormous INCREASED SOLUBILITY. sept7-4w PENDLETON BRYAN, C. C dry goods house. ern States, as eierybody knows, and as mass of papers that cannot be thoroughly Wm. B. Compton, p. q. villo, and formerly belonging to Wm. FAftMRUB era rarnestly invited to uu THIS FEK- General Sherman and other Union offi- examined without much skilled latair. Ladies' Dress Geods a Specialty, TILIZEU for their TO Martin Propat and Malflnda His B. Yancey, tft Joseph Bauserman for cers long ago recognised, the brains There is a department regulation against wife.—Take notice that, pursuant to tho stetato Relief for Savannah Sufferers.— showing those returns. This was made AND IN ALMOST ENDLESS VARIETY. in such ••ase randn and provided. I ahall move the Oir- $251. and ability did go into tbe rebel army. PALL SEEDING. euit Court of Rockingham county, ou the first day « The Hebrew citizens of Harrisonbarg eome years sgo to stop the general publica- On Wlint It inrarlalily produce, edmlrable result., the October Tfcrm next, for permission to remove the "held a meeting on Sunday last, and It is very natural, therefore, that men tlou of them, and is still in force." Everything in the way of and with tbe Impravcmont in it. chnracter Just intro- proceeds arising from the sale of the real estate of Al- THE UAlUMSOMIURa KEPUULICAN who served iu that army should now duced, it. effect, will be .till more atrlking. len Joseph and Sarah Jane Joseph, infant children of appropriated and sent twenty dollars How comes it that the New York For eelo by <*. W. T-A-BB, Albert Joeeph. doo'cl, to the Htate of West Virginia, CLICK. be chosen to go to Congress. It is not Dry Goods Cheaper than Ever. wherein tho said infant ebildren now reside, to assist in relieving the victims of jel- only natural but right. Brains, ability, Time* produces what it calls a fac- M.nufacturer'. Agent, ilarrieouburg, Va HENRY KEIBTKR. Guardian simile of Governor Tilden's income re- August lUtu of Allen and Sarah Jane Jo-eph. low fever at Savannah. It was not McGaiieybvillk, Sept. 25th, 1870. influence, character, must tell in every sept7-4w Bk COUNSEL. Mn. Editor :—I see by the Common- turn, if there be "a regulation still in COME I COME I COME! Can't be nude by every .gent every month sent to tbe Jews of that unfortunate community, and ought to. It is the force against showing" it? Can It be In the buslnes. wo furnish, but tho.e wil- WEAI.TH that the Republicans held a con- " fault of the Republicans themselves —AND— ling to work ran easily earn n doren dol- OFFICE CO. HUP* ' OF SCHOOLS, I citr, but contributed to the general re- ventioq in Harrisonburg uu lust Court Day, possible that the so called fao simile is Urs . day right In their own locahUes. Hauuisonhuro, Va.. Sopt. 18. 1876. | and appointed me ono of the alternates to that the brains of tbe Southern States VIEW THE GRANDEST DISPLAY Have no room to •xplalu here. Uuslneaa pleasant aud To the TeucHcrn of llorklugHum County* lief fund for the benefit of all. This are now so general ly ranged db the really a fabrication of tbe Times, or a houorabl.. Women, and boy. and ctrla do a. well a. TT AVI NO secured tha sarvices of Mr. M. Lindon. the Staunton Republican Lonveution. Re- production of the "skilled labor" of —OF— men. Wo will hirnl.h you a oomideto OutAt free.— X 1 of Mt. Crawford, to deliver a serins of FREE action of the B'nai Brith is very com- garding my selection as an Alternate, I have Democratic side. With only fairly good The buslueBB pays bettor than auithiug else We will LECTURES during tho coining Winter at a number only to say that when there is work to be Decoy Bliss ?—N. Y. World, bear uxpeuso of atarting you. Particulars free. Write of accessible poiufce in thlH connty, on the subject of mendable, and an example our other management a large part of tbe most CiiQice, Cheap, Fashionable Dry Goods and see. Farmers and mechauies, their sons aud Coinparative Pbysh'sl Geography, exhibiting and ex- done for no reward, I can be called upon iuflueutial Southern politicians and doaghiers. and all classes in need of paylug work at plaining Vbe use of Prof Guyot's Wall Maps, Teachers citizens should follow. to go forth ; hut when thkue is money to Two eminent Louisiana Republicans, » YOU EVER SAW. home, should write to us and learn all about tbe work and patrons of the publio schools visited by Mr. L. he received It is pocketed by the Harrison- statesmen would to-day be firm ropub- at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Addreos are esimeatly rcquustod to'turnUU hl>n all nocess ry burg click, or some scalawag who joins the licans. But they have been rejected Messrs. Piucbback and Warmotb, are Tbdk t Co., Abgnsta, Maine. ^ sapT-tf aid and euconragemeut iu the prosecution of this 1 49*Headquarters tor Dime. Dcmorest'o couimeudablo work. J- HAWSE. The Attention oub Readers is I party lor money and not from principle. 1, by the republican leaders, and this is disgruntled, aud will take no part in Faslxions—the leading Parisian aud American fash- Rept21-at Co. Bup'l of Schools. called to the advertisement of Timber-. therefore, decline to act with the party. one of the blunders which, the wiser tbe coming campaign iu that State.— ions. Patterns for every kind of ganuuut worn by CHANGE OF PBOPR1ETORS. HOUSE IN THOR- W. B. Reed. both sexes, of all ages. AUo, just received, Madame OUGH ORDER. lake & Bell in another column. Tboy republicans, among them Governor Mr. Warmotb has decliued to run for Demorest's Portfolio of Fastoans, am A 'What to Wear.* SPECIAL NOTICE. The above is a letter from one of the orig- Hayes, now openly recognize. To cast Congress, and will not do anything to SPOTSWOOD HOTEL, mHE firm of Gordon k WUHsris baa been dissolved have just laid in a full and varied stock COME AND SEE! HAUiUBO.NlUIKO, VA. JL by mu usl eonsent, snd I have purchased the eu- inal Republicans of our couuty. He is a suspicioa upon such men is not good help iu tbe election of Packard for tire interest of said Williams iu all the claims cf the of dry goods, boots, shoes, &o., and for ; man of good sense and iudependenpe. Just the Governorship. Mr. Pinobbaok is YAHOEY & L0WEHBA0H.. Proprietors. said ftno of every description whatever. All persons policy. WE CANT TELL YOU THE HALF! kuowing themsHvcs to be indebted lo ths lute firm cash offer them at low figures. TheI ! such a man as cannot be led by cliques or coming North to see what is going on 8. M. Uowmak, Manager. U. MoCkkey. Clerk. ore rrqu-'ated to come forward au1 octtlo with must ggr-EntertaiBBient firat-olasa. bpeclal atUmtlon to tiuuo as longer ludulgenoe cunuot be giveu. I cau bo store is conducted by Messrs. Coyloi |t narlies. Who comes next Y ho says. the comfort ol guceta. Omuihua to and from all the fouud either at Mrs. Warrcu'R or at niy office ubovu During tbe recent rains tbe Rappa- ga-REKEMUKB THE PLACEI-U* tnUa.trains. ™Yelograph olhce is Uio lluUh tbe Adsma Express office, and Kerr, polite and attentive clerks, to hanuock river at Frederioksburg rose Cgaa, A. TAXCEV, I ssptil-tf J. N. GORDON. II. D. whom it is no trouble to show goods. Rev. D. F. Bittle, Prosideutof Roau- seventeen feet above bigb tide, and Baltimore wos visited by two disas- H. E. WOOLF, /. A. uowzhbacu. ) tseptlt 1 I'M UK It ivAKTi:0—In exchange for awn- oke (Jollege, Sulem, Va., died suddeuly considerable damage was caused along trous coufiagrationa last week, and the BB1.H. RUl'NP TOP CEMENT, lur wtb by J grui. Apply tj '111 OH. J K Ell AN. Gold iu New York Monday 110. uu Monday night. its buuks. t. iunscs urc cstiiuuted ut $300,000. lu from ot Comt-Uuiiae, bibcit Suliduig. 100 UiiJ Tit LI 11 hit * UAsdMA.N. suptU iLf UiUis -aUarg. \ a. RAILROADS. PROFESSftVNAL CARDS. BALTIMORE ABVERT&EHENTS ^BUSINESS CARPS. DRUGS, &C. HARDWARE. Old Commonwealth, WASHINGTON CITY. VA. MIDLAND A GKKAT JAMES kbknby, 1 SOUTHERN RAILROAD. AXTORNEVtATO-AW, Hajiiu-OWU Ke.-VA.'- aTh. WiiSON, j-A-Tvuias Xj. .kxvxs, Treiber 6c Gassman, IIMIIUSONBCBO, V-V SEIT. 28, 1S7C ap lo VI ,■ T Mftrtdlo nnd llarnONH Maker, DRCdOIHT AND PHARMACIST. j a.rC HARUlHONBrKOv YA.. MEADET. WHITE, GENERAL DEALERS IN Doable Dally Trains between Baltimore and ATTORNCY-AT-UIW. Stacntok Va.—'Conrti: Ai* Would respectfully say to the the Sou tli and South went. 1'OLITICAI. NOTES. JfaW public that he has sold out his *^LOVES, CIKNAMOX. ALLSPICE, Commencing SUNDAY, SEPT. 17th, Pasaenger Traln»' KUMta, II(m kbridgv aut UuclJ.y SATISFACTION OUARANTEfeDl AND ALL KINDS OF SPICES, WE have In stock a large variety of Hardware, 10.15 p. m. ■0 PIANOS No matter what others infty tell yon, who deal in embracing the following artlolea: Leovo Baltimore J.l* »• 12.00 p; m. Tiideu. seciVud-Class Northern.made goods, d« not fail to call For ©ale ul.thii loweet price© ©t D1H8TON HAND AND CKOSS-CUT SAWSj •• Wasblngton.... T.1B a. m. 12. ai at nu \\ A. daiNqerfielK xml tee me before purchasing, Ohio Bench Planes; •• Alexandria | 7.B0 ' 4 Oft a. nu Col. A. H. Fenn, of Conn., who waa ATTOR\'EY-AT-I.AW. TTARIGitG, VA. jr^-offiro Having rermved tiro higUeut eijconuvims wherever .JAMES L. AVIS- DRUG STORE. Steel and Iron Squares; Rules and Spirit Levels; •• Gordonsville.... 13.2® P ® tho republican candidate for Secretary South bUIo of the Pn'blic Square, in Switzcr'e new they ftaVH bcish introduced. I keep on llnnd mid ftendy For Sale Socket Framing Chisels; *• Cborlottosvllle.. huildlritr jHUlO-pr «• Firmer do Arrive at Lynchbnrg. of Stale last year, has declared for Mifle of tlo very W Materials tlirfliiEliiiat, rAdh-u* and Gent's Saddles nnd Bridles, of all, styles, Turning Gouges aud Chisels: Arrive at Danville Tilden. CUAb. A. YANCEY. BD. «. COSnAI). and prices: MartUigales, "Wopon Stwidles, l'B^mors COAL OIL, LAMPS, natehete aud Hatohrt Handles; Arrive at Dundee,.... YANCEt & COXRAlD, they are neverlludess offbfed at'prices thnt will oom- Il^rnuss. Carriikgo ahd Buffgy Harness, all coniploln; LOCKS OF ALL KINDS| The New York Tribune den mi not r pure faVorabiy with tliosc nt any lirst-cinMs luamiluc- Cart Harness Collays, Boddlery Trliniulngs, Blankets BURNERS, LANTERNS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, Strap and T Hinges; NORTH BOUND. ATTORNKYS-ATaLAW knn INfiHRAXCR AGENTS, tory on tblM continent, 'the best la alxhtys the cheap- Whip*. Saddle Oirtha. Brushes, Ac... and oh to pricefl I Patent Smoothing Irons: the nomination of General B. F. Bot- HABnsnoNhVKO, Va. #S-0111co—No^ LaW RuiMlUR, est, and heuoo pni-chaserr. of HTIKFJf Pianos will dud i and «inWlty of goods defy competition from any source. end overytblng In the Lamp Good© line, for ©ale at Trace Chains; Halter and Cow Chains: West Market atreot. jaul4-y a satisffi lpry oquivplent for their money. 1 wttfrant ray work to last, and to bo marie of the Breaat and Tongue Chains; Le.ve Dundee Daily 0 00 a. m. 4.00 p m. ler for Conpresp, and say a the republican Tlio mffitiaqunliiy dt their instrnnients is hilly at- I best tnkierinl. Call on tne before purchnsing. JAMES L. AVIS' Drilg Store. Spring Balancee; Stock and Dies; Danville 9 04 •• 4.15 pm- partv cannot afford to have hiui for a JJOGETr & LUUTY, testedt. by thh. rnhny EdUcntionul au»l other InW^tu- i Jfi|-tttiop near tho Lutheran Ghlirch, Main street, Boring Machines; " Lynchburg .... 19.03 " 8.50 p. m tiona, lp tho Southern States ospeclally. where over decn-lf A. H. WILSON. FILES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS; " CUarlotU'BVllle 3.17 p. m. 12.38 a. ul. representative. PBACTICK LAW In nil Hie Uollrln. luferlnr. Appnl- 400t' are m didly use. nnd by the nnanimmiK vt;rdlf public life, prouosea tufdevote bin whole tiiro DEALERS IN PULLMAN SLEEPER dally, Without change het>»en tbe enthusiasm of the victors, white to his profosslou. Corrospoudenoe and buHiness his Hub: WATCHES, CLOCKS, JKW-r-V Baltimore and New Orleans, leaving Baltimore luwpc and colored, was unbounded." will receive prompt attention. E^RY, AC. 1 would call special attentiou to JAMESjftmkv haL. #aviwAVIS'S v viiwihDRUG wSTORE, ■ wbiw| a • 1 T 1 At m. Also Sleeper© between Baltimore and Lyuchborg, my large ussortment of tShukjIn 1 by night line. Nearly Opposite the Revere audand Spotswood Hotels, A SiTlClll wUZ llXiplOlUOZl wS I Centennial Eacundon Tickets to Philadelpbia oi* CHAS. T. O'FERRALL, SFEIOT^OX-iETS, isale, good for thirty day©, and through ticket© tip SEWS ITEMS. ih Gold. Silver and Steel, f have also the Brazillnn HARRISONBPBQ,HARRISONBURO, VA. HARD WARE. the South and Went at lowcet nton. ATTORXF.Y-AT-LAW. Hauuthonhuug, Va., practices Pebble Spi ckaclea. 1 keep a large stock of SILVER G. J. FOUEACHE, Gen. Manager.- '.n all the Courts of Rockiughnnt, tho Federal Courts AND PLATED WARE. J. M. BRuADUS. Gen. T. A. The dnterpnso of tbe Western press ©tat iium«onimrR,IIurTisonlmrg, .and tirotuu Courtso.iurt« ofat Appeal©Appeals st©t I moHt respectfully invite the public and liiy friends 1856. ESTABLISIIBD 1856. NAILS, SPIKES, STEEL. STOVES, is, such» just* . now, .,that a man can haroj. .r StauntonBuiMinn." andnad np Winchester.Winehcater. •tair*. j^'OlUceH.-Olllce iuin "SibePt""Sibert 7 o glvo me a call before parchnslug, ns I feel assured Building," up stslrs. THE STANDARD OF THE WORLDT that I can give satisfaction both Inin quality and price. * TT VT Af.lffl Ilorno Hltoc*©., ©Sto.. • Valley Railroad. ly hurst his galluses at a country daucu —•- ; Over, 300 Modifioation®. UfyWatches,aarWatobe©, ClocksClock© andaud Jewelry repaired in thetho I, U I M JuK. XI. UX X. ON and after Monday, July 17th, I Wwsr. B. cdMPTON, best manner audand warranted.wan-anted. jnncl " SUCCESSORS TO JONES BBOTUEBS without becoming historical. M. f13. C'OMPTON, TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF EVERY BUSINESS 1870, Tralna will run as follows: | t att-. , , .. . e ii (Late(Latf opof WoodsonWoonaon >:: C'ompton.)-Coaiftiik.) will continuecontlnno thetbe EAST/ •j U-niCS JMcJJoUttkl, OBCrGtary Ot tUG PructlceFructice ofLnwof Law inIn the CCourtsourts t>fof Rocklngham; the BEAUTXFULANDGOOD. T)J^TJQQJgT —Eut-Uarkct Street, No. 1. NaV?- Court of Appealsn>e 11 o ofl Virginia,vir,<1, a aandud Courtst;oult,i of01 thetl ! Uni-Cui FAIRBANKS & CO. 1 1 4.5n p. M. Coramou woult h, baa been appiuted Ad- Si'states'ted Statea. ' '' " ' ' " ' 166 BALTIMORE SI BALTIMORE-MD. A T.'TIIFULL T. ASSOUTMENTAUinilTMP-WT OFOW H ARB ISO NB UR G, VA. I.eate 8Unnton.j4«4..< 6.00 A. M. 4 56 ^ jutaut General, ad interim. Butlneb©Business Inin tbethe handsliandu ofof.tlio tho latrlate nrmfirm will bo attended •• Mill Brook a..6.10 •• " 6.06 •• " , , to aa-nsnai by tbe ©m-viviuspartner. [seaa Watclies, Jtjwelry, Silyer & Plated Ware, NEW LARGE DRUG BUILDING, MAIN ST.. •« Verona, 6.21 •• " to as jtymsl by the surviviug partner. [seO-I WE HAVE THE AGENCY FOB THE SALE Ot •« Fort Deflanco,©<4.4. < j«.0j1)6 " "M 6.15 •• 4••' U illuim Folkes, Esq., for a number —^ —— ^ T0ALL MEN--A SPEEDY CURE. CLOCKS, &C., THE CELEBBATED •• Mt. Sidney ^.43 •• 5.20 •• ' of years the popular and efficient O.O, W. BEUT.tN,UKIil.IN, Just bought at a great bargain, and RErxigO cheap HARRISONBURG, VA. •• Woyef's Cave 6/67 " " 6.30 " ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW. HAiKUMiNnniKuTA., will pran- for CAFH, by W. H. klTKNOUR. " Mt. Crawford, 7.14 *• " ciernclerk OIof Heuriconeuiico oouuiyCouutv UOUll,Court uiei.died attouney-at-law.tlc„ Uie C.nuUn of iiAiauwiNnnnn.VA., llockhiKhaio and a,lJolwiiiprao-nniK MMTEAKNESS of tbe Back or LImb©. Kidn4ys, RESPECTFULLY informs the public,and ospeclally " Ploanant Valley 7.2G " " r tlcv in the Uourtu of lUivkmuham anil wljolniuu \ V Bladder nud Uvinnry Organ,, Inveluutnry kSrWATCHES AND JRWKLRY carefully the Medical profession, that he has in store, 1 •*KELLER DRILL, Arrive at Harrisonbnrg 7.46 " " on b nday in the seventy-first year Ofi oountla©uumitiea and»u make and keep on hand at1 their shops, on Woolfe \ Feed Gutters, Cucumber Wood Well BaiibIsosduru. July 26, ISflfi. Arkansas, rn fclie idegislature, at tile BtntHSholdstHarrisouWWrg.Vn., and the Supreme Married perfuin© or young men'cqntemplafing ranr- street. Cull aud see us. JuueS-tf i otter for sale a large and well solecied asflortment and Cistern Pumps, Iron and Chain TWO TMAIXaY 3L.IiVE» loaf v]tAfHfin Court of Appeals hold nt Htauuton, Vs. I ridge, ©ufferiug from'Organic and PhyHioal Wenkne©©, embracing a varied stock, all warranted of tlio best (BVVV/L-in EXCEPTED) ia,ai» eitjctiuu. — rr-,—— Los© of Pruerentive Power, Impotency, I'roHlration. quality. Pumps, Cast Steel Shovels for Corn Eabaustod Vitality. Involuntary DiRcIiarge©. Non- JAMES A. HUTCHESON, I am prepared to furnish physidana and others Plows, Harpoon and Grapple Horse There are more than one million RpJNnfj'ETolS BKYAN, iBtfOlllltj. HnM.V'Eniustpp© Palultat.Um of Iba Heart, with articles iu ray line at as reasonable rates as any To Weyer's Care and Cave of Fonitos. children attending the schools in .part oommissioseuis.chaxcebyaspsvrxnxn'B- Nervou© Excitability. Deray of tho Pln-slcjll «nd Mrn- other establishment iu tho Valley. Hay Forks. Passengers can leave Harrisonbnrg in the morning, A , . -e-v . <« *7iH i L1C, IlAiuiitiONUUiui, V a.—AViII give ypet iui attcii- 1 FASHION ABLE TAILOR. Special attention paid to the compounding of Phy. spend tbo day at tho CaveH^Jmd return tbe same day; snpportea by the ieabonv llincl. tiou to the tuKiug of dcposUions nud ucknowledg bd Prtwor©. Derailgement of ©11 the vital Fore© © nnd sicians' Prescriptions. qa-BEl'AIUS ON HAND, ©t ©II time©, for ©11 th© or, leave Harrisonbnrg iu Ibe evening, remain a* Tha Thpr«xpeie willWill Lane moremrsro fhnnI.nan ^100^lOU.OUO 000 tnTIII! numtsauywhoronmnusauy| prej.areduod©. wuur.t Inni iiu3dutartii county lGsofaiircmmuit of01 Ilockingham.xtocRtngiiam. and otbelWli:»> iJJ IfcOOMS to Swltzci-'B new Bullrting, up ©talr©, op. PuhliA patronage respectfully solicited. Maohlno.ry wo ©oil. AIbh for th© Wood Itmpem ©ml Caves over tfigbt, and return tho next day. Any alsoa 81> prcj are doeclt*, articlcH of agr^uiue.nt( and iither pewit© the ofllee of the County Treasurer, where oct7 . L. ET. OTT© Mower©, Bradlov ©ud Sluclilu'a Blows. A full Hue of ufimber cgu be accortorOR^ated. distribution the eUBUing year, after contractswntraotiiIZomrvmymol'iut^ on vf>,-yvery modorato toruiB.tfirme. fi5*"jftB^bfflcojn1ffico in thetho ^©((u'nbfleaHot.©, 'speedily' removed and loll Manly he will bo pleaseil to watt upou those who call. Suti©- Traiua leave Parrisoffbirrg dolly (Sundays exeopted) . n ^ ••Sibert"Sibert BuUiUng,"BuUduig," Ramcsamo lately occupied by CountyCpnntj vigor restored. , factlou guarautoed In all eahee. (julyl0-niarl5-y at i I'ajing all expense. Treasurer,TrcftHurcr, (up stars.) ,[17^[17^y InclocC Btamp in use on roply. Address • ON LY HEM ED Y for HARD IT MES. ! staging from Weyer'a Cave Station! at 10.45 a. m. 1 DR. JOHNSTON, Returu)Z>g. leave tbeCavenat 4.30 p. in., arrive at Since the begining of tho year, 1,220 FF. COMPTON, 1 Hurnsonbnrg at 0 p. m. miles of railroad have been construct- attorney-a'i law", va.. w.i. pric Of the nnltimordtiOck HospHa . Office No. 7 South ' Change Your Surroundings. Trains leave Horrisonbnrg daily (Snmlsys ex opted)' ATTORNEY-Al LAW. IlARntsoNUuro. Va.. will prqe- Frederick efcreet, botwfcou Baltimore nud Second Sts., THE OLD RELIABLE it 0 25 p. m.. and airiive at Ilie Caves sit 8.'5 p. n.i. ed in tbe United otates. illis IS more ticotioo iniu thetho CourtsCourt« of Rockli!pham.Rwkiuphniu, August*Angii«3ta and ShenSheu- BaUjmorcf ^d. KJ-Jy'76 Relnmiug leave the CwVqvnt G a. m , aud urrivj at thoni II(in tvvinttiMiOO fknlUO mileagemilpnoA reporieurflnnrl^d IUin audOMhtioilH,andosh aud counties.couutloH. returns madePrompt at nitoutirinnttuutioiiouc#» upou given veceipt. totu oollrtccullrtc- Hi ALL wanting FRUIT FARMS, especially adapted H arisonburgHt 7.45 u. fn. . tioiiH, and returns made ut om;e upon receipt. :o ntHiH to the growl h of the ViNK, where it is an etstub- Round trip Mckets from Ifarri onl nrg to Wej- rs 1875. and a third more than in tbe coimcctwjjicouueuthMi wit^with the clerk'sUlerk'n om.uj( HBumj of^waof^fclrla »count"yG " : lished success and pays L * RQ K PRO FIT. The laud Cave or to Cut - of FouUldns $2.00. j • . • p i or- i will euoMcenable him totn give vahuiblhvaluahle'infnrrtfilihn.to inforMIUbliAto unittmil- is4«. SffliE WSK is also adapted to the growth of Peaches, Pears, Ap- For tirkefs apply at onr office or He skall k Co. » Corresponding pottion Ol Xo/d:. ergers and tinthoeii ISO intercHtedintcrcHted iu thn(ho recordsrecord* of this coun-couu LAND OFFICE! ples nud small lyuits; also, Grain, Grass and Vejota- Stage W. H. JORDAS, During the crop year ending August ty. iSTOftlco at111 thotlla Court-UouboCourt-llU!Ulri!8eutproseut.- EDWARID S. KE51PER, blcs. augd 4 Sitpt. V. K ». juu»24f m* : Many hundreds of excellent VINEYARDS, OR- Slst Baltimore sent more corn ncrc.es (IklinilOlX-VJVT,) CHARDS nnd FARMS, can now be seen. Oliesapujiku and (M:io llailronfl. the ocean than the ports of New Yi rk DJl.Dll. W. O. HILL, Fnrnin nnd ) Mills nnd THE LOCATION is onl> »4 miles south of Phi'adel- OrOss-Kle-yFp, "Vsl., Mineral i J. D. PRICE, Town phia, by Railroad, iu a mda, Ueligbtlul (dimatc, nnd at ON ©url iil'tur Mav M-t 1876, Paaauiigftr Tr.;.aa 00 PHYSKHAN A>iX) BURGEON. Office and residence, Properties. the very doorc of tho Now York and Philadelphia will run as follows: and, . Boston, . combined.. The... aggregate , . ehysicias-vii)one dourrtraif southhfiulb (ifof sunuxiox. RevereKnver© Honse.Haitsn. om.e ^11AUtall. ondreBidenn calls in towntow Luuds. ) Markets Another Railroad runs direct to Now York, Sblppea Jit the Just two Cities was but amiand cour.ti'ycoui.tl-y ilrompf/i/prowpf/v attoudOdattondfid to. janlU-yjanld-y Tk ESPECpFULUY invites the attention of his friendfl t THE PLACE is ahvady large, successful and pros- FROM STA UNTOft^- WEST WA Hf>. t\j und ilie puulld gcnenilly to the liberal offers ami i (icrous. Churches, Schools, aud other jirivilegcs are j Leave Stafmton 4.3.25 p.,m -f-lu a. .n 10,4011.204, bushels, wliile Baltimore — great bargains now tp.bh obtained at his riorcu From LAND AGENT! already establisbed. Also, manufactories of Shoes, 1 Arrive Goshen...... 4...... 5^»4 •* " r>.4s " ■• alone shipped 17,020,950 bushels. DU8.Dllfi. WiM.WM. .WILLIAMSW ILLIAMS & J. H. XEFFNEI'l- this date until I receive my Fall stock, 1 will sell uli Han-isonburg, Eocbingbam 0o,, Va. Clothing. Glass. Straw Goods, ond other things, nt MiVlboro .4.,. .444. -u/i!) " "1 ..... ,6 „. , . . I, , . HAVE THIS DAYDAT (DEC.(DfW. 1,1. 1875.)1H75.) ENTERED INTO A tl!6'goods on baud 1 which d.flerout members of a family can procure em- •• Covingfon ...7.00" 7 3.. Omcial returns from all but one oevnurtuershipcivnartuership for the PiiactickPraotiob OFof Meuicink.Medzcink. dDr. , - pl( ymoht. •• Allegbauy . <4.4.-.. 8,14 " " .... af30" ' . fnivn «nil HIT rrlontotinnn in \TninA frivw WillianiK.Williams, when noiprofoaHionalfynotprofo«rtioually engaged, can boI AT COST FOR CASH! OirtrXCi:; SIBEUT BUILDING, Boom, No. 1. If has been a HEALTH RESORT ior some years •• Whin-snlpbar...... -.8.30 • 44 ... .rtVi • ' town ami six pianranoDQin Maine Rive t0lfound",l(1 ut ^his ,oldolrt ortkte over Jus,TttK - L.L. Avis*Avi«.Drnflft«r Drug Store, My stock of Goods embraces every articlo required in second floor. past for people suffering from pulmonary affections Ron revert e 9.30" t.dl *' Connor, rep, 76,710 votes; Talbot, and Dr. NeirNoll' at hiBoincohis olllco over!©.over L. H.ott'aII. Ott's Drug HtqiHun o. the country) In DrV Gdods T have a full and splendid n Asthma, Ctiarrh, Ague, and debility; many tliouaaudt •• Hiuton 4.11.40 ».m lO-SO 44 Callsls lollk rt at eithercltl r plaoo1,1100 will,TiU lieb0 promptlyprou,ptty attendedn line of 0ASH1MEUES, COATINGS. VK-TINGS. I liavc many Porma and Town Proportlea on Lave entirely recovered. •• Kairav/baFalls...30 '•44 «• 1-15 p dem., 60,25 L ; scattering 529. This is <£to. ' "' .d^cU-tl>^) S • cloths; cassinets, twkeds. Cottonades ut hand for sale, which do not appear in this colunui. a new Brick Hot/il has 'nst been compietedr 100 feet •• CharicBtou ....6.51 *' 2.56" " the largest vote, ever polled in the .— . 15c and ISo; LADIES' DRESS GOODS at 12^; late Parties wishing to purchase would do well to call and front, with back buildings, four stories blgb, includ- •' liuntington... ..,.48.9.30-' •• 6.05 " style Plaids. Marmora Suitings, Calicoes, &:o., In end- sen me before making their purcUase, as I am certain ing French roof; aud all modern ituprovementsfor the •• Cincinnati G.OO.i State. DK. HIVES TATUM, less Varicity. at they will save money. accommodation of visitors. EAST'WA RD FORMERLY of tho firm of Ooiidon. Williams k Ta- Price of FARM LAND $25.0(1 pevacre payable by in- Leave Staunton at ^OfflO A. M... .UffJU I'. M tum. oilers his profcssfcoual services to tivu pnbjic. A desirable HOUSE and LOT iu Dayton, Va. Price, stallrneuts, within tbe period of Joy y/ars In cbiH Arrive at Clianoftesvilln...-4 411:0f) A. M.. .12:07 A Office over (he Rockiugliam liuulc. whore he can al- PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. $75000. _ . "r;climate, planted out to vinos, 20 acres of land will •• Lynchbnrg 44.<:16 I* M.. * ways ho found when not professionally engaged. Sly stock of Greceries. Hard ware, Qut'Cnsware, Hats, Several Town Properties in Harrisonbnrg. Desira- ^count fully as much as 101) acres further norfikr, •• Oordonsvirie....4 412:00 4• 1:13 •r r' ■CialIm loft at James L. Avis' Drug Store promptly at- Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Books, Stationery, Ac., is full ble aud cheap homes. Persons unacquainted with Fruit Growing, can be- •• Washinpton...w.4. .4^0 • 4 .,.f^:25 r touded to. • declC-y and complete, aud offered at astonishingly low prices. 19ACRES OF LAND—portion of it in tbe corpora- rocome faiulliar with it in a short time on account of '* Richmond.# 3:50 • 4:45 ' ■■■.!> , r 5 > ,v i .—: , tion Of HaiTlsonburg. A rare bargain. 6Ueurrouudlugs. Harvesting Tools, FARM BELLS, Ci- Train leaving Rtaiwton at J&an p. m., and 9*^8 it. m. w ibu. frauk l; HAimrs, pafl ain(Rnxiou8 to purchase any amount of Tbo well-known Tanyard property in McGabeys- FIVE ACRE, ONE ACRE, and TOWN LOTS, in the f runs daily (except Sunday) stopping at all regutair sw T viille, is now offered at a very reasonable figure. A totowns of Landisville and Vineland. aflso for sole. der Mills, Road Scrapers, Barrel tions. MAIN STREET, Nkar Ei'I.scopal CnnwcH, UAnnisoN- BtTtkll ut 20c and KGGS at l2}c per rare bargain is offered. While visiting tbe Centennial Eahlbitlon, Vinelond | Churns, Wash,Tubs, Water and Horse Trains leaving Shronton at l.TiS-a. m.. end MiSMl p. nuhG. Va. When convenient, patients will- please1 doz., for which ! will'exchange Goods at | canca be visited at small expense. m.. run daify. stopping at all regular stations between BUTTERTRABE© luttke. engagements. In order to save time and disap- DESIRABLE TOWN PROPERTY, in Harrisouburg; A paper |C mtaiuing fall information wjll be sent ; Buckets, Peck and Half-bushel Meas-, liuntington nmd Alleghauy, and st Oovington, N?n«- poiutmeui to tlicmselves. aug2G , very low prices. . store room en first floor, dwelling above. Eligibly upon application to CHAIlliES K.. I4ANUI8, 1 ures, Picks, Mattocks, Grindstones andI boro', Goahen. WavnestMyro/Greenwood. Mechmhns Good News to Butter-Makers! located for bnaluoss purposea. yVi«ielun»l. N* J.. free of cost. 0 River. Ivy, Charlotteeville, GordonsviUe Jimrtion and du k s. BwrFzEi^r My stock of Goods Is Ewiiroly too TEN AO BBS Improved; comfortable dwelling; mos The following is an extract from a description of , Fixtures, Hand Corn Planters, Horse^ Richmond. , ,« , fllHE UHdnrHi^iied can sell any amount ot flue, DENTIST, HAi'.nisoNBcrno, Ta. JBSrOJflc, war the excellent neighborhood; title unquestionable. Price, yVinoland, published iu the New York Tribune, by the 1 Corn Planters, Manilla and Hemp) Sleeping cars run bettreen Richmond and CotLog- JL SpriitK-hoiuM. Butter, (from 1000 to 5000 pounds i Large and must be Reduced! $750.00 cash, if purchased soohi « wwell known Agriculturist, • olon Robinson; , tou on 4.15 a. m. and Iff.Vf p. to. trains. a week ) ju.-t suuh aa a ffreat icauy peoplu of thlfl coun- Spriuff. WiU spend four days of every month in 50 zVcrc.i, 1 ^ miles from Pleasant Valley Depot. All the farmers were of the "well to do" sort, and Rope, Rock and Gun Powder, Shot, ty can and do make, for the price of the fiuo*t Now Mt. Crawford, commencing with the third Wodnea- Gcol iraprpvements, Excellent orchard of 175 trees, srsome of them, who have turned their attention to * TRAIKS ABUIVK AT BTAtJWTOlf AS TOLLOWS; duy. 8«pt2 y I mean ^hAt I say. and'l respectfully invite all who fruits and market gardening, have grown rich. Tho Pennypacker's Horse Collars, Mail from Richmond, daily,44 (ox-H\m)44 3 20( F.M# York, which crtands at the he d of all other mukea in am" iu want of any kind ol goods to call, and be Never-fatUng Spring. Price $1,600; Easy terms. frB( •• •• Hnntiugton ...... 8.53 A#** oil tho markctrt of the United for price. convinced, that jou can buy cbeHper st Cropa-Koys 315 Acre* well improved Land in Warren county. soil is loam, verying from saudy to clayey, aud surface ALSO, A FULL LINE OF Express from Rlcbmond, (daily) 4 W ** DU. D. A. BUCHEll, than at any other-point this side of Baltimore, Will bo exchanged for Missouri lands, or sold very gently undulutiug, intersected with aninll streams and 44 ,4 Huntfngton, 44 10.15 P-M# THi5 WONDERFUL ACHIEVEMENT SURGEON' DENTIST, wonld respectfully Inform theo My stock is kept complete by constant arrivals of low for cme-lhird cash and residue in three years. occasUmal wet meadow, iu which doposfta of peat or MECHANICS' TOOILS, For trrrther informafiou, rates, Ac., apply 10 Jotfrt IniH been arrived at by untiring labor, heavy coet and pniblic that, h(ivlug knentfd pennanontly' t Bridge- goods. 115 Acres of good laud with Improvements. 2>i mnck are stored, Mirfflcleut to fertilise the whole up- 1 H. Woodward, Agent at staunton, Va. mu>y difficuItieH; but »ve have «t Insfc proven what we water. he is prepared tn nil. extract and Insert teeth,i, Yerv thankful !or part patrouapo, I hope, by fair and miles from Railroad depot. Some meadow laud; well laud^ sarface, after it has been exhausted of its natural FAfiMER'S anl BDILDER'S BiRDWRE,I) OONWAY B. HOWARD, believed yea h oko could be done, and to day we nrp antl porf«»rm till otliwif operations in his lino. hoiiust dealing to ifierit a continuance ol tho sumo. watered; 30 acres of choice timber; fencing good. frrtility. Gen. Pasff. nnd 7. AgovA. able to hlato of jv Iru'h, for th« information ot the jO/7-C/11V-'o. okh door Sonth of Burbee Hotel,1, KoapoctfuUy. It Is certainly one of tbe most extensive tracts, in WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY, W. W. 9. DUNN, Engineer aod Sup't. Butter producerH, not only ot tulri section (the most Bridgewaters Va. junee-lf ED A AND S. KEJtPER. This is iv clioap property. Can bo purchased lor the ^an almost level position, aud suitable condition for of whoso Butter wo arc now bundling,) but of this J. R. Kf.mpp;r.Ard C. E. KiiMPlitt, Sule«ueu. low sum oi $2100. ppleasant farming, that wo know of this side of tho jonel-to county, that September 7. l.MO, , t 110 ACRES OF LAND, good biiUdings, 18 miles yWestern prairies. We found some of the ofdest farms Pocket and Table Cutlery. from Harrisouburg. Pr ce, 650 per acre. This prop- nonparently just us profitably productive as when first 43*Agents for the EXCELSIOR Cook Stoves. DIRECTORY. e.rty is located in a good neighborhood and is a spleu- cclrared of forest flriy or a hundred years ago. HOTELS AND SALOONS. We ore prepared to handle even fire to FRESH ARRIV A did home. The geologist would soon discovor tho cause of this We are prepsred to take ordera far Threshers, Reap- ten times as vuteh as we are now yetting, FOR.SALE.-"-ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LIME- ceomimied fertility. Tho wbrte country is a marine ers, Mowers, and other Machinery. EVERE UOt7»E, CHURCHES. STONE LAND within four miles of Harrieuuburg; ddeposit, aud all through the soil we found evldeneos of (roBMEuii ©mnaM HOUM.) with even more sdvania^e to ourselves and customers 1 well watered; improvements good.. ccalcareous nubstaueea, generally in the form of indur- as-Special agency for Rocklngham and Pendletong 1harri8onb«b&, wa. tlwu wo have done. The larger the hulk we handle, Mrth. E. Cnuncn. South—Rev. R. S. ROSZEL, FOR SALE—A valuable small FARM within one nated cslcaroous marl, showing many distinct forms of counties of FRICK & CO '8 IMPROVED 1 ORTABLE0. Thin Borne li«» beeu thoroughly repslrert ©nil for- and tho IVeHher the articlo is when delivered to ua, Pa^Uw. am vi(£gH,cjvory Suu^jajj at 11 o'ipipek. A. M.. and Spring and Summer Goods! mile of Harrisouburg. It is one of the most lovely uancldnt shells, of the tertiary fbrmntlon; aud this mar- STEAM ENGINES, for agricultural aud other purpo-i© nlabud thronqhout with ww ©net In sty furntture. W the more we can ^et for it. 8 P. M. Prayflr-nMcting every Weducsauy ©veuiup. homes iu the Valley, will bo sold cheap aud on good 1ly substance is scattered all through the soli, iu a very ses; also their Circular Saw Mills. Agents for the conveniently located to the telegrapn1 office, banks ana Sunday SchooiatO A. M. » iv ». terms to tho purchaser. ccomminuted form, and in tho exact condition most BLANCUARD PATENT CHURNS. other business housek. ALL BUTTER-MAKERS pRKsnYTWRiAjt—^Rov. J. EICIE BOWMAN, Pastoi. A Small Farm, containing thirty acres, near «easily assimilated by sach plants aa tbe farmer desires 49-CASH paid for Bones, old Iron, Lead, Drose and The table will always be supplied with the' heal the in ihta whole, country nre vuiipeetfnlly requested to Sorvicos wtbry Stbiday at 11 At M., aud 8 P. M. Log Rawley Springs Pike; good, smooth land, good im- to1 cultivate. julyl3-8m Coppsrr. town nnd city markets afford. Attentive servants era- hrinj* hh g lot, if they havo not already done so, and ture every Wednesday oveuing. Sunday School at 9 I HAVE JUST BECIEVED A FULL LINE OF NICE provements, excellent fruit; a very desirable little Hee for tlieiuselves tlmt A. Mv homo. Easy payments. Price $2,000. TREIBER & GASMAN. and conunodious stabling attached to* thin E mM m a Rmi n EK I—I>r©tr..t,iiitEl—ProtCRtaut E Tisertpal—RevUstrtpai-llcv DAVID S O AfB 8WI E R GOODS! FOR SALE.—ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES Hotel Is under the managemont of Mr. H. GATES. We pay from 33i to B per cent, More BARK,BABR, Rector.Rcutor. ^"DiyinejO'^-Diyine ser.vteo©orrlce on Sunday at 11U of good laud; located within four miles of Harrison- AST Agencies solicited. _ A BATH-HOUSE is connected wi4h tho Honaa. than the dealers of the county geuerally do, and that A. M., and 8 P. M. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Leo bnrg; good farm houae. barn and other uocessary out- NEW GOODS! Mns. MARYC. LUPTON, Proprietress- fur^u Walwjaay qt^pf^^Blic^'q^Frito wl^luh, 1 ©»" ©oil at lower i.ricc© thau .I havo,.over ©old buildings; largo orchard; wc^l watered. Will bo sold CHAS. E. LUPTON. MAHAeKii. We Sell Goods (juitc as Cheap, aioat8 i*.1'. M.in. on'yiu.vp.tJreJn free. i J K 7 I 11 fl M O U . 1 U I w very low. J.R. LDPTON. \ CLUIB. «nd keep an largo and as now. and as deeirable » Baptist—Rev. W. A. WIliTESCARVER,WHITESOARVER, Pastor.— /n A T T A TiTTV XlTr A TV/TTTVTTl A MILL PROPERTY iu Bockingbam county. Mill o. D. trrBOTHER. j CL"*B- abick of goods as any one in the county. Why, wo Services jfirstiii'ht uud third SuudajsSundays at 11 A.A-'ML M. ( ) A , . A N J r» X A iViiJN h ond Machinery (Iron gearing) all new. ^Saw mill, four- JUST RECEIVING A LARGE LOT OF » April lily. ev.*n can and at Luthkiulk—Rev.T.tTTUH-nAN—P/uv .mnvJOHN H.TT MBAKU. A mt HopvIhabServices 2ndO-nd V-/ MX. Jill £.10. J.X 4 J-J teen acres of land, good dwelling house, and all neces- newIrocery Sabbath iu the morning at 11 o'clock, and on the third sary out-buildings. Splendid site for tannery. Will A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL! drive inoj-e inOastli aud fourth Sabbath nights at <8 o'clock. before purcluveing aa I am satisflod tliftt I can make be sold cheap. by 10 to 15per cent, than the dealers generally pivo Catholic.—Services 2d aiid 4th Sundays of each ■ it to your inlereat. I have a Jull and Com- Ten. Acres, more or less, with good improve- CALICOES, in morohaiulise, on which they have a profit of 15 to month. Rev. Fnthev John Ktelly, pastor. .Services plete stock of m-mts; situate within suburbs of Harrisouburg. One 5(1 per cent. Theao are big dlffcre.uceH wo know, aud at 1(1^ A. M- Early-WaBB. Sunday School 8 p. in. of the cheapest and most deslrahile HttLo homes now The Pollock House, are. scarcely believed by those not knowing It to be so. evoty-Shuday. • iu market. CaU and see what a small siun of monej TIiIb ditforeuce vo> establishod over the dealers GENT'S SUMMER WEAR,' is required-te purchase this delightful home. Brown and Bleached Cottons, between the Revere House and Spotswood Hotel, some mouths ago, and in vain do they «trive to mis- John Wesley Chapel—Colored Methodist—Rov, FOR SALE—20 acres of Woodland, located on the which has recently been fitted up, is first class in oJ) tii'Y tli»» plain truth; for day alter day new cuBti»m»»ra W. LEKWODD. Pastor. Hervires every Sunday at J1 A. SHOES, HATS, ; its appointments, and offers a hearty welcome to aU. are calling on UHuudostablisliing business intercourse M., and 8 P. M. Prayer-meeting Woducsday evening. roadis a cheap leading piece from of Uarrisooburgproperly, and towould CrosH-Keys. make a Thisulce NOTIONS, with us. and receiving the prh^i for tiiuir BntbT so Sunday School at 0 A. M. WHITE GOODS. .PRINTS, NOTIONS, LINE??, -THE BAR- BapTiht Onritefi (Colored)—Servlors every Sunday, small home.. The timber on the land , is worth what Commission House! highly advuntagoous. over what tho groat iDajority of aud, iu fact everything usually kept iu a first-classj is asked1 for the laud; Will be eold cheap and.on good has a fine stock of Hqnors of the best brands, cigartv the WOULZ^-BK UlTTPKH DKALElia can or will give. at II a. in. and 8 nj. Rev. L. Wilu-uid, Pastoi, i , eutubjli^hmeat. terms. ' ko. Among the honors aro the "Live oak Rye Wh's By bringing your butter to u* you get the benefit SOOIFjTfilS. i '' 08 AcreaofA No.' I Limestone Land, only 234 SHOES, HATS, &C. key/* "Good as Gold, Bourbon," ••Henuessy Cegnac, of our repwtatiou us Hhlppere in tho market, and of mnj-18 J. p Lo|vKyBACH. miles from, Harrisouburg. Excollout im provements; tlieiS to 7 cents per pound mure than the other deal* ROOKINGHAM CHAPTER. No. 6,», A. M., meets running water on tho place. Will be sold at the very in Masonic Temple, Hurrisonburg, Vo., on tho louuUi low price of $4,000, the owner desiring to embark iu ALSO A LAUGE STOCK OP IJf THE RESTAURANT COME ONE! COME ALL! Hatiu'day evening of each month.—-y—, M-12. P- i other buslneas. This property can be purohasod on every delicacy of the season, as well as subslantlaTa, and if we have not bunds enough to wait on you we L. C. Myebh, Sec'y. More New Goods' easy terms. 1 can be had at all hours. OYSTERS, BIRDS «ml of will hire some more, and if our stock thins out rapidly FORTY ACRES highly improved, excellent water GROCERIES, TT AVING purchased tho stock of John 8. Lewis, I er game, setvod op in the best aiyle^at ^hort^uco we con and will rep Ion wh it as fust. ROCKXNGUAM UNION LODGE. No. 27, F. A. M., ialrtsR a ttttiiitiUfrffiQ power, comfortable linprovomenti. Will be sold ex- JL JL desire to announce to the public that I will, at Respectfully. meets in Masonic Temple, in llaiTisonburg/'ou tlu ceedingly low. This property has one ol tho best sep SQ-t may 11 Sript. for Mrs. Mary PUIoci firs t Ha t mn lay e vim i of cu chin anth. ; sites for a Merchant Mill of any wo know, of in Rock- WHICH I WILL SELL the stand formerly occupied by him continue the bus- Liuvillo. Vu., Aug. 3, Xtf7C. Xi2. ©.I.X»13. I I 3 • JAJL H. UWVER. W. M. I inghura county. The land is pronounced, the very iuess oi a L. C. Mtkus, Sec'y. The Valley BookstoreJ best. In tho Valley of Virginia. A rare bargain is to FURNITURE I FURNITURE MINNEHAKA TRIBE, No. 33, I, O. R. M., meets be bad. AT REDUCED PRICES! On Hand and Arriving, in Red Men's Hail. Qarrisonhurg. on Monday oveuiug FOR 8ALE-tA nlcOtlittlo Ifarm of 76 Acres, six FI R8T-CLASS GROCER, Bedsteads, bureaus, wardrobes, side Of each week. W. S CORDEL, buchimi., f fTjl If E 'VAT J -BY BOOKSTORE Is ?ld%f being replcn-i- miles from county seat, on tbo waters of Muddy BOARDS SAFES, CRIBS. LOUNGES. SOFAS] J. K. Smiti^, Chtfif of Records. I Creek; smooth luud; good now awatUiig-honse; Barn, DSI-Call aud ©oe for youraelToe. HATBAOKB, TABLES, nil ©tyle©, WASHSTANDSj COLD WATER LOmE, No. 37,1. O. Q. T., mocte X lehed \vlth a nice lot of ^Cora-crib and Wagon shed, uud other out-bnildings; Your© Ilo.pectrnlly, CENTRE MAKBLE-TOP TABLES. nl©0 ch.lr. of >1 in Red Men's Hull, every Friday cveuiug. f nclug In good repair; seven acre* of Orchard ol and will conduct in connection thcrowitb a •tyle© snd kind©. Also, MATTRESSES of ©11 kind*. I P. BRYAN, W. C.Ti k y BOOKS, STATIONERY,f cbo'co fruit; rnnuing water on the farm. Price $4000, aug17 A. H. 11 TM.T. I I It. All Sliuch Mattra©© $1.00 to 14 56./ iu flyo payiuqiits. Good Title. Shuck11 ©nd Cotton11 top Mattrai©M $5.00 to $6.80. AT.TTR AM ENCAMPMENT, No. 25, mesU first and *c., suitable to the aeason. and at pricjt to suilinti Bound " $6.50 to $0.00, thhd Thursday cwiOincs.iu I.O.O.F. llnlli lime*. All tho FREE SCHOOL BOOKS sold nt Klate10 FOR HALE—A Farm Of 70 Acre* of choice WlilcU I am lelllug iu quanlltlo© to suit imrcbaser©. J. IT. HMITH, 8crn»e. G. 13. STROTlfWR, C. P. duBtvHpi priced trt the private achools us well as to thoie liaud; well watered by Pleasant Hun; near the Pleas- 8m©]l mattruso© $3 to $4 ©cording to ©lie. AI VALLEY LODGE, No, 40. I. O. 0. F., meets jlA, 1 mm • ani wfs ant Valley Depot. V. R. R.. live miles Boyth of Harrl- COMMISSION HOUSE. on band No. i Hair, ©nd four dozen Stool Spring U nVT. 3VL. SIIEBIinR.I1, Odd Fellows' Hall, HarrisoiibUrg, Tuesdaj" evening of A large lot of CHALK CRAYONS, SUtos, Pencils, tc- Honburg; good (iwelllug-house; bank barn; about 56 triaaea. each week. JOHN E. ROLLER. N. G. Moore's Ink 5 cents a bottle. ^ acres cleared laud, and of good quality; about20 acres SORMAL SCHOOL, 1 bar© removed to one door above John Grebtm VALLEY PLASTER MILLS. KF.AR B. A O. RAIL Waf. A. Slates, Secretw-y; Good Note Paper.at 10 cents a quiyo, and apy book,K. in choice ook aud hiqkory timber. This is a very good finger'© Produce Store, Ea»t Market ©treel. ROAD DEPOT. ALPHA COUNCIL. No. 1. Sons of Jonadab, meets furnished atpnhliahora prico. farm and cheap. Coll at once and purclXMe a bargain, BRIDGE WATER, VA., I have purchased a new stock of Coffees, Sogars, Teas, fob8 B. 0. PAUL sepT-tf iu Tfunpt ruuce ilall, every balurday cvoulng.. jfiirWve mo n can and I will guarantee satisfaction.a, 1^45 ACRES, of good laud located iu the oouutlos Sauces, Canvassed Hams, and Grocoriea of every de- itoo. O. Oonuai>, Sec, J. U. VAN PELT, W. 0. of Loudoun and Fairfax, Va.; has two good hoiuo-u scription, which will bo sold at the lowest market Dt>"RK>i EMBER THE PLACE t Loweubiacli'a'■ ami two good Barns, ho situated aa would make Ho Opcils September 11, 1870. Advuntagoa rates. Corn, Wbej.t. Flonr, Oats, Rye, MUI-feod. and TAKE NOTICE! VIGILANT COUNCIL. No. 3. Sous of Jonodab. farms. The land is .watered by Bull Run; lias over fur superior to tUoae of uny preceding all kinds of country produce, bought at highest mar- I AM constantly receiving ©nd adding to mr at Vocal and Instrumental Music. mci-ts in ToinperHUce Han, every Thursdiv evening. Old 81 and.- two hundred acres Of river bottom. Good timber land, ket price, sold and taken on oomroisalon. FRESH DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS. Oil Haury Way. 8kc. C.T, O'FKRltALL, W. a f A. M. EFFINGER. and located within throe miles of the O. k Alex. Rail- year. Ufa"For catalogue, address Patronage of my frleuda aud tho pnblic generally STONEWALL LODGE, K. P., No. 81, meets nocond Btqiili • mad. Terms innde easy, and a bargain will bo given DYE-STUFFS. RMNDOW GLASS. PUTTY, VARNI3 31 rn. ITVY M. I»0"W13JliT> and hmrth Thursday evenings, m Odd Fellow's Hall. augl7-3iu A. REICH EN BACH. tC ,0UC ES, and in fact everything kept In If applicntiou ie mode soon. Address Z7l0 P- W. STRAYER, A. Fli'istvCIaea IJ r ti if Htoro WiU be prejiarcd to give Uupiopa iu B'sai D'Hith.—tiah Lodge, No. 2(14, meets ltd aud WE HAVE THE AGENCY FOR ©11 which will bo eold ©5 low •> they can he pwreb© VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, yd Suu'tay ot cuch umnth. ut ucw Uull in kRberi build- J". ID. P'PYXOE], DRUGS, MEDICINES iu *ny ©imilar eatabliahment in the V»ll«y. In oll$ ing oiqinrdte ripotswood HotWi. ^ j ' INSURE YOUR PROPERTY. word©. I c«nT bo uudoraold. Beepectfwuy. »K'7-»v about (bo 1st of October. Keep's Patent Partly Maiie Shirt!• ^3lGH3JNTT, PAINTS, OILS, BVJS-STUFFS, jsu27 L. H, OTT] WE ARE CONSTANTLY UKGKIVING SQ l^AVOKABLY KNOWN TO MANY, Aud everything usually kept in a first-class Drug Store "1 JTARMVILLE INSURANCE ANT BANKING COM. \ M. HWTT55ER lr BON have fu-st rrcoived an- AND ADDING TO OUK LARGI 8t —LOCK BOX U,— ■fi | other lot oi Fuahlonobls HATS. Persons want- Tho Keel Rblrt is nicely made, of tho very host will be sold as cheap as thoy con be purchased iu 1; PANY OF VIRGINIA. UPHOLSTERING, and MATTRESSES toad© M ing the# latest styloa can bo supplied by calling on material, aud la a perfoct fitting Shirt. Cliartered Capltal—8500,00Cai>ltal....8500,000. size on ©hort notice. R. 0. PAUL) tlmni. sept 14 STOCK OF HARDWARE HAQnisoNDuna, Rockinuham Countt, Vuioinia. tho Valley, at every . newspaper©, ©nd eMlIniito© ©bowing coal of ©dvn-tlo. J X*""- Apply tu TIIOS. J. KKRAN. ceased. In other word#, June! D. M. 8WITZF4R & SON. dnol# CHAS. A. YANCEY. Agent. Hacrlsuuliurg. Va. I fiKiidVe will not be riuliTsold.-^t SACKS Fte E SALT. 01 rt,, at ho, e "1 TtXTKNrtfON TABLES, 8xl« feet, walnut crush, for 100 CliMoc Extra Flour, Pure Cider Vinegar, it fnIU itOH tree.P " tti'UdiOKy n f * Co.,Samples FvrUaudjMo. worth |1 DHLS. ROUND TOP CEMENT, lor ©ale by THE BEST Gunpowder Green Tea. Ju©i received ^ I iSL HALT, at l.o\V I ST ndceti JttM receiveU a Jargc'lftt of Kcvslf lie Apple Parors. Pj Kilt* 1)J, H. '• r*UI.. K. 51iirk©t StM For siia by end for ©ale ut L. M. OTT'S Drug Store, 11 ULMl • biiALLLLll. I uiifil LUURi WiilNEEL 6; CO. f.LJ above Lffinger's I'rodueu bldrc©. HENRY bUACKLLIT. uuuvtiu-iy •> 100 liuri TKEIDElt (a GASSMAN.