HIKING CLUB Is Organized Under the Auspices of the a Current Club Project Is Construction and Mai Ntena Nce of RECREATION CLUB the Trail of the Lonesome Pine

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HIKING CLUB Is Organized Under the Auspices of the a Current Club Project Is Construction and Mai Ntena Nce of RECREATION CLUB the Trail of the Lonesome Pine TENNESSEE EASTMAN THE TENNESSEE EASTMAN RECREATION CLUB TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE HIKING CLUB is organized under the auspices of the A current Club project is construction and mai ntenance of RECREATION CLUB the Trail of the Lonesome Pine. This t rail will follow the Tennessee Eastman Recreation Club of Tennessee crest of Clinch Mountains from the Virginia line to U.S. 25 Eastman Company, a Division of Eastman Kodak Com­ near Knoxville. It is hoped this trail will relieve congestion pany, for the benefit of Eastman employees and their on the Appalachian Trail. The Tennessee state legislature has designated t his t rail as part of a state wide scenic t rail Hiking Club families. Membership requirements consist of con­ system. Other trails which will be part of this system are current membership in the Recreation Club and pay­ the Natchez Trace Trail which parallels the Natchez Trace ment of $1.00 annual dues. Parkway; the Appalachian Trail; the Cumberland Trail, which KINGSPORT, TENNESSEE will extend from the Cumberland Gap to Chattanooga, Tn; the John Muir trail; and the Trail of Tears, which retraces t he Persons not Eastman employees are always welcome route the Cherokees took when t hey were removed from at all Club activities but must be invited and attend Tennessee. with an Eastman member. Nonmembers may obtain CANOEING schedules at the Recreation Office in Building 89 or River Difficulty and Paddler Skill Grading Guidelines 310. Notices will be mailed to nonmembers on pay­ CLASS Very Easy. Waves small, regular. Passages clear. ment of $1.00 per year. I. Sandbanks, artificial d ifficulties like bridge piers. Riffles. Beginners {;( {;( {;( CLASS Easy. Rapids of medium d ifficulty, with passages II. clear and wide. Low ledges. Beginners with ex­ The Steering Committee, the governing body of the perience Club, is comprised of six members, three of whom are CLASS Medium. Waves numerous, high, irregular. Rocks, Ill. eddies. Rapids with passages that are clear through elected in December of each year for a period of two narrow, requiring expertise in maneuver. Inspection years. The committee chooses one of its members to usually needed. Intermediate-experienced Difficult. Long rapids. Waves powerful, irregular. serve as Club Chairman. Club members are encouraged CLASS IV. Dangerous rocks. Boiling eddies. Passages diffi­ to offer hike suggestions to the Steering Committee. cult to reconnoiter. Inspection mandatory first time. Powerful and precise maneuvering required. Experts {;r· {;( {;( only CLASS Difficult. Extremely d ifficult, long, and very As a Class A member of the Appalachian Trail Con­ Very v. violent rapids, following each other almost without ference, the Club is responsible for the maintenance interrupt ion. River bed extremely obstructed. Big and marking of Cherokee Sections I- II of the Appa­ drops, violent current, very steep gradient. Recon­ noitering essential but d ifficult . Teams of expert s lachian Trai I from Damascus, Va., to Spivey Gap, 112 CLASS Extraordinarily Difficult. Difficulties of Class V miles. The clearing of some portions is done by the VI. carried to extremes of navigability. Nearly im­ teams of experts U. S. Forest Service. This Trail maintenance is ac­ possible and very dangerous. For only, at favorable water levels and after close study complished by a system of Trail teams within the Club. with all precautions. Not normally run-portage Several Scout Troops and Explorer Posts participate. RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT Trail clearing trips are organized independently by Coast Guard approved life jacket each team to suit the convenience of its members. Painters (approx. 10') on bow and st ern. Extra paddle (t ied in for easy removal). PROVIDING A CONTINUOUS PROGRAM {;( {;( {;( Knee pads. OF HIKING ACTIVITIES SINCE 1946 Bailing bucket. Maps, slide collections, books and other publications Rain gear (not poncho). owned by the Club are available to use by members. Waterproof container for lunches, camera, change of clothes, etc. (Heavy water coolers or ice boxes are not recom­ Inquiries should be made to Jim Crowell. The A. T. C. mended). Time and place of departure is announced in the publication Appalachian Trai lways News is regularly notice of each individual trip. Leaders should be SAFETY circulated to all members. co ntacted for all details. Unless otherwise stated, More than two persons in a canoe is not recommended. meeti Wear life jackets - always. ng point will be the parking lot at Bui lding 215, A limited amount of camping equipment is owned Have a frank knowledge of your boating ability. Tennessee Eastman Company. by the Club for use by members who have not had Know and respect r iver classification. the opportunity to secure their own. Inquiries should Be sure craft is in good repair. Be honest in evaluating your own skill. MEMBER of THE APPALACHIAN TRAI L CONFERENCE be made to the Building 310 Recreation Store. Support trip leader - His Word is Law. Do not get ahead the "sweep canoe" . of leader or lag behind An assoc iation of hiking and trai l clubs and indi­ Trail clearing tools, A. T. paint and brushes are Keep boat behind you in sig ht. In case of accident, pass word forward to the leader. vidua ls who ma intain The Appa lachian Trai l, a 2000- furnished by the Club for Trail maintenance trips. If you spill, get canoe downstream from you. mile foot trail following the mountain crests from Mt. TEC 11 928 Z (4 7 6 ) Katahdin, Maine, to Springer Mount Georgia. ( I TERC HIKING CLUB SCHEDULE Jan uary- July 1977 Hike Date Trip Rating Leader Jan. 8 Sat. day Grandfather Mtn. M Don Shields Jan. 16 Sun. 1 day Bays Mtn. Trail M Darroll Nickels ~o-d an. 23 Sun. 1/z day Steak Dinner, Swiss Slide Show E Collins Chew v-feb. 5 Sat. 1 day A. T. in Laurel Fork Gorge M Bob Mynhier 1.--"""'Feb. 1·2 Sat. 1 day Mt. Rogers - Pine Mtn. M Don Shields F.eb. 20 Sun. 1 day Unaka Mtn. - USFS Trail M Dick Arde ll £.-""I'Jiar. 5 Sat. 1 day New A. T. on Pond Mtn. M Dave Petke ~- 12 Sat. 1 day White Rock Mtn. (A. T. Relocation) M John Thompson Mar. 19 Sat. 1 day Bullface - Lynnville Gorge M John Tamblyn v Mar. 26 Sat. 1 day Clinch Mountain - Trail of Lonesome Pine M Gordon Newland v Apr. 2 Sat. 1 day Maddron Bald from Cosby Campground D Don Nelan ". Apr. 16 Sat. 1 day Nolichucky - Hike through Gorge M Gordon Porter L--Al)r. 23, 24 Sat.-Sun. 2 days Bike Trip in Cades Cove M Powell Foster ~pr. 30 Sat. 1 day Table Rock, Chimneys, Linville Gorge E Don Nelan VM'ay 7, 8 S<;l t.-Sun. 2 days Intermediate Backpack M Darroll Nickels v May 14 Sat. 1 day Baxter Creek - Wild Flower Hike M Bob Mi ller May 19-22 Thurs.-S un. 4 days Backpack A. T. Cloverdale to James River D John Thompson & Ray Hunt t--'May 28-30 Sat.-Mon. 3 days App. Tra i I Conference E Don Nelan Jun. 4, 5 Sat.-Sun. 2 days Le Conte Lodge M Don Kreh [! Jun. 11 Sat. 1 day Nu Wray Inn - Yeates Knob E Don Nelan v Jun. 18 Sat. 1 day Plott Balsam D Gordon Newland Jun. 26 Su n. 1 day Snowball Mtn. - Hawksbill Mtn. D Dick Ardell FUTURE HIKES Fall, 1977 1 wk. Backpack A. T. to Katahdin, Ma ine D Ray Hunt Fa ll, 1977 1 wk. Backpack A. T. in Smokies D Don Shields Hike Ratings E - Easy M - Moderate D - Difficult CANOE SCHEDULE January - June 19 7~ Class of**. Date Trip Difficulty Leader April 2 Big Moccasin Creek I - II Gordon Porter April 8, 9, 10 TSRA Wh itewater Camp II · IV Rick Phelps V April 16 North Fork Holston Ri ver, (H i ltons to Weber City) Dick Burow ~y7 Upper North Fork of Holston (above Hiltons) I · II Bob Mynhier vMay 15 Upper Watauga River II - Ill Terry Dougherty l)Aay 21 -22 New River Overnight I · II Paul Folk May 27-28 Canoe School I · Ill Rick Phelps June 12 South Fork of Holston River II Richard Sparks L-- '. ., 0 une 17, 18; 19 TSRA Canoe School I- Ill Ri ck Phelps June 25 Nolichucky Ri ver (Below Davey Crockett Dam) I · II Bob Bible Nantahala River Races II - Ill Rick Phelps NOTE: Early season trips on the Doe River and on Copper Creek wi ll be taken as water and weather conditions indicate. If you're interested in these, send your name and telephone number to Rick Phelps, B-54. **Class of Difficulty explained on back of this folder. TEC 11 928- 1 ( 12 - 76 ) Final arrangements are made by hike or canoe leaders. / . ~· fT ~ / <- ' / '/ I -·:yt~._·\ r;,...<. ,;]~ -... " ,; J '- 1-- B-150B TERC HIKING CLUB Remember the Highlands of Roan project? This is a major land conservation project that members of the Tennessee Eastman Recreation Hiking Club, in conjunction with the Appalachian Trail Conference, were instrumental in starting several years ago. The goal of this project is to establish a natural area of some 12,000 acres between Carver's Gap and U.S. 19E near Elk Park, N.C., stretching for some 10 miles along the A.T. along the crest of the Roan. The area is one of the most scenic stretches along the entire Trail. The hiker crosses Round Bald (5826'), and Jane Bald (5807'). Then a short distance from the Trail lies Grassy Ridge Bald (6189'). Following the A.T. again, the hiker comes in succession to Yellow Mountain Gap (4600'), Little Hump Mountain (5440'), Bradley Gap (5100'), Hump Mountain (5587'), and Doll Flats (4600').
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