West Virginia Highlands Conservancy
NON-PROFIT West U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 2831 CHARLESTON, WV Virginia 25301 Highlands Conservancy Working since 1967 for the conservation and wise management of West Virginia's Natural Resources • ~ . • '1. X ~ ~: ~ ~ . Spv ' ~ ,Rcw ~ 2 000 A pvlL 2 8-3 () - C'heed: M01M1t""CU:W C l«1:J For over 30 yeavj-J tfl,e, Weit-VW~H~C~CM'\0' ~ bee-w~ ~very jfJeciclLcwertt. /he,tSpr~'RcwieMJ ~~cvW~VW~tretiUt:ww qfcelebr-at"~~H~ Itw~pretni,ey opp~ t&enjd)' t~ ~~~water~ Wl?/ worlv l& hartLtcr prot-ect: 71t.Ur year- Wl?/ waL btv e1<;plor~ ~upper S"fuivver~ for1v of~ Ch.eat: 'RiNer ~~new~ eteq~£UL Foreft Serv(.ce. L~~ n n ./ .. few «Wer ·1 00 yean-knownt ~ C\1 ~pZa<;.e,(or hunt'~ ~~wilder-~culNE?duYE?.$ thet Chea:t Mount"CLi.w CUib- w cv f!Jecial,; r-a-r-ea:i fr"om.;thet ~wor-u~ cvw~ quie:t, co-wt:{ort~ ~thatfo1;te¥Jrcont"e-mplat'~ ~tcdlv, ~ r-ecreat'~ et'ljoy~ i.¥\1 cv pZa<;.e, of f!Jed"acular naturaL becu<ty. I Y\1 ~ jJJe,ci..c;W neMJ ~e¥ yow waLfi,ruL cUlt thet ·Ln[ormat""t.Crv yow will/_ need,-W. r-~e¥ for ~ yea¥1rSpr-~'REWLe.w. Jtw{iUlrof'~~ Ln[ormat""tOY\Iowthet ''Chea:t M~'B~·· ~Cit'~ ef{ortl'to-pr-Otec:t-~ yef(::or(!,l£h.e, CtrU\1, II ~ in{ormat""tOY\I wilL~ yow be:tte¥ under~~ et'ljoy yo-ur - w~ with-~ or if yow ~to-~lor(!,l~ lfJ~pZa<;.e, £Nt1.0the¥ t"'~ Either way, W(!,l hop{!/ yow wilL~ itJrlfJi¥~ ~learr\lto-app~ecia.t"(!,l~ll'ecial,;P~ Ot'\.elof£h.e,lar~cont"~ar~of £h.e, liM~ Nat'~ for-e-ft: II A lPeciaJ.;~to- till.tthetpeopte, who-eot'ltY~to-~ ne-w~~ m,ade,~ lfJecial,; .
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