UCC Postpones Plans to Build Athletic Field in Cranford MS Mayor, CFO
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Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, April 17, 2014 OUR 124th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 16-2014 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS UCC Postpones Plans to Build Athletic Field in Cranford By PAUL J. PEYTON a suitable alternative location that games at 10 different locations across Specially Written for The Westfield Leader would meet the needs of our students.” the county is not what we want for our CRANFORD — Union County The county has given UCC access deserving student-athletes or our College has postponed its plans to to Nomahegan Park, located across county college.” construct a sports facility for its soc- the street from the UCC campus; Shane According the UCC website, the cer, lacrosse and track teams. Walsh Field in Cranford, Wheeler Park lacrosse team plays at Snyder Park In a letter sent to Freeholder Chair- in Linden, Phil Rizzuto Park in Eliza- while the soccer program uses Wheeler man Chris Hudak on Monday, UCC beth, Snyder Avenue Field in Berke- Park. President Margaret M. McMenamin ley Heights, Black Brook Park in In response to UCC’s decision, said, “In light of community concerns, Kenilworth, Meisel Avenue Field in county spokesman Sebastian D’Elia I have decided to postpone our plan to Springfield, Warinanco Park in Eliza- e-mailed a statement from the free- construct the field at our Cranford beth/Roselle, Morris Avenue Field and holders to The Westfield Leader on campus. In doing so, however, I am Unami Park, which straddles Cran- Tuesday afternoon. seeking your assistance and the assis- ford, Garwood and Westfield. “The County of Union and the Free- tance of the entire Union County Board Ms. McMenamin said that “having holder Board looks forward to work- of Chosen Freeholders in identifying different teams practicing and playing ing with Dr. McMenamin and Union County College in securing the appro- priate athletic facilities and finding a solution that is mutually beneficial to both the community and student ath- letes at the college,” the statement said. “While the County of Union does not involve itself in the opera- tions of the college, the Freeholder Board expressed its concerns at the onset of this issue and those of the community to the college administra- tion. The board also said it would not LACROSSE FUNDRAISER…The Westfield High School lacrosse team captains visit Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss. Imagine will be the beneficiary of funds raised at this year’s boys’ and girls’ lacrosse fundraiser to be held on Saturday, April 19, fund the proposed UCC athletic facil- at Kehler Stadium in Westfield beginning at 9:30 a.m. Pictured, from left to right, are: Standing, Imagine Executive Director ity. Mary Robinson, Dane Huber, Chris Aslanian and Jackson Simcox, and kneeling, Alexis Kardias and Mary Randazzo. “At the same time, we believe it is imperative to provide access to the athletic facilities that are needed for the college’s soccer, lacrosse and track MS Mayor, CFO Compare Taxes teams. With this in mind, we thank Dr. McMenamin for her willingness to find alternatives and for her outstand- ing leadership and vision that is con- To Other County Towns tinuing to transform Union County By KATE BROWNE side residents have the seventh-high- her analysis revealed that these fig- College,” according to the statement. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader est property taxes in the county, with ures were based on the average as- Christina M. Hinke for The Westfield Leader As previously reported, UCC’s plans MOUNTAINSIDE — Mayor Paul an average tax bill of $10,604 and sessed value of the homes in the OPPOSED...Colby Lane resident Felicia Van Ostenbridge asks the Cranford included a 100-yard by 65-yard soc- N. Mirabelli, Chief Financial Officer stated that the average Mountainside county, which may be misinterpreted Township Committee for its support in motivating the community to oppose the cer/lacrosse field, 400-meter track with Jill Goode and Borough Administra- home had a market value of $568,896. due to the large disparities in home turf field proposed by Union County College. high and long jump facilities, 104-seat tor James J. Debbie, Jr. recently met Ms. Goode told The Leader that CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 grandstand area and lighting. A resolu- with a reporter from The Westfield tion from the Cranford Township Com- Leader to discuss misperceptions WF Zoning Officer’s Decision mittee opposing the project stated that which may have arisen from a recent Janice Kovach Running For some 700 trees would be removed to Star-Ledger article on property-tax make room for the field which would bills in Union County in 2013. Upheld on Subdivision be constructed at the rear of the campus The article, which was published 7th Congressional Seat By DELL SIMEONE yards and be awkward. She further on the Cranford/Westfield border. last month, listed the average home By SARA MAGNOLA-TANER town, so in 2011 I ran for mayor,” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader stated that the zoning officer misin- “...Opponents (see related story on value and property taxes for the 21 Specially Written for The Westfield Leader she told The Westfield Leader. WESTFIELD – The board of ad- terpreted the code in relation to front- page 10) of the college’s proposed Cran- towns which comprise Union County. REGION — Democratic Clinton “Clinton is a heavily Republican justment heard an appeal last Wednes- and rear-yard setback, which, Ms. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 The article reported that Mountain- Mayor Janice Kovach is running town, but I knocked on every door.” day evening challenging the zoning Jenner said, would be incompatible against two Republican candidates Despite an all-Republican coun- officer’s decision on a subdivision in with other homes in the neighbor- – incumbent Leonard Lance and cil, Ms. Kovach says they work well the Manor Park section. hood. County Tax Hike Now David Larsen – for the 7th Con- together because the focus is on Denise Jenner, an attorney, of Irv- “The rear-yard line for lot two is gressional seat. what is in the best interest of the ing Avenue represented the residents imaginary and intersects existing lot After working in the financial town – not getting reelected. of the Manor Park Historic District, lines,” Ms. Jenner said. $9.5 Mil. Over 2013 sector as a marketing project man- An advocate for women’s rights who are challenging the decision of At present, the lot contains a single- By PAUL J. PEYTON pital as opposed to shutting the ager for a decade, Ms. Kovach and and issues, Ms. Kovach’s decision Zoning Officer Kathleen Neville, who family residence with a carport and a Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Berkeley Heights facility. her husband decided to move back to run for Congress came out of her approved a subdivision of one lot shed. Proposed is the same home COUNTY — The Union County In looking at the Union County to her hometown of Clinton in 2002 frustration with a lack of progress. into three on Elizabeth Avenue. One plus two new single-family homes. Freeholder Board introduced tax increase, he noted that Morris to raise their growing family. “Women bring something differ- of the lots, described as lot two, is The appeal contained the signatures amendments to the 2014 county County has held taxes flat for the Prior to becoming the mayor of ent to the table – we are more will- irregular and pie-shaped, Ms. Jenner of 54 Manor Park residents of Irving budget last Thursday, now placing second year in a row while Essex Clinton in 2012, Ms. Kovach served ing to work together and that is said. She stated that the pie-shaped and Elizabeth Avenues and the adja- the tax increase over last year at County’s levy is going up 1.5 per- on the town council from 2004 to something that is missing in Wash- lot backyard would cause it to run cent streets. $9.5 million for a total tax levy of cent. 2006, and then went to Trenton to ington right now,” Ms. Kovach said. adjacent to already established front CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 $327,061,905 in support of a bud- He said the county should merge serve as director for the New Jersey “Clinton is a microcosm (of the get of $504,985,705. The intro- the county police into the sheriff’s Division on Women until 2010. district). It is Main Street America, duced budget had taxes going up office and rationalize jail opera- “I wasn’t happy with things in CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 $13.2 million. Of the total budget, tions. He also said the county should $175,423,786 are salaries and cut the county tax increase — in- wages. cluding the Open Space Fund — to Bibi Taylor, director of finance, $6 million over last year to meet the said the tax levy increase has been state’s 2-percent mandate on tax cut by $3.7 million, or 2.99 per- levy increases. Mr. Getzendanner cent, over the 2013 budget from the urged the board to suspend half of spending plan introduced March 13. the amount of taxes collected for She said the tax levy proposed rep- Union County Open Space tax. resents the lowest increase for the Garwood Councilwoman Sara county in five years. Ms. Taylor Todisco, who is finance committee said the budget is “still subject to chairwoman on the Garwood Bor- state approval.” ough Council, said the borough will A public hearing on the amend- have its lowest municipal tax in- ments to the budget is scheduled crease in 12 years in 2014 with the for Thursday, April 24, at 6 p.m.