^ Presi( T O S T Sldent Succeei Lt Name Eed Go Mes Ba Goldber B All Berg

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^ Presi( T O S T Sldent Succeei Lt Name Eed Go Mes Ba Goldber B All Berg 0 5 - 1IJ? 2 7 Lijriirion a a l H y • ^ MaJiolaho Stato r oai.oty _ 6 J 7 0 1 BoLse,, a . IdahoI d a h o J ( V ' V ' X\U/ y ''' ' '' W e aither th e r .'ZTTti * F in a l - Turning WarmerW arm er JHlr'/Sj” EEd iiition . ^ ' MagicM a Valley's’.y’s HoiHome Newspapera p a r / ' ^ VOL. 65; NO. 11__________ * 6 5 * ________________ ■■ • / TWIN FALLS. IDAHO.D A H O . FRIIF R ID A Y , A P R IL 2G, 19G819GS ; • • ^______________TE N C E N T S ^ I ^ PJL r e sS i (ld e nLt t N a mm e e s B a a ll T o S ut c c ee e e i d GG o o ld bb e e r r g - . „ ( By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER lon circlesas as much much as as did did John- Goldbergberg h.indlcsh.indlcs "certain"cer m at- months a s U.N. ambai:..iilor. He h ifC'Jl AP Sptclal Corrc.spondent;orrc.spondent son's decisionion lo loa ska sk him him back. ters nownow underunder way”way' a t ihc added:added: WASHINGTONI (A(AP) P ) -— I’rcsiPresi- Rcached TThursday hursday eveningevcnii by cd Nations.United Nations, — "i"1 have have resignresigned In' the belief dent Johnson hass choseiichoscii formforme er telephone inin MontMont TremTremI blanl, • Goldbergildberg willwill inin factfni handle thatthat II cancan hesthest Ifuriiicr ihe.sc ob­ * Slate D c p a r i:m me ent n t officialotficin near Montreal,renl. Canada,Canada, where\ lhc U.S.U.S. argumeniargument forfor U.N. ac- jeciivcsjectives in priprivnic life." he George W. 'Ball,, a sirong advo-adve he is aitending.ding n a conferenceconferen of ccptanceince otot a a irentyirenty proposed said,said. WhileWhile acknscknowledfiing ihere 'caie of a negotiatedjliaicd VieinarVietnam an indcpcndenlJem groupgroup concernedconci by ihlshis couniry,couniry, iheihc SovietS Un- had been VicinaVietnam policy dilfer- war sctllcmcni; to succcedsucceed Ar-Ar • with Allaniiclie com m unity prob- Ion andand BrilainBritain to10 outlaw01 fhe ences within Ihe adminisiraiiun. - thur Goldberg nss ambassadoram bassador lilu said:Icms. Ball said: spreadad ofof nuclearnuclear weapons.weaf he ,s.iid ihaithat, hn«hnd not myiivaied the United Nations..)ns.. .. "The Presidentrsidcnt hashas removedrcn GoldbergIdberg indicatedindicated openlyt nl- hi<his decision ioin nresign. , • Tne-Kudden, surpri.scJrpri-sc choicc of0 himself fromni thethe poliiicnlpoliiicnl arenac m ost sixsix monthsmonths agoago lhaith hc did •• Ball,Ball. Jiklike e - • GoGoIdbMg. enicred BatV.' 5S^ 10 .succccdccd llwlt\c cciitinKrcliciui so hc can makeTvakc dccSdccSsion^ sm s whichs - nol considtf:ons«5tf Wshis U.N.U.N. poshlonp ns . lhcthe Jolin F. KennedvKc adminis- — ■' Goldbcrg'tvas viewedewed in thethc c.ip-c.ip would Iw m^uch uch morcm ore difficultdiffic if a career.ireer. JohnsonJohnson callcdca him IraiinnIraiion inin Jnnu.January iOGI. fiold- Ilal ns fresh evidenceJence lhatthat John-John , he were a political:iolilical candidate.candidai from thethe SupremeSupreme Court' in berg was I’reiideniI’rcii Kennedy’s son had dccidcdI tolo makem ake dc-dc "Thereforerc thethe periodperiod thatthJ re- mid-l9CSI9C5 1010 becomcbecomc nmba.ssndornn firstfirst secrclarysccreiary oiof labor. lermincd effort during his laslast . mains couldd bc a very fruitfulfr • lo theie worldworld organizationorganiw and. BaltBalt andand Gold)Goldberg,' bolh h a v e ^ •*-• nine monlhs in officcoffice lo10 iicgoliIicgoli- period." reccnilvlllv he. has privalclyprivi cx- l)Cenl>een knownknown inin ihe governmittt ate an end to thele VietnamVIclnam warwar. Johnson announcedannounced ThursdayThui pressedicd inleresiinleresi inin reluminRrel lo as Vieinam'polVietnam policy critics, al­ 'B all has m adeL* his r^i\^icismc^^cisms at a h.isiily,■ calledcalled newsnews confer-cc theiraciice practice of law. of law. ihoughthough poldGoldher; h c rg 's views have ot U.S. policy knownlown parlicular-particular ence lhat Goldberg,ioldberg, 59,59, hadha re- ' At aa NewNew YorkYork newsnew confer- . .been -less sharply>han defined In ly since rcsfgninglg as undcrscc-undcrscc signed and wouldwould bcbe replacedrep cnce following the PPi re sid e n ts public sincc hc hnsh noi been owJ:.. retary ot stale InIn OclobcrGcIobcY IDCG.IDG6 by Ball. Thele PresidenlPresidenl saidsail Ihc announcemenl.unccmenl. GoldbergGoldb< said- side—Rovcrnmenside—Rovernment ser\'lce, ile Thus his willingnessless to return loli changc would)ld probablyprobablv becomebci be hadad workedworked inin iheihe cnusc of hashns -worked 'fOi.•fnrjs^aliaiions at government surprisedprised Washing-Washing effective 1 Inearly early June June after .. Vietnamlam pcacepcace duringdurin? his 33 ihcthe Unllcd'NtiTioUnilcd-N&tMi;.. ’ ■ Bom bers ■ i Nixon Tells Idahoaiihoans H it N ear I K New Leadeileadershipp Nei A TITLE TO LANDIND al Indian Stale! Park near Pocaiclloocalcllo was delidell«tr«d lo members of the QI Needed^^ Idaho Park Board during a meetingmrell In Twin Falls Thursday. AcccAcecpling the tllle here are i ^ f H > By EARLE L, JESTERE R - 1I At his 1news conference.:e. Nix- publican candidates.'( . ( ' members of (hc parkirk board,board. ErnestErne Day, chairman, lefl,lell. and EarlE arl Gunnell. T he board'i'r con- Saigon I BOISE (AP) —‘ Republicanlubiican on was an.skcd how he assesses He said (inucd iis meeting FridayI'riday lo hear several area proposalsisals for parks. EBoth Filer ond Twin Falls jj isscsses He said that as a result Rea-' By GEORGE ESPERER H W."- presidential candidate RichardliheRichardllhe .speaking.spcnki to u r of which Rea- gan witl Counly wcrc s^vcn npprova]opprovsl for(or parkp< plans. ch Rca- gnn will gain support it he dc- SAICSAIGON (AP) - U.S.].s. B52D52 ■BKi’ ■ ■ ' NixonNixon loldI his Idnho cnmpaignlgan’smpaignlgan's visivisil to (Idaho is a part.icldes inlo seek the presidential Iwmbers,Iwmbc flying some of the I workers loday that AmericaiAmerica "Hc Is becom ing a morelore ac-jnominaiion.ac-jnom inaiio J war's closcst raids to Saigon,.igon, hit ^ B j "needs“ needs new1 leadership thatlal only tlve non-cnon-candidnte." Nisonson re- Nixon .said.• he had no objcc- 1 T T T enemy largcis wiihin 26 miles of ■ ■ 9 H ^ ftft RepublicanRepu' adm(nislratlon—aation—a plied, addingadd th n t Reagan;an was,tlon loto ReaganI or New York Board Ok I L V Ihe capiial today lo breakireak up 7»IH newnew team—cantea provide.”’ "renderini"rendering a scrvice lo his par-|Gov.par-;Gov. NelsonNels Rockcfcllcr bccom- 1 Okays T.F.P.F. County< V giVict Cong forccs believed:d mass-mass- | H V Hc sb »' Hc said It is Importantml Ihal ly" byhy spispeaking In behalf:f otof Re-iIngRe-'lng aclivcactivc candidates. ing for thcir second mnjoror offen- W-BT ■ ‘-J/ J^cpublicansj^cpubli. nol only cleclclecj n slve of 19G8. ff - //• • presidenlpresidei In Novem ber buf afeo Thc raids camc atler;r Soulh ; , ' / ■ thatth a t theythe corrcct whnt he cnll6d f Park At Balanced] ,ced Rock^ 1Vietnamese police orderedered all ,, .f / •. anan "oul-ot-balance""oul situation la Columbia\ J \ J i na BBo ow s To boats Iand vehicles cnieringring Sal- ,, ' . 1 . ^ f. ; thethe UnitedUn Slales Senate.jie. He • By FRED DODDSDDS velopedvelf inio a cam pingg and pic- provalprova w as given for funding a gon b<bc searched for armsrm s ondand •-"* ‘‘*1'— ^ saidsaid DemDe ocrats -now have a two - Tlmcs'News Stalf' WWriter riler nic area. Thc rcsl willill remain park in F iler. T hc park: will cost explosiexplosives. The police had ear- to one margin. HEnMANLOIIMANJR. Twin Falls Couniyy m ay. ninl ihc sam e, w ilh fishing• and his-his* 53l.<00S3I.40 over n periodI ot five Her ththw arted a Viet Cong al- « Nixon, speaking in Boisc only OStudent I / C t PProi ro test last. RCt ii.s first officialficial park, loricallori' markings offeringng atlrac-allrac- years,years ond thc governmentment will lempt to smuggle guns IntoInlo the •. • died rcccntly In actionactioil aq fev hoursI before the: sched- tn Vietnam, Ue Is (he fion o{ uied a r Thc Wahw P a rk Board.oard, Tntt\-meet- lions.lion Jurnlsfurnish hall the cost. capSlo!capSlaJ on a rlv tr Junk. Jn V ulcd appearance ot a potentialxrtentlal ByB i TOM KELLY Iwhile and Neero onlookers galh- . cll from M rs. Velma B. Lehm an, 744 rival fo ins in Twin Falls sinceince Thurs- TheTl board'.s approvalI removed BoardBo« Member Harold.M Browni»..«u,n .TonsTons of exp OS ves fell from Mr*. in» <44 rival for the presidential nomi- >.pu;NEW YORK-(AP)-y — Colum-crcdColum-ered in predawn chill on tho <Jny. Rave lls approvalival to lhc a hurdle,hi as the countyV doesdoei noinot of Filerp| said the main develop- hree sor- Second Ave. an4 Hermaniennan nation,nation Califomia Gov. Ronald d S i I •I’' s '” " ' s. weap- A.5 " ."Lohman Sr.. Corpuj Chrl*- Reagan . bin Unlversiiy bowed lodayday to alstcp*a 'ste p s of 1Low Memorial Library, nark I-'riday morning: In a meet- havuhav tllle lo th e landI in oucs-ques- mentmeni of the park wouldJ bc doned£ bunkers, weap- A. L Chri*. Reagan, said he believes Repub- 5 1 DC QOnc pojitlons and IroopI concen- «. Tei.T Funeral Krvlcca for Ucans v ' in militant sludent protest lhat has!hosl TrumarT rum an a{so .said the entire ing nt the Holiday Inn.I. T he park, tion and m usi get the title Irom Inin twoiwi years. « for Hcans will pick up from 8 lo 10 2^ t inilcs ‘he Marine Corps corporal scat.t Ir -J.'I'srupled campus life for /our unlversiiyuniversity would be closed until lo be located ot the bottom of lhcthe Bureau of Land Manage- ji,. , tration*, six to eight inilcs ‘he seal., In ihe Senate.
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