
Non-commutative space: boon or bane for quantum and

Pritam Chattopadhyay1, ∗ 1Cryptology and Security Research Unit, R.C. Bose Center for Cryptology and Security, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata 700108, India Various quantum systems are considered as the working substance for the analysis of quantum cycles and quantum refrigerators. The ongoing technological challenge is how efficiently can a heat convert thermal to mechanical . The seminal work of Carnot has proposed a fundamental upper limit–the Carnot limit on the efficiency of the heat engine. However, the heat engines can be operated beyond the fundamental upper limit by exploiting non-equilibrium reservoirs. Here, the change in the space structure introduces the non-equilibrium effect. So, a question arises whether a change in the space structure can provide any boost for the quantum engines and refrigerators. The efficiency of the heat cycle and the coefficient of performance (COP) of the cycles in the non-commutative space are analyzed here. The efficiency of the quantum heat engines gets a boost with the change in the space structure than the traditional quantum heat engine but the effectiveness of the non-commutative parameter is less for the efficiency compared to the COP of the refrigerator. There is a steep boost for the coefficient of performance of the refrigerator cycles for the non-commutative space harmonic oscillator compared to the harmonic oscillator.

I. INTRODUCTION chanical work has a limit. The modern-day challenge is to develop a more efficient heat engine to convert thermal en- In the early stage of quantum field theory, it was Heisenberg ergy to mechanical work with the different working mediums. suggestion to use the non-commutative structure for space- Theoretical studies suggest that the limit to the efficiency of time coordinates for small length scale. Synder [1] proposed the engine, i.e., the Carnot limit, can be surpassed by exploit- a formalism in this area to control the divergence, which had ing the non-equilibrium reservoirs. Now the question is can troubled theories like quantum electrodynamics. To define the any working model in quantum regime exceed the Carnot ef- non-commutative space, we surrogate the space-time coordi- ficiency and can it boost the Coefficient of performance (COP) nate xi by their hermitian operators xˆi of non-commutative of the refrigerator? C∗- algebra of space-time [2]. An example of physics in the non-commutative space-time is Yang–Mills theory on non- In this paper, we have proposed an approach to surpass the commutative torus [3]. Out of various versions, the most com- Carnot efficiency of the thermal machine based on the non- monly studied version consists of replacing the standard ver- commutative space structure. Progress in this direction but sion of commutation relations by their non-commutative ver- with different approaches is shown in the works [14–17]. For sion such as [xµ, xν ] = iθµν , where xµ, xν are the canonical our analysis, we utilize the latter version of non-commutative coordinates and θµν is considered as a constant antisymmet- space-time where θµν is considered to be a function of the co- ric tensor. Other interesting structures exist in the literature ordinates and momenta. Our prime motivation is to develop which leads to instances like minimal length and generalized engine and refrigerator in non-commutative space where the version of Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations. These are ob- working substance will be the perturbed harmonic oscillator in tained when θµν is considered to be a function of the coordi- this space. We employ this harmonic oscillator in the Stirling nates and momenta [4, 5]. and which is the working principle for different en- is a pre-eminent theory to evaluate the gines and refrigerator. We analyze all the stages of the cycle to performance of the engines. It is one of the pillars of theo- compute the efficiency of this model. The outcomes are aston- retical physics. deals with the ex- ishing when compared with the results of the usual spaces. We ploration of the thermodynamic variables such as heat, tem- always observe higher efficiency in non-commutative space perature, , energy and work for microscopic quantum than the usual spaces. Along with that, the most interesting

arXiv:1911.12766v2 [quant-ph] 13 Mar 2020 systems and even for a single particle. The exploration of observation is that the efficiency is more for this space struc- quantum thermodynamics involves the study of heat engines ture than the commutative space when we switch on and refrigerators in microscopic regime [6–9]. Heat engines the non-commutative parameter but it decreases with the in- exist in two forms one, is discrete and the other is continu- crease in the parameter. Whereas, with the increase in the ous in nature. In a discrete group, we have two-stroke and non-commutative parameter, the COP rises correspondingly. the four-stroke engines and in the continuous group, we have This guides us to the possibility of using non-commutative a turbine. Various working models for the realization of the systems for the exploration of quantum information process- quantum engines have been proposed in previous works [10– ing to obtain better results. One immediate question that arises 13]. The pioneering work of Carnot suggested that the effi- is whether the defined non-commutative system is accessible ciency of the heat engine to convert thermal energy to me- physically. The obvious answer is yes and it is shown in pre- vious works [18, 19]. The schematic analysis of the experi- mental model to access non-commutative space using optics is analyzed [19]. Using the same methodology, one can think ∗ [email protected] of modeling the heat engine of non-commutative space. 2

II. NON-COMMUTATIVE HARMONIC OSCILLATOR Hamiltonian parameters can be developed which in turn sat- (NHO) isfies the commutation relations [xi, xj] = iθij, where θij is considered as a constant antisymmetric tensor. Considering We initiate our discussion with the basic notion of squeezed this metric, we can compute the Hamiltonian h as state. We can obtain the squeezed states by applying the Glaubers unitary displacement operator D(α) on the squeezed vacuum state [20]. The mathematical form is |α, ξi = h = µHµ−1 (αα†−α∗α) 2 D(α)A(ξ)|0i, where D(α) = e and A(ξ) = p 1 2 2 ωµ 2 2 2 2 2  (ξa†a†−ξ∗aa) = + ω x + p x + x p + 2xp x e . Here α, ξ are the displacement and squeezing 2m 2 4~ parameters, respectively, and A(ξ) is the unitary squeezing 1 µ − ω + + O(µ2). (3) operator. The ordering of the displacement and the squeezing ~ 2 4 operator are equivalent and it amounts to a change of parame- ter [20]. We can also construct the squeezed state |α, ξi using Now we will use the perturbation treatment to decompose the ladder operator. It is obtained by performing the Holstein- the Hamiltonian (3) into h = h0 + h1, where h0 is taken to Primakoff/Bogoliubov transformation on the squeezing oper- be the standard harmonic oscillator and h1 as the perturbation ator [20]. It is defined as (a + ξa†)|α, ξi = α|α, ξi where part. Using the perturbation theory, the energy eigenvalues of a, ξ  C. The operators a, a† are the bosonic annihilation H and h evolves to and creation operators, i.e., a†|ni = pk(n + 1)|n + 1i and 2 2 a|ni = pk(n)|n−1i, where k(n) is a general function which En = ~ω(An + Bn ) + O(µ ), (4) leads to different generalized models. The one-dimensional harmonic oscillator in the non- where A = (1 + µ/2) and B = µ/2. The corresponding commutative space is defined as [4, 21, 22] eigenstates of the system are

2 P 1 2 2 1 γ  q H = + mω X − ~ω + , (1) γ (4) 2m 2 2 4 |ψni = |ni − (n − 3) |n − 4i 16 γ q satisfying the relations + (n + 1)(4)|n + 4i + O(µ2), (5) 16 2 2 [X,P ] = i~(1 +γP ˜ ),X = (1 +γp ˜ )x, P = p. (2) n−1 where P = Πk=0 (P + k) represents the Pochhammer sym- Here γ is a dimensionless constant and γ˜ = γ/(mω~) has bol with the raising factorial. Now we have all the prerequi- the dimension of inverse squared momentum. The observ- sites for the analysis of the thermodynamic cycles in this space ables X,P representing the non-commutative space shown structures. in (2) are expressed in terms of the standard canonical vari- ables x, p satisfying [x, p] = i~. The Hamiltonian defined in (1) is non-hermitian with respect to the inner product. The III. QUANTUM HEAT ENGINES OF non-commutative Hamiltonian of the one-dimensional har- NON-COMMUTATIVE SPACE monic oscillator is derived from the standard one-dimensional harmonic oscillator which satisfies the condition [Xi,Pj] = 2 The canonical partition function for the defined Hamilto- i~(1+˜γP ). The last term on the right-hand side appears dur- nian (1) can be evaluated with the help of its corresponding ing this transformation. The right side of the equation has a eigenvalue to parameter γ, which represents the non-commutative parame- ter. We can tune the energy spectrum of the system by varying X Z = e−βEn the non-commutative parameter. n We can construct the Hermitian counterpart of the de- 2 β(2+µ) ω h β(2+µ)ω i 8µ p π √ fined non-Hermitian Hamiltonian shown in (1), if we assume e 2 Erfc 2 2βµω the Hamiltonian H to be a pseudo-Hermitian, i.e., the non- = √ , (6) βµω Hermitian Hamiltonian H and the Hermitian Hamiltonian h are interlinked by a similarity transformation h = µHµ−1. † subjected to the condition that Re[βωµ] > 0. We are ne- Here µµ is the positive definite operator, and it plays the role glecting the higher order terms because they tend to zero for of the metric. Now, we can represent the eigenstates of the the higher order. Erfc is the complementary error function, Hamiltonians H and h as |φi and |ϕi, respectively. They are Γ(1/2,x2) it is defined as erfc(x) = √ , where Γ(n, x) is the related as |φi = µ−1|ϕi. The Dyson map µ takes the form π µ = (1 +γp ˜ 2)−1/2. The Dyson map µ is defined by the same incomplete gamma function. It is expressed as Γ(n, x) = x Pn−1 xk set of operators as that of the Hamiltonian. The Dyson map (n − 1)!e k=0 k! . We will now be able to evaluate all the can be expressed in the general form as shown in previous thermodynamic variables in terms of the established partition works [23, 24] with some assumption. Following the same function of the considered system for the analysis of the en- methodology, the relation between the Dyson map µ and the gine model. 3

A. Quantum stirling heat cycle P

We will analyze the well-known with non- commutating harmonic oscillator as the working substance. A The four stages of the Stirling cycle [25–29] (Fig. (1)) is as Isothermal follows: Isochoric B (i) The first step of the cycle is the isothermal (A→B) pro- cess. In this process, the working substance will be kept in Isochoric contact with a heat bath of Th. The system stays in thermal equilibrium with the heat bath throughout every in- stant of time. The energy spectrum En and the C U are changed as a result of the slow change in the working Isothermal substance, i.e., the changes that take place in Hamiltonian dur- D ing the execution of this phase. So, heat is absorbed from the bath in this phase. The heat exchange during this phase of the cycle is V

QAB = UB − UA + kBThlnZB − kBThlnZA, (7) FIG. 1. Schematic diagram for the four stages of the Stirling cycle. where kB is the Boltzmann constant. Varation of efficiency of Stirling heat cycle with the NC parameter 0.90 For HO (ii) The second phase of the cycle is the isochoric (B→C) For NHO process. During this process, the system undergoes an iso- 0.85 choric heat exchange. The system is connected to a bath with 0.80 lower temperature Tc, so heat is released. The heat exchange 0.75 for this process is expressed as 0.70 Efficiency


0.60 QBC = UC − UB. (8) 0.55

(iii) The third phase is an isothermal (C→D) process. Dur- 0.50 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 ing this phase of the cycle, the working substance is kept in NC parameter ( ) contact with a bath of lower temperature Tc. Similar to phase one, the system is in thermal equilibrium with the bath. In this FIG. 2. (Color Online) The variation of the efficiency of the Stirling process, heat is released. The heat exchange during this stage cycle for the HO and NHO. The temperature of the hot bath and the of the cycle is cold bath is Th = 20K and Tc = 10K respectively. The yellow and the blue line is the variation of the COP of NHO and HO with NC parameter, respectively.

QCD = UD − UC + kBTclnZD − kBTclnZC . (9) B. Stirling refrigerator cycle (iv) The last stage of the cycle is the isochoric (D→A) pro- cess. The system is connected back to the bath with a higher If we reverse the cycle, we will have a Stirling refrigerator temperature Th. The heat exchange for the last stage of the [30]. Following the same methodology, as done above, we can cycle is expressed as analyze all the four stages of the cycle. (i) The first phase is the . In this process, QDA = UA − UD. (10) the system is paired to a cold bath at temperature Tc. This is just the reverse of the first phase of the heat cycle. The entropy For all the phases, the internal energy of the system can be of the system changes during this process. The heat absorbed evaluated using the partition function as U = − ∂lnZ . The dif- ∂β is ferent form of the partition function (ZA,ZB,ZC ,ZD) arises due to the changes that occur in the Hamiltonian of the system during the different phases of the cycle. The total work done QAB = Tc∆S. (12) is Wtot = QAB + QBC + QCD + QDA. The efficiency of the Stirling heat cycle is expressed as (ii) The second stage is the . During this stage of the cycle, the temperature of the system increases when connected to Th from Tc. The mean internal energy QBC + QCD of the system changes during this phase of the working cycle. ηStir = 1 + . (11) The heat gain for this phase is QDA + QAB

QBC = UC − UB. (13) 4

(iii) This phase is an isothermal process. During this stage The maximum attainable efficiency of the heat engine by of the cycle, the system is bridged with the hot reservoir with the standard harmonic oscillator has been plotted as a refer- a temperature Th. Heat is rejected from the system and is ence point for the analysis of the advantage due to the NC described as space. Now, due to the change in the space structure, the stan- dard Hamiltonian changes to the non-commutative harmonic oscillator by applying the transformation from the commuta- QCD = Th∆S. (14) tive space to the non-commutative space. So, to compare the advantage of the change introduced by the non-commutative (iv) The last stage is an isochoric process. The system is space, we have considered the standard harmonic oscillator as reverted to the cold reservoir Tc from the hot reservoir Th, a reference point. For the Stirling cycle, we can visualize the which leads to a decrease in the internal energy of the system. advantage in Fig. (2) and Fig. (3). The amount of heat released is

QDA = UA − UD. (15) C. Quantum Otto cycle

The entropy of the system can be evaluated from the partition Now we will study the quantum Otto refrigerator cycle function of the system as S = ln Z +βU. The internal energy [31–33] with non-commutative space harmonic oscillator as can be evaluated as shown while we have analyzed the heat the working substance. The four phases of the Otto refrigera- cycle. The COP of the Stirling refrigerator cycle is expressed tor (Fig. (4)) are described as follows: as, (i) The first phase of the cycle is an isochoric (A→B) pro- Q + Q cess. During this process, the system is coupled to a cold COP = AB BC , (16) reservoir at a temperature T while the Hamiltonian remains Stir W C T constant. The heat absorbed from the reservoir during this process is where WT = QAB + QBC + QCD + QDA is the total work done on the system. X Q = Ecold(P hot − P cold), Varation of COP of Stirling refrigerator cycle with the NC parameter cold n n n (17) For HO n 20.0 For NHO

17.5 cold exp(−βEn) 0 where Pn = Z |β=βcold,ω=ω and 15.0 hot exp(−βEn) Pn = Z |β=βhot,ω=ω represents the occupation 12.5 cold probabilities of the system in the nth eigenstate and En = 10.0 0 En for ω = ω . 7.5 (ii) The second stage of the cycle is an adiabatic (B→C) Coefficient of performance (COP) 5.0 process. During this phase of the cycle, the entropy of the

2.5 system is conserved. Throughout the evolution of the system

0.0 in this phase, the occupation distribution remains invariant. 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 NC parameter ( ) (iii) The third stage of the cycle is an isochoric (C→D) heating process. In this process, the system is connected to FIG. 3. (Color Online) The variation of the COP of the Stirling re- a hot reservoir at temperature TH . The heat rejected to the hot frigerator cycle for the Harmonic Oscillator (HO) and NHO. The reservoir in this phase is temperature of the hot bath and the cold bath is Th = 20K and T = 10K respectively. The violet and the green solid line is the X hot cold hot c Qhot = En (Pn − Pn ), (18) variation of the COP of NHO and HO with NC parameter, respec- n tively. hot where En = En for ω = ω. We can visualize the growth in the COP for the Stirling cy- (iv) The last stage of the cycle is an adiabatic (D→A) pro- cle for NHO due to the non-commutating parameter. Whereas cess. In this process, the system changes quasi-statically while for the case of HO the COP remains constant as it is indepen- the entropy of the system remains constant during the execu- 0 dent of this parameter. For ω > ω and βh < βc we encounter tion of this phase. The total work done on the cycle can be a steep rise in the COP with respect to the NC parameter as evaluated as, Wtotal = Qhot + Qcold. The COP for the Otto shown in Fig. (3). In Fig. (2), the efficiency of the engine refrigerator is defined as the ratio of the amount of heat re- decreases with the increase in the NC parameter. So the non- moved form the cold reservoir to the net amount of work done commutative is less effective when the NC parameter is high on the system under analysis. It is represented as for the engine model that we have considered for our analysis. For the generic statement of the less effectiveness of NC pa- Qcold ΞOtto = . (19) rameter on the engine model, we have to explore other cycles |Wtotal| which is an open area for exploration. 5

T swer to this is yes. One can analysis the non-commutative space effect using optical setup and measure the effect of the non-commutative parameter as shown in [19]. They have pro- vided a schematic representation of the experimental setup for the following analysis. Following the same methodology, we C can develop the setup for the analysis of different thermody- namic cycles. For experimental realization of the cycle in non- Isochoric Adiabatic commutative space, one should keep in mind the basic ingre- D dients that are required for the analysis. One of which is the availability of thermal heat bath for the different processes. The second one is about the measurement of the work per- formed during the different phases of the cycle, as in the case

Adiabatic B of the Otto cycle, the phases are two adiabatic processes. One of which expands the working medium and the other com- Isochoric presses the working medium. Third one is maintaining the A thermal equilibrium during the thermalization processes. The experimental analysis of the engines and refrigerators of NC space is an open area to explore.


IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION FIG. 4. Schematic diagram for the four stages of the Otto cycle. The non-commutative harmonic oscillator outperforms the Varation of COP with the NC parameter harmonic oscillator in terms of the COP for the Stirling cycle For HO For NHO and the Otto refrigerator. The contribution for this is provided 5 by the non-commutative space parameter. So, we can infer that non-commutative is a boon for the refrigerators if consid- 4 ered for the growth of the COP. Whereas the NC parameter is less effective for a boost in the efficiency of the heat cycle for 3 the considered model. For the appropriate implementation of Otto refrigerator, Coefficient Of Performance (COP) 2 it requires a slow implementation of the adiabatic processes so that we can maintain no further coherence generation on 1 the eigenstates of the non-commutative space Hamiltonian. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 NC parameter ( ) If there is any change, then the mean population will also change. To achieve thermal equilibrium with the reservoir, FIG. 5. (Color Online) The plot depicts the evaluation of the COP the system must spend a long time during the thermalization of the Otto refrigerator for the HO and NHO. The temperature of the processes. The non-linearity that is generated in the Hamil- hot and the cold bath is Th = 20K and Tc = 10K respectively. The tonian appears due to the non-commutative parameter which red and the green solid line is the variation of the COP of NHO and requires some energy cost for the implementation of the cycle. HO with NC parameter, respectively. This model can result to a better resource in the applicable areas [34] of quantum theory which needs further analysis. This model can be used for the analysis of the coupled work- In the case of the Otto refrigerator, we have encountered a ing medium as shown in previous works [35–37]. It can also similar effect as in the case of Stirling cycle. We have detected be utilized for exploring the non-Markovian reservoirs in NC the growth in the COP for the Otto cycle for NHO due to the space. We have analyzed two thermodynamic cycles. One non-commutating parameter shown in Fig. (5). But in the can analyze the different existing reversible cycles and irre- case of HO the COP remains constant. A steep rise in the versible cycles. It will be interesting to explore the effect of 0 coefficient of the NC parameter occurs for ω > ω and βh < NC parameters in the irreversible cycles and on the quantum βc and this gives rise to this phenomenon. Following a similar phase transition. pattern as done during the analysis of the Stirling cycle, we For the analysis of our work, we have used one of the ex- have considered the maximum attainable efficiency of the heat isting models of the non-commutative space. To make the engine by the standard harmonic oscillator has been plotted as generic statement of the gain in COP for different cycles, one a reference point for the analysis of the advantage due to the has to explore all the existing models in the non-commutative NC space. For the Otto cycle, we can visualize the advantage space. This is an open area to explore. One can also analyze in Fig. (5). the effect of the NC parameter on the different thermodynamic The immediate question that pokes our intuition is whether variables. We can analyze this model from uncertainty view- it is feasible with quantum technology we have? The an- point [28, 29, 38] to reduce the cost for the analysis of the 6 cycles. Along with that, it will be interesting to explore the ACKNOWLEDGMENT experimental realization of these cycles in NC space. The author gratefully acknowledges for the useful discus- sions and suggestions from Dr. Goutam Paul, Associate Prof. of Cryptology and Security Research Unit, R.C. Bose Cen- ter for Cryptology and Security, at Indian Statistical Insti- tute, Kolkata and Mr. Tanmoy Pandit of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. We thank the reviewer for constructive comments.

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