LOCAL EXPERTS. curator’s insight GLOBAL REACH. Worldwide the Bonhams Group holds Where There’s a Will close to 400 auctions each year in 60 specialist areas. Our Los Angeles REVERENCE FOR THE BARD PERMEATES THE HUNTINGTON office provides local access to the exceptional resources of this global network. By Stephen Tabor Consignments now invited for auctions in all categories. Marking the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s His method was not to hang around bookshops; death, Stephen Tabor, The Huntington’s curator of he preferred to bag whole collections at once, using +1 (323) 436 5552 early printed books, relates how the institution’s high-end dealers like George D. Smith and A.S.W.
[email protected] founder built one of the world’s great collections Rosenbach as stalking horses. His fast-growing of the playwright’s works. library therefore incorporated the knowledge and MATTEO SANDONA (1881-1964) In her Kimono taste of numerous discerning buyers who had pre- signed ‘Sandona’ (lower right) hen Henry Huntington turned 60 ceded him. His first notable en bloc purchase was oil on canvas in 1910, he announced his retire- the library of Elihu Dwight Church in 1911. In 36 x 28 5/8in ment, saying, “I believe I am en- addition to a choice collection of the most impor- Sold for $293,000 titled to some rest and playtime. tant works on American discovery and exploration, WhyW shouldn’t I take it?” For one of America’s this netted Huntington more than 50 early copies richest men, this meant a new commitment to of Shakespeare’s plays and poems and placed him book collecting, in which he had been dabbling immediately among the collectors in the field to be with increasing sophistication during his working reckoned with.