3.12.2015– 3.18.2015 WHOCANITURNTO? The Wailin’ Jennys FILM LIVE MUSIC BOOKS Disney’s new ‘Studebaker’ John Following the trail don’t try to keep their ‘Cinderella’ is dull, Grimaldi still going his of Porter and Ike audience at arm’s length never delightful own way Stockton PAGE 11 PAGE 12 PAGE 15 2 | E A+E | EXPLORE » THE DAILY TIMES MARCH 12- 18, 2015 Inside INSTAGRAM ALEXA ROGALS – THE DAILY TIMES Audience members listen to a presentation by Kelly Jenks from the archaeology program at Fort Lewis College during the Big Meeting at Crow Canyon March 6 in Cortez, Colo. For more photos by Daily Times photographer Alexa Rogals, follow her @alexa_rogals on Instagram. LEADING OFF Defying conventional wisdom A lower profile hasn’t hurt the Wailin’ Jennys, co-founder Nicky Mehta says. 3 FILM REVIEW A ‘Cinderella’ without magic The new Disney version of the timeless fairy tale is all pumpkin, no slipper. 11 LIVE MUSIC Behind the wheel with ‘Studebaker’ John A veteran Chicago bluesman shares some wisdom from a life on the road. 12 BOOKS Famous and infamous Two outlaw brothers who once roamed the Four Corners left a blood legacy. 15 Now playing: 7 Calendar: 8 Art listings: 10 Call to artists: 11 CONTACT US A&E Editor: Mike Easterling, 505-564-4610,
[email protected] Advertising: 800-395-6397 Address: 201N. Allen, Farmington, NM, 87401 Explore is the Four Corners arts and entertainment tabloid published weekly by The Daily-Times, a MediaNews Group newspa- per. Explore is available free on Thursdays in the Daily-Times or in racks across the region.