SLOVO, sv. 71 (2021), 121–168, Zagreb 2020. Ana ŠIMIĆ, Jozo VELA UDK 272-282.7:003.349.1]:27-274.2 Staroslavenski institut 27-234=163.42 Zagreb Izvorni znanstveni članak
[email protected] Primljen: 4. lipnja 2020.
[email protected] Prihvaćen: 20. listopada 2020. FROM THE LITTLE CHAPTERS TO THE BIG QUESTION: HOW WERE THE CROATIAN GLAGOLITIC BREVIARIES AND MISSALS COMPILED? This paper deals with textual transmission in pre-Tridentine Croatian Glagolitic missals and breviaries. Previous research has demonstrated that northern (Krk-Istria) codices follow earlier translations from Greek, whereas southern (Zadar-Krbava) codices have been adjusted to Latin exemplars. However, this differentiation is not clear-cut – certain codices are recognised as a combination of the northern and southern group. The paper addresses the inability to establish a stemma codicum, explaining this through both the high loss rate of Croatian Glagolitic codices and horizontal textual transmission (the usage of more than one exemplar). Further insight into the given topic is provided through discussion of the types of Glagolitic scribes (simple scribe, scholar-scribe, redactor-like scribe, and redactor-scribe) and the determinants of their work, the most prominent of which is the absence of authorial authority. The core of the paper is the study of little chapters as texts shared between breviaries and missals. Data analysis suggests the two liturgical books share a common origin, and that each was likely used as a source for the other. Moreover, data analysis also broadens the notion of the polygenetic origin of Croatian Glago- litic books, which should be understood not only in terms of successive contaminations, but simultaneous contaminations as well.