Item 7 Appendix 1

Summary of Responses Received to Petitions Presented at Recent Assembly Meetings

Petitions submitted on 10 September 2008 (Mayor’s Question Time)

1. Valerie Shawcross AM and Caroline Pidgeon AM received a petition with the following prayer, which was presented by Valerie Shawcross on behalf of both Members:

" We the undersigned support the development and implementation of the Cross River Tram as soon as possible. We believe that the Cross River Tram is essential for: - Linking regeneration area with the employment opportunities in the Central area. - The relief of congestion on the Northern, Victoria & Piccadilly Lines. - Easing the significant overcrowding on buses which are currently the only means of public transport on certain sections of the route. We call on the Mayor of London Boris Johnson to confirm his commitment to the Cross River Tram and to do everything in his power to ensure that it is delivered as soon as possible"

The Mayor, Boris Johnson, sent a written response on 9 October 2008 saying:

“I am aware that there is both support and concern for the Cross River Tram scheme. In light of the funding settlement from Government which does not include any funding to implement the scheme I am currently reviewing the scheme and have asked to provide me with details of the transport, economic and environmental implications of the project to help me decide how best to proceed.

Recently I agreed to meet a delegation of borough councils who support the scheme and listen to the arguments put forward.

I thank you again for presenting me with this petition and would ask you to be patient while the overall case for the tram is reviewed.”

2. Caroline Pidgeon AM presented a petition with the following prayer:

"We, the undersigned residents and road-users of Clerkenwell, call upon the Mayor of London to take action to improve pedestrian and cycling safety at Five Ways junction, King's Cross Road, the Angel intersection, Penton Rise and the King's Cross gyratory system."

The Mayor, Boris Johnson, sent a written response on 3 November 2008 saying:

“Transport for London is progressing a scheme that would provide improved pedestrian and cyclist crossing facilities at the junctions of Lloyd Baker Street and Marjory Street with Kings Cross Road. The work is at a relatively early stage. I have asked TfL to keep you and Councillor George Allan updated as TfL’s work progresses.

With regard to Penton Rise, TfL has been working to resolve the particularly challenging difficulties at the junction of Penton Rise and Road and met you recently to outline its proposals. Safeguarding traffic operations on this particularly sensitive section of London’s Inner has also been an issue. Work

City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London SE1 2AA Enquiries: 020 7983 4100 minicom: 020 7983 4458

is progressing and TfL hopes to be in a position to commence the implementation of improvements in the New Year. Again, TfL will keep you and Councillor Allan updated as the work progresses.”

Petition submitted on 5 March 2008 (Assembly Plenary)

1. Former Assembly Member, Elizabeth Howlett, presented a petition with the following prayer:

"I support the campaign for a new bus service from Tooting Bec along Trinity Road and over Wandsworth Bridge into Parsons Green. I call upon the Mayor of London and Transport for London to provide a new route to meet the needs of local residents."

The Mayor, Boris Johnson, sent a written response to Richard Tracey AM, who now represents Merton and Wandsworth, on 27 October 2008 saying:

“Please accept my apologies for the delaying in responding to you.

As you are aware, Transport for London’s Head of Stakeholder Engagement for Surface Transport, Peter Bradley, recently attended a campaign meeting hosted by yourself on 24 September regarding a new bus link between Tooting Bec and Parson’s Green via Trinity Road.

I understand that many concerns were raised at this meeting and Mr Bradley has taken these on board. He has assured me that TfL would be considering the comments raised at the meeting and will write to you directly once these have been considered.”