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6 Artisan Spring 2014 6f]b[CbH\YGdch`][\h H\YCZZ]W]U`7cgaYh]WgGdcbgcfcZ&$%( A=GGIG5UbX&$%(A=GGH99BIG5 Make-Up Designory (MUD)DFMFCSBUFTUIFCFBVUZJOZPVXJUIQSFNJVNQSPEVDUTCVJMUUPMBTUVOUJMUIFDVSUBJOTHPEPXO"TUIFPGGJDJBMDPTNFUJDTTQPOTPSPG ¥ ¥ .*4464"BOE.*445&&/64"$PNQFUJUJPOT .6%TIBSFTUIFWJTJPOPGCSJOHJOHCFBVUZ HSPXUIBOEDPOGJEFODFUPHJWFJUZPVSBMM.6%QSPEVDUTBSF QSPEVDFE UP QFSGFDUJPO GPS B MPOHMBTUJOH GMBXMFTT BQQMJDBUJPO BOE SBEJBOU DPMPS 5P GJOE PVU NPSF BCPVU .6% QSPEVDUT GSFF XPSLTIPQT PS FEVDBUJPOBM QSPHSBNTHPUPXXXNVETIPQDPNPSNVEFEV Make-Up Designory Los Angeles Make-Up Designory New York Make-Up Designory Europe ¬ facebook.com/makeupdesignory ¬ facebook.com/mudschools X 129 S. San Fernando Blvd. X 375 W Broadway # 202 X Rimska cesta 13, NFEJB!mud.edu Burbank, CA 91502 New York, NY 10012 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU www.mudshop.com § 818-729-9420 § 212-925-9250 § 00 386 1 6200 348 www.mud.edu V O LUME 10 NUMBER 2 40 Sp ring 2014 what’s inside Feature s 16 Sa fest Pe ople on Se t 18 18 2 0 1 4 Gu ild A wa rds A special nig h t 24 Maleficent Working with R ick Baker 32 T he Amazin g Spiderman 2 Adv entures with th e m ake-up team 40 Salem Witch craft & supernatural creatures 32 D ep artm ents 4 From the Pre side n t Cam paig ning for AB 183 9 6 Lo c al Pe rs pe c tiv e Lobbying for AB 183 9 8 Gu ild N ews D aytim e Em m y nom s & retirem ent 10 C alen da r of E ven ts 12 E d u c atio n 14 Th eate r N ews 44 Thi s & tha t… 44 E x te n de d Fam ily N ews 46 La s t Lo ok s Cover: Angelina Jolie as Maleficent 3 P R E SI D E N T F R OM TH E P R E SI D E N T The bottom line is … we have to have Gov. Jerry Brown sign AB 1839. Of ficial Mag az ine of Hollywood Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists. Th ere is enth usiasm and support by IATSE m em bers with th is cam paig n to increase th e film P ublish ed in th e Interest of tax incentiv e for all of California, and all of us inv olv ed are so th rilled to h av e th e participation ALL th e Mem bers of Make-Up Artists of our broth ers and sisters as we m ov e forward. If anyth ing , th is h as been an eye-opening and & Hair Stylists I.A.T.S.E. Local 706 educational process for m any wh o nev er g et inv olv ed in politics. Wh ile oth er states prem aturely dance on our g rav es, Californians are not g iv ing up. Th ey’ re g etting sm arter, g etting inv olv ed and are com m itted to th e success of th is leg islation. It’ s for our v ery surv iv al. S u p e r v i s i n g Ed i t o r J EF F ANGELL Th e first rally at P ickwick Gardens in Burbank broug h t m ore th an 1,500 IATSE, Team sters and a sm attering of oth er unions tog eth er to launch th e bill. D oz ens of leg islators sh owed C o n t r i b u t i n g W r i t e r s up to lend th eir support and com m itm ent to g etting th is accom plish ed. Assem blym en R aul SUSAN CABR AL-EBER T Bocaneg ra and Mike Gatto co-auth ored AB 183 9, and it h as sh own to h av e trem endous TO MMY CO LE support on th e Assem bly side of th e California leg islature. At th at rally, we g ath ered 1,500 R AND Y SAY ER h and-sig ned letters th at were deliv ered to th e first critical Assem bly m eeting , th e Arts and Entertainm ent Com m ittee. Th e Com m ittee h earing was packed and g reatly represented by P u b l i s h e r IATSE crafts. Th e Com m ittee m em bers were ov erwh elm ed wh en a stack of 1,500 letters were INGLED ODD MED IA h anded to th em , unlike anyth ing th ey h ad seen prev iously. Em ails and online petitions nev er h av e th e sam e power as a tall stack of letters from real people, with real sig natures and real Of f i c e Ma n a g e r addresses, asking for h elp. Th e v ote in fav or was unanim ous. K ATHY SAIN R ecently we sent out em ails asking for m ore participation, and m any th anks to th ose of you Ma i l i n g L i s t Ma n a g e r wh o responded and sent letters to R aul Bocaneg ra, Ch airm an of th e Tax ation and R ev enue D IANE BUR NS Com m ittee. Ev en th oug h it’ s a slower production tim e with h iatus and th e end of “ pilot season,” th e business representativ es ag ain h it th e bricks, went to studios, knocked on trailer doors, went into th e sets and g ot sig natures on 2,3 00 letters. Th e support from our own Local 706 m em bers h as been truly im pressiv e, and m any of th em in turn are reach ing out to The Artisan is published quarterly neig h bors, business and v endors th ey work with to increase th e support. Th is tim e, wh en th e by Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists, R ev enue and Tax ation Com m ittee m eets, an ev en larg er stack of h and-sig ned letters will be I.A.T.S.E. Local 706, 828 No. Hollywood presented. Ev en th oug h th is Com m ittee h as few South ern Californians, it is ex pected th at Way, Burbank, CA 91505 th ey too will v ote in fav or of AB 183 9. Th is is a bill th at inv olv es all of California, not j ust Phone (818) 295-3933. Fax 818-295-3930 Los Ang eles. IA m em bers wh o v olunteered will soon be attending a speaker training sem inar so All editorial and photo submissions th ey m ay m ay m ore directly and powerfully deliv er th eir personal stories wh en th ey trav el to should be sent to email address: Sacram ento. V ideos are also being edited and will be presented to Assem blym en and Senators [email protected] as we m ov e along . O ur stores are powerful, personal and th e leg islators cannot ig nore us. Advertising inquiries: Soon th ere will be a rally in th e San F rancisco Bay Area to g et th e union m em bers inv olv ed, it Dan Dodd, Advertising Director is not j ust about South ern California. Th ere we will enlist th e h elp of ev eryone wh o wants to (310) 207-4410 x 236 becom e inv olv ed, so please do not ig nore th e opportunity to be a part of th e process. [email protected] Th ree com m ittees on th e Assem bly side, th en a few on th e floor of th e Assem bly. After th at, th e bill will m ov e to th e Senate and th at is wh ere we anticipate th e g reatest ch alleng es and O f f ic ers of I. A. T . S . E . Loc al 7 0 6 opposition. Th e g ood news is th at we h av e g ained support from not only th e California Labor President F ederation and th e Los Ang eles County F ederation of Labor ( neith er of wh ich ev er supports S usan C ab ral - E b ert tax incentiv es) , but we also h av e support from incom ing Speaker P ro Tem of th e Senate, K ev in V ic e President de Leon, th e firefig h ters’ union, th e building trades and oth er unions th at rarely support tax J ul ie S oc ash incentiv es. R ec ording S ec retary K aren W esterf iel d But we still need th e participation and support of our m em bers. We all need to be th e eyes S ec retary - T reasurer and ears, to relay our stories to our neig h bors and g et th em to send a letter or m ake a ph one J ohn E . J ac k son call to th eir own assem bly persons and senators. D on’ t S ergeant- at- Arms let up, don’ t becom e com placent. It’ s a tedious process to B arb ara D al l y push a bill forward. It takes a lot of work, and we can’ t do B usiness R ep resentative it with out you.
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