Mike Kwok Email:
[email protected] Mike The Analyst Phone Number: (852) - 95035885 Value Investing - Asia Focus Analyst: Mike Kwok /
[email protected] Contestant ID: Kwokmi Equity Research Xinyi Glass Holdings 0868:HK Exchange: SEHK Glass Industry Company Description Rating: Buy Xinyi Glass Holdings (XYG) specializes in manufacturing and sales of different glass Target Price: 5.40 products including float glass, automobile glass, construction glass for commercial 9.25% Upside and industrial uses. With production facilities located in Guangdong province Current Price: 4.94 (Shenzhen, Dongguan and jiangmen), Anhui Province (Wuhu) and Tianjin. The Report Date: 5-Jul-14 products footprint spans around 130 countries from Asia-Pacific, Europe to North & Mkt Cap.(HKD'M): 18,932 South America. Major customers include automobile manufacturers, wholesalers, O/S Shares: ('000) 3,832,349 distributors and repair centers as well as construction & furniture glass manufacturers, Free Float %: 100 float glass wholesalers & distributors. The group also engaged in automobile rubber 52 wk H/L (HKD): 8.62/4.57 and plastic components production. 30d Avg Daily Vol: (Mil) 17.28 Overall profit margin reduced, partially offset by diversified biz portfolio Up trending Float glass contribute 45% of the company product portfolio. Investors remain cautious on the margin sustainability given topping property sales price. Cur. PE: 9.81 Although float glass production capacity is expected to up from 3.5M to 4.5M daily Forward PE: 10.30 melting tones due to three float glass production lines expected to be deployed in Cur. EPS:HKCents 50.36 YingKou & Deyang under capacity surplus environment, the dropping margin is Forward EPS 47.96 expected thanks to struggling float glass segment and high-yield solar glass segment Cur.