In Re Portal Software, Inc. Securities Litigation 03-CV-5138
IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA IN RE PORTAL SOFTWARE, INC ) NO . C-03-5138 VRW SECURITIES LITIGATION ) DECLARATION OF DAVID J. ROSS 1. QUALIFICATIONS 1 . I, David J . Ross, am Senior Vice President of Lexecon, a consulting firm that specializes in the application of economics to a variety of legal and regulatory issues . Among the staff and professional affiliates of Lexecon are several prominent academics and a group of full time economists, accountants, computer programmers, and research assistants . At Lexecon, I have specialized in the areas of financial economics and the economics of corporate law. I have worked on hundreds of matters involving a wide variety of financial issues . 2 . I have published a number of articles including articles which , among other things, discuss the economic analysis of securities fraud claims . My curriculum vitae, which contains a list of my publications and other professional activities, is attached as Exhibit A. 3 . I received a B .A. in economics from the University of Chicago in 1983 . In 1985, I received an M.B.A. from the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago, having completed the specialization requirements in economics , finance and industrial relations. 4 . I have testified as an expert witness regarding a wide variety o f financial issues in proceedings throughout the United States, including testimony as a n expert witness in cases involving claims of securities fraud . The cases in which I hav e previously testified as an expert are listed on Exhibit A . 1. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY OF CONCLUSION S 5 .
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