Diet of Oceanic Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta Caretta) in the Central North Pacific

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Diet of Oceanic Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta Caretta) in the Central North Pacific Diet of oceanic loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the central North Pacific Item Type article Authors Parker, Denise M.; Cooke, William J.; Balazs, George H. Download date 29/09/2021 11:03:34 Link to Item ART & EQUATIONS ARE LINKED Preflight Good 142 Abstract — Diet analysis of 52 log- gerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) Diet of oceanic loggerhead sea turtles collected as bycatch from 1990 to 1992 (Caretta caretta) in the central North Pacific in the high-seas driftnet fishery oper- ating between lat. 29.5°N and 43°N and between long. 150°E and 154°W Denise M. Parker demonstrated that these turtles fed Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research predominately at the surface; few 8604 La Jolla Shores Drive deeper water prey items were pres- La Jolla, California 92037 ent in their stomachs. The turtles Present address: Northwest Fisheries Science Center ranged in size from 13.5 to 74.0 cm National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA curved carapace length. Whole tur- Newport, Oregon 97365-5275 tles (n=10) and excised stomachs E-mail address: [email protected] (n=42) were frozen and transported to a laboratory for analysis of major faunal components. Neustonic species William J. Cooke accounted for four of the five most AECOS, Inc. common prey taxa. The most common 970 N. Kalaheo Avenue, Suite C311 prey items were Janthina spp. (Gas- Kailua, Hawaii 96734 tropoda); Carinaria cithara Benson 1835 (Heteropoda); a chondrophore, Velella velella (Hydrodia); Lepas spp. George H. Balazs (Cirripedia), Planes spp. (Decapoda: Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu Laboratory Grapsidae), and pyrosomas (Pyrosoma National Marine Fisheries Service spp.). 2570 Dole Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96822-2396 Loggerhead sea turtles are circum- east and west Pacific (Balazs, 1989; global, inhabiting temperate, sub- Resendiz et al., 1998; Uchida and tropical, and tropical waters of the Teruya1). Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Recent oceanic satellite tracking In the Pacific, loggerhead sea turtles studies of loggerhead sea turtles in- have been found in nearshore waters dicate that they are active in their of China, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, oceanic movements. These turtles and New Zealand and are seen in off- follow subtropical fronts as they shore waters of Washington, Califor- travel toward Japan from east to nia, and northwestern Mexico (Dodd, west across the Pacific Ocean, often 1988; Pitman, 1990). Nesting in the swimming against weak geostrophic North Pacific Ocean occurs in Japan; currents (Polovina et al., 2000; Po- there is no known nesting in the east- lovina et al., 2004). One hypothesis ern North Pacific (Márquez and Vil- discussed in Polovina et al. (2000; lanueva, 1982; Frazier, 1985; Bartlett, 2004) suggests that this species ob- 1989). Trans-Pacific migrations of tains prey items from the subtropi- juveniles have been documented from cal fronts along which they travel. A mitochondrial DNA analyses of indi- sharp gradient in surface chlorophyll viduals found feeding off Baja Cali- is observed along the main frontal fornia. Bowen et al. (1995) identified area where these turtles are com- these Baja sea turtles as originating monly encountered. This frontal area, from Japanese rookeries, although a the transition zone chlorophyll front a small percentage come from Aus- tralia. Recent research indicates that 1 Uchida, S., and H. Teruya. 1991. A) all loggerhead sea turtles found in the Transpacific migration of a tagged log- oceanic realm of the central North gerhead, Caretta caretta. B) Tag-return Manuscript submitted 15 July 2003 Pacific Ocean are of Japanese stock result of loggerhead released from Oki- to the Scientific Editor’s Office. (Dutton et al., 1998). Tagging studies nawa Islands, Japan. In International symposium on sea turtles ’88 in Japan Manuscript approved for publication in Japan and the Eastern Pacific also (I. Uchida, ed.), p. 169−182. Himeji City 8 July 2004 by the Scientific Editor. demonstrate transpacific migrations Aquarium, Tegarayama 440 Nishinobu- Fish. Bull. 103:142–152 (2005). of loggerhead sea turtles between the sue, Himeji-shi, Hyoyo 670, Japan. ART & EQUATIONS ARE LINKED Preflight Good Parker et al.: Diet of Caretta caretta in the central North Pacific 143 60°N 40°N Japan 20°N Hawaii 0°N 20°N N less than 50 cm CCL 50 cm CCL or greater 40°N 120°E 160°E 160°W 120°W 80°W Figure 1 Distribution of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) incidentally captured in the international high seas driftnet fishery in the central North Pacific Ocean. Turtles smaller than 50 cm curved carapace length (CCL) are shown as open diamonds and those larger than 50 cm CCL are shown as black circles. (TZCF), is an area of concentrated phytoplankton that Method also collects and attracts a variety of neustonic and oce- anic organisms — many of which may be potential prey National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) observers times, as well as predators, of oceanic-stage loggerhead between 1990 and 1992 obtained 52 dead loggerhead sea turtles in the Pacific. Polovina et al. (2000, 2004) sea turtles. These specimens were taken as bycatch have suggested that the turtles are foraging along the in the international high-seas driftnet fishery, which TZCF. targeted squid and albacore (Wetherall et al., 1993). The duration of the juvenile oceanic stage for logger- NMFS observers recorded capture position and sea sur- head sea turtles in the Pacific is currently unknown. In face temperature aboard commercial driftnet vessels. the Atlantic, juvenile turtles inhabit the oceanic zone Samples were collected between latitude 29.5°N and for approximately 10 years (Bjorndal et al., 2000). Based 43°N and longitude 150°E and 154°W (Fig. 1). A total of on growth analyses (Zug et al., 1995; Chaloupka, 1998), 10 whole specimens and 42 excised stomachs were frozen it is probable that this sea turtle from the Pacific can and transported to a Honolulu laboratory for analysis. have a similar extended oceanic stage, which in some Stomachs were removed from whole specimens and all cases may last until sexual maturity (30+ years). stomachs were examined from anterior to posterior. Understanding the diets of sea turtles is important Gross observations of stomach contents were made and for their conservation. Foraging studies have been done the contents were sorted to the lowest identifiable taxo- with oceanic-stage turtles in the Atlantic (Van Nierop nomic level by using a dissecting microscope. Major fauna and den Hartog, 1984). However, there is a paucity of were identified, quantified by volume, and the percent information regarding the foraging ecology of oceanic- contribution (to stomach contents) of each major organ- stage loggerhead sea turtles in the Pacific. Such infor- ism was calculated (Forbes, 1999). Presence of jellyfish mation can help identify important food resources and or other jellies were identified by presence of tentacles, foraging areas necessary for guiding decisions regarding nematocysts, and whole or partial individuals. Planes the management of endangered sea turtle populations spp. were identified from descriptions of Spivak and Bas (Bjorndal, 1999). The objective of the present study is to (1999). Frequency of occurrence of major components was determine the diet composition of loggerhead sea turtles calculated by dividing the number of stomachs in which from the central North Pacific Ocean and to discuss the the prey item occurred by the total number of turtle possibility of interactions between these turtles and stomachs examined. Percent sample volume was calcu- commercial fisheries that may occur as a result of the lated for all prey items by summing the total volume of foraging behavior of these sea turtles. each prey item and dividing it by the total volume of all 144 Fishery Bulletin 103(1) prey collected. Summing the total volume of each prey between size classes (Fig. 1). The turtle specimens item and dividing it by the total stomach volume for those ranged from 13.5 cm to 74.0 cm curved carapace length samples, where the prey item was present, yielded the (CCL, Fig. 2); the mean was 44.8 [±14.5] cm CCL. Figure mean percent volume. Regression analysis was done to 2 shows the distribution of turtles in each 10-cm size determine if any correlation existed between sea surface class. Sea surface temperatures in the area of cap- temperature, sample volume, and size of turtle. ture ranged from 16° to 20°C. There was no correlation between size of turtle and sea surface temperature in the area of capture (F=0.58, r2=0.01, Fig. 3). Results All 52 stomachs examined contained prey items; the level of fill varied from 6 mL to 1262 mL. Items found Loggerhead sea turtles collected in our study were found in the anterior portion of the stomach were the most widely distributed over the central North Pacific Ocean identifiable and contents varied between turtles. Un- and there was no apparent difference in distribution identifiable remains were located mainly in the poste- rior end of the stomach or the intes- tines if a whole gastrointestinal tract 16 was analyzed. Only one of the samples analyzed included an entire gastroin- 14 testinal tract. A taxonomic listing of diet items 12 identified for the loggerhead sea turtles tles 10 of the central North Pacific is shown in Table 1 along with frequency of occur- 8 rence and mean percent sample volume of each prey item. The six most com- 6 mon (frequent) prey items were iden- Number of tur 4 tified. These included Janthina spp., which occurred in 75% of samples, and 2 Planes spp., which occurred in 56% of samples. Lepas spp. occurred in 52% 0 10-19 cm 20-29 cm 30-39 cm 40-49 cm 50-59 cm 60-69 cm 70-79 cm of the samples, and Carinaria cithara Curved carapace length (cm) was found in 50% of samples.
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