
. 130 YORK• . • York Tavern, \Ym.Simpson, (pOliting Locke William, house) St. Helen's square Mason Thos. Skeldergt. & the Castle Inkstand lIIamifacturer. Peter:i Thomas, Low Wheatley John, Fetter lane Watson John, Copley's et. (;aney st. Iron Fmmders. Libraries, Subscription. Gibson Josel'h, York Subscription Library, St. Helen'g Hopwood and Hurwoorl, Huogate sqllare, Joseph Shepherd, librarian Iron ~Ierchants. SelectSubscription,IJady Peekett's vd. Cattley Thos. and J. H. Pavemut.Ann \Voodcock,librariuu Sand~rson Thomas, Low Libraries, Circulating. Watkinson Thomas, CarraIl M. W. Walmgate Irrmmnn{