50¢ October 12, 2008 Think Green Volume 82, No. 37 Recycle www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY Serving the of Fort Wayne-South Bend this paper TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Respecting A prayer for , the church Life Hope and healing to BY DON CLEMMER build a culture of life

FORT WAYNE — “This is a prayer for you,” Pages 10-13 Bishop John M. D’Arcy said as he opened the Oct. 5 Red at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. He was addressing the various lawyers, and elected and appointed public Money and the present at the annual event. He also said that the Red Mass is a reminder that all law comes through Jesus human journey Christ. In his , the bishop pointed out the image in Pope says word of God the readings of workers in a vineyard and cited examples of saints who did great work for the is important church, the Lord’s vineyard, after reflecting on the Page 5 cross of Christ, including St. Francis, St. Thomas More and Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. Bishop D’Arcy asked the lawyers and public officials at the Mass how much time they spend with God. He noted that St. Thomas More, as a result of Off to a good his disciplined and devoted prayer life, made Christ present to those around him and that this was the beginning vocation of all workers in the vineyard of the Lord. Parishes provide Bible, The speaker at the brunch at the Grand Wayne Center, following the Red Mass, was one such crucifix to newlyweds worker. Nicholas Cafardi, dean emeritus of the Duquesne University School of Law, serves on the Page 8 National Review Board, which monitors the U.S. bishops’ compliance with the 2002 Dallas “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People” against clergy sexual abuse. Cafardi has also done legal work on behalf of the church for decades. Sharing Faith Cafardi shared that he always like being on the Creating your own mysteries side of the “guys in white hats” when he worked for the church. This changed in 1988, when a sexual of the rosary abuse case was brought against the Diocese of Pittsburgh, whom he represented. His client was Page 18 suddenly wearing “a very dark hat” he told those attending the brunch. DON CLEMMER As he wove the story of his research and Bishop John M. D’Arcy thanks Nicholas Cafardi, left, for speaking at the Red Mass brunch on Oct. 5. Cafardi had, in his talk, praised Bishop John M. D’Arcy as one of very few leaders in the U.S. church who understood the issue of clergy sexual abuse from the very beginning. Annual memorial RED MASS, PAGE 20 Service recalls those lost ST. JUDE BREAKS GROUND to abortion Scripture essential to church’s Page 20 evangelizing mission

report outlining the main themes of discussion. BY JOHN THAVIS Key topics included the need to strength- en religious formation and remedy “the igno- (CNS) — At a Mass to open the rance of the Scriptures,” the improvement of world Synod of Bishops on the Bible, Pope preaching based on Scripture, and greater Benedict XVI said knowledge of Scripture guidance on biblical interpretation — per- was essential to the church’s evangelizing haps through a new papal encyclical. mission in an increasingly godless society. The pope convoked the 12th general “It is indispensable that the church know assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the and live that which she proclaims, so that her theme “The Word of God in the Life and preaching is credible, despite the weaknesses Mission of the Church.” He was to preside and poverty of her members,” the pope said over most of its twice-daily sessions and HEATHER CISZ Oct. 5 at the Roman Basilica of St. Paul accept its conclusions as the basis for a like- ly papal document on the topic. St. Jude School, Fort Wayne, broke ground Outside the Walls. “Only the word of God can profoundly He celebrated the opening Mass in the Sept. 30, for a $470,000 expansion, which change the heart of man,” he said. The need basilica dedicated to St. Paul in part because for such conversion is great in today’s con- the church is marking the 2,000th anniver- will include a secured entrance and office fused society, in which human beings some- sary of the saint’s birth, and in part to high- space off the playground. In the photo, Fort times proclaim themselves “the only masters light the connection between Scripture and of creation,” he said. evangelization. Wayne Mayor Tom Henry recognizes Father Following the papal liturgy, the pope The pope, dressed in gold and green vest- Thomas Shoemaker, pastor, with a lapel pin. kicked off a marathon reading of Scripture on ments, processed into the basilica with bish- Italian television. The next day, at the first ops from around the world. Also in atten- In 2006 St. Jude was recognized as a Vatican assembly of the three-week synod, National Blue Ribbon school. about 300 synodal participants listened to a SYNOD, PAGE 3 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 12, 2008 TODAY’S CATHOLIC newspaper of the Bishop joins priests for sessions Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 on preaching PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy At any rate, we had an excellent presenta- of Christ. Although every bishop in EDITOR: Tim Johnson tion on how priests preach the lives of the , except John Fisher, also canonized saints from Sister Ann Astell, who is also a with Thomas More, took the false oath that ASSISTANT EDITOR: Don Clemmer member of the theology department at the king of England was the ultimate reli- STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad Notre Dame and an expert on saints in the gious authority in that land, and although NEWS Middle Ages, especially people like St. many in the courts of England did as well, Editorial Department Catherine of Siena and St. Teresa of Avila. Thomas More did not. The loss of his life PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan &NOTES We also had talks on giving homilies to did not bother him. His anxiety was FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, the Catholics who come to us from Mexico whether or not he would be strong enough Ann Carey, Michelle Castleman, Elmer BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY and other lands to the south, and on the link to leave his beautiful wife and children, and J. Danch, Michelle Donaghey, Bonnie between doctrine and spirituality. A won- especially his daughter, Meg, who was the Elberson, Denise Fedorow, Diane derful few days to reflect on this great priv- child of his heart. He was able to see Freeby, May Lee Johnson, Sister A seminar on preaching ilege. I found it very humbling in the sense through the weakness and sins of the Margie Lavonis, CSC, Jennifer Murray For many years, I have joined our priests that these excellent teachers opened up to church, to what it really was, the body of and Deb Wagner for a three-day session on continuing edu- preach the word of God in ways that will be Christ and the spouse of the Savior; and cation. We have gone over many pastoral more enriching to our people. I left wanting that is where his faith remained. areas, including one led by Carolyn Woo to be a better preacher. Dean Cafardi took us step-by-step Business Department and her staff at the Notre Dame School of As always, the real heroes for me were through these two different moments of cri- BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice Business, where we received help on the our priests. I think there were 65 priests sis and scandal in the church, and helped us AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber many skills that a pastor needs now in the present, and there is no doubt that their to see what is central and important. BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol area of management, budgeting, interview- whole hearts were in it. I will be at the Sacred Heart Basilica at [email protected] ing, etc. I also found it a nice place to walk and Notre Dame this Sunday with lawyers from This year, our Council of Priests suggest- to pray. the South Bend area, and students from Advertising Sales ed a topic, which is central to life As always, we prepared a little chapel Notre Dame Law School. This is a diocese Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) and to the vocation of the priest. The sub- with the presence of the , where the bishop does most things twice. (260) 456-2824 ject was preaching. More particularly, how and we said morning and evening prayer, Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) can the preacher, while remaining faithful and celebrated the Eucharist each day. (574) 234-0687 to the Scriptures, which have just been read Important events coming up Web site: www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY in church, also present the doctrine of the A rally at North Manchester Oct. 18, for church and make the homily truly instruc- Two weekends with lawyers all those receiving confirmation this spring. Published weekly except the fourth tive. This was substantially the This will be led by our Office of Sunday in June, first and third weeks same seminar given to 50 Youth Ministry. I will be there to in July, first week in August and last American Catholic bishops last help with confessions and preach. week in December by the Diocese of winter. All our teachers were A wonderful few days to reflect on this great privilege. The ordination to the priest- Fort Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. from the excellent theology hood. On Oct. 25, 2008, it will Calhoun St., P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, be my joy and privilege to ordain IN 46801. Periodicals postage paid at department at Notre Dame. I found it very humbling in the sense that these excellent Fort Wayne, IN, and additional mailing As priests, we have an to the holy priesthood, office. extraordinary opportunity. As I Kevin Bauman and Andrew mentioned recently, the teachers opened up to preach the word of God in ways Curry. I give thanks to God for POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Liturgical Renewal of the this extraordinary privilege Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort has that will be more enriching to our people. which I approach with a sense of Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or e-mail: opened up the Scriptures for our unworthiness, but also with joy [email protected]. people, so that in the course of a I left wanting to be a better preacher. and gratitude to God. Please keep them both in your prayers. Both SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Domestic in three-year cycle they hear so advance, one year $20. Bundle rates much from the Old Testament, are graduates of Saint Joseph’s available on request. Single copy 50¢. from the Pauline and High School in South Bend. I from the Gospels. know them well, and regard them MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort But a homily, which is linked highly. Wayne, IN 46802.Telephone (260) to Scripture, does not mean that the teach- It is a privilege each year to celebrate the 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. ing of the church on such matters as sacra- Red Mass for lawyers, judges and elected BUREAU OFFICE: 114 W.Wayne St., South The playoffs ments, the nature of the church, the last officials. This past weekend the Red Mass Bend, IN 46601.Telephone (574) 234- A sweep of the mighty Los Angeles 0687. Fax: (574) 232-8483. things, and the saints, should be set aside. was celebrated at the Cathedral of Scriptures and doctrine are internally Immaculate Conception in Fort Wayne. The Angels on the road. Who could have News deadline is the Monday morn- linked. Mass honors St. Thomas More, that expected it. However, I make a con- ing before publication date. So we had a beautiful talk from extraordinary from the 16th century fession. For the two late games on the West Advertising deadline is nine days Professor Cavadini, chair of the department whom we still talk about. He was chosen as Coast, one while I was with our priests in before publication date. of theology, Notre Dame, on using the the lawyer of the millennium, and you all Pokagon, and the other back home in Fort Catechism of the for know about that great play of Robert Bolt, Wayne, I stayed up for the complete game. LETTERS POLICY: Today’s Catholic wel- “A Man for All Seasons.” It was much too late, but I could not break comes original, signed letters about preaching. He chose especially to concen- trate on a teaching found in church fathers, In Fort Wayne, we have a speaker, and away. On Friday night, the phone rang after issues affecting church life. Although 1 a.m., when the Red Sox had pulled it out we cannot publish every letter we in the catechism, and the Second Vatican this week it was Dean Nicholas Cafardi. I receive, we strive to provide a bal- Council, about the church being born from have known Nick for many years, he is late. Of course, it was my sister, Anne; a anced representation of expressed the side of Christ. He also helped us to see both a lawyer and a civil lawyer. I Sister of St. Joseph in Boston. If anything, opinions and a variety of reflections the way the catechism uses Scripture — not found him an excellent advisor on canoni- she is a more ardent fan than I am. Does on life in the church.We will choose as text to prove a point, but interwoven cal and legal questions. this mean we will be facing the Dodgers letters for publication based on read- with the doctrinal teachings. He had recently written a book called and Manny Ramirez in the World Series? er interest, timeliness and fairness. “Before Dallas.” It shows clearly the That would be something. We trail two Readers may agree or disagree with painful things the church has gone through games to one at this writing. My condo- the letter writers’ opinions. Letters lences and sympathy to my many friends must not exceed 500 words. All let- Other teachings in the recent crisis; which as I said before ters must be signed and include a As you know, priests now give homilies will, I hope, be a purification. Dean Cafardi who follow the Cubs. It will come. Do not phone number and address for verifi- at daily Mass. I often celebrate daily Mass touched on some of the mistakes that had lose hope. cation.We reserve the right to edit at noontime at the Cathedral of the been made by bishops during this period. See you all next week. letters for legal and other concerns. Immaculate Conception or in South Bend at He also shared with us, in painful fashion, Mail letters to: Today’s Catholic, the downtown Faith, Hope, Charity Chapel. the way the papacy was lived around the P.O. Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN This is often on the feasts of saints, and you time of St. Thomas More. We did not have 46856-1169; or e-mail: can use readings either from the feast of the popes at that time, like we have today; and [email protected] saint or from the general readings of the the church was in serious difficulty. Scandal . I usually go with the saint, but in the highest places. Yet, he said, Thomas ISSN 0891-1533 many priests stay with the regular readings. More believed that the church is the body USPS 403630 OCTOBER 12, 2008 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 3

Pope explains history, importance of synods • To deal with themes of great BY JOHN THAVIS importance and timeliness. Over the years, some bishops CNS PHOTO/MAX ROSSI, REUTERS VATICAN CITY (CNS) — At have called for decision-making Bishops listen to Pope Benedict XVI during the opening meeting of the Synod of the Bishops at the Vatican the beginning of the world Synod powers for the synod. The pope Oct. 6. The focus of the gathering was “The Word of God in the Life and the Mission of the Church.” of Bishops on the Bible, Pope made no reference to a possible Benedict XVI explained why he change in its strictly consultative thinks such meetings are impor- tain modern culture. There are company. Most of the remaining role. tant. those who, having decided that 138 hours were to be shown on a He said the Greek roots of the He did it in typical Benedict ‘God is dead,’ declare themselves sister satellite channel, RAI word “synod” — “syn” meaning — reviewing a bit of church SYNOD ‘god,’” he said. Educational. “with” and “odos” meaning history and explaining the roots “road” — suggest the idea of CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The pope, turning to a domi- Each of about 1,200 people of the Greek word “synodos” to nant theme of his pontificate, from 50 countries — including traveling together, which he said pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s asked whether people who remove Catholics and other Christians, as was the church’s experience Square. dance were synod delegates from God from their lives can truly be well as several Jews and Muslims through history. The basic role of the Synod of other Christian churches. happy, and really can build a just — was to read for between four “The synodal dimension is an Bishops, held every three years In his homily, the pope said the and peaceful world. and eight minutes until all 73 essential component of the or so, is to advise the pope and purpose of the synod was to con- “Is it not more likely — as books of the Catholic edition of church. It consists in the coming solidify church , the sider “how to render more effec- demonstrated by news headlines the Bible have been read. together of every population and pope said Oct. 5. tive the proclamation of the every day — that the arbitrary rule The synod got down to busi- culture to become one in Christ He recalled that the synod was in our own time” and to of power, selfish interests, injustice ness Oct. 6, with the reading in and to walk together behind established as a regular institu- underline the need to “place the and exploitation, and violence in Latin of a lengthy pre-discussion him,” he said. tion by Pope Paul VI in 1965, word of God at the center of our all its forms, will extend its grip?” report. Prepared and presented by Pope Benedict, who presided during the final phase of the life.” he said. Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Quebec, over a Synod of Bishops on the Second Vatican Council. Like St. Paul, who evangelized The pope then returned to the synod’s recording secretary, it Eucharist in 2005, has modified Pope Benedict listed four with enthusiasm and urgency, the Scripture, pointing out that the bib- synthesized the main themes that some of the synod’s rules. He has main functions of the assemblies: church today senses new opportu- lical passages promise that God have emerged during months of shortened the length of the • To promote closer union and nities for spreading the Gospel, he “does not abandon his vineyard,” preliminary consultations. assemblies to three weeks and cooperation between the pope said. But it also recognizes that in and that “if in some areas faith Cardinal Ouellet told reporters reduced the maximum length of and the bishops of the world. some parts of the world, Christians weakens to the point of vanishing, afterward that the synod would individual speeches from eight • To furnish direct and accu- have fallen away from the practice there will always be other peoples come up with concrete suggestions minutes to five minutes. rate information about the of faith, he said. ready to embrace it.” for helping Catholics learn to read At the same time, he has cre- church’s situation and problems. The pope’s homily centered on He said the message from the Bible, to pray with it and to ated more opportunity for open • To encourage harmony the image of the vineyard in the Scripture is ultimately a positive share its message with the world. discussion at the end of the daily between doctrine and pastoral day’s liturgical readings. The one: “the certainty that evil and The synod’s first week was to sessions in the synod hall. action. prophet Isaiah described the divine death will not have the last word, be dedicated largely to individual project of salvation as a vineyard but it will be Christ who wins in speeches by synod members and that was planted and cared for with the end. Always!” invited guests. In an extraordinary CARDINAL OUELLET SPEAKS AT SYNOD love, but which brought forth only At his noon blessing at the move, one of the first speakers “wild grapes.” Vatican the same day, the pope was a Jewish scholar, Rabbi Shear- In a New Testament parable asked Catholics around the world Yashuv Cohen, the chief rabbi of related by St. Matthew, Christ to pray for the success of the Haifa, Israel, who was to talk describes a struggle over a vine- synod. He said synodal assemblies about the role of Scripture in yard to illustrate unjust behavior were particularly important Jewish life. and the rejection of God, the pope because they brought together rep- In order to increase the oppor- said. resentatives from every culture and tunity for open discussion in the These images remain relevant population, in a direct exchange of synod hall, each of the 253 synod today, he said, especially for information about local realities. fathers will have a maximum of Christians who have been given On the evening of Oct. 5, the five minutes to address the assem- the gift of the Gospel. pope read from the Book of bly. At the last synod in 2005 the “If we look at history, we are Genesis as he led off a Bible-read- limit was six minutes and before forced to notice the frequent cold- ing marathon on the Italian state that it was eight minutes. ness and rebellion of incoherent television. He was followed by The participants include the Christians. Because of this, God, Russian Orthodox Bishop Hilarion 253 voting members of the synod, while never shirking in his prom- of Vienna and Austria. made up of cardinals, patriarchs, CNS PHOTO/EMANUELA DE MEO, CATHOLIC PRESS PHOTO ise of salvation, often had to turn After the famed tenor Andrea bishops and a dozen priests who toward punishment,” he said. Bocelli sang Johann Sebastian head religious orders; 12 “fraternal Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Quebec speaks at a press confer- The pope noted that some Bach’s “Lodate Dio” (“Praise delegates” representing other ence during the Synod of Bishops on the Bible at the flourishing early Christian com- God”), the Italian actor Roberto Christian churches; and 35 invited munities have disappeared, and Benigni read the next section of observers and experts. Vatican Oct. 6. The Bible is not just “a book of ideas,” he asked: “Could this same thing not Genesis. The Vatican said the synod’s happen in our day and age? The inauguration of the 253 voting members included said. “When one opens the book, one opens one’s heart “Today, nations once rich in unprecedented initiative, “The bishops from Hong Kong and and it is God who speaks” and engages in a dialogue with faith and vocations are losing their Bible, Day and Night,” was broad- Macau, but none from mainland own identity, under the harmful cast on the main channel of RAI, China, because Chinese authorities the person who reads and contemplates what is written, and destructive influence of a cer- Italy’s state-owned broadcasting would not allow them to attend. he added. 4 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 12, 2008

United States Postal Service Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation U.S. bishops urge Catholics to study 1. Publication Title 2. Publication Number 3. Filing Date Oct. 10, 2008 Today’s Catholic 4 0 _ 363 0 4. Issue Frequency 5. Number of Issues Published Annually 6. Annual Subscription Price weekly, except the 4th week of June, 1st and 3rd week of 47 July, first week of August, last week of December $ 20 candidates’ views on life issues 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication (Not printer) (Street, city, county, state, and ZIP+4) Contact Person 915 South Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Timothy J. Johnson Telephone PO Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN 46856 260-456-2824 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher (Not printer) Publisher’s address: 1103 S. Calhoun Street, PO Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801

9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor (Do not leave blank) Publisher (Name and complete mailing address) Most Reverend John M. D’Arcy, 1103 S. Calhoun Street, PO Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801

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Cardinal Edward M. Egan Cardinal Francis E. George Bishop William E. Lori

11. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or √ Other Securities. If none, check box None WASHINGTON (CNS) — In the “incumbent upon bishops to cor- Citizenship.” The statement, he Full Name Complete Mailing Address weeks leading up to the elections, rect Catholics who are in error said, stresses that “all issues do several U.S. bishops have been regarding these matters.” He also not carry the same moral weight writing pastoral letters, columns said Catholic public officials who and that the moral obligation to in diocesan newspapers, letters to “persist in public support for oppose intrinsically evil acts has the editor and blog entries urging abortion and other intrinsic evils a special claim on our con- Catholics to look closely at where should not partake in or be admit- sciences and our actions.” 12. Tax Status (For completion by nonprofit organizations authorized to mail at nonprofit rates) (Check one) The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes: candidates stand on life issues. ted to the sacrament of holy “Our No. 1 priority,” the arch- √ Has Not Changed During Preceding 12 Months Has Changed During Preceding 12 Months (Publisher must submit explanation of change with this statement) “The right to life is the right Communion.” bishop wrote, “must always be to

PS Form 3526, October 1999 (See Instructions on Reverse) through which all others flow. To “I will be vigilant on this sub- promote the sanctity of human the extent candidates reject this ject,” he added in the letter dis- life and the right to life — espe- fundamental right by supporting tributed at all diocesan parishes cially for the unborn, the aged an objective evil, such as legal as part of Respect Life Weekend and the sick. Unless the right to Today’s Catholic Oct. 5, 2008 abortion, euthanasia or embryon- in the diocese. life is protected, all other rights ic stem-cell research, Catholics In the U.S. Catholic Church, in our society are at risk.” 47 issues per year should consider them less accept- October is observed as Respect Bishop William E. Lori of 14,943 11,146 able for public office,” said a Life Month and the first Sunday Bridgeport, Conn., chairman of statement released Oct. 2 by the in October, Oct. 5 this year, is the U.S. bishops’ doctrine com- 14,814 11,017 New York bishops. designated as Respect Life mittee, also quoted “Faithful The statement, “Our Sunday. Citizenship” in his Oct. 2 blog at Cherished Right, Our Solemn A statement from Chicago www.bishoploriblog.org, stress- Duty,” signed by New York Cardinal Francis E. George and ing the point it makes that there Cardinal Edward M. Egan and the other Illinois Catholic bishops are “intrinsically evil actions” the state’s other Catholic bishops, stressed the need for Catholics to which “must always be rejected 00said it is “the rare candidate who strongly consider the sanctity of and opposed and must never be will agree with the church on human life when voting and to supported or condoned.” 14,814 11,017 every issue.” But they also noted, also recognize “a hierarchy” “In our nation,” he wrote, 9 9 citing the U.S. bishops’ 2007 among these issues. “abortion is at the forefront of document ,”Forming Consciences The statement “Our these intrinsically evil actions.” for Faithful Citizenship,” that Conscience and Our Vote” was He pointed out that “while “not every issue is of equal moral issued Sept. 22 through the ‘Faithful Citizenship’ acknowl- gravity.” Illinois Catholic Conference and edges that one may only vote for “The inalienable right to life is available online at a politician who supports policies of every innocent human person www.catholicconferenceofilli- supporting legalized abortion for 9 9 outweighs other concerns where nois.org. truly grave moral reasons, a con- 14,823 11,026 Catholics may use prudential “The direct and intentional scientious voter must question 100 100 judgment, such as how best to destruction of innocent human what grave moral issue rises to 14,923 11,126 meet the needs of the poor or to life from the moment of concep- the level of nearly 49 million 99.270 99.918 increase access to health care for tion until natural death is always lives lost to the evil of abortion.” all,” said the statement, issued by wrong,” the statement said. “It is He also said a politician “who √ the New York Catholic not just one issue among many opposes abortion should not go Oct. 12, 2008 Conference, the public policy and must always be opposed.” unchallenged if he or she adopts arm of the state’s bishops. The Illinois bishops said other positions that undermine human Timothy J. Johnson Oct. 2, 2008 The bishops stressed the life issues should not be ignored. dignity in other ways.” Editor importance of casting votes “Issues such as racism, the use of Two New York bishops wrote informed by faith and conscience the death penalty, unjust war, the to The New York Times disputing not only in the national election use of torture, war crimes, failure a Sept. 17 article in the newspa- but also in state and local elec- to attend to the needs of the poor, per that described a “running tions. The full statement can be and unjust immigration policy debate” among Catholics about found online at also must be addressed because how to cast their vote in light of www.nyscatholic.org. of our belief in the sanctity of church teaching on abortion. In a pastoral letter read at all human life,” they said. The letter, signed by Brooklyn Tired of Cleaning Your Gutters? Masses in the Diocese of The bishops urged Catholics Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio and Scranton, Pa., during the week- to pray for guidance before vot- Bishop William F. Murphy of end of Oct. 4-5, Bishop Joseph F. ing and to familiarize themselves Rockville Centre, who chairs the LEAFPROOF™ Martino stressed that a candi- with church teachings “that affect U.S. bishops’ Committee on is an amazing gutter cover date’s views on abortion out- political choices.” Domestic Justice and Human weighed all other issues. “Voting is not a small matter Development, said how to vote is that catches rain but no leaves! “Being right on taxes, educa- to be dealt with casually or care- “not a dilemma for the bishops.” tion, health care, immigration and lessly,” they added. “It calls upon The bishops emphasized that Receive $100.00 OFF the economy fails to make up for all to reflect seriously and prayer- Catholics need to “look at the a whole house LEAFPROOF™ system the error of disregarding the fully on moral issues that reflect whole teaching of the church on (Expires 10/01/08) value of a human life,” the bish- God’s design for the common justice and peace, serving the (260) 424-1001 Enterprise, Inc. op’s letter said. It added that the good.” poor and advancing the common “finest health and education sys- In a column for the Sept. 26 good — beginning with a funda- or (260) 424-1293 House Doctors tems, the fairest immigration issue of Today’s Catholic, news- mental priority on protecting laws, and the soundest economy paper of the San Antonio innocent human life from direct Paul & Cindy O’Shaughnessey do nothing for the child who Archdiocese, Jose H. attack as in abortion.” never sees the light of day.” Gomez reiterated what the bish- St. Charles Parish, Fort Wayne The bishop said it was ops said in “Faithful OCTOBER 12, 2008 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 5 Economic crisis shows why life To be authentic Christians must be shouldn’t be built on money committed to the poor, speaker says Members of the ances — is building on sand,” he BY MARNIE McALLISTER BY JOHN THAVIS said. Society of St. Vincent The true realist is someone de Paul carry banners VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The who builds his life on the things LOUISVILLE, Ky. (CNS) — of their local councils current global financial crisis that remain, recognizing God’s People cannot be authentic and parish confer- illustrates why it is a mistake to place in his own life, he said. Christians without a firm com- mitment to serving the poor, Jack ences as they walk to build a life on passing realities Chicago Cardinal Francis E. the Cathedral of the like money and success, Pope Jezreel told a gathering of about George, president of the U.S. Assumption for a Benedict XVI said. Conference of Catholic Bishops, 500 members of the Society of “We see this today in the col- said the pope’s reference to the St. Vincent de Paul Sept. 25. Sept. 27 Mass during lapse of the great banks: This banking crisis underlined an Jezreel, a local Catholic who their national meet- money disappears, it’s nothing. obvious contrast between eternal developed and directs the nation- ing in Louisville, Ky. And so all these things we truths and the realities that occu- al JustFaith Ministries, was a Members of the thought were real and were py a great part of people’s lives. keynote speaker at the society’s Louisville Pipe Band counting on are in fact realities “Here we have institutions — 2008 national meeting in are also pictured. of a second order,” he said Oct. financial and political — upon Louisville Sept. 23-27. The gath- 6, the day European stock mar- which people relied as if they ering also marked the society’s CNS PHOTO/JOSEPH DUERR, RECORD kets plummeted following news were ultimate,” the cardinal told 175th anniversary worldwide and of government bailouts for two Catholic News Service. the 155th anniversary of its estab- should happen everywhere — not people to expand their circle of more mortgage and banking “There is nothing ultimate lishment in Louisville. just at church, Jezreel said. love to take in all people, he said. companies. except God and the word of God, The meeting included small- This is where he sees the “Relationship with God is “We need to change our idea which is, as (the pope) said, group sessions and workshops, a American church stumbling at expressed in relationship with our of realism. The realist is some- more real than all the material retreat and the first Friends of the times. Some churches — what he brothers and sisters who are most one who recognizes in the word dimension of creation that so Poor Walk, which was held in calls “Vatican one and a half” broken, neglected, abandoned and of God, in this reality that preoccupies us,” he said. Louisville and more than 100 parishes — excel at ministering forgotten. Period,” he said, noting appears so weak, the foundation Archbishop Claudio Maria other cities and towns in the within the parish, while serving that Scripture is clear. “The ‘Cliff of everything,” he said. Celli, president of the Pontifical Sept. 27. beyond the boundaries of the Notes’ version: Feed the hungry The pope made the impromp- Council for Social In his speech Jezreel acknowl- church community remains a or go to hell. The Gospel uses tu remarks at the opening session Communications, said at a press edged that he was “speaking to challenge for around the language to jostle people out of of the world Synod of Bishops conference that the pope clearly the choir.” With that in mind, he United States, he said. their spiritual comas.” on the Bible. He said the morn- was offering a spiritual reflec- said, his talk was intended as At the end of Mass, “having For the nonpoor the good ing’s Scripture readings had tion, not an evaluation of finan- both an affirmation of broken bread, having shared a news is “there is a way out of brought to mind Christ’s parable cial problems. Vincentians’ work and a chal- cup, there is but one thing to be your preoccupation,” he said. of the two houses, one built on “The pope’s main theme was lenge to them to continue in serv- done,” Jezreel said. “‘Go in peace “There is a way out of hell. What sand and one built on rock. not the current economic situa- ice to the poor. to love and serve the Lord.’ must I do to share in everlasting “On sand is built only things tion, but the value and impor- “Our faith is integrally linked to “As we walk toward the exit life? Sell all that you have and we can see and touch: success, tance of the word of God in the the care and attention to our broth- doors, what we go to is a family, give it to the poor.” career, money. Apparently they human journey,” the archbishop ers and sisters who suffer the sin a neighborhood, a world of poli- It’s a challenge, he said, to are real, but one day they pass,” said. of poverty,” said Jezreel. “We tics, a world of poverty where become a “seamless garment of he said. He said the banking cri- He said that although eco- can’t be authentic Christians with- people are starving to death — care” for the poor. But, Catholics sis demonstrated how quickly nomic issues are important in out also an attention and a com- three-quarters of whom are chil- know, “We can’t get to Easter they can disappear. human society, Christians some- mitment to our brothers and sisters dren,” he said. “When we realize without Good Friday,” he added. “Whoever builds his life on times forget that they are not the who are poor and vulnerable.” the full dream of Vatican II, we The return on selfless giving is these things — on material ultimate realities for man. The U.S. Conference of will see more activity outside of palpable, Jezreel said in closing. things, on success, on appear- Catholic Bishops wrote in its parish boundaries. “We do this work because it 1993 document, “Communities of “This is what our young peo- brings abundant life to the world Salt and Light: Reflections on the ple are hoping for,” he continued. and to me.” Social Mission of the Parish,” “My fear is that in a church that Jezreel’s resolve was tested that “parish communities are to has somewhat emptied, especially three years ago when he was be measured by their commit- in , if Vatican II isn’t fully diagnosed, at age 48, with ment to the poorest of the poor lived, we will see an implosion in advanced stage 3 colon cancer. within their community and the American Catholic Church.” He was given a 25 percent beyond,” said Jezreel. Jezreel congratulated members chance of survival. Before the Second Vatican of the Society of St. Vincent de His first thought was, “If I’m Council, Jezreel said, the work of Paul for expanding their service going to die soon, what are the the church was to be carried out beyond the parish and using their things I haven’t done that I’d like by clergy. gifts to minister to the poorest of to do?” he told the Vincentians. “This worked well, especially the poor. He thought about going to in this immigrant country,” God reserves a special prefer- Acapulco, Mexico, and buying a Jezreel said. “But it had a weak- ence for the poorest and most new truck, among other self- ness. Everyone else was minis- vulnerable, and so too must his indulgent things. tered to. It created a passive role” followers, Jezreel noted. “And then, I thought, ‘Nah, I for the laity. People can choose between don’t think so,’” he said. “I just Vatican II changed the model, two paths — a “spiritual coma” keep doing what I do, because asserting that baptism calls all that’s focused on “me, my and what else fills us up? Can you CNS PHOTO/ALEX GRIMM, REUTERS members of the church to active mine” or a spiritual journey that imagine another purpose for your A trader reacts at the stock exchange in Frankfurt, Germany, Sept. 30. ministry. And that ministry leads to God. God’s path calls life that would fill you up? Markets worldwide have been affected by the U.S. financial crisis. Fall Festival St. Joseph Parish Fort Wayne’s Blakeslee, Ohio Most Complete FAMILY STYLE CHICKEN & HAM DINNER Wedding Service. Sunday, October 19, 2008 You can choose one or all (Serving 11:00 am - 2:00 pm) Banquet Rooms ADULTS: $8.00 • CHILDREN: $3.00 of our services. We’ll make the best of Hotel Rooms ( your special event. Hall’s has been in the 5 years of age and under: FREE) Rehearsal Dinners BINGO • RAFFLES business of making people happy for •COUNTRY STORE over 60 years. You can trust us to Catering Service (Carry-Outs available: local delivery until 1:30 pm) do it just right. Wedding Cakes (419) 272-2914 (located on Ohio State Route 34) For more information contact Hall’s Guesthouse at: 4 miles East of Edon - 11 miles west of Bryan (260) 489-2524 • www.DonHalls.com 6 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 12, 2008 congregations in Orissa. The Number of parishes in church leaders met to develop a Lansing Diocese will be plan to take care of the tens of thousands of Christian refugees trimmed under new plan who have been fleeing attacks by Hindu extremists since August. LANSING, Mich. (CNS) — A EWS RIEFS More than 30 people have died in three-year process to determine N B the violence. Nearly 10,000 how the Diocese of Lansing will refugees have fled to look in the future has resulted in a Bhubaneswar and government- plan to trim the number of parish- managed refugee camps in the es from 97 to 80. Unveiling the CARDINAL BLESSES DURING DEDICATION Kandhamal district. At the meet- plan at a recent press conference, ing, the church leaders decided to Bishop Earl A. Boyea said it does shift 800 teenagers to church insti- not mean the closing of 17 church- tutions outside Orissa’s es, but it does call for the merging Kandhamal district so they could of several. “If everything were to continue their education. be implemented, say, within four or five years, then what we would anticipate is a reduction from the Hope, faith in abundance current 97 parishes to 80,” Bishop Boyea said. “Now that doesn’t at first Mass on mean there would be 80 churches. Galveston Island since Ike A lot of those parishes would have two churches.” The plan was set in GALVESTON, Texas (CNS) — motion in August when the dio- An hour prior to Mass, Cardinal cese closed three Flint parishes. It Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston- calls for closing three more Houston was walking around the churches — Sacred Heart Chapel grounds of St. Patrick Church, in Jackson, Transfiguration in taking time to speak with those Ypsilanti and St. Leo in Flint. A who showed up early for the first source in the diocesan offices, Mass on Galveston Island since it however, indicated another Flint was battered by Hurricane Ike parish, All Saints, would close Sept. 13. They all shared similar when and if its pastor retires. If stories. Some had lost everything. that happens, Flint would go from Some had only lost their utilities 13 parishes to eight. and were still waiting. Some were born on the island. Some weren’t. Regardless, they all shared in the Wall Street slide hope that the historic island would shouldn’t affect retired recover as it has after previous storms, and they all shared the religious, nun says same faith — that Jesus Christ in CNS PHOTO/MATTHEW BARRICK, COURTESY OF THE NATIONAL SHRINE the Eucharist would lift their spir- WASHINGTON (CNS) — The its during these challenging times. slide in Wall Street stocks trig- Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia blesses the altar during the dedication of a chapel And like his predecessors — from gered by the federal takeover of honoring Our Lady of Pompeii at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Bishop Jean Marie Odin to retired mortgage banks and finance hous- Archbishop Joseph A. Fiorenza — es in September should not pose a Conception in Washington Oct. 4. The cardinal called the newest addition to the basilica Cardinal DiNardo was present to problem for religious orders, another chapter in the story of Mary’s love. his flock when they needed him including those with large num- most, sharing a smile, a word of bers or percentages of retired hope, or just a simple pat on the members, according to the head of back. “I want the people of the National Religious Retirement Galveston to know that faith is Office. “Most of the religious the new cathedral’s importance to murderers” and “bullying powers” bers of the fraternal association’s going to be pretty important for communities are invested for the the life of the Oakland Diocese such as the United States. While administrative council. Pope them as they begin all of their long term. So depending on how which has been without a cathe- he was in New York he met Sept. Benedict said he hoped the cleanup and rebuilding and we are long this market upheaval lasts, dral since the 1989 Loma Prieta 25 with representatives of the Knights would “discover new here with them,” the cardinal said. they can ride it out,” said Precious earthquake irreparably damaged American Friends Service ways to serve as leaven of the Blood Sister Janice Bader, the St. Francis de Sales Cathedral. Committee, the Mennonite Gospel in the world and a force office’s director for the past year. The new cathedral, said Bishop Central Committee, the Quakers’ for the renewal of the church in NCCW general assembly But, she added, “if they’re in a Vigneron during his homily, is the U.N. Office, Religions for Peace holiness and apostolic zeal.” He position where they have to draw mother church for the whole and the U.N. liaison office of the thanked the Knights for giving gets lesson about toxins down funds while the market is Catholic community of the East World Council of Churches. The young people a solid formation in in consumer goods down, that’ll have an impact, Bay and “a most visible sign, a gathering was protested by a loose the faith and for their efforts “to that’s for sure.” Sister Janice said, very public sacrament as it were, coalition of almost 60 groups defend the moral truths necessary SALT LAKE CITY (CNS) — “Most of the communities have of the many ways we confess our including Iranian dissidents, for a free and humane society, More than 600 women attending positioned their portfolios so that belief in Christ the light of the Christians, Jewish organizations including the fundamental right to the 2008 general assembly of the the money they’re going to be nations.” Speaking to the 1,350 and American political groups, life of every human being.” He National Council of Catholic withdrawing for current use is in people seated in the cathedral and including Women United, expressed his gratitude to the Women got a chemistry lesson at short-term investments, which are the 600-plus gathered in the plaza Christian Solidarity and the Knights for their acts of charity this year’s annual gathering, not going to be impacted as outside, the bishop said, “The Jewish Action Alliance. “Dozens and annual monetary contribution learning about the dangers of tox- severely as long-term funds.” The Diocese of Oakland has built this of leaders and organizations repre- to the pope to support papal chari- ins in some of the most common office is jointly sponsored by the cathedral to testify to this truth, senting diverse faiths, ethnicities ties and special projects. consumer goods. The lesson came U.S. Conference of Catholic which is for us life itself — that and political affiliation spoke out during a workshop led by Pat Bishops, the Leadership Jesus Christ is the light for all peo- in a united voice today against Head of Missionaries Smuck of the Chicago Conference of Women Religious, ples, for all ages, and that he is appeasement of evil,” said rally Archdiocesan Council of Catholic the Conference of Major found in our midst.” organizer Beth Gilinsky of of Charity discusses Women. Her presentation was part Superiors of Men and the Council Women United and Jewish Action of NCCW’s eight-year-old Alliance. refugee situation in of Major Superiors of Women Protest of Iranian Children and a Safe Environment Religious. Orissa program. A motivational speaker, president called effort Smuck said toxins such as phtha- Pope thanks Knights of BHUBANESWAR, India (CNS) lates are found in women’s make- Bishop welcomes faithful to fight ‘appeasement’ — The superior general of the up, children’s toys and food pack- home to new Cathedral NEW YORK (CNS) — A New Columbus for defending Missionaries of Charity said the aging. Exposure to phthalates can York rally against a U.N. address life, moral truths situation in India’s troubled Orissa lead to cancer, mental distur- of Christ the Light by Iran’s president and a dinner state is a call for Christians to be bances and tremors, she said. witnesses to the faith. “Disciples Lipstick also poses a danger OAKLAND, Calif. (CNS) — held for him by a number of reli- VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope cannot be greater than their mas- because it contains lead, Smuck “This is our Father’s house. This gious organizations was aimed at Benedict XVI expressed gratitude ter,” said Sister Nirmala Joshi, the added. “What you put in your is our house. Welcome home.” fighting the “appeasement of to the Knights of Columbus for successor of Blessed Mother bodies today will affect your off- With those words, punctuated by evil,” one participant said. defending moral truths and the Teresa of Calcutta, who founded spring for the next seven genera- enthusiastic applause, Oakland President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad right to life and for their dedica- the Missionaries of Charity. “God tions,” Smuck told delegates who Bishop Allen H. Vigneron wel- — best known for his oft-stated tion to charitable works. The pope will strengthen his people to face gathered from across the country comed more than 2,000 invited desire to “wipe Israel off the map” made the remarks during a private this tough situation.” Sister Sept. 24-28 in Salt Lake City. “If guests to the Sept. 25 dedication and his denial the Holocaust actu- audience Oct. 3 with Carl Nirmala spoke to Catholic News we are not healthy, then our chil- of the Cathedral of Christ the ally occurred — used his U.N. Anderson, supreme knight of the speech to rail against “Zionist Knights of Columbus, and mem- Service Oct. 1 after meeting with dren will be unhealthy.” Light. Bishop Vigneron spoke of bishops and leaders of religious OCTOBER 12, 2008 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 7

Francis, especially how he was rep- John XXIII Retreat Center resented in art. The author of four directors will lead St. books on St. Francis as well as many articles, Dr. Cook is a distin- Jude Parish mission guished teaching professor at the FORT WAYNE — The former State University of New York at directors of the John XXIII Retreat ROUND THE IOCESE Geneseo. A D The lecture is presented by Center in Hartford City will lead the St. Jude, Fort Wayne, parish iConnect and the Center for mission on Sunday, Oct. 19, Fransican Spirit and Life. For more through Tuesday, Oct. 21. GOSHEN PARISH BLESSES PIETA STATUE information, contact Dr. Matt Smith Father Keith Hosey has served at (260) 399-7700 ext. 8105. as a priest of Diocese of Lafayette- in-Indiana for 52 years. After 10 Infant loss remembered years as an assistant pastor, he became the retreat director at John in October XXIII Retreat Center and served in LIGONIER — October is National that ministry from 1966-2006. He is Pregnancy and Infant Loss presently the resident chaplain for Awareness Month and Oct. 15 is the Sisters of St. Joseph in Tipton. designated as Pregnancy and Infant Sister Maureen Mangen, a Sister Loss Remembrance Day. These of the Precious Blood from Dayton, national observances offer the Ohio, served as co-director of John opportunity to increase understand- XXIII from 1971-2005 and current- ing of the tragedy involved in the ly serves at a spiritual director and loss of unborn and newborn babies retreat facilitator for the Sisters of through miscarriage, stillbirth and St. Joseph. “Their years of retreat early infancy death. It is also meant experience should provide a great to promote education and aware- spiritual experience for our parish ness of the matter. as they lead the mission,” say parish “In recognition of this national mission organizers. day, we are providing candles to be The theme will be “What gifts lit on Oct. 15 at 7 p.m.,” said does God have for us?” Blessed Sacrament, Albion, parish- The mission begins, Sunday, ioner Krystal LeCount-Veach, who Oct. 19, the feast of St. Jude, with a recently lost her son at 37 weeks. 5:30 p.m. potluck. “Please light your candle and let it Each evening’s session will be PROVIDED BY ROBIN KRUSE burn for at least an hour before from 7-8 p.m. Sunday’s presenta- Father Christopher Smith blesses the new Pieta with the schoolchildren and parishioners extinguishing the flame. Not only tion will focus on “Gifts of the are we asking that you do this in Father.” Monday’s topic will be on Sunday, Sept. 19, at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Goshen. The Pieta was a memory of our son Wyatt but, we “Gifts of the Son.” Tuesday night bequest to the church by a parishioner in memory of the Sajko family. Church member also would like people to recognize will close the mission with Mass all of the babies that have died as and a homily on “Gifts of the Holy Mark Wheeler did the landscaping for his Eagle Scout project. well as the families who have had Spirit.” to endure these tragedies.” Each evening will include a spe- Veach asks people to take a dig- cial program for the children and pages 163-388 for the second ses- Saint Mary’s goal over the next five Gerald J. Ball Library at Ancilla ital photo of the lit candle and e- child care for the tots. sion; and pages 339-501 for the years to increase enrollment of stu- College on Oct. 1. Sister mail it to [email protected] For more information call the St. third session. Pope Benedict XVI’s dents from historically underrepre- Kampwerth is the director of mis- where she plans to the pho- Jude Parish office at (260) 484- two encyclicals — “Deus Caritas sented minorities to at least 15 per- sion, education and partnerships for tos and place them on a Web site. 6609. Est” (“God is Love”), and “Spe cent. The college is working HealthVisions Midwest and is also In 1988, Ronald Reagan made a Salvi” (“Saved by Hope”) — along towards that objective with a cur- a member of the Ancilla College Presidential Proclamation declaring Series explores U.S. with the apostolic exhortation, rent minority population of 10 per- board of trustees. the month of October as Pregnancy Catholic Catechism for “Sacramentum Caritatis” cent; over the past several years that Her presentation highlighted and Infant Loss Awareness Month. (“Sacrament of Charity”) will be percentage has been between 7.5 many of the ways that This national observance offers the Adults addressed throughout the presenta- percent and 9.0 percent. Without a HealthVisions Midwest is currently opportunity to increase understand- ing of the tragedy involved in the GRANGER — The Office of tion of the USCCA. more diverse student body, the serving the needy in such places as report states, many academically Lake, Porter, LaPorte, Marshall, St. deaths of unborn and newborn Catechesis will sponsor a three- babies. In 2001, the U.S. House of evening session on the “United Saint Mary’s College talented young women may not Joseph, Starke and Allen counties, select Saint Mary’s College as well as East St. Louis. Representatives passed a resolution States Catholic Catechism for hosts its first African designating Oct. 15 as National Adults” (USCCA) on Wednesday because the lack of diversity could “The whole focus is dignity and adversely impact their educational respect for all,” said Kampwerth. Pregnancy and Infant Loss evenings, Nov. 5, 12 and 19, from American alumnae Remembrance Day. 7-9 p.m. at St. Pius X Parish in homecoming experience. “Service is respecting the dignity of Granger. Shawn Sullivan is the “This inaugural reunion of those you are serving. From a instructor. NOTRE DAME — Saint Mary’s African American alumnae is criti- health perspective, there are many Heartland Chamber The three sessions will explore College will host its first African cally important to the college,” said things that need to be done in our Chorale and USF the U.S. catechism from its history American Alumnae Homecoming event chair Paula Dawning, class of communities. Collaborating with and purpose to its relationship to Oct. 10-11. The event, which is 1971, a member of the college’s others instead of doing it on your announce partnership the Catechism of the Catholic expected to also attract current stu- board of trustees. “As we move for- own is the best way to bring about FORT WAYNE — The Church. The contents of the dents, includes a keynote address ward to a multi-pluralistic society it change.” University of Saint Francis and USCCA will be examined includ- by Juanita Boozer Bay, class of is imperative that the voices of all This year’s theme for the the Heartland Chamber Chorale ing excerpts on the saints and other 1952, a retired civil servant and the Saint Mary’s alumnae are heard and Lampen Lecture Series is “Dignity (HCC) have announced a part- holy persons that have shaped the first known African-American to that we are clearly focused on the for All.” nership to benefit both organiza- faith experience of the United have graduated from the college. college as a national leader in high- The series was designed to com- tions. States. Doctrines of the church will “We welcome Juanita and our er education.” bine the universality of the Catholic Through the terms of the be covered, especially as they apply other alumnae back home to Saint Dawning is a former AT&T Church, the international character agreement, the Heartland to the culture of the United States. Mary’s. This weekend offers oppor- executive, former superintendent of of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Chamber Chorale, an indepen- Registration is required. tunities to learn about Juanita’s Benton Harbor Schools and a Christ, who sponsor Ancilla dant vocal ensemble, will be in Interested participants can register experience at the college back in native of South Bend. “Saint College, and the Earth Charter to residence on the campus of the online at www.diocesefwsb.org/OC the 1950s and to reflect on the Mary’s College prepares women to promote thinking beyond one’s University of Saint Francis. HCC under Adult Faith Formation, call progress Saint Mary’s has made make a difference in the world, and own experiences and interests. will conduct workshop perform- Janice Martin at (260) 399-1411 or since then to become more diverse. it is my hope that the college will ances with the University Singers e-mail her at [email protected] We know that we need the assis- attract young black women, as it Distinguished professor and provide professional assis- fwsb.org. tance of our alumnae to improve in has in the past, who will continue to to give lecture on Francis tance to the university choir and Participants should have the this area,” acknowledged Carol lead in the shaping of our complex resources such as the chorale’s “United States Catholic Catechism Ann Mooney, president of Saint world,” she said. of Assisi music library. The chorale will of Adults.” It may be purchased at Mary’s College. “We hope that FORT WAYNE — The University offer internship opportunities for Cathedral Bookstore, with a 25 per- through conversations with these Sister Kampwerth of Saint Francis will host a lecture USF students in arts administra- cent discount plus tax, by contact- women we will learn what is need- presents at Lampen by Dr. William R. Cook entitled, tion. The university will provide ing Kara Slocum at (260) 422-4611 ed to attract more African American “Francis of Assisi: A Model for 21st office, rehearsal and performance ext. 3356 or through e-mail at students to the college. It is Saint Lecture Series Century Christians” on Thursday, space along with a recording stu- [email protected]. Mary’s ultimate goal to have a stu- DONALDSON — Poor Handmaid Oct. 16, at 7:30 p.m. in the North dio for HCC’s use. To prepare for the sessions, the dent body that reflects the ethnic of Jesus Christ Sister Annemarie Campus Auditorium. following readings are suggested composition of society.” Kampwerth gave her presentation For over 35 years, Dr. Cook has from the USCCA: “Introduction” According to the college’s “Service Goes a Long Way” at the focused much of his research on St. through page 162 for the first class; strategic plan released last fall, it is 8 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 12, 2008 Couple’s Bible, crucifix meaningful first gifts to newlyweds

BY KAY COZAD tographer in a fund-raising venture not a coffee table version but is in 2006 involving the sale of meant to be used regularly. unique Christmas cards there. “I tell them it’s to be used to FORT WAYNE — The long- Following a friendly discussion on pray together and read together, to awaited wedding day has finally how to use the proceeds of the make it part of their personal arrived and the sacramental mar- card sales, the idea of the newly- devotions,” he says. riage rite is a joy to witness. wed’s gift was developed. Currently the Knights of Anticipation of the upcoming The purpose of presenting the Columbus, a combined group of reception brings thoughts of gift as the finale to the wedding devout men from Queen of Angels renewed friendships, culinary ceremony is twofold, says Sauter. and Most Precious Blood (PB) delights and mountains of gifts. “Not only do we want to get the parishes, are providing the Bibles But at Queen of Angels Parish in newlywed couple started on the and crucifixes for the newly mar- Fort Wayne the newlywed couple right foot, but ried couples. receives their first gift even before some Protestants And much to they leave the altar — a couple’s in the congrega- Sauter’s delight, Bible and crucifix from their tion think “I tell them it’s to be used Most Precious parish family. Catholics don’t Blood Parish What began over two years ago use Bibles. Then has adopted the as a small heartfelt project has they see the to pray together and project as well. grown into a parish ministry that Catholic couple Most seems to delight not only the new- getting a Bible read together, to make Precious Blood lyweds but the congregation as right away,” he Pastoral well. Father Gary Sigler, pastor of says. That, he Associate Queen of Angels Parish, says the believes, is a it part of their Cheryl gift presentation is a surprise for form of catech- Donaghy, who the couples, who are very appre- esis that is as is marriage ciative. important for the personal devotions.” preparation and “I present the Bible and cruci- non-Catholics as FATHER GARY SIGLER parish wedding fix to the couple before they it is for the cou- coordinator, process out; telling them their ple. says PB has parish family has a gift for them. The couples, been offering It is their first gift as a married PROVIDED BY NORB SAUTER he says, “are the gifts to their couple,” he says. Father Gary Sigler, pastor of Queen of Angels Parish in Fort Wayne, pres- astounded” when they are gifted couples for two months now, and The idea was the inspiration of with the Bible and crucifix, and they have been received well. ents a Bible and crucifix to the Mitchell and Abigail McAfoose couple as Norb Sauter, parishioner of Queen adds, “Some from the congrega- “I put them in a decorated bag of Angels, who had been the pho- their first wedding gift from their parish family. tion come up afterwards and say and present them to the couple at how great that is. They’ve never the rehearsal. I tell them Knights seen it before, especially a gift of Columbus provided the gift from the parish family.” presented by their parish,” she The gifts offered over the past says, adding that following mar- two years to each couple married riage preparation meetings, the at the parish, exhausted the card gift reinforces the belief that Jesus sales fund and Sauter subsidized is in the midst of the marriage. the gift project for a while on his “The Bible and crucifix can be own to keep the ministry alive. used as a reminder of their mar- Recently, after being reinstated as riage vows — that they’re not a returning member of the Knights alone,” she says. of Columbus, he took the cause to Father Sigler feels it is special his council. to get a gift from a parish. The “I felt like St. Paul,” recalls Bible and crucifix represent the Sauter. “They jumped on it and life of faith for the newlywed cou- said that was just the thing they ple. “And you can’t get more would like to be involved in.” The Catholic than that,” says the priest, soft cover couple’s Bible and wal- who is grateful that what began as nut crucifix with pewter corpus a single parish project has been and golden halo are purchased at enthusiastically funded by the the Cathedral Bookstore located in Knights of Columbus and now has the Archbishop Noll Catholic the potential to be adopted by THE BEST DECISION I EVER MADE. Center. many other parishes in the dio- Father Sigler says the Bible is cese.

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Main Street, Avilla, Indiana 46710 Provena Health, a Catholic health system, builds communities www.sf.edu of healing and hope by compassionately responding to human ÓÇä£ -«Àˆ˜} -ÌÀiiÌ U œÀÌ 7>ޘi]  {Ènän U ÓÈä‡Î™™‡näää U £‡nää‡Çә‡{ÇÎÓ need in the spirit of Jesus Christ. In its employment practices, selection of students and administration of all programs, the University of Saint Francis maintains a policy of non-discrimination regarding age, race, gender, disability, and national origin. Visit us at www.provena.org/sacredheart OCTOBER 12, 2008 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 9 Bishop D’Arcy Catholic Education Jubilee IMAGINATION DAY CELEBRATES ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENTS Fund awards tuition assistance Wayne; St. Louis, New Haven; his priesthood to create the BY ELISA SMITH St. Mary of the Assumption, Bishop D’Arcy Catholic Avilla; and St. Rose of Lima, Education Jubilee Fund. In addi- wenty-four Catholic ele- Monroeville tion, when his sister, Mary mentary students in the • South Bend area: Christ the Caprio, died in September 2007, TDiocese of Fort Wayne- King, South Bend; Holy Family, Bishop D’Arcy requested that South Bend are being awarded South Bend; Our Lady of memorials be given to this fund. tuition assistance of $300 each Hungary, South Bend; Queen of Moreover, a special gift from a for school year 2008-2009 from Peace, Mishawaka; St. Adalbert, family foundation was con- The Bishop D’Arcy Catholic South Bend; St. Anthony de tributed to the Bishop D’Arcy Education Jubilee Fund. Twelve Padua, South Bend; St. Bavo, Catholic Education Jubilee Fund students are from Fort Wayne Mishawaka; St. John the Baptist, in May 2008, which has brought area elementary schools and South Bend; St. Jude, South the total value of the fund to over twelve are from South Bend area Bend; St. Matthew Cathedral, $120,000. schools. South Bend; St. Monica, The committee sent letters and The Bishop D’Arcy Catholic Mishawaka; and St. Thomas the tuition assistance application Education Jubilee Fund is a Apostle, Elkhart. forms in April 2008 to principals restricted endowment fund within Bishop D’Arcy said, “One of and pastors of all Catholic ele- the Catholic Community the greatest needs in our diocese mentary schools in the diocese, Foundation of Northeast Indiana. and a great responsibility as well inviting them to recommend one It was established by Bishop is to gather funds so we can give student from the school who John M. D’Arcy with gifts from assistance to those who otherwise qualified for tuition assistance the 50th anniversary of his priest- cannot attend our schools as Pope based on financial need. Also, the hood, in memory of his late sister Benedict XVI said in his recent committee requested a written Mary Caprio and from other spe- visit — ‘No child should be essay, not more than 100 words, cial donations. The purpose of denied his or her right to an edu- from each student who applied, the fund is to grant tuition assis- cation in faith, which in turn titled “Why Catholic Education tance to Catholic students in nourishes the soul of a nation.’” Is Important to Me.” Catholic elementary schools in The fund will make distribu- For each student who is grant- the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South tions each year based on an annu- ed an award, it will be for one Bend. al payout of 6 percent of the time and nonrenewable. Schools that have a student value of the fund at June 30. receiving an award for school Recipients will be awarded finan- year 2008-2009 are as follows: cial assistance based on need by • Fort Wayne area: Huntington a committee appointed by Bishop If you would like to make a current Catholic, Huntington; Most D’Arcy that consists of Daniel gift of cash or stock or a planned Precious Blood, Fort Wayne; Fitzpatrick, James Fitzpatrick, gift such as a will bequest to the Queen of Angels, Fort Wayne; St. John Gaughan, Joseph Ryan and Bishop D’Arcy Catholic Charles Borromeo, Fort Wayne; Elisa Smith. Education Jubilee Fund, please PROVIDED BY KARI HALDERMAN St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Fort Bishop D’Arcy celebrated 50 contact Elisa Smith, director of St. Bernard School students in Wabash participated in its Wayne; St. Joseph, Fort Wayne; years as a priest on Feb. 2, 2007. Planned Giving, at (260) 422- St. Joseph, Garrett; St. Joseph- He contributed gifts that he 4611 or [email protected] 14th annual Imagination Day 2008 on Friday, Sept. 27. Hessen Cassel; St. Jude, Fort received from the anniversary of fwsb.org. This year’s theme was “Super Science Spectacular.” Students were divided into groups and participated throughout the day in activities, which focused on animals WordOnFire priest to begin production on and environment. Group activities included a bald eagle Web quest, the eagle’s nest, the river otter, orangutan, ani- TV documentary about Catholicism mals and their habitats, the Kapok tree and the food chain. CHICAGO — Publishing books, efforts ever to advance what Pope eternal city of Rome, Father Students in the photo are: front row, from left, Valentino podcasting his sermons and post- John Paul II called ‘The New Barron illuminates and explains ing movie reviews on his YouTube Evangelization,’” said George the Catholic faith’s conviction that Baucco and Madison Garrett; middle row, Caleb Gidley, channel were just warm-ups for Weigel, biographer of Pope John Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Rachel Orpurt and Sammy Hipskind; and back row, Abby Chicago priest and popular theolo- Paul II and distinguished senior Messiah and the revelation of God gian Father Robert Barron. Next fellow of Washington’s Ethics and become man. Stein and Andreas Palmert. week, he heads to Rome to shoot Public Policy Center. “Truth, While the project will take the second episode of his biggest goodness, beauty — they’re all more than a year to complete, its production yet — a $10 million, here, in a stimulating and com- supporters can follow its making YODER KNIGHTS DONATE MONEY TO 10-part TV documentary on pelling exploration of the spiritual, online. The Word on Fire Web site Catholicism. moral, and intellectual riches of will feature a community forum BI-COUNTY SERVICES With filming for the first part the Catholic world. This is the and behind-the-scenes interviews, completed in Israel in June, the Catholic story told from inside, photos, and information to create next nine episodes will bring with knowledge, sympathy and an immersive experience that Father Barron and his production passion, rooted in friendship with allows followers to become a part crew to Rome, Krakow, Warsaw, Jesus Christ.” of the story. New York, St. Petersburg, “In looking at the modern chal- Father Barron is an award-win- Istanbul, Sinai, Nazareth, Ephesus, lenges and opportunities facing the ning author of nine books on Lourdes, Guadalupe, Athens, church, I felt an urgency to come Catholicism and creator of five Corinth, Mexico City, Lagos, Rio up with a creative and constructive DVDs, 25 YouTube reviews of de Janeiro, Assisi, Auschwitz, response to remind people of the American culture and hundreds of Calcutta, Philadelphia — 30 loca- richness and good news that podcasted sermons. With such tions in 15 countries in all. Catholic tradition brings people,” new-media savvy, it’s no surprise Viewers can preview the sweeping said Father Barron. “What I didn’t he was adamant about using the production online and participate realize at first is how far our trav- latest in high-definition technology in viral pilgrimages at els would take us. We’ll log more for the documentary. To further www.WordOnFire.org. miles than St. Paul on his apostolic ensure the highest production val- Through his journeys, Father mission, I hope without the ship- ues, Father Barron tapped as exec- Barron will explain what Catholics wreck.” utive producer Mike Leonard, a PROVIDED BY FRANK SHANLY, BLUFFTON NEWS-BANNER. believe and why — using art, A portion of the first episode is 30-year veteran correspondent for St. Aloysius Knights of Columbus representatives Russell architecture, literature, music and available online at NBC’s “Today” show. all the riches of the Catholic tradi- www.WordOnFire.org. Titled The documentary is being Sorg, left, and Mike Follis, right, presented a check for tion to tell a visually arresting and “Amazed and Afraid — The funded entirely by private dona- $2,487.52 to Jim Wicker, president of the Bi-County inspiring story. It may be one of Revelation of God Become Man,” tions, with the goal of raising $10 the most ambitious productions it follows Father Barron through million for the production, promo- Services in Bluffton on Thursday, Sept. 25. The money ever to promote the Catholic faith Israel. From the lush region of tion, distribution and study guides was raised through Tootsie roll candy sales in Wells County to the world. ancient Caesarea Phillipi, to the for the film. “‘Catholicism’ could well shores of the Sea of Galilee, to the and will be used to help fund Bi-County’s Summer Fun become one of the most significant holy city of Jerusalem and to the program for children with disabilities. 10 RESPECT LIFE OCTOBER 12, 2008 Men affected by abortion need healing, reconciliation, say speakers women entering the labor force severely overprotective of their BY ALICIA TORRES and doing well,” he said. “The families and in extreme circum- educational system is the creden- stances take their own lives. OAKBROOK, Ill. (CNS) — For tialing system ... and women do Vicki Thorn, founder of Project men suffering the aftermath of better there. Rachel, the Catholic Church’s abortion, Thomas Golden offers a “The guys don’t know how to post-abortion healing ministry, message of healing. compete in the school system. called for a need to recognize the “We have to learn to love men. More women graduate then men, differences between men and ... That is how we are going to even though we are supposed to be women. “The first book ever writ- reclaim fatherhood,” he said. living in a patriarchal society in ten on men and abortion was in Golden, author of “Swallowed which all this sexism is going on, 1984. It has taken almost 25 years by a Snake: The Gift of the and yet women are doing better to actually get together to talk Masculine Side of Healing,” was a then men,” he said. about the issue,” she said. speaker at a conference on According to data presented by Thorn is also founder and head “Reclaiming Fatherhood” Sept. 8- psychologist Vincent Rue, studies of the National Office of Post- 9 in Oakbrook. He has been teach- indicate that men involved in abor- Abortion Reconciliation and ing mental health professionals tion are very likely to experience Healing. around the world about men and post-traumatic stress disorder. Rue, Speaker Golden said that boys and the way they heal from director of the Institute for women tend to process grief by stress, grief and trauma. Pregnancy Loss in Jacksonville recalling events with close friends, The conference on how abor- Fla., reports that 41 percent of men while men are wired to taking tion affects men was the second CNS/KAREN CALLAWAY, CATHOLIC NEW WORLD responding to an online survey action to process their grief. such gathering sponsored by the John Morales of Glenview, Ill., a co-founder of Sports Faith about their abortion experience “When our father died, my Knights of Columbus and organ- International, holds up his adopted son Joseph Dominic Morales after met the full diagnostic criteria for brother and I built a box in which ized by the Milwaukee-based sharing his personal story on dealing with abortion as a younger man post-traumatic stress disorder. to place his ashes. It was during National Office of Post-Abortion during a conference on abortion in Oak Brook, Ill., Sept. 8. The Knights For men suffering from an that time together in the shop that Reconciliation and Healing. The of Columbus and the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Office for Evangelization, abortion, the disorder is a haunting we confronted the loss of our first conference was held in co-sponsored the event titled “Reclaiming Fatherhood,” a national con- condition, he said. Men may be father, through the stories we November 2007 in San Francisco. ference that focuses on the effects of abortion. plagued by nightmares, become shared and memories recalled,” he Co-sponsored by the said. Archdiocese of Chicago’s Office Men who have suffered abor- for Evangelization, this year’s supporting women who have had Roe v. Wade decision legalizing tion need to process in a similar event featured presentations by an abortion. Until recently, the abortion, more than 40 million way, added Golden, who in 1995 psychologists, a counselor and a grief and pain experienced by the abortions have been performed founded www.webhealing.com, sociologist. Several fathers who men affected by abortion has not and at the same time there has the Internet’s first interactive site have lost a child to abortion also been as widely discussed. been in general a lack of attention for grieving people. spoke. Men are involved in an abor- to those suffering from the deci- “We have to learn about men, For those from 36 states and tion decision in many ways, and sion, particularly men. we have to study them and find four countries gathered in the level of their involvement Anthropologist Lionel Tiger of out what helps them, what brings Oakbrook, the message was clear: affects how much guilt they feel Rutgers University, author of “The them to healing,” he said. Society must recognize the unique afterward, according to the speak- Decline of Males,” maintained that experience of men who have lost ers. Many men know about and society’s devaluing of masculine their fatherhood through abortion, fully support the decision, while identity has contributed to the loss and the ministries and resources others may not know until years of people’s ability to address issues Vicki Thorn, founder of the post- available to guide the healing later that they lost a child to abor- that deeply impact men, including abortion ministry Project Rachel process must be made known. tion. the aftermath of abortion. and executive director of the Ministries offered by the Conference speakers noted that “When we look at the labor National Office of Post-Abortion Catholic Church and other faith in the 35 years since the U.S. force of economics, we are seeing Reconciliation & Healing, addresses traditions have been focused on Supreme Court handed down its males leaving the labor force and participants during the conference. Pornography, sexual exploitation harms people and society Joe Sergio’s fight against pornography leads to Citizens for Community Values phy and sexual exploitation ing sexually-ori- are released in the body that cause One of Sergio’s efforts at edu- BY ANN CAREY harmed people and society, but he ented businesses a euphoria that eventually goes cation is a Bible study class he never had been prompted to say in South Bend, away. Like drugs that are injected conducts at the St. Joseph County SOUTH BEND — When Joe anything publicly about it. He Mishawaka and into the body, the person addicted Jail, a popular class with prisoners. Sergio drove to work each day, his related that for two weeks, he St. Joseph to pornography needs more and The prisoners don’t understand route took him past a cluster of argued with the Lord about getting County, as well more porn to reach a high, so he or that porn is dangerous, he said, so sexually-oriented businesses in involved, and eventually decided as in White she escalates up to more prurient he talks about the big difference South Bend. This was always dis- that he would devote three years of Pigeon, Mich. materials, and many eventually act between the world’s view of sexu- turbing to him because, as a psy- his life to working on the problem. Sergio, who out through prostitution, molesta- ality and God’s view of sexuality. JOE SERGIO chologist, he was painfully aware That was 15 years ago, and Sergio is a member of tion, etc. “The prisoners react very well,” that pornography often is at the is still working on the problem, Christ the King And of course, other conse- Sergio said. “I have their attention, root of other social and behavioral with many successes to show for Parish in South Bend, told Today’s quences of our sexualized society and they ask good, serious ques- disorders like teen promiscuity, his efforts. Catholic that he keeps motivated are devastating, as well. When tions. Many of them made bad adultery, abortion, sexual abuse, He was one of four founders of by what he calls the “continued young people are encouraged by choices in their past — some relat- rape and prostitution. Citizens for Community Values, an sexualization of society” which is the culture to have sex anywhere, ed to this. I feel honored to be able One day, Sergio was happy to organization devoted to reducing promoted at younger and younger any time, and with anyone, this to have their time and attention.” see that a so-called “adult book- sexual exploitation, promiscuity ages. This harms a person’s under- results in our current epidemic of Sergio also speaks with perpe- store” was being torn down, but and abuse by increasing public standing of sexuality as a part of sexually transmitted disease and trators of sex crimes and hopes to his happiness was short-lived, for awareness of the harmful effects of life, he said, because sex becomes fuels the abortion industry, Sergio “restore people, bring them to the he soon found out the business pornography. Sergio serves as life for so many people, and they said. This all ties into the need to right spot with the Lord,” working would be replaced with one of the president of the CCV board of become addicted, with sex con- respect all of human life, from as Jesus did to embrace the person largest “adult emporiums” in the directors while simultaneously suming their lives. conception to natural death, he while rejecting the sin. state. holding down his full-time job as “Addiction to pornography has added. Sergio invited readers of “When I asked God why this president of The Sergio a predicable pattern of addiction CCV has had a significant Today’s Catholic to attend the was happening,” Sergio told Corporation. that parallels drug addiction,” impact on restricting adult busi- CCV annual banquet and fund- Today’s Catholic, “I got the con- The CCV have helped either Sergio explained. nesses and prostitution, Sergio raising dinner on Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. viction do something.” close, or prevent from opening, Our bodies are wired to react to said, but legal actions are “just a at the Gillespie Center in the Sergio had earned master’s and over 30 sexually-oriented busi- sex and pornography, he said, and holding action,” for pornography Hilton Garden Inn on the campus doctorate degrees in psychology nesses in Indiana and lower neurotransmitter fluids are released continues to be available, especial- of Saint Mary’s College. Tickets from the University of Notre . Among those successes that change the chemistry of the ly on the Internet. The bigger chal- are $30 per person. For reserva- Dame, so he knew how pornogra- are passage of ordinances regulat- brain. Thus, with porn use, drugs lenge is to educate people, he said. tions, call (574) 247-9299. OCTOBER 12, 2008 RESPECT LIFE 11 Everything about the Women’s Care Center is God’s work

was enjoying a successful career new Women’s Care Center office BY DIANE FREEBY as an accountant, but also knew opened just this week. she wanted to be a full-time moth- According to Manion, a bene- SOUTH BEND — In a political er to her infant daughter. A mem- factor encouraged the Women’s climate where the issues can ber of the second class of women Care Center to consider opening become distorted, the mission of to go four years and graduate from in Columbus, where until now this area’s premier pregnancy help Notre Dame, Manion felt the pres- there was no full-time pregnancy center is refreshingly simple and sure to succeed in the business help center in a city of 1 million direct. world. people. “We help women choose life “One of the scariest things I “We got to town,” recalled for their babies,” stated Women’s ever did was leave Price Manion, “and there’s a little house Care Center President Ann Waterhouse after 11 years,” available, next to the biggest abor- Manion. recalled Manion. “I remember tion clinic in the city, for With the emphasis on “help,” when Mary was a baby and I got $120,000. What are the odds of Manion and her longtime sidekick this call from another company that? And it had gone on the mar- and Women’s Care Center board asking if I wanted to be the tax ket just the week before.” member Kitty Fulnecky have director, and I’m thinking, ‘Yes! I “God wouldn’t have opened up spent the last two decades work- do!’ But then I said, ‘No, I’m opportunities if he didn’t want us ing tirelessly to make abortion a going to be at home with my to take them,” said Fulnecky. thing of the past, staying out of baby.’” “From the very beginning it’s the political arena to do it. Both Fulnecky is quick to point out always been a leap of faith, and women give all credit to God and how God looked out for her, lead- he’s asking for another one! There DIANE FREEBY their Catholic faith. ing Manion to join the Women’s was a naïve, childlike openness to Ann Manion, president, left, and Kitty Fulnecky, board member of the “Everything about the Care Center as a volunteer just as God, because he presented oppor- Women’s Care Center, have spent the last two decades working tirelessly Women’s Care Center is God’s it was just getting off the ground. tunities to us that we were scared to make abortion a thing of the past, staying out of the political arena work,” explained Fulnecky. “From There, Manion could use her busi- to death to think about.” to do it. Both women give all credit to God and their Catholic faith. the very beginning we’ve relied ness skills and do much of that Because such leaps of faith on Divine Providence!” work from home. She believes it aren’t based on any business The “very beginning” was was a perfect fit, and later became model, some might question it. Fulnecky continue to make sure provider. Nearby, the 40 Days for nearly 25 years ago, when a pro- Women’s Care Center president in According to Manion, Fulnecky work in the pro-life trenches con- Life prayer vigil is underway until fessor at the University of Notre 1988. Never drawing a paycheck would always be the one to get up tinues. According to this year’s election day. As a Catholic, Dame spent her spare time pray- from the organization, Manion during a board meeting to give her annual report, over 9,000 women Manion believes it is ultimately ing at a nearby abortion clinic. Dr. now volunteers at least 30 hours a “God speech.” were assisted by the Women’s the power of the Holy Spirit that Janet E. Smith realized that young week to oversee the 14 area “That was Kitty’s role,” said Care Center in 2007. makes people decide for life. women facing unplanned pregnan- Women’s Care Center locations. Manion, “and lest she’d forget it, “Abortion numbers are coming “I really, really like that effort,” cies needed an alternative where Trust is something both women I’d call her up before the board down,” said Manion. “With record she said, referring to the 40 Days they could receive information say is the foundation of the meeting and remind her.” numbers of women served at all for Life vigil. “I believe in the and loving counsel. The Women’s Women’s Care Center, especially Fulnecky says she has confi- our centers, there seems to be no power of prayer, that a prayerful Care Center was born in 1984, set- as it has grown throughout the dence in God’s providence after end in sight to the need to help presence can have a real impact.” ting up shop in what was then years. her years with the Women’s Care more young moms and babies. Manion remains hopeful for the known as “the little blue house on “We have to trust,” insisted Center. None of what we do at the future. St. Louis Boulevard.” Fulnecky, referring to the most “The times where we tried to Women’s Care Center could be “The hope I see is coming from As the Women’s Care Center recent expansion project that took maneuver things ourselves have accomplished with out the vital the young people. My children was opening its doors, Manion them to Columbus, Ohio, where a never worked out as well as when prayers and financial donations of and their friends are more pro-life the door had literally been opened, our supporters.” than my generation. On a one-on- people stepped forward and pro- One of the Women’s Care one level, people’s hearts are vided the means and the brains ... Center locations in South Bend is being changed.” and that’s the other thing. We located next to an abortion GIRL SCOUTS DONATE ITEMS always had people on the board who could help us” TO WOMEN’S CARE CENTER Manion believes by being a truly Catholic-based outreach, the Women’s Care Center is more effective than any other pregnancy help center in the country. Not all the counselors are Catholic, but everyone embraces the mission. “I think our Catholic roots are why we are successful,” explained Supporting a culture of life Manion. “Our evangelization is more subtle, and just more loving and caring ... and Mother Teresa- Sacred Heart Parish like. Our counselors don’t preach, but try to show compassionate understanding to each woman they Notre Dame meet.” “We have a lot of support from other individuals and churches,” added Fulnecky. “The Lutheran Foundation is one of the largest all-time supporters, next to Our Sunday Visitor.” PROVIDED BY CHERYL HEISE Bishop John M. D’Arcy has been a huge fan since the begin- Respect life for what it is, The St. Vincent de Paul Girl Scouts, in Fort Wayne, held ning, according to Manion, and their annual fall campout on Sept. 19-20. This campout has helped out in many ways. a gift from The Creator. “The Bishop’s Appeal gives us incorporates community service in our fun times. The Girl $10,000 a year,” said Manion. “In Scouts collected donations of baby diapers and wipes, the early the days, the bishop real- ly carried the load. We would just pull-ups and carseats for the Women’s Care Center, an hang on until October.” organization whose mission is to assist young women in Both women say they have received many graces during their pregnancy crisis (giving them an alternative to abortion). time with the Women’s Care About 100 Scouts made crafts, cooked dinner over the Center. Their husbands embrace the mission, and the children have campfire, went on hikes, and then spent the night at Girl grown up witnessing Catholic Scout Camp McMillen. Presenting donations to the faith in action. While some would have us Women’s Care Center are Chelsea Heise, Jessica Heise, believe the battle over abortion Grace Kline and Lucy Kline. can never be won, Manion and Saint Pius X Parish • Granger, Indiana 12 RESPECT LIFE OCTOBER 12, 2008 Pope urges church to The Parishioners of Saint Matthew Cathedral help couples see beauty support the clear and consistent teaching of the of natural procreation Judaeo-Christian Tradition regarding the sanctity VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The of human life and the obligation of believers to church must find ways to help Abortion Catholic couples see the beauty of defend the most vulnerable members of society. respecting the true design of pro- cannot be a human right creation and avoid artificial repro- duction and contraception, Pope ...it is the very opposite. Benedict XVI said. “Cease to do evil, learn to do good: The encyclical, “Humanae - Cardinal Franz König Vitae” (“Of Human Life”), “illus- seek justice, rescue the oppressed, trates and defends the beauty of defend the orphan, conjugal love” while respecting O the divine laws of nature, he said speak out on behalf of the widow.” in a written message addressed Isaiah 1.17 Oct. 3 to participants of an inter- St. Joseph County Right to Life, Inc. national congress. “You shall not practice abortion nor harm The Oct. 3-4 congress in Rome the infant...nor plot to deceive your neighbor. 320 North Lafayette Blvd., South Bend was sponsored by Rome’s 232-5433 Catholic University of the Sacred You shall hate no one. You will correct some, Heart and the John Paul II Institute pray for others, and some you will love more for Studies on Marriage and the [email protected] Family. The Vatican released a than your own life.” copy of the message Oct. 3. The church, in its teachings 2 (c.110 AD) and pastoral programs, “must know how to guide couples to understand with their hearts the wonderful plan God has inscribed in the human body.” Rev. Michael Heintz Rev. André Léveillé, CSC Here’s a miracle Miss Mary Ann Retseck, Principal To have and hold Mr. Scott Steiner, CCD Director Here’s a life Mrs. Lisa Marino, RCIA Director To shape and mould. Born to be cherished Born to know love “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” A little angel -JEREMIAH 1:5 Sent from above.

Little Flower Parish 54191 N. Ironwood Drive - South Bend The St. Joseph Parish family stands in loving support of life in all its stages, from conception to natural death. Respect Life Through the services of &TUr$PSOFSPG)JMM-B4BMMFJOEPXOUPXO4PVUI#FOErXXXTUKPFQBSJTIDPN Catholic Charities Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend •Brief Services •Information & Referrals •Immigration •Pregnancy & Adoption Services •Senior AIDES Human Life is Sacred •Refugee Resettlement •Children’s Cottage Child Care •Food Pantry (South Bend & Auburn) “God created man in his image, •Villa of the Woods Residential Living in the divine image he created him; •RSVP Dekalb, Steuben, Noble, male and female he created them.” LaGrange, Elkhart & St. Joseph Counties Genesis 1:27 •Individual & Family Counseling •Se Habla Español Holy Cross and St. Stanislaus Parish EAST REGIONAL SERVICE CENTER WEST REGIONAL SERVICE CENTER SOUTH BEND Phone (260) 422-5625 Toll Free 1 800 686-7459 Phone (574) 234-3111 Toll Free 1 800-686-3112 315 East Washington Blvd., Fort Wayne 46802 1817 Miami Street, South Bend 46613 OCTOBER 12, 2008 RESPECT LIFE 13 Cardinal Rigali calls upon Catholics to ‘build a Feminism’s founders stood for life culture of life’ BY LISA EVERETT should not have to submit to egate women even further to father. every sexual advance of her hus- being regarded as sex objects by Susan B. Anthony, referring to WASHINGTON (CNS) — All band without regard for her own their husbands. More than a cen- abortion as “child murder,” wrote Catholics are called “to help build he candidacy of Gov. Sarah desires, health or the possibility tury later, Pope Paul VI sounded in her 1869 publication The a culture of life in which every Palin has raised the public of a pregnancy resulting. In a the same alarm in “Humanae Revolution: “No matter what the human life without exception is Tprofile of pro-life femi- social and cultural context, which Vitae”: “A man who grows motive, love of ease, or a desire respected and defended,” the nism, a concept which many in heavily favored accustomed to to save from suffering the unborn chairman of the U.S. Conference our society consider a contradic- the husband’s the use of con- innocent, the woman is awfully of Catholic Bishops’ Committee tion in terms. Some wonder how right to conju- traceptive meth- guilty who commits the deed. It on Pro-Life Activities said in a a woman can seriously claim to gal relations It is not science that ods may forget will burden her conscience in life, message for Respect Life Sunday be a feminist if she does not whenever he so the reverence it will burden her soul in death; Oct. 5. believe in “reproductive free- desired, this due to a But oh, thrice guilty is he who Cardinal Justin Rigali of dom,” understood as unfettered demand was redeems man: man is woman, and, drove her to the desperation Philadelphia invited Catholics to access to contraception and abor- considered radi- disregarding her which impelled her to the crime!” build a culture of life and to tion. Others believe that equality cal. This con- redeemed by love. physical and Elizabeth Cady Stanton classi- “rededicate ourselves to defending with men requires that women be viction on the emotional equi- fied abortion as a form of infanti- the basic rights of those who are liberated from the burden of bear- part of the early librium, reduce cide and described it as an affront weakest and most marginalized: POPE BENEDICT XVI, ing and raising children. feminists would “SPE SALVI,” NOV. 30, 2007. her to being a to the dignity of mother and child the poor, the homeless, the inno- What many people do not real- later find mere instrument alike: “When we consider that cent unborn, and the frail and eld- ize, however, is that the radical, explicit confir- for the satisfac- women are treated as property, it erly who need our respect and our secular version of feminism that mation in Pope tion of his own is degrading to women that we assistance” in a statement Sept. 30. most of us are familiar with today Paul VI’s desires, no should treat our children as prop- Two initiatives on the Nov. 4 is far removed from the original encyclical longer consider- erty to be disposed of as we see ballot in the state of Washington vision of the 19th century “Humanae ing her as his fit.” and Michigan were held up by the founders of the movement, who Vitae”: “A conjugal act imposed partner whom he should surround Alice Paul, the author of the cardinal as examples where were women inspired largely by on one’s partner without regard to with care and affection.” (#17) original Equal Rights respect for life has waned. The Christian concepts of morality his or her condition or personal The early feminists also fore- Amendment of 1923, deeply Washington proposal would legal- and justice. and reasonable wishes in the mat- saw, as did Pope Paul VI, that lamented the later linking of ize doctor-assisted suicide for ter- In addition to insisting on their ter, is no true act of love, and widespread use of contraception “reproductive rights” with this minally ill patients. In Michigan, right to own property, participate therefore offends the moral order would facilitate adultery and amendment because she charac- an initiative would endorse “the in government, receive equitable terized abortion as “the ultimate deliberate destruction of human wages and have equal opportuni- exploitation of women.” beings” for embryonic stem-cell ties for advanced education and What we know today about research, Cardinal Rigali said. employment, one of the major the the link between breast cancer At the same time, the cardinal goals of the original feminists “Even as we work toward social equality, we, as African and both abortion and the pill — hailed therapeutic successes in was to address the abuse of sexu- to name only one example — research on adult stem cells and ality both within and outside of Americans, must accept the reality that abortion provides further confirmation that umbilical-cord blood. marriage. the contemporary clamoring for “The Catholic Church strongly As David Reardon, director of “reproductive rights” is anti- supports promising and ethically the Elliot Institute for Social remains the number one destroyer woman as well as anti-child. sound stem-cell research and Sciences Research, recounts: There can no longer be any doubt strongly opposes killing week-old “They condemned male promis- of the Black community.” that the modern, mainstream fem- human embryos, or human beings cuity, and denounced the social inist movement has betrayed the at any stage, to extract their stem injustices that induced their sis- ideals and convictions of its BISHOP MARTIN D. HOLLEY, “A REFLECTION ON THE AFRICAN AMERICAN FAMILY cells,” he said. ters to degrade themselves in founders and in so doing, has sac- The cardinal also noted that lives of prostitution. They AND THE CULTURE OF LIFE,” RESPECT LIFE PROGRAM 2008. rificed the well-being of millions most Americans favor banning all demanded that husbands honor of women and the lives of count- abortion or permitting it only in their commitments to their wives, less children. What the pro-life rare cases, such as rape, incest or and that sons learn to honor the movement needs now more than danger to the mother’s life. He integrity of all women. Equal ever are women imbued with the cited a recent Guttmacher Institute rights, they believed, could be in its particular application to the leave women even more vulnera- spirit of the Gospel who know study which found that the U.S. achieved only by fidelity, mutual intimate relationship of husband ble to being victimized and ulti- that their ability to bear and nur- abortion rate declined by 26 per- sacrifice and commitment. Self- and wife.” (#13) mately abandoned by their hus- ture new life is not a liability, but cent between 1989 and 2004. control, not self-, was Far from insisting on contra- bands. a gift. However, the cardinal again their solution to marital unhappi- ception and abortion to regulate The early feminists likewise raised concern about the Freedom ness.” procreation, 19th century femi- knew that abandonment by a man of Choice Act — FOCA — which These early feminists champi- nists condemned both. They con- often motivated a woman to com- is pending in Congress. oned mutual fidelity and mutual sidered contraception to be mit the atrocity of abortion. But is the co-director of the Cardinal Rigali echoed his Lisa Everett respect in marriage. When they “unnatural,” “injurious” and while they did not exonerate the Office of Family Life for the Sept. 19 call for defeat of the bill objected to “enforced mother- “offensive” to women, and feared mother herself, they placed even Diocese of Fort Wayne-South when it comes up for a vote, hood,” they meant that a wife that its use in marriage would rel- more blame at the foot of the Bend. whether in the closing days of the current session after the Nov. 4 election or when the next Congress convenes in January and a new version of the legislation is introduced. “FOCA establishes abortion as a ‘fundamental right’ throughout s believers, the nine months of pregnancy and how can we fail to see that abortion, euthanasia, and forbids any law or policy that could ‘interfere’ with that right or assisted suicide are a terrible rejection of God’s gift of ‘discriminate’ against it in public funding and programs,” Cardinal Rigali explained. “If FOCA life and love? And as believers, how can we fail to feel became law, hundreds of reason- able, widely supported and consti- the duty to surround the sick and those in distress with tutionally sound abortion regula- tions now in place would be inval- the warmth of our affection and the support that will help idated.” “We cannot tolerate an even them always to embrace life. greater loss of innocent human --Pope John Paul II Homily at Trans-World Dome, St. Louis, January 27, 1999 lives. We cannot subject more women and men” to post-abortion grief and suffering, he said. St. John the Evangelist Parish - Goshen St. Thomas the Apostle Parish - Elkhart Rev. Christopher Smith, Pastor Rev. William Sullivan, Pastor St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish - Bristol St. Vincent de Paul Parish - Elkhart Cardinal Rigali’s full statement can be found online at Rev. Robert Van Kempen, Pastor Rev. Philip DeVolder, Pastor www.usccb.org/comm/archives/2 008/08-141.shtml. 14 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 12, 2008

EDITORIAL Fighting the battle for life on several fronts COMMENTARY s we mark October as Respect Life Month, we would do well Ato reflect again upon the theme of Pope Benedict’s pastoral TODAY’S CATHOLIC welcomes letters from readers. All letters must be signed and include a phone number and address for verification. visit to our country in the spring: Christ, Our Hope. What might Today’s Catholic reserves the right to edit for clarity and length. Address letters to: Today’s Catholic • P.O. Box 11169 • Fort Wayne, be the implications of that theme for our responsibility to help IN • 46856-1169 or e-mail to: [email protected] build a culture of life? There is no doubt that the battle for life has been protracted pro-life. and John McCain has pledged to and progress has been slow. Unfortunately, some have even been A Day of Grace for • Barack Obama’s pro-abortion appoint like-minded justices to the tempted to throw in the towel and concede that the cause has position is very firm. When he was court if he is elected. been lost. Women a blessing in the Illinois state legislature, he Fair minded citizens may dis- Yet, this is precisely when we need to rely on the virtue of On Saturday, Sept. 27, over 300 voted three times against a law to agree as to which party would better hope, understood not as “wishful thinking,” but rather, as the women attended the Women of protect the lives of babies who had serve the people for the next four catechism puts it, the “confident expectation of divine blessing.” Grace Conference at Grace College. survived failed abortions. He has years, but on the issue of abortion, Now more than ever, we need to believe that God will bless our This was the most inspiring stated during his campaign: If one there can be no question. I unre- faithfulness to build a culture of life and make it bear abundant event I have ever attended. of his daughters became pregnant servedly disagree with Mr. Wessling fruit in his own good time. Johnnette Benkovic is a very he would not want her to be pun- when he writes: “Neither party The battle to build a culture of life must be fought on several dynamic speaker who shared her ished with the baby. On Aug. 27, on deserves our trust as a true pro-life fronts. The U.S. Bishops’ 2001 Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life energy, insight and humor with us a televised interview he was asked, carrier of values.” in her presentations, as well as dis- “When does life begin?” His Bernard Richardville Activities specifies four of them. One “front” is education, both response, after much ambiguous Fort Wayne within the Catholic community and, more broadly, in the public cussing the difficult times we face in life. Johnnette moved many of us stalling, was that the answer was square. The bishops call on clergy, religious and laity, whether at to tears as she told about the death above his pay grade. In the same Serrans encourage church, home, school or the office, by all forms of media, to of her 25-year-old son in an auto interview John McCain’s answer help form those that they influence to grow in a more profound accident and then, last year, the was prompt and concise, “Life priest recognition respect for human life from conception to natural death. The pri- death of her beloved husband to begins at conception.” • Since the Roe v. Wade deci- This Oct. 26 is National mary purpose of education directed to the general public is the brain cancer. I had the privilege of Priesthood Sunday. The purpose of development of pro-life attitudes and the rejection of abortion, talking with Johnnette for a few sion, the Democratic Party, in Mr. Wessling’s own words, has “hooked this day is to affirm the priesthood euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research and other direct threats minutes and she was very support- in the Catholic Church. There are ive and told me that she would pray its fortune to the abortion ‘choice’ to the lives of innocent human beings. position. ...” Most democratic legis- over 36,000 parish priests in the A second “front” is pastoral care, which seeks to provide for my family as they continue to United States who show their fideli- face ongoing medical problems. I lators have taken that same position. moral support and concrete assistance to individuals and fami- Notable among these are the pro- ty to God and to us every day of the was touched by her kindness. year. It is incumbent upon us, lies experiencing difficult circumstances: women with problems My heartfelt appreciation to fessed Catholic Democratic related to pregnancy; those who have been involved in an abor- Senators Ted Kennedy, John Kerry through love, to express honor and Bishop D’Arcy for his support of support to the dedicated priests who tion; those who are disabled, sick and dying; prisoners, those on this event, and to Ginny Kohrman, and Joe Biden and Rep. Nancy Pelosi. have given themselves totally to the death row, and victims of violent crime. Mary Worman, Jenny Kohrman and holy church. Priests should be loved A third “front” on which the battle to build a culture of life all the volunteers who worked so • Recently Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Speaker of the House, and respected by those in the parish must be fought is public policy. Our faith gives us the clarity hard to bring the “Women of Grace” community and beyond. and the conviction to remind our fellow Americans that, in the conference to our diocese. stated that the Catholic Church never taught that life begins at con- The Serra Clubs of Fort Wayne words of Pope John Paul II, our true greatness as a nation is Patty Sosenheimer and South Bend asks all Catholics Fort Wayne ception. Her archbishop duly cor- tested by the way we treat the weakest among us. Political advo- rected her and suggested she contact of the diocese to express apprecia- cacy on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves is an him concerning this issue. tion to Bishop John M. D’Arcy and essential element of building the culture of life, not an optional Abortion issues of Compare the above facts with the priests of the diocese to make an one, explain the bishops, because in a just society, the lives of the record of John McCain and the intentional effort to express appreci- innocent human beings must be legally protected: the parties Republicans. ation to our bishop and priests. This letter is in response to a • Since the Roe v. Wade decision Pray for a specific priest and “The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a ‘Gospel of life.’ It invites all write him a card or invite him for a persons to a new life lived abundantly in respect for human dig- column in Today’s Catholic dated it has been the Republican Party Sept. 21, 2008. that has consistently defended the meal or give him a gift card to pur- nity. We believe that this Gospel is not only a complement to chase some gasoline. Let him know American ... principles, but also the cure for the spiritual sick- The column is a reprint of an life of the unborn and has opposed editorial called “Politics and late-term abortions. you recognize the daily and often ness now infecting our society. ... We cannot simultaneously Abortion What’s the Choice? This • Beginning with Reagan, every times thankless job he performs for commit ourselves to human rights and progress while eliminat- editorial attempts to compare the candidate for president and for vice- the love of Christ. The priest needs ing or marginalizing the weakest among us. Nor can we practice positions of the Democratic and of president on the Republican ticket to know we care about him too. the Gospel of life only as a private piety. American Catholics the Republican party on abortion. has been pro-life Let us all band together not only must live it vigorously and publicly, as a matter of national lead- The author, Frank Wessling of the • John McCain has consistently to grow vocations, but also to main- ership and witness, or we will not live it at all.” Catholic Messenger of the Diocese defended the life of the unborn. In tain them. Thank you father and of Davenport concludes: “Neither response to pressure from the con- God bless. Our warmest congratula- A fourth and final “front,” without which all of our other tions to the servants of Christ on efforts to build a culture of life will not bear fruit, is that of party deserves our trust as a true servative wing of his party, he pro-life carrier of values.” I submit resisted his original preference for their extraordinary services to Jesus prayer. We can sin against the virtue of hope, not only by suc- and his church. Happy priesthood cumbing to despair, but also by presuming that our own efforts that he is wrong based on the fol- pro-choice vice president, and lowing facts: picked Sarah Palin, a strong pro-life day. are enough, rather than by seeking light and strength from the • In the 1980s the Democratic governor. Dick Dornbos Lord. governor of Pennsylvania was • The four strong conservative Serra USAC, District Governor of denied the right to speak at their Supreme Court justices were all Northern Indiana South Bend Committing the cause to the Lord national convention because he was appointed by Republican presidents, The battle to build a culture of life is not ours alone — it is primarily the Lord’s — and we must commit the cause of life to him, in confident expectation of the ultimate triumph of good A day to honor Our Lady of Fatima over evil, of grace over sin, of truth over lies. As Pope John Paul II pleaded with us in his great encyclical on the Gospel of Life: BY FATHER ADAM SCHMIDT they thought it was the end of the apostolate is peace will come to “A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer world. the world through beads not bul- which will rise up throughout the world. Through special On July 13, Aug. 17 and Sept. lets — rosary beads not bullets. n Monday, Oct. 13, many 13 of 1917, Our Lady of Fatima To celebrate this anniversary initiatives and in daily prayer, may an impassioned plea Catholics will celebrate the rise to God. ... Let us therefore discover anew the humility told Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta there will be Mass at St. John the O91st anniversary of the that there would be a miracle for Baptist Church, New Haven, and the courage to pray and fast so that the power from on miracle of the sun at Fatima, high will break down the walls of lies and deceit: the walls all to believe on Oct. 13, 1917. As Monday, Oct. 13, at 11:15 a.m., Portugal, of Oct. 13, 1917. What Our Lord foretold his resurrection followed by a rosary procession at which conceal from the sight of so many ... the evil of was the miracle? It was a rainy for all to believe in him and his noon. Msgr. J. William Lester will practices and laws which are hostile to life.” day, the area muddy — 70,000 message, so Our Lady foretold the be the main celebrant of the Mass were present and their clothes miracle of the sun — the likes of in honor of the Immaculate Heart May it be so. were wet. At noon that day the sun which has never happened before of Mary and Father James came out and dried up the muddy or since in the history of the world Seculoff will be the homilist. All field and the clothes of the 70,000, — that all might heed her message priests are invited to concelebrate. as if it had never rained. of how to bring peace to our lives All are invited to attend. Then the sun began to shed dif- and to the world, namely praying ferent colors and swirl around for the rosary daily for this intention, Today’s Catholic editorial board consists of Ann Carey, Don Clemmer, Fred 12 minutes — even coming and making daily sacrifices for the Father Adam Schmitt is a retired and Lisa Everett, Father Mark Gurtner, Father Michael Heintz, Tim towards the earth, which caused salvation of souls. priest who resides at St. Joseph Johnson and Vince LaBarbera. the 70,000 people great fear as The message of the Fatima Parish, Fort Wayne. OCTOBER 12, 2008 COMMENTARY 15 CATEQUIZ’EM Grieving the death of an infant By Dominic Camplisson In October, the Catequiz’em has two octets of O’s, C’s, and T’s. eath of a loved one is never your baby. You know when the easy, and the relationship baby is sleeping and when the Dnurtured with a special per- baby is active. This is your child 1.Which Oct was the young Roman who became the Augustus whose census drove son has much to do with the grief and you love him.” HOPE Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem? experienced at their passing. Then two days before he was to a.Octillo b.Octavian c.Octto the Great Though my daughters lost their be born, movement ceased. IN THE father as preschoolers, his absence Therese wondered about the inac- 2.These heretics were,at one time,numerous in southern France,near Albi: continues to manifest in their life tivity but knew babies naturally MOURNING a.Calistitae experiences in a very real sense, slowed before birth. However dur- KAY COZAD b.Cantianates though far different than mine fol- ing a routine doctor’s visit later c.Cathars lowing my own father’s death in that week, it was discovered for my early 30s. Losing a spouse is a reasons unknown, the infant had distinct grief journey as compared died. loss, they were afraid to talk about 3.First used by Leibnitz,this term refers to the study of God as known by reason: to losing a friend. She says, “When you hear your him because I might remember. If a.theophany b.theodicy c.theopasy But what of losing an infant child has died, all your dreams are they only knew, I never forgot — before birth through miscarriage or shattered. I once heard, ‘When you and still don’t.” As with any loss, 4.This is the dominant church in the Eastern Christian world: still birth? Do we grieve a person lose a parent, you lose your past. survivors are touched to know that a.Orthodoxy not yet viable and functioning in When you lose a child, you lose others think of their loved one. b.Oriental Therese adds, “The hard part this world? Therese says yes. your future.’ So true! When I saw c.Ovidean Therese, her husband John and perfect little Joshua, I was filled about losing a child is in the their two young daughters joyfully with sadness, grief and an over- months ahead. People have seen 5.This is a liturgical garment: awaited the birth of their new whelming feeling of what might you pregnant for months, so many child. The pregnancy had been have been.” A lifetime of living ask about the baby, those who a.chanson full-term and uncomplicated. has been lost. knew you were expecting, but had- b. Though they had not yet met their Losing an infant can be devas- n’t heard the news. I’m not sure c.canonics new addition, Therese says, “I felt tating for the extended family as what is harder, telling those people like I knew him. When you first well. Unfortunately many wonder or them hearing your child has 6.These fighting knights were the “special forces”of the Crusades: find out you are pregnant, you how they can help and may feel died. Most are empathetic, but a.terrorists some try to soften the grief with, immediately make plans. What because the baby was not a viable b.tertiary order of seals “You can have another one,” or should we name him/her? What part of the life it should not be c.templars will the big sisters think? The idea mentioned. Many grieving parents “At least you didn’t get to know of a baby is never out of your experience isolation in their grief. him.” mind. So for nine months you are John says, “Family did not 7.The forbade boys under 10 to become thinking of, talking to, caring for know how to respond. Like any HOPE, PAGE 16 a.ornery monks b.oblates c.orphans

8.The “Cherubikon”is a hymn in this Eastern Catholic Rite/Church: a.Byzantine God’s mercy extends to all b.Cypriot c.Muscovite The holy city of Jerusalem, God’s city, and the royal capital, will be Reflection 9.A is useful for: seen throughout the world as the These readings call us to sever- THE center of a great nation. al basic facts. The first is that God a.feeding reptiles The second reading is from the never fails in mercy. He does not b.mixing wine SUNDAY to the Philippians. On sev- disown the promise, spoken long c.burning incense eral occasions that are recorded in ago through the prophets, and then GOSPEL Acts or in the Pauline epistles, finally by Christ, to guide people 10.These Christians rejected reforms in the Russian church intended to make the Paul was imprisoned, having been to everlasting life by revealing to church more aligned to Greek liturgy: MSGR. OWEN F. CAMPION arrested for preaching against the them the laws of righteousness and a.Oblasts establishment or simply for dis- by strengthening their resolve to turbing the peace. This passage b.Old Believers be righteous. c.Osthro Goths from Philippians was written while The second fact is simple, and 28th Sunday in Paul was in prison. constant throughout history. Being jailed, humiliated and Humans just cannot accept it. The 11.This rare and obsolete term referred to a vowed woman following the rule of Time abused was Paul’s plight. fact is that humans sin. The sin of Augustine: Mt 22:1-14 Nevertheless, he says that his faith Adam and Eve weakens humans. a.catechist in God never lessens, nor does his Their nature is distorted. They are b.canoness he first part of the Book of commitment to proclaiming the myopic. They exaggerate their c.called-by-Gus Isaiah provides this week- Gospel. Nothing else matters, not own powers, discounting their Tend’s first reading at Mass. even his comfort or personal well- need for God. Understanding the cultural, being. God gave Christ to the 12.This is the third hour of the Divine Office: Conversion requires a frank a. terce social, political and economic con- world. Paul must extend this gift realization of who and what text surrounding the composition far and wide. humans are. They are sinful, but b. trey of biblical texts always helps to St. Matthew’s Gospel furnishes God loves them. c. thrice capture their meaning. the last reading. The reading is a In this realization, humans As a general rule, times rarely parable, with three parts. come to the firm conviction that 13.This German name refers to the policy of the Vatican had to create better relations were good for the Chosen People. In the first part, a “king,” who drove St. Paul to proclaim the with the Eastern (communist) regimes to benefit the church there: Aside from bursts of prosperity represents God, invites guests to a Lord in spite of all. Nothing mat- a.Ostia and peace under David and wedding banquet for his son. ters other than to be with God. Solomon, they usually had to cope These people reject the invitation. b.Ostpolitik There is no life apart from God. c.Ostalgie with war, invasion, want or worse. The king invites guests again. Everything other than God is fick- Also as a general rule, the Again, the invitation is ignored. le and impermanent, here but for a prophets saw little in which they Then, in the second part, the king while. 14.Monks from this “Charter-House”are of the Order of St.Bruno,but are more com- could truly rejoice. Invariably the invites outcasts and strangers to monly known as: prophets wrote that human sin, not the feast. They come. a.Cistercians divine revenge, was the cause of However, in the third part, the READINGS b.Columbian fathers trouble in the world. king sees a guest at the banquet Sunday: Is 25:6-10a Ps 23:1-6 c.Carthusians So, frequently the prophets improperly dressed. He orders this Phil 4:12-14, 19-20 Mt 22:1-14 counseled the people to avoid guest to be thrown out. entanglements with pagan neigh- The king’s servants represent Monday: Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31-5:1 Ps 15.In a Catholic Church,this must be locked when not in use: bors, and always to be true to God. the prophets. The prospective 113:1b-5a,6-7 Lk 11:29-32 a.tabernacle This writing actually was writ- guests who spurn the invitation Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6 Ps 119:41, 43-45, b.till for cash ten when times were not all that represent the people of Israel. The 47-48 Lk 11:37-41 c.tool kit bad, but dark clouds lay on the outcasts and strangers represent Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25 Ps 1:1-4, horizon. The people, generally the aliens and the sinful. 6 Lk 11:42-46 16.This is another name for a monstrance: speaking, were lukewarm in hon- The message is that God’s Thursday: Eph 1:1-10 Ps 98:1-6 Lk a.ossuary oring God. Isaiah loudly protested mercy extends to everyone. Even 11:47-54 b.occultum that the sluggishness in religious so, God drags no one into the Friday: Eph 1:11-14 Ps 33:1-2,4-5,12- c.ostensorium devotion would be their downfall. kingdom of heaven. Even repen- 13 Lk 12:1-7 However, Isaiah also insists, if tant sinners must reform to be Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b Ps the people are faithful to God, all worthy of heaven. ANSWERS: will be right. Peace and security 145:10-13, 17-18 Lk 10:1-9 1.b, 2.c, 3.b, 4.a, 5.b, 6.c, 7.b, 8.a, 9.c, 10.b, 11.b, 12.a, 13.b, 14.c, 15.a, 16.c will reign. Prosperity will prevail. 16 COMMENTARY OCTOBER 12, 2008 Roman roads aided in the spread of Christianity

How did Christianity spread so fast in and good government to an area can see the famous Appian Way, ancient countries bordered. Thus the time of the apostles? JK Angola that ranged from Great Britain to the road on which St. Paul traveled St. Paul was able to visit the the Euphrates River in Iraq and to Rome. islands of Cyprus, Crete, Rhodes, St. Luke speaks of the spread of from the North Sea to the Sahara THAT’S Michael Grant says the roads of Malta and Sicily. Early Christian Christianity in his New Testament desert in northern Africa. the Roman Empire were the most missionaries could visit the vast book called the Acts of the At the Battle of Actium in 31 A GOOD potent guarantees of external and territory of the Northern African Apostles. He attributes the spread B.C., Rome was finally united internal peace and stimulants of coast, the coast of Lebanon, of Christianity to the action of the under one ruler, Octavian or QUESTION prosperity. A Roman road went Turkey, Greece, Italy, France and Holy Spirit. He particularly looks Augustus Caesar, who concentrat- along the coast of northern Africa Spain. at the missionary work of St. Peter ed on the empire’s internal prob- from Morocco to Egypt. A Roman Father John McKenzie adds a and St. Paul. The New American lems and laid the foundation for road went from Egypt through fourth factor in the spread of Bible says St. Luke perceives the strong rule and peace. guage, customs and religion, as Israel, Syria, and Iraq to Turkey. A Christianity, namely that the one action of God in history laying M. Tenney says the long as the people stayed on Roman road went from Turkey language of Greek was spoken open the hearts of all mankind to Romana increased Rome’s trade peaceful terms with Rome. along the coast of the Black Sea to everywhere in the Roman Empire. the divine message of salvation. and prosperity. The navy swept the A second factor that helped the the area of Russia. A Roman road The New Testament itself was Although the Holy Spirit is the Mediterranean Sea of pirates who spread of Christianity was the went from Turkey to Greece and written in Greek. Some of the spirit of the church who helps it imperiled shipping between Rome, great system of Roman roads. W. Macedonia, along the Danube apostles, like Philip, had a Greek grow and keep on the right track, Asia Minor and Africa. A stable White says the Romans were River in Eastern Europe, and along name, and Philip himself intro- there are other favorable human coinage and improved methods of amazing road builders, spending the Rhine River in Germany and duced Greek-speaking people to factors at the time of the apostles banking encouraged economic five centuries completing a road then on to France and Spain. Jesus. Greek was the business lan- that enabled Christianity to flour- expansion. Manufacturing sprang system that extended to every cor- Finally Roman roads were also guage of this time. ish. up in the Roman provinces, so pot- ner of the empire that included built on the separated country of Remember that ancient Rome tery from France and glass from 50,000 miles of first-class high- England. governed the world of the apostles, Germany could be found in Rome. ways and 200,000 miles of lesser A third factor that helped the and they established the “Pax A key to maintaining peace was roads. spread of Christianity was the abil- Father Richard Hire, pastor of St. Romana” or Roman peace. J. Augustus Caesar’s willingness to These Roman roads were built ity to travel by ship on the Martin de Porres Parish, Syracuse, Packer says historians date the Pax allow provinces local self-govern- primarily as military routes to the Mediterranean Sea that many answered this week’s question. Romana from 30 B.C. to about ment, coupled with his quick use provinces. But they also allowed A.D. 180 when Rome flourished in of military force to stifle rebellion grain to be brought to Rome and a time of imperial greatness. or terrorism. To create less prob- wine and olive oil to the provinces. SCRIPTURE SEARCH During this period, the Roman lems, the Romans allowed con- Stone bridges were built where Empire brought peace, prosperity quered nations to keep their lan- roads crossed streams. Today you Gospel for October 12, 2008 Matthew 22:1-14 Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading, Cycle A, the parable about the groups of Respecting life is just learning to love wedding guests. The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. y mother was flipping through the church bul- KINGDOM WEDDING HIS SON Mletin one Sunday when INVITED PREPARED READY she observed a notice asking for EVERYDAY CATHOLIC BUSINESS MISTREATED KILLED parishioners to consider being ENRAGED TROOPS MURDERERS THERESA A. THOMAS foster families for Catholic BURNED STREETS FOUND Charities. Since my mother has a HALL GUESTS A MAN big heart, since her last pregnan- FRIEND DARKNESS TEETH cy had ended in miscarriage, We read him books and sat with helped us drop food donations since she was in her early 40s him on the porch, showing him into the food pantry’s box for the COME TO THE FEAST and since it was pretty obvious things outside. My little brothers needy, and educated us on laws she wasn’t going to be having and sisters doted upon him con- that were being passed or not SPOORTEETHOJ any more babies, she immediate- stantly, and by the time he left us, passed in our country to protect ly pulled dad aside. “We could do he was progressing beautifully the unborn, elderly and vulnera- SHRWFOUND I JS this,” she told him. and chuckling happily again. ble. EL I ELLAEFSES The two of them disappeared The last child to come to our But my parents went one step NWND P LGHR S D E family’s household was a baby more than that. They lived the into the living room for awhile, KKVDEAFE I OSN and when they emerged, they told named John. African American, pro-life message every single day us their plans. They’d apply to be and 3 weeks old, his original fos- of our lives. They knew that R I I I RHRDENT I short-term foster parents. That ter mother decided she couldn’t pulling the lever for the candidate ANTNPEDENJSS meant we’d be short-term foster handle the little guy. Of course, who supports life or donating DGEGDEYPDOEU brothers and sisters. Short-term mom and dad welcomed him clothes to St. Vincent de Paul foster parents, at the time, with open arms. John integrated Society or writing a letter to ADDRLGDENRUB entailed accepting and caring for well into our family, and before elected officials is only part of NOUL FDAMANGF newborn babies from the day we had known it, time had flown the respect-life responsibility. AM I S TREAT EDL they left the hospital until they by. John was a toddler. They taught us kids to reach out could be placed in loving adop- John’s case was reopened to those who live in poverty or NKJOSTREETSX tive homes. Did I mention mom when he was 2 years old, paving injustice by actually inviting © 2008 Tri-C-A Publications www.tri-c-a-publications.com and dad already had 12 children the way of his eligibility for them into our home. at the time? I was the oldest, in adoption. Although my parents The Catholic Church offers all high school at the time. had not considered adopting any of us a beautiful document enti- infant’s hair and presenting the Many babies came through my of the foster children they had tled “Living the Gospel of Life: baby’s cap and bracelet have parents’ doors. Some came for a taken in, this situation was obvi- A Challenge to American HOPE become compassionate outreaches very short time like a day or two. ously different. After two years, Catholics.” This document may CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 to grieving parents. Others stayed a matter of weeks. Johnny was one of us. We could- be found on the USCCB Web site Therese and John birthed three One little boy, about 6 months n’t say “goodbye” or give him here: more children into their now fami- old, arrived at our home unre- up. My parents applied to be his www.usccb.org/prolife/gospel.sht Then is not the time for old ly of seven, in which little Joshua sponsive to any type of social parents. ml. It gives us many suggestions worn-out cliques but for reaching will always be a part. Their hearts overtures. If you played peek-a- Every parent knows that rais- on how our families can respect out to the bereaved parents with have healed over the years with boo with him he didn’t break a ing children is difficult. Adoptive life every day. I’m so glad my words of shared sorrow. A simple the compassionate support of smile. If you cradled him in your parents know that there can be parents took the time to show me “I’m so sorry,” resonates deep with- friends and family who understand arms and sang, he just stared. Not special challenges reserved just that learning to respect life is in the hearts of grieving parents. the need to mourn the loss of an in the usual situation, this little for adoptive families. But like all really not that hard. It’s just In the not too distant past when infant not born to live in this guy had been taken from his families who have a good dose of learning to open one’s heart and a baby was stillborn or a woman world. But they say they will mother’s home because he was common sense, faithfulness, ded- simply learning to love. miscarried, the body of the infant always remember. being neglected and a conse- ication and God, love abounds. was removed immediately so as They remind us, “There are quence, a self-protective meas- And it did in our family as well. not to grieve the parents further. always milestones ... the first ure, said the social worker, was This month is Respect Life Thankfully bereavement norms Christmas, birthdays, starting that he didn’t show emotion. Month. I want to thank my par- have slowly, steadily begun to school and graduation. You always He probably had cried so long ents because I think this is some- Theresa Thomas, parishioner of St. return to following the heart and remember.” and no one had responded that he thing they taught us children real- Matthew Cathedral Parish in more is being done to ensure a had given up on that too. But my ly well. Sure, they made sure we South Bend, is the mother of healthy start to the journey of family loved him despite his lack learned respect of cultures other nine children and wife of David. grief. Hospital staff members now Kay Cozad is a certified grief educa- of emotion, sang songs and than our own, took us faithfully Visit her Web site at www.there- are more understanding. Picture tor and writer for Today’s Catholic played finger games with him. to visit our aging grandparents, sathomas.typepad.com. taking, clipping strands of the newspaper. OCTOBER 12, 2008 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 17

ANOTHER SHUTOUT RECORD FOR SAINT FRANCIS The fourth-ranked University of Saint Francis football Cougars expected to win their game Oct. 4 against Ohio Dominican — just not 35-0 over an Ohio Dominican University team. The Cougars shut out ODU (3-2) and in the process set a USF record Sports with three shutouts in the same season. And USF also won its 48th consecutive home game. ICCL gridiron action Last week of CYO play secures placements chipped in a great effort for the running game this week,” reported BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN Cardinals who ended up in the St. Vincent Coach Cory Kitchen. rallies to final weeks sixth spot. According to Kitchen, the six line- FORT WAYNE — In the final Bouncing back from last man — Blake Bowers, Jeremy SOUTH BEND — With just a defeated the Granger Catholic week of 2008 regular season week’s loss to Sts. JAT, the St. Reese, Gunnar Dahm, Austin few weeks left to complete the Titans, 25-0. Catholic Youth Organization John Fort Wayne-Hessen Cassel Hillman, Brandon Evans and regular season play of the Inter- The Panthers were lead by (CYO) football action, Sts. JAT Eagles defeated St. Jude, 40-0, to Jonathan Hake, who are coached City Catholic League boys’ var- Justin Drinkall’s two scoring runs (Joseph-Elizabeth/Aloysius/ wrap up a first-place finish in reg- by Matt Hatfield, Sean Lyons and sity football, the Mishawaka of 16 and 55 yards. Chris Lippert Therese) took on St. Charles at ular season play with a 6-1 record. Curtis Smith — controlled the line Catholic Saints remain unbeaten. and Oliver Page also had scoring Bishop Dwenger Sunday, Oct. 5. In the game, Brandon Dock had a of scrimmage from the first play. The Saints defeated the St. runs in the win. The Knights beat the Cardinals, 20-yard touchdown run. St. Vincent finished with a 3-4 Anthony-St. Joseph Panthers, 24- The Holy Cross-Christ the 22-0, to secure a solid fourth Thomas Starks threw a 10-yard record and will square off against 0, at Bob Otolski Field at Marian King Crusaders beat the St. place-finish in regular season play. strike to Brendan Gonzales and Sts. JAT in playoff action while High School on Sunday, Oct. 5. Matthew Blazers, 36-6. Leading the offensive attack for Sam Stronczek threw a 10-yarder Queen of Angels-Precious Blood The Saints were The Crusaders were the Knights was John Cassell, to David Shank, while Brandon will meet Holy Cross. lead by scoring lead by Peter Aaron LeMaster, Matt Harris and Volmerding threw a 20-yard TD The final contest of the day runs by Vince Rymsza’s three Nick Deiser. Deiser had two pass to Matt Williamson. Jabri found Holy Cross and St. John Ravotto, touchdowns, of touchdowns and Matt Harris added Bramley rumbled in 30 yards on New Haven vying for the second Michael 30-, 2- and 12- a third. the last score. The PAT team was seed position. Each with just a sin- Whitfield and yard runs. Coach Mike Deiser also report- perfect on the day with Stronczek gle loss (both to the St. John Fort Tyler Nixon. Brendan ed that Nic Morken and Dan handling the kicking chores. The Wayne Eagles in the early weeks Chase Lentych- Connelly had Beckman took care of things two teams return to Bishop of the season), Holy Cross downed Hack kicked the touchdown runs of defensively for Sts. JAT, who have Dwenger Sunday, Oct. 12, meeting the Raiders, 24-8. The Raiders lone three extra points. 42-yards and 20-yards won their last three outings. in the first round of the playoffs. score came from Dillon Carey with In other-varsity action, at for the Crusaders. Jacob Jobe Showing great improvement in Heading into the post season, Adam McCarthy adding the extra Saint Joseph’s High School, the kicked three two-point conver- the last half of the season, Casey the St. Vincent Panthers downed point. Defensively, Robbie Lake Holy Cross-Christ the King sion kicks. Cooney, Cam Messman, Adam Queen of Angels/Most Precious had an outstanding effort with three Crusaders beat the Holy Family St. Matthew’s No. 59 returned Whisler, Jacob Burgener, Jordan Blood, 26-0. In the win, Nick sacks in the loss. The Raiders (5-2) Trojans, 16-0. the opening second half kick 70 Tippmann, Tyler Tippmann, Jacob German had three touchdown runs wound up CYO’s third seed and The Crusaders were lead by yards for the Blazers’ touchdown. Chelf, Mike Lombardi, Tony and Grady Eifert added a score. will face St. Charles (2-5) in the Pierre Byrne, who returned a The Corpus Christi Cougars Price, Nathan Niese, Austin “I was most pleased with our first game of the much anticipated punt of 35 yards and a free kick defeated the Holy Family Pearson and Greg Robertson all offensive line and Chris Rama’s “road to South Bend.” of 45 yards for touchdowns. Trojans, 18-0. The Cougars were Mike Madden kicked a two-point lead by Garrett Lukens 24-yard conversion. touchdown pass to Noah Sheer. In B-team action, The St. Caleb Horban and Ricky Entzian Anthony-St. Joseph Panthers both had scoring runs in the win. CYO volleyball teams forge ahead torious in three matches by scores tion director and concession stand BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN of 25-18, 25-23, 15-9. supervisor. Listener supported “Again, either team could have Ehmke’s overall objective for FORT WAYNE — The ladies won this match. We passed the ball the program this season is to pro- from St. Therese are off to a 4-0 very well which meant we also vide the girls with the opportunity start in Catholic Youth attacked and set up the ball to learn more about the sport of Organization (CYO) Blue League extremely well — like 24 times in volleyball. The leader also hopes volleyball action. The combined the second game alone,” explained the girls gain knowledge and skills team of seventh and eighth graders Palmer. Against the Gators, North and learn all the responsibilities of lists nine on their roster for 2008. had 10 kills and Trevino tallied being part of a team. An additional Veteran Coach Lisa Palmer returns nine kills and 11 assists. Luegring goal for each player is to learn to along with assistants Jamie added eight assists while Carten play competitively. Uecker, Sarah Walker, Jill and Rachel Braun dominated in “I am very pleased about the Catholic Radio AM 1450 Davidson and Dusty Luegring. the serving area. “Both wins were improvement in skill level the “We may be small in numbers a total team effort and our girls team is showing over the season so Cast your vote for this season, but have an awesome never gave up even when we were far,” reports Ehmke, whose group of girls to work with. They behind,” summarized Palmer. Carpenters/Eagles are 1-1 in Blue give 110 percent at every practice Also small in numbers, but not League play. Ehmke, a clinical Catholic Radio and work very hard,” explained spirit this season is the team from nurse specialist, has coached at the Palmer. St. Mary-St. Joseph. Coach Nancy college level and recently had her Palmer was pleased with her Emhke started the volleyball pro- number retired from Salem State FALL team’s performance in two big gram with the two schools hailing College in Salem, Mass., where wins during the month of from the towns of Avilla and she was a volleyball standout. SHARATHON September. First off, St. Therese Garrett four years ago. Also coach- The Reds from Precious Blood beat the defending Blue League ing the fifth- and sixth-grade girls are 0-4 in league play so far this champs from Queen of Angels, 25- along with assistant Maryanne season, but first-year head coach October 22-24, 2008 7am - 7pm 22 and 25-24, in a hard-fought bat- Budreau, Ehmke’s varsity roster Ashley Peters is encouraged by her tle that went back and forth with for 2008 consists of Kristy young team’s serving and passing many lead changes. With excellent Brennan, Stephanie Ehmke, in an “upbeat game.” Peters adds, servers from Queen of Angels to Nichole Rorick, Natalie Pine, “A couple of wins would be nice, 24 hour news, talk and information from the contend with, St. Therese got Rachel Ley, Rachel DePew and but our goal is for each player to Lydia Waring. improve this season.” Catholic perspective behind in both games with passing troubles. Ehmke struggles with current The Reds list three eighth www.redeemerradio.com “It was anyone’s game up until enrollment trends and rising gas graders on their roster along with the final point,” said Palmer. In the prices. With no gym in Avilla, she six seventh graders. Peters is a jun- To contact us or to provide financial support: win, Taylor Luegring and transports her girls to Garrett twice ior at Concordia High School. a week to practice after school, in After assisting with the team last [email protected] Mackenzie North led the team in serving, while Anjelica Trevino addition to serving as coach, ath- year, she was asked by a family Redeemer Radio, 4705 Illinois Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46804 had eight assists and Jessica letic director, accountant, booster friend to fill the leader spot this 260-436-1450 Carsten five kills. club president and “staff psychol- year. Lisa Workman, the school The next weekend at St. ogist” while her husband helps out athletic director, also helps out Aloysius, the Crusaders were vic- as equipment manager, transporta- with the Lady Reds. 18 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 12, 2008 Still learning ‘... after all these years’

BY LINDA FURGE Spiritual Development to lead a retreat on “Mary our Model.” This was my first time leading sections of a retreat — so I was a bit nerv- More Shared Faith literature Opening prayer ous (the flip side of excitement) can be found at “My soul proclaims the great- and anxious to do a good job and Sharing Faith www.diocesefwsb.org/OSD ness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices not embarrass myself in the in God my savior. For he has process. (My heartfelt prayer, as I looked upon his handmaid’s lowli- drove to the retreat, was: “Oh, ness; behold, from now on all ages God, don’t let me mess up too sometimes called the “psalter for exercise for this academic year, Praying Your Life Through the will call me blessed. The Mighty badly! Help my mouth say the the poor” because it was used by were thought-provoking and beau- Rosary,” in which he offers addi- One has done great things for me, right things when it’s supposed to ordinary Christians as a parallel tiful, and I have permission to tional suggestions for writing your and holy is his name. His mercy is and keep shut when it’s not.”) prayer to the formal liturgical share a few of them with you: own mysteries: from age to age to those who fear It didn’t take me long to realize offices of the clergy, monks and • My Faith Journey: 1) given • People, living or dead, who him. He has shown might with his that the role I expected to play that nuns. my faith in baptism, 2) receiving were influential in your life. arm, dispersed the arrogant of day was going to be completely We talked about Pope John Jesus in first Eucharist, 3) respond- • Relatives, friends, colleagues, mind and heart. He has thrown upended. I had thought that, with Paul II’s great reflection on the ing “yes” for myself in confirma- teachers, etc., living or dead. down the rulers from their thrones our talks, I/we would help guide rosary in 2002 in which he pro- tion, 4) serving others in marriage • Occasions of special joy. but lifted up the lowly. The hungry the teachers into new insights on posed the addition of the luminous and parenthood, 5) Thy will be • Challenging, difficult or he has filled with good things; the Mary. What I discovered, instead, mysteries to the traditional joyful, done in daily commitment. painful occasions. rich he has sent away empty. He was that these wonderfully wise sorrowful and glorious mysteries. • Favorite Hymns: 1) “We • Events for today’s news: how has helped Israel his servant, women led me — all day long — He encouraged us to see the face Remember, We Celebrate, We would Jesus respond? remembering his mercy, according into a new appreciation of her. of Christ in the daily events of our Believe,” 2) “Amazing Grace,” 3) • Parables of Jesus that are to his promise to our fathers, to My lesson began quickly as I lives so that: “... our heart can “The Church’s is One most meaningful. Abraham and to his descendants listened to their answers to our ice- embrace in the decades of the Foundation,” 4) “Salve Regina,” 5) • Gospel personalities that res- forever.” — Lk 1:46-55. breaker question, “How would you rosary all the events that make up “How Great Thou Art.” onate with me. describe your relationship with the lives of individuals, families, • Mysteries for 2008-09 • Books, places, art or musical Commentary Mary?” The depth and intimacy of nations, the church, and all Academic Year (St. Louis compositions that have impacted the relationships they described mankind. Our personal concerns Academy): 1) mystery of commu- me. Ziggy says, “Life is an adven- were incredible, and I was instant- and those of our neighbor, espe- nity, 2) mystery of service, 3) mys- • Unanswered questions or ture!” And I recently discovered ly humbled. How could I ever pre- cially those who are closest to us, tery of growth, 4) mystery of hear- mysteries of my life. (again) just how exciting it can be sume to be their teacher? What who are dearest to us. Thus the ing God’s call, 5) mystery of • Locations of particular beauty. to start a new adventure. This past could I possibly offer when they simple prayer of the rosary marks knowing and loving God. • Gifts or talents I possess. August I eased into my “fourth already related to Mary far better the rhythm of human life.” By • Mysteries for 2008-09 (St. • Moments of special awareness life” — first life, nurse; second than I? offering the new luminous myster- Joseph School): 1) The seed of our or surprises God has sent my way. life, stay-at-home mom; third life, The teachers continued teach- ies, Pope John Paul encouraged us faith, 2) the root of family, 3) the We now offer Brother Philip’s Campus/Young Adult Ministry — ing me as we asked them to reflect to use our own life experiences to branch of knowledge, 4) the blos- suggestions for your consideration as part of the diocesan Office of on their personal and professional fashion mysteries for personal som of life experience, 5) the fruit so you, too, can formulate your Spiritual Development. The teach- lives and write their own mysteries meditation and prayer. of sharing. own mysteries of the rosary. Feel ers and staff of St. Louis Academy, of the rosary. By way of introduc- The mysteries of the rosary the Holy Cross Brother Philip free to join me — and learn ... still Besancon, and St. Joseph School, tion, we looked at the fact that, in teachers developed, both personal- Armstrong wrote a wonderful little ... after all these years. Monroeville, asked the Office of the Middle Ages, the rosary was ly and professionally as a group book, “Your Own Mysteries: Book covers the reign of seven popes in exile at Avignon

BY YORK YOUNG Pope Clement was a against Muslims in the Holy Land. Frenchman, and once he took up Not engaging in one last Crusade residence on the border of France, may have been a good thing, but at it was hard for the papacy to avoid the time, the church was disap- ongtime readers of this col- French influence. Pope Clement pointed in that turn of events. umn will know that this named several cardinals from As talk in the second half of the Lreviewer has a penchant for France, including a few relatives. century focused on returning the historical books, and having the All of a sudden, after years of papacy to Rome, Frenchmen con- opportunity to visit Rome in Italian control of the (papal spired to keep it close to their bor- September, where tales of history offices) and the College of ders and churchmen were con- are around every corner, my atten- Cardinals, Frenchmen became the vinced that Avignon’s proximity tion recently was drawn to “The majority, heavily influencing the was a benefit to possible negotia- Popes of Avignon: A Century in Exile” church for the next century. tions of peace between England (BlueBridge, $24.95), by Edwin Mullins. During this time, some of the and France. In 14th-century Europe, civil seven popes would occasionally Mullins does an excellent job of strife and competing kings made take moral stands, but, generally, weaving in the papal history with for a perennial feeling of unsettled- power and money ruled the day, an homage to the city of Avignon ness. The popes were involved, not to mention an extreme lax of itself. The city became the envy of too, often in ways not very personal morality. Greed, lust, many in the 14th century, and Christlike. The papal kingdom, pride, gluttony — basically all the grew to second largest to in which included several territories Seven Deadly Sins — were well what is now France. With a papal in present-day Italy, were a con- represented in the papal court of tithe that forced all churches and tentious issue for many of those the time, not excluding some religious orders to donate 10 per- competing kings and popes. With popes. cent of their income to the papacy so much danger so close to Rome, But there were many interesting — another black eye — the coffers the papacy was moved away from occurrences during this time. The of the church grew to expansive the Eternal City at the time, and first dramatic influx of the Black proportions. Before the move seven pontiffs reigned from the Death struck in 1348, during Pope back to Rome was begun, how- confines of Avignon, an independ- Clement VI’s reign. Looking for ever, it had all been spent, some ent city at the time, which is now blame, many in the Holy Roman on luxuries better left undis- part of France. Empire blamed the Jews, annihi- cussed, some on protection Beginning with Pope Clement lating many Jewish communities. money to mercenaries and some to years V in 1308, the walls of Avignon Pope Clement opened the Avignon fight wars that maintained the ter- (1367-70), although provided the home boundaries of gates and protected 200 Jews dur- ritorial integrity of the Papal events conspired to force a return the papacy for the next 70 years. ing this time. States. to Avignon. But a glorious time it was not, Meanwhile, the Hundred Years This created more complica- Returning to Rome was finally from the perspective of church War was going on between France tion, but, ultimately, the call of accomplished less than a decade barely a century later the history. With power struggles the and England, which was repeated- Rome was too strong. Pope Urban later. Romans and Catholics Renaissance began and the Vatican rule of the day, nepotism and play- ly blamed for inhibiting the church V was able to move the church should appreciate the relocation in saw an artistic and architectural ing favorites were hard to avoid. from mounting another Crusade center back to Rome for a few the city along the Tiber River. For growth that lives to this day. OCTOBER 12, 2008 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 19 Bremen LaGrange Virginia S.Thornton, WHAT’S HAPPENING? Brantley Taylor, 78, St. Rumalda G.Gutierrez, 89, Holy Cross Dominic 98, St.Joseph Paul T.Berndt, 87, WHAT’S HAPPENING carries announcements about upcoming events in the diocese. Send in your Decatur Mishawaka Christ the King Richard C.Mies, 78, St. Maria Violi, 85, St. announcement at least two weeks prior to the event. Mail to: Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Henrietta Wilder, 93, Mary of the Monica Christ the King Fort Wayne 46856; or e-mail: [email protected]. Events that require an admission charge Assumption New Haven or payment to participate will receive one free listing. For additional listings of that event, please Felicia S. Fort Wayne Gertrude C.Rorick, 86, Dominkiewicz, 90, call our advertising sales staff at (260) 456-2824 to purchase space. James B.Cooney Jr., 66, St.Louis Besancon Little Flower St.John the Baptist Cheryl Stier, 53, St. Msgr. Faber Activities Center. from many cultures in the gym, Wabash MISC. HAPPENINGS Mel Quinn, 72, John the Baptist Cost is $8. Men and women are 3029 E. Paulding Rd. Tickets are Alice Barnett, 87, St. Father Michael Heintz, Ph.D. to speak Precious Blood welcome. Call Henrietta at (260) $15. Call (260) 515-2078. Bernard at St. Charles Notre Dame 482-1660 or Rita at (260) 424- David R.Skowronski, Elizabeth A.Craig, 75, Fort Wayne — Father Michael 6345 for information. Fish dinner helps eighth grade 58, St.Henry Sacred Heart Basilica Heintz will speak on Models of Fort Wayne — St. Therese Discipleship Tuesday, Oct. 28, at Holiday bazaar School will have a fish dinner Ramon Lopez Jr., 85, St. South Bend 7:30 p.m. in St. Charles Church. Mishawaka — The St. Joseph Friday, Oct. 10, from 4:30-7 p.m. There will be an opportunity for Joseph Robert F.Brown, 73, Church holiday bazaar will be Tickets are $7.50 for adults, Little Flower questions and answers. Saturday, Oct. 25, from 8 a.m. to $4.50 for children 6-12 and free 2 p.m. Over 80 craft and house- for children 5 and under. All pro- Day of Reflection hold item tables, raffles and ceeds benefit the class trip. Pancake and sausage breakfast free. Tickets available at the rec- Mishawaka — A day of reflec- baked goods will be offered. Yoder — A pancake and sausage tory, school or at the door. tion will be held Wednesday, Bring canned or boxed food Drive through fish dinner breakfast will be served Sunday, Oct. 29, from 9:30 a.m. until items and receive one free entry Fort Wayne — St. Joseph- Oct. 19, at St. Aloysius Activity Fish dinner hosted by Knights 2:30 p.m. at St. Francis Convent. to the mini raffle for each item Hessen Cassel will have a drive Center from 7:30-11 a.m. Plymouth — The Knights of The theme for the day is “God’s donated. through fish dinner on Friday, Proceeds benefit the Athletic Columbus Council 1975 will Holy Ones.” Please bring your Oct. 24, from 4-6:30 p.m. Booster Club. Free will . host a fish dinner on Friday, Oct. Bible. The cost of the day is $15 Fancy fair and cookie bar Tickets are $8. Proceeds benefit 17, at the Knights Hall at 901 E. and includes lunch. Register by Rome City — St. Gaspar Parish the Hessen Cassel Food Bank. Fish and tenderloin fry Jefferson from 4-7 p.m. Tickets Friday, Oct. 24, to Sister Barbara will have a fancy fair and cookie Bluffton — A fish and tenderloin are $7 and available in advance Anne Hallman at (574) 259- bar on Saturday, Nov. 1, from 9 Rummage sale fry will be held Friday, Oct. 17, by calling Tom Sibal at (574) 5427. a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch available. New Haven — St. Louis from 4-7 p.m. in the social hall, 935-8442 or at the door. Drive- For table rental call (260) 854- Besancon Parish will have a 1300 N. Main St. Adults $9, through service available at the Living Healthier series sponsored by 4888. rummage sale Friday, Oct. 17, children 6-12 $6, children 5 and Columbus Club south door. University of Saint Francis from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m and under free. Carry-out available. Fort Wayne — The Living Clothing sale for families Saturday, Oct. 17, from 9 a.m. to St. John plans rummage sale Healthier series continues with Bristol — St. Mary of the noon. Fill a bag for $4 on Friday Spaghetti dinner at Corpus Christi South Bend — St. John the “Sleep Hygiene” by Cheryl Annunciation, 411 W. Vistula St., starting at 3 p.m. and fill a bag South Bend — Corpus Christi Baptist Parish’s Altar and Rosary Erickson, on Wednesday, Oct. will have a clothing sale Friday, for $2 on Saturday. Parish will have a spaghetti din- Society will have a rummage and 22, at 6:30 p.m. at the Doermer Oct. 17 and Saturday, Oct. 18, ner Thursday, Oct. 23, from bake sale Oct. 18-19, from 8 a.m. Center, Room 156. Doors open at from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day. Craft fair helps music department 4:30-7 p.m. Adults $8, children to 6 p.m. on Saturday and from 8 6 p.m. Refreshments and healthy Fort Wayne — The Bishop 5-12 $3 and children under 5 a.m. to noon on Sunday. snacks provided. Non-perishable Knights plan spaghetti dinner Dwenger Music Boosters will food item donations accepted. South Bend — The Knights of have a craft bazaar on Saturday, Columbus Council 5521, 61533 Nov. 8, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in St. Vincent Thrift Store plans 99-cent S. Ironwood Dr., will have a the school’s gymnasium. Booth coat sale spaghetti dinner on Friday, Sept. space is still available by calling Fort Wayne — St. Vincent de 19, from 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $7, (260) 483-5750. Paul Thrift Store, 1600 S. children (5-12) $3. Dinner Calhoun St., will have a 99-cent includes spaghetti, salad, garlic Breakfast brunch coat sale Monday, Oct. 13, toast and coffee. Carry-out avail- Fort Wayne — St. Peter Church, through Saturday, Oct. 18. Store able. 500 E. DeWald St., will have a hours are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. breakfast brunch in their Community Center has night of music Pavilion on Sunday, Oct. 12, FUNDRAISERS Fort Wayne — The St. Henry from 8-11 a.m. Adult tickets are Fall luncheon and card party Community Center will have “A $5, children 12-16 are $3 and Fort Wayne — Queen of Angels Night of Musical Distinction,” children 11 and under are free. Parish will party on Friday, Oct. Saturday, Oct. 18, from 7-11 24, from noon to 4 p.m. in the p.m. Food, drink and live music

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involvement in the clergy sexual poor, pope says abuse scandal, Cafardi first point- ed out how families went to BY CINDY WOODEN orient the journey of the church,” church authorities, not civil Pope Benedict said. authorities, with their allegations He quoted St. Paul’s Letter to because they trusted the church VATICAN CITY (CNS) — the Romans: “The kingdom of and believed the bishops would Christian freedom is not being God is not a matter of food and listen to them. It was not until the able to do anything one wants, drink, but of righteousness, peace church was perceived to be failing, but being free to imitate Christ, and joy in the Holy Spirit.” as it was with the case of Boston especially in serving the poor, Pope Benedict also noted how priest Father John J. Geoghan, that Pope Benedict XVI said. the Council of Jerusalem ended families began turning to the law “Let us allow ourselves to be with a resolution for all the instead. guided by the Spirit, trying to Christian communities to take up The church was perceived as live in the freedom that finds a collection to help poor failing because the bishops had direction in faith in Christ and Christians in Jerusalem. sought to protect the privacy of becomes concrete in service to “It was a completely new ini- both the accused priests and the our brothers and sisters,” the tiative in the panorama of reli- victims. pope said Oct. 1 at his weekly gious activities,” the pope said. “Secrecy breeds suspicion,” general audience. “So great was the value Paul Cafardi noted. He says that this “Being increasingly like attributed to this gesture of shar- approach caused one scandal to CNS PHOTO/NANCY WIECHEC Christ is essential. That is how ing that he rarely referred to it as create a second scandal, one that U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts, right, talks with one becomes truly free,” the pope a collection, but called it service, implicated not just abusive priests, told an estimated 20,000 people blessing, love, grace and even but leaders of the church. Washington Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl as they and oth- gathered for his audience in St. liturgy.” “The church underestimated its Peter’s Square. St. Paul’s reference to the col- people,” Cafardi explained, saying ers leave the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle follow- The pope’s audience talk lection for the poor as liturgy rec- that the bishops feared openness ing the Red Mass Oct. 5 in Washington. The liturgy, tradi- focused on how St. Paul and the ognizes that care for the poor is a on the topic of priestly sexual other apostles resolved differ- sign of love for God, the pope abuse would scandalize the faith- tionally held before the start of the Supreme Court term, ences they had, particularly said. ful and drive them away. But, includes a blessing and prayers for those who work in law regarding whether new Christians “Love for the poor and divine Cafardi said, the laity are smart from pagan families were liturgy go together,” he said. enough to understand that priests and public office. At left in back is Cardinal John P. Foley, required to observe Jewish law. Love for God and for one’s are sinful human beings and strong who gave the homily during the service. “In the light of his encounter brothers and sisters are part of enough in their faith to endure with the risen Christ,” St. Paul every Mass celebrated in the such information. So instead of understood that righteousness for church, “which by its nature protecting the laity, the bishops’ with families. accountable to civil authorities. the new Christians came from opposes the separation of wor- secrecy created an environment in “Our client is different,” Cafardi Cafardi tied the experience of following Christ, the pope said. ship and life, faith and works, which the problem persisted and said of lawyers who serve the serving the church during the With great respect for the prayer and charity for one’s finally erupted in 2002. church, noting that the “scorched abuse scandal to St. Thomas More, Twelve Apostles who had been brothers and sisters,” Pope Cafardi also noted that the earth” tactics of some lawyers the patron saint of lawyers, who with Jesus from the beginning of Benedict said. lawyers who served various dioce- “made the church look uncon- served the church during some of his public ministry, St. Paul nev- ses during this time advised bish- cerned about the least among us.” its worst periods of corruption and ertheless was frank about what he ops to take action that was overly As for the effect of the scandal, yet still loved it. believed the Gospel required, adversarial toward victims and Cafardi observed, “Getting sued “We need to look through the said the pope. Under the guid- Editor’s Note: The text of the pope’s pastorally inappropriate, counsel- actually helped us,” in that it made flaws of its leaders to the essence ance of the Holy Spirit, all of the audience remarks in English is ing them not to apologize or meet the bishops realize they’re of the church itself,” he said. apostles met in Jerusalem and posted online at: www.vatican.va/ adopted St. Paul’s position. holy_father/benedict_xvi/audi- “Only sincere dialogue, open ences/2008/documents/hf_ben- to the truth of the Gospel, could xvi_aud_20081001_en.html. REMEMBERING THOSE ABORTED AT MEMORIAL FOR LIFE Craft Show Nov. 1, 2008 8:00 am -3:00 pm St. Charles Borromeo Parish 4916 Trier Road • Fort Wayne

Support the Dignity of Human Life.

NEW HOURS Saturday: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Tuesday: 8:30 am - 7:00 pm Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm MARK WEBER Baby Bibles • Crib Medals Escorted by a color guard from the Anthony Wayne Assembly of the Knights of Columbus, Rosaries • Crucifixes Jonathan Allgeier, with his father, Richard, carried an infant’s casket to commemorate vic- tims of abortion in Fort Wayne. More than 300 people gathered on Sunday afternoon at and much more! the Catholic Cemetery for the memorial service. Music, prayers and statements by repre- 915 South Clinton Street Fort Wayne sentatives of three faiths were followed by individuals placing roses on the infant casket. (260) 422-4611 The ceremony closed with Tony Koehl playing “Taps.”