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Opemmundi E Ljbope OpemMundi E lJBOPE A WEEKLY REPORT ON THE ECONOMY OF THE COMMON MARKET ----- ------- -- �--- --· ------ -- - -----·-----·--·-------- of ooo oo oo 0000000000 ��-ONTENTt-4.oo o_Q';)o o oq ooo oo 0000001 g�!. ·----- ---·--····-············· ······-----· __ :__ --- ------ - - - . : g 0 I 0 o I : o / o I : o o I : o 0g I /ffJ ;1 r'i\J : og o INDEX f .i trr rtn "� o _ _, ;.;,·� Jt\J T 0 '-"' 1.•'- l",, 0 , ...4 �� ..1' ., . 0 ft iii 0 0 0 0 JO 0 I 0 0 0 0o To Euroflash 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 , g from No 468 to No 492 inclusive g .,0 0 !o o 1 o o 0 0 0 0 0 o July 4, 1968 - December 19 , 1963 °o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 · t;tlllOFLA.SH: llusiness 11enetration U('ross Europe o 01 0 0 :o g January 1969 Index No 11 · l g 0 :o 0 ,o 0 :o O :o 0 :o 0 :o 01 : 0 0 0 ooo -----------------------------------------------------o o oo o oo o oo oo oo o o_o oo o oo_o o o o o== oo--=:�� o o------o o o=:o -------------- oo o o oo oo �=� o-----o o o o Opera Mundi ElfR OPE A WEEKLY REPORT ON THE ECONOMY OF THE COMMON MARKET PUBLISHED ON BEHALF OF OPERA MUNDI BY EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE LIMITED EUROPA HOUSE ROYAL TUNBRIDGE WELLS KENT TEL 25202/4 TELEX 95114 OPERA MUNDI EUROPE 100 Avenue Raymond Poincar� - PARIS 16e TEL: KLE 54-12 34-21 - CCP PARIS 3235-50 EDITOR & PUBLISHER .. PAUL WINKLER EXECUTIVE EDITOR .. CHARLES RONSAC MANAGING EDITOR .... ANDRE GIRAUD SD'ITZERLAND ITAL� BE�ELIJX 54 Rue Vermont GENEVA 72 Corso di Porta Romana MILAN 4 Boulevard Anspach BRumu TEL: 33 7693 TEL: 540.301 - 540.309 TEL: 18-01-93 0 HIJBSCRIPTION RATEH U.K. EIRE AND STERLING AREA £75 ONE YEAR £40 SIX MONTHS U.S.A. AND CANADA $250 ONE YEAR $135 SIX MONTHS INCLUDING AIRMAIL OTHER COUNTRIES AT LOCAL EQUIVALENT OF U.K. RATES @ EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE LTD. Printed and Published by EUROPEAN INTELLIGlNCE LIMITED al Europa House, Royal Tunbrid&e Wells, Kent, England 1 INDEX TO MAIN COMPANIES NAMED A.B.N. 478 Aetna,Life & Casualty 471 A.B.R. 475 Afia Finance Corp 485 A.C.E.C. 469,472,484,485,490 Afico 482 A.C.E.M. 472 Agache-Willot 476,480,485,489,492 A. C. G. Groningen 490 Aga Garn 486 A.C.M .I. 484 Agfa-Gevaert 469,489 A.C.R.C. 473 Agip 468,482 AEG-Telefunken 470,473,475,486,488 Ago 486 A.H.I. 469 Agrati, A. 468 A.K.U. 468,476 Ahrend Group 482 A.M .E.V. Amsterdam 470,475,482,485 Air. -L.B. 484 486,488 l 'Air Liquide 482 A.N.E.V. 469 Air Master Corp 471 A & 0 International 478 Airport Catering Services. 490 A.P.C. 471 Air Products 490 A. P.E. Distilleria 471 Airtour 492 A.s.c.1. 481 Ako 492 A. T.B. Verzekering 487 Aktien-Zuc kerfabrik 492 A.T.o.s. 470 Albat 472 Aachener & Munchener 483 Albert Farma 484 Aage Wollenstoffen 479 Albertuswerke 489 Aagrunol 468 d'Albret, Jean 487 Aata Holland 489 Albright & Wilson 468,492 Abatavia 475 Alcoa 479,480,481 Abbey Etna Machine Co 488 Aldag, Otto 490,492 L'Abeille 472,490,492 Alfa Furniture 470 les Abeilles, Remorquage 487 Alfa-Laval 481 Abonnenc 482 Alfa Romeo 468,469,489 Acieroid 490 Alfons Mtiller-Wipperfflrth 485 Acifit 489 Algemene Bank Nederland 480,481,488 Acina France 471 490· Ac kermann-Goeggingen 486 Algoma Steel 475 Adamel 482 Allen Products 477 Adler 486 Allgemeine Bankgesellschaft 471 Admiral Coated Products 468 Allianz Versicherungs 474,477,484 Adolff, J. F. 471,486 Allibert 469 Adresc 491 Allied Aero Industries 487,490 Advance Floor Machine 489 Allied Breweries 476,477,490,492 Aeroflam 471 Allied Products 471,477 Aeroplanning 473 Allimand 469 Aerzener Maschinen 492 Allis Chalmers 470 Opera Mundi - Europe Index No 11 2 Alma, Machines & Procedes 470 Anglo-Over seas Transport 482 Almanij 490 Anic 478 L'Alpaga 477 Ansaldo San Giorgio 479,485 Alpha SA 492 Anstlltz, Joseph 489 Alspi 469,489 Antar 481 Alsthom 469,481,489 Antich, Barcelona 472 Amadeo Oessterreichische Schallplatten 480 Antilliaanse Verffabriek 489 Amalgamated Power Engineering 480 Anver 483 Amatex NV 478 Apple 484 Ambac Industries (Bosch Arma) 476 Apsacoat 488 Ambes, Ste Industrielle 468 Aquitaine-Organico 484 American Air Filter 4 7 4 Arag 476 American Can 482,499,490 Aral 474 American Cryogenics 482 Archer Daniels Midland 474 American Export Industries 490 Architekten Informatons Service 475 American Express 4 7 4 Arcos, Saldatura 472 American Foreign Insurance Assn 471 L 'Ardennaise 471 American Greetings 4 70 Ardmore & Beechwood 490 American Motors 476 Arentsen & Klilling 476 American Tobacco 490 Argon Service 475 American Trading 4 71 Argyle Medical Industries 486 Amerint Grundstlicks 476 Ariel Shipping 477 Ameroid 469 Arjomari 468 Amev 491 Arma NV 480 Amgra Trust 492 Armco Steel 472 Amij 487 Arnoldo Modadori Editore 485 Amphenol 474,479 Arntz, Etnil, GummWiden 468,475 Amstel Brouweij 477 Aron 489 Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank 470,485,492 Arthur BrUgger 480 Amsterdamsche Ballast 487 Artie 471 Amsterdamse Hotel Onderneming 484 Artois, Brasserie 469 Analog Devices 491 Arva National Shipping Lines 476 Ancienne Mutuelle 482 Ashland Oil & Refining 473 Anderson Macklin Fabrik 468 Askania ltaliana 471 Andex 488 Aspro Nicholas 472 Andouart, Ste de Ets 477 Assicuratrice Industriale 480 Assmann, Wolfgang 475 Andrelon 481 Anelissen Groep 483,487 Assochar Van Peer 479 de Angeli Frua 474 Associated Telecommunications - Anker Koffiebranderij 471 Australia 485 Assurances Generales de France 472 Anker-Kolen 469,473,474 Anker-Werke 473 Assurb�l 483 Anglo-American Corp of South Africa 489 Astra A/B 476 Anglo-Ceylon & General Estates 476 Astral 469,487 Opera Mundi - Europe Index No 11 3 Atkinson Lorries 473,479 B. V .s. 487 AtlNnder Glass Industries 486 Babcock & Wilcox 472 ,474 Atlas-Mak 473 Bacamp 481 Atlas Steels 472 Baccarat 488 Ator Ag 491 Badel Freres 470 L 'Aube, Ceramique de 471 Badocol Chemicals 482 Aubena 477 Baerlocher, Otto 483 Audio Devices 474 Bafra-Maschinen 473 Augistin & Schoonman 492 Baglini 492 Ausonia SpA 492 Baker Chemicals 468 Auto-Continental-Location 492 Bakrie & Bros 478 Auto-Distribution Belge 489 Bale an-Peri 473 AutokUhn 474 Baldore Anstalt 480 Automatic E lee tric A. T. E.A. 486 Balency & Schuhl 489 Automatic Poultry Feeder 492 Baltic Stevedoring 479 Automatic Sprinkler of America 479 Baltimore Pelli 491 Autovax 471 Banca Commerciale Italiana 485,489. Auwllrter, Gottlog, Karosserie 484 490 Auxepi 492 Banca Exterior de Espana 469 Auxifina 478 Banca del Gottardo 480 Auxiliaire d'Etudes 470 Banca Loria 476 Avenel 470 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro 481,469, 484 Avenir Publicite 470 Banca Unione 489 Averys Ltd 469 Banco Cerruti Fu Allessandro 490 Avia Mineralol 478 Banco di Chiavari 481 Avip SA 485 Banco Coca 471 Ayer, N.W. & Son 492 Banco Commerciale Italian 481 Aznavour 479 Banco de Montevideo 480 Banco di Napoli 474 B.A.C .M. Industries, Winnipeg 469 Banco Popular Espanol 483 B.A.S.F. 469,482,487,488,492 Banco di Santo Spirito 485 B.E .A. 488,490 Bank Fur Allegemeine Finanzierungs B.E.A.G. 483,487 478 B.E.C. 470 Bank of America 481,483 BfG 468,472 Bank voor Handel & Scheepvaart 468,483 BMD 478 Bank of Montreal 483 B.N.P. 473,481,489 Bank of Nova Scotia 478 B.P. 476,478,481 Bank voor Onroermde Zaken 483 B.P.G. 492 Bank of Tokyo 476,479, •.1:85 B.R.G.M. Paris 488 Banque Belge D'Afrique 488 B.S.N. -Boussois-Souchon-Neuvesel 469,476 Banque Borsu 490 491 Banque de Bruxelles 488 B.S.P. Industries 470 Banque de 1� Cite 49 i B.M.W. 474 Banque Commerciale pour l'Europe 485 B. T. L. Levensverzekerings 486,487 BanqueCommerciale de Liege 490 Opera Mundi - Europe Index No 11 4 Banque Generale du Luxembourg 4 74 Bayerische Elektrizidits-Werke 492 Banque Guilhot 473 Bayerische Staatsbank 469 Banque de l 'Indochine 470,483,490 Bayerische Vereinsbank 469,480 Banque Internationale Luxembourg 468 Bayley Mail Order 484 Banque Iranienne de Developpement 482 Bazar de I 'Hotel de Ville 489 Banque Ivoirienne de Developpement 477 Beaudouin 482 Banque Lambert 469,484 Beau Site, Immobiliere du 476 Banque Marocaine du Commerce 485 Beautility 470 Banque Nordique de Commerce 478 Bebe Confort Banque Ottomane 485 Bebrofina 4884n Banque de Paris & des Pays-Bas 470,471,472 Beckman Instruments 475,491 475,480,484,485 Becker, R & A 473 486,488,489,491,492 Beeker & \Vicander 480 Banque Privee 469 Beghin 481 Banque Regionale du Centre 473 Behee,rmijMarine Stad 492 Banque Roy 491 Behin, Raymond 490 Banque Sud Belge 490 Beijer 478 Banque Transatlantique 480 Bekaert, Leon, Trefilieries 484 Banque de Tunisie 484 Bekum 486 Banque de l 'Union Europeenne 488,490,492 Belectric 476 Bu�s 4� Beleggingspolis Van de 7 486 Barclays Bank D.C .O. 472,481,487 Bel, Fromageries 488 Ba.rem 476 Belge de L 'Azote 480 Bariquand & Marre 4 74 Belge-Lloyd Royal 475 Barnllegens••• A/B 480 Belgonucleaire 481 Barrie, Chester 492 Bellaplast Heller 486 Bartels-\Verke 482 Bell & Howell 474,479 Bartson' s Pvba 484 Bellino & Cie 492 de Bary, Albert 492..... Bell Intercontinental 471 Basalan Isolierwolle 488 Bellon, Page 489 Bassin du Nord, Houilleres 489 Bellrock International 487 Bastogi 474,488,489 Belcit 479 Bataafsche Aanemingrnij 492 Belser Druckerei 488 Bates, Ted & Co Inc 491 Belton Development 490 Batiments & Ponts 476 Beltz, Julius 475 Battau -489 Bendien' s C onf ectiefabrieken 482,492 Baudoux; Jean 483 Bendix 484 Bauer, Franck 469 Benecke J.K.
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