Stemming the Tide of Flood Losses

Stories of Success from The History of ’s Flood Mitigation Program

Missouri State Emergency Management Agency

904522bp C1-C2.p65 1 3/21/00, 1:42 PM This document was produced by the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA).

Special Acknowledgement to this report’s primary authors, Timothy and Iris Roberts.

Photographs by SEMA, the Mis- souri Department of Transporta- tion, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) — Excelsior Springs Photos by Liz Roll, FEMA National.

Open space in St. Louis County. State Emergency Management Agency P. O. Box 116 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Table of Contents

Homepage: Overview of the Missouri Flood Buyout Program ...... 3 Breaking Missouri’s Repetitive Flood Cycle ...... 8 semapage.htm Alexandria and Clark County ...... 13 e-mail: [email protected] Arnold ...... 16 Buchanan County...... 19 Stemming the Tide Cape Girardeau ...... 21 of Flood Losses: Cedar City ...... 24 Stories of Success Commerce ...... 27 from the History of Excelsior Springs ...... 30 Missouri’s Flood Mitigation Program Hannibal ...... 32 Mel Carnahan Hartsburg and Boone County ...... 34 Governor, State of Missouri Hermann ...... 36 Jefferson County (including Festus and Crystal City) ...... 38 Gary Kempker Lincoln County and Winfield ...... 42 Director, Department of Public Safety Neosho ...... 45 MG John D. Havens Pattsonburg...... 47 Adjutant General Perry County ...... 49 Rhineland ...... 51 Jerry B. Uhlmann Director, SEMA St. Charles County ...... 54 Ste. Genevieve ...... 58 Beaufort “Buck” Katt, St. Louis and St. Louis County ...... 63 Assistant Director, SEMA St. Mary ...... 68 Wakenda ...... 70 Destin Frost State Hazard Mitigation Officer Warren County and Marthasville...... 72 Conclusion ...... 74 Susie Stonner, Editor

904522bp C1-C2.p65 2 3/21/00, 1:43 PM Overview of the Missouri Flood Buyout Program

From April of 1993 to May of 1995, the State of Missouri experienced unprecedented flooding of virtually all areas of the state. This situation resulted in Presidential Declarations on five separate occasions. These declarations became the basis for rather large dollar amounts of assistance for individuals and public entities alike. As provided by the Stafford Act, hazard mitigation grant program funds also became available on a formula basis for declared states. The focus of this report is the process and policies that evolved in Missouri to put these mitigation funds to use in the shortest possible time. Hopefully, this report will be useful as an historic document, but more importantly, it will serve as a “blueprint” for future similar programs should flooding again reach the 1993 and 1995 levels.

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904522bp 03-07.p65 3 3/21/00, 2:54 PM rior to the 1993 major flood ing detail was received. Project scopes since determined and followed a bet- event, the Missouri State ranged from very large structural ter procedure wherein SEMA person- PEmergency Management projects, including levees, storm wa- nel travel to each buyout location to Agency (SEMA) had, for unknown ter drainage systems, and a buyout work the process. Applicants also were reasons, passed the responsibility for project for one dwelling. The total informed that all projects for other than the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program project requests exceeded $300 mil- residential buyouts would be passed on (HMGP) to the Department of Natural lion. The dollar amount and diversity to Missouri’s Department of Economic Resources. With the 1993 flood event, of the projects increased to a signifi- Development for subsequent resolu- that responsibility was returned to cant degree the already difficult task tion in the event that funds should be- SEMA. Arguably, it should always of determining which projects to pur- come available through that channel at remain the responsibility of SEMA. sue. a later date. The position is enhanced by the fact that Missouri has funded a State During late 1993 and early 1994, Beginning in very late December Hazard Mitigation Officer Position FEMA Director James Lee Witt and 1993, and in January and February within the SEMA personnel structure. others began to place emphasis on ac- 1994, meetings were scheduled with With that as an aside, the State was quisition of flood damaged property. the affected communities to review faced with an unprecedented task of projects for possible funding recom- administering a hazard mitigation mendations to FEMA Region VII. program that eventually exceeded Given the fact that These meetings were hosted by a very $100 million. The purpose of this the State only had $30 small select committee empowered by overview is to provide a narrative the Administration to review all project concerning how the various processes million available, and that proposals and make specific recom- and policies were developed and put buyout projections were mendations to the Governor’s Office. into place. exceeding that figure by a Committee members included Mr. three to one margin, the Dick Moore, former Executive Direc- As the individual and public assis- tor of the Missouri Housing Develop- tance efforts during the later summer decision was made to focus ment Commission; Mr. Dick Gross, of 1993 progressed, it became obvious the HMGP effort on per- then Director of the Missouri Housing that the State would have significant manent primary residen- Development Commission; Mr. Terry funding for HMGP activities. An early tial structures. Necessity Martin, Community Development estimate was $10-12 million. At the Block Grant Coordinator; and Mr. same time, the U.S. Congress began to forced the exclusion of Buck Katt, SEMA, and the buyout address various flood assistance issues business properties, vaca- project coordinator for Missouri. This with one of the major efforts being the tion homes, mobile homes, small but effective committee listened enactment of the “Volkmer Bill” which and building elevations. to all proposals and took action in sev- changed the formula for HMGP fund- eral ways on each project. ing. That bill became law in mid-De- cember 1993, and the HMGP fund The committee recommended that forcast was suddenly $30 million. The A review of the projects received re- some projects be forwarded to FEMA awesome HMGP task was now even a vealed that they included requests for for funding without modification. This greater challenge. “buyouts” that would cost $100 mil- recommendation was applied to lion. The “fog factor” was now being projects that were “clean,” meaning Following this realization, the diminished to some degree and a logi- projects that met all necessary criteria State’s first overt act was to send a let- cal approach to project approval including a reasonable cost benefit. (At ter to known eligible applicants inform- emerged. that time, FEMA had no cost benefit ing them of the program with a further model guidance available; the State of comment requesting communities to All the eligible applicants who Missouri created its own to gain at least submit project applications. No further were proposing acquisition were told a basic insight regarding the cost ben- guidance was provided - no standard ap- to revise their applications for residen- efit for specific projects. Since that plication or direction regarding the tial buyouts only and to be prepared to time, FEMA has developed several State’s priorities was given. Conse- travel to Jefferson City to present their computer-based models and continues quently, a “flood of requests” in vary- applications. In hindsight, SEMA has to refine them.)

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904522bp 03-07.p65 4 3/21/00, 2:54 PM In addition, the committee sug- group traveled to Pattonsburg, Mis- FEMA VII officials were invited gested that certain projects be modi- souri, to announce approval of $3.8 to attend these meetings; to their credit, fied. This came about especially for million for acquisition and relocation they did attend many of them - a course communities that had included of properties in what is now referred of action that continues to be advisable churches, schools, and commercial to as “Old Town.” By all standards to for future programs. The emphasis at buildings in their list of projects. measure progress for such projects these meetings was on the controls and Coupled with the foregoing, some available at that time, the effort was requirements that would have to be met communities had commercial projects acclaimed a great success. Lessons before funds could or would be re- so large that they would have required learned since that time, if applied ap- leased. For example, funds could be 75-100 percent of all the funding avail- propriately, can shorten the buyout requested based upon anticipated able to Missouri. The committee be- process by several months for future needs. This prevented a cash flow lieved that funding only one or two disaster events. problem for small communities that very large projects would not have would have had to borrow money if the proven to be the most enhancing for Once the projects were processed approach had been on a reimbursable the HMGP statewide effort. Many and approved for funding, SEMA’s basis. projects were therefore only forwarded management emphasis shifted to the to FEMA after the scopes were ad- execution of the projects. Subpart N, SEMA, however, made sure that justed. The committee also rejected a Section 206.433 establishes in part the the anticipated need was based on spe- small number of projects because they responsibility of the State - the cific acquisitions - i.e., specific dwell- largely did not meet the requirements “grantee” once projects are funded. ings to be purchased, along a specifi- of Section 206, 434 CFR 44. Section 206.433(a) reads: cally required time line. This process was extremely successful, and also The process moved quickly, at (a) Grantee: The state will be should be followed for future HMGP least for that time frame. Methods have the guarantee to which funds projects. now been devised, which if followed are awarded and will be ac- properly would cause the process to countable for the use of these Another item that received intense move even more rapidly. When funds. There may be management, once communities were “buyouts” are anticipated, all efforts subgrantees within the state funded, was a process that became must focus on shortening the amount government. known as a Duplication of Benefits of time involved in the administrative (DOB) determination. CFR 44, Section process. Homeowners, when buyouts 206.434 (f) is quoted as follows: are addressed to them, have only two The process moved questions - “When and how much?” quickly, at least for that “Section 404 funds cannot be They perceive all other issues, espe- time frame. Methods have used as a substitute or replace- cially those that generate delays, to be now been devised, which if ment to fund projects or pro- the result of bureaucratic inefficiency. followed properly will aid grams that are available under the process to move even other Federal authorities, ex- Applicant briefings and reviews more rapidly. cept under limited circum- really began in earnest in early Janu- stances in which there are ex- ary 1994. By July 1994, all projects, traordinary threats to lives, 51 in number, were approved for fund- public health or safety or im- ing. The Bellefontaine Neighbors SEMA’s management took the proved property.” project was among the first to be foregoing at face value and therefore funded and the first to be completed. established various policies and pro- The depth to which the above ap- On July 9, 1994, Governor Carnahan, cedures which were designed to ensure plied to an actual acquisition of a FEMA Director James Lee Witt, and proper use and accountability of funds. dwelling was not understood by many, others participated in a ceremony at As each community was approved for nor did all agree with the policy once Bellefontaine Neighbors in which funding, a mandatory meeting was it was explained. To the specific credit homeowners for 22 properties received scheduled with local officials. The pur- of FEMA VII, a special action office checks for their buyout property. pose of these meetings was to convey was established to “clear” the DOB is- the process to be followed for actual sues - which had to be accomplished Demolition of the site followed acquisitions, draw-down of funds, and for each property to be acquired. The immediately. On the same day, the resolution of other issues that surfaced. clearance process had to be completed

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904522bp 03-07.p65 5 3/21/00, 2:54 PM before any specific offers could/would Even this process had flaws be- lem, questions could be cleared up rap- be made to owners. Small Business cause many appraisers wanted to use idly. A good case in point involved the Administration (SBA) loans, for ex- comparables located outside of a flood official close out papers; the docu- ample, had to be paid off to the extent hazard area. This, of course, created a ments, usually no more than two pages, possible before a homeowner was paid false value since the property in ques- which contained a summary of the ac- for their buyout property. In addition, tion was subject to flooding, a fact that tual property transaction. Earlier in the all proceeds from National Flood In- in turn surely had a negative impact process, communities were told to for- surance Policy (NFIP) claims were de- on worth. Even though SEMA used ward close out paperwork directly to ductible unless owners could show board-certified appraisers, problems FEMA Region VII. If the regional of- proof that funds had been spent on the still surfaced. To secure expert advice fice received a close out with an irregu- dwelling in question. on disputed properties and to settle dis- larity - maybe a departure from state putes in a credible fashion, the State policy - FEMA’s regional office had to The important point to be made retained an independent appraiser with call the state for clarification. here, however, is that the only efficient a known favorable reputation. This manner to “clear” DOBs was for process worked. Not all property own- This added to the delays associated FEMA to do so because of their ac- ers got what they wanted, and some with processing the action. The state, cess to NFIP, SBA, and other data eventually refused the final buyout of- of course, was suffering from an unin- bases. Another key lesson learned that fer, but at least the process was one that tentionally self-inflicted problem, be- surfaced in this process was that ap- could be explained successfully to cause in trying to make the process as praisals had to be in hand before DOB elected officials and others who had an easy for local communities as possible, information was released to interest. The message is: use a board it had allowed an unfortunate bypass homeowners and community officials. certified appraiser only and have a pro- of necessary information to flow Strange as it may seem, the value of a cess to settle disputes. around itself. The message here is property changed once the actual de- simple - all information simply must ductions became known - if the ap- Several additional related issues flow through the state coordinator. praisal was not already in the file. also are worth a mentioning. The DOB This may seem like a lot of work and process must for the sake of adequate needless layering, but most assuredly, The process by which the value of control of the situation be processed the effort will pay big dividends in the a dwelling was determined is another through the SEMA. With the need for long term. area deserving of special comment. At a speedy resolution of the situation for the outset, pre-flood fair market value earlier projects, communities were en- The message here is was to be the price paid to an owner. couraged to pass DOB requests directly What was not clear was the process to FEMA. In return, FEMA would then simple – all information used to determine this value and the pass its response directly to the request- simply must flow through method by which the inevitable dis- ing community. This process in fact the state coordinator. . . putes would be resolved. Very early, was counter-productive in that it most assuredly, the effort some communities were allowed to use slowed progress. FEMA Region VII’s the accessed fair market value plus a DOB office was very small - two will pay big dividends in the factor which offset any recognized people at the most. long term. community-wide shortfalls noted in the assessment. Although this approach Because of this, communities at Buck Katt, worked for the most part, it became times had to wait several weeks for increasingly clear that the most appro- FEMA’s response - a delay that was Deputy Director priate process was to use board-certi- unknown to the state. Many times, once Missouri State Emergency fied appraisers to establish values. SEMA became involved with a prob- Management Agency

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904522bp 03-07.p65 6 3/21/00, 2:54 PM The 1993 disaster related buyout effort was considered a success even in 1994. In fact, however, the effort had its detractors and skeptics. Negative comments for the most part centered around a few issues – destruction or reduction of the visibility of communities; the inability of business to survive if the residents should be relocated away from them; and the loss of tax base revenues should residents move to a different community entirely.

The state understood these critics but chose to stay the course. Events of May - June 1995 served to answer almost completely these critics. During this time frame, many of the communities devastated by the 1993 flood once again suffered under the raging surge of the “Wide Missouri” and the “Mighty Mississippi.” Recorded flood waters in many locations were the third highest on record.

In Cape Girardeau and Commerce, Missouri, the 1995 flood waters actually reached levels above the 1993 crest. Following the 1995 event, Missouri officials wisely produced a small but very effective paper entitled “Out of Harm’s Way: the Missouri Buyout Program.”

This paper serves to showcase the 1993-1995 effort. This small but powerful piece is significant in that it page by page records the reduction in misery and effort that is apparent when the buyout effort for 1993 is considered against the 1995 event.

Buck Katt, Deputy Director, Missouri State Emergency Management Agency

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904522bp 03-07.p65 7 3/21/00, 2:54 PM Above: Neosho city parklands converted from previously fre- quently flooded areas. Right: Com- munity park in Levasy (Jackson County).

Buyout Program Breaks the Repetitive Flood Cycle in.... Frequently Flooded Missouri Communities

LEFT: Open space overlooking the Mississippi River in Commerce (Scott County). Below: Recre- ational pavilion in Fredericktown (Madison County).

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904522bp 08-46.p65 8 3/21/00, 2:25 PM xperts disagree about how big the Flood of 1993 Ereally was. Various re- searchers rank it as the second, third, or fourth largest flood in Missouri history.1 Nobody ar- gues, though, that in terms of property destruction and econom- ic loss it was the worst. Terms like “hundred year flood” and “feet above flood stage” are vague ways to measure magnitude, since some “hundred year floods” occurred in the same place in both 1993 and 1995,2 and the government has periodically adjusted the heights that it considers a “flood stage” at most locations in the 136 years since it instituted that kind of measurement.3 It is safest, there- fore, to ignore these calculations of magnitude and to concentrate instead on what is certain: the flood of 1993 ruined more crop Former Cedar City during the ‘93 floods. land, destroyed more residences and businesses, and cost the taxpayers more money than any other flood in the state’s long history. Damage Estimates for 1993 Midwest Flooding In August, 1993, the New York Times published in Millions of Dollars statistics of flood damage in nine Midwestern states State Total Damage Agriculture Damage including Missouri. The statistics for Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri 3,000 1,800 Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Iowa 2,200 1,200 Dakota, and Wisconsin clearly show the unfortunate fact Illinois 1,535 605 that Missouri suffered more damage in terms of dollars than North Dakota 1,500 705 any other state.4 This is not surprising because both the Minnesota 1,023 800 Mississippi and Missouri Rivers flow through the state. Wisconsin 909 800 However, between 1927 and 1993, the federal, state and South Dakota 595 595 local efforts had variously built 742 flood control levees Kansas 574 434 throughout the state. This fact perhaps led some Missourians Nebraska 347 292 to believe that it was safe to build homes and to plant crops covered with water and their bounty was ruined.6 Some on these floodplains.5 By 1993, Missourians had built over counties were hit especially hard. Flood waters covered 43% 216,000 households on the state’s floodplains in the form of of St. Charles County for instance.7 This extensive damage either single family dwellings, apartments, or trailers. was made worse by exceptionally heavy rains, which caused During the 1993 flood, 37,000 people who lived within these this flood to last for eight months—longer than any other in areas were forced to leave their homes. Over 12,000 homes Missouri history. During the five year period that preceded were damaged and over 3.1 million acres of cropland, 1993, Kansas City averaged 13.39 inches of rainfall between representing 34% of Missouri’s overall cropland, were May and the end of July. In 1993, however, the same three

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904522bp 08-46.p65 9 3/21/00, 2:26 PM month period brought 24.92 inches. In Missouri’s Governor Mel Carnahan $134.9 million available to the nine St. Louis, the five year average for the and officials at the Missouri State Midwest states that had been devastat- same period was 10.90 inches and in Emergency Management Agency are ed by the 1993 flood. Missouri alone 1993 the May through July average determined to take a new approach to received $30 million. A supplemental was 15.76.8 minimizing the impact of floods on appropriations bill from the Depart- Missouri citizens, which would also ment of Housing and Urban Develop- These high levels of rainfall reduce the economic impact on ments (HUD) Community Develop- were matched by equally high costs to taxpayers from floods that are certain ment Block Grants (CDBG) added $41 the state in terms of rescuing and to occur in the future. million to the total amount available. In providing emergency services for addition, the Federal Emergency Man- flood victims, building emergency Their solution was the creation agement Agency (FEMA) supplied levees and later repairing damages, of the Missouri Community Buyout money for the demolition of structures cleaning up, and providing for flood Program, a plan that removed the threat that had been deemed a public victims return to normal living. The of repeated flooding from people’s danger.15 The money generated by this 37,000 Missouri families whose homes lives by simply offering them a means legislation was specifically earmarked were damaged or destroyed received a to leave their ruined homes and move to buyout property on the floodplains. total of over $72.9 million dollars in out of the floodplain. These “at risk” An important provision of this econom- emergency relief payments: $41.7 properties would be turned into public ic help was that the state would have to million in Disaster Housing (DH) land that would not need to be protected match the hazard mitigation money on assistance, $23.4 million in Individual from future floods. The idea was not a 75% to 25% ratio.16 Congress would and Family Grants (IFG) for uninsured new; in fact, it had been available since later make other, separate money homeowners, and $7.8 million in Congress had passed the Robert T. available to help floodplain businesses disaster unemployment payments. In Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergen- impacted by the flood.17 addition to these payments, Missouri cy Assistance Act of 1974.13 However, businesses needed $40.1 million before 1993, victims living in the through Small Business Administra- floodplains were reluctant to take tion loans to repair the damage they had advantage of the program because they Federal Expenditures by State suffered. In addition to these payments believed, despite evidence to the for Hazard Mitigation Funds In to individuals deprived of their homes contrary, that flood destruction to their Millions18 and businesses, taxpayers had to pick home was a one time event, if at all. In up the tab for $130 million spent to 1993, however, the flood lasted for MO 30.0 repair damaged public facilities such as eight months, and the subsequent long- IA 27.0 roads, water, and sewer treatment term displacement and disorder flood IL 26.3 plants.9 The cost of such repairs is victims suffered convinced many that KS 15.2 staggering. Only 1,500 feet of highway anything was better than living in on US 54 north of Jefferson City cost emergency housing for an extended NE 10.0 $750,000 to repair.10 Fourteen miles of period.14 Congressional legislation, MN 9.7 Interstate 635 near Kansas City cost sponsored by Missouri Congressional WS 8.0 $21 million to repair. When the final Representative Harold Volkmer and SD 4.5 bill was calculated, the Flood of 1993 signed into law by President Clinton on ND 4.2 cost the taxpayers, the state, and the December 2, 1993, amended the Total 134.9 federal government $4 billion!11 Stafford Act, and offered Missouri officials increased funding for buying Over and above that $4 billion property. This legislation revised the dollars loomed the statistical probabil- formula that determined the amount of All nine Midwest states that ity of future floods. Since 1973, large money the Federal Emergency Man- suffered flood damage took advantage floods in Missouri have compelled the agement Agency could receive in order of the offer of Federal money to President of the to issue to distribute it to the individual State persuade people to move from the thirteen separate disaster declarations. Emergency Management Agencies for floodplains, but Missouri utilized the The future would certainly not be the purpose of buying threatened program the most. No doubt this was different.12 With that reality in mind, property. This act eventually made due to the extremely large number of

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904522bp 08-46.p65 10 3/21/00, 2:26 PM buildings that the floodwaters had “we could have purchased a $500,000 in the program had the right to decide damaged compared to other states. A warehouse, or we could use that same within the law what it wanted to do with National Flood Insurance Program amount to buy over 100 houses and so the land included in the buyout (NFIP) study of insured buildings with impact many more people.” program. Arnold, for instance, turned repetitive losses between 1978 and the land into recreational area, by 1993 revealed that there were 3,268 The ratio between the number building baseball or soccer fields. 25 such buildings in Missouri—a figure of people helped and the amount of Others built municipal picnicking far above similar losses in other states. available money was further increased facilities, fitness trails, or community Most importantly, Missouri’s State by the low market value of the average garden plots.26 Still others, like St. Emergency Management Agency esti- house on the Missouri floodplains. The Charles County, used the land to create mates that many of the owners of these price the state offered to pay was outdoor educational facilities for local properties have made “as many as 23 always based on the fair market value schools and colleges where students claims within a fifteen year period and, of the home before the flood. Yet the could undertake environmental stud- in some cases, the dollar value of the location and age of most of the houses ies.27 A number of communities such repeat claims have exceeded the dictated a market value of between as Neosho and Ste. Genevieve used market value of the property several $5,000 and $25,000 per home.22 Again buyout money to purchase and times.”19 Furthermore, these figures a comparatively modest amount of demolish at risk homes. Then with represent only those homes insured by money could impact a large number of other state, local, and federal funds, the NFIP and exclude the vast majority people, move them off the floodplain, these local governments built flood of homes on Missouri’s floodplains and potentially save millions of dollars retention basins, drainage ditches, and that were uninsured. Out of the 216,000 in emergency relief and rescue levees in order to make the rest of their households affected by the flood, only operations in future floods. town more secure from future floods.28 22,000 had flood insurance.20 By the fall of 1993, SEMA had While Missouri’s offer to help created policies and procedures for people leave their at-risk homes on the National Flood Insurance buying flooded property and had floodplain was generous, it had built in Program’s Insured Buildings communicated these policies to flood safeguards that prevented any one with Repetitive Losses 21 damaged cities and towns throughout homeowner from realizing an unwar- Missouri.23 These regulations set forth ranted profit. The most important of State Buildings with strict guidelines. First, the local these safeguards was the requirement Repetitive Losses community, not the State should contained in SEMA policy that people identify primary residences that were who accepted buyout money had to Missouri 3,268 structurally damaged within the flood- resettle outside the floodplain, or be Illinois 1.351 plain and approach the owners with the compliant with the NFIP. Since Iowa 287 offer of a buyout—the decision being housing outside a floodplain is Nebraska 247 Minnesota 201 the homeowners alone.24 In every way generally more expensive than that Kansas 175 the Governor wanted the decisions to within, the amount of money they North Dakota 142 be made by communities and local received in the buyout program would Wisconsin 66 citizens. Missourians are conservative usually not completely cover the cost South Dakota 16 and individualistic, and are suspicious of new housing. Despite this inequity of government interference. The pro- many people accepted the buyout gram had to be voluntary or it would money anyway, realizing that it would Governor Carnahan decided to not work. Secondly, once the local make a sizable installment on a new concentrate on buying the ruined family government acquired the property, the home located in an area where they residences rather than business proper- land had to be dedicated in perpetuity would no longer, as homeowners, face ties. This decision was based on sound for open space and/or recreational uses the uncertainties of flooding and all the economics, since using government or turned back into a natural wetlands accompanying disruptions. In 1993, money to buy family dwellings resulted area. Third, no buildings except those SEMA learned that communities had in moving people out of the threatened consistent with recreational practices identified nearly 2,400 primary resi- floodplains. As Destin Frost, SEMA’s could be built on the land. Fourth, each dences, 1100 mobile home pads, 4 State Hazard Mitigation Officer put it, individual community that participated apartment buildings, and 385 vacant

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904522bp 08-46.p65 11 3/21/00, 2:26 PM lots that were candidates for the Flood since ultimately, it is they who must Program in 1993, the cost of disaster Buyout Program. The vacant lots were pay for disaster flood relief. Although relief and emergency assistance had those scattered among primary resi- 1995 crests were generally two to four been drastically reduced. dences, and the communities believed feet lower than they had been in 1993, it was necessary to buy these also, to much of the same land that flooded in The successes in these com- prevent future building.29 The pro- 1993 was covered again in 1995. It was munities persuaded other communities gram was always voluntary, and in possible after the flood of 1995 to to examine the Flood Buyout Program. most communities, most people voted compare the cost of emergency relief Several other communities decided to to participate in the Flood Buyout with that of 1993, and see a dramatic join after the flood in 1995. Their Program, some individuals did not. cost reduction. For instance, in St. decision was a wise one since in all Also, some communities, such as Charles County the price tag for probability, Missouri rivers will leave McBaine, decided not to participate in disaster assistance in 1993 for disaster their banks again at some time in the the program.30 However, most people housing, grants to dispossessed fami- future. The U.S. Army Corps of saw the advantages to themselves and lies, and loans to small businesses to Engineers (COE) reported in August, to their communities, and chose to go rebuild was $26,076,311. In 1995, the 1998, that the Mississippi River has along with the offer of the program. cost for the same services was $67,000. been flowing at a higher level since 1993. On the upper portions of the river The program proved so suc- What had changed was that a light rain causes the river level cessful in 1993, that Missouri decided 1,374 houses in St. Charles County, downstream to move close to flood to continue the program in 1994, using damaged by flood waters in 1993, were stage “almost overnight...Another un- their Community Development Block gone. The Flood Buyout Program had usually rainy spring and summer—and Grant (CDBG) monies. The state made paid the owners for their homes, the the whole nightmare could happen nearly $7 million available to 13 owners had relocated to higher ground, again.”33 Governor Carnahan’s deter- communities to buy an additional 435 and when the water rose in 1995, there mination to stress this novel program at risk homes on the floodplains.31 were fewer people to evacuate and care proved to be a positive example of how for at public expense.32 This same the Federal and State government Then in May, 1995, another impressive result was repeated in town working through communities and flood provided dramatic proof that the after town throughout the state. In each individuals could achieve dramatic Flood Buyout Program could dramati- of the Missouri communities that had results. Their stories deserve to be told cally reduce the strain on taxpayers, taken advantage of the Flood Buyout and lessons learned from them.

Although 1995 crests were generally two to four feet lower than they had been in 1993, much of the same land that flooded in 1993 was covered again in 1995. It was possible after the flood of 1995 to compare the cost of emer- gency relief with that of 1993, and see a dramatic cost reduction.

Open Space in Arnold, Missouri

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904522bp 08-46.p65 12 3/21/00, 2:26 PM Alexandria and Clark County

he small farming community Busch Brewery in St. Louis.7 On December 20, 1993, Rep- of Alexandria is situated at the resentative Volkmer, along with offi- T confluence of the Des Moines Some of Alexandria’s citi- cials from the Federal Emergency and Mississippi Rivers. Most Missouri zens found help through Missouri’s Management Agency, the Missouri towns have to contend with flooding Flood Buyout Program. Even before Emergency Management Agency, the from a single river, but Alexandria has the Congress had passed Representa- Missouri Housing Development Com- to face water coming from two. tive Harold Volkmer’s Hazard Miti- mission, and the Northeast Missouri Because of this enhanced threat, a total gation and Relocation Assistance Act, Regional Planning Commission met of three miles of levees had protected some Alexandria residents were 100 citizens from Alexandria and rural the town on three sides. When the hopeful that it might help them. Many Clark County at Running Fox Elemen- waters of both rivers began to rise in of the town’s inhabitants met in the tary School in Weyland, Missouri, to May, 1993, Alexandria’s citizens, Community Center on November 10 hear details. They learned that Volk- supported by Mennonite volunteers to discuss its proposed provisions.8 mer’s bill had not only passed both and 271 members of the houses of Congress, but that Missouri National Guard, President Clinton had signed raised the height of those it into law on December 2. levees three feet to try to keep the rivers out of the By the end of the town.1 Unfortunately their three hour meeting, people efforts failed. On the night of had a basic understanding of July 6th, with water already how Volkmer’s buyout pro- within inches of the levee gram would work and how tops, an additional six inches to apply for it. Many were of rain fell, pushing the worried that the government water over the top and into was forcing them out of their the town.2 Even bulldozers homes and not allowing pushing rock and sand to the them to rebuild. Herman top could not raise the levees Skaggs of FEMA explained quickly enough, and all 390 Alexandria, Missouri flood workers load equipment. that people could stay in of the town’s residents their flood damaged homes, evacuated on July 7.3 By the but if their home had been end of that day, the town was Since early September, Representa- damaged by more than 50% of its pre- completely covered with 20 feet of tive Volkmer, or members of his staff, flood assessed value they would have water that stayed in place for over three had been touring Missouri’s flood to raise their home’s foundation one weeks. damaged communities to explain the foot above the 100 year flood level to proposed legislation. Wiley Hibbard, qualify for federal flood insurance. Every single one of the 123 Volkmer’s assistant, explained the households within the town sustained rudiments of the plan to the Alexan- If they did not get the damage that made the buildings drians. He pointed out that the insurance, then the government would uninhabitable.5 When the residents proposed buyout program was volun- make no further payments to them in could finally return, they found a stark tary, that people did not have to have future floods. Others were concerned landscape of mud and piles of debris flood insurance to participate, that the about the mechanics of filling out the lodged against their water-logged plan was based on a 75% to 25% forms, and Representative Volkmer houses.6 The damage was so severe Federal/State and local funding divi- told them that the Missouri Association that even a year after the flood, the town sion, and that no permanent dwelling of County Governments (MACOG) lacked potable water in homes, and could be built on the property once would allow personnel of Missouri’s people had to drink bottled water ownership went to the local govern- various regional planning commis- supplied free of charge by Anheuser- ment entity.9 sions to assist homeowners with

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904522bp 08-46.p65 13 3/21/00, 2:26 PM Support for the buyout pro- gram was not unanimous at this meeting. Alexandria’s Mayor, Robert Davis, told the committee that he opposed the buyout, and that he based his opposition on the fact that many Alexandria residents had already purchased building permits to rebuild within the town, an action, he felt, indicated their desire to return.12 However, Alexandria alderman Tom Alberts and the town’s city clerk Julie Wilson, countered the mayor’s remarks by stating that most town residents had applied for building permits in order to qualify for free building supplies to Flood waters destroy a small shed in Alexandria, Missouri. make temporary repairs to their flood damaged homes. Both felt there was paperwork. Others had heard rumors Under the direction of David genuine interest in the buyout pro- that Alexandria could not participate in Davison and David Shoush, the gram.13 The Governor’s committee did the program because their Mayor, Northeast Missouri Regional Planning not require a community’s unanimous Robert Davis, was against the program Commission began the process of support for the buyout program and felt and would not sign the papers to begin applying for buyout money. Initially, that Alexandria’s request deserved the the application process. Mayor Davis 110 of the 114 property owners in Governor’s consideration. assured the people that, although he Alexandria, and twenty-five of fifty was not in favor of the buyout, he Clark County residents whose homes As the Governor considered would nevertheless sign the necessary had sustained damage, expressed Alexandria’s request for funding, papers. interest in the buyout program. On Alexandria’s City Council continued January 26, 1994, Davison and Shoush, to work on other requirements of the Immediately after the meet- members of the Alexandria city gov- buyout program. Even if FEMA ing, Alexandria’s city council met and ernment, and the three county commis- approved the town’s application, voted unanimously to begin the sioners for Clark County appeared Alexandria would still have to match process of applying to the Missouri before Governor Carnahan’s Review one quarter of the amount the federal Department of Economic Develop- and Hazard Mitigation Committee to government supplied. The City Coun- ment for a Community Development consider claims for buyout money. The cil invited the Missouri Department of Block Grant (CDBG) to get the money committee heard requests and passed Economic Development’s Sally He- for the matching funds to qualify for the on those they considered worthy to the menway to tour Alexandria to estimate federal buyout money. At the same Governor, who in turn passed the the extent of damage to Alexandria and time, David Shoush, representing requests on to the Federal Emergency determine whether the town was Clark County as the director of the Management Agency—that ultimately eligible for a CDBG grant. Northeast Missouri Regional Develop- supplied the buyout funds. ment Commission—of which Alexan- During her visit, Hemenway dria is a part—informed the city Davison submitted a request made it a point to stress the voluntary council that he would begin the process for $4,767,200, while Shoush’s appli- nature of the buyout program, pointing of applying for buyout funds to buy cation asked for $1,000,000. Davison, out in a discussion with town residents flood damaged property in Clark acting on behalf of La Grange, that any applicant was free to back out County which had also been hit hard by Missouri, a Mississippi River town in of the program up to the final moment the flood waters. Acres of farmland that Lewis County, about forty miles south when they signed their land over to the totaled 32,000 were covered with of Alexandria, also requested city. She also assured the townspeople water, and 50 residences had been $1,649,800 to buy out homes in that that each homeowner would be damaged.10 town.11 contacted individually to discuss the

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904522bp 08-46.p65 14 3/21/00, 2:26 PM buyout process. She did warn the Finally, in February, 1995, Another source of help to the residents they needed to make a Alexandria residents who had agreed town came from the Mennonites, who decision soon, because there was a to participate in the buyout began to live on farms in the area. During the limited amount of money available for receive checks for their property. By flood, they had worked hard filling and the buyout program and that fifty-five February 1, 1995, nine Alexandria moving sandbags to the tops of the Missouri communities were making residents had sold their homes to the levees.21 After the flood, when applications similar to Alexandria.14 city for amounts ranging from $8,000 Alexandria needed help rebuilding, the to $25,000. By February 7, 1995, ten Mennonites came back to help repair On February 14, 1994, Gover- more residents had turned their homes the destruction. This extensive outside nor Carnahan announced that he was over to the city and received checks, help allowed Alexandria to rebuild. recommending Alexandria and fifteen and by December 31, 1995, forty Largely because of all the help, many other sites for buyout funding from residents had accepted government residents decided to stay, and to meet FEMA. The governor’s approval of checks for their homes.19 federal regulations by raising the funding for Clark County came several foundations of their new homes one weeks later.15 Today, Alexandria is a vital foot above the established 100 year and growing town. Despite the fears flood mark.22 After approval, events moved that the buyout might cause a crippling quickly. On March 31, the governor population decline that could hurt the Along with the rebuilding announced that Alexandria had re- tax base, the town continues to grow. came new town ordinances that were ceived approval for buyout funding. Perhaps one reason for this is the promoted by Mayor Robert Davis. On April 7, the Alexandria City extensive help Alexandria received Now there are strict rules about trash Council in consultation with SEMA from outsiders. In the midst of the and refuse removal, the height of grass established the buyout criteria for the devastation, Alexandria had found on private lawns, and rules governing town’s homeowners. The council set outside help. The town was adopted by the type of dwellings people can build. up categories and procedures for the citizens of Mt. Airy, Maryland, and There are also numerous sites, scat- buying homes, appraising their values, Croton, Ohio. Both of these towns sent tered throughout the town that provide and dealing with disputed appraisals.16 workers to help with rebuilding. The sites for picnicking and recreation.23 citizens of Mt. Airy even collected Many of these sites now contain picnic A further meeting between $50,000 through private donations, tables, basketball goals, and open sided city officials and state representatives dances, and various church sponsored shelters.24 The town looks good and finalized the details of the buyout.17 A activities. One Mt. Airy bartender Alexandria has a revitalized spirit of similar process took place outside offered to shave his head if his patrons pride. Alexandria and by May 25, Clark would contribute $4,000 to the cause of County residents were able to submit flood relief for Alexandria. They did applications for buyout funds.18 and he had his head shaved.20

Buyout area in Alexandria, Missouri, adjacent to the former Elementary School offers plenty of room to play or to develop future sports fields.

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904522bp 08-46.p65 15 3/21/00, 2:27 PM Arnold

ear the site where the Meramec senators and representatives met in Fox Even before the water level River empties into the High School’s cafeteria to discuss the began to drop, Eric Knoll and the city NMississippi, a bend has formed flooding in the Midwest.3 council had begun to explore the a peninsula; Arnold, Missouri, is on buyout option. On July 29, Knoll this peninsula. Since 1973, Arnold has While the politicians were contacted the Federal Emergency been the site of nine major floods. talking, Mayor Marion Becker and her Management Agency (FEMA) to Consequently, the citizens of Arnold request informa- have a progressive attitude toward tion about the fed- “flood proofing” it. Eric Knoll, the long eral purchase of time City Administrator of Arnold, is a flood damaged walking encyclopedia concerning river property under the heights, federal flood control pro- original 1980 buy- grams, state flood regulations, flood out legislation. prevention, and ideas about making his He told FEMA town more secure from rising water. that as many as Arnold was one of the first towns to 100 homeowners participate in the early federal flood might be interest- buyout program in 1980, officially ed.7 Many Arnold termed the 1362 program. citizens such as the Flanagan fam- Under Knoll’s leadership, Ground preparation for a soccer field in Arnold. ily were tired of Arnold also has passed local ordi- fellow townspeople were building the constant threat of flooding. With nances that made further efforts to sandbag levees. Wherever the natural eight inches of flood water on the floor protect the town.1 For instance, lay of the land in the Pleasant Valley of their house, Kathie Flanagan told a developers must adhere to strict and Bayshore subdivisions seemed to St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter, building codes. They must observe present a good line of defense against “We’re hurt emotionally. It’s time to rigid easement regulations along the flood waters, people stacked sandbags. find another place to live.”8 Meramec River shore. Since 1980, all A good portion of the time the new construction must have valves temperature hovered around 100 The announcement of Repre- installed in plumbing systems to degrees. On July 28, Mayor Becker sentative Volkmer’s buyout plan, prevent the contamination of the city issued an appeal for sandbaggers to followed by President Clinton’s sign- water system and protect sewer lines in raise levees high enough to protect ing of the act, and Governor Carna- the event of flooding.2 against a 44 foot crest.4 A few days han’s promise to lobby officials for later, she asked people to raise the level money while attending the National In 1993, Arnold faced its another foot. To be on the safe side, 500 Governor’s Conference in Washing- toughest battle against flooding on families evacuated the area. Most ton, all encouraged Eric Knoll to begin record when the rising Mississippi levees stood the pressure, but on the application process for some of the River caused the water of the Meramec August 1, a twenty foot section promised buyout money. Knoll began River, which flows on the northern collapsed along the Starling Airport the application process by surveying boundary of Arnold, to back up into the Road and flooded the Community the flood damaged areas to find town. From July 7 through August 8, Airport Road Mobile Home Park.5 damaged houses. He then contacted 100 houses and businesses were hurt by Then, when levees broke on the Illinois the owners by mail to inform them of rising water. The nation became aware side of the Mississippi River down- the plan and to invite them to several of Arnold’s plight when President stream from the mouth of the public meetings to expand on the idea. Clinton, Vice President Gore, six Meramec, the water level fell two feet, The city then submitted the material to Cabinet members, and a collection of and the threat to Arnold was gone.6 SEMA.10

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904522bp 08-46.p65 16 3/21/00, 2:27 PM On January 25, Governor and dry when floods came again. He While Arnold was buying Carnahan’s office announced that remembers driving back to his old single family dwellings from 1993 Arnold would receive $4.1 million to home site on the floodplain and through 1995, the city was also buy 89 houses in the floodplain plus a actually laughing at the rising water. eliminating mobile homes from the number of mobile home pads.11 Some floodplain through another buyout of the applicants decided not to sell; program. Since mobile home owners they chose to rebuild instead. often did not own the land that their I felt relieved. I was laugh- home sat on, and because under On April 15, 1994, another ing. I even drove down to Missouri law a mobile home is classed flood hit Arnold, and many people who the old house. I could see as a motor vehicle, the federal buyout had rebuilt realized that they had made the water coming up. program could not apply to them. But a mistake. Even though the water was I didn’t have to sandbag... the State Emergency Management not as deep, and it stayed only three I was happy because I was Agency was able to find money days instead of a month as it had in bought out and I’m gone. through a separate program of the 1993, it was enough to damage 20 I don’t have to worry about Federal Emergency Management Agen- rebuilt houses.13 These people were cy, to help these mobile home owners it the rest of my life.16 glad, after this 1994 flood, to join the move.18 Mobile home owners could buyout, which brought the total also receive help through the vehicle number of single-family dwellings, insurance that many carried on their where homeowners had accepted the Fortunately, for people like mobile homes. In addition, the city of buyout offer, to 72.14 the Wests who missed the opportunity Arnold also made money available to after the ’93 flood, there was additional these people. On August 14, 1994, after But that was not the end of the money available for buyouts after the the second big flood, the Arnold city buyout program in Arnold. In May ‘95 flood. On August 27, 1995, council voted to give each mobile home 1995, the Meramec flooded Arnold Governor Carnahan announced that the owner in the Riverside Mobile Home once again. This disaster brought river federal government had made an Park $2,000 from federal community levels only a few inches less than in the additional $1.3 million available to buy development block grant money to pay ‘94 flood, but it was the final straw for homes on the floodplains of Missouri. for new utility hookups, awning those who had chosen to remain in the Arnold would get $275,000 to buy 16 removal, shed and air conditioner floodplain. more single family homes.17 removal, and occupancy permits.

Gaylord and Norma West had resisted the buyout in 1993 and 1994. Just before the ‘93 flood they had spent $100,000 on remodeling. The damage was severe, but they could not bring themselves to leave such a heavy investment. In ‘94 the house was damaged again, but still the couple decided to stay. In ‘95, however, after sustaining $45,000 in damage, they were convinced. The buyout offer amounted to only $69,000, but they were willing to take the loss to be out of the floodplain.15

Other residents like Joe Moore had taken the initial flood buyout offer after the ‘93 flood and were living high Beautiful open space improves the quality of life in Arnold, Missouri.

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904522bp 08-46.p65 17 3/21/00, 2:27 PM At the same time, the council on the rivers edge. In 1998, he recurring floods, Arnold did not lose voted for a housing assistance grant negotiated with two homeowners for population. Most of the people who from the Missouri Housing Develop- their houses, and as of May 25, 1999, accepted buyout money stayed in ment Commission to help with he has closed on five more buyouts. As Arnold. The population increased from relocation expenses. Individual mobile of this writing, he is negotiating for 18,828 in 1993 to 20,473, according to home owners could get up to $20,000 to two more. the last figures of the U.S. Census help bridge the gap between leaving the Bureau. The tax base has remained property and moving to higher ground.19 As for the land acquired in the healthy enough for the town to pass a buyout, negotiations are under way in tax levee to buy a 120 acre tract near the The results of these buyout conjunction with the Jefferson County center of town for development as the efforts were impressive. By the end of Youth Association to build on a portion Strawberry Creek Nature Area.20 1995, Arnold had purchased 202 single of it, a football field and bleachers. The family dwellings and 155 mobile home Association has already leased the land The National Association of pads on the floodplain. The almost for ten years for one dollar, and the non- Floodplain Managers has recognized yearly flood threat to Arnold is no profit organization currently runs a the success of Arnold’s use of buyout longer there. football program there for 400 kids. program funds. In 1997, the Associa- tion singled out Knoll for his Eric Knoll feels the program Most importantly, Arnold has innovation and leadership during this was such a success that he has con- prospered since the flood. Unlike some time and recognized him with its tinued buying out additional properties communities that suffered from the annual award.21

The Jefferson County Youth Association plans to build a football field in Arnold to support their program for 400 youngsters on this buyout property.

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904522bp 08-46.p65 18 3/21/00, 2:27 PM Buchanan County

oth Sugar Lake and Rushville Rushville and Sugar Lake decided period statewide until February 14, are unincorporated settlements they had suffered enough. 1994, fourteen more residents of Sugar Bthat are located 30 miles Lake and Rushville decided to add northwest of Kansas City near the Even before Representative their names to the list, also.6 Follow- Missouri River. Sugar Lake is a Volkmer announced his new buyout ing this show of interest, people collection of approximately 160 houses legislation and Governor Carnahan met several times in the area to built around a lake of the same name. gave it his unqualified support, many acquaint residents with the new buyout Rushville is a settlement of about 60 Rushville-Sugar Lake residents were program. houses that were built along U.S. clamoring for information concerning Highway 59 and Missouri Highway buyouts under the original 1980 Shelley Temple of MOKAN 45. Most of Rushville’s residents legislation. Approximately 150 people hosted most of these meetings in order either farm or work in Atchison, showed up for a meeting about flood to lay out the ground rules. First, the Kansas, across the Missouri River. relief on October 7. Many of them program was voluntary, and applicants Homes in the area are inexpensive, wanted to know about the flood buyout were free to drop out whenever they averaging about $31,000.1 program. It took Bud Crockett, the wished. The county would make Western District Commissioner for formal appraisals, which would be Neither of these areas was a Buchanan County by surprise. He had based on the pre-flood value of a stranger to flooding. The latest disaster only the barest knowledge of the house, minus whatever the homeown- had been in 1984 when water from the program. er had already received from flood Missouri River broke through the insurance or other payments from the Rushville-Sugar Lake Levee and Yet, his cursory explanation government. Once the property was covered the land for 22 days before and promise to find out more, was sold, the houses would be demolished receding.2 Yet even this unpleasant enough to encourage 42 people to put and the land would be returned to its experience was minor compared to their names on a list indicating they natural state.7 four repeated floods that inundated the were interested in a buyout. Once towns in July and September of 1993. Crockett had done some research and Good news came on July 3, shared this information with those when Bud Crockett learned through The first flooding came on initial applicants, 34 said they were MOKAN that FEMA had approved a July 6, when the Rushville-Sugar Lake definitely interested in pursuing the total of $473,000 to purchase land and Levee broke and the Missouri River matter further.4 homes damaged in the flooding. A swept through the gap. The land in the short time later, Missouri awarded area is so flat that once that levee With this list, Crockett con- Buchanan County $471,000 in a broke, even a normal spring rain could tacted the MOKAN Regional Council, community development block grant.8 cause flooding. More than the usual an organization that was in business to With that funding assured, the buyout spring rains fell in 1993, and the area help residents of the Missouri counties process could begin. flooded again on July 26, September 2, of Buchanan, Andrew, DeKalb, and and September 23. Clinton, along with Doniphan and Several meetings followed. Atchison Counties in Kansas, access The largest one, held on August 29 at Each flood caused residents to government programs. By the time the Rushville Christian Church, drew evacuate and to seek shelter with Crockett had submitted these prelimi- 100 people. Shelley Temple told the relatives, in local churches, or in nary buyout requests to MOKAN, that people that within the next several emergency shelters that the Federal agency had some of the details of weeks appraisers would contact them Emergency Management Agency pro- Volkmer’s new buyout plan which to make a formal appraisal. A few vided.3 Such frequent flooding was were encouraging.5 When SEMA weeks later they would receive a unprecedented, and the people of decided to extend the application formal offer, at which point they

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904522bp 08-46.p65 19 3/21/00, 2:27 PM would have two weeks to consider. If Homeowner Doug Olson, a The Chatmans were lucky. they accepted, they signed a letter of cabinet maker, was happy with his Rains brought flooding to Rushville intent, and they would hopefully offer; he thought it was fair. In an earlier and Sugar Lake again in 1995. But this receive their money by February 1995. interview, after he had applied, but time the water did not enter their home. before he received any money, Olson The cinder block base had not saved it Temple also made some told a Kansas City Star reporter, “It’s but the fact that the Corps of Engineers statements about the property once it stupid to be down there. [Without the and the local levee board had repaired was sold. Nothing could be built on the buyout] I’d probably end up selling the the Rushville-Sugar Lake Levee did. land, but since the individual lots that land to somebody else and then they’d A strenuous effort by Larry Frakes, most houses stood on averaged only be in to bail him out in 10 to 20 years.” secretary-treasurer of the Rushville- one-half acre, they could be leased to Sugar Lake Levee Association, and adjoining landowners who had not sold On February 14, 1995, four Shelley Temple of MOKAN had out or who had cropland adjoining; this property owners got their first checks, raised money through contributions land then could be used either for and within the next two months, 24 and a community development block planting crops or for a garden.9 other people sold their land to the grant to meet the 20% in matching county.11 By the end of the year, six funds required by the Corps of From there, things moved more residents had sold out, making a Engineers to rebuild the levee. By quickly. On December 17, the 34 total of 36 participants in the Buchanan January 12, 1995, the Corps had property owners who were still County buyout program.12 finished repairs to the levee and added considering the buyout option re- a topping of 2,700 tons of stone.14 ceived the government’s offer. Shelley Of course not everyone Temple told them they had two weeks thought the buyout was a good idea. Today, most of the bought out to consider the offer, but after the About a dozen families in Rushville land is covered with grass or is leased meeting, Bud Crockett told reporters (out of 60 before the flood) decided to by farmers who incorporate it into their that most people seemed happy with stay, no matter what. Roger and total cropland. At Sugar Lake, the area their offers. Twenty-seven had ac- Marilyn Chatman used cinder blocks made up of several lots has been used cepted immediately and six wanted to to raise their trailer home six feet off to build an access road into Sugar consider the offer before making up the ground, and then hired a bulldozer Lake. Residents have talked about their minds. Only one had absolutely to push dirt underneath. They will stay building a boat dock on the lake refused the offer.10 no matter what.13 frontage of one of the lots.15

Rushville, Missouri is home of Missouri’s Lewis and Clark State Park.

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904522bp 08-46.p65 20 3/21/00, 2:27 PM Cape Girardeau

ike most towns along Missouri’s levees, tons of free food and supplies qualify for buyout funds. By June 20, Mississippi River boundary, poured in from all over the nation, and the county was on the disaster list, and L Cape Girardeau suffers from after the flood, hundreds of volunteers Cape was eligible to apply.8 frequent flooding. However, unlike showed up to help clean and repair the the other river towns, “Cape”—as the damaged houses. Mennonites volun- The announcement of buyout locals call it—did not participate in the teered to shovel mud out of people’s eligibility sparked action. Ken Eftink, ‘93 floodplain buyout program.1 homes, various church groups sent Cape’s Development Services Coordi- contingents to rebuild and repair nator, scouted through the recently The reason for Cape’s not structures, and groups such as the flooded areas looking for damaged participating was not because the flood Salvation Army supplied money to houses. He found nearly 150 that had damage in ‘93 was slight. One hundred help people find temporary shelter.4 sustained some damage. He also sixty homes flooded, and residents categorized each house by its elevation sandbagged furiously around houses Unfortunately, the flood of ‘95 in the floodplain area. Those that stood in the Red Star neighborhood north of was different. The flood waters were lowest had suffered the most damage, town and in Meadowbrook to the nearly as high—46.7 in ‘95—but the and Eftink reasoned, would be the south. A permanent flood wall had outpouring of help did not materialize, most eligible for buyout relief.9 been built to protect the downtown and fewer volunteers came to help. area from crests as high as 54 feet– Then, too, the ‘95 flood was much more At a city council meeting on ‘93’s crest was 47.9 feet.2 sudden. In ‘93 people had time to build July 17, the councilmen decided to substantial sandbag levees around submit a formal application to the Cape Girardeau’s city council houses, but the water rose too quickly in Governor’s buyout review committee briefly talked about the buyout ‘95, and dozens of homes flooded much in Jefferson City requesting funding. program at the council’s meeting in more quickly and seriously as a result.5 Ken Eftink told the council that as a October, but determined not to pursue result of his survey there were it. Their reasoning revolved around a By May 28, 100 homes had potentially 80 houses that were misunderstanding of the “100 year flooded in the Cape Girardeau damaged badly enough to qualify: 42 in flood” concept, as both the press and neighborhoods of Red Star, Smelter- the Red Star area, 22 in Smelterville, 14 the Corps of Engineers referred to the ville, Meadowbrook, and Highway in Meadowbrook, and 2 in Highway ‘93 flood. In a literal sense, the phrase 177 (the area is named for the 177. Thirty owners had already seems to imply that such a flood would highway), and city officials were ready contacted him with expressed interest. happen only once in a century. In fact, to consider the buyout.6 If fact, in the precise meaning of the phrase is Jefferson City as Tom Uhlenbrock of The councilmen were aware that in any one year there is a one the Post Dispatch was interviewing that property purchased through the percent chance of such a flood Buck Katt, the Deputy Director for the buyout had to be devoted to “green- happening, and in a century such a State Emergency Management Agen- way” uses, and that no structures could flood is an absolute certainty. No cy (SEMA) about the buyout program, be built on it. City Manager J. Ronald guarantee exists that similar floods he was interrupted by Cape Girardeau Fischer suggested that some of the cannot happen even more frequently.3 officials calling about the program.7 flood prone land in Red Star might be ideal for a park and a boat dock.10 Still another reason for the Unfortunately for a time, it non-participation might have been that seemed that Cape would not get any By August 8, the city council the flooded areas received a tremen- help, because the initial federal was ready to act. In the ensuing weeks dous amount of help from outside disaster declaration did not include after the July 17 council meeting, Ken sources. Hundreds of volunteer sand- Cape Girardeau County. Inclusion on Eftink had done additional research baggers helped to man the temporary the list was necessary for an area to which he later used as a base for the

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904522bp 08-46.p65 21 3/21/00, 2:27 PM council’s formal application. December 21, the city coun- Cape Girardeau would ask for cil held a meeting in the $1.6 million in federal and basement of the Red Star state money to buy a total of 66 Baptist Church to explain the homes: 38 in Red Star, 15 in buyout concept. More than Meadowbrook, 11 in Smelter- 100 residents showed up. ville, and 2 in Highway 177. Officials from SEMA and Eftink had even calculated the SEMO were there to field ongoing cost to the city of questions. At that meeting maintaining the lots after the Ken Eftink revealed that houses were demolished; it there was only enough mon- would cost the city $13,000 a ey to buy 50 houses, and that year to mow the lots, and the these would be purchased in city would lose $1,000 a year strict accordance with the in real estate taxes. Since the degree of damage each houses occupied an area that had Buyout area in Cape Girardeau house had sustained. In other words, flooded 15 times in the last 20 years, helps relieve city congestion. the properties that were damaged the those projected costs were acceptable. most would be the first bought. If a application and would submit it to the homeowner refused an offer, then that The only debate on the matter Federal Emergency Management money would be used to make an offer involved whether or not the city itself Agency for final approval. Unfortu- to another homeowner further down should dip into its own funds to help nately, the Governor had not approved the list. The process would continue finance the buyout. The assumption on the whole $1.6 million amount, but until there was no money left.16 the part of some councilmen was that instead had given Cape $1.2 million, such an offer might help the application $742,000 would go to buy the houses The problem remained of gain approval on the state level. and $450,000 to relocate residents.12 getting the information about the However, Chauncy Buchheit, of the The state had reduced Cape’s request buyout disseminated in the most Southeast Missouri Regional Planning because in 1995 it had only $4 million effective way possible. Many people in and Economic Development Commis- dollars for this buyout cycle instead of southeast Missouri had a rural suspi- sion (SEMO) reminded the council that the nearly $100 million that it had to cion of the government, and Ken Eftink such local funding was not necessary to spend in 1993, and the $4 million realized that many homeowners would gain approval. On this advice, the needed to stretch in order to help other not trust a formal letter that explained council decided to submit the applica- communities as well.13 how the government was willing to buy tion without the offer of local funds.11 their damaged property. He, therefore The amount of money the committed himself and his staff to That decision was the only Governor had recommended would personally visiting with each potential part of the buyout that drew public cover the purchase of only 49 houses in candidate, explaining the buyout pro- criticism. An August 16, editorial in the Smelterville and Red Star areas. gram face to face, and even transporting the Southeast Missourian praised the Those in Meadowbrook and Highway the potential seller around town to view buyout program but criticized the 177 had been dropped because they sat potential and affordable homes outside decision not to offer city funds in its higher on the floodplain and had not the floodplain. This approach lessened implementation. The editorial said been as severely damaged.14 The town peoples’ mistrust and Eftink specu- “that to do otherwise smacks of the of Commerce, some twenty miles lates, might have informed potential kind of free handout that has put the south of Cape, was in much greater sellers who were functionally illiterate. federal government in the red ink mess need of buyout funds, and therefore In any event, the buyout program began that it is in. . . It should hurt a little to got $1,756,707 to fund its buyout.15 to experience a high rate of success.17 take these government handouts.” Still, $742,000 would go a Beside the personal approach On October 17, the Southeast long way toward ending the damage that Eftink proposed, the Cape Missourian reported that Governor from flooding in Cape, and officials set Girardeau program had other “user Carnahan had approved the city’s to work to implement the buyout. On friendly” aspects. The Salvation Army

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904522bp 08-46.p65 22 3/21/00, 2:28 PM and the church-based Interfaith Disas- the city had made 28 offers and only didn’t have to find a place to stay... ter Response Network both helped one offer had been declined.20 when the water gets high. 22 buyout candidates with extra money for moving out of the floodplain. The On September 6, with its By the time the program Salvation Army spent $82,000 and the money running out, Governor Carna- ended on January 1, 1997, Cape Interfaith Disaster Response Group han announced that Cape Girardeau Girardeau had made offers on 114 spent $83,700 to help people with was getting an additional $738,585 to properties. Twenty homeowners whose initial down payments, closing costs, expand their buyout program. This homes are flood risks refused the offer repairs to their new homes, and the money had been previously allocated to move from the floodplain. Still, the myriad financial obligations that make as buyout money for a number of other situation has changed radically in any move stressful.18 towns, but it had been returned. In Cape Girardeau. On August 8, 1998, some places the buyout procedure was the Cape Girardeau city government The goal of the Interfaith not as successful, and for one reason or invited the personnel from SEMA, Disaster Response Group was to help another, potential sellers backed out. FEMA, the Missouri Department of people for whom the buyout would This “de-obligated” money can be Economic Development, the Salvation have been impossible without a little allocated to another buyout project. Army, and The Interfaith Disaster extra financial help. The group helped Cape’s success record made it a good Response Network, all who had about 20 families with grants of candidate for these extra funds.21 helped make the buyout program a between $5,000 and $7,000.19 Be- success, back to Cape Girardeau for a cause of these many layers of support The additional money made it fish fry with the buyout recipients. The ranging from appropriations of federal possible to include Meadowbrook, an letter of invitation to these organiza- money to personal one-on-one contact area that had applied for buyout money tions from Mayor A.M. Spradling, III with flood victims, the Cape Girardeau in October, but was cut from the said this was “an opportunity for the program was accomplished with more program. Now with the high risk Flood Buyout recipients to personally positive feelings than perhaps any- homes in Red Star and Smelterville thank you ... who have made the where else in the state. Not everyone rapidly being bought up, the extra Program the success it has been.” accepted the buyout offer, but most money made it possible to make offers did, and did so gladly because they on property in lower risk areas. By the Ironically, it rained, but, given were assured it was being made with end of October, 65 homeowners had everyone’s mutual experience with the the purest of motives. received offers. Some of them like, flood of ‘95 the mood was convivial. Jimmie Fisher and his neighbor Mike Martha Lemonds, a buyout participant The first homeowners to Maglone, had been flooded out year who sold her house on the floodplain receive a buyout check were Henry and after year. Fisher acknowledged that it and now lived high and dry, said “We Oma Copeland on March 21, 1996. would be hard to leave the home he had can enjoy the rain now. We live on a The city made offers on 15 other homes lived in for 57 years, but he was hill. We can sit in our family room and during the same week. By May 2, 1996, looking forward to a year when he enjoy every minute.”23

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904522bp 08-46.p65 23 3/21/00, 2:28 PM Flooded Cedar City during the 1993 flood. Cedar City after the Buyout. Cedar City

edar City is located just across community. They reported the kind of City that federal and state money was the Missouri River, immedi- town where everyone knew everybody available to buy out property that had Cately north of Jefferson City. else, where front doors were habitually been severely damaged by the flood, Most Cedar City residents believed left unlocked, children played in the and that the proposed prices would be that the flood of 1993 was the largest streets, and people spent pleasant assigned on the pre-flood value of the flood that had ever impacted their summer evenings visiting from their home. If residents were interested, the town, and that the flood in 1995 was front porches. It was the kind of place, letter invited them to ask for an only a little less severe. In both 1993 where long-time resident, Linda application. The response was imme- and 1995, water rose in Cedar City to Nichols, remembers children enjoying diate. The city also hired a professional between 25 and 30 feet deep, which simple pleasures like riding bicycles appraisal service to establish the value classified both occurrences as “100 without concern for cars, trick or of the homes—an appraisal for which year floods.”1 Before the 1993 flood, treating door to door on Halloween, the city paid, and also provided an Cedar City was home to about 400 and climbing apple trees.4 appeal process if the homeowner people in 115 houses and a number of disagreed. This price, minus any businesses. Besides three convenience Yet, despite these bucolic deductions of earlier financial pay- stores and two gas stations, an antique memories, Cedar City was an area that ments from FEMA to the homeowner store, a mechanic’s shop, businesses had repeatedly suffered from floods. for emergency housing and structural associated with the small Jefferson The postmistress of Cedar City, June repairs, plus a moving allowance, was City Memorial Airport, Roettgen Auto Sundermeyer, remembers that before the final sum offered to the home- Repair, Capital Steel, and Lauf 1993, the town had flooded in 1942, owner. In return for this money, the Equipment formed the economic base 1943, 1944, 1947, 1951, 1973, 1983, homeowner turned the property over of the town. The largest employer in 1986, and 1990. By 1993, Ms. to Jefferson City, of which Cedar City Cedar City was ABB Transformer and Sundermeyer was ready to move. She was a suburb, and agreed that once the Distribution Company that employed was one of 98 homeowners, along with house is cleared from the land, that the over 700 workers who manufactured the membership of both the Methodist area will be used only for “uses electrical transformers for small busi- and the Baptist Churches who decided compatible with open space, recre- nesses and homes.2 to take the buyout money to move to ational, or wetlands management.”6 higher ground.5 In contrast to the calculated Only a few Cedar City average fair market value of the homes In January, 1994, the City residents had the foresight to buy flood in Cedar City—$15,669.00,3 residents Manager’s office in Jefferson City insurance from the National Flood felt a deep attachment to their informed property owners in Cedar Insurance Program before the flood.

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904522bp 08-46.p65 24 3/21/00, 2:28 PM One senior citizen had conscientiously of the program was immediately to individuals for a token rent of paid her premiums for years and had apparent when the floods came this $15.00 a year.10 A few previous also maintained and created an second time. In 1993, 473 citizens of landowners worked out special ar- “extremely well maintained property.” Cedar City had applied for individual rangements with the Jefferson City The buyout program acknowledged assistance during the flood. The total Parks and Recreation Department, her efforts, by offering pre-flood fair cost to the taxpayer for disaster whereby they were allowed lifetime market value, which, with the insur- housing, Individual Family Grants, and gardening rights on their old garden ance payoff, allowed her to move to a Small Business Administration (SBA) sites.11 The most original use of the desirable property out of the flood- loans was $1,435,149. When the floods land, however, has to be on the six plain. The officials at SEMA were came again in 1995, most residents acres rented to Harry Thompson and generally willing to adapt the buyout were gone, and consequently the his son Ben. Ben was the president of program to fairly compensate citizens number of people applying for emer- his local Future Farmers of America who had accepted responsibility for gency aid was less. In 1995, only 53 (FFA) chapter, and the group needed living on land that was vulnerable to people applied for individual assis- a fundraising project. The Thompsons flood waters. tance which totaled $176,902. The two teamed up with the organizers of the floods covered almost the same areas in Jefferson City River Rendezvous Cedar City was a kind of Cedar City, but because of the buyout Festival, in October 1998, to produce testing ground for the buyout program, program, the taxpayers of Missouri a truly amazing attraction. First, they because Jefferson planted corn on City was the first six acres of land municipality to of- and then cut out fer the program to of the 12 foot its citizens. Coop- high field of eratively, Jefferson corn a gigantic City and SEMA 500 by 350 foot worked out some crop art repre- “kinks.” For in- sentation of the stance, officials dis- Missouri State covered that county Capitol Build- assessors in Cedar ing. This giant City had seriously image was only underestimated the visible from the value of property in air, but visitors the years before the Pavilion adjacent to the Katy Trail State Park in Cedar City. to the Rendez- flood, and the “fair vous Festival pre-flood market price of the property” were able to save $1,258,247. After could enjoy the “sculpture” in yet was about 15% undervalued. SEMA, 1995, most of the remaining citizens of another way. At ground level, the therefore allowed a 15% mark-up in Cedar City decided that they too would image, cut from the live corn, was the offering price to offset this take advantage of the buyout offer. actually an intersecting maze of paths difficulty.7 This kind of flexibility and Today, only six people live in Cedar 7-12 feet wide. Visitors to the fairness has been typical of the Flood City, and the emergency cost of helping Rendezvous Festival could pay a fee Buyout Program generally. SEMA them has been greatly reduced.9 and try to negotiate their way through officials realized that to make the the maze. Unfortunately, four days program a success, it had to be What has happened to the before the festival, a flash flood on the sensitive to local conditions. land where housed once stood? Missouri River threatened to drown Jefferson City has built a picnic the whole area in water, and the By March 1, 1994, the first pavilion on part of it along with an festival had to be moved to higher buyout had been approved, followed by extension of the KATY Bike Trail ground. It was not a total loss, for the the first payment to an owner on May that connects that trans-Missouri threatened flood did not overtop the 11.8 Most of Cedar City’s houses were bicycle path with the Missouri River. levee system, and the resourceful empty of people by May, 1995, when Jefferson City’s Park and Recreation Thompsons were able to harvest and the water rose again. The effectiveness Department has rented garden plots sell the corn in the field. Adapting to

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904522bp 08-46.p65 25 3/21/00, 2:28 PM the sudden change in location they were also able to build a smaller maze out of hay bails at the new Rendezvous site, which still made money for the FFA chapter.12 Cooperation, innovation, community spirit, feelings of security instead of dread, relief to taxpayers—these are a few of the results that have made the Flood Buyout Program such a success in the Cedar City/Jefferson City area of Missouri.

Due to low elevation and close proximity to the Missouri River, Cedar City was sub- jected to catastrophic flooding.

Closed Gone ishing.

Even when facing certain disaster during the floods, Missourians exhibited a strong spirit and were able to maintain an excel- lent sense of humor.

Today Cedar City is mostly vacant lots. The ABB transformer plant is still there as are most of the businesses that were there before the flood, including the airport, but every empty lot marks the site of a home that will never again need to be defended from the rising waters of the Missouri.

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904522bp 08-46.p65 26 3/21/00, 2:29 PM ommerce, Missouri, 20 miles Open Space surrounding the Commerce Post Office. southeast of Cape Girardeau Con the Mississippi, was fa- mous for two things in the 19th century: it was the largest river port between New Orleans and St. Louis, Commerce and it flooded constantly. In more recent history, it has lost the first designation, but retains the second As early as August 2, at least offered a chance to escape an ongoing because it floods, on the average of 40 residents attended the regular cycle of flooding. As to the expense every two years.1 Commerce village board meeting to of tearing down the houses, David voice their opinion and to hear debate Mayberry, a supporter of the buyout In 1993, the flooding began in about selling out through the buyout option said: “This town already has April and some Commerce residents program. Under the terms of the early, some abandoned houses. What’s a spent the entire month out of their pre-Volkmer buyout programs, the few more? You’re talking about cost homes. In July, however, the Missis- state might buy some homes in the to tear down houses—how much does sippi flooded the town again, and by floodplain that had sustained more a book of matches cost?” July 15 water had covered every street than 50% damage. in the lower part of the town, flooding Mayor Huck told the audience over 70 houses. Of the 94 houses in Debate was fierce, with the that she had talked to Bill Emerson, the Commerce, only 17 are built out of the board members and residents clearly town’s Congressional Representative, floodplain. Half the residents moved to divided into two groups. The anti- and there had been some talk about higher ground, and the rest, whose buyout forces were informally lead trying to get the Corps of Engineers to homes still had any dry floor space, by Ann Huck, the town’s 79 year old build a levee in front of the town, but, lived without electricity or potable mayor, who had lived in Commerce “with the assessed value of the area so water.2 for 55 years. She asked the assembly low [she] didn’t see a strong possibility to consider not only how much might for a levee being built here anytime Unlike many flooded Mis- be lost in revenue, but the expense of soon.”4 souri towns, the flood waters did not tearing down the empty houses once recede quickly from Commerce. In the city owned them. With a yearly After the heated meeting, the September, the streets and yards were real estate tax revenue of only $1,000 pro-buyout group, suspecting that the still covered with mud, there was still to $1,200 dollars, she doubted the majority of people in the town standing water in the city park, and town could afford to tear them down. supported them, circulated a petition some homes were without electricity.3 among the townspeople, asking the Some residents thought it was time to The pro-buyout group found council to pursue a buyout. Although seek a solution through the federal a spokesman in board member Roy 80% of the residents signed that buyout program. Jones, who felt that the buyout option document, when it was presented at

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904522bp 08-46.p65 27 3/21/00, 2:29 PM the village board’s October meeting, joining the buyout program this time.9 that much lower, yet the cost in ‘95 that group voted 3 to 2 against was only $23 million dollars as pursuing a buyout. Ominously, flood The village board took action. compared with $390 million in ‘93. waters returned to Commerce in Acting on the strength of the response, October for three weeks.5 the board took a survey of damage in The reason was simple: there Commerce and found between 40 and were fewer valuable properties in the For the time being, the pro- 50 houses that had sustained damage. floodplain for flood waters to de- buyout forces could do nothing, since a The board also found over 20 vacant stroy.11 In fact, between the two town could only apply for a buyout lots in the floodplain, and hoped to floods, Missouri counties and towns with the approval of its governing include the purchase of these in a had purchased 3,260 homes in the body. In November and December, proposal to SEMA. Hoping to do floodplains and were finalizing pur- 1993, many townspeople decided it everything right, the village board chases of 1,000 more. Officials in St. was time to change the composition of asked SEMA for personnel to help Louis County estimated that by May the village board. This group found a them with the paperwork, and the 1995, they had spent $2.7 million to leader in board member Roy Jones, agency sent representatives to the buy and eliminated 295 houses, which, who campaigned for re- in turn, had saved the county election to the board as a $7 million in emergency flood pro-buyout candidate, along relief payments during the ‘95 with three other Commerce flood.12 With savings like citizens. In January, 1994, that, Governor Carnahan was all four were elected to the amenable to continuing the board. The next time Com- program. merce faced a destructive flood, the board would be The federal govern- ready to favorably consider ment accommodated the Gov- a buyout option.6 ernor by allocating $2.6 mil- lion to Missouri for a fresh The “next time” round of buyouts. That was came in May, 1995, when enough money for another 125 flood waters returned to Missouri families to escape Commerce, in quantities much larger Open space in Commerce, Missouri, living in a floodplain. Commerce was than 1993. The reason was that the overlooking the Mississippi River the single largest recipient of that grant Ohio River, which empties into the and was allocated $1,756,767. The Mississippi down river from Com- state would provide an additional merce, was high and acted as a kind of town. With their help, Commerce sent $680,000 to help Commerce pay the barrier to the Mississippi, in turn a buyout application to Jefferson City 25% matching share.13 backing its waters into towns like on November 8, hoping for a positive Commerce. This meant that every response from the Governors Buyout SEMA assisted Commerce by house that had been damaged by water Review Committee.10 holding a local public meeting to in ‘93 in Commerce, was damaged explain the program and sent personnel again, plus a few more. Residents knew The application coincided to help fill out the application forms. the damage was greater.7 According to with the grant of additional money to By November 30, approximately 20 resident Connie Thompson, “It’s Missouri to fund another buyout people had signed up as potential worse than ‘93. The water this year has program that was similar to the one in customers of the buyout program.14 gotten places it has never gotten before. 1993. This additional money became The town’s going to have to have available because the state, using After the initial help of financial help to get back on its feet.”8 research compiled by SEMA, had SEMA, Commerce hired a grant begun to notice drastically reduced administrator, Laurel Moldenhauer, to By May 25, the State Emer- costs for emergency flood relief when administer the program. From her gency Management Agency (SEMA) compared to relief figures after the office in St. Paul’s United Methodist in Jefferson City was getting calls from ‘93 flood. While the ‘95 flood waters Church in Commerce, Moldenhauer Commerce residents asking about were generally lower, they were not signed up an additional 20 residents.15

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904522bp 08-46.p65 28 3/21/00, 2:29 PM By the time the program was out what the appraised value of their Yet, the current mayor, Allen completed in May, 1996, only 31 home was. Wright, who owns an auto repair shop Commerce homeowners had accepted in town, did not believe the buyout a buyout offer.16 One of them was ex- Tommy and Joyce Cox re- “hurt us that bad.” Wright points out mayor Ann Huck, who had opposed ceived a $57,000 offer on their house that some new businesses came to the buyout in ‘93. She had accepted that they considered worth $89,000. Commerce: a Bed and Breakfast, a $15,000 to move her house five blocks Official assessors felt that the home winery, and a new tavern. Ann to the top of a hill overlooking the may have been worth that if it had been Williams is the owner of the new KDs town. She told Laura Johnson of the situated outside of a floodplain, but the Tavern, and says business is good. Chaffee Scott County Signal, “I’ve threat of almost yearly flooding Also, for the first time in years, been in the floods since I was a little considerably reduced its value. somebody is building a new house in girl. . .We should have done this years Commerce, well above the flood ago.”17 Roy Jones, the man who had In the end, 27 property owners plain.19 run for mayor on a platform of out of 58 applicants rejected the buyout accepting the buyout, was also one of price, and 19 residents did not choose Commerce flooded again in the first to accept a buyout offer. to participate. Many were motivated by May 1996. When it did, some people a fierce affection for their town and began the almost yearly ritual of Although most people were feared the buyout would encourage too cleaning out their home once again. happy, some were not. Many felt the many people to leave, diminishing the However, 31 homes will not have to be government offers were too low, and town.18 Dixie High felt that people who cleaned out this time because nobody in fact four residents left a meeting accepted the buyout, “didn’t care what lives there. At the time of this writing, with SEMA officials on February 16, happened to Commerce, they wanted the 31 homes are just the shells of at St. Paul’s Church when they found to sell their homes and get out.” houses waiting for the wreckers.20

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904522bp 08-46.p65 29 3/21/00, 2:29 PM Excelsior Springs

hroughout every other town in system lost all pressure. City Hall, But the center of town also Missouri that suffered from the called the Hall of Waters, after the was the site of sixty homes and T great deluge, flood waters springs that flow into pools in the apartment buildings, built along gradually rose past the ability of basement and give Excelsior Springs Kennedy Street and South Marietta protecting levees. In Excelsior Springs its name, was flooded. In addition, the Street, that were filled with sleeping however, the damage was caused in telephone system, police station, and people when the flash flood hit. one cataclysmic flash flood that roared fire station all flooded, as was the Nobody was killed, but a 5 ½ foot through the center of town at 11:15 p.m. lower level of the Daily Standard wave that struck with tremendous on August 12. Less than three hours newspaper, along with Roosevelt force damaged all structures in its later the rains stopped and water levels Middle School. In addition, the city’s way. Jerry Gartner was in his house began to slowly recede.1 Excelsior three Omni buses were swept down when a wall of water tore out the back Springs, a town of 11,000, situated stream. wall, filled the living room, and swept north east of Kansas City, is not on the his couch with Patches, the family cat, Missouri River where so much of the aboard outside and down the river. flood damage took place. Rather it lies “ sounded like a freight train on the Fishing River whose two rolling through the house,” was the branches, East Fork and Dry Fork meet way Mr. Gartner described the event. in the center of town. At this point lay The next day his couch was found the town’s main business area, its one-half mile down the river lodged municipal buildings, and the Elms ten feet up in a tree. Patches returned Hotel where generations of tourists home that evening.7 have stayed while they enjoyed the famous springs that give the town its By the next day, city officials name.2 had met with representatives from FEMA who briefed them on emer- When the flooding began in gency housing, food, and medical early July throughout Missouri, it care.8 A week later, other government seemed that Excelsior Springs might officials explained the procedure for escape serious damage, despite the getting flood buyout money and loans evacuation of both Missouri City and from the Small Business Administra- Orrick which are south of Excelsior tion, although officials cautioned that Springs. The flood waters came to loans were scarce.9 Clearly there was within four miles of Excelsior need for a better financial solution, Hall of Waters in Excelsior Springs. Springs, and the water crews carefully (Photo by Liz Roll of FEMA.) especially when a similar flood watched the town’s well fields that rocked the town again on September supplied water to Excelsior Springs. 22, creating similar havoc in the same In mid-July crews built temporary Local businesses also were area.10 sandbag levees around these well ruined by the flash flood. John Davis, heads.3 Assistant City Administrator the owner of United Auto Services, a Of course an answer came to Molly McGovern and her husband, local repair shop, lost his shop and many Excelsior Springs residents Police Chief John McGovern, began tools but was able with the help of when Harold Volkmer’s legislation to to hope that perhaps this time, friends to drive most of the cars out of expand and simplify the buyout Excelsior Springs might escape flood the building to safety. An added program was enacted. Before Christ- damage.4 Instead, the town got the tragedy for the town was the flooding mas, 1993, Molly McGovern, as “worst flood in history,” according to of the lower floor of the Elms Hotel Assistant City Administrator, began then city manager, Craig Hubler.5 that ruined the indoor track and processing applications for residents Almost all of the city’s services were swimming pool. A week later, hotel interested in the buyout program. With destroyed. Municipal water was not staff were using nets to capture the assurance on May 6, 1994, that at only contaminated, but the city water catfish that were caught in the pool.6 least some of the funds had been

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904522bp 08-46.p65 30 3/21/00, 2:30 PM approved, McGovern was able to arrange for Excelsior Springs to borrow money to begin the buyout process. Most people who had lost or Excelsior Springs seen their homes damaged in August Buyout Property and September were willing to apply. flooded in 1998 A few hold outs were convinced to join floods (photo by when in April, 1994, another flash Liz Roll of FEMA). flood crashed through the center of town, and devastated the same area once more.12

Initially, some of the home- McGovern also told her audi- A detailed article appears in owners were suspicious. Some ques- ence that 12 homeowners had ex- the Daily Standard on May 8, 1996, tioned the wording of an informational pressed interest and three had gone so under the title “Flood buyout program letter McGovern had sent explaining far as to request appraisals. Further- about to end.” The article, written by the buyout program. They were more, one family had already closed Gene Hanson, who had done some of disturbed by a statement that said a the deal for the buyout the day before.13 the first reporting on the flood and the homeowner’s future use of the buyout, gave a detailed breakdown of property could be compromised if The buyout program soon the money spent so far to move 78 their home had received greater than gained momentum in Excelsior Springs. families out of the floodplain. 50% damage in last year’s flood. Of On August 16, the City Council course this only meant that it would be approved a new application for a It listed the total amount difficult to live in such a home, not that $360,000 grant to assist property spent so far as: $1,190,583 spent for the government was using the 50% owners who had been flooded out and acquisition of sites, $199,349 spent damage mark to force people out. who wanted to move out of the flood- for demolition, relocation costs of plain. This was supplemental to the $156,985, title work $14,122, ap- At an August 7 meeting, earlier approved funds and was made to praisals $2,650, administrative costs McGovern stressed the voluntary the Missouri Housing Development $52,657, and National Flood Insur- nature of the buyout program. At the Commission. Its goal was to provide ance Program refunds at $3,180. same time she clearly stated the gap financing, or the difference be- FEMA through Missouri’s State obvious, that damaged “homes would tween what a family received from the Emergency Management Agency probably not find [other] buyers... buyout and the price of a replacement supplied $897,000 for the program because they are in the floodplain...” It home. At the same meeting, the and community development block was possible she said that if they did Council took control of two properties grants provided the remainder. not take advantage of the offer “they sold in the buyout program.14 could lose their entire investment” and SEMA officially listed the would eventually have to “just walk From that point the program buyout project closed on October 6, away from a home.” She reassured the took off, and subsequent issues of the 1996. The “payoff” for this buyout owners that the damage estimates to Daily Standard listed house after house project came during the first week of their homes were done by the local fire —frequently with pictures—being October, 1998, when Excelsior Springs department, and that those who stayed torn down by wreckers.15 An article in suffered another flash flood. This time in the area would have to raise their the January 16, 1995, issue of the Daily only two residences were at risk homes above the usual level of a flood. Standard reported that a total of $1.8 instead of more than 70 that had stood million had been approved at state and in the area in 1993. Using the amount Another group of homeown- federal levels. The article also said that of water in the basement of City Hall as ers had heard rumors that money had more than 70 properties had been a guide, Assistant City Manager Molly been received in May and were angry purchased, with 14 already demol- McGovern estimated that the latest because it had not been distributed. ished. The article granted the process flood and the one in 1993 involved Obviously this rumor was related to the was slow “given the necessary paper- roughly the same amount of water. May approval of the grant; no money work, like appraisals and title work, yet Obviously the buyout program had had, at this point, been received. the tone of the article was positive.” once again proved to be effective.16

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904522bp 08-46.p65 31 3/21/00, 2:30 PM Hannibal

annibal, Missouri, was one of the lucky towns that faced Hdestruction from a flooded river and survived. That this hap- pened was due to Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. Ever since Mark Twain wrote about these two mid-nine- teenth century boys, Hannibal has derived a good part of its income from the tourist trade. The towns- people have carefully nurtured the historic buildings in the town to create a historic atmosphere. More than 100 buildings in the downtown area are on the National Historic Flood Disaster Relief Center in Hannibal, Missouri Register. west for six blocks along the north Hannibal to action. Many feared that Yet, the Mississippi River edge of Bear Creek.3 After the ‘93 floodwaters might reach 32 feet and has always been a real threat to this flood, the Corps of Engineers esti- overtop the levee. So by July 10, tourist Mecca. As far back as 1950, mated that the flood wall had more volunteers began to fill and stack the Army Corps of Engineers had than paid for itself by preventing sandbags on top of the levee raising it recommended that Hannibal build a more than $14,500,000 in damage to another two feet.5 flood wall to protect its historic downtown Hannibal.4 downtown. Townspeople were re- Other volunteers also put a luctant because of the projected cost But the flood wall did not protective collar of sandbags around of such a structure. That reluctance protect all of Hannibal. South of the the city’s electrical substation at Cave gradually changed when the Missis- flood wall , along the northern bank of Hollow and around the water pumping sippi River threatened to inundate Bear Creek, were hundreds of homes, station at Bridge Street.6 These the town eight times between 1960 that sustained substantial damage in protective measures paid off. On July and 1986.1 In l989, local business- the flood of ‘93. As early as April 15, 25, floodwaters reached 31.6 feet with men, banks, and the city government 1993, the Mississippi River rose every indication of going still higher. raised $850,000 as the city’s share of nearly six feet above flood stage Then, Hannibal got a break at the the $5,800,000 price tag for a flood which caused the waters of Bear expense of people living across the wall. The Federal government had Creek that run into the big river to Mississippi in East Hannibal and in already agreed to pay most of the back up, overflow the rivers banks, Hull, Illinois. The Sny Levee guarding cost. and wash into homes on Jefferson and those two towns broke and water Ely Streets. This became only a taste covered 45,000 acres of Illinois Construction began in April of what was to come. Heavy rains farmland. That break, however, caused 1990, and was completed barely one throughout April and on into May and the river level at Hannibal to drop four year before the 1993 flood began. The June raised the Mississippi to 28.7 feet in eight hours.7 Although the river flood wall sits 12 feet high and 3,650 feet. This was higher than the 28.59 would rise again, it never again came feet long.2 It runs from just north of feet recorded in the 1973 flood, and close to the 31.6 feet mark. the Mark Twain Memorial Bridge the Corps of Engineers estimated the between the Mississippi River and the river would go higher still. This Nevertheless, a lot of damage town for 25 blocks and then turns record level spurred the people of had been done. In August when City

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904522bp 08-46.p65 32 3/21/00, 2:30 PM Engineer, Bob Williamson, inspected ment of Natural Resources had to The closing on houses con- homes in the Bear Creek area between study the condemned homes, but tinued until January 23, 1996, by Collier Street and Woodrow Avenue, only a few of the Bear Creek houses which time Hannibal had purchased he found 100 homes that had been were historically significant, and the 116 properties.17 By that time, flooded for more than a week,8 buyout program continued without Hannibal had experienced another Williamson made a later appraisal of significant delays. Williamson and flood when in 1995 the Mississippi flood damage and found that 77 of city officials distributed question- River and Bear Creek once more these homes needed to be con- naires, held meetings, and explained overflowed their banks. This time, as demned.9 the process to homeowners. had happened in so many other Missouri towns, no people were Over 400 people who had The conditions were the same driven out of their homes, and no lived in other inundated structures in Hannibal as for so many other homes were ruined. The people had were forced to find emergency Missouri towns. Homes were pur- moved to higher ground and the shelter, returning to their homes chased at their fair market, pre-flood houses had been bulldozed down.18 would require extensive repair.10 value. The dollar amount given the Before the flood, city ordinances had homeowner at closing had deducted Hannibal has plans for the been in effect that required residents from it any previous federal insurance land that had once been vulnerable forced by a flood to evacuate their payments and emergency advances floodplain housing. On 7th Street, near homes and to raise their foundations for temporary repairs. The city Bear Creek, Hannibal has just closed above the 100 year flood mark, if received title to the land with the the city dump that operated there since those homes had sustained damage of stipulation that no dwellings or 1995. The land will be raised seven more than 50%. Most of the homes business buildings could be built inches to get it above the usual flood along Bear Creek had.11 For many of there in the future. level, and then three soccer fields and these people, the buyout program six basketball courts will be built with would be a godsend. Bob Williamson also applied accompanying parking lots and for more money, and in April, 1995, restroom facilities. Soccer has recently The number of homes dam- Hannibal received word that an become popular in Hannibal among aged in Hannibal was so large, that additional $376,000 was coming the young, and the land that once was a state government moved quickly to from SEMA to add to the block grant burden, can now be an asset. offer help through the buyout pro- money. The money meant that gram. On December 10, 1993, Hannibal could buy additional prop- Along the riverfront, in front Governor Carnahan’s office an- erty, and Williamson added 25 of the levee that saved the town, the nounced that Hannibal could get as additional properties to the 80 the city city acquired more lots with the much as $1.5 million through a had originally designated for the buyout program. The city will use hazard mitigation grant from SEMA buyout.14 the land to build a public recreational and a community development block trailer park/campground where tour- grant from the Department of Eco- By April 18, the city had ists can stay while participating in nomic Development to buy flood finished negotiations and paid for 14 the National Tom Sawyer Days damaged homes, if the owners would flood damaged homes, and was Festival that runs from July 1-4 sign the property over to the city and negotiating for 10 more.15 These every year. Hannibal’s normal popu- move out of the floodplain. homes were purchased with the lation of 18,000 swells to nearly block grant money. On May 21, 90,000, as people come to watch or Hannibal’s Mayor, Richard however Hannibal used some of the participate in fence painting and frog Schwartz, was supportive of the SEMA money to buy five more jumping contests, buy crafts, tour program. He felt the buyout could homes. These payments were deliv- historic homes, and watch or partici- “immunize the community from future ered to the owners on the steps of pate in the Tom Sawyer/Becky destruction.”12 The Mayor hoped that City Hall with Representative Thatcher contest.19 Once this project as many as 200 families would relocate Volkmer handing checks to each is completed and the trailer park/ out of the Bear Creek area.13 owner collectively totaling $42,600. campground is finished, land that At that time, Bob Williamson once cost the City of Hannibal and Because of the historical sig- estimated the city would buy 38 the State of Missouri money, will nificance of Hannibal, the Depart- more homes by June 3.16 generate dollars instead.

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904522bp 08-46.p65 33 3/21/00, 2:30 PM Hartsburg and Boone County

he south Boone County town endured flooded basements in the first sustained damage of over 50%, the of Hartsburg, population 131, onslaught. This time water rose into owner would have to raise it a foot Tsits about three-fourths of a the sanctuaries, and church members above the 100 year floodplain level. mile from the Missouri River. This hauled the pews and pianos out of both In most of Hartsburg, that meant four picturesque town’s residents either buildings to high ground. Mayor feet. Nancy Grant, the town’s Flood farm or commute to jobs in either Floyd Steelman ordered the sewer Relief Coordinator, feared that the Jefferson City or Columbia, both of pumps shut off, and Union Electric independently-minded citizens might which are about fifteen miles away - Power Company shut off electricity simply defy that rule and rebuild Columbia to the north; Jefferson and gas in the town. The Post Office without raising their homes. City to the south. In 1993, about the closed temporarily while the postmas- only businesses in town were two ter moved operations to Ashland, Grant reminded the citizens restaurants whose best customers seven miles away. that failure to comply could result in were bicycle riders who rode the the town being dropped from the KATY Trail from Jefferson City or Yet, the town’s people refused National Flood Insurance Program. Columbia. to give up. Instead they retreated to the To compound these problems, Mayor center of town and hastily built a Floyd Steelman resigned and the most Before 1993, a flood had not sandbag wall five feet high, to protect active of the town’s city councilmen, found Hartsburg for 30 years. High the twelve buildings that had escaped Glen Klemme died.5 water had threatened, but a Corps of the first flood. Termed the “Hartsburg Engineers levee had kept Hartsburg Wall” by the approximately 90 people In the midst of this disorgani- dry for years. Throughout June in who maintained it, the wall ran from the zation and confusion, some residents 1993, however, Hartsburg residents Hartsburg Hitching Post Café several received first word of Representative watched the Missouri rise. Citizens blocks through town to the Senior Volkmer’s new buyout program. At organized into shifts to raise the Citizens Center.2 first, the program received little Corps’ levee even higher. This support. Linda Hilgedick, a Hartsburg worked, until five inches of rain fell By July 31, the water was resident, felt few people would apply over the area in less than 24 hours dropping—this time permanently. By because the majority of people had between Wednesday July 7, and August 12, the water was out of the already moved into their homes or Thursday July 8. The Missouri crested town. Somebody put up a sign on main were in the final stages of painting Thursday morning at 33 feet, one foot street: “Hartsburg Thanks Everyone, and carpeting.6 higher than the height of the levee and Hell of a Try!”3 its additional sandbag reinforcement. On December 16, The A hole 400 feet wide opened, letting People patiently began to Hartsburg Hot Line, written for the water pour through. Next, part of the rebuild. Many houses were not Ashland Boone County Journal by levee south of town also broke and 2- covered by flood insurance because Nancy Grant and Shirley Thomas 8 feet of water soaked all but 12 out of the residents honestly believed that mentioned that the Hartsburg City 50 houses in the town.1 their homes were not in the flood- Council was studying Volkmer’s plain.4 Most people in Hartsburg had buyout bill. Two weeks later, on By July 22, it seemed to be really not considered flooding a threat. December 30, the Ashland Boone over. The water dropped a foot, and They neither knew where the flood- County Journal mentioned in a front some families began to cautiously plain was, nor were they familiar with page article that Southern District creep back to their homes to survey flood regulations. Many were incredu- Commissioner Karen Miller would the damage. Then on July 25, the lous when the Federal Emergency hold a meeting on January 5 in heavy rains came back, and the water Management Agency’s Sharon Reigel Hartsburg to inform flood victims started to rise again; this time it rose came to town to inform them during a about the buyout program. She even higher. Both the Baptist Church town meeting, that in order to rebuild a reminded people that the buyout and United Church of Christ had only house in the floodplain that had application deadline was January 15,

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904522bp 08-46.p65 34 3/21/00, 2:30 PM and that this meeting would provide The buyout process became a KATY Trail bicycle path, and the third information for Hartsburg and Boone major news item in the Ashland Boone as a green space between two houses. County citizens alike who might want County Journal. An article from the The Governor recommended a total of to apply for assistance under the January 20 issue explained that the $100,500 to buy the houses in program. Miller noted however, that local officials and the State Emergency Hartsburg, and $221,000 to buy the many Hartsburg families had already Management Agency in Jefferson City Boone County homes.11 At that point, rebuilt their homes. A separate note were helping residents fill in the 404 the formal assessment of the property stated that the city council had Hazard Mitigation Grant Application, began. City officials presented the already begun to contact homeowners and although it had been a complicated owners with an offer based on their whom they suspected might be process, the documents were finished pre-flood assessment of a house’s potential candidates. It further invited by the January 15 deadline.9 By value, minus money that might have people who might be interested to February 10, the Journal noted that “all been received previously from FEMA contact the city council.7 applications and information have or paid out in flood insurance.12 Over been forwarded to the various agencies the ensuing month, the owners On January 5, the city council for consideration on the buyout considered and accepted the offers. talked to a number of residents who process. It is now a wait and see were interested in the buyout. Commis- attitude for the ... residents affected.”10 On February 2, 1995, Mayor sioner Miller’s presence was helpful Mike Rodemeyer presented each and necessary because a number of By February 15, the Journal owner with a check.13 According to houses in the Hartsburg settlement area carried the news that the Governor’s Buck Katt, Deputy Director of SEMA, were actually not in the corporate limits Buyout Review Committee in in an interview with the Columbia of the town, but in Boone County. She Jefferson City had recommended Missourian, the average price paid was reminded people that the rules of the funding for three homes in Hartsburg $25,000.14 buyout program stipulated there must and seven in Boone County. The be separate applications for houses in Governor had accepted this recom- By May 18, 1995, Hartsburg Boone County and ones in Hartsburg, mendation and had moved the had contracted with Enoch Construc- even though the houses might sit next applications on to FEMA. tion Company to tear down the four to each other. This meeting made clear houses at a total cost of $23,400, with the basic rules of the buyout program, The buildings that did not demolition to start by May 27.15 and five Hartsburg residents began the receive the committee’s approval were Ironically the demolition had to be application process at the meeting, businesses that did not qualify for the delayed until June 1. along with twelve people whose program; the buyout targeted only houses were in Boone County. primary residential dwellings. Harts- On May 25, the Hartsburg burg Mayor Mike Rodemeyer cau- area flooded again. Happily most of At this meeting, the council- tioned residents that FEMA still the town was safe behind the next men and Commissioner Miller in- needed to review the applications. levee that the Corps of Engineers had formed the residents that they esti- However, if they were accepted, and completed in September 1994, but mated the houses outside of Hartsburg the buildings were torn down, the city twelve houses, whose owners had in Boone County were collectively council hoped to definitely use one of decided not to participate in the worth $350,000 and those in Hartsburg the lots for a church parking lot, buyout, sustained minor damage from $195,000. These would be the values another for a small park next to the water.16 they would forward with the applica- tions. However, they warned the applicants that FEMA’s appraisal might determine the houses to be worth less. John Thomas, a councilman told applicants that the property, if sold, would revert to the city or county. He speculated that the lots, once cleared, might be used as a park or a parking lot for one of the local churches.8 Broken flood control levee

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904522bp 08-46.p65 35 3/21/00, 2:30 PM Herman purchased whole blocks of flood-prone Open space enhances the appearances of privately properties under the buyout program. owned homes in the community of Hermann, Missouri Hermann

ermann, Missouri, the county across the Missouri River, and some took advantage of additional govern- seat of Gasconade County, worried that giant fuel tanks floating ment money to protect the commer- His no stranger to flooding, but down the river might destroy the cial basis of the town. the flood of ‘93 was memorable. The Highway 19 Bridge over the Mis- water levels were higher than ever souri.2 Like any town afflicted with before, more commercial and resi- natural disaster, Hermann quickly dential property was devastated, and Yet, Hermann is resilient; its applied to FEMA for disaster relief the flood waters stayed for weeks inhabitants are the descendants of money, and by November 23, it had instead of days. The flood waters of German settlers who came to central received the first payment from that 1986, the second worst flood in Missouri in the mid-nineteenth cen- agency to repair infrastructure that Hermann’s long history covered parts tury. An editorial, appearing in the the flood had ruined.3 But the town of the city for only four days; whereas November 23, 1993, issue of the was also interested in the long-term in 1993, the river at Hermann was Hermann Advertiser Courier, written solutions, and so the city council was above flood stage for 51 straight days. by Mayor John Bartel, takes the crisis also interested in the buyout program. Furthermore, the flood waters seemed of the flooding in stride. He thanked to recede only to suddenly reappear - the community for their united efforts Officials from Hermann heard three times between July 6 and 31, in battling the flood, he characterized the first rumors about the buyout and once again in September. the summer of flooding as an exciting program on September 7, 1993, when and challenging time, and he invited they, along with leaders from neigh- The town was also nearly Hermann’s citizens to become part of boring communities met with person- isolated by water and was cut in half the solution. nel from Missouri’s State Emergency when water from Frene Creek, which Management Agency.4 On October flows into the Missouri, overflowed A good portion of that 24, Harold Volkmer, whose congres- the bridges on East First and Sixth solution proved to be Hermann’s sional district included Hermann, Street.1 Hermann’s police chief, Bob wholesale acceptance and participa- Missouri, explained his proposed Sitton, supervised the building of tion in the buyout program. Not only plan to improve the existing legisla- emergency roads to keep the city did Hermann’s residents quickly and tion governing buyouts of property on connected. The town lost its phone successfully apply for money to floodplains. His plan made more system, the schools had to be closed purchase residential homes habitually federal money available for the since one quarter of the students lived threatened by the floods, but they also program, and revised the formula by

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904522bp 08-46.p65 36 3/21/00, 2:30 PM which the Federal Emergency Man- By July 5, Hermann’s appli- dences were on the list for demolition, agement Agency calculated how cation for money was approved, and and Barbara Bohley, the administra- much it could distribute to state on August 9, 1994, the first residential tor of Hermann’s buyout program, emergency management agencies for buyout money arrived. Hermann reported that Hermann had requested use in buying flood threatened received $494,750 to buy residential additional money to buy “five or six properties. To everyone’s surprise, property, along with $150,000 from more homes.”12 Volkmer’s bill moved quickly through another government grant to pay for the House and the Senate, and was demolition of the houses.9 Later, in At the end of the buyout signed into law by President Clinton October, 1994, Hermann received program, 22 residential properties on December 2, 1993.5 additional money to fund a buyout of had been purchased.13 The only commercial property from the Mis- problem with an otherwise smooth Hermann’s City Council, souri Department of Economic De- buyout occurred when demolition lead by City Administrator Terry velopment.10 bulldozers demolished a home at 200 Helton, moved just as quickly to E. Fifth Street. Although a pre- apply for the buyout money. On In May 1995, Hermann once demolition investigation indicated February 22, 1994, the Council more faced record floods. This time that the house was a modern structure, submitted the paperwork to the the floodwaters were not as high, but the inner core of the house was federal government through the they remained over flood stage for 85 actually an “old frame house dating to Meramec Regional Planning Com- straight days—a month longer than in 1840.” The destruction was unfortu- mission for $2.2 million in buyout 1993.11 Despite these repeated inun- nate, but unavoidable, since the funds.6 The request asked for money dations, there was room for optimism. historic section of the house had been to repair infrastructure and to buyout completely covered by later construc- residential and commercial property.7 Before the 1993 flood, 69 tion, and was only discovered after property owners had flood insurance. destruction of the house had begun.14 Hermann’s prospects for re- An article in the Advertiser Courier ceiving money improved when in the on September 6, 1995, reported that Today, the land that was last week of May 1994, Missouri now there were 58. The article stated previously devastated by flood waters received additional money from the that the reason for the decline could in 1993 and 1995 is empty, except for Federal Department of Housing and “be attributed to property owners a few holdouts who have raised their Urban Development. Jill Friedman participating in the federal and state houses to what they hope will be a assured the reporter that Governor buyout programs.” level above the next flood. Most of Carnahan was committed to funding the land is covered with grass. A the residential buyout program first, By October 4, 1995, the first portion has been turned into a soccer and that “commercial property would buyout homes in Hermann were being field, and another part is being used as be helped after the residential demolished on West Eighth and Ninth a parking lot for businesses located on requests were addressed.”8 Streets. An additional thirteen resi- nearby higher ground.15

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904522bp 08-46.p65 37 3/21/00, 2:30 PM Jefferson County (Including Festus and Crystal City)1

loods have always threatened Rising water from the Big River to rise another two feet during the Jefferson County because three forced 200 people out of trailer courts next two days, with leaks appearing Frivers flow through its area. Six and isolated houses. Flood water along three week old levees, and with times between 1973 and 1993, flood covered roads and isolated people more rain predicted, the situation at waters from the Mississippi, Mer- including the 30 residents of the the end of July appeared hopeless. amec, and Big River have devastated hamlet of Sulpher Springs. All along Faulkenberry believed “it was all the county’s towns and unincorporat- the banks of the Mississippi, Mer- about to go under.” Everyone agreed ed areas. The worst was in 1993. amec, and Big River, throughout the with her.4 Although the threat began in May, by month of July, hundreds of Jefferson July floodwaters threatened most of County residents joined together in However, levees in Colum- the county. spontaneous groups dictated by bia and Valmeyer, Illinois, broke. geography to build makeshift levees This ruined thousands of acres of In Arnold, 500 families evacu- protecting mobile homes and houses. Illinois farmland, but it eased the ated areas near the Meramec River on pressure on dozens of Jefferson July 28, and on August 1, a main levee On Sunday, July 18, Jeffer- County levees. Water levels dropped along the Starling Airport Road son County officials met in Hillsboro at Arnold, Festus, Crystal City, and collapsed which released flood water to assess the damage, and to make Kimmswick. The dropping level of over a mobile home park. In Festus, contingency plans for recovery. The the Mississippi also eased the 37 businesses and 35 houses were county’s economic development di- backflow on the Meramec and Big flooded. Crystal City lost its water rector, Patrick Lamping, reported that Rivers. On Monday, August 2, it treatment plant, its post office, the 350 businesses in the county had been looked as if the worst was over. main intersection in town was forced to close, sewers had collapsed Kimmswick Mayor Martha Patterson flooded, and 30 families were forced or were backed up, 3,000 workers could boast, “We’ve fought it, and from their homes. In tiny Kimmswick were involuntarily idle, $800,000 in we’re winning.”5 the threat of flooding, at one point, wages had been lost, and retail sales caused the entire population to had declined by $2.5 million. During the next week, the evacuate. threat of flooding seemed to be Bill Koehrer, the county’s passed. The cities and hamlets of In Herculaneum, flood waters director of public works reported that Jefferson County began to clean up. covered the town’s main intersection, 14 roads in the county were In Crystal City and Festus, city caused the evacuation of two trailer underwater, and an official from officials called for volunteers to courts, and forced The Doe Run lead Union Electric reported that 400 remove the sandbags, and Rick smelter, the towns largest employer, people were without power. Jefferson Turley, City Administrator for Fes- to shut down. At Kimmswick and County Presiding Commissioner, Eliz- tus, invited other municipalities to Herculaneum, the Mississippi rose to abeth Faulkenberry noted that by July bring their discarded sandbags to 45 feet which was six feet higher than 20, the county had spent “$975,000 Festus. The sand could be used to its record crest in 1973; this water on flood prevention and emergency build an extension onto the runways forced hundreds from their houses services.”3 at the Festus Municipal Airport. and flooded the downtown areas of both towns.2 By the evening of July 31, Herculaneum officials county officials told levee builders cleaned up refuse from the flood off The unincorporated parts of and residents to stop working and to their streets, and Elizabeth Faulken- Jefferson County were also flooded. evacuate. With river crests predicted berry and the other Jefferson County

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904522bp 08-46.p65 38 3/21/00, 2:30 PM Commissioners contracted with Mer- half of the 65 buildings in the Arnold bill through Congress. Encouraged by amec Hauling to collect and haul floodplain had been bought out since the possibility of the bill’s passage, away debris throughout the county.6 the US government first initiated a Jefferson County, Festus, and Crystal buyout program in 1980. The cleared City began surveys of flood-damaged These clean up efforts also land totaled 400 acres and had been property within their boundaries in caused county and municipal officials turned into a greenway made up of anticipation of the bill’s passage into in Jefferson County to think about wildlife and recreation areas. Eric law. When President Clinton did sign prevention. In fact, as early as the Knoll, Arnold City Administrator, the bill on December 2, people in Hillsboro conference on July 18, saw the flood of ‘93 as an opportunity Jefferson County were ready to Elizabeth Faulkenberry, had broached to continue the buyout policy that he participate.11 the topic of a possible buyout of felt would eliminate the flood houses, along the Meramec and problem for Arnold completely. He In Festus, Rick Turley had Mississippi Rivers, as a means of had plans to remove more than 200 compiled a list of 25 possible buyout minimizing future flood damage.7 houses and mobile home pads from properties as early as November 5. It the floodplain.9 included houses in the vicinity of The buyout idea quickly South 4th Street and South Adams became a “hot” topic throughout the With this endorsement, other and estimated the city would need county. On September 10, at the Festus Jefferson County officials and resi- $894,000 to buy the homes and City Hall, county officials as well as dents were bound to be interested. At $100,000 to tear them down.12 officials from Crystal City and Festus first, FEMA officials gave little held a meeting with SEMA officials to encouragement. In an interview with Jefferson County also had discuss various kinds of relief. A the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Stephen identified 554 structures in unincor- buyout was at the top of the list. Harrel, a FEMA official from Kansas porated areas of the county that might Commissioner Faulkenberry and Fes- City explained. . . [that a] “buyout be buyout candidates. Tabulation of tus City Administrator Rick Turley will come slowly.” . . . [He was] “con- the positive responses to a question- were both interested. SEMA officials cerned that a whole lot of people are naire sent to the owners of these explained that the buyout option was getting their hopes up for something properties revealed that 106 property available only to flood victims, and that may not materialize.” owners of 266 of the structures might that, while the buyout program would be interested. The questionnaire also pay the pre-flood value of a home, the Harrel did, however, correct revealed that only 22 of those 106 county or municipality would have to the false impression that only home- owners had flood insurance. Many of secure a 25% match. owners with flood insurance could the structures, the documents re- apply for the program. He clarified vealed, had been repeatedly damaged After the meeting, Turley that it was possible for uninsured over the last decade by flooding. told reporters that perhaps Festus homeowners to participate too. He could seek a community development also cited Arnold as “the region’s The specific sites included block grant to pay its share, but “it buyout expert,” because it had gotten mobile homes at Covered Bridge was unclear if a town could use that “federal aid for three floodplain Mobile Home Park in the northeast for its share.” Mayor Clifford Bins of buyouts in the last decade.” Of corner of the county; 41 houses and Crystal City said that he would not course, when the Post interviewed lots in the River Bend Subdivision seek a buyout, although 30 to 40 Harrel on September 20, he was near the Big River; trailer homes at individual homeowners in Crystal speaking of the flood buyout program the Blue Bell Mobile Home Park off City had asked for one.8 that was already in place. Representa- Old Highway 141; and 19 other tive Harold Volkmer’s bill had not yet properties scattered throughout the Following that meeting, the been introduced to Congress.10 county. The estimated cost of the concept of a buyout attracted more buyout was $3.5 million. attention. Citizens of Arnold encour- Even in the wake of this aged the idea. Arnold, the largest discouraging announcement, the buy- Although Crystal City’s May- town in Jefferson County had been out idea continued to grow, especially or, Clifford Bins, had earlier indicat- actively interested in the buyout when newspapers began to carry ed his town would not participate, option for over a decade. Over one- accounts of the progress of Volkmer’s some residents had been insistent,

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904522bp 08-46.p65 39 3/21/00, 2:30 PM and 17 of them had persuaded the city tee on December 29, 1993.15 Once submitted requests for community government to investigate the buyout that committee heard a presentation, development block grants to add to option and to put their names on a list it either rejected an application, or this buyout money. Some community as interested candidates. Their 17 recommended it to the Governor. The development block grant funds could houses were valued at $343,000. Governor then made the request to be used for buyouts, and some could Crystal City’s City Clerk, Debbie FEMA. be used to pay for administrative Johns, felt that “this was an costs, demolition, and moving ex- opportunity for them [the owners] to By March 5, all applicants penses of buyout participants.16 have a base to purchase a house had received positive answers from somewhere else.”13 FEMA. Jefferson County received A reminder of what the $3.5 million. The grant allowed buyout program was supposed to One reason for the generally Jefferson County to begin negotia- prevent came in April, 1994, when positive response to a buyout was the tions on 91 flood damaged houses as three days of heavy rain dropped ten attitude many Jefferson County well as Covered Bridge Mobile Home inches of rain over the Big River and residents had towards SEMA and Park and Blue Bell Mobile Home Meramec River basins. The threat of FEMA, the two agencies they knew Park. flooding returned to some areas in would administer any buyout pro- Jefferson County. Along the Big gram. In the ‘93 flood both agencies Elizabeth Faulkenberry told River, the tiny settlements of Cedar had collectively been responsible for the Post that the money would “help a Hill and Morse Mill experienced the finding most of the relief dollars to lot of people and will prevent waters rising so suddenly that help flood victims. residents had to be evacuat- ed by helicopter or boat. For instance, Stephen and Donna Roberts, whose At Arnold, floodwa- mobile home was in Fenton ters rose to within three feet (part of the town is in of the crest in 1993, and Jefferson County), praised several residents who had FEMA for helping them with resisted the idea of a buyout emergency money to repair said they would reconsider. their mobile home and help Jerry Dunn, who spent April them with rental of a new 10 and 11 sandbagging his mobile home pad. “They house near the Starling [FEMA] came down to Mc- Airport Road, told Tim Donald’s in Arnold and the O’Neil of the Post Dispatch place was full of families. But that he had moved back to in 10 minutes we gave them Red Cross volunteers deliver meals his house after the flood of all the information they to victims and emergency workers. ‘93 “because he never could needed and [we] were on our get much information about way.”14 FEMA’s word of mouth properties from being flooded again federal buyouts.” He said, “[he’d] reputation had already gone a long in future years with the government study it harder this time.”17 way towards legitimatizing the buy- paying for repairs.” Arnold, Festus, out process. People in the area had and Crystal City submitted requests, Soon after the flooding in every reason to expect a similar level and these towns received positive April, Jefferson County and its of help from the two agencies during a news also. municipalities began the mechanics buyout effort. of the buyout process. Festus, Crystal Arnold received $4.1 million City, and Jefferson County all hired With a head start, Jefferson to buy 89 homes as well as several appraisers to assess the pre-flood County, including Festus and Crystal trailer courts. Crystal City received value of houses. City, sent its municipal officials to $232,800 to buy 17 homes, and Festus Jefferson City to meet with Governor received $288,000 to buy 15. These In Festus, under the National Carnahan’s Buyout Review Commit- three cities and Jefferson County Historic Preservation Act of 1966,

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904522bp 08-46.p65 40 3/21/00, 2:31 PM some houses were old enough to buyout, the state approved funds for also been victimized by floods in make a historical study mandatory, 89. Later, funds were available for an 1995, Governor Carnahan announced and the city had to hire historians additional 41 houses whose owners he would try to find additional funds from the State Historic Preservation had expressed interest in the program to accommodate any homeowner Office to make analyses. After these in June 1994. By May 28, 1995, who had missed an opportunity to try preliminaries, the city officials gave Jefferson County had closed on 75 the buyout in 1993.22 True to his each homeowner a price value and houses and was negotiating with 11 word, the Governor found additional time to evaluate.18 more homeowners.20 money. For Jefferson County, that meant an additional $900,000.23 In Crystal City, the city As Jefferson County was administration followed the same negotiating for these houses, another By February 1997, Jefferson procedure. Fourteen of the original 17 bout of heavy rain had caused County had finished its buyout applicants accepted the governments flooding of the Meramec and Big program. It had acquired 131 proper- offer. In Festus, all applicants had Rivers. Many of the people whose ties along with a total of 118 pads at accepted the offer.19 homes were threatened had decided two mobile home parks and one large to take the buyout offer and were apartment complex.24 The cost of Jefferson County also fol- already gone, but the onslaught these purchases had been $3,122,758, lowed the same procedure, but frightened some additional people ranking Jefferson County third in because of the large numbers of into exploring the buyout program.21 buyout funds expended after St. applicants, the process took longer. Charles County ($14,617,424) and St. Of the 106 homeowners who had To help these individuals and Louis County ($ 5,502,746).25 originally expressed an interest in a others throughout the state who had

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904522bp 08-46.p65 41 3/21/00, 2:31 PM Lincoln County and Winfield

incoln County lies just north of were covered. Sandbaggers, joined calling county surveyor Bill Shea to St. CharlesCounty and has a 25 by National Guard troops of the ask for details.6 Lmile border with the Missis- 3175th MPs (Warrenton), fell back to sippi. The floodplain along the great the Pin Oak Levee and began to try to Other Lincoln County resi- river is a rich agricultural area with a stop the water. But on July 10 this dents were calling The Boonslick few small towns scattered among its levee gave way, flooding more Regional Planning Commission, fields. Winfield with 592 citizens in farmland and forcing another 100 where Andrew Riganti placed their 1993, was the largest of these towns, people to evacuate Winfield. North of names on a list and forwarded it to the but Old Monroe, Silex, and Foley Winfield, flood waters covered al- State Emergency Management formed satellite communities. most all of Foley and Silex, forcing all Agency. By November 30, Riganti of its residents to leave. South of had a list of 83 people who had Each of these farming commu- Winfield, Old Monroe’s levee held, expressed interest. nities had experienced frequent flood- but residents prepared to leave.2 ing. The last big one before 1993 had At this time much of the been in 1973, when the Pin Oak Levee From then on, levee after information that people were getting some three miles east of Winfield had levee collapsed, 1100 homes suffered was confusing. Newspaper accounts been overtopped and hundreds of flood damage (200 in Winfield), show that the information was a local farms flooded. Still, the resi- 2,700 parcels of farmland went combination of what Representative dents were confident that this time the under—representing 30% of the farm Volkmer proposed in his as yet un- seven large levees maintained by the land in Lincoln County, with an passed bill, and what the original Corps of Engineers along the rivers appraised value of $29,304,310—and buyout bill stipulated that had been edge would hold. most of the county’s roads were passed back in 1980.7 covered.3 Sandbaggers did manage to On June 30, however, excep- save part of Winfield by building a Finally, once President tionally heavy rains began accompa- levee along the top of Highway 79, Clinton signed the bill on December nied by high winds that blew the roofs and in Elsberry, 12 miles north, 2, Congressman Volkmer scheduled off some trailers in Winfield. The workers saved the town by using a meeting for officials from all over river level steadily rose because after cranes to lift and place concrete the state on December 10 on the weeks of rain the ground could absorb highway dividers for a makeshift Columbia Campus of the University no more. By July 1, when weather levee atop the Burlington Northern of Missouri, to discuss details. At this forecasters predicted a 36.3 foot crest, Railroad embankment.4 meeting people learned that the old just 6 tenths of a foot below the federal/state cost share of 50/50 had breakthrough crest of 1973, nervous Residents moved into trailers been changed to 75/25, and that the county residents gathered to reinforce supplied by FEMA and into shelters 25% could be financed with money local levees.1 maintained by the Red Cross, and from a variety of sources including waited for the waters to go down.5 community development block Their efforts were no match grants. for the force of the water. During the On August 11, 1993, the Troy night of July 3rd, part of the levee Free Press carried a story about The same meeting also laid located 1.5 miles from Mississippi Representative Harold Volkmer’s down rules about the voluntary nature Lock and Dam 25 gave way. By “Relocation” bill. That bill would of the bill, outlined the process of Sunday morning, floodwater had cut eventually help 323 Lincoln County inspection and appraisal for each a 400 foot hole through the levee and and Winfield residents to relocate out property, and emphasized that any the eastern edge of Winfield was of the floodplain. The article gener- homeowner could appeal the ap- covered. At least 150 people fled their ated interest among flood victims, praised price and back out at any time homes, and 4,000 acres of farm land and within a week, residents were during negotiations. In addition, the

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904522bp 08-46.p65 42 3/21/00, 2:31 PM buyout would concentrate on homes money to repair the home, was the homes, at an average cost of $13,000 instead of businesses.8 price offered to the homeowner. The each.23 A month later that number had owner was free at that point to accept grown to 280, and the county had The county commissioners the offer, reject the offer, or appeal the received an award for its handling of selected the personnel at Boonslick offered price.12 the buyout program. The award was Regional Planning Commission, head- the gift of the Missouri Association of quartered in Warrenton, to organize SEMA approved funds for Counties and praised Lincoln not only and administer the buyout. Residents numerous buyouts in both Lincoln for the efficiency of the buyout process of Winfield, with a local government County and Winfield. Initially SEMA but also for its unique demolition separate from the county, had to file a had offered $3,479,360 to buy 243 process of the ruined homes.24 separate buyout application through homes in Lincoln County, and its city council. The council also $713,000 to buy 30 homes in The award winning demoli- selected Boonslick Regional Plan- Winfield.19 In October, 1994, Lincoln tion technique was the brain child of ning Commission to guide them County and Winfield received ap- Chuck Freidrichs, Lincoln County’s through the process.9 No matter who proval for each to spend an additional engineer and buyout coordinator. He administered the buyout procedure, $1 million if necessary to buy felt the usual demolition method the process was the same in both homes.20 which involved a bulldozer smashing Lincoln County and Winfield. a ruined home to rubble and carting In one original program, the ruined remains off to a landfill First, a survey had to ascer- encouraged by Boonslick Regional was wasteful. tain damage. In Lincoln County, a Planning Commission, Winfield of- survey in March, 1994, revealed that fered a new lot, well out of the Realizing that up to 80% of a 1,100 homes had sustained damage, floodplain, as an even exchange for home could be recycled, the materials and nearly 300 homes scattered the floodplain lot of any homeowner used to build new houses, he hired 30 throughout the eastern edge of the flooded out in ‘93. There were 75 lots people, most of them unemployed, to county had suffered more than 50% available.17 About 12 floodplain take each home apart and separate damage.10 An earlier inspection in victims took advantage of the offer.18 reusable items from the non-usable. Winfield revealed that about 100 Then the items were sold to people homes, mainly in the Winfield Acres By February 7, 1995, Lincoln who wanted to rebuild or repair a area, had suffered damages above County had completed 140 buyouts.21 home. Freidrichs told reporters from 50%.11 The first buyout took place on July the Post Dispatch that doors, ceiling 26, 1994, when Alice Reimers signed joists, bathtubs, vinyl siding, toilets, The initial survey was fol- her flood damaged home over to the sinks, attic insulation, plywood, two- lowed by a contact through the mail to county. She had lived there for 15 by-fours, and roof trusses were “hot owners whose property qualified for a years. She owned Alice’s Restaurant items.” “Everything has a value to buyout. The questionnaire asked on Highway 79, and the business, somebody,” he said. “Other places people whether they were interested spared by floodwaters, had been an burn and bury, or come in with a high in the program; it also asked them to unofficial meeting place for people lift and crush an entire house and put it supply financial information about participating in the buyout program. on a truck. It’s stupid. These are good the home. Owners had 30 days to She moved to a new home in the materials.” The program raised a half return the application. nearby Darla Home Subdivision in million dollars, paid the demolition Winfield. She told reporter Gregg costs, and managed to tear down 260 In the initial mailing, 243 Ochoa of the Lincoln County Journal houses.25 homeowners in the county and 50 after she received her check, “I’m homeowners in Winfield received happy. I could have ended up with By October 26, 1996, when questionnaires. Once returned, prop- nothing.” She also credited county buyout program ended, 323 houses erties were appraised and assigned a officials with how they had helped her had been sold to the county.26 In value based on the market value of the with the buyout process.22 Winfield, the program resulted in the house prior to the flood. This value, buyout and demolition of 37 homes minus any prior government pay- By November 7, 1995, Lin- that traditionally had been most at risk ments such as flood insurance or coln County had purchased 270 during floods.27

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904522bp 08-46.p65 43 3/21/00, 2:31 PM Unlike other areas, where the 1994, however, the threat came not increased.31 However, people do still effectiveness of the buyout could be from the Mississippi breaking through live in the floodplain. A recent measured during floods in 1994 and levees, but from the Cuivre River, investigation by the National Flood 1995, neither Lincoln County nor where heavy rains on April 12, 1994, Insurance Program, reveals that many Winfield suffered much. This time sent a sudden flash flood through the who have rebuilt have done so either when the flood waters came, the town causing the evacuation of most without securing a valid permit that levees that the Corps of Engineers had town residents.29 In 1995, Silex requires homes there be elevated one repaired, held and there was little escaped serious flood damage as did foot above the 100 year flood mark, or damage to homes in Lincoln County most of Lincoln County and have elevated their homes using or Winfield.26 Winfield.30 shoddy and inadequate building materials and methods. In January, The only exception was in Since the flood of ‘93, 1996, high winds actually twisted one Silex, a small unincorporated town Lincoln County has prospered. The such home off its foundations and near Winfield that had escaped population has grown, and the broke it in half.32 serious damage in the ‘93 flood. In assessed valuation of property has

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904522bp 08-46.p65 44 3/21/00, 2:31 PM Neosho, Missouri

eosho, Missouri, located in City Council only to have it rejected that Neosho City officials were Newton County is in as “desirable but too expensive (in willing to pledge gathered from State Nextreme southwestern Mis- 1949 the projected cost of the project Disaster Relief Money and Commu- souri about 15 miles from the was $18,000—in 1986 the projected nity Development Block Grant money, Oklahoma border. Because Neosho is cost of essentially the same plan was gave the city the funds needed to more than 150 miles south of the $13.5 million).1 begin the project.5 Missouri River and nearly 300 miles from the Mississippi River, flooding The most expensive part of When the floods came again would not seem to be a problem for the plan was purchasing 52 residential May 1995, most of the residents in this community. Yet, Neosho lies at properties, with a present day average harm’s way had moved out. This the bottom of the watershed for fair market value of $26,388.29 each.2 saved hundreds of thousands of Hickory Creek, and a branch of These properties had to be destroyed in dollars in emergency relief payments. Hickory Creek, known locally as order to make way for the waterway. High School Branch. Being at the Unfortunately, the price tag had The buyout prior to 1995 bottom of this combined watershed always seemed out of the reach for saved the taxpayers money in area has brought flooding to Neosho Neosho; the community simply did not emergency relief, but it also rein- 15 times since 1979. As the city grew, have an adequate tax base. The forced the wisdom of the Buyout the problem increased, and by the solution was obvious, but there was no program. The citizens of Neosho now 1990s, the periodic floods were way to fund it.3 hoped to end the flood threat to their causing an annual average damage to city, permanently. After the 1995 the city of $855,000 a year. The Then came the flood of ‘93, floods, 26 additional property owners annual average damage to homes, and soon after the announcement of living on the margins of the flood businesses and public buildings was Missouri’s State Emergency Man- plain area also wanted to take $760,000 and $95,000 was the annual agement Agency (SEMA) of the advantage of the Buyout option, but average damage to roads and bridges. Flood Buyout Program. Jim Cole, there was not enough buyout money City Manager of Neosho, saw an to purchase their homes. To meet Faced with this reoccurring opportunity since Newton County this additional need, the citizens of problem, the City of Neosho, in had been declared a disaster area. Neosho passed a 3/8th cents sales conjunction with the U.S. Depart- Cole reasoned that Neosho might be tax on themselves by a 75% margin ment of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natu- eligible for money because of its long to continue the buyout program on ral Resources Conservation Services standing problems with periodic their own. (NRCS), conducted a series of studies flooding. He contacted Buck Katt, between 1949 and 1989 that resulted Assistant Director of Missouri’s The new tax continues to in a suggested solution known as the SEMA, to inquire about the possibil- produce over $600,000 annually.6 It Neosho Watershed Plan. It involved ity of Neosho being eligible for help is money divided into three parts: a building two dams, 11 retention with its waterway project. When he third goes to park development, a ponds, and a concrete waterway 45 learned that the answer was yes, third to city recreation programs, and feet wide and 8 feet deep running Neosho could qualify, he presented a third to pay for continued develop- from south to north through the the idea to the City Council during its ment of the Floodplain Waterway northern part of Neosho called regular February meeting. After more Project. With this money serving as a Wheeler’s Addition. Designers envi- meetings, the community eventually base, Neosho adds an additional sioned the waterways directing the approved the plan, and 100% of the $120,000, raised by an already runoff, which usually became people living in the path of the existing transportation tax, to pay off Neosho’s floodwater, through the city periodic floods accepted a buyout of a $1.5 million bond issue financed by to Hickory Creek north and east of the their properties.4 Subsequently, the local Nation’s Bank that will pay town. Several times throughout the SEMA awarded Neosho a $1.4 for the purchases of more properties years, the various members of the city million grant. This money, plus a and complete construction of the government submitted the plan to the grant from the NRCS, and $400,000 Flood Plan Waterway.7

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904522bp 08-46.p65 45 3/21/00, 2:31 PM The Neosho Flood Plain Waterway is an example of how a local community was able to turn the tragedy of the 1993 and 1995 floods into a positive and successful community solution.

Planned recreational facilities include a community soccer field, baseball diamonds, hik- Jim Cole’s realization that ing and fitness trails, and a the Flood Buyout Program handicapped fishing area.The could help his town, and his fishing area, when complete, skill at presenting it to his will include a level concrete fellow citizens, so impressed slab, with a guard rail that will Jerry B. Uhlmann, Director of allow individuals in wheel- Missouri’s SEMA, that in chairs to safely fish from the November 1998, he nomi- banks of Hickory Creek.8 nated Jim Cole for FEMA’s Outstanding Public Sector Employee.9

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904522bp 08-46.p65 46 3/21/00, 2:32 PM Pattonsburg

hile the concerns of most however, the river rose again and once Planning Commission, David War- Missourians were fixed on more flowed through town with a crest ford, Pattonsburg’s mayor, and State W the Mississippi and Mis- 16 inches higher than on July 6 and 7.3 Representative Phil Tate. souri Rivers, Pattonsburg in the north- Most residents assumed the worst was western corner of Missouri was over and had already begun to clean Ms. Stottlemeyer had the idea to approach Missouri’s SEMA with the idea of moving the town away from the floodplain using money from the FEMA and HUD’s Community Development Block Grant program. The citizens learned that the program was voluntary, that the planned loca- tion would need 90% resident approv- al, and would take two to five years to complete.5 Furthermore, if the citi- zens made the decision to relocate the town, there was federal money available to build new sewers, streets, and utilities.

Representative Tate and Mayor David Warford were positive about the proposal. Representative Old Pattsonburg became the setting for a civil war film, Tate told the audience that “a “Ride with the Devil.” relocation would not close the book on Pattonsburg, but it might open a threatened by the rising waters of the up when the second flood hit. This whole new chapter.”6 Grand River. Originally settled a mile second flood was the worst in living and a half north of its position in 1993, memory. Gene Walker, the local A survey of all the town’s in 1871 the town moved south to the superintendent of schools lived in a citizens found that 92% approved of banks of the Grand River to be close to house that had not flooded since 1875. the idea.7 The townspeople drew up a the railroad.1 Unfortunately, that He described the floodwaters in the proposal, submitted it to SEMA, and prosperity never came, chiefly be- following way: “The mud sticks to after approval by FEMA, the first cause of constant floods that have everything, the smell sticks to homeowner received a check on inundated the town 33 times in the last everything....It’s not just water, it’s September 21, 1995.8 Most of the 100 years. Still, it was home to 512 floodwater. It’s slick, slimy and you people moved into contemporary people. The town was centered around have no idea what’s in it.”4 houses or mobile homes, but 14 of the a three block main street. Its economy houses, whose owners, for a variety of depended upon soybeans and corn.2 The history of repeated flood- reasons, did not want to part with their That fragile economy was ruined in ing, and the dreaded job of cleaning up homes, were moved to the new site. July 1993, when the Grand River twice in two weeks, convinced many overflowed its banks, broke through people in Pattonsburg that it was time The average cost for moving two levees, and flooded the town with for a change. On November 3, about a house was $20,000, not including three feet of water. This first flood 200 Pattonsburg residents met in the the cost of building a new founda- lasted only two days, July 6 and 7, school cafeteria with Denise Stottle- tion, basement, and hook up of before the waters receded. On July 23, meyer of the Green Hills Regional utilities.9 The new site lay two miles

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904522bp 47-87.p65 47 3/21/00, 2:33 PM closer to Interstate 35, a location that automobile repair shop. His business is three insulated domes designed to cut the townspeople hoped would attract “about the same as before.” down on heating and cooling costs, is new businesses. also part of new Pattonsburg. Down In the end, acquisition and in the old site of Pattonsburg there are The move was not accom- relocation cost $ 3,851,920, most of eight families who choose living plished without problems and com- which was spent on acquiring 235 amid about 40 derelict houses plaints however. The move was damaged properties.12 Part of that waiting to be destroyed,15 and some stressful, chiefly because of the sum came from an unlikely source, of the land has been leased to a local confusion of government paperwork, proceeds from the sale of houses and farmer who now grows soybeans and and there were times, in the words of their contents. Ten houses were corn on the floodplain.16 Whatever the present Mayor Mark Smith, when, auctioned off to non residents of happens, the harmful cycle of flood “. . . this thing could have died ... if Pattonsburg who then moved the and rebuilding has ended, and it people hadn’t been hardheaded and house away. This money was added seems a new era in Pattonsburg has persistent.”10 to the funds available for buying other begun. homes or for moving houses to the The move was especially hard new site of Pattonsburg.13 The new There is a final chapter in the on Pattonsburg senior citizens that Pattonsburg sits on 600 acres with history of old Pattonsburg. During made up 75% of the town’s population. 100 new houses plus 24 houses the summer of 1998, a Hollywood At a time of their lives when order and moved from the old location. One film crew used the abandoned stability are reassuring, the flood and hundred vacant lots optimistically buildings as a movie set in filming the process of recovery threw their await new arrivals, and there is room “Ride With The Devil,” a dramatic lives into disorder. They also resented for optimism in Pattonsburg. New recreation of William Quantrill’s the fact that they lost money on the businesses have moved in on the new infamous raid on Lawrence, Kansas, move, especially those who were main street including a convenience in the midst of the Civil War. The living in homes that were paid for. Yet, store, four craft shops, an office filming offered a chance for Pattons- all in all, they, along with most of supply store, a bank, and a bakery. burg’s citizens to gain something Pattonsburg’s citizens, later felt that Nearby is a new filling station.14 from this flood disaster, when many moving the town was a better idea than were hired as extras in the film or keeping it where it was — according to A new elementary school, temporary workers to perform the Mayor Smith who now has a new built in a unique style that includes many jobs of a movie set.17

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904522bp 47-87.p65 48 3/21/00, 2:33 PM Perry County

erry County lies along the Yet the damage was still consider- fact that water stood for a month on Mississippi River south of able, and the State Emergency Board the flood site, so severely damaged PSte. Genevieve. It is a rich for Perry County estimated the loss in the structures that nearly all were agricultural area producing corn, sorghum, wheat, soybeans, and corn damaged beyond the 50% level.4 soybeans, and wheat. Much of this at $13 million.2 agricultural wealth consists of an area Faced with this dilemma, northeast of Perryville, the county The land behind the Bois Representative Volkmer’s legislation seat, called The Bottoms. The Brule Levee was much too rich an – proposed in October, 1993, and Bottoms totals 26,000 acres of mostly agricultural area to abandon, and the signed into law on December 2nd – crop land, farm steads, and five small levee there had protected the farm proved a godsend. It gave the unincorporated settlements; Menfro, land – with this single exception – residents of The Bottoms a way out. Clayville, Belgigue, McBride, and since it was built in 1947. Almost On January 25, 1994, Presiding Sereno. The huge 50-foot high Bois immediately Perry County received County Commissioner Karl Klaus, Brule Levee, protects The Bottoms assurances that the levee would be and Kathy Mangels of the Southeast area from periodic flooding of the rebuilt, and by October 26, the county Missouri Regional Planning Com- Mississippi River. This massive levee had the specific promise of $7 million mission, went to Jefferson City to had successfully held back the river in federal money for rebuilding.3 Yet submit a request for $1,644,065 for years, but the flood of ‘93 was while this assured the land would be which would buy out 54 homes and larger than any previous flood, and on saved for farming, the sudden and businesses in The Bottoms. Klaus and the night of July 25, 1993, the unexpected rupture of the levee Mangels submitted this request to the southern end of the Bois Brule Levee convinced most residents that The Review and Hazard Mitigation Com- broke. Bottoms was too dangerous an area in mittee that Governor Carnahan had which to live. Fortunately, a week appointed to oversee the program.5 Witnesses reported that the before the levee break, 54 families, The proposal included requests for initial break was 300 to 400 feet wide, living closest to the levee itself, money to buy 39 flood damaged but the water rushed in like a “tidal evacuated their homes for higher residences, 14 agricultural tracts, and wave” according to one witness. The ground, but everyone realized that four businesses.6 water came so suddenly that Harold next time the loss of life was a Smith, an employee of the U.S. Army possibility. The request was initially Corps of Engineers was swept off the denied because the buyout program top of the levee in his truck and Yet, residents of The Bot- was specifically designed to buy washed a mile downstream.1 Smith toms were faced with a dilemma. residences. However, when the South- was able to escape the onslaught, but They had nowhere else to live, and east Missouri Regional Planning the breech in the levee soon widened most lacked the resources to move Commission resubmitted the pro- to 1,200 feet, and within a few hours, away. However, local ordinances posal, omitting the businesses, the 90 homes and businesses were passed in 1986, made it financially Review and Hazard Mitigation Com- flooded and settlements like McBride difficult to move back. Perry County, mittee approved it, and on February were covered with 10 feet of water. like many other counties in Missouri, 14, 1994, Governor Carnahan ap- had passed an ordinance mandating proved $578,303 to buy 40 homes in Workers rushed onto the that no repairs to a flood damaged The Bottoms.7 A month later, on central and northern part of the levee home could be made if the cost of March 9, Perry County received an to strengthen it with rock, fearing that repairs was higher than 50% of the additional $296,352 in the form of a if more of the structure collapsed, assessed fair market value of the community development block grant.8 water might reach all the way to home. The excessive force of the Yet, the county could not begin the Perryville. They were successful in water breaking through the levee on buyout program until the Missouri saving what remained of the levee. the night of July 25, followed by the Department of Economic Develop-

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904522bp 47-87.p65 49 3/21/00, 2:33 PM ment approved a community devel- that homeowners could back out of May, 1995, the Mississippi River opment block grant of $144,000 the program right up to the actual once more reached flood stage in which would allow the county to meet receipt of a check.9 Perry County, but this time the Bois the local matching funds requirement Brule Levee, which the Corps of for the federal buyout program. When Because some residents Engineers had rebuilt in 1994, held that approval came and the money chose to back out at the last minute, back the water. None of the sites that became available in early December, the county did not have to spend all had flooded in 1993 flooded again.11 Perry County officials closed on the the money that the government had Still, nothing is more certain in first property buyout on January 10, given it, and in 1996, the SEMA was Missouri than the eventuality of 1995. able to “de-obligate” $40,000 from future flooding, and the cost of the the program and reallocate it to other buyout program of 1993 will un- Although the county origi- buyout projects.10 doubtedly prevent major outlays of nally planned to buy 40 residences, flood relief money to disaster victims eight homeowners backed out of the The county completed demo- in the future. SEMA estimates that the buyout because they felt the buyout lition of 32 homes by August 6, 1996, cost-benefit ratio for Perry County is price was too low. This “change of and in most cases leased the land 2.14, meaning that within the next 15 heart” was entirely in keeping with back to the original owners as years Missouri will save $2.14 for the basic philosophy of the buyout agricultural land since most home every dollar spent in the 1993 buyout program that mandated the program sites were contiguous with farm land program.12 be voluntary and flexible enough so that the homeowners still owned. In

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904522bp 47-87.p65 50 3/21/00, 2:33 PM A view of the former Rhineland village site after Rhineland now sits on a hill overlooking the the buyout. Missouri River. Rhineland

hineland, Missouri, a small settled Rhineland in 1853. Their new crisis with cooperative effort and grim town on the Missouri home in Missouri reminded them of cheerfulness. Cindy Engemann, whose R River in Montgomery Coun- their homeland along the Rhine River husband Gary owned the Rhineland ty, was a relocation site that captured in western Germany. Grain Elevator, told a reporter that she world wide attention. ABC, NBC, referred to the flood waters as and CBS, as well as television Since its foundation in 1853, Alternate 94, and that instead of going stations from Japan and France, sent Rhineland had experienced flooding, “over the hill and through the woods,” camera crews to record the dramatic especially in 1951 and 1986, but it was “over the hill and through the event of the whole town being pulled never to the degree of the ‘93 flood.3 pasture.” One picture that got nation- by tractors, house by house, to a new In 1993, along the Missouri River wide exposure showed three Rhine- location on top of a hill above the between Rhineland and Hermann landers in a boat rescuing a two-week floodplain.1 between January and June, a total of old fawn from atop the broken 27.11 inches of rain fell. That Rhineland Levee.7 Rhineland residents were the compared with only 13.08 inches in first flood victims in Missouri or that same area for 1992.4 People in However, the intensity of the Illinois to make the decision to move Rhineland kept less formal, but flood this time convinced some people their entire town and its dozens of equally revealing records. In 1986, it was time for a permanent change. In historically significant buildings out five feet of water stood in the People’s the midst of their crisis, the people of of the floodplain to a place of Savings Bank of Rhineland. In 1993, Rhineland heard rumors about a new permanent safety. Once Rhineland however, the flood waters in the same program. On October 24, Harold initiated the idea, Pattonsburg in bank rose as high as the top of a six Volkmer, the area’s Congressional northeast Missouri and Valmeyer, foot coat rack.5 By Wednesday, July Representative, held a meeting in Illinois, also decided to abandon their 7, the town was underwater with 80% Hermann and revealed details of a new flood prone sites and move to higher of the houses and business flooded.6 bill he was soon to introduce in the ground.2 Historically Rhineland was Between that date and the end of House of Representatives. As Volk- part of a group of towns near the September, Rhineland would experi- mer explained, his bill would change Missouri River including Hermann, ence four record crests and was totally current legislation regarding federal Dutzow, Augusta, Holstein, and cut off from dry land except for one relocation and buyout programs ad- Marthasville that German immigrants emergency route that cut through a ministered through FEMA, by increas- chose to settle in the mid-nineteenth field. ing the amount of money available for century. Topographically it reminded such programs. The plan seemed them of their homeland. That was As they had in previous promising, and the magnitude of the certainly true of the Germans who floods, the Rhinelanders greeted this crisis seemed to indicate, according to

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904522bp 47-87.p65 51 3/21/00, 2:33 PM Volkmer, that Congress wanted to do new infrastructure. The citizens antic- received a community development something significant to help victims. ipated that Volkmer’s bill would pass, block grant of $357,000 to build a new He promised to put the bill on the fast and the money it generated could be sewage treatment plant. Since none of track.8 He was as good as his word. used for a government buyout of their that money had been spent, it would be The Bill moved quickly through the old homes. an easy matter to use it to build a House Water Resources and Environ- sewage treatment plant compatible ment Subcommittee on October 27, At the Firehouse meeting, with the new town site.10 and was passed 19 days later as the State Representative Charles Nor- Flood Damage Reduction Bill (HB wald of Warrenton, whose district In one week the idea of a 3445). From there it went to the Senate included Rhineland, spoke in favor of relocation had the support of a that passed the bill majority of Rhine- a week later, and land’s citizens. on December 2, Mayor Elsenraat President Clinton was quoted in the signed it into law.9 November 16 is- sue of the Her- However, mann Advertiser- the Rhinelanders Courier “that 40 had not waited out of 50 home- passively as the owners had indi- bill progressed cated that they rapidly through were ready to re- Congress. Mayor locate on high Ervin Elsenraat ground either by and the Rhineland building a new City Council had house or moving utilized the re- an existing one sources of the on... higher Boonslick Re- Houses being moved from old Rhineland to the town’s new location. ground.” Less gional Planning than a month lat- Commission, and er, on December its Director Steve Etcher, to apply for a the plan and felt it would be the kind 9, Governor Carnahan announced that community development block grant of innovative solution that other Rhineland would get a block grant of from Missouri’s Department of Eco- towns would emulate. He also $999,500, to implement part of the nomic Development. On November 4, realistically reminded people that the move. Concurrent with this announce- during a 2 ½ hour meeting in the move would not be cheap. It would ment, Mayor Elsenraat reported that Rhineland Firehouse, Rhineland’s cost the residents money. “It might five more homeowners had agreed to citizens discussed the proposed move, cost them $10,000 to move up the the move.11 based on the block grant application as hill,” but if they didn’t take advantage well as the anticipated money from of the idea, “the next flood will cost On January 10, 1994, Eisen- Volkmer’s proposed bill. them $10,000.” raat announced details of the move. The town would hold a lottery to The Rhinelanders decided to The town’s mayor, Ervin decide the awarding of lots in the new relocate the town by moving to a new Elsenraat, felt the program would keep city site. Three types of residential 40 acre site on top of a hill less than a Rhineland economically viable, keep areas would delineate the new site: quarter of a mile north of the site of Old the community intact, and would be a relocated homes, new constructions, Rhineland. Citizens would swap their “good investment of federal dollars” and modular or mobile homes. home site at the bottom of the hill for a because afterwards there would be no Residents would then draw lots that new one at the top. They could choose more money spent for flood insurance determined the order of selection for to move their old house or to build a or damage repair. He also reminded themselves within the type of lot they new one on a new site. The block grant residents of a bit of good luck. Just had occupied in the old town. would buy the new site and prepare the before the flood, Rhineland had Meanwhile the property owners would

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904522bp 47-87.p65 52 3/21/00, 2:34 PM deed their old lots to the city, that the first house moved slowly up the area. The 1995 water stayed above would in turn oversee that land turned Holzum Street towards the top of the flood level for 88 days.16 into open spaces for parks, recreation, hill. This street had been widened to wetlands, or agriculture.12 50 feet to accommodate the moving Once the residences were houses. Steve and Janet Wehrle’s moved, it was time to relocate the Then on May 24, Governor house was the first. commercial properties. Instead of Carnahan had more good news for moving existing buildings, however, Rhineland: FEMA had approved The move had the trappings the town’s businesses moved into home relocation money for the of a parade. In front of the tractor new commercial buildings north of project. With the $328,281 from trailer truck two kids carried a banner highway 94, at the bottom of the hill FEMA, homeowners in Rhineland that read “Up Up and Away.” Across adjacent to the residential area. could relocate their ruined homes and the front of the house was another look forward to the move up the hill. banner reading, “Expert House Mov- In addition, the two highways The FEMA grant was part of a ers Inc. 1-800-305-8938,” just in case leading into the new site were also package that went into the total anyone watching on TV needed raised above the 1993 flood level to project. There was $1.3 million from another house moved. Right behind insure that floodwater would never the Community Development Block the first house came another that Janet again cut off Rhineland.17 Grant program for infrastructure at Wehrle’s parents owned. Within a the new site and relocation, $343,000 week, five houses had made the trip. By July, 1996, the last from the Missouri Housing Develop- building had been moved, the sewers, ment Commission for down pay- Once the houses reached the electricity, water, and other infra- ments on new homes and repairs to top of the hill, they sat at their new structure items were in place, and old ones, and $585,000 from the sites supported on 25 foot pillars Rhineland celebrated in a day long state’s Economic Development Ad- while the house movers poured a event called “Rhineland Celebration ministration to build roads in and foundation underneath them. Only ‘96.” There was a barbecue, music, outside Rhineland. when that foundation was dried were and a parade with floats. The winning the houses lowered into place.14 float was “Noah’s Ark,” an appropri- Finally, the town voted a ate and clever reference to another $150,000 bond issue to help with In case anyone doubted the triumph over a flood.19 infrastructure improvements. On the wisdom of the move, the site of old purely commercial side, another Rhineland flooded again in May Today, the only remaining block grant directed $1,325,000 1995. This time the water was almost structures in Old Rhineland are a toward buyout of commercial proper- as high as in the ‘93 flood, but, of warehouse that was once the general ty, and the Small Business Adminis- course, everyone had moved and the store, and one inhabited dwelling that tration provided loans to town flood caused no harm to anyone.15 was raised above the flood level of the businesses to rebuild.13 The rising waters caused Hermann 1986 flood. There are plans to five miles east of Rhineland to cancel develop part of the area as a trail head For the next 15 months, the its 42nd annual Maifest, an event that for the KATY Trail bike path that town moved. On September 14, 1994, usually drew thousands of visitors to runs through the town.18

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904522bp 47-87.p65 53 3/21/00, 2:34 PM St. Charles County

t. Charles County is a county at only a 1 in a 100 chance of happening Des Sioux cutting the townspeople off risk anytime there is a flood in any one year in the area. As Gary from their jobs and schools, and the Salong the Missouri and Missis- Dyhouse, a hydrologist with the U. S. residents were completely dependent sippi Rivers in Missouri. The county Army Corps of Engineers, explains it: on the makeshift rafts of the 1438th lies at the confluence of the Missouri “When the year ends, the slate is Engineer Company for communica- River and the Mississippi River, and erased. We start all over again, at a 1 tion with “the mainland.”6 when these rivers rise, the eastern percent chance.”2 portion of St. Charles County can be Then, on July 16, bad things cut off entirely from the rest of the The 1 in a 100 chance came in got worse. St. Charles County’s major state. One of the county’s towns, 1993, and from late April to early levee, a 23 mile-long berm running Portage Des Sioux, largely escapes August there was a steady accelera- between St. Charles and West Alton periodic flooding. But the flood tion of one disaster after another. By along the north shore of the Missouri waters have made most of the town an April 28, rains had saturated the soil River, tore open, and most of the island so often that its residents refer along the Missouri and Mississippi county’s floodplain was underwater.7 to the rest of the state as “the Rivers so that the levels of both rivers On August 1, a levee running along mainland.” rose so high that Governor Carnahan Highway 94 failed and 400 previous- declared a state of emergency in St. ly-dry homes in the city of St. Charles During times of flooding, the Charles County. Then, on July 3, the were flooded. St. Charles County only means of travel in and out of Missouri River rose past flood stage became the most flood damaged Portage Des Sioux is courtesy of the at St. Charles, and 100 people in county in Missouri with a total of Missouri National Guard’s 1438th northern St. Charles County fled their 2,109 houses condemned throughout Engineer Company that brings a 90 homes. the whole county.8 foot section of a portable military bridge to town to use as a giant raft to Later that same day, a levee To add to the county-wide ferry people to their jobs in the rest of near the Mississippi River town of catastrophe, three tornadoes struck St. St. Charles and St. Louis counties.1 Winfield, Missouri, just north of St. Charles County. One came down in Charles County, broke and 100 the rural area of the county, but the Usually, however, an exten- families had to evacuate their homes other two hit St. Peters, and Portage sive system of levees protects the and find temporary shelter.3 Four Des Sioux, two county towns already towns of the county from most of the days later, the levee protecting West heavily damaged by floodwaters. smaller flooding events. A serious and Alton, situated on a narrow peninsula While the tornadoes did little direct disruptive major flood had occurred in between the two mighty rivers, broke damage, they generated winds that 1986 and caused extensive damage and forced county officials to order an whipped up the floodwaters and with the highest water on record along evacuation of the eastern part of the further damaged homes that water had the Missouri River. People may have county.4 Rising flood waters began to already damaged.9 felt they had nothing to fear for a lap against hastily constructed sand- century, and so the population of the bag barriers, around water pumping While St. Charles County had floodplain in St. Charles County began stations, and electrical substations, the dubious distinction of being to grow after World War II as people and on July 9, 7,000 St. Charles “first” in having sustained the most moved into inexpensive housing or County residents found themselves flood damage, it nevertheless has the mobile homes scattered over the “100 without electricity. more favorable distinction as the area year floodplain.” that was first in Missouri to seek ways Some of those without elec- to repair that damage. On November Unfortunately people misin- tricity were among the 7,000 resi- 23, in the St. Charles County Courts terpreted the phrase, not realizing that dents forced to evacuate later that Administration Building, the county the phrase is a statistical estimate day.5 On July 10, flood waters called a meeting of residents to signifying that a really large flood has covered Route H leading into Portage consider a buyout option.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 54 3/21/00, 2:34 PM The members of the St. solution was growing. The article by Governor Carnahan announced that he Charles City Council, which was the Robert L. Koenig, the Post Dispatch intended to use part of his time while administrative head of the city, knew correspondent in Washington D.C., attending the National Governors that the damage was extreme and announced Representative Volkmer’s Association Conference in Washington realized that the amount of money intention to present a buyout plan to to lobby for a large share of the new necessary for repair, relief, and Congress that would make a great buyout money for Missouri. During his prevention would be great. They deal of money available to floodplain visit, he lobbied Congress and Admin- decided from the onset to hire the homeowners. This money, the article istration officials for a total Community Program Development explained, eased restrictions on pre- of $340 million, that included $35 Corporation, an outside consulting vious buyout programs. It increased million to move 960 single family firm, to help them make application the federal share of buyout money residences out of areas that might for government money and to present from 50% to 75%, and allowed cities flood in coming years, $40 million programs to the in a special grant citizens. from the Com- munity Develop- The most ment Block Grant immediate con- Program, and $30 cern of the Com- million for the Fed- munity Develop- eral Hazard Miti- ment Corporation gation Program.11 was to test citizen reaction to buy- The Fed- ing out the flood eral Government ravaged mobile did not award all homes on a 58 of the money re- acre tract on North quested by Gov- River Road, Short ernor Carnahan, Street,Transit but by May, the Street, and North state had received Main Street. $156 million and The revenue was Volunteers performing sandbagging operations in St. Charles County. subsequently al- to come from located $13.2 mil- $3,525,000 in Community Develop- and counties applying for the money lion for property buyouts in St. ment Block Grant Program money to use community development block Charles County. Other money of that that the city had received following a grant money to pay their 25% share of $156 million total was designated to much less damaging flood the the money. pay for demolition of ruined homes, summer before. At that time few provide for replacement housing, residents seemed interested in a Koening reported that there purchase junk-yard sites that were buyout program. The catastrophe of was bipartisan support for the bill. polluting ground water, and repair the summer of ‘93, however, might Republican senators Tom Harkin of flood damaged roads and sewers. have changed residents minds to take Iowa and John C. Danforth of Some of the money came from the a second look at this option. The Missouri would help assure that the Earthquake Relief Bill signed on reaction of the people attending the bill would not get “bogged down in February 12. Although that bill program was positive, and Communi- Congress.” mainly supplied money to earthquake ty Planning Development began the victims in California, Congress had process of application.10 St. Charles County did not tacked on an amendment giving more waste time, and by November 30, money to flood victims in the Only a few days later, on Development Strategies, in association Midwest.13 November 28, an article in the News with Jerry King, had submitted an Section of the St. Louis Post application for $19 million in federal The actual buying of flood Dispatch, gave the residents of St. money to the county council for damaged homes began on June 1, Charles County some additional good approval. That approval came on 1994, when two St. Charles County news. The momentum for a buyout December 2, and on January 12, families, Ted and Linda House and

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904522bp 47-87.p65 55 3/21/00, 2:34 PM Roger and Jeanne Vaughn, received Missouri, mobile homes are classi- down payment on a new house only buyout checks. Neither the Houses fied as personal property just as two blocks away. Initially, she had nor the Vaughns would tell Ralph automobiles are. Because they are not resisted the buyout program. Like Dummit, the reporter for the St. Louis real estate they are ineligible for a many people, she was suspicious of Post Dispatch, the amount of their buyout with buyout money. The pad the government’s motives. She had checks; but official records show that on which the mobile home sits, worried that the buyout program was the average amount paid for homes in however, is eligible for buyout part of a government plan to buy land their subdivision was $16,100.14 money, but many mobile home cheap and build parking lots for the owners rented the pad, making them gambling boats that were a major In time, St. Charles County ineligible to receive buyout money tourist draw for St. Charles. However, would oversee the acquisition of 1,160 for their home. Jerry King admitted once St. Charles City Mayor, Grace parcels of land (not all had homes on that mobile home owners who rented Nichols, assured her that buyout land them), including 650 mobile home a pad were, “a big group [who] had could not be used for that kind of pads. In an interview with the St. slipped through the cracks.”17 development, she was willing to sell. Charles Post, reporter King said the buyout program was a “giant step A solution was possible for By the time Rosa Sims’ forward” towards reducing the popula- these people, however. Many mobile house had been bulldozed into rubble tion on the floodplain, which was a goal home owners had insured their on August 16, 12 more houses were of the federal government program. trailers as personal property in the scheduled for destruction and 50 Fewer people living on the floodplain same way that people insure a car. In other homeowners were waiting to would mean fewer people who would addition, the Federal Emergency find what kind of offer the govern- draw on the Federal Government’s Management Agency, through a ment would make on their homes. resources in future floods. separate program, could pay a flood Most of these homes were north of the victim up to $11,000 for damage to Highway 370 bridge on the east side In the same interview, King personal property.18 This program of North Main Street, an area next to admitted there were problems. The finally paid mobile home owners a the Ed Bales Memorial Park. The plan buyout program reduced the number total of $769,000.19 was for these sites to become an of inexpensive housing units in St. extension of that park.20 Charles County, thus creating a For mobile home owners, financial burden for previous resi- this was only a partial solution to the While derelict homes were dents. However, the county was problems the flood of ‘93 had caused. waiting their turn for the wreckers, trying to help by using part of a Like most victims, they realized that local arsonists turned to torching community block fund grant to build for the next few years they were going several of them. By mid-September, 100 single family homes out of the to be more financially burdened than 11 homes had been destroyed, and the floodplain in an area called Boscher they had been before the disaster. Yet St. Charles Fire Department decided Town and by applying for grants to most floodplain residents who took to burn down the remainder to prevent help build a new mobile home park advantage of the various offers the the possibility of future deliberate out of the floodplain.15 government made had to measure the fires spreading to nearby homes that stress and anxiety of continuing to were still inhabited. Firefighters Still other flood victims were live in a floodplain area and dealing began deliberately burning aban- having trouble affording homes repeatedly with future devastating doned houses on September 21, and outside the floodplain where houses floods against the one-time financial by the end of the month, they had cost an average of $30,000 to $65,000 stress and anxiety of moving out of destroyed 31 homes that were close more than houses had cost in the the threatened area with the help of enough to inhabited homes to be a floodplain. Again the government the government. potential risk.21 tried to help with relocation money, paid in addition to the cost of a By mid August 1994, St. While these permanent hous- victim’s home.16 Charles City had begun to demolish es were either torn down or burned buyout houses. The first home to go down, wreckers began destroying 120 An additional problem re- belonged to Rosa Sims who had lived mobile homes that the county had mained for some flood victims who there for 37 years. Ms. Sims had used purchased at the Princess Jodi and St. had lived in mobile homes. In the $21,000 in buyout money to put a Charles Mobile Home Parks along

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904522bp 47-87.p65 56 3/21/00, 2:34 PM Highway 94 north of the McDonnell cleared lots to neighboring home- that 95% of the 1,374 properties Douglas Plant. Before the flood, 200 owners. The buyout had not been acquired in the 1993 buyout program mobile homes had stood on 64 acres 100%. Some owners had determined would have flooded again in 1995. of land. Approximately 80 trailers to stay in spite of the threat of The differences in the dollar amounts had either been moved before flooding. Such people could lease spent to help flood victims in St. floodwaters destroyed the homes, or adjacent cleared home sites for one Charles County in 1993 versus 1995 if they had suffered marginal damage, dollar a year on condition that they are the most dramatic evidence of the had been sold to re-builders in promise to keep the lot in grass, or buyout programs success. In 1993, Arkansas. However, 120 ruined plant gardens. The lots ranged from Missouri and the Federal Govern- trailers remained, and once St. 7,000 square feet to three acres. ment spent $14,177,717 to help Charles County bought the trailer individual flood victims find disaster parks from their owners for $1.365 St. Charles County experi- housing and live during the flood million, these had to be cleared out. enced other benefits from the buyout crisis. In 1995, however, that total for program—a drastic reduction in the the same services in the same area Wreckers carefully removed damage suffered because of flooding was only $216,194.26 environmentally dangerous materials that occurred after 1993. In May, like asbestos floor tile, stripped each 1995, the county faced another flood The total cost to the taxpayers mobile home of recyclable metal and nearly as destructive as that of 1993. for buying out individual residences fixtures, and dug up, and then buried Floodwaters covered much the same in the St. Charles County floodplain the concrete from the pads and the area as two years before, but there was $14,617,424. The fact that the asphalt from the streets in each park. was little left to damage in the cost of helping floodplain victims in By the end of November both parks floodplain because over 900 families the 1993 flood alone was $439,707 were gone, and the land was waiting had taken buyout money in 1993 and less than that amount is dramatic for grass seed in the spring.22 lived elsewhere in 1995.25 proof that in future floods the buyout program will pay for itself many In November, St. Charles Steve Lauer, St. Charles times over. County offered to lease the newly County Planning Director, estimated

Community spirit was highly evident at many sandbagging operations. Volunteers came from all over Missouri and other states to help those who were threatened by flooding.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 57 3/21/00, 2:34 PM Ste. Genevieve

ince its founding, sometime Nevertheless, the citizens were between 1732 and 1735, Ste. determined to fight back. Their SGenevieve has suffered from pugnacious attitude impressed Gover- chronic flooding. In 1785, flood nor Carnahan when he visited to assess waters washed the town completely the damage. He liked the town’s away, and its people decided to spunk. “It’s the attitude that you’re reestablish the town on higher ground going to fight back with.”7 The people three miles up the river on ground they of Ste. Genevieve and their Mayor Bill thought would never flood, but they Anderson, repeatedly drew a parallel were wrong. Ste. Genevieve continued between the town’s plight and a war. A to flood often over the next two reporter from the Warrensburg Daily centuries. Most recently in 1951, 1968, Star Journal wrote: and 1973.1 Each flood was hard on the town’s inhabitants, but it has made them resilient. An article in the Christian Science Monitor described The people sit behind bunkers Ste. Genevieve’s citizens as having “a of sandbags and watch the front kind of tough radiance. . . from farmers line, as if they are anticipating to the mayor.”2 a battle. . . There’s a wall sized aerial photo in a conference In 1993, when the Mississippi room at the Marina, where the rose above flood stage (38 feet) on July battle plans are being drawn. 8, 1993, and kept on rising over the We’ve got a war going on next five weeks, most of the 4,400 here. . . we’re fighting the Ste. Genevieve marker shows people of the town simply set to work Mighty Mississippi.8 flood stages from 1844. to try to save their town as they had so often done in the past.3 Over the next three days, the river rose four feet quickly covering the airport runways, The flood made Ste. Gene- the water works, the city power plant, vieve famous. Once the national and and the sewage treatment plant.4 international newspapers publicized the problem, volunteers from all over Surprisingly, despite its long the country came to help. Most tradition of flooding, Ste. Genevieve volunteers were from Missouri, of had never built adequate protective course, but people came from all over levees. The U.S. Army Corps of the nation and the world. “People from Engineers had offered to build a rock Ohio met people from Denver, and earth levee along the front of the bagging sand in Missouri,” was one town back in 1986, for $48 million, if reporter’s way of putting it with a Extensive flooding in St. Genevieve. Ste. Genevieve could raise $11 million sentence that captured the spirit of the in matching funds.5 The town of 4,400 whole event.9 could not. For years, therefore, Ste. Genevieve had to depend on six miles Besides the lack of an of county levees built with state aid adequate levee system, the terrain and over the years.6 layout of the town made defense from

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904522bp 47-87.p65 58 3/21/00, 2:35 PM floodwaters difficult. Most of the town’s historic part—and this was the economic heart of Ste. Genevieve— was in an area near the river that was prone to flooding. In addition two small streams called North Gabouri Creek and South Gabouri Creek, flowed into the Mississippi on either side of this historic district. To compound the problem, water from the Mississippi backed up into these smaller streams which caused them to overflow into downtown and into the suburbs to both the north and the south. To protect Ste. Genevieve, it was necessary to build sandbag levees on either side of these creeks. From the air, the levee system resembled three “Us” lying on their sides with the The Missouri Army National Guard reinforced parts of the levee curved ends toward the Mississippi. at Ste. Genevieve with 400,000 tons of rock and mine tailings. Another levee, called Farmer’s Levee, Many citizens realized the Yet, after the board of protected 7,000 acres of rich bottom town’s escape had been a near thing, aldermen had prepared the request, but land south of the town.10 and many echoed Mayor Bill Ander- before they had submitted it, the city son’s comment, “We want to get rid council hit a snag. The problem The fight to save Ste. Gene- of the houses there [on the flood- revolved around 46 houses, well vieve involved raising these makeshift plain]. . . Then we won’t have to known for their historic value, that levees along the Gabouri Creek banks worry about it.” were included in the total of 127 to accommodate a river level of 50 houses. Alderman Frank Myers was feet; this necessitated filling and The Mayor’s comments re- concerned that if the board submitted placing over a million sandbags. As a flected knowledge of Representative the proposal, Ste. Genevieve received spur to action, National Guard troops Volkmer’s proposed buyout legisla- the money, and the 46 historic homes painted green lines on trees as a visual tion. Mayor Anderson felt that at least were torn down, it would jeopardize goal for sandbaggers to work to- 150 people might be interested in the the town’s chances of getting a federal ward.11 However, along the banks of buyout.14 levee. Myers reasoned that the U. S. the Mississippi levees had to be more government’s willingness to help Ste. substantial, and volunteers along with Even before President Clinton Genevieve build a permanent levee, members of the 1140th Engineer signed Volkmer’s bill into law, the Ste. was partially based on the historic Company of the Missouri Army Genevieve board of aldermen, assured value of many Ste. Genevieve houses. National Guard reinforced parts of the by Speaker of the House Richard levee with 400,000 tons of rock and Gephardt that the proposal would pass, The board spent an entire mine tailings that bulldozers and made themselves familiar with its session debating the topic. Mayor heavy trucks moved.12 provisions and drafted an initial Anderson proposed a compromise application for $2 million in buyout that included the board’s submitting By August 6, this strenuous money from the state’s community the grant application to buy only non- effort had paid off. The Mississippi development block grant program and historic homes, but with an addendum crest, at 49.67 feet, came within inches the hazard mitigation grant program. declaring “the intention of the of the tops of the 50 foot levees. This proposal targeted 127 parcels in application to include those historic Nevertheless, they held, and on the north end of Ste. Genevieve that properties after those houses had August 7, the water level was going had been particularly hard hit by flood undergone review by the Missouri down.13 The crisis was past—for the waters. Department of Natural Resources.” time being. Nevertheless, the board delayed sending the application.15

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904522bp 47-87.p65 59 3/21/00, 2:35 PM At their next meeting the sions of the National Historic Preser- programs. The three town officials aldermen, with Volkmer’s bill safely vation Act of 1966, before the Federal could do little but sympathize, passed, the board authorized submit- Emergency Management Agency although Anderson offered some ting another proposal so that Ste. could authorize funds to demolish a hope that the first buyout might take Genevieve could get additional mon- house, it had to “take into account the place in late July.23 ey under the new law. This proposal effects of their undertakings on asked for $1.4 million to cover 75% of properties included in . . . the National Unfortunately, Anderson was the proposed buyout of 89 non- Register of Historic Places.” Since wrong. By the end of July all that had historic homes on the floodplain in October, 1970, nearly every building been accomplished was the Board of the northern part of Ste. Genevieve. in Ste. Genevieve was within the Aldermen’s award to Southeast Mis- Again several aldermen expressed boundaries of the Ste. Genevieve souri Regional Planning Commission concern that the proposed addendum Historic District, and therefore subject (SEMO) of a contract to administer the in the earlier proposal for flood to a historic survey before any of them buyout and the adoption of a formal buyout money might slow down could be torn down.20 process concerning the procedures the acceptance of this second proposal, buyout would follow. These proce- but Mayor Anderson assured them Once such surveys were dures offered some financial help to that he had received assurances from finished, the law required that a home owners who wanted to move Claire Blackwell, the Department of concerted effort be made to either their historic homes out of the Natural Resource’s director of the move the house or, failing that, make a floodplain. They also offered proce- Historic Sites Division, that the formal photographic record of the dures under which the city might buy application could still be “fast house, catalog its contents and dispose historic property, and/or handle the tracked.”16 With this assurance, the of them by sale or gift to museums or salvage and sale of architectural aldermen voted to send the buyout other suitable institutions.21 elements saved from historic houses.24 applications, and Mayor Anderson took the SEMA application to Such surveys were the job of By August, 1994, there was Jefferson City on December 20.17 A personnel of the Missouri Department still no progress. Cathy Mangles, short while later, the Aldermen sent of Conservation, and the buyout SEMO’s coordinator for the program, the request for CDBG money along to process ground to a halt, while they called a meeting where disgruntled Jefferson City.18 made their study. City Administrator property owners could meet with David Angerer knew that SEMA was officials from SEMA, FEMA, the The answer was not long in eager to get on with the buyout, but National Trust for Historic Preserva- coming, but it was not all that Ste. could not because of the Historic tion, and the Missouri Housing Genevieve had hoped for. Instead of Preservation Act. The delay, he said, Development to discuss the status of the nearly $4 million that the city had “is a victim of dueling federal the buyout. Mangles assured the requested from SEMA and communi- programs: SEMA which is built for homeowners that the formal historical ty development block grant funds, it speed and quick relief of people in analysis of homes would start soon, got only $1,337,000 for the purchase trouble, and the Historic Preservation and it would require only two to three of 57 flood damaged residences and Act that says federal money can’t be weeks after that to start the buyouts.25 an additional $706,000 for the cost of used for buyouts unless a slow demolishing the houses.19 deliberate process is followed.”22 Still, it was six months before the surveys were done, and owners Unfortunately, it would be By July, 1994, residents who began to get their checks. In the interim nearly a year before any homeowner had expressed an interest in the the Board of Aldermen helped by would receive his/her buyout check. buyout were growing impatient. A creating legal machinery for the city to Just as some aldermen had anticipat- group of them met with Mayor buy some of the historic properties ed, the delay revolved around the Anderson and Aldermen Frank Myers when they were available.26 In historic houses. It had nothing to do and Martha Reisinger on July 1 to ask November, there was another positive with the proposed levee as they had officials to try to speed up the process. move when the Missouri Housing feared, but with the legal requirement They were impatient because nearby Development Commission announced to evaluate historic homes before they St. Mary and Perry County were Ste. Genevieve would get an addition- could be demolished. Under provi- moving quickly with their buyout al community development block

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904522bp 47-87.p65 60 3/21/00, 2:35 PM grant of $441,000 to help buyout the famous architect Henry Hobson made the headquarters for Ste. candidates with relocation costs.27 Richardson who had designed Trinity Genevieve’s Parks and Recreation Church in Boston and the Marshall Department.33 By February 18, 1995, the Field Wholesale Store in Chicago.30 historical analysis of buyout properties Unfortunately no buyer appeared. Unfortunately, for most of the was complete. In addition, Ste. houses there were no buyers. Once Genevieve and the Missouri Depart- Problems existed with mov- these houses were examined by the ment of Natural Resources (DNR) had ing the structures. Most of the historic State Office of Historic Preservation entered into an agreement to jointly structures were built in older parts of and a photographic and written buy four of the historic homes to Ste. Genevieve where the streets were narrative prepared for each, the owner protect them for further development too narrow to move houses. A further received a buyout check, and the city as historic sites. The city and DNR difficulty lay in the overhead power took possession. They were cleared of jointly put up $58,000. The city’s and telephone wires that added an salvageable material and 38 historic portion was raised by private dona- additional expense to the already properties were demolished.34 tions from individuals and the French heavy cost of moving a house.31 Heritage Relief Committee.28 Four other houses in this area were demolished On Febru- that had been ary 29, 1995, the judged to have first Ste. Gene- no historic val- vieve residents re- ue, another acci- ceived their buyout dentally burned checks. The first down before couple to get a demolition, and check was Kirk Ste. Genevieve and Denise Rhine- was able to buy hart. The check and preserve four was for $20,570.76, others. Five buy- and Rhinehart ad- out properties in mitted to reporters the area were that “. . . its been a vacant lots ac- struggle. But this quired through makes it a lot the buyout pro- better. It’s been cess to preclude almost two years, future building St. Genevieve historic home surrounded by blocks of vacant Buyout land. and the first 18 on them.35 months were very rough. Nobody In the end, the only buyer for seemed to know what was going on. It these historic houses was the City of Despite the loss of so many was very frustrating.”29 Ste. Genevieve itself. In July, 1995, historic homes, the wisdom of the Ste. Genevieve, acting in conjunction buyout in Ste. Genevieve was obvious After these initial buyouts, with Missouri’s Historic Preservation in 1995 when Ste. Genevieve faced the city made every effort to find Fund, bought three historic houses. flooding again. On May 15, 1995, the buyers for the historic buildings in the The plan was to “mothball” the houses, Mississippi, swollen by heavy rains floodplains whose owners took ad- a term that meant stabilizing the began to rise. By May 24, it had vantage of the buyout. City officials buildings until they could be moved or exceeded the 1973 flood level, and listed properties for sale in historic raised above the level of flooding.32 people prepared for a replay of 1993.36 preservation magazines and advert- Fortunately, the river level did not go ized in newspapers. The April 12, Earlier Ste. Genevieve had above 44 feet which was nearly 6 feet 1995, issue of the Ste. Genevieve purchased a smaller house, whose lower than the 1993 crest, but this Herald listed the Train Depot on Front location allowed movers to move it event served to remind people not only Street as a property for sale. The out of the floodplain to the city park of the danger they had faced in 1993, building was a 19th century design by where it was later refurbished, and but also of the wisdom of the buyout.37

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904522bp 47-87.p65 61 3/21/00, 2:35 PM In 1995, the rising water tourists visit the historic town every Engineer’s levee that is rising between covered two-thirds of the area that it year according to Betty Seibel. Ste. Genevieve and the Mississippi. It had in 1993, including the buyout sites Frances C. Ballinger, head of Ste. will be completed in mid-2001, will that had been flooded two years Genevieve’s Tourist Information run 3.5 miles, and be from 21 to 28 feet before.36 It was clear that the buyout Board, feels the figure should be high. To qualify for the levee, citizens had done its job by removing at risk 135,000. The high point is the annual had to vote a 1 ½ cent sales tax on people from the floodplain. In fact, one Jour de Fete celebration the second themselves to raise $1.5 million—part homeowner who had not joined the week in August, although the annual of the matching fund amount the Corps buyout after 1993, did ask to be bought celebration of Bastille Day on July needed before they could start on the out after the 1995 flood.39 14th is gaining in popularity.40 levee. It is a mark of the confidence the people of Ste. Genevieve feel about Ste. Genevieve is a prosper- The clearest sign of prosperity their town that the sales tax proposal ous town today. An estimated 100,000 for the little town is the great Corps of passed by a margin of 4-1.41

Peaceful present day view of Ste. Genevieve Buyout property from the top of the rock and earth levee protecting the town (above) stands in sharp contrast to the flurry of volunteer activity that took place during the flood (right).

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904522bp 47-87.p65 62 3/21/00, 2:36 PM St. Louis and St. Louis County

t. Louis was used to big floods, Then suddenly on July 24 million gallons of water per second.9 and when the Mississippi River things became serious. Four children As they swept past the city they Srose 14 feet in 48 hours on and two adult counselors from St. backed up the water in the River Des March 4 and 5, 1993, residents were Joseph’s Home For Boys, were Peres (the boundary between St. not worried. They still were not drowned in a flash flood inside the Louis City and St. Louis County in the worried when water began to creep Cliff Cave at Cliff Cave Park in south south) causing it to flood out of its across Leonor K. Sullivan Boulevard St, Louis,6 and a section of the banks. In order to prevent the and cover the bottom step of the concrete flood wall at the 9100 Block flooding of houses along Germania famous Gateway Arch.1 After all, St. of Riverview Boulevard threatened to St. north of the River and those along Louis legends spoke of really big fail when flood waters dug a 60 foot- Carondelet Blvd. and Weber St. south floods, like the one in 1844, when the wide hole underneath it. Workers of the river, residents on both sides of river rose so high that steamboats tied struggled all day to fill the hole with the River Des Peres had frantically up to the front porches of businesses in 6,000 tons of rock dumped on both built a sandbag levee to contain the downtown St. Louis.2 sides of the wall at the break site and to rising backwash. build a seven-foot high ring dike The Corps of Engineers warned around where the water emerged on Unfortunately, on July18, a 15 St. Louis on June 25 to expect serious the dry side of the wall. foot section of that levee gave way and flooding, but then the rain stopped and collapsed. Approximately 264 houses the waters began to recede. St. The ring dike allowed a pool were either flooded or suffered from Louisans smiled, said “I told you so,” to form over the site where the water backed up sewers and flooded base- and went on with plans for July 3 gushed out in order to equalize the ments.10 Residents repaired the dam- opening of the Veiled Prophet Fair.3 force of the water that exerted pressure age, but on July 20 a section of the from the other side. The water coming levee on the north side of the river east Then it began to rain again. through the wall took the course of of Alabama Avenue gave way and This time the river really began to rise. least resistance and rejoined the several more homes were damaged in By July 15, the level of the Mississippi normal course of the flood’s flow addition to the Monsanto Carondelet at St. Louis was 43.23 feet, 13 feet downstream. The patch reduced the Plant. Undaunted, volunteers began a above the river level of 30 feet that flow by 75%, and only a few industrial back up levee and determined to build marked what was considered flood- sites were flooded.7 it high enough to withstand a 49 foot stage at St. Louis. St. Louis, however, crest. Uncertain as to where the is protected by a giant earth and On the 26, to further reduce structure would break next, residents concrete levee that rises 22 feet high the threat of water’s undercutting the filled city trucks with sandbags, and runs 11 miles from the mouth of flood wall, engineers bored holes in stationed them behind the levee wall, Maline Creek, near the Chain of Rocks the inside base of the wall and pumped and waited for the next threat to Bridge to the foot of Cherokee Street in in 111 cubic yards of concrete to develop.11 south St. Louis. Floodwaters would stabilize the concrete and steel base of have to rise to 52 feet before they the wall. This finally stopped the flow The crisis compounded in would go over the top of this levee.4 By and the flood wall was safe.8 the area when the St. Louis Fire July 22 the Mississippi’s crest was at Department ordered 11,800 resi- 47.05 feet, 3.82 feet higher than the The flood waters still needed dents in the area to evacuate their second highest river level in history a place to go as they rushed past St. homes for fear that fifty-one 30,000 recorded in 1973.5 Louis and its flood wall at about 7.4 gallon propane tanks in the Phillips

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904522bp 47-87.p65 63 3/21/00, 2:36 PM Petroleum Company Tank Yard at became a problem. Police, their In Bellefontaine Neighbors, 8722 South Broadway might ex- resources already stretched to the the residents erected a sandbag levee plode.12 Divers tried to minimize the limit throughout the city and county, along Maline Creek that, in normal danger of explosion by arranging for asked for the assistance of Missouri times, empties into the Mississippi. But the endangered tanks to float Army and Air National Guard by July 6, water from the Mississippi harmlessly out of the yard, into a military police to help protect the was backing up into Maline Creek, and natural cul-de-sac, but the potential area.18 At first, unarmed Guardsmen threatening houses along its banks. On for explosion remained.13 Neverthe- assisted armed police, but soon July 22, the water appeared to be less enough local residents re- potential danger to these unarmed receding, and sandbagging residents mained, or returned every day to troops resulted in the order to carry relaxed. However, by July 25, the continue building the levee higher. loaded .45 caliber pistols.19 During water rose to threatening levels Their goal was to build it high the 19 days the residents were again.21 By July 28th, the situation was enough to withstand a 50 foot absent, two man teams of military so desperate that residents needed help crest.14 In the end their efforts paid and civilian police set up road from National Guard troops with off. The levee held until the blocks and patrolled the area on sandbagging. Nevertheless, on August Mississippi River level dropped far either side of the River Des Peres. 1 the levee broke and flood water enough to allow the River Des Peres They dealt with numerous acts of reached 41 homes. Workers quickly to flow east again lessening pressure vandalism, arson, assault, attempted began a secondary levee to save what of the levee.15 By August 6, rape, drunkenness, and disorderly they could. By the time the water level authorities allowed some residents to conduct. Fortunately they were able began to fall on August 3, l51 homes return to their homes, but many to do so without firing a single had been flooded.22 homes were ruined.16 shot.20 Fenton, in western St. Louis Just up the River Des Peres The flooding along the River County was luckier than many from these houses was an unincorpo- Des Peres and in Lemay was some of Missouri communities. Only 12 hous- rated section of St. Louis County the most dramatic and widely es were threatened by the flood. Two of called Lemay. Like their neighbors publicized in the St. Louis/St. Louis these were in the historic Old Town further down stream, Lemay’s resi- County area. Many other locations, part of the city, and the rest were dents had built their own sandbag however, while they did not receive scattered along the banks of the levee only to see it give way and allow the notoriety, were just as disturbing Meramec River and a local tributary, flood water into 150 homes. Because for the people who lived there. Fenton Creek. Most of “Old Town,” the area was so near the Mississippi, James White, St. Louis County Emergency Management Director, estimated residents would not be able to return until mid-August. People in Lemay faced the same danger as their neighbors when concerns rose about the same propane tanks in the Phillips tank yard, and were also forced to evacuate because of that same danger.17

In addition to floodwater and propane tanks, other problems faced the people in the Lemay/River Des Peres area. Many homes in both areas remained vacant for nearly three weeks. Such a large number of uninhabited houses brought out the worst in some people, and looting Volunteers work to erect a sandbag levee in the St. Louis area.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 64 3/21/00, 2:36 PM the heart of Fenton, was too high for the flooding Meramec River.23 Elsewhere, however, homeowners built individual levees around their houses. Ten of these individual levees held, but two gave way causing extensive damage to two houses.24

In Brentwood, both Deer Creek and Bear Creek, flow into River Des Peres, and both of these creeks had flooded 10 times since 1975. So, by 1993, flooding was a repeat of an all too familiar occurrence. Although residents made concerted efforts to throw up sandbag levees, nearly 100 buildings suffered some kind of water A flooded home in the St. Louis area. damage. Twelve homes along Pendle- ton and Hilldale Avenues were ruined beyond repair. flood damaged homes. In that article, to explore how the money would affect Koenig wrote that the government them specifically. Many small com- The Buyout Program estimated that 230 homeowners in munities like Bellefontaine Neighbors south St. Louis and Lemay alone lacked the employees to process the in would be interested in pursuing the paperwork that was necessary in order buyout program. The article did not to launch a buyout program. They St. Louis and give a figure for the whole of the St. found it efficient to hire a consultant to St. Louis County Louis/St. Louis County area, but it did do these things for them. For $19,430, state that under the bill, Missouri Bellefontaine Neighborhoods hired aken together, there were could get as much as $24.7 million in Jerry King, of RJK Inc., to help them nearly 700 individual homes buyout funds.26 with the application process. King, Tin St. Louis City and St. Louis whose Community Planning Develop- County seriously damaged before Soon after that initial article, ment Corporation, had already con- floodwaters began to fall on August on December 22, Koenig reported tracted to help St. Charles County to 3rd.25 Most of these homeowners more specifics. His article, “New administer their $13.2 million recov- welcomed the announcement on Flood Assistance Will Go To Buy- ery program, would prove equally December 2, 1993, that President outs,” stated that St. Louis City was effective in running Bellefontaine Clinton had signed Representative planning to buy 235 homes, and St. Neighbors’ smaller program. Not only Harold Volkmer’s Hazard Mitigation Louis county planned to propose the his results, measured in terms of and Relocation Assistance Bill. buyout plan to 550 homeowners. The money, but the numbers of residents money would come not only from the participating in the buyout program The first official mention of Hazard Mitigation Grant Program were impressive.27 the possibility of a buyout program for administered by the State Emergency St. Louis and St. Louis County area Management Agency, but from Com- In Bellefontaine Neighbors, came in an article of the St. Louis Post munity Development Block Grant 100 houses had received some kind of Dispatch on November 10. Robert L. money administered by the Missouri water damage from floodwaters or Koenig, the Post’s Washington D.C. Department of Economic Develop- sewers backing up, but 20 houses had correspondent, reported that the ment. sustained major damage, having flood House of Representative’s House water up to their roofs. These homes Public Work Committee was discuss- Following those announce- were total losses.28 Some of the ing a bill of Representative Volkmer’s ments, various towns and sections of owners briefly considered rebuilding that would provide money to purchase St. Louis and St. Louis County began on the same site, but they changed their

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904522bp 47-87.p65 65 3/21/00, 2:36 PM minds when they learned that new though the ‘95 flood damaged few “we can’t force anyone to participate, federal regulations required houses in homes in Bellefontaine Neighbors, it and we hope the offers will be the area be rebuilt on foundations high made some residents there nervous. reasonable. Nobody deserves to be enough to prevent future flooding. The One woman told a reporter from the tormented like these people have.” He cost was just too high, and the owners Post Dispatch that if they offer a was referring to flood damage that had finally agreed with Mayor Marty buyout again, “This old lady is going occurred 10 times since 1975.35 Rudloff that the best use of the land to take the money and run to was a permanent seven acre green someplace high.”33 On September 25, 1995, the space. They had faced floods before, Federal Emergency Management but nothing like the magnitude of the In Brentwood, another St. Agency approved $31,715 in buyout ‘93 flood, and while average buyout Louis County town, the flood of ‘95 money. The city used $6,455 of its own offer of $25,085 would not make also reinforced that the ‘93 buyout revenue and $4,116 from a community anyone rich, it would allow them to program was a success. In 1995, Deer development block grant to raise the make a fresh start and escape the and Black Creeks once more left their 25% in matching funds, to raise the yearly spring anxiety about floods. banks to flood the exact same area they $42,286 dollars necessary to buy the This feeling was so strong, and the had in 1993. But this time, all the 13 most heavily damaged homes in the owners so disgusted with living in a houses damaged in the ‘93 flood were floodplain.36 floodplain area, that none of them gone, and the water covered only grass disputed the value that buyout apprais- fields.34 ers put on their homes.30

By July 2, 1994, 10 residents of Bellefontaine Neighbors had re- ceived buyout checks from Mayor Marty Rudloff, and on July 22, the last 10 homeowners got their checks at a ceremony attended by both Governor Mel Carnahan and James Lee Witt, Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Mark Schlink- mann, reporter for the St. Louis Post Dispatch, asked one of the recipients, 60 year old Marian Dishon, who had lived in her house 32 years, if she was satisfied with the payment she had received from the buyout. Her answer: “You have to be, what are you going to do?,” reflected the attitude of many flood victims worn out by too many Bellefontaine Neighbors made a community park on Buyout property. springs fighting flood waters. It was a case of too much too often.31 After the flood of ‘93, the Seemayer is still the Brent- Brentwood Board of Aldermen had wood City Administrator and is still The buyout program had moved quickly to take advantage of enthusiastic about the program. He removed those homes most at risk. the buyout opportunity. They drafted said the buyout program was “great Since that time Bellefontaine Neigh- an application and sent it to the from start to finish,” and that officials bors has turned the lots of the 20 homeowners whose homes had suf- from SEMA and FEMA “were as houses into a park. In 1995, flood fered damages and encouraged them helpful as they could be.”37 waters again came to St. Louis, but to return it quickly. However, at the compared to the 1993 water levels, the time, Chris Seemayer, Brentwood Another enthusiastic support- 41.8 foot river level was “puny” as the City Administrator stressed, in an er of the program is Fenton’s Public Post Dispatch described it.32 Even interview with the Post Dispatch that, Works Director Mark Sartors. Mea-

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904522bp 47-87.p65 66 3/21/00, 2:36 PM sured in numbers, the Fenton buyout residents of Lemay had submitted In 1993, for instance, SEMA program was small, only nine houses applications. These people understood reported that in the Lemay area, 492 purchased at a cost of $276,099. But they were not making a hard and fast people had applied for either disaster the rewards came early in the spring, commitment. Most were merely housing and/or individual family 1994, when a flash flood swept curious about the price that SEMA grants. The cost of these two combined through the same area as that where the would agree to let the county pay for figures was $571,918. In 1995, with ‘93 flood waters had been, and their homes.41 However, when these the same area only a little less seriously although water once more entered the individuals received the official as- hurt by floodwaters, the number of same homes along Fenton Creek and sessments of the pre-flood values of applicants was 16, and the cost for the the Meramec River, there was nobody their homes, 90 decided to accept the same two basic services was $7,956. living in them. The owners had moved offers.42 By May of 1995, St. Louis The difference was that 105 Lemay out and, after deciding to participate in County had acquired 210 more houses, located in the flooded area the buyout, and were waiting for the properties in the River Des Peres/ were empty in 1995. The owners had buyout money to arrive. The houses Lemay area.43 already sold their “at risk” real estate to stood empty waiting for the wrecking St. Louis County and had moved crews. These totals, added to other elsewhere.46 In fact at the time of the buyout offers in the unincorporated ‘95 flood, only three occupied homes The force of the ‘94 flood was areas of St. Louis County, meant that a remained in Lemay’s floodplain.47 especially violent, and could have total of 425 properties scattered created considerable danger to human throughout the area, had been acquired Similar statistics continued to life had those homes been occupied. under the buyout plan. By that same be recorded throughout the St. Louis/ One empty house was picked up by the date 120 of them had been demol- St. Louis county area. The American rushing water and deposited in the ished.44 Nick Gragnani, an emergency Red Cross, whose statistics did not middle of the street. management specialist for St. Louis break down relief costs by neighbor- County, summed up the situation in the hoods, but instead dealt with the whole Looking back, Mark Sartors area, “Having far fewer residents eastern Missouri/southern Illinois to- considered the money well spent. means far fewer problems. Mitigation gether, told the Post Dispatch that in Fenton handled the buyout itself. works.”45 1993, they served 13,000 households Valerie Adams, City Clerk, coordi- in that area, but only 2,700 during the nated the application of residents and The success of the program 1995 flood.48 Mary Campbell, Direc- passed them along to SEMA offi- quickly bore fruit. In late April, 1995, tor of Community Development for St. cials.36 The process moved rapidly heavy rains brought flooding back to Louis county estimated that the buyout thereafter. SEMA approved the buy- Missouri. By May 22, the flood stage program, by removing people from out on April 12, 1994, the first owners of the Mississippi stood at 41.8 feet, flood prone area after the ‘93 flood, received their checks on August 1, well below the levels of 1993, but high had saved the county $7.2 million by 1994, and the city purchased the last enough to see many of the same areas the end of the ‘95 flood. Campbell also house on December 21.39 of St. Louis/St. Louis County— pointed out that the buyout program in including the River Des Peres and the county had saved the federal In St. Louis County, Mary Lemay— flooded again. Yet this time, government $4.7 million in flood Campbell, County Community Devel- the bill for flooding, measured in insurance payments to homeowners opment Director, helped process the terms of costs for disaster housing, and businesses.49 paperwork for the buyouts in the River emergency monetary grants to flood Des Peres area and the unincorporated victims, emergency evacuation, was Lemay area.40 By August 1, 1994, 108 dramatically less. The buyout program was proving to be an unqualified success measured not only in the alleviation of suffering, but in dollars and cents.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 67 3/21/00, 2:36 PM ew places in Missouri can claim to have utilized the buyout F program as completely as St. St. Mary Mary. Encouraged by Governor Car- nahan’s support for the residential buyout program, and combining funds from the state’s community develop- ment block grant program with money from the hazard mitigation grant program, this small Mississippi River town moved 90% of its threatened citizens out of an area that habitually flooded; this has saved the state of Missouri hundreds of thousands of dollars in emergency services to evacuate, maintain, and ultimately return 22 families to homes that would ultimately be at risk again. A cost benefit ratio, computed by Missouri’s State Emergency Management Agen- cy (SEMA), estimates that in the next 15 years, the state and federal Working all across the state, Governor Mel Carnahan, members of the government will save $3.74 cents for Missouri National Guard, and hundreds of other local, state, and federal workers spent hundreds of hours away from their families to help others every dollar spent in the program.1 during the floods of ‘93 and ‘95. St. Mary’s problem area was poverty scale, the several hundred solution. City Clerk JoAnn Donze five acres of land at the southern edge dollars a year in Flood Insurance organized a meeting of affected of town where houses had been premiums were simply too expensive.2 families on October 19, 1993, and constructed. Two sloughs ran through Kathy Mangels of the Southeast this problem area, named St. Lawrence When the flood waters came Missouri Regional Planning Com- Creek and Regular Slough, both of again in ‘93, the town’s citizens mission explained the mechanics of a which overflowed regularly during banded together to do what they had buyout. This proposal was not based times of high water, especially in the so often done before – build a on the proposed legislation of annual spring runoff every April and makeshift levee between Pine and Representative Volkmer, which had May. This high water usually affected Walnut Street in an effort to save the not passed Congress at this time, but only a few houses, but in times of buildings and residences along Main was based on pre-existing legislation. serious flooding, every residence and Street. This area included the post Almost everyone at the meeting voted business was either threatened or office, a service station, the MFA to pursue a buyout option. On damaged. Because flooding was so granary, the bank, and two residenc- November 12, 1993, the city council frequent, the residents simply became es. In 1993, the citizens of St. Mary voted to seek buyout funds through a inured to the inconvenience and built a levee, 12-14 high around these community development block grant accepted these periodic bouts of high structures and saved them, but they from the Missouri Department of water; these properties were inexpen- could not prevent the water from Economic Development, to buy all sive and most of these people could flooding the other homes in this area. the residences in the 100 year flood afford to live nowhere else. Many had Once the water came, it stayed for a plain, demolish them, and permanent- also grown used to periodic govern- month, making a total loss of every ly eliminate this source of misery ment grants that allowed them to structure outside the levee.3 from St. Mary.4 The request asked rebuild their homes in this substandard homeowners to accept a post-flood area. Only six of the 22 families in the The extensive damage and value assessment of their homes area bothered to carry flood insurance. the longevity of the flood convinced instead of the more usual pre-flood For people on the low end of the people that it was time to seek a assessment.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 68 3/21/00, 2:37 PM In this case the pre-flood price city handed16 property owners checks By November of 1994, how- was based on an appraisal that was in for their homes, and announced plans ever, when it appeared that most turn based on the frequency of to buy 20 more in the floodplain. people who were going to take flooding in the area, and that was very When the residential buyout program advantage of the residential buyout low, averaging only $4,946.54. When was completed on May 31, 1995, the program had done so, Governor the value of previous government city government had purchased 32 Carnahan decided that some state loans and grants to repair earlier flood homes.10 community development block grant damage was deducted from this money could be made available to amount, the average amount offered a Two of the homes were buy out commercial properties. On homeowner was less than $600.00. considered historically significant November 9, 1994, St. Mary’s City This low amount made it impossible and St. Mary had to take special Council learned that the state had for anyone to get enough money to precautions with them. It was neces- approved $261,000 to buy commer- move out of the floodplain. However, sary to hire individuals from the cial properties. The City Council had the special provisions of the communi- Missouri Historical Society to do a already annexed land south of the ty development block grant made it study of the homes, take pictures, and town, but out of the floodplain. This possible for each homeowner to not identify any historically significant land allowed six businesses a place only receive a small amount of money materials in the homes. This material upon which to relocate. for his/her home, but also a substantial had to be stripped out of the structure grant of up to $22,500 to relocate out of and offered for sale. Any money As in most cases, the pay off the floodplain.5 Governor Carnahan’s received from such sales was sub- for St. Mary’s energetic buyout office approved this arrangement on tracted from the total awarded to the program came in 1995, when the February 14.6 city.11 In this case, the sale of same area flooded again. This time, historically significant light fixtures, however, almost everyone had gone, But St. Mary did not stop with flooring, doors, and trim, netted only and only four families were then the community development block $154.00.12 living in the area. This second flood grant request. On December 28, 1993, convinced even these hold outs, and again acting on advice from Kathy Yet, St. Mary did not stop St. Mary is currently seeking funds to Mangels of the Southeast Missouri there. Ms. Donze, along with Kathy get these people out too. Regional Planning Commission, the Mangels of the Southeast Missouri city council submitted another request. Regional Planning Commission, sub- As for the land, St. Mary has This time it could take advantage of mitted another community develop- seeded it with grass, so that the only Representative Harold Volkmer’s leg- ment block grant for money to buy expense to the town is mowing it.15 islation that aimed at buying flood commercial properties that had been Now every spring, when the St. damaged residences throughout Mis- ruined by the flood. Ms. Donze had Lawrence Creek and Regular Slough souri’s floodplains. On April 12, 1994, originally included a request to buy back up, the rising water serves only Governor Carnahan’s office approved out six commercial properties with to remind people of the successful that request for funds and awarded St. her first request for federal funds from outcome of an innovative program. Mary $142,987 to add to the town’s FEMA in Novem- earlier grant.7 The town now had ber, 1993. However, $491,593 to spend on its buyout at that time, Gover- program, and an additional $22,165 nor Carnahan had from a separate public assistance grant already determined to pay for the cost of demolishing the that the state would homes.8 concentrate its ef- forts on residential Purchase of home sites start- buyout to impact the ed on June 27, 1994, with the largest number of purchase of a house trailer lot. The people, so that part owner received $2,503 for his trailer of the request was pad and a relocation allowance of denied.13 Blocks of flood prone property $20,639.9 On August 14, 1994, the are now open space in St. Mary.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 69 3/21/00, 2:37 PM Hills Commission did not have all the details; their goal had been to test public opinion to the buyout idea to Wakenda see whether people were interested enough to attend a second meeting n December 20, 1996, the of this magnitude had never happened where FEMA officials could tell them citizens of Wakenda before in the town.4 more details. In fact, the presentations Ovoluntarily dis-incorporated confused many people, and the their town and simply left. They left The flood water quickly October 11th issue of the Carrollton behind only a granite monument to devastated the whole of southern Daily Democrat reported that most mark the site where 43 families had Carroll County. Crop lands totaling “left with more questions than lived before the flood of ‘93.1 Located 122,000 acres were soon covered answers.” Some Wakenda residents five miles southeast of Carrollton in with water, the southern end of expressed displeasure with the buyout Carroll County, Wakenda had been Carrollton was flooded, and 70% of idea. Alvin Yuille, made the state- near the tracks of the Atchison Topeka the businesses in that area were ment that “the money you pay us for and Santa Fe Railroad, and had been a threatened.5 By July 12, Carroll our property in Wakenda will only successful little farming community. County had been declared a disaster pay about a fourth of the price in In 1910, the town had a population of area, and emergency assistance from Carrollton.”7 400, two hotels, three churches, and a the Federal government became railroad station where trains of the available to Carroll County flood Most of the people from the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe victims in the form of low interest first meeting, however, were inter- Railroad made four stops a day. loans, emergency housing, and other ested enough in the idea to attend However, when the railroads began types of assistance. This government another meeting on October 18, at St. cutting back service to small rural help kept hope alive, and in early Mary’s Catholic School in Carrollton towns in the 1950s Wakenda began to August when the water started to where Robert Fretteluso, a FEMA die.2 By 1993, there were 90 people recede, Carroll county citizens began official, explained the intricacies of living in the town, and the businesses to rebuild and repair. the buyout program. This was the were a grain elevator, an auto repair buyout program that had been in shop, and a grocery store. The town In Wakenda, however, the existence since 1980, which was had a school that contained eight damage was severe to the point substantially different than the one grades; at the ninth grade level, the where, after viewing their homes, Representative Volkmer would pro- students were bussed to Carrollton. many residents began to feel that pose a month later. Still, Fretteluso’s rebuilding was futile. Nearly every presentation introduced residents to The flood of ‘93 was totally home in the town was damaged the concept of a property buyout. unexpected. Unlike other towns on beyond repair, total rebuilding of Denise Stottlemeyer, the Director of Missouri’s various floodplains that each home seemed the only option.6 It the Green River Regional Planning had experienced numerous floods, was this gloomy appraisal that led 60 Commission, also laid out the process Wakenda had not experienced one citizens of Wakenda, two-thirds of of applying for a buyout grant. She since 1952.3 On July 8, 1993, the town, to attend a buyout meeting warned some of the people thinking however, the levee systems guarding October 7th in the Carroll County of rebuilding and “flood proofing” Wakenda from Wakenda Creek to the Courthouse. The Green Hills Re- their homes that they had “the north and the Missouri River to the gional Planning Commission, an opportunity to do something now. If south began to fail and two days later organization that helps 11 counties in you stay where you are, with [flood seven inches of water had risen in northwest Missouri with government proofing], the opportunity may not Wakenda. That water level would rise programs, called this October 7th come along again.”8 to an average of six feet by mid-July meeting. Citizens learned the outline and remain for 13 weeks. Some of the of the buyout program built into the From October to December, 55 houses in Wakenda simply Federal Emergency Management the residents of Wakenda and Ms. collapsed, while others were twisted Agency’s 404 program. Unfortu- Stottlemeyer moved through the off their foundations. The town was a nately, while the general provisions intricacies of the applications that total loss, a fact that was magnified in of the buyout program seemed would be submitted to SEMA for final the residents’ minds because damage promising, the officials of the Green approval by FEMA. There were

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904522bp 47-87.p65 70 3/21/00, 2:37 PM Aerial view of Wakenda buyouts are reasonable tried to organize the affair, it was just buyout area in Carroll County. we’ll move,” stated one too painful for many of Wakenda’s owner. “Either way, we citizens to attend, and so she wish the government abandoned the idea.16 Ms. Trella would just tell us the Ward, who grew up in Wakenda, and prices. Until then there’s now lives in Carrollton, has never a lot of people left been out to see the monument, not hanging on a string from lack of interest, but because it here.”13 As with most would be too emotional.17 buyout sites, there were hold outs. Seven fami- But Wakenda’s story is not lies refused to move over. The United States Forest Service until May of 1995 when has planted a stand of 30 trees near the it appeared that there monument in order to study the long delays. In October, Wakenda residents would be a repeat flooding of the area. term effects of flooding on Missouri delayed the application process briefly This time, the flood water in trees.18 The site of Wakenda is now while they studied different types of Wakenda was only seven and a half part of a 250,000 acre watershed assessment processes.9 In November, inches, but it persuaded all but two of project managed by the National seven Wakenda families returned to the hold outs to evacuate. The last two Resources Conservation Service Wakenda determined to make re- families were located on slightly (NRCS) that will attempt to reduce the pairs.10 In December, SEMA delayed higher ground in the town site, and potential for floods in the area.19 the application process. The delay had remain to this date, along with the some merit. If Wakenda dis-incorpo- grain elevator that is still operating.14 rated, there would be no corporate By September 5, 1995, 30 homes had entity to supervise demolition of the been demolished at Wakenda, at an area, or oversee the abandoned area average cost of between $5,300 and afterwards. SEMA wanted Carroll $6,000.15 County to become the sponsor for these post buyout activities.11 On December 27, 1996, the Carrollton Democrat carried Finally, on April 12, 1994, Wakenda’s final epitaph, “Wakenda SEMA accepted Wakenda’s applica- Becomes Dis-incorporated as a tion that asked for $408,000 to begin Town.” The article reviewed the the buyout. Later, The Green Hills buyout process and reported that the Regional Planning Commission land had been leased to a local truck sought additional funds on behalf of farmer, Peter Gunn, who planned to Wakenda homeowners, and by the grow watermelons, cantaloupes, and end of the buyout program in June of other fruits. It also reported that an 1997, Wakenda residents had pro- advisory board, made up of ex- cured a total of $654,027, with FEMA Wakenda citizens had formed to providing $216,966, and a commu- commission a monument to the now nity development block grant supply- vanished town. That board had ing $436,561. Once the money was ordered a granite monument six feet approved, homeowners could apply, tall that included the bell from the and The Green Hills Regional Walnut Grove Baptist Church. The Planing Commission opened an town of Wakenda had endowment A granite monument six feet tall office in the Carrollton Courthouse to funds both to build the monument and that includes the bell from the help applicants.12 Wakenda citizens to maintain a small area around the Walnut Grove Baptist Church is all adopted a wait and see attitude monument. At the time plans were that remains of Wakenda after the towards the government offers, and made for a dedication ceremony. town moved following the floods generally complained about the long However, that ceremony never took of ‘93 and ‘95. waits for a buyout offer. “If the place. Although Ms. Stottlemeyer

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904522bp 47-87.p65 71 3/21/00, 2:37 PM arren County, a predomi- Reuben Eichmeyer, was nately agricultural area, is speaking from personal experience. Win east central Missouri. When the waters began to rise along Warren Most of the county escaped flooding in the Missouri in early July, he moved both 1993 and 1995. Where the the printing equipment for the Missouri River forms the southern Marthasville Record above the high County and boundary of the county, however, was water mark of 1986 and waited for the the exception. Prosperous farms domi- water to rise. Other business owners nate this part of the county, and its did the same. Lictenberg Funeral Marthasville predominately German descendants Home moved their supply of caskets to are culturally similar to those who higher ground, David Gaddie moved settled Hermann and Rhineland in the the cars in his Marthasville Auto Body as flood water ruined bumper corn mid 19th century. Like the citizens of Shop up the hill, senior citizens at the crops. Their farm houses, that had those other two towns, the Warren Charrette Senior Citizen’s Apartments usually stood above the high water County citizens, who live beside the moved to motels or went to live with mark, also suffered the mud and muck Missouri River, are philosophical relatives, the U.S. Post Office made of the flood water. The flash flood in about floods. They seem to take a arrangements to operate out of Murrill September was especially destruc- certain pride in their ability to spring Wohler’s Garage, and the street tive, and several farm houses were back from these periodic natural department cut an emergency road even swept off their foundations. One disasters. An editorial in the through Steve Lochirco’s apple or- woman, Gertrude Hogard, died when Marthasville Record, written by editor chard to Highway 47 so the town her house crashed into Tugue Creek, a Reuben Eichmeyer, not only describes would not be isolated by high water.1 usually small stream that flowed into the disruption of a flood, but reflects the Missouri east of town.4 pride in the ability of the local people By the end of September, to adapt: Marthasville had flooded three times, People in Marthasville and and water lay 18 to 24 inches in the along the Missouri River first learned city streets. Although there was no about the buyout program when the official way to measure the water Marthasville Record announced a “It’s the uncertainty, the level, it seemed that this was the meeting December 10th at the waiting, waiting, waiting, that highest the water had been in living Hearnes Multipurpose Center on the gets you. And then the knowl- memory, according to Lydia Zillgitt, Campus in edge for those of us who have who had either lived in or maintained Columbia, Missouri. The article been there before of the back- a property in Marthasville all her explained that Representative breaking massive clean up years. In 1993, she took photos of the Volkmer had organized the meeting which must be done when its flooded town from a rowboat. She and would explain his recently over. Add to that the despair noted that flood water measured eight approved bill that made money of lost income, lost posses- feet high on the telephone poles.2 available to buyout residential dwell- sions, and the foul-mouth tast- Ruby Buchholz, a one time resident ings and that also simplified the ing stench you breathe day af- who was well acquainted with application process.5 ter day, and you have a flood- Marthasville’s history, also reported plain dweller’s worst night- that before the flood of ‘93, flood Under the leadership of Steve mare come true. waters had never been high enough to Etcher of the Boonslick Regional cross the railroad embankment and Planning Commission, over two It takes a strong person to enter downtown Marthasville.3 dozen families in Warren County go through one flood and snap began the initial application process back, and an even stronger As difficult as the flood was for buyout money. By April 28, 1994, person to bounce back from re- for Marthasville, the local farmers the Marthasville Record reported that peated floods over their life- living along the Missouri east and Warren County had received a total of time.” west of the town suffered more. $131,500 to buy 14 properties, and While townspeople could move their Marthasville—which had made a property, these farmers had to watch separate application—had received

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904522bp 47-87.p65 72 3/21/00, 2:37 PM $123,900 to buy five properties.6 sion. In the June 15, 1995, issue of the $179,000 in money from SEMA to Surprisingly with the money avail- Marthasville Record, editor Reuben both buy family residences and pay able, a number of home owners in the Eichmeyer identified the reason for the for the demolition of these houses. county, as well as four Marthasville exclusion. “The fact that Warren At the end of the buyout program, residents, decided to pull out of the County had such a large buyout SEMA had presided over the deal.7 Despite their earlier promise to program after the 1993 flood affected purchase of 13 properties with an participate, there was no penalty or the county’s damage assessment” by average final offer of $29,519.68.11 demand that they honor their earlier SEMA. Eichmeyer’s point was that Only one of these buildings was in commitment. with so many houses out of harm’s Marthasville itself, the rest were way, the usual formula that SEMA residences of farm families scattered The Missouri State Emer- used, including number of homes throughout the county. The SEMA gency Management Agency (SEMA), damaged, value of contents, and money did not go to buy out which administered the FEMA funds number of people affected, did not rise agricultural crop land, but was was committed to the philosophy that to the level of a Presidential Disaster confined to purchase of the land on the buyout program was voluntary. Declaration. which a residence stood.12 The An individual homeowner could back reasoning was simple, while a farmer out at any time before the check was Regardless of official for- would not want to live in a flood actually handed to him/her.8 While mula, the people of Warren County threatened home, the farm land could that policy could make administrative knew they should be declared part of still be extensively farmed. Since headaches for SEMA, it went a long the disaster area. County Commis- 1995, in fact, those fields have way to assuring people that they were sioner Pat Spoonster told county continued to produce bumper crops.13 in control of their own destinies. residents to call SEMA to complain. “Just because we don’t have a lot of Since 1995, additional threats On May 19, 1995, high water people living in the flood area doesn’t from flooding have come to Warren again devastated Warren County mean we don’t have flood damage,” County. Recently, some citizens of along the Missouri River. Residents Spoonster said in the same Marthasville have reconsidered the saw this flood as the third worst in Marthasville Record article that buyout philosophy, and have decided living memory. Once again, reported Warren County’s being under the guidance of the Boonslick Marthasville businesses moved to excluded. The Commissioner went on Regional Planning Commission, to higher ground, and people had to use to say that “there were 27 to 37 county apply for grant money. The goal this the emergency road through the roads under water. . . 38 homes have time is to use money from the NRCS Lochirco orchard.9 water. . . 33 to 38 businesses [are] and Community Development Block affected. . . . There were also 22,000 Grants to buy homes within During this second flood, acres of farm land inundated.” A Marthasville that are subject to however, many in Warren County week later, whether because of higher flooding, and to build a watershed were angry when, at first, President water levels, or calls to SEMA made detention system consisting of a Clinton’s disaster declarations for an impression, the President added damn and 16 acre lake to prevent Missouri excluded their county. It was Warren County to the disaster list.10 future damage to the town. The ironic, but the very success of the project will take a year and a half to buyout program up to that time may On August 1, 1995, Warren complete, and will cost approxi- have been responsible for the exclu- County received an additional mately $1.2 million.14

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904522bp 47-87.p65 73 3/21/00, 2:37 PM Conclusion

he buyout program was an 1995, only 333 people applied for a sewage facilities totaled $127 million unqualified success by any total of $216,094 for the same after the ’93 flood, but only $9.5 Tmeans of measurement. Eco- services.2 million after the ‘95 flood.3 nomically, the amount of money Missouri spent in flood relief during However, some may argue Tom Uhlenbrock, also of the and after the 1995 flood was markedly that figures like these are suspect, Post Dispatch, reached the same less than similar costs for the 1993 because they have been collected by general conclusion in an article titled flood. Emergency assistance in 1993 Missouri’s Emergency Management “The Big Flood Buyout Program That to 37,000 Missouri households totaled Agency (SEMA), the very agency Worked.” The article’s subtitle, $34.5 million; in 1995, 4,000 house- that was charged with administering “Across Region, Many Low-Lying holds received $4.1 million.1 The the buyout program for the Federal Communities Are Now Ghost Towns reason is simple; fewer people were in Emergency Management Agency Of Abandoned Homes,” reinforced harm’s way during the second flood. (FEMA). The fact remains however, the idea that the buyout program had Money that might have been needed that over the three and one half years simply given people who previously for relief in ‘95 could be spent that have elapsed since the end of lived in the floodplain the opportunity elsewhere. flooding in 1995, the buyout program to move elsewhere after the ‘93 flood, has been the subject of several so there were fewer people for flood For individual communities, investigative reports by major report- waters to impact in ‘95.4 the results are equally impressive. In ers from Missouri’s major newspa- Cedar City, that part of Jefferson City pers. Like all good reporters these Most recently Kevin Mur- north of the Missouri River, 473 writers are are always on the lookout phy’s article titled “Flooded-property residents needed $941,149 in emer- for stories about corruption, waste, or buyout is paying off” in the Kansas City gency aid for disaster housing and even fraud. Those kind of stories Star, explains that Missouri’s positive emergency family grants during the make exciting reading and sell experience matches similar, but small- flood of ‘93. After flood waters newspapers. Had there been large er experiences in other flood-impacted covered substantially the same area in numbers of people who were cheated states like Kansas and Illinois.5 1995, there were only 53 emergency by the government, or a group of aid applicants who consumed $45,503 people who made inordinately large Even outside the United dollars for the same services. sums of money from the buyout, these States, the flood buyout program has journalists in all likelihood would elicited positive remarks. The Econo- The same general story can be have exposed anything suspect. mist, Britain’s prestigious weekly found in Lemay, where 492 people Instead, the state’s major newspapers economic publication, reporting on used $571,918 for disaster housing have published mainly positive sto- the fight against the flood in Ste. and emergency family grants in the ‘93 ries about the program without a hint Genevieve, went on to credit the flood, but in the same area during the of scandal or mismanagement. buyout program throughout Missouri flood of 1995, only 16 people needed a with saving money and being well total of $7,956. Again in Lemay, the Tim O’Neil, reporter for the administered. It estimated that, hav- flood waters covered approximately Post Dispatch, cited the buyout ing spent $100 million after the ‘93 the same area in 1993 as in 1995. program as the chief reason that the flood to buyout flooded homes, the emergency relief cost of the 1995 program will save Missouri $200 The same picture emerges in flood was only 5% of the cost of the million over the next 20 years.6 St. Charles County. Following the ‘93 flood. His article also pointed out 1993 floods, 4,277 people needed other reduced costs besides emergen- Still, with all this positive $14,174,717 to pay for disaster housing cy housing and living grants. Repairs reaction some people who were and emergency grants. However, in to public roads, bridges, water, and victims of the flooding still were not

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904522bp 47-87.p65 74 3/21/00, 2:37 PM happy, not because they perceived Secondly, the success of the what they had, they distributed wisely dishonesty, but because they simply buyout program often depended on in such ways that they minimized the disagreed either with the price they the enthusiasm of the people running impact of flood victims when they were offered for their flooded home it. Most often the program worked were forced to leave a home and or how the program was adminis- best where buyout managers were moving elsewhere. These payments of tered. Perhaps nothing can be done local individuals that local people between $5,000-$7,000, that were in about complaints about assessing knew and trusted. The enthusiasm for addition to the big federal and state prices; some people naturally want the program in Arnold due to Eric grants made a world of difference to more—yet concerning the complaints Knoll, in Cape Girardeau due to Ken people suffering extreme distress and/ about administration perhaps some Eftink, in Excelsior Springs due to or discomfort. lessons could be learned. Molly McGovern, and in Neosho due to the efforts of Jim Cole, are The buyout program is her- People complained about the evidence of this. alded by most people as a real complicated procedure of filling out success. One measure of that feeling the buyout applications. Complaints Finally, there is certainly a is that the program continues to the surfaced about “red tape” and place in the program for the contribu- present time. Large scale buyouts are confusing forms. Certainly experi- tions of private organizations like the no longer going on, but a few do go on ence may alleviate some of these Salvation Army and the Interfaith under the auspices of SEMA, that problems in the future. The program Disaster Response Network. Com- every year receives about $500,000 to was new after the ‘93 flood, and some pared to the huge sums the state and help communities make additional officials also were confused about the local government spent, these agen- buyouts and to remove even more process. After the ‘95 flood, there cies did not contribute large sums, but people from the flood plain.7 were fewer complaints about “red tape” and complicated forms because SEMA and local officials had worked out many kinks.

Still, the complaints about red tape and difficult forms conceal a reality. When the government hands out money, the possibility that some citizen will try to get more than he/she is entitled to, exists. Recent American history is littered with stories about “Welfare Fraud.” Government forms are meant to minimize this possibili- ty. One can only imagine the public outrage that would have resulted had some individual received money for a Buyout property used as open space encourages community picnicking. house he/she did not own, or received more money than they deserved. While future buyout programs be- come more streamlined, there must always remain adequate safeguards.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 75 3/21/00, 2:37 PM Fast, Flood Buyout Coordinator, for Introduction Jefferson City, MO. January 25, 1999. Alexandria/Clark County

1 Darryl W. Levings, “Among KC 17 Economic Development Administra- 1 “After Action Report, 29 October, Floods, This One Ranks No. 4,” Trial by tion (EDA) Grants and the National Mississippi and Missouri River Flood Water, Special Supplement to the Kansas Flood Insurance Section 1362 Flood Duty 4 July to 5 October, 1993.” City Star, September, 1993, pp. 29 and Damaged Property Purchase Program. Memorandum for NGB-ARO-OM, Re- 31. port as of 8 July, 1993. Missouri National 18 Sharing the Challenge: Floodplain Guard Headquarters, Skelton Training 2 Sharing the Challenge: Floodplain Management into the 21st Century, p. 23. Site, Jefferson City, MO. Management into the 21st Century, Report of the Interagency Floodplain 19 “Out of Harms Way: Missouri’s Flood 2 Hazel Bledsoe Smith, “A Look Back at Management Review Committee to the Buyout Program,” p. 4. 1993,” The Media (Kahoka, MO.), Administration Floodplain Management January 5, 1994. Task Force, US Government Printing 20 The Response, Recovery and Lessons Office, Washington D.C., June 1994, p. Learned from the Missouri Floods of 3 “After Action Report, 16 August 1993, 59. 1993 and 1994, Missouri State Emer- Battery B, 1st Battalion, 128th Field gency Management Agency, 1994. p. 9. Artillery, Missouri National Guard,” p. 1. 3 Timothy R. Roberts, The Great Flood of “Out of the Mud, Some Lessons,” The 135th Military History Detachment, 93, Published by the Missouri National Economists, May 27, 1995, p. 28. Missouri National Guard, Ike Skelton Guard, 1999. p.3. Training Site, Jefferson City, MO. 21 Sharing the Challenge: Flood Manage- 4 Ayers B. Drummond Jr. “What’s Left ment into the 21st Century , p. 126. 4 Jack Anderson and Michael Binstein, from the Great Flood of 93,” The New “Missouri Community Survives,” St. York Times, (August 10, 1993). 22 Sharing the Challenge: Floodplain Joseph News-Press (St. Joseph, MO.), Management into the 21st Century, p. 7. November 27, 1993. The actual popula- 5 “Economist Questions Levee Study,” tion of Alexandria is open to question, Columbia Daily Tribune, October 22, 23 Personal communication with Destin and ranges from a low of 390 to a high of 1993, and “Bond Continues to Push to Frost, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, 500. The 390 number is the population in Expand Levee Repairs,” Columbia Daily Missouri SEMA, January 22, 1999. July 1993, according to Mayor Bob Tribune, October 23, 1993. Davis. 24 The Response, Recovery and Lessons 6 Sue Schneider and Kate Kline, “Out of Learned from the Missouri Floods of 5 Hazel Bledsoe Smith, “Flood Relief Harms Way: Missouri’s Flood Buyout 1993 and 1994, p. 17. Committees Oversee Distribution and Program,” Missouri State Emergency Spending of Donated Funds,” The Management Agency (SEMA), 1996, 25 “Out of Harms Way,” pp. 5- 6. Media, November 3, 1993. p.1. Sharing the Challenge: Floodplain Management into the 21st Century, p. 16. 26 “Remembering and Recovering from 6 Hazel Bledsoe Smith, “Flood Waters “Flood-Policy Review Just Beginning,” the Great Flood of ‘93,” Section D, Recede, Alexandria Residents Return,” Post Dispatch, October 24, 1993. Columbia Daily Tribune, August 9, The Media, August 11, 1993. 1998. 7 “Out of Harms Way: Missouri’s Flood 7 “Water Service Restored in Alexan- Buyout Program,” p. 6. 27 “Out of Harms Way,” p. 6. dria,” Quincy Herald Wing (Quincy, IL.), June 15, 1994. 8 Weather Data Service, US Army Corps 28 “City of Neosho, Missouri: Summary of Engineers. Report to Missouri’s SEMA on CDBG, 8 “City of Alexandria to Hold Meeting FEMA, and NARCS Grants to Buy Concerning Buyout,” The Media, 9 “Out of Harms Way,” pp. 1-2. Property,” November 1998. “Out of the November 10, 1993. Mud, Some Lessons,” The Economists, 10 “Waterlogged Roads Disintegrate,” May 27, 1995, p. 28. 9 Shelly Chapman, “Governmental & Kansas City Star, August 5, 1993. Agency Representatives Answer Ques- 29 The Response, Recovery and Lessons tions Concerning Buy-Out & Delays,” 11 “Flood Raises Road Repair Ques- Learned from the Missouri Floods of The Media, November 10, 1993. tions,” Columbia Daily Tribune, Novem- 1993 and 1994, p. 17-18. ber 15, 1993. 10 Hazel Bledsoe Smith, “Volkmer & 30 “Remembering and Recovering from Panelists Explain Buyout & Other 12 “Out of Harms Way,” p. 1. the Great Flood of ‘93,” Section D, The Programs to Help Flood Victims,” The Columbia Missourian, August 9, 1998. Media, December 29, 1993. 13 Public Law 93-288: as amended by Public Law 100-707. 31 The Response, Recovery and Lessons 11 Hazel Bledsoe Smith, “Buyout Learned from the Missouri Floods of Application Made to State for Alexandria 14 “Out of Harms Way,” p. 7. 1993 and 1994, p. 18. and Clark County,” The Media, February 2, 1994. 15 The Response, Recovery and Lessons 32 “Out of Harms Way,” p. 3. Learned from the Missouri Floods of 12 Hazel Bledsoe Smith, “Decision 1993 and 1994, Missouri State Emer- 33 Paul Hamper, “Some Survivors Needed from Alexandria Residents Soon gency Management Agency, p. 17. Rebuild, Others Moved on, But the Flood to Establish Buyout Funding,” The of ‘93 Changes Lives Forever,” St. Louis Media, February 9, 1994. 16 Personal communication with Melva Post Dispatch, August 24, 1998.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 76 3/21/00, 2:37 PM 13 Hazel Bledsoe Smith, “Buy-Out Post Dispatch, Metro Post South, May 6, Applications Made to State For Alexan- Arnold 1996. dria and Clark County,” The Media, February 2, 1994. 1 Robert I. Koenig, “Uncle Sam’s Right 16 Schneider and Klise, “Out of Harms Hand. . .,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News Way: Missouri’s Flood Buyout Pro- 14 Hazel Bledsoe Smith, “Decision Analysis, September 4, 1994. From 1980 gram,” p. 7. Needed From Alexandria Residents to 1994, only 4,000 properties had been Soon to Establish Buyout Funding,” The acquired under this earlier buyout 17 “State Allocates $1.3 Million For Media, February 9, 1994. program throughout the whole nation. Floodplain Buyouts Here,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, Metro Post South, August 28, 15 “Alexandria to get $1.1 Million, 2 Personal communication with Eric 1995. County to get $1 Million in Federal and Knoll, Arnold City Administrator, May State Buyout,” The Media, February 23, 25, 1999. 18 Personal communication with Destin 1994, and Hazel Bledsoe Smith, “Gover- Frost, Hazard Mitigation Officer, Mis- nor Approves Clark County Flood 3 Mike Schlinkmann, “Flood Meeting souri State Emergency Management Buyout Request,” The Media, March 23, Puts City on the Map, I Guess,” St. Louis Agency (SEMA), May 4, 1999. 1994. Post Dispatch, Metro Post South, July 22, 1993. 19 Sheri L. Gaddy, “Council Agrees To 16 Hazel Bledsoe Smith, “City of Pay For Relocation,” St. Louis Post Alexandria Establishes Buyout Criteria 4 “Many Communities Gear Up For The Dispatch, Metro Post South, August 15, following Meeting with CDBG Offi- Next Wave Of Flooding,” St. Louis Post 1994, and a personal communication cial,” The Media, April 13, 1994. Dispatch, News, July 28, 1993. with Eric Knoll, May 26, 1999.

17 Hazel Bledsoe Smith, “Federal and 5 “A Few Enjoy Waters Ebb: Others Gird 20 Personal communication with Eric State Representatives Meet with Local For The New Crest,” St. Louis Post Knoll, May 26, 1999. Officials to Discuss Details of flood Dispatch, News, August 1, 1993, and The Buyout Program,” The Media, June 1, Flood In Perspective, St. Louis Post 21 Personal communication with Eric 1994. Dispatch, News, August 2, 1993. Knoll, May 25, 1999.

18 Hazel Bledsoe Smith, “County Begins 6 “Water Falls A Bit In Some Towns, But Acceptance of Flood Buyout Applica- Progress Is Slow,” St. Louis Post tions,” The Media, May 25, 1994. Dispatch, News, August 3, 1993. Buchanan County

19 A number of articles in The Media give 7 “Alton Finds Gift Tucked In Truck Of 1 Scott Canon, “Flood victims still the details: “Properties Purchased Under Bottled Water,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, weather uncertain times: Many in Federal Buyout Program in Alexandria, News, July 29, 1993. Rushville are waiting to help get their Other Buyout Agreements Nearly Com- lives back on track,” Kansas City Star, pleted,” February 1, 1995; “Alexandria 8 Leo Fitmaurice, “We’re Hurt Emotion- National/World, March 1, 1994. Also Council Discusses Buyout and Demoli- ally, Says Family Enduring Flood two articles by Pat Spencer, reporter for tion,” February 8, 1995; and “Final Phase Damage,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, the Buchanan County News (Fawcett): of Federal Flood Buyout Program to News, August 5, 1993. “Battling The Flood Waters: Recovery Begin soon in Alexandria,” September Begins in Agency; Sugar Lake Residents 27, 1995. 9 “Clearing Floodplains House By Waiting For Waters to Recede,” July 15, House,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, Edito- 1993, and “Flood Strikes Agency Again, 20 Personal communication with Mayor rial, February 8, 1994. South Side Evacuates,” July 29, 1993. Robert Davis of Alexandria, Mayor Jerry Johnson of Mt. Airy, MD, and Neil 10 Personal communication with Eric 2 Pat Spencer, “Battling the Flood Shoemaker of Croton, OH. Knoll, May 25, 1999. Waters.”

21 Personal interview with Captain 11 Terry Ganey, “Buyout Money OK’d 3 Pat Spencer, “Flood Waters Hit Weary Walton Westbrook, Commander of For Flooded Areas,” St. Louis Post Residents Again,” Buchanan County Battery B, 1st Battalion, 128th Field Dispatch, News, January 25, 1994. News, September 30, 1993, and a caption Artillery, Missouri Army National Guard, to a photo, in the Buchanan County January 7, 1996. 12 Personal communication with Eric News, September 9, 1993. Knoll, May 25, 1999. 22 Personal interview with Robert Davis, 4 Pat Spencer, “Meeting is Packed as April 19, 1999. 13 Tim O’Neil, “River Gets 20 Houses Buyout Interest Grows,” Buchanan Hit in 93,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, County News, October 7, 1993. 23 Personal interview with Robert Davis, News, April 16, 1994. April 19, 1999. 5 Mike Jones, “2 counties interested in 14 “At A Glance,” City of Arnold, buyouts,” St. Joseph News/Press (St. 24 Personal interview with David Disaster 0995, Residential Acquisition Joseph), November 11, 1993. Davison, Director of the Northeast Project, State Emergency Management Missouri Regional Planning Commis- Agency, Jefferson City, MO. April 15, 6 Pat Spencer, “Extension for Flood sion, April 19, 1999. 1997. Assistance Slows Grant Application Process,” Buchanan County News, Feb- 15 Nicholas C. Wishart, “Flood Buyout ruary 3, 1994. Pleases Couple: When The Water Came Up, We Said We’ve Had It,” St. Louis

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904522bp 47-87.p65 77 3/21/00, 2:37 PM 7 “Flood buyout hearing to be held in 5 “500-year floods don’t have calendar or Interfaith Disaster Response Network, Agency,” St. Joseph News Press, Metro clock to follow,” Southeast Missourian June 16, 1999. The group had done Region, June 30, 1994, and “Informa- (Cape Girardeau, Missouri), Editorial, similar work in Pattonsburg and tional Meeting Set On Sugar Lake Buy- May 26, 1995, and Tim O’Neil, “Crests Rhineland. Out,” Buchanan County News, August May Go Higher Upriver,” St. Louis Post 25, 1994. Dispatch, News, May 26, 1995. 20 Southeast Missourian, Editorial, May 2, 1996. 8 Pat Spencer, “Buyout Funds Approved 6 Martha Shrik, “Sandbaggers, Boaters For Sugar Lake Residents,” Buchanan Are Busy This Weekend. Some Work, 21 Mark Bliss, “Buyout plan extended to County News, July 7, 1994. Some Play Through The Holiday north Cape,” Southeast Missourian, Rainstorms,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, September 7, 1996. 9 Pat Spencer, “More Steps Taken May 28, 1995. Toward Finalizing Buyout Plans,” 22 Scott Moyers, “City to make all buyout Buchanan County News, September 1, 7 Tom Uhlenbrock, “The Big Flood offers by Jan.1,” Southeast Missourian, 1994. Buyout Program That Worked. Across October 6, 1996. Region Many Low-Lying Communities 10 Steve Everly, “Sugar Lake buyouts Are Now Ghost Towns Of Abandoned 23 Peggy Scott, “Collaboration called key offered: 34 property owners have until Homes,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, for flood buyout,” Southeast Missourian, Jan. 1 to accept flood relief,” Kansas City May 28, 1995. August 9, 1998. Star, Metropolitan Section, December 19, 1994. 8 Kathleen Best, “12 Missouri Counties To Get Federal Flood Aid,” St. Louis Cedar City 11 Gary Chilcote, “Council announces 30 Post Dispatch, News, June 3, 1995, and flood buyouts,” St. Joseph News/Press: Bill Heltland (S.E. Missouri News Metro Region, February 14, 1995. Service), “Of 24 counties eligible for 1 Quote from Allen Garner, Jefferson assistance, only 1,240 people have City’s city attorney, in “Out of Harm’s 12 “At A Glance,” Buchanan County 404 registered,” Daily Dunklin Democrat, Way,” p. 5. Hazard Mitigation Grant Project, State (Kennett, Missouri), June 20, 1995. Emergency Management Agency, 2 John Egan, “ABB manager denies (SEMA), Jefferson City, Missouri, April, 9 Personal communication with Ken shutdown rumors,” Jefferson City Post 1996. Eftink, June 14, 1999. Tribune (Jefferson City, Missouri), July 30, 1993. 13 Scott Canon, “Flood victims still 10 Mark Bliss, “Cape Girardeau will seek weather uncertain times: Many in flood buyout funds after all,” Southeast 3 “Final Report,” Missouri SEMA, Rushville are waiting for help to get their Missourian, July 23, 1995. January 10, 1997. lives back on track,” Kansas City Star, National/World Section, March 1, 1994. 11 Mark Bliss, “Cape seeks money for 4 Brent Johnson, “The knockout blow,” flood buyout,” Southeast Missourian, The Columbia Missourian (Columbia), 14 Pat Spencer, “Final Work Completed August 8, 1995. August 9, 1998. on Rushville Levee,” Buchanan County News, January 26, 1995. 12 Marc Powers, “Cape gets state nod for 5 Tom Uhlenbrock, “The Big Flood buyout,” Southeast Missourian, October Buyout Program That Worked,” St. 15 Pat Spencer, “Sugar Lake Property 17, 1995, and Marc Powers, “Govern- Louis Post Dispatch, News, May 28, Owners Finish Buyout,” Buchanan ment OKs flood buyouts,” Daily Dunklin 1995. County News, January 12, 1995. Democrat, November 9, 1995. 6 “State Policy for Flood Mitigation 13 Bill Heitland, “Meadowbrook wants Projects,” State Administration Plan for buyout, not sewer,” Southeast Missou- SEMA, p. 10. Also Personal communica- Cape Girardeau rian, July 7, 1995. tion with Melva Fast, January 25, 1999.

1 Virginia Baldwin and Tim O’Neil, “Hot 14 Marc Powers, “Cape gets state nod for 7 Personal communication with Melva Topics: Insurance, The Pros And Cons buyout.” Fast, January 25, 1999. Of Buyouts,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, August 27, 1993. 15 “Briefs, Flood Buyout,” St. Louis Post 8 “Final Performance Report,” Missouri Dispatch, News, November 10, 1995. SEMA, January 10, 1997, p. 2. 2 Tim Poor, “Crest Is Gone For Good. Water Drops A Foot Here In 24 Hours,” 16 Marc Powers, “Flood buyout plan 9 “Out of Harm’s Way,” p. 5. St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, August 9, outlined,” Southeast Missourian, De- 1993. cember 22, 1995. 10 “The knockout blow,” Columbia Missourian, August 9, 1998. 3 High and Mighty: The Flood of ‘93, 17 Personal communication with Ken published by the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Eftink, June 14, 1999. 11 Personal communication with Melva 1993, p. 10. Fast, January 25, 1999. 18 Peggy Scott, “Headed for higher 4 Personal communication with Ken ground,” Southeast Missourian, August 12 Personal communication with both Eftink, Development Services Coordina- 9, 1998. Sally Sprague, Coordinator of the tor for Cape Girardeau, June 14, 1999. Rendezvous Festival and Harry Thomp- 19 Personal communication with Linda son, January 22, 1999. Reed Brown, Associate Director of

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904522bp 47-87.p65 78 3/21/00, 2:37 PM 13 Personal Communication with Terry 13 “Briefs: Missouri Flood Buyouts,” St. monitors reserves, leak,” August 17, Rackers, President of Jefferson City Louis Post Dispatch. October 17, 1995, 1993, “City damage widespread,” Au- Flying Service, January 22, 1999. “Cape gets state nod for flood buyout,” gust 24, 1993, and “Flash flood of ‘93 Chaffee Scott County Signal: News recalled,” August 12, 1994. Additional Digest, October 22, 1995, and “Briefs: information came from City Administra- Flood Buyout,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, tor Molly McGovern and town resident Commerce News, November 10, 1995. Kevin Bennett (interviewed on February 13). 1 Laura Johnston, “Flood buyouts in 14 “Government OKs flood buyouts in Commerce commence; not everybody Cape, Commerce,” Chaffee Scott County 7 Brad Fischer, “Power of flood blows happy; government offers considered Signal. News Digest, November 12, 1995. out house,” Daily Standard, August 16, low,” Chaffee Scott County Signal 1993. (Chaffee), February 26, 1996. 15 Laura Johnston, “Officials open office to manage flood buyout plan: About 20 8 Brad Fischer, “Fire Chief Bill Stewart 2 Ron Eifert, “Water Overtakes Com- property owners have applied for the discusses emergency plans with FEMA,” merce,” Scott County News, (Chaffee), program,” Southeast Missourian, No- Daily Standard, August 13, 1993. July 15, 1993, and Mark Bliss, “Com- vember 30, 1995. merce seeks buyout: Scott County town 9 Gene Hanson, “Aid packages ex- applies for $1.7 million,” Southeast 16 Personal communication with Destin plained,” Daily Standard, August 19, Missourian, Cape Girardeau, August 11, Frost, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, 1993. 1995. Missouri Emergency Management Agency, (SEMA), June 29, 1999. 10 Gene Hanson, “Downtown flooded 3 Also “Flood waters down, Commerce again,” Daily Standard, September 22, cleaning up,” Scott County News, 17 May 5, 1996. 1993. September 9, 1993. 18 Laura Johnston, “Commerce flood 11 “At a Glance,” Final Report of the 404 4 Cathryn Maya, “Commerce residents buyout program ended today,” Chaffee Hazard Mitigation Grant Program: Resi- debate FEMA buyout,” Scott County Scott County Signal, May 5, 1996. dential Buyout, Missouri Emergency News, August 5, 1993. Management Agency (SEMA), revised 19 Scott Moyers, “Commerce treading January 13, 1998, p. 2. 5 Cathryn Maya, “Commerce slowly water after buyout; Flood buyout leaves rebuilding, awaits the spring,” Chaffee bitter taste for some,” Southeast Missou- 12 Personal communication with Molly Scott County Signal, January 20, 1994. rian, November 24, 1996. McGovern, February 9, 1999.

6 “Commerce mayor hopes for buyout,” 20 Laura Johnston, “41.5 foot crest 13 Nicole Raulie, “Flood buyout proce- Chaffee Scott County Signal, News expected here: Commerce residents dure is explained” Daily Standard, Digest, June 18, 1995. battle river one more time,” Southeast August 8, 1994. Missourian, May 1, 1996. 7 “500-year floods don’t have calendar or 14 Gene Hanson, “More flood buyout clock to follow,” Southeast Missourian, funding is sought,” Daily Standard, Editorial, May 26, 1995. Excelsior Springs August 16, 1993. 8 Martha Shrik, “Sandbaggers, Boaters 15 See for instance photos in the Are Busy This Weekend. Some Work, 1 Gene Hanson, “Flash flood of 93 September 8th, September 23rd, October Some Play Through The Holiday recalled,” Daily Standard, (Excelsior 12th, 1994 issue of the Daily Standard, as Rainstorms,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, Springs) August 12, 1994. well as articles in the January 16th and News, May 28, 1995. 19th, 1995 issues. 2 Personal communication with Molly 9 Tom Uhlenbrock, “The Big Flood McGovern, Excelsior Springs City Ad- 16 Personal Communication with Molly Buyout Program That Worked. Across ministrator, February 9, 1999. McGovern, February 9, 1999. Also: Region, Many Low—Lying Communi- “Excelsior Springs, Missouri: 1998 Flash ties Are Now Ghost Towns of Aban- 3 Gene Hanson, “City crews monitor Flooding of Little Concern to Residential doned Homes,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, water levels,” Daily Standard, July 29, Property Owners,” Summary Published News, May 28, 1995. 1993, and “Flood hits close to Excelsior,” by Missouri Emergency Management July 30, 1993. Agency, Jefferson City, MO. 1998. 10 Mark Bliss, “Commerce seeks buyout; Scott County river town applies for $1.7 4 Personal communication, Molly million,” Southeast Missourian, August McGovern, February 9, 1999. 11, 1995. Hannibal 5 Janis Kincaid, “Flood called worst 11 Tim ONeil, “Public Costs Plummet for ever,” Daily Standard, August 13, 1993. 1 “Hannibal’s worst floods,” Hannibal 1995 Floods. Buyout Of Property Courier-Post (Hannibal), July 1993, Destroyed In ‘93 Gets Credit For 6 The damage summary is taken from the 1993. Savings,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, following articles in the Daily Standard, January 26, 1996. Janis Kincaid, “Downtown flooded,” 2 J. Hurley Hagood and Roberta Hagood, August 12, 1993, “Flood called worst Hannibal Flood ‘93, published by 12 Tom Uhlenbrock, “The Big Flood ever,” August 13, 1993, and “Lower level Hannibal Courier-Post, Hannibal, Mis- Buyout Program That Worked,” St. damage extensive,” August 17, 1993. souri, 1994. pp. 3-5. Louis Post Dispatch, News, May 28, Also articles by Gene Hanson, “City 1995.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 79 3/21/00, 2:37 PM 3 Hagood and Hagood, p. 28. 16 R.C. Adams, “Experience helps towns Hartsburg / Boone County fight a rampaging river,” Ashland Boone 4 Gil Stuekel, “Corps: Levee paid for County Journal, May 25, 1995. itself, and then some,” Hannibal Courier- 1 Articles by Chuck Geary in the Ashland Post, July 20, 1993. The statistics were Boone County Journal (Ashland), “Wa- quoted by Doyle W. McCully, deputy ter tops levees in south county,” July 8, district engineer, Army Corps of Engi- 1993, and “Levees give way; river wins Hermann neers. again,” July 15, 1993. Also Mike Rodemeyer, “The 1993 flood: A story of 1 Personal communication with Dolores 5 Hagood and Hagood, pp. 16-17. heartbreak and loss,” Ashland Boone Grannemann, Hermann City Clerk and County Journal, July 22, 1993. Acting City Administrator, February 9, 6 Hagood and Hagood, p. 24. 1999. 2 “The flood of 93: it ain’t over till its 7 Martha Parsons, Sny breaks: 45,000 over,” Ashland Boone County Journal, 2 Don Kruse, “River reaches record acres flooded, Hannibal Courier-Post, July 29, 1993. Also Mike Rodemeyer, 36.98,” Hermann Advertiser-Courier July 26, 1993. “The 1993 flood: A story of heartbreak (Hermann), August 3, 1993, “Hermann and loss,” Ashland Boone County schools remain closed due to high water,” 8 Hagood and Hagood, p. 43. Journal, July 22, 1993. September 28, 1993, and “River could fall below flood stage Wednesday, July 9 “Rhineland is approved for relocation,” 3 Photo in the August 12, 1993 issue of 5, 1995.” Hermann Advertiser Courier (Hermann), the Ashland Boone County Journal. December 14, 1993. The Hermann 3 “City and county receive FEMA flood Advertiser Courier also carried stories on 4 Caption on a photo in the Ashland payments,” Hermann Advertiser-Courier, the Hannibal buyout project. Boone County Journal, August 19, 1993. November 23, 1993.

10 Hagood and Hagood, p. 137. 5 Chuck Geary “FEMA regulations 4 Local Government Leaders Briefed on stagger Hartsburg,” Ashland Boone Relief Programs, Hermann Advertiser- 11 Brien Murphy, “City: Many flood County Journal, September 23, 1993. Courier, September 7, 1993. plain homes may be uninhabitable,” Hannibal Courier-Post, July 22, 1993, 6 Bill Foreman, “County short on money 5 Don Kruse, “Rhineland Close to and Bev Dar. “FEMA changes buyout to match buyouts,” Columbia Daily Approval of Relocation,” Hermann rules,” Hannibal Courier-Post, Septem- Tribune , November 30, 1993. Advertiser-Courier, November 16, 1993. ber 3, 1993. “City awarded nearly half-million 7 “Meeting in Hartsburg Jan. 5 will dollars for buyout program,” Hermann 12 Brien Murphy, “City gets $1.5 million discuss buyout program,” Ashland Boone Advertiser-Courier, July 5, 1994. flood buyout grant,” Hannibal Courier- County Journal, December 30, 1993. Post, December 10, 1993. 6 Personal communication with Dolores 8 “Cities, county decide use of buyout Grannemann, February 9, 1999. 13 “Rhineland is approved for reloca- land,” Ashland Boone County Journal, tion,” Hermann Advertiser Courier, January 13, 1994. 7 “Hermann submits $2.2 million December 14, 1993. application for buyout program,” 9 Karen Miller, “The County Line: Hermann Advertiser-Courier, January 14 “City to receive additional funding to Buyout applications,” Ashland Boone 25, 1994. buy 111 flood-damaged homes,” Hannibal County Journal, January 20, 1994. Courier-Post, April 5, 1993. 8 “Hermann’s buyout request improves 10 Karen Miller, “The County Line: Time with new funding,” Hermann Advertiser- 15 Martha Parsons, “Flood Buyout and change for the commission.” Courier, June 7, 1994. program expands,” Hannibal Courier- Post, April 22, 1994. 11 Lisa Yorkgitis, “Hartsburg area homes 9 “City’s flood assistance grants given recommended for buyout,” Jefferson approval,” Hermann Advertiser-Courier, 16 Martha Parsons, “First federal funds to City News Tribune, February 15, 1994. August 9, 1994, and “City awarded flood families,” Hannibal Courier-Post, nearly half-million dollars for buyout May 20, 1994. 12 Two articles in the Ashland Boone program,” Hermann Advertiser-Courier, County Journal, Nancy Grant and Shirley July 5, 1994. 17 “At a Glance,” City of Hannibal Thomas, “Hartsburg Hot Line,” June 16, Disaster 0995; FEMA 404 Residential 1994, and Karen Miller, “The County 10 “Hermann is approved for buyout,” Acquisition Project, June 26, 1997. Line: Approval for buy-out, July 7, Hermann Advertiser-Courier, October 1994.” 19, 1994. 18 Personal conversation with John Wheeler, Building Inspector for Hannibal, 13 Nancy Grant and Shirley Thomas, 11 “River here still not below flood stage; Missouri, April 30, 1999. “Hartsburg Hot Line,” Ashland Boone it could be Friday,” Hermann Advertiser- County Journal. Courier, July 12, 1995. 19 Personal communication with Bill Lankford, Director of Parks and Recre- 14 Alson Sharp, “Federal aid to pour into 12 “Residential demolition underway,” ation, Hannibal, Missouri, April 30, local flooded areas,” June 9, 1995. Hermann Advertiser-Courier, October 4, 1999. 1995. 15 Nancy Grant and Shirley Thomas, “Hartsburg Hot Lline,” Ashland Boone 13 Personal communication with Dolores County Journal, May 18, 1995. Grannemann, February 9, 1999.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 80 3/21/00, 2:37 PM 14 “Historic house discovered in demoli- 8 Tim Rowden, “Flood and red tape: 21 Tim O’Neil, “Great, Big Flash Flood tion of fifth street,” Hermann Advertiser- Meeting may help local officials,” Festus Tops Levee: Missouri River Brings Courier, October 18, 1995. Weekly News Democrat, September 10, Trouble From Near KC to St. Charles,” 1993. St. Louis Post Dispatch, May 20, 1995. 15 Personal communication with Dolores Grannemann, February 9, 1999. 9 Kathleen Best, “One Town Followed 22 Tim O’Neil, “2 Rivers May Drop In The Rules—And Won,” St Louis Post About A Month; But it Depends On NO Dispatch, November 21, 1993, also More Downpours,” St. Louis Post personal communication with Eric Knoll, Dispatch, News, June 1, 1995. Jefferson County May 25, 1999. 23 “State Allocated $1.3 Million For 1 Although Arnold is in Jefferson County, 10 Theresa Tighe and Jo Mannies, Floodplain Buyout Here,” St. Louis Post that city’s buyout program was unique, “Facing Still Another Crisis, Federal Dispatch, Metro Post South, August 28, and its story is recorded separately. Rescue Could Be Slow, Meager,” St. 1995. This grant was divided between Louis Post Dispatch, News, September Arnold ($275,000), Valley Park (100,000) 2 In the St. Louis Post Dispatch, News and 20, 1993. and Jefferson County ($925,000). in Metro Post South: Linda Eardley, “Flood Widens Reach, Stretches South,” 11 Terry Ganey, “Buyout Money OK’d 24 “At A Glance,” Jefferson County July 3, 1993, and William Adam and Al For Flooded Areas,” St. Louis Post FEMA-HMGP 404 Residential Acquisi- Stamborski, “Sandbag Soldiers Fight On: Dispatch, News, January 25, 1994, and tion Project, State Emergency Manage- Levee Fails in St. Charles County.” Also “Clearing Flood Plains House by House,” ment Agency, (SEMA), October 16, see: Robert Steyer, “Doe Run Shuts Lead St. Louis Post Dispatch, Editorial, 1997. Smelter,” July 20, 1993, “A Few Enjoy February 8, 1994. Water’s Ebb: Others Gird For The New 25 “At A Glance Reports,” published by Crest,” August 1, 1993, and, “The Flood In 12 Jennifer Price, “Federal flood relief State Emergency Management Agency, Perspective,” Stephen Kirkland, “Jefferson efforts are under way,” Festus Weekly (SEMA): St. Charles County, Disaster County Watches, Worries,” August 1, News Democrat, November 5, 1993. 0995 Residential Acquisition Project, 1993, and August 2, 1993, In the Festus December 6, 1998; Jefferson County, Weekly News Democrat (Festus), see: 13 Roy Malone, “$11 Million Sought In FEMA-HMGP 404, Residential Acquisi- Tim Rowden, “High water mark ahead: Federal Funds For Flood Buyout,” St. tion Project, October 16, 1997; and St. Worst flooding in years expected,” “Flood Louis Post Dispatch, Metro Post South, Louis County, Disaster 0995, Residential veterans watch rising waters warily,” July December 6, 1993. Acquisition Project, November 16, 1998. 9, 1993, and David Benson and Kathleen Sullivan, “National Guardsmen are de- 14 Thom Gross, “Families Full Of Praise ployed in county,” July 16, 1993, Tim For Flood Agencies’ Victims; We Were Rowden, “Weather pattern shifts, but more Treated With Respect,” St. Louis Post Lincoln County flooding expected,” July 30, 1993. Dispatch, News Analysis, December 16, 1993. 1 Ralph Dummit, “Levee Watchers 3 Leo Fitzmaurice, “Officials Weigh Around Winfield Expecting Worst,” Damage From Record Flooding,” St. 15 Tim Rowden, “County seeks $5 Nation/World, July 3, 1993, and Gregg Louis Post Dispatch, Metro Post South, million in flood buyouts,” Festus Courier Ochoa, “Levees are holding their own July 22, 1993, and Tim Rowden and Journal, January 5, 1994. thanks to dry holiday weekend,” Troy David Benson, “Officials: One eye on Free Press (Troy), May 31, 1995. water, other on recovery,” Festus Weekly 16 Ron Malone, “Buyout Set On Flood- News Democrat, July 23, 1993. Damaged Properties,” St. Louis Post 2 Gregg Ochoa chronicled the flooding Dispatch, Metro Post South, March 14, in: “County flooded; Winfield levee 4 Stephen Kirkland, “Jefferson County 1994. Faulkenberry’s quote is from this bursts,” Troy Free Press, July 7, 1993, Watches, Worries,” St. Louis Post article. “No relief for flood victims,” Troy Free Dispatch, Metro Post South, August 1, Press, July 14, 1993, and “Flood of ‘93 1993. 17 “Meramec Reclaims More Land, River Day by Day,” Newspaper insert pub- Falls; Missouri Tops Levees: More Rain lished by the Lincoln County Journal 5 Carolyn Tuft and Roy Malone, Feared,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, (Troy), September 21, 1993. “Jefferson County Relieved: We’re Win- April 15, 1994, also Jennifer Price, ning,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, “Flooding not expected to reach ‘93 3 Gregg Ochoa, “2,700 parcels of land August 3, 1993. levels,” Festus Weekly News Democrat, were flooded in county,” Lincoln County April 15, 1994. Journal, September 7, 1993, and, Gregg 6 Tim Rowden, “Officials: don’t rush to Ochoa, “No relief for flood victims,” remove sandbag levees,” Festus Weekly 18 Jennifer Price, “City to begin buyout of Troy Free Press, July 14, 1993. News Democrat, August 13, 1993. flooded property,” Festus Weekly News Democrat, April 15, 1994. 4 Gregg Ochoa, “Water down, some 7 Leo Fitmaurice, “Officials Weigh roads now open,” Troy Free Press, Damage From Record Flooding,” St. 19 Jennifer Price, “Flooded property August 11, 1993. Louis Post Dispatch, Metro Post South, buyout begins,” Festus Weekly News July 22, 1993. The initial report in the Democrat, December 30, 1994. 5 Gregg Ochoa, “Flood fight rages on in Post Dispatch mentioned a buyout for county; More than 400 seek.” Troy Free mobile homes. However, the Post printed 20 Tom Uhlenbrock, “The Big Flood Press, July 21, 1993. a correction on July 26th, stating that Buyout Program That Worked,” St. Faulkenberry had specified “flood dam- Louis Post Dispatch, May 28, 1995. 6 Gregg Ochoa, “Officials field questions aged homes.” St. Louis Post Dispatch, on buy-outs and repairs,” Troy Free Correction, July 26, 1993. Press, August 25, 1993.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 81 3/21/00, 2:38 PM 7 Three articles by Gregg Ochoa, Press, March 23, 1994, and “Aftermath: “Volkmer bill awaits Clinton’s signa- Government moves to purchase homes,” Neosho ture,” Lincoln County Journal, Novem- Lincoln County Journal, February 2, ber 30, 1993, “Area officials to hold 1995. 1 Personal communication with Jim Cole, workshops on flood programs: Buyouts City Manager, Neosho, Missouri, January and other topics to be discussed” Troy 20 Gregg Ochoa, “County set to receive 26, 1999, and with Heidi Quinanes, Grant Free Press, September 8, 1993, and $3.4 million for buyouts,” Troy Free Administrator, Neosho, Missouri, January “Officials field questions on buyouts and Press, March 23, 1994, and Gregg Ochoa, 25, 1999. repairs,” Troy Free Press, August 25, “Aftermath: Government moves to 1993. purchase homes,” Lincoln County Jour- 2 Final Performance Report, Missouri nal, February 2, 1995. SEMA, February 25, 1999. 8 “Seminar to be held to discuss federal flood relocation program,” Lincoln 21 Gregg Ochoa, “Request by Foley to 3 “State of Missouri Hazard Mitigation County Journal, December 7, 1993. relocate is rejected,” Lincoln County Makes Sense,” p. 2. Journal, November 8, 1994. 9 Gregg Ochoa, “Buyout process begins 4 Personal communication with Jim for 1993 flood victims,” Lincoln County 22 Gregg Ochoa, “Aftermath: Govern- Cole, January 26, 1999. Journal, June 14, 1994. ment moves to purchase homes,” Lincoln County Journal, February 7, 1995. 5 Final Report, SEMA, February 25, 10 Gregg Ochoa, “County set to receive 1998. $3.4 million for buyouts,” Troy Free 23 Gregg Ochoa, “Buyout marks end of Press, March 23, 1994. painful ordeal,” Lincoln County Journal, 6 Personal communication with Jim August 2, 1994. Cole, Neosho City Manager, January 26, 11 Chuck Herron, “Getting out: Buyout 1999. program will help hundreds of Lincoln 24 Gregg Ochoa, “County flood insur- County families find higher ground,” ance is under fire,” Lincoln County 7 “State of Missouri: Hazard Mitigation Hannibal Courier-Post, May 11, 1994, Journal, November 7, 1995. Makes Sense,” p. 3. and Gregg Ochoa, “Some interest expressed in buyout of land: 83 residents 25 “State Group Honors Flood-Buyout 8 Personal Communication with Heidi have asked to participate,” Lincoln Program,” St. Louis Post Dispatch: St. Quinanes, January 25, 1999. County Journal, November 30, 1993, and Charles Post, December 4, 1995. Phil Linsalata, “Uncle Sam’s Left Hand. 9 Letter of Recommendation, November . . ,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News 26 Tom Uhlenbrock, “Water Works 23, 1998. Analysis, September 4, 1944. Crews Raze, Recycle Homes Hit By Flood,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, 12 Two articles by Gregg Ochoa: October 29, 1995. “Buyout process begins for 1993 flood Pattsonburg victims,” Lincoln County Journal, June 27 Personal communication with Steve 14, 1994, and “County working on plan Etcher, Boonslick Regional Planning 1 Mike Jones, “Pattonsburg mapping to buy flooded homes: Commission OK Commission, May 28, 1999. move,” St. Joseph Opinion (St. Joseph), sought on plan,” Lincoln County Journal, November 13, 1993. Personal communi- May 10, 1994. 28 “At A Glance,” City of Winfield, cation with Denise Stottlemeyer, Green Disaster 0995, Residential Acquisition Hills Regional Planning Commission, 13 Gregg Ochoa, “Foley considering Project, State Emergency Management January 27, 1999. moving the town to higher ground,” Agency, SEMA, April 14, 1997. Lincoln County Journal, June 21, 1994. 2 Margaret Stafford, “Pattonsburg Re- 29 John Sonderregger, “Residents Step makes Itself After ‘93 Flood,” Missouri 14 “Rhineland is Approved for Reloca- Back, Wait For The Water Evacuation Monitor, August, 1998. tion,” Hermann Advertiser-Courier, De- Plans,” St Louis Post Dispatch, St. cember 14, 1993. Charles Post, May 19, 1995, and Gregg 3 “Two floods in two weeks: too much,” Ochoa, “Levees are holding their own Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune 15 Gregg Ochoa, “Foley considering thanks to dry holiday weekend,” Troy (Chillicothe), August 3, 1993, and photo moving the town to higher ground.” Free Press, May 31, 1995. caption from the Bethany Republican Clipper (Bethany), July 28, 1993. 16 Personal communication with Steve 30 Gregg Ochoa, “Cuivre River swallows Etcher, May 28, 1999. up ground,” Troy Free Press, April 13, 4 “Pattonsburg Remakes Itself After ‘93 1994. Flood,” Missouri Monitor, August 1998. 17 Jackie Hoeltge, “Winfield City Council awards excavating contract for 31 Personal communication with Steve 5 “Pattonsburg’s options include buyout, Highland Acres Subdivision,” Lincoln Etcher, Boonslick Regional Develop- relocation,” Gallatin North Missourian County Journal, June 18, 1996. ment Commission, May 28, 1999. (Gallatin), November 3, 1993.

18 Personal communication with Steve 32 “No end predicted in county’s growth 6 “Dry future for Pattonsburg?” St. Etcher, Boonslick Regional Planning trend,” Lincoln County Journal, Febru- Joseph Opinion, November 13, 1993. Commission, May 28, 1999. ary 13, 1996. 7 Personal communication with Denise 19 Gregg Ochoa, “County set to receive 33 “Officials warn of hazards,” Lincoln Stottlemeyer, January 27, 1999. $3.4 million for buyouts,” Troy Free County Journal, February 6, 1996.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 82 3/21/00, 2:38 PM 8 “Final Performance Report,” Missouri Perryville Sun Times, February 2, 1994. Makes its Mark,” Hermann advertiser- SEMA, November 13, 1998. Courier, August 24, and July 13, 7 “Gov. acts of buyout,” Perry County respectively. 9 Personal communication with Denise Republic-Monitor, February 15, 1994. Stottlemeyer, January 27, 1999. 8 “Volkmer Legislation Would Help 8 “$296,352 block grant begins local Area,” Hermann Advertiser-Courier, 10 “Pattonsburg Remakes Itself After ‘93 buyout,” Perry County Republic-Moni- October 26, 1993. Flood,” Missouri Monitor, August 1998. tor, March 10, 1994. 9 Don Kruse, “Rhineland Close to 11 “Two floods in two weeks: too much,” 9 “Perry county awaits state grant to buy Approval of Relocation,” Hermann Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune, Au- flood damaged properties,” Perryville Advertiser-Courier, November 16, 1993. gust 3, 1993. Sun Times, November 23, 1994, and “At A Glance,” Perry County FEMA-HMGP 10 Don Kruse, “Plan Would Relocate 12 “Final Performance Report,” Missouri 404 Residential Acquisition Project, Rhineland,” Hermann Advertiser-Cou- SEMA, November 13, 1998. Missouri Emergency Management rier, November 9, 1993. Agency (SEMA), May 9, 1997. 13 Personal communication with Denise 11 “Rhineland is Approved for Reloca- Stottlemeyer, January 27, 1999. 10 “Application and Grant Approval for tion,” Hermann Advertiser-Courier, De- Perry County,” State Emergency Man- cember 14, 1993. 14 Personal communication with Mark agement Agency (SEMA), no date. Smith. Personal communication with Destin 12 “News Expected Soon of Rhineland’s Frost, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, Federal Grant,” Hermann Advertiser- 15 “Pattonsburg Remakes Itself After ‘93 State Emergency Management Agency, Courier, January 11, 1994. Flood,” Missouri Monitor, August 1998. June 29, 1999. 13 “Rhineland Relocation Project,” video 16 Personal communication with Mark 11 Personal communication with Brian produced by Video Production Com- Smith, January 27, 1999. Balsman, Southeast Missouri Regional pany, Columbia, Missouri, 1998. Planning Commission, February 28, 17 Personal communication with Buck 1999. 14 “Rhineland Moves up the Hill,” Katt, Assistant Director, Missouri State Hermann Advertiser-Courier, September Emergency Management Agency, 12 “Application and Grant Approval for 20, 1994. (SEMA), May 21, 1999. Perry County,” State Emergency Man- agement Agency (SEMA), no date. 15 Personal communication with Steve Etcher, Director of the Boonslick Perry County Regional Planning Commission, Febru- Rhineland ary 5, 1999. 1 High and Mighty, The Flood of ‘93, 16 “Missouri River Crests at 36.3,” Published by the St. Louis Post Dispatch, 1 “First House in Rhineland is Scheduled Hermann Advertiser-Courier, May 24, 1993, p. 58. to be Moved up the Hill on Wednesday,” 1995, and “River Falls Below Flood Hermann Advertiser-Courier (Hermann), Stage After 88 Days Above 21 Feet,” 2 The summary of damage is from: September 13, 1994, and “Rhineland Hermann Advertiser-Courier, July 19, “Levee breaks near Menfro,” The Perry Begins to Move up the Hill,” Hermann 1995. County Republic-Monitor (Perryville), Advertiser-Courier, September 20, 1994. July 27, 1993, Bob Scott, “Break in Bois 17 “Downtown Rhineland Starts to Move Brule Levee lets tidal wave into bottom 2 Don Kruse, “Plan Would Relocate to New Location Across the KATY lands,” Perryville Sun Times, July 28, Rhineland,” Hermann Advertiser-Cou- Trail,” Hermann Advertiser-Courier, 1993, and “Crop loss estimated at over rier, November 9, 1993. September 13, 1995. $13 million,” Perry County Republic- Monitor, July 29, 1993. 3 “Rhineland Begins Move up the Hill,” 18 Personal communication with Steve Hermann Advertiser-Courier, September Etcher, Director of the Boonslick 3 “Contracts awarded on Bois Brule 20, 1994, and “Rhineland Hit Hard by Regional Planning Commission, Febru- repair,” Perry County Republic-Monitor, Flood; Gasconade, Chamois and Berger ary 5, 1999. October 26, 1993. feel record crest,” Hermann Advertiser- Courier, August 3, 1993. 19 “Living It Up In Rhineland,” Hermann 4 Cecilia Fallert, “The Bottom Line: Advertiser-Courier, July 10, 1996. Severely damaged homes may not be 4 “Area Rainfall is on Record Setting rebuilt in the Bois Brule Bottoms,” Perry Pace,” Hermann Advertiser-Courier, July County Republic-Monitor, August 31, 6, 1993. 1993. St. Charles County 5 “Rhineland Hit Hard by Flood,” 5 Cecilia Fallert, “County seeks 1.7 Hermann Advertiser-Courier, August 3, 1 Timothy R. Roberts, “The Great Flood million buyout,” Perry County Republic- 1993. of 93” Missouri Army National Guard, Monitor, February 3, 1994. Also: Art 1999. p. 22. Schwent, “Perry county proposes to buy 6 “Area Rainfall is on Record Setting 54 flood-damaged properties,” Perryville Pace,” Hermann Advertiser-Courier, July 2 High and Mighty: The flood of 93, Sun Times, February 2, 1994. 6, 1993. published by the St. Louis Post Dispatch, 1993. p. 10. 6 Art Schwent, “Perry county proposes to 7 “Rhineland Mood is Upbeat: Church buy 54 flood-damaged properties,” Groups Help Clean, and The 1993 Flood

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904522bp 47-87.p65 83 3/21/00, 2:38 PM 3 High and Mighty, p. 23 19 “Tally Begins on Damages as ‘93 7 “Governor examines damage.” Costs Keep Coming,” St. Louis Post 4 High and Mighty, p. 33. Dispatch, St. Charles Post, May 24, 1995. 8 “Guard unit helps fight floodwater at Ste. Genevieve,” July 23, 1993. 5 “Here’s What’s Happening, Town By 20 Ralph Dummit, “First of Flood- Town,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, Damaged Buyout Properties Razed,” St 9 “A View From Atop A Levee,” July 11, 1993. Louis Post Dispatch, St. Charles Post, Christian Science Monitor, July 21, August 17, 1994. 1993. 6 After Action Report, 1438th Engineer Company (Assault Float Bridge, Ribbon) 21 Nordeka English, “Firefighters To 10 Timothy R. Roberts, Missouri Na- Missouri Army National guard, 15 Torch Flood-Devastated Houses,” St. tional Guard, pages 39-40. The descrip- September 1993. Louis Post Dispatch, St. Charles Post, tion of the levee system is from: “The September 21, 1994. Battle Zone,” Drawing of the levees 7 High and Mighty, p. 22-23. protecting Ste. Genevieve, appearing in 22 Al Stamborski, “Waiting for the End, the Ste. Genevieve Herald, July 14, 1993. 8 Jim Gallagher, “Levee Break Swamps 129 Flooded Mobile Homes to be North St. Louis,” St. Louis Post Razed,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, St. 11 Scott Charton, “Ste. Genevieve’s Dispatch, News Analysis, August 2, Charles Post, September 1, 1994. Mayor Leads Careful War Against 1993, and “Tally Begins On Damages as Mississippi,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, 93 Costs Keep Coming,” St. Louis Post 23 Tommy Robertson, “Turn Flooded July 24, 1993, and “Its Us Against The Dispatch, St. Charles Post, May 24, 1995. Land Into Park Areas, Firm Recom- River: Ste. Genevieve Shows Its Grit,” mends,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, St. St. Louis Post Dispatch, July 21, 1993. 9 High and Mighty, p. 23. Charles Post, April 27, 1995. 12 “Workers Are Pushing to Keep Levee 10 Ralph Dummit, “Floodplain Future 24 Tommy Robinson, “Flood Buyout Tops Above Water,” St. Louis Post May Be Decided Tonight,” St. Louis Post Money Hearing Set For Tonight,” St. Dispatch, News, July 27, 1993, and Dispatch, St. Charles Post, November 23, Louis Post Dispatch, St. Charles Post, “Twelve hour shifts make long days for 1993, and Tommy Robertson, “More February 6, 1996. Company C,” Standard Democrat, Flood Aid Headed to Area,” St. Louis Sikeston, August 5, 1993. Reports on the Post Dispatch, St. Charles Post, May 26, 25 “Tally Begins on Damages as ‘93 amount of rock dumped on top of the 1994. Costs Keep Coming,” St. Louis Post levee vary with the reporter. Jean Dispatch, St. Charles Post, May 24, 1995. Rissover, project spokeswoman for the 11 “Clearing Floodplains House By National Guard used 400,000 tons, while House,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, Edito- 26 Sue Schneider and Kate Klise, “Out of Colonel Calvin Broughton, commanding rial, February 8, 1994. Harm’s Way: Missouri’s Flood Buyout National Guard troops in the area said the Program,” Missouri State Emergency figure was 100,000 tons. 12 Tommy Robertson, “More Flood Aid Management Agency (SEMA), 1996, p. Headed to Area,” St. Louis Post 5. 13 Margaret Gillman, “Ste. Genevieve Dispatch, St. Charles Post, May 26, 1994. Draws Cautious Breath As Crest Passes,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, August 7, 1993. 13 Judith Vande Water, “Governor OK’s Ste. Genevieve More Money To Clear Floodplain,” St. 14 “Residents of small Missouri towns Louis Post Dispatch, St. Charles Post, seek help in move to higher ground,” February 16, 1994. 1 Duane Meyer, The Heritage of Hermann Advertiser Courier, November Missouri, State Publishing company, St. 23, 1993. 14 Ralph Dummit, “Farewell to Water- Louis, Missouri, 1963, pp. 35-36, and logged Home Flooded Out—Bailed out “Missouri Floods,” Missouri Historical 15 Art Schwent, “Ste. Genevieve cuts First Two St. Charles County Review, July 21, 1993. flood buyout plan,” Perryville Sun Homeowners Pick Up Checks,” St. Louis Times, December 1, 1993. Post Dispatch, News, June 3, 1994. 2 “A View From Atop A Levee,” July 21, 1993. 16 Art Schwent, “Aldermen to seek more 15 Ralph Dummit, “First Buyouts In buyout funds,” Perryville Sun Times, Floodplain Begin, Officials Told,” St. 3 Timothy R. Roberts, The Missouri December 15, 1993. Louis Post Dispatch, St. Charles Post, National Guard: The Great Flood of 93, May 13, 1994. Published by the Missouri National 17 Art Schwent, “Ste. Genevieve seeks Guard, 1999, p. 35. funds to buy properties in flood plain,” 16 Ralph Dummit, “Farewell to Water Perryville Sun Times, December 29, Logged Home Flooded Out,” June 3, 4 “Governor examines damage,” South- 1993. 1994. east Missourian (Cape Girardeau), July 12, 1993, and “Twelve hour shifts make 18 Art Schwent, “Ste. Genevieve waits 17 Ralph Dummit, “Flood Aid Missing, long days for Company C,” Standard for word on flood buyout application,” Some Say. Mobile-Home Parks Are Democrat (Sikeston), August 5, 1993. Perryville Sun Times, February 2, 1994. Getting Left Out,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, St. Charles Post, July 5, 1994. 5 Terry Ganey and Robert L. Koenig, 19 Jim Ward, “Buyout Program Ap- “River Town May Get To Stop It’s proved, But Money Not Available Yet,” 18 Personal Communication with Destin Waitin’ On The Levee Soon,” St. Louis Ste. Genevieve Herald, April 27, 1994. Frost, Hazard Mitigation Officer, Mis- Post Dispatch, News, August 25, 1994. souri State Emergency Management 20 Missouri Emergency Management Agency, May 4, 1999. 6 “Governor examines damage,” South- Agency Manual on Project Management, east Missourian, July 12, 1993. p. 9.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 84 3/21/00, 2:38 PM 21 “City Gets Authorization For FEMA 38 Personal communication with Betty 8 Virgil Tipton, “2 Crests Pinch KC; Buyout Funding,” Ste. Genevieve Her- Seibel, June 2, 1999. Levees Hold: Residences, Businesses ald, February 8, 1995. Are Spared,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, 39 “More FEMA Buyouts Will Be News, July 28, 1993. 22 Jim Ward, “Buyout Awaits Only Offered” Ste. Genevieve Herald, Febru- FEMA Approval,” Ste. Genevieve Her- ary 21, 1996, and SHPO Comment in the 9 Terry Ganey, “Residents Flee St. ald, February 2, 1994. Missouri Emergency Management Joseph, MO.” St. Louis Post Dispatch, Agency Manual of Project Management, News, July 27, 1993. 23 “Residents Ask City To Speed Buyout p. 12. Process,” Ste. Genevieve Herald, July 6, 10 Jo Mannies, “Rivers Remain Near 1994. 40 William Flannery, “Two Years After Crest, On Attack: Resolute Sentry Digs Historic Flood, Ste. Gen. On Firm In,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, July 24 Two articles in the same issue: Footing Again,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, 22, 1993. “Buyout Contract Awarded to SEMO Business Plus, May 8, 1995. Regional Planning,” and “Buyout Pro- 11 Lori Teresa Yearwood and Carolyn gram Agreement Details Released,” Ste. 41 “$48 million levee planned in historic Tuft, “Baggers Set Sights On 49 Feet,” Genevieve Herald, July 27, 1994. Ste. Genevieve,” Daily Capital News, St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, August 1, (Jefferson City), May 10, 1995. 1993. 25 “Buyout Candidates Get Information on Program,” Ste. Genevieve Herald, 12 Joe Holleman, Cynthia Todd, and September 7, 1994. Robert Duffy, “Evacuees Also Have St. Louis and Rush Hour,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, 26 “Aldermen Approve Buyout Policies,” St. Louis County News, August 3, 1993. Ste. Genevieve Herald, September 28, 1994. 13 Daniel Browning, “Divers Try to 1 High and Mighty, The Flood of 93, p. Stabilize Floating Propane Tanks,” St. 27 “City Gets $441,000 For Relocation 13. Louis Post Dispatch, News, August 2, Assistance,” Ste. Genevieve Herald, 1993. November 8, 1994. 2 “Among KC Floods, This One Ranks No. 4,” in Trial by Water, a special 14 Christine Bertelson, “Sandbagged 28 “Houses Deemed To Be Of Historic supplement to the Kansas City Star, South City Flees Propane Threat,” St. Value Include Vertical Log, Queen Anne September, 1993, p. 29. Louis Post Dispatch, News, July 31, Style, and 1925 Bungalow,” Ste. 1993, and “Water Falls A Bit In Some Genevieve Herald, February 18, 1995. 3 High and Mighty, The Flood of 93, p. Towns, But Progress Is Slow,” St. Louis 23. Post Dispatch, News, August 3, 1993. 29 “First Buyout Checks Are Issued By Ste. Gen. City,” Ste. Genevieve Herald, 4 Harry Levins, “What a Flood Stage 15 Joan Little, “River Des Peres Retreat: February 29, 1995. Means,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, It’s Trying To Go East,” St. Louis Post July 7, 1993, and Harry Levins, “What Dispatch, News, August 3, 1993. 30 “Ste. Genevieve Historic Train Depot City’s Flood Wall Protects,” St. Louis Could Be Yours,” Ste. Genevieve Post Dispatch, News, July 27, 1993. 16 Stephen Kirkland, “Some South Siders Herald, April 12, 1995. Can Go Home” St. Louis Post Dispatch, 5 Virgil Tipton, “Rivers Remain Near News, August 6, 1993. 31 Personal communication with Betty Crest, On Attack: Venice Fisherman Seibel, Ste. Genevieve City Clerk, June Missing,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, 17 “Donations, Some Drops in Water 2, 1999. July 22, 1993. Levels Boost Flood Victims,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, July 22, 1993, 32 “DNR and City Purchase 3 More 6 Lane Beauchamp, “Six die inside cave; “Towns Stockpile Water, Move Books, Historic Properties,” Ste. Genevieve one boy found alive,” in Trial By Water, Man Pumps,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, Herald, July 26, 1995. a special supplement to the Kansas City News, July 24, 1993, and “Sandbags Are Star, September, 1993, p. 27, and Martha Both Coming Down and Going Up,” St. 33 Personal communication with Betty Shrink and Kim Bell, “Outing Turns Into Louis Post Dispatch, News, July 31, Seibel, June 2, 1999. A Disaster For Children,” St. Louis Post 1993. Dispatch, News, July 24, 1993. 34 Personal communication with Destin 18 “Flood News Update,” Missouri Frost, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, 7 Tom Uhlenbrock and Christine National Guard and State Emergency Missouri Emergency Management Bertelson, “City Workers Plug 60-Foot Management Agency, Jefferson City Agency, June 3, 1999. Hole Under Flood Wall For St. Louis,” Missouri, July 18, 1993. St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, July 24, 35 Missouri Emergency Management 1993. Information on how the ring dike 19 “Emergency Operations Center Mes- Agency Manual on Project Management, works comes from a personal communi- sage Log,” Missouri National Guard pp. 10 through 12. cation on January 7, 1996, with Captain Headquarters, Jefferson City, Missouri, Walter L. Westbrook, commander of July 12, 1993, p. 7. 36 “Mississippi Tops 1973 Flood Level,” Battery B, 1st Battalion, 128th Field Ste. Genevieve Herald, May 24, 1995. Artillery, Missouri Army National Guard. 20 “After Action Report of the 1137th Military Police Company,” Missouri 37 “The Way We Were,” Ste. Genevieve Army National Guard, August 11, 1993. Herald, December 27, 1995.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 85 3/21/00, 2:38 PM 21 “Donations, Some Drops in Water Are Now Ghost Towns of Abandoned 47 “Flood of ‘93’s legacy still being felt a Levels Boost Flood Victims,” St. Louis Homes,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, Section year later,” St. Joseph News/Press, June Post Dispatch, News, July 22, 1993, and B, May 28, 1995. 27, 1994. “Outsiders Bring Aid; Home Towners Just Keep Working,” St. Louis Post 34 Personal communication with Chris 48 Tim O’Neil, “Flood Aid Won’t Match Dispatch, News, July 25, 1993. Seemayer, Brentwood City Administra- ‘93,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News tor, May 21, 1999. Analysis, June 2, 1995. 22 “Many Communities Gear Up For Next Wave of Flooding,” St. Louis Post 35 Carolyn Bower, “US Buyout of Homes 49 “Government Buyout Keeping Mis- Dispatch, News, July 28, 1993, “A Few Advances: Board Agrees To First Step souri Flood Costs Down,” Jefferson City Enjoy Waters Ebb; Others Gird For New With Federal Flood Officials,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, May 26, 1995. Crest,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, Post Dispatch, News, January 6, 1994, August 1, 1993, and “Water Falls a Bit in and “Pact Lines Up Buyout For Twelve Some Towns, But Progress Is Slow,” St. Homes,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, Louis Post Dispatch, News, August 3, January 13, 1994. St. Mary 1993. Arthur Goldgaber, “Bellefontaine Neighbors Aiming to Be First To 36 “At A Glance,’ City of Brentwood 1 “Application and Grant Approval for Complete Buyout,” St. Louis Post FEMA-HMGP 404 Residential Acquisi- St. Mary, Missouri,” Missouri State Dispatch, St. Charles Post, May 10, 1994. tion Project Report, State Emergency Emergency Management Agency Management Agency, Jefferson City, (SEMA), Jefferson City, MO., 1994. 23 Personal communication with Claire MO. October 23, 1997. The number of Pyre, Fenton City Clerk, May 21, 1999. homes damaged is from a personal 2 Personal communication with JoAnn communication with Chris Seemayer, Donze, City Clerk, St. Mary, Missouri, 24 Personal communication with Mark May 21, 1999. February 23, 1999. Sartors, Public Works Director for Fenton, Missouri, May 21, 1999. 37 Personal communication with Chris 3 Art Schwent, “St. Mary constructs Seemayer, May 21, 1999. levee,” Perryville Sun Times, (Perryville), 25 Linda Eardley, “Flood Buyouts At July 22, 1993. Hand: New Grants Cover About 671 38 Personal communication with Mark Buildings Damaged by Floods,” St. Sartors, May 21, 1999. 4 Art Schwent, “St. Mary plans to buy Louis Post Dispatch, St. Louis Region, flood damaged property,” Perryville Sun February 27, 1993. 39 At A Glance, “City of Fenton,” Times, November 17, 1993. Disaster 0995, Residential Acquisition 26 “Flood Aid Swells With Vote; Panel Project, State Emergency Management 5 Personal communication with JoAnn Action Bolsters Buyouts,” St. Louis Post Agency, Jefferson City, MO. December Donze, February 23, 1999, and Art Dispatch, November 10, 1993 26, 1996. Schwent, “St. Mary applies for more money to expand flood buyout program,” 27 Arthur Goldgaber, “Bellefontaine 40 “Out of Harm’s Way: Missouri’s Perryville Sun Times, July 20, 1994. Neighbors Aiming to Be First To Flood Buyout Program,” State Emer- Complete Buyout,” St. Louis Post gency Management Agency (SEMA), 6 “Gov. acts on buyout,” Perry County Dispatch, St. Charles Post Section, May Jefferson City, MO. 1995. Republic-Monitor, February 15, 1994. 10, 1994. 41 Mark Schlinkmann, “Flood Buyout 7 “Application and Grant Approval for 28 Personal communication with Char- Checks Ease Horrible Year,” Post St. Mary, Missouri,” Missouri State lotte Youngman, Bellefontaine City Dispatch, News, July 23, 1994. Emergency Management Agency Clerk, May 21, 1999. (SEMA). 42 Linda Eardley, “Flood Buyouts At 29 Arthur Goldgaber, “Bellefontaine Hand: New Grants Cover About 671 8 Art Schwent, “St. Mary gets approval Neighbors Aiming to Be First to Buildings Damaged By Floods,” St. for flood funds,” Perryville Sun Times, Complete Buyout,” St. Louis Post Louis Post Dispatch, St. Louis Region, April 20, 1994. Dispatch, St. Charles Post Section, May February 27, 1994. 10, 1994. 9 Art Schwent, “St. Mary applies for 43 “Buyouts keep flood costs down,” more money to expand flood buyout 30 Personal communication with Char- Columbia Daily Tribune, May 25, 1995. program,” Perryville Sun Times, July 20, lotte Youngman, May 21, 1999. 1994. 44 “St. Louis and the Flood of ‘93, Buyout 31 Mark Schlinkmann, “Flood Buyout Bulletin,” State Emergency Management 10 Art Schwent, “St. Mary completes Checks Ease Horrible Year : Bellefontaine Agency, Jefferson City, MO., Summer buyout of properties,” Perryville Sun Neighbors Fulfills $557,600 Program,” 1995. Times, August 17, 1994. St. Louis Post Dispatch, News, July 23, 1994. 45 Tom Uhlenbrock and Joe Holleman, 11 Personal communication with JoAnn “River Crests Fall Short of Predictions, Donze, February 23, 1994. 32 Harry Levins, “On Books, 95 Flood but ‘95 Flood still third Worst,” St. Louis Looks Puny,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, Post Dispatch, News, May 22, 1995. 12 “At A Glance,” Final Performance News, June 3, 1995. Report on St. Mary, Missouri, Missouri 46 “Out of Harm’s Way: Missouri’s State Emergency Management Agency 33 Tom Uhlenbrock, “The Big Flood Flood Buyout Program,” State Emer- (SEMA), November 4, 1996. Buyout Program that Work: Across gency Management Agency (SEMA), Region Many Low-Lying Communities Jefferson city, MO. 1995., p. 14.

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904522bp 47-87.p65 86 3/21/00, 2:38 PM 13 Art Schwent, “St. Mary may get 12 “Green Hills Opens Carrollton Office 8 Personal communication with Destin FEMA funds” Perryville Sun Times, to Aid with Buy-out,” Carrollton Daily Frost, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, February 16, 1993. Democrat, August 25, 1994. Missouri Emergency Management Agency, February 16, 1999. 14 Art Schwent, “Grant Advances St. 13 Quote from Doug Womack in Mary flood recovery program,” Perryville “Demolition to Begin” Carrollton Daily 9 “Flooding Missouri River Disrupts This Sun Times, November 9, 1994. Democrat, June 14, 1994. Area Again,” Marthasville Record, May 25, 1995. 15 Personal Communication with JoAnn 14 Personal communication with Denise Donze, February 23, 1999. Stottlemeyer, February 1, 1999. 10 “Warren County Included on Disaster Area List,” Marthasville Record, June 15 Jon Flatland, “Flood Buyout Under- 22, 1995. Wakenda way in City of Carrollton,” Carrollton Democrat, September 5, 1999, and 11 “Final Performance Report,” Missouri “Application Process Delayed,” SEMA, March 17, 1997, p. 2. 1 Mike K. Johnson, “Wakenda Becomes Carrollton Daily Democrat, December 2, Dis-incorporated as a town,” Carrollton 1993. 12 Personal communication with Chuck Democrat (Carrollton), December 27, Eichmeyer, Boonslick Regional Plan- 1996. 16 Personal communication with Denise ning Commission, February 16, 1999. Stottlemeyer, February 1, 1999. 2 “Early History Reveals Wakenda’s 13 Personal communication with Lydia Original Name,” Carrollton Daily Demo- 17 Personal communication with Trella Zillgitt, Marthasville resident, February crat, October 11, 1994. On July 11, 1995, Ward, February 1, 1999. 16, 1999. the Carrollton Daily Democrat changed from a daily to a twice weekly 18 Jon Flatland, “Conservation Dept. 14 Personal communication with Chuck newspaper, and also changed its name to Studies Effects of Floodwaters on Trees Eichmeyer, Boonslick Regional Plan- the Carrollton Democrat. in Wakenda,” Carrollton Democrat, ning Commission, February 16, 1999. September 8, 1995. 3 Personal communication with Trella Ward, Emergency Planning Director for 19 Jon Flatland, “Water Officials and Carroll County, February 1, 1999. Landowners Pursue Wakenda Watershed Conclusion Project,” Carrollton Democrat, Septem- 4 Personal communication with Denise ber 29, 1995. 1 “Flood of ‘95 cost less than ‘93 flood,” Stottlemeyer, Director of the Green Hills Southeast Missourian (Cape Girardeau), Regional Planning Commission, Febru- January 27, 1996. ary 1, 1999. Warren County 2 Sue Schneider and Kate Klise, “Out of 5 Supplement to the Carrollton Daily Harm’s Way: Missouri’s Flood Buyout Democrat, the Waverly Times, and the 1 “Flood Waters Threaten Marthasville,” Program,” Missouri State Emergency Norborne Democrat, September 16, July 15, 1993, Editorial Page July 22, Management Agency (SEMA), pp. 3, 5, 1993. 1993, and “Flooding Missouri Disrupts and 14. This Area Again,” May 25, 1995. 6 Trish Sailer, “Wakenda Citizens Await 3 Tim O’Neil, “Public Costs Plummet Information to Decide Future,” Carrollton 2 Personal communication with Lydia For 1995 Floods. Buyout of Property Daily Democrat, June 14, 1994. Zillgitt, February 16, 1999. Destroyed in ‘93 Gets Credit For Savings,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, News 7 Kristi Madison, “Two-Thirds of 3 Personal communication with Ruby Analysis, January 26, 1996. Wakenda Attends Meeting,” Carrollton Buchholz, July 5, 1999. Daily Democrat, October 11, 1993. 4 Article dated May 28, 1995, section 1B. 4 “Heavy Rains Last Week Wednesday 8 Kristi Madison, “Wakenda Buyout Cause Widespread Flash Flooding,” 5 Article dated May 31, 1999, p. A1. Answers Lead to Decisions,” Carrollton Marthasville Record (Marthasville), Sep- Daily Democrat, October 19, 1993. tember 30, 1993. 6 “Out of the mud, some lessons,” The Economist, May 27, 1995, p. 28. 9 Kristi Madison, “Wakenda Citizens 5 “Seminar To Be Held To Discuss Delay Decision,” Carrollton Daily Demo- Federal Flood Relocation Program” 7 Personal communication with Destin crat, October 25, 1993. Marthasville Record, December 9, 1993. Frost, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, Missouri’s State Emergency Manage- 10 Kristi Madison, “Families Return to 6 “Volkmer Announces FEMA Reloca- ment Agency (SEMA), Jefferson City, Wakenda,” Carrollton Daily Democrat, tion Funds,” Marthasville Record, April Missouri, June 15, 1999. November 3, 1993. 28, 1994.

11 Kristi Madison, “Application Process 7 Personal Communication with Steve Delayed,” Carrollton Daily Democrat, Etcher, Director of Boonslick Regional December 2, 1993. Planning Commission, February 9, 1999.

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