Frohman Still Fund Qatanae Fake
32 The Billboard ROUTES -GENERAL INDOOR NEWS May 23, 1936 F Martel, Gus: (Stork) New York, no. Fan,Billy:(ClubHollywood)Springfield,Martell, Paul: (Arcadia) New York, b. Van Duzer, Roger: (Larchmont Casino) Larch- Mass., nc. Martin, Ted: (Childs' Paramount) NYC, re. mont, N. Y.,- ro. Matteson, George:(McPherson's Point)Co- qatanae fake Farmer, Willie: (Leon and Eddie's) New York, nesus Lake, N. Y., nc. Veil, Tubby: (Bruns' Palm Garden) Chi,c.. Masters, Frankie: (Edgewater Beach) Chi, h. By BETTY HUNTINGTON Ferdinando, Angelo: (Great Northern) NYC, h. Mayno,Artie:(Belmont Grill)Bridgeport,Wallace, Soy: (Avenue Tavern) Indianapolis, Fiddler, Max: (Towne Club) Pittsburgh, nc. Conn., re. nc. Jackie (Kiki) Roberts (Mrs. Cook to Fields, Shep: (Pierre) NYC, h. Meadowbrook Boys: (Versailles) NYC, re. Waterhouse, Frank: (400 Club) Wichita, Kan.,you)is back in town for the summer Finch, Freddie:(Club Paramount) La Salle,Meeker, Bobby: (Pal.) San Francisco, h. no. with her husband, Ted Cook, who has / Meir, Harvey: (Gayety Village) Chi, c. Watts, Kenny:(Dicky Wells) Harlem, New Fischer, Art:(Dutch's) Chi,c. Meeker, Paul: (Shawnee) Springfield, 0., h. York, nc._ accepted an engagevaent at the Hotel Fisher, Mark: (Roosevelt) New Orleans, h. Meo, Jimmy: (Royale -Frolics) Chicago, no. Weeks, Ranny: (Cocoanut Grave) Boston, re. Saranac as piano player with the or- Fodor, Jerry: (Veterans' Club) Toledo, 0., no.Meroff, Benny: (Fox) Detroit, t. Weems, Ted: (Palmer House) Chicago,h. chestra.Jackie looks well and is taking Fomeen, Basil: (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC: h. Messner, Dick: (Park Central) NYC, h. Welkly, Wee Willy: (Columbia)Columbia,her pneumo refills here at the Lodge.
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