Public comment on R277-700 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED AS OF OCTOBER 11, 2017 From: Mandi Martersteck [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 9:06 AM To: Board Rule Comments <
[email protected]> Subject: Middle School Requirements To Whom it May Concern, Please DO NOT take away the REQUIREMENT that children have the arts, health, and PE in their school curriculum. ESPECIALLY the arts but I feel strongly that each of these elements of childhood education are vital parts of a child's development mentally, emotionally, and physically and that they have a rightful place in public education. They are essential pieces of a developing person as a whole. Children should be exposed to the things that their circumstances might otherwise not allow (i.e. family life, income, and other issues) at this vital age of middle school when they are starting to discover their talents, passions, and capacities. The experiences that come from participating in the arts, health, and PE at this age are ALL catalysts to developing a well rounded, capable, emotionally strong, independent young adult. Isn't that EXACTLY what we are trying to do? ...To educate our children in a way so that they will be ready to take on real life and have it be a fulfilling one as well? This requires diversity, challenges, and opportunities. I FIRMLY believe taking away these elements in their required courses at school is a huge mistake and will be hindersome to our children. Sincerely, Mandi Martersteck Get Outlook for iOS -----Original Message----- From: Gina Knowles [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 4:21 PM To: Board Rule Comments <
[email protected]> Subject: 7th and 8th grade optional courses Making physical education and health optional in 7th and 8th grade to allow kids more elective options is ridiculous! I have a hard time understanding why you would do this when so many more students are obese and not physically active.