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Summer Movie Mayhem Artsweek gives you the lowdown on seven hot summer movies

Attention art house mo­ vie crowd: Get out while Hmn.» HtH you still can. The summer movie season is here and A rts w e e k tells you what it’s taking no prisoners to listen to this summer (witness “The Lost World”’s jillion-dollar gross last weekend). Here at Artsweek we’ve decided to give you a brief run­ down of some of the mo­ vies that will be assaulting the multiplexes in the up­ coming months. “Con Air” (June 6): Ni­ colas Cage battles a reced­ ing hairline and escaped convicts aboard a hijacked airplane. Judging from the previews, this movie has more explosions, crashes, and noise than a really good episode of “Matt Houston.” Also starring John Cusack and John Malkovich. Odds are this one won’t end with Cu­ I’ve seen the new releases for this summer, and man sack holding a boom box Crush” to thwart the plans trouble” Roberts stars in (Cameron Diaz). Poor guy are they HOTlt (sizzle, sizzle) ((hmmm bop)) blasting Peter Gabriel. of a pair of supervillains this romantic comedy that has Julia Roberts and I know you all are eagerly waiting in anticipation of “Batman and Robin” played by the star of "Her­ looks to be the hot “chick Cameron Diaz fightin; Amy Grant’s new Behind the Eyes, which comes (June 20): This one has Dr. cules Goes Bananas” and flick’’ of summer. This one over him, boy you gotta re out Sept. 9, but in the meantime here are some other re­ Ross teaming up with that Mrs. Mia Wallace. has Roberts trying to break ally feel sorry for him. leases you might look into checking out bad actor from “Circle of “My B e st F rien d ’s up the wedding of her best JFpepds” and, thpt wonder- ^edjdjng^’ (Ji¿ne 27): Julia friend (Dermont Muhlro- See MOVIE p.3A See HOT p,3A rul actress from “The “my career is in serious ney) and his bride to be 2 A Thursday, June 5 ,1 9 9 7 Daily Nexus

fter listening to the music e l the Australian cited about what I'm doing. But yeah, the next re­ I Ben l*ee, my inferiority complex kicks in. At cord, 1 want people levitating, H P age ifr* he ins recorded two stellar sole You’re lowing the “Heartland of America” b urns, toured the worlds and j ¡¡bright mm. What are your had his pick &om hundreds impressions of that port if■ not thousand! o f alternA- of our great tend? , groupies, l , Opt Hie other I find a tot of what peo­ hand, have an in-depth I Ben ple would call "back- understanding ofthe Media words." A lot of the raw Dependency Theoty from j Ben Alkaly talks human sp oil things that taking Comm 8£L '<'$e ", ' ' I f f ", *-**? -- are not influenced by external societal issues, you | m u m I demean myself any further, here is th e , know what 1 mean? It’s very raw and human and transcript of my interview with Mr^LCe, who reces- ; Ugly sometimes, but its still Interesting, fry released & m ethlng & B m m b e r M e B y on And horn about yourself? You make a number Grand Royal of drug and alcohol references oh the new album. What are your thoughts on underage use? / AttmeekBowwouidyoacutHpare this new at- \ k You can deal with things as you like, t sort of be­ burn to your first album, Grandpaw Would? lieve on people deciding on their own. It's risky, A S e a l« * Iwoulfaft That's to the pest ' lot of people don’t have the emotional maturity, It’s What do you think are the standout tracks on like guns, or drivmgcars. 1 don’t encourage anyone. Something to Remember Me By? Now that you’ve gotten this album out of the They all stand out for a differeat reason, like I What are your goats for this album? Do you way, do you have any college plans? when! listen to ^Ujetehnns," 1 don't think it’s must-. \ scant to become «Ben L ee — Superstar”? Yeah, I'm going about a year from now. caliy sometMng^ I've dealt itfth before. Also, : Weil, I’malre&dy focused onthenextone.Thisre- When T saw you play at McCabes Guitar Shop In whenever! faRnginsomeone tojdajnw thn» ifsfun; ? # cord is basically a consolidation/Ifs about me pro- i L A . a few months ago, you m ade a referen ce to the it always stands oat forthat reasom When i frsten to | vingmyselfabu more to people who maybe thought Wu-Tang Clan, Does this mean you’re a rap tan? what f do doesn't hold up, rm going out now and I just like Wu-Tang, Wu-Tting Is perfect, that’s all I'm playing and it's better, and people are more e *. you need to know. 1 want them to represent. \

While you were taking your SAT, ACT I think we always had these dreams of Glasgow and not being from that kind of wanted to d o .... You should go out and and Achievement tests, the members of signing to Grand Royal. It's one of these1 background. do something exciting, and we went out Bis, who are younger than you, were put­ labels when you’re young you feel a con­ What did they warn you about? and did something we wanted to do and ting together DIY records in the hopes of nection to .... I think they’ve got some re­ Just that we might get trampled or that we actually made money out of it. People one day becoming, like, rock stars. ally good artists, like the Beastie Boys. It’s we might get crushed or that we might should use that kind of useful energy TheyVe dreamed of having sellout all, Uke, in place and it seems really right, never come out again. throughout their life.... It’s not [just for] arena tours, hobnobbing with the rich ya ’ know. Like Beatlemania or something? teenagers, it’s just an ideology or and famous, having hundreds, no thou­ Musically we are quite diverse. Being \ Yeah, I mean ... at the in-store we had whatever. sands of groupies and being, like, on Grand Royal, they’re moré sensitive to to leave out the back door and they were Would you be stoked If you broke mobbed. Yeah, that’s it, being mobbed. In us. They’re not just gonna [go for] a charts like we don’t wantyou to go in there ’cos A m erica ? fact, the youngest member of the Glasgow Oh yeah. I’d love to be popular any­ (uh, that’s Scotland to you mate) trio, where in the world.... “Hie whole thing in 18- year-old john disco, knew that one Britain is they’re so British. They expect day if he was famous he would have to be bands to go break America and [in] ushered out a back entrance due to bis- America you can’t get anywhere with a mania. strictly British sound. Breaking America, They may not be as big as the Whopper, it’s truly hard especially when you’re not but with killer “teen-c power” tunes, they mainstream-sounding, ’cos we’re not re­ sure are doing their best to get there. And ally pop-based it would take a lot of really of course being backed by the Beastie hard work, but it would be great. Boys-run Grand Royal record label state­ Would you want to do Lollapalooza? side can do nothing other than help the We’ve been asked but I think we turned spirited bunch, which also includes it down. 19- year-old manda rin and 20-year-old Do you think American music is more sci-fi steven. exciting than British? Artsweek spoke with john disco, of I think anything’s more exciting than whom the announcer at the beginning of Britain. I mean Britain’s got its great their album the new transistor heroes bands, like its got the Prodigy, but this says, “All hail the disco king / gaze in whole thing about trying to be like other wonderment of his skanldng ability but British bands — there’s so much retro don’t stare too long, his disco feet can music activity in Britain. Lots of bands hypnotize / Hear him say Travolta ain’t sound the same, and there’s a really bad got nothing on me.’” attitude in the press as well. We get a re­ ally bad attitude from other bands as well. Artsweek So what do you think the R eally? novelty is being in a teen ? Yeah, we get slagged off all the time by john disco: I don’t know, I don’t get other bands in Britain for being like these the whole thing. I mean obviously I’ve kids that can play the guitar. We’re just never been in any other sort of band. I’m tired of hearing that shit. You know Bri­ enjoying it I don’t feel like we’re any dif­ tain may [have been] a priority two or ferent because we’re teenagers or three years ago but we like America. ... anything. It’d be neat to go back to Britain after do­ Do you think people have tried to take ing well in America and it’s just like, advantage of you because of your age? “What do you think of that?” Yeah. Definitely. ... There are various L -R : mada rin, sci-fi steven and john disco people in the press who think they have reason to slag us off ’cos we’re young or hit or whatever. They’re understanding. you might get injured or you might get whatever. I think out of all the bands that And you feel they understand you? people injured— people were falling over One Last Contest I know, I think we’re really sussed [sorted Yeah. I mean you, like, look at their each other and it's like “aaahh.” out], and to say we’re naive is really stupid roster; they’ve got Ben Lee, Luscious When you were younger, and you Win posters, stickers and CDs. Just answer because we’ve, like, negotiated our deals Jackson.... We [feel like] a real part of the wanted to be a pop star, did you ever tins question: Who do you think would ourselves, which nobody sees. Everyone feunily ’cos we’re all fans of all these think that you’d have to deal with that just sees the fact that we’re young. bands. kind of stuff? mm a Greco-Roman wrestfna match Didn’t you have lawyers or did your So are you guys big in Japan? Yeah I did actually. ... W e’ve always between Adam W est and George parents help you out? We can’t really avoid the fact that we been very ambitious. No, we didn’t My dad was really into are actually. ... We’re not in any way What is your motto, "the teen-c na­ Clooney, and wfv? Bring your answer it, but I just thought no .... We got a mana­ cocity about it We’re quite happy about it tion” all about? ger and a lawyer to work out the really actually.... Um, well it basically started off as a to the Nexus Inder Starke to colect shitty details. We just basically stated In Japan we did in-stores and one of the mentality. Op c a l us at 893-2691 Or e-mal us at what we wanted of the record company in-stores was virtually a gig. ...[We] were Is it a private Joke hind of a thing? and the lawyer did the negotiating. being warned for our safety ... and that’s Well n o ,... It’s a mentality that we have NexusMucsb.edu Why did you sign to Grand Royal? weird when you get told that, being from that we just kind of let go and do what we

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Keniclde / At the Club / Blink-182 / D ude Ranch / do’s. Great hair, an album Warner Brothers Cargo Music full of infectious, better- than-average pop songs, Sometimes it seems the What do you get when and a little help from a British music press feels On the Record you mix punk bands like label called Maverick are guilty about only hyping NOFX and Unwritten really gonna help this lil’ testosterone-driven brit Law with the likes of local quartet hit the big boy bands, so they put be elastica. to ride high on the wave of pictures— the left side will Adam Sandler and the time. “Star Wars” trilogy? some bra-less girls on the Hell, At the Club’s acceptance of all things appreciate it as well. P ure Ju ic e is not Blink-182’s newest album, good enough for radio, but U.K. In fact, the rest could —Naz Escobar is not his ground-breaking, but it Dude Ranch. then again, so are the do worse than to learn a ______real name doesn’t present itself as punkers Spice Girls. thing or two from some old such. It’s just a collection Linoleum / D issen t / , Tom De- —Jolie Lash likes the masters. of chirpy little pop tunes DGC Records longe and , '•______Spice Girls —William Banks is not that are bound to make who are known collec­ ______from London campers happy, or at least Caroline Finch sings tively as Blink-182, are ab­ The Charlatans / Tallin* Johan / Johan / spinART the next Dishwalla. Stories / MCA like a supermodel who just out to release a follow-up ate a piece of celery. She’s album to their 1994 debut —Jolie Lash is not the When you pick up a Amid the invasion of got this throaty, smoke- Cheshire Cat. With D u d e next Dishwalla copy of Johan’s newest infused vocal style that cover once a year. They the current crop of British R anch, Blink-182’s mem­ whimsical pop music en­ comes from the pit of her Henchmyn / T w o think that one issue makes bands comes this new re­ bers are destined to be the stomach — a style that Thumbs Down / Studio up for ignoring female-led lease from relative senior newest kings of the South­ uses all of the energy the 15 bands for the rest of the citizens the Charlatans ern California boardsport celery provides to strain year. (Tellin’ Stories is their punk-rock scene. Henchmyn’s brand of her vocals out. It doesn’t matter if the fifth album). By combining humor­ ska embraces everything But oh, what vocals girls can sing or play sound is far from ous lyrics with powerful that your mother told you guitar to gain the cover old and tired, however. they are. They have a punk guitar chords on ska is supposed to be — dreamy kind of drugged- slot. What’s important is The album exudes fresh­ songs like “” and from Adam Kom’s hyper­ whether they are pristine ness and spirit in the face out hypnotic state to them “Degenerate,” Blink-182 reggae guitar strings to pouters with make-up of tragedy. The band’s key­ that makes you feel like is able to repeat the suc­ Vinnie Lucido’s pogo- your brain is just Jell-O. who like pogoing up and board player, Rob Collins, deavor, the first thing cessful formula it created stick vocal acrobatics — Guitarist Paul Jones keeps down on stage. was killed in a car accident you're sure to wonder is with its first album and it’s in there. But the differ­ Kenickie, which is during the recording of the what the heck is on the the ethereal heavenly daze avoid the dreaded sopho­ ence is that it makes you going by providing a three-fourths female, isn’t album. Collins plays on front cover. Is it some sort more jinx, producing a believe. broodingly melodic back­ really that bad, but it’s not much of the album, his of European Lego? Is it a great new punk album You’ll believe that eight drop to Finch’s vocals. really that good. In fact, trademark style being an contemporary nuevo art worthy of purchasing. guys can get together and Although much of the this band — which just integral part of the Charla­ sculpture fresh out of the —Sam Garza -183 have a great time playing album is a treat, something graced the cover of M e­ tans’ sound. Play-Doh Fun Factory? Is music on their own terms. lody M aker — has pop With Martin Duffy of it some sort of electrical like peanut butter on cel­ Summercamp / P u re While the 14 tracks on ery, when you take the melodies that are only a Primal Scream recruited to plug? It is a homage to Ju ice / Maverick Two Thumbs Down are touch better than those of fill the gap, the Charlatans Oakland-based hip-hop peanut butter off it's just a thoughtful, lively and the droning, bra-less won­ soldiered on and have supergroup Souls of Mis­ watery vegetable with OK, here’s some advice: well-produced, what strings that get stuck in If you want to be big pop der Louise Werner and her come up with Tellin’ Sto­ chief (minus the straight makes this CD worthwhile your teeth. band sleeper. You can tell ries, a masterful work that mouth)? stars, have your band get is its ability to make you —Tojonylie, a mutation with its wire-y guitar refuses to be put down. Turn it over and the cool haircuts. forget how good it is by of two opposite-gendered sounds that Kenickie The Charlatans are, back cover picture offers Since last time Arts- putting a smile on your wants to be elastica, and with this evidence, still even more brain play. Oh beings that currently week checked in on Sum­ face. reign over Artszveek, eats mercamp, both bassist probably cites the band as very much a force to be re­ yeah, play the album while —Scummy B. likes heavy celery daily. Misha Paris and guitarist/ an influence, but it just ckoned with on the British the right side of your brain metal music doesn’t have the talent to music scene, and deserve is being stimulated by the singer Tim Cullen got new

Continued from p.lA lated to that scary guy in Ween / The Mollusk / Continued from p.LA Ju n e 10 jail or Marilyn either. Elektra ‘Tace/O ff” (June 27): G Love & Special Sauce / They’ve got sneering voc­ Despite rumors, this film Yeah, IPs That Easy / als and their loud guitars July 1 - isn't about a movement to Epic come from a short, blond Blues Traveler / Straight have Tori Spelling’s face Jimmie’s Chicken Shack / guy fond of dressing in On Till Morning / A&M removed. Instead it’s a Pushing the Salmonella Vegas lounge gear, com­ M onaco / M u sic F o r high-powered action vehi­ Envelope / Rocket plete with Elvis glasses. P lea su re/ Polydor cle starring two of the k.d. lang / D ra g / Warner Megadeath / C ry p tic Prodigy / Law o f The planet’s coolest actors Brothers Writings / Capitol L a n d / Maverick (John Travolta and Nico­ Michael Rose / D ance The Seahorses / no title July 8 las Cage). Travolta plays Wicked and Dub Wicked available / Geffen Various Artists / Disco an FBI agent who literally / Heartbeat Zion Train / S in gle Queens: The 70*s Disco swaps faces with Cage’s Jah Wobble / W illiam Minded/Alive / China Q ueens / Rhino terrorist (don’t ask). The B lake / Thirsty Ear Various Artists / Disco action comes to us cour­ Ju n e 24 Queens: The 80*s Disco tesy of Hong Kong master Ju n e 17 Julian Cope / Interpreter Q ueens / Rhino of mayhem John Woo. 10,000 Maniacs / Love / Woo is to action films Among the Ruins / Del Amitri / Som e O ther July 15 what Ron Jeremy is to Geffen Sucker’s Paradise / A&M Big Back Forty / B ested/ porno films: a misunder­ Blink 182 / D ude R anch / En Vogue / E V 3 / East Polydor stood genius. MCA West Eric Matthews/ The Late­ “Men In Black” (July 25): Harrison Ford stars as score a Travolta-esque Jon Bon Jovi / D estina­ Friends of Dean Martinez ness oftheHour/Subpop 2): Warning, this film isn’t the president of the United comeback? If Johnny can tion Anywhere / Mercury / Retrograde/ Subpop The Mommyheads / no about Johnny Cash and States. Do you really need go from starring in “Look Patti LaBelle / Flam e / Radiohead / O.K. Com­ title available / Geffen Bob Dole. This sci-fi flick more incentive than that? Who’s Talking Now” to MCA p u ter / Capitol has Tommy Lee Jones and “Copland” (August 1): getting $20 million a pic­ The Lightning Seeds / Probably the most anti­ A ugust 12 Will Smith as well-dressed Perennial meathead ture based on the strength Dizzy Heights / Epic cipated release of the sum­ Lighthouse Family / immigration agents track­ Sylvester Stallone takes a of one movie, I’d say damn Mansun / Attack of the mer from Thom Yorke and Ocean Drive / A&M ing a string of intergalactic pay cut bigger than his ego near anything is possible. Grey Lantern / Epic company (next to Prodigy, Figdish / W hen Shove activity. And I thought the to star in James Magnold’s —Patrick Reardon likes No, this four-piece, of course). Hiey are sup­ Goes Back to Push / Mexican border patrol had low-budget film about po­ The Big Picture i northern British, sarcastic, posed to have cheered up Polydor it rough. lice corruption in a small rock ’n’ roll band is not re­ for this release too! “Air Force One” (July New Jersey town. Will Sly \ 4A Thursday, June 5,1997 Daily Nexus drumming outlet, he’d probably defect to the Michigan plosives in the eraser Militia and turn that movement on its ear for his own heads on pencils, but this maniacal purposes. whole fire alarm thing was Another issue was Adam’s singing, as in he didn’t a bit much — I mean, it’s want to, despite constant adulation from a never-ending one thing to talk about stream of beautiful young women. We recruited our blowing up one’s school, friend Laurel for vocals, and she’s very talented, but she Battery Acid Blues but Kev took this a little immediately took issue with the band’s name. That was too seriously, especially no surprise; almost every woman who knew of our name since we were far from his despised it. The real shocker was when Laurel to Kelt DuBois is back after a failed solo attempt school, and since the sing our only hit, the song that we simply must play at ev­ dance was held in San ery show because it’s the only famous Clap song, and if she won’t sing “Your Mama’s a Ho,” then she’s too good Francisco’s Golden Gate Club, we weren’t at a school at Sometimes sabbaticals can be anything but vacations. for this band and should take hex act somewhere that it all, so there was absolutely no excuse for this kind of be­ I apologize to the few readers of this column for missing could flourish. havior, even though under different circumstances it last week, but it just couldn’t be helped, and evidently She did have a good point, though. Our name is a would be completely understandable. more serious things have gone on within the Clap in the public-relations albatross, and so we thought we should The other two shows were in Modesto. These went last two weeks. Apparently, there were several things brainstorm a new one. This proved difficult, though, well, but that was only because the support we were able that piled up on the members of the band that caused a since every name that passed our criteria of “good” to drum up was about 30 friends and friends of friends, collective identity crisis on our part, and we decided that (meaning the mere speaking of the words made us con­ since our promoter had unfortunately been on a serious the best way to ride out the problems was to spend time vulse with laughter) was just as dirly as the Clap. Still, away from each other for a while. talking about this stuff wasn’t getting us anywhere, since We’d just finished a small four-date tour of the Bay by now all of our egos were way too big to accommodate area, and that was, to put it euphemistically, rather inter­ each other, so we all decided to part ways for a while. esting. We had one show on die street in San Francisco, My brother Bryn and I woke up at 3 a .m. that morning, opening for a street bluesman whose major claim to fame hijacked our tattered van, and drove back to ’Frisco with was his ability to converse with the passers-by in various all of our road money. Sure, this was a horrible thing to languages. These people were duly impressed, but that do, but he’d just seen “Trainspotting” and I’d just read was only because they didn’t take die time to notice that Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for the umpteenth time, this guy’s language skills were 60 percent genuine and 40 and both of us were still ridiculously inebriated, so we percent total bullshit; much of what he said in any lan­ had no qualms at all about ditching Kev and Adam. guage other than English was nonsense syllables that We were crossing the Bay Bridge into Oakland when sounded, to the untrained ear, quite similar to the rest of Bryn suddenly pulled a .357 Magnum and demanded all the legitimate syntax. of the money and to be let off the van right now. "Now?” We were impressed at first as well, but we soon began I said, drunkenly eyeing the gun. “We’re on the bridge, to have a little fun with the old guy, since he only let us you dolt!” play a three-song set in addition to continually interrupt­ “I don't care!” he yelled over the traffic, his face ing our songs to promote his own. When we objected he flushed with alcohol and lack of sleep. “Stop the van and chastised us, saying we spoiled white kids had no idea let me off, or I swear to Elvis I’ll shoot!” how rough it was on the street and that it’s not all for one. At this point, I didn’t care if he was my brother or Ke­ Naturally, we decided to show him the sense of humor vin’s terrorist prodigy. I let him off right there, which just that the suburbs breed; we got one of the audience mem­ happened to be in the middle of the bridge on Treasure bers to ask the bluesman to speak Latin. The polymath’s Island. Two weeks later he arrived home in I.V. in a crate Latin was almost nonexistent, and it didn’t help that the stamped “U.S. NAVY.” interrogator we found was a Berkeley classics professor. Adam and Kevin hitchhiked their way back here in a Our bluesman benefactor was so angry with us by then car full of gorgeous girls, who later dumped Kev in Isla that we had to hotfoot it across the wharf to avoid the Vista after he hot-wired their bikinis and drove Adam all alcohol binge the night before, and so was completely things he began throwing at us. the way to Cabo San Lucas. I bet he was singing all the blotto when he was supposed to be advertising us. The Our other shows were a little more successful. Cater­ way, but I didn’t hear from him for a month. ing to our growing (and previously unknown) fen base in result was that the crowds in the audience for the two sunny Pleasanton, we played at the Amador High prom, shows were exactly the same people. I’ve never dropped I ended up back in Pleasanton at a friend’s house, put­ ting the finishing touches on a batch of new Clap songs which would have been a great show if our drummer Ke­ acid before, but the resulting heavy dose of déjà vu that I’d stolen, preparing them for my impending solo career, vin hadn’t pulled the fire alarm. we got the second night was pretty damn trippy. which took two rather unspectacular months to wither This was our one major problem. Kevin’s two main go­ The sticky points between the band came to a head on and die, after which I pleaded with the others to revive als in life were (a) to be a drummer, and if that didn’t the way home, while we ate at the In-n-Out in Kettleman the band (jump-started now for a second time), and work, well, there was always plan (b) terrorism, which he City, quite possibly one of the most desolate places in when they finally agreed, we began planning our next as­ seemed to have a perverse attraction to. At first we this great state of ours. We were all in fevor of dumping sault on the world, which we knew would make us thought it was cool that he could create small plastic ex­ poor deranged Kevin, but we also knew that if he had no superstars again. Return Your Cable Equipment by June 16th Don't and Avoid Paying $147.00!

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