The December 7, 2020

American Indian Tribal79 -NewsYears * Ernie Ago C. Salgado on December Jr.,CE0, Publisher/Editor 7, 1941 Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor, Hawaii America Entered World War II 85-90 Million People Died WW II Ended - Germany May 8, 1945 & Japan, September 2, 1945

All the Nations involved in the war threw and a majority of it has never been recovered. Should the Voter Fraud succeed in America their entire economic, industrial, and scien- Japan, which aimed to dominate Asia and the and the Democratic Socialist Party win the tific capabilities behind the war effort, blur- Pacific, was at war with China by 1937. 2020 Presidential election we will become ring the distinction between civilian and mili- Germany 1933. World War II is generally said to have begun tary resources. on 1 September 1939, with the invasion of And like Hitler’s propaganda news the main World War II was the deadliest conflict in hu- Poland by Germany and subsequent declara- stream media and the Big Tech social media man history, marked by 85 to 90 million fatal- tions of war on Germany by France and the fill that role. ities, most of whom were civilians in the So- United Kingdom. We already have political correctness which is viet Union and China. From late 1939 to early 1941, in a series of anti-free speech, universities and colleges that It included massacres, the genocide of the campaigns and treaties, Germany conquered prohibit free speech, gun control, judges that Jews which is known as the Holocaust, strate- or controlled much of continental Europe, and make up their own laws, we allow the mur- gic bombing, premeditated death from starva- formed alliance with Italy and Japan. Adolf dering of 300,000 unborn human beings annu- tion and disease, and the only use of nuclear Hitler’s reign of terror lasted 12-years, from ally, anti-Christianity, anti-American flag, a weapons in war. 1933 to 1945. $20-Trillion debt, 12-million illegals and let’s not forget Antifa, the Socialist Brown Shirts. It is estimated that 6 million Jews we mur- As we head into 2020 the Socialist political Saul Alinsky 101. dered by the German Nazi’s and millions of policies are at the forefront of the American dollars of money and valuables were looted political electoral. GOD SAVE AMERICA!

Photo right: Smiling President Trump at the White House shak- February 23, 1945 ing hands with Peter McDonald former Navajo Tribal Chairman next to an unidentified Navajo Code Talker. Photo below is a Navajo Code Talker and photos of him that appear on the cover of many books. “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima”

Corporal, Ira Hamilton Hayes, and five other U.S. Marines were photographed raising the American flag in the inland of Iwo Jima on February 23, 1945 by . Three of the six Marines depicted in the photograph, Sergeant, , Corporal, , and Private First Class, Franklin Sousley were killed in action over the next few days. The three surviving flag-raisers were Corporals , , and . Hayes was born on January 12, 1923 at Sacaton on the Gila River Indian Reservation in south central Arizona. He died on January 23, 1955 at the age of 32. Navajo Code Talkers stand for the National Anthem

The December 7, 2020 Page 2 of 6

Alaska: President Trump Kamala Harris & Dominion Halts Pebble Mine Project Voting Software Connected By Joaqlin Estus, November 25, 2020 By Amalia White, November 30, 2020 President Trump‘s admin- istration denied a permit for a controversial gold and cop- per mine near the headwa- ters of the world’s largest sockeye salmon fishery in southwest Alaska Environmental and tribal or- ganizations are celebrating President Trump’s decision. The Army Corps of Engi- neers said in a statement that the permit application to build the Pebble Mine was denied un- manent protection of the Bristol Bay der both the Clean Water Act and the watershed is achieved. “Future genera- Rivers and Harbors Act. tions should not have to live with the threat of mining developments that More bombshell findings keep Georgia is one of the top battle- The corps also said the discharge plan would devastate our cultures, communi- coming revolving around Do- ground states President Trump from the Pebble Limited Partnership, ties, and existing economies. We must minion Voting Software and and his team have been contest- the mine’s backers, doesn’t comply with ensure that Bristol Bay’s pristine lands this time it implicates Kamala ing. So far, more than 3,000 Clean Water Act guidelines. and waters are protected in perpetuity. Harris. votes for the president went The statement from Col. Damon Dela- The fact that this permit denial comes The Dominion Voting Soft- uncounted in Floyd county un- rosa, commander of the corps’ Alaska from a pro-development administration ware Scandal Keeps Getting til it was uncovered. district, says the agency “concluded that speaks volumes to the need for strong, Worse Kamala Harris Minion Uncov- the proposed project is contrary to the permanent protections for the Bristol As tensions rise over the wide- ered. public interest.” Bay watershed and all it sustains.” spread use of Dominion Voting Aric Thompson is the Domin- A coalition of area tribes, in a prepared Robert Heyano, the coalition board Software and its high probabil- ion representative who was also statement, said tribes and others are president, added, “The people of Bris- ity that it switched votes from a ballot scanner. celebrating the Corps’ decision “as the tol Bay have long known that our home Donald Trump to Joe Biden. decision reflects the sound science and He worked for radical Demo- is no place for a mine like Pebble. To- Now a Dominion representa- crat Senator Harris in 2019, overwhelming public opposition to this day, we celebrate the appropriate action toxic project.” tive who was responsible for the which can be seen from taken by the USACE in finally acknowl- scanning of ballots in Floyd his LinkedIn profile. The United Tribes of Bristol Bay, a edging this underlying truth: Pebble’s County, Georgia has been He also has an online portfolio coalition of 15 federally recognized proposal is too toxic for our region and named as a former Kamala Yup’ik, Dena’ina, and Alutiiq tribes in cannot be built without devastating the pictures of him with Harris. Harris campaign worker. He Southwest Alaska, said the threat of environment that sustains our cultures was an official photographer for large-scale mining will loom until per- and communities.” the campaign last year. Michigan is Going Through the Motions' No Intentions of Seeking the Truth

Prima Donna, Republican state Sen. Ed tems contractor assigned to the Detroit TCF McBroom, the chairman of the Michigan Center testified that election workers were Senate Oversight Committee, did not al- scanning the same ballots as many as ten low President Donald Trump’s attorney times. Rudy Giuliani to testify at the hearing to re- She said she reported the illegal activities to view elections operations in the state. her supervisor and the election supervisor In effect, McBroom told Jonathan Oosting, a but was rebuffed. She also testified that she reporter for Bridge Michigan, Giuliani had contacted the FBI and has yet to hear from no “first-hand knowledge” of election fraud. them. Now she had 3-minutes to inform the The hearing allowed only those with first- hearing committee. hand accounts of irregularities who have sub- “I don’t think anything will cause the state to mitted affidavits to testify. change its certification on the election. We’ll On that note, McBroom said if the Trump be bringing in people who have first-hand campaign has “somebody with first-hand accounts that they want to share with us, that knowledge who wants to come in, they can they’ve already shared through affidavits,” put in a card and wait in line with everybody McBroom told RRN before the hearings. else for their three minutes.” “Like I said, some of the affidavits are just One witness, an IT Dominion Voting Sys- plain silly. But there are a few that are very serious.” WOW: Fresh Election Fraud Info Released

By Anastasia Boushee, November 39, 2020 Contributed by Franklin Motte, Moreno Valley CA Once again, Detroit is proving to be An article from David Harris one of the most corrupt cities in Jr.’s news outlet reported: “Now, America. New evidence from the it is true that if you go to the reg- 2020 election shows that a substan- istrars office it wouldn’t show up tial number of absentee ballots were but do you believe 203,311 did not applied for or mailed to voters. that? “…There are enough of those er sent an absentee application. each individual whose name is on In Wayne County, 566,788 absen- votes in Detroit alone to flip the With the new Online Absentee Ap- one of these ballots, to ensure that tee ballots were cast. Of those, election and that doesn’t count the plication lots of voters sent an app they actually voted. 203,311 ballots show that no appli- 252,456 in the rest of the state.” in through MVIC so they were nev- According to the Michigan Bureau cation for an absentee ballot was A data vendor in Michigan who er sent one.” of Elections, “If that field is blank it mailed or sent to the voter, meaning conducts regular business in front of MVIC is the Michigan Voter Infor- simply means that the voter was nev- that 36% of absentee votes were the Secretary of State said, “This mation Center, which is run by the er sent an absentee application”. never requested. isn’t necessarily a smoking gun for Department of State and is in With the new Online Absentee Ap- Contrast those statistics with the rest fraud, but it does suggest that either charge of mailing absentee ballots to plication lots of voters sent an app of Michigan, whose percentage of wide scale ballot harvesting was be- voters. in through MVIC so they were nev- voters who never requested an ab- ing done, or the post office was Despite these attempts at explaining er sent one.” MVIC is the Michigan sentee ballot, but one was cast for backdating illegal ballots, or there away the issue, many are question- Voter Information Center, which is them anyway, was just 9%. was widespread absentee ballot ing where the ballots came from, run by the Department of State and Somehow, Wayne County was four fraud as many people have alleged.” and requesting that the state provide is in charge of mailing absentee bal- times the state average, which raises According to the Michigan Bureau evidence that the ballots are not lots to voters. serious concerns among people in- of Elections, “If that field is blank it fraudulent. Some are even calling to vestigating election integrity. simply means that the voter was nev- establish a call center to contact The December 7, 2020 Page 3 of 6 Evil Crime Against Humanity in America For Political Power Source: One American News Network, Nov. 29, 2020 Given this information there is NO justification As if the current national general The OAN report for the shut down of America, period. election voter fraud isn’t bad claimed that an esti- enough, One America News Net- mated 80,000 to work reported that thousands of 150,000 American died because Yet, while the hard working Ameri- October 28, 2020. However, doctors through out the Country they weren’t allowed to receive the can people were forced to comply 230,000 deaths were attributed to were censored and threatened with Hydroxychloroquine treatment due with wearing a face mask, which are the coronavirus. legal and bureaucratic actions be- to the fear-mongering. questionable at best, to stay home Again, the question is why would cause they didn’t support the fear The report went on to provide dis- and not allowed to work or attends hospital, doctors and health provid- mongering Socialist-Democrat poli- turbing evidence that many coun- church services while rioter were ers an inaccurate cause of death? ticians, Big Tech censorship and the tries were using hydroxychloroquine allowed to burn, loot and destroy The answer is simple, money! Yes, Socialist propaganda machine AKA during this time period to treat peo- private and public property without money the government provides a the main stream media hysteria and ple infected with the coronavirus any restraints. financial assistance aid package of politicizing the coronavirus. with great success but the infor- And in some areas police were not 20% added to the cost for the care The majority of these doctors were mation was prevented from being allowed to arrest looters if they pro- of each person that dies from the forced to remained silent so that reported to the American people claimed to be in need of the items coronavirus which in many cases they could continue to treating and and other nations by the Socialist they stole. And in one highly publi- add millions of dollars to the bot- curing thousand of their patient's Democrats, the main stream media cized in Missouri a couple were ar- tom line. with hydroxychloroquine. and social media controlled by Big rested for protecting them them- Here is some shocking coronavirus A drug that has been used to treat Tech and the World Health Organ- selves and their home from rioter. survival statistics reported by OAN: malaria since 1944. It is also used to ization. And now, the main stream media is Ages 0-19=99.993%, Ages 20- treat autoimmune diseases like Why? The answer is obvious and is again telling the American people 49=99.98% and Ages 50-69=99.5% rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. It is still being played out. The main that there is a major surge in the and Ages 70 plus is 94%. also considered relatively safe. stream media created a national coronavirus. But anyone with an Those with pre-existing health con- However, after President Trump panic, which allowed the Socialist ounce of common sense would ditions such as heart disease, obesity announced to the public at a brief- Democrats to force the economic have to question how the flu season and diabetes in way of example are ing that he used hydroxychloro- shut down of American for one pur- fits into this up shot in the virus at a higher risk level and is more quine as a preventative against the pose, to blame President Trump for counting. After all since the out prevalent within the elderly. coronavirus the Socialist-Democrat it and to promote their Socialist break of the coronavirus all other What is disturbing is that the coro- forces went insane claiming the drug agenda as saviors. illness and disease seem to miracu- navirus survival rate is higher than was dangerous, useless and should OAN went on to show how the lously vanish. the normal flu! be banned. Numerous study found coronavirus fraud was used to shut The 100,000-plus deaths from ille- Given this information there is NO no evidence that the drug helps pre- down the thriving American econo- gal drug over-doses, automobile ac- justification for the shut down of vent the disease or alleviates its my causing millions of Americans to cidents, heart attacks and other dis- America, period. symptoms. lose their jobs and struggle to feed ease also decreased over the 8- their families. months between March 1, 2020 and Saul Alinsky’s “8-steps to Create a Socialist State” Saul Alinsky’s “8-steps to Create a Socialist State” is the bedrock of the American Socialist Democratic Party. I believe it’s important for you to un- derstanding want it means. Who was Saul Alinsky? He was an American community organizer and writer. He is often noted for his book Rules for Radicals (1971 and his “8-steps to topple a nation and create a Socialist State” which are as follows:

1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you con- 4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend 7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God trol the people. themselves from the Government. That way you from the Government and schools. 2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as are able to create a police state. 8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the possible, poor people are easier to control and 5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of wealthy and the poor. This will cause more dis- will not fight back if you are providing everything their lives (Food, Housing, and Income). content and it will be easier to take (Tax) the for them to live. 6) Education — Take control of what people wealthy with the support of the poor. 3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable read and listen to — take control of what children . level. That way you are able to increase taxes, learn in school. and this will produce more poverty.

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“Willy the Wolf” Visits to Epstein’s Pedophile Island Gets Snitched Off by His Former “Right-Hand-Man”

December 2, 2020 * Contributed by Franklin Motte, Moreno Valley CA

Wow. Doug Band — (Ex-President) against Maxwell could be unsealed. Here's an excerpt from the article where Sherman outlined Bill Bill Clinton's former right-hand man — Maxwell, a British socialite closely as- Clinton's working relationship with Epstein, according to Band, says “Clinton visited Jeffrey Epstein's sociated with Epstein, is currently be- with the specific accusation in bold: private island, which Clinton has re- ing tried by the U.S. Department of Band told me he had been trying to push Epstein out peatedly denied," Business Insider le- Justice on charges of conspiracy, per- of Clinton's orbit ever since their much-discussed gal reporter Jacob jury, transporting minors for illegal sex 2002 trip to Africa aboard Epstein's private 727, Shamsian tweeted regarding the news. acts, and enticement of a minor to trav- dubbed the "Lolita Express." Band recalled that Ep- What else? The claim appears in a el to engage in illegal sex acts. stein had made a bunch of ridiculous claims on the lengthy Vanity Fair feature story about Anything else? In the Vanity Fair arti- trip, like boasting that he invented the derivatives Band's time working with Clinton, ti- cle, Sherman noted that Band claimed market. Band said he had no idea about Epstein's sex tled, "Confessions of a Clintonworld that Clinton's daughter, Chelsea, had crimes back then but got enough bad vibes that he Exile," written by Gabriel Sherman. ties to Epstein and Maxwell as well. advised Clinton to end the relationship. But Clinton In the article, Band discloses a great "[Band] showed me a photo of Bill and continued to socialize with Epstein and take his mon- deal about Clinton's life and work post- Chelsea posing with Epstein and Max- ey. In 2006 Epstein donated $25,000 to the Clinton presidency, including details about the well at the King of Morocco's wed- Foundation. Clinton made more than two dozen Clinton Foundation and the Clinton ding," Sherman wrote. "Chelsea re- trips on Epstein's jet around this time, Epstein's flight Global Initiative. But perhaps the most mained friends with Maxwell for years logs show. In January 2003, according to Band, Clin- relevant bit of information relates to after the press revealed Maxwell was a ton visited Epstein's private Caribbean island, Little Clinton's supposed visit to Little St. close associate of Epstein's. For in- St. James. Band said it was one of the few trips he James, Epstein's private 70-acre island stance, Chelsea invited Maxwell to her declined to go on in his time with Clinton. A Clinton in the Caribbean, where it has long 2010 wedding at the Brooke Astor es- spokesperson said the president had never been to been surmised that the accused sex tate in Rhinebeck, New York, after the island and provided detailed travelogue entries of trafficker and his guests would engage Epstein had pleaded guilty in Florida the period in question that did not contain a visit. in acts of pedophilia. to procuring sex from a minor." "Band's assertion follows similar accusations found in unsealed What are the details? The information "'Ghislaine had access to yachts and court documents involving Epstein and alleged accomplice became public after a federal judge nice homes. Chelsea needed that,' Ghislaine Maxwell, in which witnesses claim that Clinton visited ruled in July that the trove of docu- Band told me," he added. the island accompanied by "young girls." ments from a 2015 defamation cases

Attorney General, Bill Barr Blast Fake News For False News Quate of “No Voter Fraud”

December. 4, 2020

Attorney General, William Barr The main stream media has yet made the mistake of giving a few to retract their error and report words to reporter on Tuesday, the corrections issued by the December 1, 2020. The media DOJ. instantly twisted them out of con- AG Barr should be well aware tent. The liberal media reported that anything he had to say could that he said that their was “No be used against him. His mistake evidence of widespread voter was in forgetting that the court of fraud,” but what he in fact said public opinion has no evidence was that the investigation was rules, other than the ones laid on=going. down by liberal media. Barr, through an official Depart- The Department made sure to ment of Justice spokesperson, point out that Barr has long been pushed back hard in the lies on the record as suspicious of the which the corrupt and complicit election procedure. Long before fake network media have been the election, he “repeatedly spewing. raised the notion that mail-in vot- No, the DOJ firmly declared, ing could be especially vulnerable the investigation is far from over. to fraud.” He was right.

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The Sneaky BS Facebook Pulled on Conservatives Election Week

By Matt Holloway, November 26, 2020 In the week following Election N.E.Q. scores play a minor role in day the Daily Wire and the New determining what appears on users’ York Times have reported Face- feeds. But several days after the book made an “emergency change” election, Mr. Zuckerberg agreed to to it’s algorithms driven by a increase the weight that Facebook’s “N.E.Q.” or “News Ecosystem algorithm gave to N.E.Q. scores to Quality” score. This is the sneaky make sure authoritative news ap- BS Facebook pulled on conserva- peared more prominently, said tives election week. three people with knowledge of the realize that Occupy Democrats may ate with our oversight authority, di- What did Facebooks ‘Sneaky BS’ decision, who were not authorized be a more honest player than CNN, verting congressional resources dur- do? The Daily Wire reported: to discuss internal deliberations.” NYT or NPR, because at least they ing time-sensitive investigations, and These changes were designed to The New York Times’ source add- acknowledge their bias. materially impeding our work. Such specifically impact what the New ed “It resulted in a spike in visibility A familiar duplicity from Facebook misrepresentations are not only un- York Times identified as “mostly for big, mainstream publishers like This is yet another damning account fair, they are potentially illegal and right-leaning sources, from spread- CNN, The New York Times and of Facebook and Mark Zucker- fraudulent.” ing what the platform deemed to be NPR, while posts from highly en- berg’s duplicity. It’s the very same It seems that if Congress won’t hold “election misinformation.” gaged ‘hyper-partisan’ pages, such as structure of deceit that resulted in Facebook to account perhaps the This resulted in alternative news Breitbart and Occupy Democrats, a criminal referral from Congress- market will, as alternate social me- sources being suppressed and leftist became less visible” man Matt Gaetz in July. As Con- dia platforms such as Parler, Minds, compromised Mainstream Media On the surface an apologist could gressman Gaetz wrote, MeWe, Gab and Rumble see mete- sources being amplified. say ‘Well at least Occupy Demo- “As a member of this body, I ques- oric rises in users. The Daily Wire reported: crats was throttled too’ But that’s tion Mr. Zuckerberg’s veracity, and New Poll Shows the Consequences “Facebook employees found that very hollow consolation when you challenge his willingness to cooper- The Washington Examiner has re- after the election, news stories from ported that a new Media Research right-leaning outlets and pages on Center (MRC) poll shows, if Social instances of voter fraud, miscounted and Mainstream media were not ballots, and other election irregulari- biased against him: President ties, mistakes, and misconduct were Trump would’ve won in a landslide. some of the most popular articles One way or another, this election on the platform.” really was stolen. Either through The SJWs at Facebook panicked outright election fraud or the unholy and CEO Mark Zuckerberg resort- alliance of the media and Silicon ed to a “break glass” emergency al- Valley who deliberately swung the gorithm change to promote or sup- election through selective censor- press certain news articles and posts ship and suppression. in news feeds. According to the New York Times, “Typically, The "Where's the Evidence Argument” is Dead. Giuliani At PA Election Hearing: “You’ve Sent Out 1.8 Million Ballots And The Number You Counted Is 2.5 Million”

Contributed By Andrea Marquez, Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians CA

You don’t have to be a mathematician to Rudy Giuliani pointed two huge gaps with Penn- understand that these numbers don’t add sylvania’s mail-in ballots. up. “You have two major gaps — you have the Giuliani in the hearing also said that over 672,770 votes that were not inspected by anyone 672,770 votes were not inspected and were secretly put into the ballot box and then you secretly put into the ballot box. have this gap that I don’t understand between As republicans across the country continue the mail-in ballots. You’ve sent out: 1.8 million to speak out about claims of fraud during and the number you counted: 2.5 million!” Rudy the presidential election, Pennsylvania re- said. publican leaders held a public hearing today Rudy continued, “That’s totally impossible to to discuss issues with this year’s election. explain other than what some of the other wit- Trump is calling on Pennsylvania to turn nesses were suggesting that they were basically over election results to prove there was vot- stuffing the ballot box. I believe what happened er fraud. was that they never expected to be behind by His lawyer, Rudy Giuliani spoke at the hear- 700,000 or 800,000 votes on election night. ing in Gettysburg. He claims there were They expected to be behind by a couple hun- hundreds of thousands extra mail-in ballots dred thousand — in Philadelphia to steal a cou- that were cast in the presidential election. ple hundred thousand votes, they do it every year, that’s not going to be tough. Now you have Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani in the presence “You sent out in the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania 1,823,148 absentee or mail-in ballots. You a real big problem so you had to create mail-in of Republican leaders in PA released an absolute ballots, you had to stretch it out for a while… “ bombshell. received back 1.4 million approximately. How- ever, in the count for president, you counted 2.5 Giuliani isn’t making these statements in front of Giuliani was quoted saying “You sent out in the a talk show host, he made these comments be- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1,823,148 ab- million. I don’t know what accounts for the 700,000 difference between the ballots you sent fore knowledgeable lawmakers in the state of sentee or mail-in ballots. You received back 1.4 Pennsylvania. million approximately. However, in the count out and the number of ballots that ended up in for president, you counted 2.5 million.” the count,” said Giuliani.

FREEDOM IN AMERICA IS AT RISK “Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest aspirations of the human spirit.” “Freedom is the right to question and change the established way of doing things. It is the continuous revolution of the marketplace. It is the understanding that allows us to recognize shortcomings and seek solutions.” “Freedom is not something to be secured in any one moment of time. We must struggle to preserve it every day. And freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” President, Ronald Reagan [email protected] Please Send Us Your Email Address For Your Monthly American Indian Reporter The December 7, 2020 Page 6 of 6 Sidney Powell releases the Kraken! So who or what is the ‘Kraken’? The “Kraken” is a Department of Defense-run cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks various other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions by the deep state! President Trump and the loyal patriots in the Military and Space Command now have all the evidence of voter fraud and election-related treason. This will be used against the enemies of America!

By DINO PORRAZZO Contributed by Franklin Motte Moreno Valley CA

Dobbs begins his call by discussing the Dominion voting systems and the election fraud involved in elec- tronic voting. Many questions re- main unanswered, and Dobbs says it’s “stunning” that America doesn’t know much about the companies we’re using to tabulate votes. Powell says both parties have any number of people who are at fault. The conversation moves on with a discussion about the lawsuits Powell Sidney Powell appeared on Lou is filing beginning with Georgia. She “I mean, people sitting on the floor What we are witnessing with the Dobb’s show Tuesday night says the voter fraud was nationwide. writing on the side of buses filling 2020 elections is NOT an election. (November 24, 2020) and dropped Powell reassures Dobbs that the out ballot after ballot. It’s in your We are witnessing the attempt of some major bombshells about the deadlines for filing the lawsuits will face everywhere. The statistical evi- the overthrow of the investigations taking place involv- be met. dence is insurmountable. The math- Government. The CIA, FBI and ing the “overwhelming evidence” of Leave it to Sidney Powell to drop a ematical evidence is to a mathemati- DOJ are full of Treasonous Swamp voter fraud across America in the bomb on the Democrats in Arizo- cal impossibility. This is no way Rats that are intent on stealing the 2020 election. na. there was anything but widespread Presidential seat, and taking over On Saturday (November 21, 2020) election fraud here. We’ve got one America for the global order. They Powell told Newsmax that witness that says in Arizona are wicked globalist puppets who 35,000 votes were added to that there were 35,000 votes are boldly pushing their coup to de- every Democratic candidate added to every Democratic stroy America and implement a in AZ, to start their count, candidate to start their voting global reset and usher in United and that she believes this also off. It’s like getting your $500 Nations Agenda 2030 which is the happened elsewhere, The of Monopoly money, to begin revised version of sustainable devel- Gateway Pundit reports. with, when you haven’t done opment Agenda 21. Then on Tuesday Powell told anything. And it was only for They are in lockstep throwing all Lou Dobbs “We’ve got one Democrats.” their punches at unsuspecting witness that says in Arizona at Dobbs asked if Powell thinks Americans while nations around the least there were 35,000 votes the Trump presidency will be world are doing the very same lock- added to every Democratic saved. She replies that she be- downs on their citizens. Will they candidate just to start their lieves Trump will be elected in succeed? The answer is NO! voting off.” a landslide. Gettysburg: Expert cybersecurity witness testifies that voting machines built to be ‘manipulated’

By Jon Dougherty, November 27, 2020 * Contributed by Amanda Marquez, Soboba Indian Reservation CA

A retired U.S. Army colonel and Waldron added “there are many, “These systems are not what you’ve Waldron said that, thus far, his noted cybersecurity and information many more teams like ours” that been told. They are connected to teams have “focused on the spike warfare expert testified at a hearing are similarly examining voting ma- the Internet and servers outside of anomalies” seen on graphs depict- in Gettysburg, PA on Nov. 25, 2020 chine irregularities before stating the U.S.,” Waldron said, adding ing when votes were recorded as that ballot machines used in Penn- flatly: “The voting systems in the that there is “no transparency” to coming in for President Donald sylvania and around the U.S. on U.S. and in Pennsylvania were built the systems. Trump and Democratic rival Joe Election Day were designed to be to be manipulated.” He said that the software was de- Biden. “manipulated.” He went on to claim that similar signed to allow seamless, nearly un- In Pennsylvania as well as other In testimony before a panel of state electronic voting machines have detectable manipulation that in- states, spikes occurred after polls lawmakers, Phil Waldron, who said “stolen elections” around the world cludes changing votes and reassign- closed, generally in the wee hours of he spent three decades in the mili- in countries like the U.S., Argenti- ing votes to preferred candidates. Nov. 4 and most going for Biden. tary as an infantry officer and in psy- na, Italy, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Waldron then pointed out that an The anomalies “are events when a chological operations, said his team Singapore, even “as close as two election storage facility in Philadel- numerical amount of votes are pro- has been researching the “specific weeks ago.” phia was robbed on Sept. 30, in cessed in a time period that’s not issue” of electronic ballot fraud Regardless of the manufacturer — which thieves removed 30 USB feasible or mechanically possible since August. such as ES&S and Dominion — all drives and a laptop, suggesting they under normal circumstances.” However, he added that his team of the machines “have a common could have been used in voting ma- “There are a dozen ways to interdict has been working with another elec- DNA,” which is their programming. chines to alter votes. the voting process,” he added. tronic forensic team that began “The bottom line is these machines “Our experts and other academics Under questioning from Trump working on “voting machine manip- have similar [programming] codes believe that up to 1.2 million Penn- campaign lawyer Rudy Giuliani, ulation” since 2018, when and similar functions,” Waldron sylvania votes could have been al- Waldron explained that the spike “significant anomalies” were seen in testified. tered or fraudulent, this is what we anomalies in Pennsylvania, in sum, a pair of races, one between Sen. Waldron said the person who told discovered in the last 22 days,” he amounted to around 570,000 votes Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Democrat- him that has also signed a sworn testified, adding that the only way to for Biden and only about 3,200 for ic challenger then-Rep. Beto affidavit stating as much. be certain is to conduct “a detailed President Trump. O’Rourke and a Kentucky gover- forensic analysis of the actual ma- nor’s race. chines and software.”

Saul Alinsky’s “8-steps to Create a Socialist State” Is the bedrock of the American Socialist Democratic Party. Who was Saul Alinsky? He was an American community organizer and writer. He is oten noted for his book Rules for Radicals (1971 and his “8-steps to topple a nation and create a Socialist State” which are as follows:

1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you con- 4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend 7) Religion — Remove the belief in God from trol the people. themselves from the Government. That way you the Government and schools. 2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as are able to create a police state. 8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the possible, poor people are easier to control and 5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of wealthy and the poor. This will cause more dis- will not fight back if you are providing everything their lives (Food, Housing, and Income). content and it will be easier to take (Tax) the for them to live. 6) Education — Take control of what people wealthy with the support of the poor. 3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable read and listen to — take control of what children This is real folks and it is happening everyday in level. That way you are able to increase taxes, learn in school. the Nation. and this will produce more poverty.

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