Undergraduate Prospectus 2018

a Open days are the best time to explore student life at Oxford – visit places not normally open to the public – and talk to current students and tutors. You can just turn up to most events but some require booking, so check first and plan your day at ox.ac.uk/opendays.

28 and 29 June and 15 September 2017

After feeling the atmosphere and exploring the city on an open day I knew I wanted to spend the next few years of my life in Oxford. Sam The tutors and students I spoke to on the open day were all incredibly encouraging and welcoming and I loved the thought of studying in such a unique community of passionate and friendly students. Francesca

If you can’t make one of these days, please see page 188 or ox.ac.uk/ugvisit.

Have a look at our virtual college tours at ox.ac.uk/ugcolls. b With thanks to all our students Contents who volunteered to appear in the prospectus.

2–10 Introducing Oxford 2 Why Oxford? 4 How Oxford works 6 Is Oxford for me? 8 At Oxford, how do you…? 10 Global Oxford 12–17 Applying to Oxford 12 How to apply 14 International students 15 Mature students 16 Disabled students Do you need this 17 Equality for all prospectus in another 18–19 Fees and funding format? 20–25 Support for you and your studies 20 Libraries Download a high-contrast version 22 Museums and collections from ox.ac.uk/moreinfo. 24 IT Services Braille, large print and audio formats 24 Language Centre 25 Supporting you are also available on request from: 26–33 Clubs and societies +44 (0) 1865 288000 26 Sport www.ox.ac.uk/ask 28 Music ox.ac.uk/study 30 Drama 32 O xford University Students’ Union and more 34–35 Your career after Oxford 36–37 In and around Oxford 38–143 Courses 38 Introducing our courses 40 Subject requirements 42–143 The courses (alphabetically) Details are correct at the 144–183 Colleges time of going to press in 144 Introducing the colleges January 2017. Any 146 Which colleges offer my course? updates or changes to 148 Choosing a college information can be found 149–183 The colleges (alphabetically) on our webpages: ox.ac.uk/study. 184–189 Finding out more 184 Events in Oxford 186 Events near you 188 Visiting Oxford ©The 2017 190–192 Index and maps All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, 190 Index stored in a retrieval system, or 191 Please read carefully transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, 192 Maps photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission.

1 Why Oxford?

THE First UK * UNIVERSITY TO BE no.1in the world *Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2016–17

Oxford is a fantastic university, renowned for academic excellence - the teaching is world class, and being taught by experts in my subject area in this way really appealed to me. Also, Oxford is a really great city, so this factored into my decision too. Megan

Though the academic reputation was definitely a factor, I was really attracted by the collegiate structure. Everything works on a smaller scale with concentrated resources, a close-knit community and highly individual teaching with tutors who take a real interest in you. Archie

Funnily enough, Oxford was also actually the cheapest place for me to go to university. Even before I was aware of the Moritz- Heyman Scholarship, the Oxford Bursaries scheme is the most comprehensive one at the time of my application. 2 Bertrand for research no.1in the world quality** **Most recent UK Research Excellence Framework (2014)

There are constantly career-related events at Oxford. If you know what you want to do, this place provides amazing networking opportunities. If you don’t know quite what you’re doing, the Careers Service is always putting on talks, workshops, 1:1 sessions and fairs. They are really helpful and a great source of ideas.There is also a lot of information on further study including exciting opportunities abroad. Lilian

I’d never thought about applying to somewhere so prestigious, but I was lucky enough to be encouraged by a fantastic maths teacher. Both the academic reputation and the beautiful city were enough to win me over, and since applying I have never looked back. Ian

Oxford is known all over the world for academic excellence and I think the unique collegiate system plays a huge part in that. I chose Oxford because I thought it would be an unbelievable opportunity for me if I was fortunate enough to be successful in my application. Naveed 3 How Oxford works I think the teaching is outstanding. The quality of the lectures, As an Oxford undergraduate you’ll be part of one or more tutorials and practicals departments, depending on the course you’re studying. is incomparable. I You’ll also be a member of a college – a community of have really benefited students and academics from many different subject areas. from the attention and challenges of small Whichever college you go to, you will be group tutorial learning studying for the same degree. which has driven me to work harder and learn When you accept your offer of a place at Oxford you will enter into two separate more than I thought I contracts: one with the University and one with your college. These contracts could and still enjoy it. are inter-linked: as an undergraduate you cannot be a member of the University Joe without being a member of a college and vice versa. While you are admitted by your college, you are awarded your degree by the University. See more information about this at ox.ac.uk/oxforddegree.

N E A R LY from over IN Groups of

250 30 2 0R3 COURSES faculties and for specialised departments TUTORIAL TEACHING

Course Assessment Each course has a compulsory core Oxford courses have two stages. There (usually in your first year), plus a broad are exams at the end of the first stage range of options which allows you to tailor (usually at the end of your first year) that your studies to your personal interests. you must pass, but they don’t count These aspects of the course are organised towards your final degree grade. However, COLLEGES by the departments of the University. your tutors will need to be happy with For more on courses see page 38. your work for you to progress throughout ARE NOT JUST the course. Lectures WHERE YOU LIVE After this, assessment depends on All students in a particular subject will the course you are studying. You might – IN MOST CASES come together for lectures. These provide sit your Finals (written exams on which THEY ARE A BASE core information that may be useful for your final grade is based) at the end of tutorials, essays or exams. Lectures also FOR TUTORIAL each remaining year or just at the end of give you an opportunity to meet students your last year. Some exams may be TEACHING. from other colleges doing your course. replaced by a project, extended essay Practicals or dissertation, or there might be All students of science-based subjects an oral exam. work together for lab work and/or fieldwork – typically for at least two half days a week.

4 SEE ALSO Colleges: page 144



College prepare for tutorials, often by writing Your college is so much Oxford is made up of undergraduate an essay or solutions to set problems. more than just buildings, colleges and halls spread across the city You meet your tutor, usually with one it’s your home (not just of Oxford. There is no central university or two other students, to discuss your for three years either... campus. Whatever course you are work in the tutorials. The aim is to studying you will become a member of review your answers or theories and I never want to leave!). one of these small academic explore ideas that arise in discussion. It’s where you live, work, communities. It is here that college A tutorial relies on the exchange of sleep and eat. It’s where tutors will oversee your studies and ideas so you don’t need to be experienced you’re going to develop normally arrange your tutorial teaching. in debating – just ready to present and into an adult, make All colleges provide somewhere for their defend your opinions, accept constructive students to live during the first year and criticism and listen to others. Tutorials memories and create often for the duration of their course. develop your ability to think for yourself – friendships that last for For more on colleges see page 144. an essential skill for academic success and a long time... this is very something that the best employers Tutorials cheesy - but I genuinely expect from Oxford graduates. As well These usually take place twice a week couldn’t imagine myself as overseeing your studies, college staff in your first year, though this may vary are responsible for your welfare. anywhere else. later depending on the options you Read more about the breadth Jane choose. It’s up to you to research and of support on offer at Oxford on page 25.

5 SEE ALSO Equality for all: Is Oxford for me? page 17 Courses: page 38–143

• Would you love to talk about what you learn? You don’t have to be • Do you love to study and thrive on hard work? perfect, you •  Do you like the idea of being taught in very just have to small, interactive groups? be yourself. Holly •  Do you want lots of opportunities – to explore new interests as well as enjoying old ones?  Do you want to meet more people like you – We are committed • to ensuring that and people who aren’t like you? Oxford provides a safe and inclusive And... community for all its students, in which they are •  Is there a course here you really want to study? able to thrive and feel supported. •  Are you on target to meet our entrance requirements? If the answers are YES then Oxford may be for you. Don’t be afraid to have a try. Oxford students come from all over the world and Jack from all kinds of backgrounds. We offer an intellectually stimulating environment, with expert tutors and fantastic resources to support your studies. Oxford offers you amazing opportunities to pursue all kinds of interests.

If you like the sound of all this – then please apply!


The bursary has offered me the financial security I’ve needed to be able to focus on the academic and social sides of my degree without fear of becoming overdrawn or needing to seek employment during term time. Matthew

Most importantly I think the bursary has allowed me to enjoy myself more, as I am not constantly worrying about whether I have enough money to do something or not.The generosity of the support has also given me the motivation to work as hard as I can, because I want to know that I deserve it. Seamus Oxford has the most generous bursary package I’ve come across. I keep track of what I’m spending week by week but haven’t found myself stretched. Elizabeth

My time at Oxford has been absolutely incredible so far, and that would not have been possible without the bursary support I have received. It has allowed me to purchase essential things such as textbooks and meet daily living costs, without having the constant worry of money hanging over my head. It has also allowed me to engage in social activities with my friends which I never even thought I would be able to afford or consider. It really has been- changing.life Amy

Read more about fees and funding on page 18 or visit ox.ac.uk/funding. 7 Read our student diaries: At Oxford, how do you... apply.ousu.org/ student-life

It can be difficult to I go to university society Play a bit of hockey, or ...Relax? switch off after a day in events - I’m quite involved just lie down and watch the library, so exercise is in LGBTQ stuff, so I’ll some iPlayer or something. a really important part of go to a drinks event in Pubs and the college bar the week - I run near my the evening, the LGBTQ are great as well, just to house and go to the gym Campaign open meeting or hang out with friends and occasionally. I still find a board game social. ‘forget’ about work for an time just to watch bad TV Anna evening. with my friends though. Callum Noni If clubbing is your thing, there’s plenty of that; if I sing in my college choir Ultimate Frisbee is the not, there is a load of and play in an orchestra best (temporary) cure stuff to get involved in, which are always nice for every essay crisis, no from societies to people ways to unwind just before matter how severe. just getting together for a or after dinner. Noémi bit of midnight ice skating. Hannah Jack

Working in the library Managing your workload is Somehow it gets done. It ...Manage is a very good way of about being honest with what does take time to figure out staying focused and you can and can’t achieve. how to work well, and what your being as productive as Jane that means for you. Once workload? possible. you’ve got it sussed, you can Sam get down to it and find an I know that I’m no good at enjoyable rhythm to it. Don’t working in the evenings so forget that your workload I tend to get up fairly early is on a topic you chose, so to work in the mornings whilst it is a lot- and it is, instead. to be honest - it’s a lot of Sarah really interesting stuff. Lilian

Realise that it is okay to say ‘No’ to something if you have too much work to do, but also realise that if you’re not getting anywhere, sometimes a social/ ‘me-time’ break might be just what you need. Susanna 8 Once you’ve paid your In term time budgeting Eating in college is really ...Afford fees it’s useful to work is key. Hall food can be cheap, and you rarely out a weekly budget for great value but it is often have to buy books because everything? the rest of term. I keep cheaper to cook for Oxford has everything. a notebook with all my yourself, and that often fits Maeve expenditure in it so I can better into your timetable. work out how much I’m Nicola Don’t do your laundry until spending per week. you have completely run Lizzie out of clothes! Sally

When I had a family I have a couple of close There are at least ...Get help? bereavement last year, friends I can turn to. ten people to go to for my friends were my main The welfare reps at my any problem I have support network, but I college are amazing. And whatsoever, domestic, also got support from my the counselling service ie broken window latch, college chaplain (even is there too. There’s or personal. The most though I’m not religious support in every direction useful people are the - they function in a - it’s brilliant. The welfare porters; they know non-religious capacity as service was one of the almost everything about a welfare officer) and things that I was most Oxford, and if they don’t, my tutors were also very impressed with - as was my they know people who do. understanding in reducing mum - it definitely put her Very useful indeed! my workload for that week. at ease! Jack Sarah Isla

I know everyone There is such a Everyone is in the ...Make says it, but there is diverse range of people same situation! I honestly no need to here with so many just found that friends? worry about making interests that you will engaging people in friends. Everyone definitely find someone conversation and is so friendly, and you have something being as confident college puts on loads in common with. You (or brave!) as of activities to get you might not meet them on possible worked. meeting new people. the first day, but stay Marcus Georgina patient and keep going to events and societies that interest you. Izzy

Joining societies is a good way of meeting like-minded people from many different colleges and subjects. During the first week of your first term there will be plenty of structured events to make friends with other people in your college. Sam 9 International Oxford: Global Oxford ox.ac.uk/ international-oxford

If you are interested in your subject, then you must apply to Oxford! There are almost no places globally which can provide the same student experience. Niloy

INTERNATIONAL STUDY & RESEARCH While at Oxford there are lots of opportunities for you to gain international experience to further Erasmus study exchanges let your academic, career and personal students spend up to 12 months at development. These include studying, one of our partner universities. working or undertaking research abroad. Modern Languages students also Organised and funded by the University have the option of an Erasmus and its colleges, examples include: traineeship during their year abroad. Over 650 college travel grants Erasmus is supported by the European Commission, and includes a monthly More than 500 summer internships living expenses allowance. Please note Funded summer schools at universities abroad that the Erasmus programme may not be available after the 2017-18 Student exchanges with the US, Asia and Europe academic year. Read the latest at: A year abroad for most students of Modern Languages, ox.ac.uk/erasmus. Oriental Studies and Law with Law Studies in Europe


10 SEE ALSO Careers: page 34 International students: page 14 Events near you: page 186

Oxford has introduced me to people from around the world I never could have met otherwise. Jack

Alumni When you complete a degree at Oxford, you will join a global community of more than 250,000 graduates. As an Oxonian, you will benefit from lifelong careers advice and professional networking both online and in person. You will also be able to join one of 230 alumni groups worldwide, including Oxford10 for recent graduates in London. From an engaging schedule of alumni events in the UK and abroad, to an online community of alumni mentors, the University offers a wide range of valuable resources. For a full list, go to www.alumni.ox.ac.uk. Oxford: a great group of interesting Oxford STUDENTS people who come from all across 26 Nobel Prize winners the world and yet 27 UK prime ministers can relate to each International leaders including Aung San Suu Kyi, Indira Gandhi and Malcolm Turnbull other so easily. Scientists like Ben Goldacre, Stephen Hawking, Susan Greenfield and Tim Berners-Lee Mathew Writers and poets including Vikram Seth, William Boyd, Jeanette Winterson, Monica Ali and Wendy Cope

Actors and filmmakers including Felicity Jones, Hugh Grant and

11 How to apply

To apply to begin studying at Oxford in 2018, you must submit a UCAS online form and register for our admissions tests anytime from mid-September to 15 October 2017. We recommend that you do this as soon as possible. The final deadline for all applicants is Sunday 15 October 2017.

october 2017 UCAS application Admissions Tests You can start working on your online For most courses, you are required UCAS form anytime from June. to take a test, normally at your school All Law applicants must You will need to provide information or college: check your course page and take the LNAT (the National about yourself, including a personal see ox.ac.uk/tests for the test date. Admissions Test for Law) between 1 September statement where you explain your Registration is a two-stage process: and 20 October 2017. interest in your chosen course. A 1. Your school or college must be To guarantee a test slot you teacher or advisor needs to add a will need to register by registered as a test centre – so written reference: their account of 5 October 2017 at check with your exams officer. your academic potential and suitability www.lnat.ac.uk. (Many UK schools are already to study here. registered.) If your school cannot Most people apply to Oxford before do this, you may take the test at an they have finished school or college, in open centre. which case your referee will need to 2. You need to be registered as a provide predicted grades: what candidate. Please ask the exams they expect you to achieve in your officer at your school or college to The application A-levels (or equivalent). No transcripts register you, or contact an open process is the same for are required unless you have already centre. everyone but please completed your first degree. See: ox.ac.uk/tests see our additional guidance if you are: Start work on your UCAS form Make sure you register in plenty of an international early and submit it before the time before the final registration student (page 14) deadline, especially as it falls on a deadline: a mature student Sunday this year. (page 15) Register by 6pm UK time on Submit by 6pm UK time on a disabled student Sunday 15 October 2017. Sunday 15 October 2017 at (page 16) www.ucas.com

12 SEE Also Oxford is very competitive and many successful Fees and funding: applicants actually exceed our entrance requirements. page 18 Unfortunately, every year there are far more excellent Colleges: candidates than there are places available. page 144 Subject requirements: page 40

JANUARY 2018 november 2017 DECEmber 2017 Written work Decisions Interviews You will hear on Wednesday For some courses, you need to Tutors review each UCAS application, 10 January 2018 whether or send in written work as part of along with any test or written work, not your application has been your application: check the page and decide on a shortlist of candidates successful. for your course. For exact to interview. You will find out whether If you have not yet completed requirements for each subject, or not you have been shortlisted in the necessary qualifications, and to download a cover late November or early December. then any offer made will be a sheet, please visit If you are shortlisted, you will be conditional offer. You will have ox.ac.uk/writwork. invited to come to a college in until August 2018 to achieve December. The college will provide the required grades. free accommodation and food while you are here. You will be interviewed SPRING 2018 by tutors at that college, and possibly by tutors at other colleges as well. finance Seriously, relax during If you live outside the EU, and are Student finance applications unable to travel to Oxford for open from early 2018. the interview. Rushing interview, then you may be offered For fees, funding, grants and off the first thought that an interview by Skype. (Medicine is bursaries information see comes to mind will very an exception – all shortlisted page 18 or visit likely end in a wrong candidates must come to Oxford.) ox.ac.uk/funding. answer. Although getting There are lots of myths about interviews at Oxford, but really an answer wrong doesn’t they’re just conversations about mean that you will fail- your chosen subject. For more if you have fun learning information visit ox.ac.uk/ OCTOBER 2018 from the interview - interviews. chances are that you’ll START your do just fine. DownloadYour guide to Oxford interviews at ox.ac.uk/interviews COURSE ? Yedam Start your course?

1313 See International students ox.ac.uk/int See ox.ac.uk/euref for the latest information We encourage applications from academically regarding Britain’s strong students from around the world, and membership of the welcome the diversity international students European Union. contribute to the University.

Over a third of our students (including English language 17% of undergraduates) are international Teaching at Oxford is all in English (apart citizens, and come from over 140 from some language-specific courses) so countries. Student societies represent to study here you must have sufficient most countries in the world. fluency in written and spoken English. In a survey of international students If you are not a native speaker you may at 49 UK universities, Oxford was rated be asked to take an English test to for satisfaction: prove your fluency. See the list at The number of international fee ox.ac.uk/enlang. Good place to be 97% status medical students at each Expert lecturers 96% Coming to Oxford medical school in Our Student Information and the UK is subject Online library 95% Immigration team offers: to a government quota: currently an International Student Orientation Physical library 93% • for Oxford this Programme is 14. Research 92% • immigration and visa advice. ox.ac.uk/students/new/ Course content 90% international Source: International Student Barometer, IGI Services Ltd (2015) If you are offered a place to study at Oxford and you are not an EEA or Swiss national, you must apply for a visa in your Entrance requirements home country/country of residence You do not have to take British A-levels before you enter the UK. to apply to Oxford – we accept www.gov.uk/tier-4-general-visa school-leaving qualifications and test www.ukcisa.org.uk scores from many countries: see the SEE Also list at ox.ac.uk/intquals. Sometimes, Visiting students Applying: page 12 if your school-leaving qualifications University students from overseas Fees and funding: aren’t sufficient, you might need to page 18 can spend up to one year in Oxford undertake further study before Language Centre: on a course related to their degree. applying. page 24 Visiting students apply directly to Events near you: individual colleges, not through UCAS. page 186 ox.ac.uk/visiting

14 See Mature students ox.ac.uk/mature 21 or over at the start of October in your first year

Oxford is looking for the best and brightest candidates, I’d always had an interest irrespective of their age or background. Just like everyone in attending university; else who applies, mature students need to demonstrate poor performance in academic ability and commitment to study. secondary schooling and then the fulfilment of Which college? Department for Continuing parental responsibilities As a mature student, you can apply to any Education precluded an orthodox college. One college (Harris Manchester) Those with less recent academic route to higher education and three of the Permanent Private Halls experience or with work or family for me, however. Much (Blackfriars, St Stephen’s House and commitments may be interested in the later in life I returned to Wycliffe Hall) take only mature students. part-time Undergraduate Certificates, education, studying part An environment specifically catering for Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas we offer time in the evenings or mature students can provide excellent peer in many subjects through the Department at weekends whilst still support in which to enjoy the varied and for Continuing Education. Some courses working. Having completed fast-paced life of Oxford. may be studied online, and all earn a two-year course, I then applied for a full-time BA nationally recognised credits. Students at Oxford and am now Accommodation from the Foundation Certificates in English living in Harris Manchester All undergraduate degrees at Oxford and History can apply to join the second College in the early stages involve intense study and high levels of year of our full-time English or History of my first year and, it commitment. Undergraduate students are degree course. must be said, feeling very required to be resident in the city during conted.ox.ac.uk much at home already. term time: either in college, in other Martin accommodation within 6 miles of the Second undergraduate degrees city centre, or within 25 miles if at your Studying for a second undergraduate degree family home. is a common route for students who decide to change direction in their education or to Qualifications and study skills pursue a new area of study. The application Tutors will take your work experience and procedure and entrance requirements are life skills into account, but it’s essential that exactly the same, except that you will be you have also undertaken formal academic expected to have a good academic record Priority qualifications within the three years before from your first degree (usually at least a you apply. We need to be sure that you will 2:1). You may apply for Senior Status, which NURSERY be able to cope with the demands of gives direct entry to the second year of the places for student parents – page 25 academic study at Oxford. Many different course: ox.ac.uk/sud. academic qualifications could be Studying for a second undergraduate acceptable: see ox.ac.uk/enreqs. degree will have funding implications: see ox.ac.uk/elq.

15 SEE ALSO Colleges: Hear about Disabled students page 144 disabled students’ experiences: ox.ac.uk/swd Read more about The University welcomes how we can support your move: applications from disabled students ox.ac.uk/swd students, and is committed to with dyslexia, dyspraxia and making reasonable adjustments other specific to facilitate access to courses. learning 2,800+ difficulties students registered with Oxford’s The Disability Advisory Service disability service students (DAS) provides information, advice and students with any long- assistance with coordinating practical with autistic term mental or spectrum physical health study support arrangements, and works conditions with both prospective and current condition students. The DAS will arrange support in line UK students are encouraged to with your individual circumstances. This apply for the Disabled Students might include, for example, access to Allowance (DSA) as soon as possible support workers, help with travel costs, and our Assessment Centre can provision of specialist equipment, or offer the study needs assessments to alternative examination arrangements support your application. such as extra time. The University can If you are disabled, and thinking of also supply materials in alternative formats: applying to Oxford, we’d advise you to: see www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/ •  consider the requirements of your services/disability/aracu. chosen course before applying •  i dentify any elements that might present particular barriers The unimaginable has happened • talk to or visit your college and - I have been awarded a degree department of choice, to explore with distinction and a prize for facilities and discuss any specific best dissertation. I was able to do disability-related issues. an amazing amount of work and It is essential to contact the DAS Plan your way around edit my dissertation very fast as early as possible in the application the city using our with the assistive technology you process so that any necessary interactive map at recommended and put in place. arrangements can be made for a ox.ac.uk/maps For once I was able to do a vast possible visit or interview and well in and have a look at amount of work without it impacting advance of the start of your course. our access guide at www.admin.ox.ac.uk/ on my health. Find out more by visiting: ox.ac.uk/ access Sabena students/welfare/disability.

16 See Equality for all www.admin.ox.ac.uk/eop

Oxford students come from over Our students and staff all 11% contribute to making Oxford of all our an inclusive community 140 undergraduate countries. students are where we feel safe, disabled respected and valued. Academic and research staff come from nearly 100. Join us and you will have the chance to 26% of all our students make a unique contribution. Here you identify as black will have the opportunity to study and Equality-focused activities or minority socialise with talented people from a include: ethnic wide range of backgrounds, and with a Gender: the Women’s Campaign within huge variety of interests and passions. • Oxford University Student Union (OUSU) We make admissions decisions solely ousu.org on the individual merits of each candidate using selection criteria • Ethnicity: CRAE (the OUSU Campaign appropriate to the course of study. for Racial Awareness and Equality) ousu.org • LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer): OUSU LGBTQ Campaign ousu.org Being a bisexual woman has lots LGBTQ Society Having a mental illness has of negative consequences in a oulgbtsoc.org.uk always made me doubt the patriarchal queerphobic society. • Religion and belief: worship facilities prospects of my university Thankfully in Oxford, fortnightly for a wide variety of faiths success, academically or bisexual events and campaigns ox.ac.uk/religionandbelief otherwise. Thankfully, my like ‘Bye Bi Prejudice’ all • Disability: support for disabled students tutors and fellow students lead to a super supportive ox.ac.uk/students/welfare/ make me feel valued and community, and the LGBTQ disability respected, which allows me community here really thrives. to truly flourish in Oxford. Care leavers and looked-after Sandy, OUSU Vice-President for • Anna Welfare and Equal Opportunities children: one-on-one meetings at open days and support throughout your time here. Contact: [email protected] or 01865 270543

17 Visit ox.ac.uk/funding Fees and funding for the latest information

Oxford is committed to providing generous financial support to eligible students from lower-income households to ensure that those with the academic ability to achieve a place here are not held back by their financial circumstances. What it costs Changes to Fees The University caps the amount Fees Living costs by which it can increase fees What you pay each year is Your living costs will vary depending annually. More information about determined by your fee status on your lifestyle. In 2017-18 living the amount of the cap and how (based on your nationality and where costs at Oxford are estimated to be the increase is calculated is you usually live). The categorisations between c£1,000 and £1,470 a month available at for 2017-18 are Home (UK), EU for essentials like accommodation ox.ac.uk/ffchanges-fees (rest of European Union), Islands and food. Budget over nine months to In 2017–18, for Home/EU (Channel Islands or Isle of Man) or cover the full academic year (c£9,020 undergraduate students, tuition Overseas (outside EU). For the to £13,235). There may also be fees are also subject to a latest categorisations, see: additional costs associated with governmental fee cap and will ox.ac.uk/ugfeestatus. your course, such as field trips or not increase above the level consumables; more information of the fee cap, which is subject can be found on your course page to annual review. For 2017–18, University policy is to charge (pages 40-143). fees at the level of the cap set FEES FOR 2018-19 by the government. The fees for all undergraduate students in 2018-19 will be confirmed in September 2017 at ox.ac.uk/ugfees.

Home/EU fees: Islands fees: Overseas fees: As a guide the 2017-18 tuition Islands students Overseas students pay fee for Home/EU students is currently pay a higher rate of tuition £9,250 and will usually increase the same fee, which varies annually. Home students can tuition fee according to subject receive a loan to cover their fees as Home (up to £23,190* in and do not have to pay this cost students*. 2017-18) plus an upfront. Fee rates and support annual college fee for EU students starting a course (£7,350 in 2017-18). * with the exception in academic year 2018-19 are of Clinical Medicine, currently unknown. where the fee is significantly higher

18 Check the costs of studying and support available using the Fees, Funding and Scholarship Search: ox.ac.uk/ffsearch What you get - Home and EU students From the UK government From Oxford Oxford’s financial support will be Home students: confirmed in summer 2017. As a A loan to cover all your fees guide: in 2017–18, Oxford is offering Moritz-Heyman generous annual bursaries of up to Home students: £3,700 for students from lower- Scholarship A maintenance loan to cover some of income households. your living costs We make it as easy as possible to programme Each year, up to 175 eligible Home students from lower- access our funding – there is no separate application process. We use UK first-year students from income households: households with an income of information from your funding agency Additional maintenance support to £16,000 or less are invited cover more of your living costs to assess you for Oxford funding, so to become Moritz-Heyman make sure you are financially scholars. This generous UK government loan repayments are combined assessed. scholarship programme into a single amount which only becomes repayable once you have left your course. Updates on Oxford’s funding will provides funding, opportunities be available at ox.ac.uk/funding. for volunteering, and access to UK government support for EU internships during the summer students starting a course in 2018-19 vacations. is currently unknown. Latest eligibility ox.ac.uk/mh details: www.gov.uk/apply-for- student-finance.

Student finance applications open from early 2018; you should apply as early Previous study as possible. To be considered for additional maintenance support and bursaries, you If you have previously must have your household income assessed by your funding agency. Where to completed a course at apply depends on whether you are from: undergraduate level, you will be classed as an Equivalent England: Northern Ireland: or Lower Qualification (ELQ) www.gov.uk/student-finance www.studentfinanceni.co.uk student and won’t receive funding for your course. If you began but did not complete Scotland: Wales: a degree, you might not get www.saas.gov.uk www.studentfinancewales.co.uk funding for the full length of your course. ox.ac.uk/elq

1919 Libraries

Oxford meets the needs of its students, academics and the international research community with * a wide range of services provided by the largest 12 million + academic library system in the UK. printed items 80,000 e-journals Every 100+ 14 libraries seconds someone visits a library

Read key texts research A topic in depth Whether you’re writing an essay or When you find something really interesting, preparing for an experiment, you’ll be Oxford makes it easy to go beyond your given a reading list to start from. You reading list and find out more. Many can find the books you will need in your courses offer a chance to write a college or department, or both. dissertation or carry out a research project. College libraries are open to everyone Subject librarians are your guides to in your college. They stock the core Oxford’s world-class research collections. materials for your course, and have They can advise on the latest publications generous lending arrangements. They in your field, or on the best databases to are often open 24 hours a day, providing search. They often run classes to help you quiet, convenient places to study. The make the most of what they can offer. college librarian can help you to find The form the UK’s what you need, and in many cases will largest academic library service with order books in specially. combined collections of over 12 million items. The Bodleian Library is a legal deposit library, meaning it can claim a copy Sitting in the Bodleian Library at the same of any book or journal published in the UK desk that might once have been occupied or Ireland. All Oxford students are entitled by John Locke and Robert Hooke, I feel to use the Bod for their research. part of the University’s rich history. www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk Olinga

20 Visit www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk

12 million*+ printed items

400 km of shelving Every 21 seconds someone STUDY ONLINE reading rooms borrows a book Oxford has an extensive online Oxford has a mix of old and new collection, available 24 hours a day, libraries, which offer a fantastic range 7 days a week. This includes databases, of places to study. Choose from Duke books, reference materials and an Humfrey’s (built in 1488, and used as excellent online journal collection. These the Hogwarts library in some of the are available to members of the Harry Potter films), the elegant circular weston University from anywhere with an Radcliffe Camera, the bright modern internet connection. Social Science Library, and many more. library www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk Opened to readers in September 2014 SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online) with three refurbished lists books and journals, print and online: reading rooms as well solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk I think the big realisation for me as exhibition spaces, was that you actually don’t need to shop and café. OxLIP+ lists databases, electronic buy that much. So much is provided reference works and e-journals: for you; for example, as a History oxlip-plus.bodleian.ox.ac.uk student I’ve never ever had to buy a Research assistance, subject guides and book or course materials. Everything how the Oxford library system works: I need is in a library, somewhere! libguides.bodleian.ox.ac.uk Chloe *held by the Bodleian Libraries

21 Museums and collections 6,000+ species of plants Oxford has collections of international importance – databanks for research, teaching and study – full of wonderful treasures that anyone can enjoy.

Ashmolean Museum Museum of the Opened in 1683, the Ashmolean is the History of Science oldest public museum in the world. Its rich and incredibly diverse collections The world’s oldest surviving purpose- range from artefacts of the world’s great built museum building houses an ancient civilisations to modern art, telling unrivalled collection of scientific human stories across cultures and across instruments from the Middle Ages to time. The Ashmolean hosts major the 20th century. Astrolabes, sundials, international exhibitions which will be of quadrants, mathematical and optical interest to many students, and of instruments, and apparatus associated particular use to students in Ancient and with chemistry, natural philosophy Modern History, Fine Art, History of Art, and medicine are displayed, alongside Archaeology, Classics, and Anthropology. temporary exhibitions. The collections www.ashmolean.org are used in teaching History of Science and History of Art. www.mhs.ox.ac.uk Oxford University Museum of Natural History The spectacular neo-Gothic architecture of a Grade I-listed building houses the University’s geological and zoological specimens. Among its most famous are the only soft tissue remains of a dodo, the first dinosaur to be scientifically identified, and the swifts in the tower. The Archaeology, Biological and Earth Sciences courses make use of its staff expertise and collections. www.oum.ox.ac.uk

22 Visit 6,000+ 2,ooo+ 1 www.museums.ox.ac.uk species of plants musical instruments dodo

Pitt Rivers Museum Botanic Garden & The Pitt Rivers is a museum of Harcourt Arboretum ethnography and world archaeology, Oxford is unusual among UK celebrated for its period feel and the universities having both a Botanic density of its displays. Courses that Garden and an extensive Arboretum, use the museum’s resources include with over 6,000 species of plants Human Sciences, Archaeology and from all over the world. The collection Anthropology, Geography, Classics, includes unique specimens not in History of Art and Fine Art. cultivation anywhere else. The In addition to a collection gardens and glasshouses at the which now numbers over Botanic Garden, and the exotic half a million objects, there are collection, meadows and native extensive photographic and woodland at the Arboretum, are sound archives. perfect for visiting any time of www.prm.ox.ac.uk the year. These collections are particularly Bate Collection used by students in Biological Sciences. One of the most magnificent collections www.botanic-garden.ox.ac.uk of musical instruments in the world, the www.harcourt-arboretum.ox. Bate has more than 2,000 instruments ac.uk from the Renaissance, through the baroque, classical and romantic periods, up to modern times. More than a thousand BODLEIAN LIBRARIES instruments are on display, by the most Treasures include rare books, important makers and from pre-eminent maps and manuscripts, such as collectors. Music and History of Art Shakespeare’s First Folio and the undergraduates make use of the Magna Carta. collection. www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk www.bate.ox.ac.uk

23 Visit Supporting your studies www.lang.ox.ac.uk courses.it.ox.ac.uk

IT Services Language Centre The University Wi-Fi network covers much of The Language Centre’s term-time central Oxford, the museums and the libraries. programmes of study offer students a Eduroam is also available in many NHS sites and chance to learn a new language or keep doctors’ surgeries. up an old one, whatever their degree. a day network traffic 114TB (that’s over 24,000 DVDs) The Language Library has a range of multimedia facilities including text and audio-visual material in over 190 languages. Mobile Oxford: whether you need maps, library books, the next bus, or even collection times at the nearest postbox, Mobile Oxford is here to help. 190 + m.ox.ac.uk languages Podcasts and iTunes U: public lectures, teaching Language classes are provided from day material, interviews with leading academics – all to evening. They are offered at different 5,800 available to download for free, and watch and levels of proficiency and intensity, and hours of content listen to on the move. some offer a certificate. You can learn from 6,900 podcasts.ox.ac.uk languages for study and research, to speakers itunes.ox.ac.uk support your career ambitions and for cultural and recreational purposes. WebLearn: course materials and recorded lectures for your studies, and tools – eg for plagiarism Tailored courses are provided for awareness – for use on your mobile device. students from certain departments. weblearn.ox.ac.uk lynda: free 24/7 access to high-quality online Courses in academic English are courses for business, creative, and technology skills available for international students who in your own time. would like to improve their English for courses.it.ox.ac.uk/lynda study purposes while they are here. IT Learning Centre: wide range of free/low-cost Intensive week-long courses are workshops and courses to support your studies, run out of term time in some of the most both teacher-led and online. popular languages. courses.it.ox.ac.uk Getting started: what to bring with you to More about the Language Centre, Oxford, and how to get started or find help courses, and fees: if you need it. www.lang.ox.ac.uk welcometoit.ox.ac.uk

24 Visit Supporting you ox.ac.uk/students/ welfare

YOUR Support NETWORK College welfare contacts Childcare students are trained 350 Peer Supporters Colleges are a great source of personal Extensive childcare provision for student support. Those who are available to help parents is available. University Childcare include your subject tutor, student peer Services manage multisite nursery supporters, people in designated welfare provision within Oxford. Four colleges roles, NHS doctors and college nurses. operate independent nurseries. 350 students across the University www.admin.ox.ac.uk/childcare are trained peer supporters, supervised by the Counselling Service. Oxford Nightline ox.ac.uk/students/welfare/peer Nightline is a confidential listening, I am one of six trained peer supporters information and support service run by in my college. Our photos and phone students, for students. It is open numbers are up around college for 8pm–8am, every night in term time. people to get in touch if they want to. oxfordnightline.org As college LGBTQ rep*, I organise things like LGBTQ teas and dinners out with Harassment nearby colleges. Oxford is an incredibly The University is committed to welcoming and supportive environment, maintaining an environment in which the and my job is to make it even more so. rights and dignity of all members of the University community are respected. Daniel There is a network of harassment I was convinced somebody had Student Counselling Service advisors and a dedicated harassment line. made a mistake letting me The counselling service, staffed by ox.ac.uk/students/welfare/ into Oxford. I got to the point counsellors, psychologists and harassment where I started to think I should psychotherapists, is available to help you leave before they told me to. address personal or emotional problems Student Advice Service My counsellor helped me to that affect your experience at Oxford. Its The Student Advice Service is the understand why I felt a fraud aim is to help you realise your full independent advice, information and and we worked on how I could academic potential and develop greater advocacy service exclusively available to change the way I thought about ability to take decisions for yourself that Oxford University students. Independent myself. I got a first in Finals! effect real change. Alongside individual of colleges and the University, they can Zara and group sessions there are workshops provide information and support to and self-help materials available. students facing any difficult situation. ox.ac.uk/students/welfare/ ousu.org counselling ousu.org/advice

*see page 17

25 Visit ousu.org/ Sport get-involved/ clubs-societies to explore over 400 clubs and societies It isn’t all rowing and rugby at Oxford. You can play for fun, try a new sport or just get fit. But if you want to represent the University, you have the chance to join a rich tradition and some very competitive teams.

Oxford is currently ranked among the The University’s top British universities for sport thanks Sports Federation to our talented students. As well as the helps to run more British Universities and Colleges Sport than 80 clubs – (BUCS) championships and other including traditional tournaments, there are inter-university sports, new and competitions and college leagues. esoteric activities, You have the use of some of the best and everything in sporting facilities of any university on between – for three main sites: the Iffley Road sports anyone from the complex, the University Parks sports interested beginner grounds and the Marston Road sports to the international ground. Iffley Road is where many clubs athlete. Whether train and compete; it boasts a fitness you want to play in gym, an all-weather running track, an a serious team or a college kickabout, or Olympic-standard hockey pitch, a you just enjoy running, swimming or 25-metre swimming pool, rowing tank, cycling, you will find what you are cricket school, sports hall and dojo, along looking for here. with provision for association football, The University’s top athletes gain the lawn tennis and rugby. status of Blue – an accolade that stems Cricketers play on the picturesque from the first boat race in 1829, when University Parks – the only place in Cambridge tied light blue ribbons to Britain where spectators can watch first- their boat and Oxford adopted Christ class cricket for free. Church’s dark blue. Most of the colleges have facilities of www.sport.ox.ac.uk their own, from squash courts and fitness suites to boathouses, cricket pitches and lively clubhouses.

26 27 28 Visit ousu.org/ Music get-involved/ clubs-societies to explore over 400 clubs and societies From classical to jazz through indie, rock, folk and electronic, all the styles of music you could dream of (and then some) are represented at Oxford. Whether you want to sing, perform, DJ or just listen, you will find what you are looking for here.

For live music, the city’s big venues Choral and organ awards (O2 Academy, New Theatre) regularly Oxford’s chapel music environment draw national and international acts. is extremely lively, offering scope for University is a great chance Many smaller venues host local unsigned outstanding work in liturgical music to pick up something new, acts, as well as regular jam sessions and and also experience in concert make a difference, and open mic nights. RockSoc, the rock music performance, touring and recording. learn new skills that are society, spawns many student bands Whatever subject you’re planning to not taught in your degree. and organises group trips to gigs. If you apply for, you can audition for a Jacob prefer classical music, you’ll enjoy choral or organ award in September. Oxford’s wealth of lunchtime and For details see: evening concerts, often taking place ox.ac.uk/choralorganawards. in spectacular settings such as the Choral scholars gain invaluable Sheldonian Theatre or the Holywell performance experience and training Music Room. at a high level through membership of a If you’re looking to practise an college chapel choir. Many of today’s instrument or form a band, then check leading singers, such as Toby Spence, Choral and organ out your college’s music room – they’re Emma Kirkby and Robin Blaze, were often well equipped with piano, amps and choral scholars. Awa r d s open day drums. College parties are a great place to Organ scholars play a crucial part in An open day on Saturday 22 try DJing, and many colleges have their Oxford music. In some colleges they April 2017 provides workshops own choirs, orchestras and bands. direct the music in chapel; in others and the opportunity to join a The Oxford University Music Society they assist professional directors of college choir for Evensong. www.music.ox.ac.uk/ (OUMS) runs four orchestras, a wind music. The role develops skills in choral apply/undergraduate/ orchestra, a big band, a brass band, a accompanying, direction and choral-and-organ-awards string ensemble and the University chorus. administration. Many Oxford organ Singers can choose from traditional scholars have gone on to become college choirs, Glee-style a cappella groups celebrated musicians while others have and non-auditioned vocal ensembles. attained distinction beyond music, oums.org including a prime minister and a Hollywood actor.

29 Visit Drama ouds.org for more about Oxford University Drama

Oxford University has one of the largest and most vibrant drama scenes in the country with around 30 shows performed each term. These range from new writing, modern drama and classical plays to musical theatre.

There is a huge choice of theatre spaces, The Oxford Imps are a mixture of from the 50-seater Burton Taylor Studio Oxford students and locals who stage to the professional 600+ -seater Oxford improvised comedy every term-time Playhouse which hosts two student Monday in a local pub. They are productions a term. Many colleges regulars at the Edinburgh Fringe have their own theatres and student Festival where they perform daily. producers also put on summer shows oxfordimps.com in the gardens, or take over a chapel, bar or nightclub. If you are interested in writing and performing sketches and stand-up Oxford University Dramatic then the Oxford Revue may be for Society (OUDS) is one of many you. This comedy community has drama societies here that nurtures spawned some of Britain’s best loved new talent and encourages writers and comedians, from Alan involvement. OUDS tour internationally Bennett and to with a Shakespearean production and Katy Brand. every summer, working in major professional venues and living as part Hosted by St Catherine’s College, the of a touring company. Cameron Mackintosh Visiting ouds.org Professor promotes contemporary theatre. Previous appointments Tabs Are For Flying (TAFF) is for include Meera Syal, Thelma Holt, Diana those who work on the technical side Rigg, Sir Ian McKellen, Arthur Miller, of theatre and theatre design, Kevin Spacey and Stephen Fry. including stage and production management, lighting, sound, props, and costume and set design. tabsareforflying.co.uk

30 313131 32 Visit ousu.org/ Oxford University Students’ get-involved/ clubs-societies to explore over 400 Union and more clubs and societies

Your Students' Union CHARITY When you come to the University of Oxford, Oxford offers a wealth of opportunities Whatever your level of you automatically become a member of for volunteering, many of which can be expertise, you can become Oxford University Students’ Union (OUSU), found through the Oxford Hub. involved in any club or society that interests you. existing to make your journey as an Oxford oxfordhub.org student the best it can be. By offering a OUSU’s Freshers’ Fair at the start of your first diverse range of help, advice, support, term can help you find events, activities and campaigns your MEDIA out what is available – students’ union ensures you get the very Oxide is a student-run radio station and if a society or team best from your university experience. combining a diverse playlist with talk doesn’t exist, it’s easy shows and interviews. to set one up. OUSU is run by a team of officers, elected oxideradio.co.uk annually by the whole student body, who work hard to ensure that Oxford’s The Cherwell and Oxford Student 22,000-strong student community is newspapers publish everything from READ THE represented– whether you’re a international restaurant reviews and crosswords to or home student, undergraduate or investigative journalism and sports reports. ALTERNATIVE postgraduate – OUSU is here to ensure cherwell.org every student voice is heard. OUSU provides oxfordstudent.com PROSPECTUS at apply.ousu.org an opportunity for you to get involved in Isis Magazine is Britain’s oldest anything and everything – so whether student publication. you want to get stuck into our LGBTQ+ isismagazine.org.uk campaign (page 17), broadcast your favourite tunes across the airwaves or raise money for charity – your Students’ Union The Society* has something for everyone. Established in 1823, the world’s most ousu.org famous debating society aims to promote debate and discussion not just in the OUSU’s Raise and Give (RAG) organises University, but across the globe. The Union See videos of speakers fun fundraising activities, all in aid of four is also a social centre and there are frequent at youtube.com/ charities elected by you, each year, through lectures by all kinds of figures, from oxfordunion a University-wide ballot. Each term sees a Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama fantastic series of events, from the RAG Ball and Tanni Grey-Thompson to Johnny Depp, to trips up Kilimanjaro, not to mention Stephen Hawking, Tracy Emin and Shakira. *Not to be confused Jailbreak to Blind Dates. Find out more at: with the Oxford www.oxford-union.org University Students’ ousu.org. Union (OUSU).

33 Your career after Oxford

Whatever subject you choose, studying at Oxford prepares you for a very broad range of careers. Our Careers Service £ 27,000 can help you make the right choice. is the average annual starting salary Six months after leaving, the majority of our graduates are in employment or in of our recent further study. 7% were doing something else such as taking time out to travel and graduates only 5% were looking for work.

And of those in work:

Health & social care 12%

Education 10%

Banking & investment 9%

Accountancy, insurance & financial services 7%

Charity, development, not for profit & think tanks 6%

IT & computing 6%

Consultancy 6% The breadth of PPE has meant that not only did I learn a vast amount Government & public services 5% about how economies and institutions Media, journalism & publishing 5% function, but successfully completing the degree also enabled me to develop Academia & higher education 4% strong organisational skills, particularly Consumer goods & retail 4% with regards to prioritising and focusing. This was very useful to me when I Advertising, marketing 4% entered an intensive software coding & communications bootcamp immediately after Oxford Sport, leisure & tourism 3% and is proving invaluable now, a couple Engineering & of years down the line, as I start up a 3% manufacturing tech company. Law 2% Nadia

Arts & heritage 2%

Energy & the 2% environment

Other sectors 10%

34 careers.ox.ac.uk 14 OXFORD University Careers Service annual careers fairs The Careers Service really is great. They’re – committed to helping all students so you can explore your options and so helpful and have some find the next best step. meet employers amazing resources. Anna 4,700 one-to-one 520 careers advice 7,05 0 opportunities workshops run appointments advertised over the by our Careers available to 1,800 past year on our Advisers and visiting students each website students take recruiters each year year part in our employability programmes each year DEVELOPING SKILLS OUTSIDE YOUR COURSE Employers are also keen to see what you home in Warwickshire, updating systems do outside of your studies, so getting in a hospital in Malawi and working at involved in the numerous extra-curricular the CERN laboratory in Switzerland. activities available here at Oxford can help Do lots of extra-curricular improve your job prospects. Get business experience activities! Something that Our unique programmes such as the I have been told several Join societies Student Consultancy and Insight into times by different managers There are over 500 societies or sports Business can help you to develop at work is that they were teams you can join and taking part in a commercial awareness and experience impressed with the extra- club or society can help you demonstrate working with Oxfordshire organisations. curricular activities I was teamwork, time management and If you’re interested in starting your own involved with whilst at leadership skills. business, we also offer free business Oxford. Whether it’s rowing, mentoring, helping to turn your business debating or a faith-based Do an internship idea into reality. society, employers like to In addition to over a thousand see what your interests are. internships advertised by employers on Gain confidence Risham our website, our Internship Office Springboard is an award-winning sources hundreds of local and global programme for professional women. placements exclusively for Oxford The Oxford version provides female students, lasting from 1 to 12 weeks. In students with the tools to boost their the past our students have had varied confidence and reach their aspirations internships such as working at a stately across many areas of life.

3535 In and around Oxford Oxford is a wonderful city to spend time in. I love walking or running in There are around 40,000 students at Oxford’s the University Parks and around the meadows with two universities (Oxford University and Oxford friends, followed by coffee Brookes University). They make up a big part in one of the many lovely of the city’s 150,000 population. The city is coffee shops! youthful and cosmopolitan, with plenty to see Rebecca and do.

river thames Cowley Road Summer Eights, the colleges’ rowing The area around the Cowley Road is competition, takes place every June vibrant and diverse. Its restaurants and attracts large numbers of cater to all tastes – Jamaican, Thai, students supporting their college from Polish, Kurdish, Italian, Lebanese and the river bank. Whether you are more. It is also home to lots of pubs sporty or not, you can enjoy the buzz and live music venues, including the and party atmosphere at the event, O2 Academy which attracts many which lasts several days. high-profile acts. In summer a great thing to do is get a group of friends together and cycle up the river for a pub lunch. Jacob IFFLEY Road Parallel to Cowley Road, home to the University Sports Centre Green spaces and a lot of students living out The green spaces around Oxford of their college, this part of are beautiful. It’s a bustling city but town has a community feel. it also has gardens and parks with The best thing about rivers, cows (!) and lovely views of Oxford as a city is Iffley the dreaming spires. in all its glory. Ella George The Botanic Garden is my hidey hole, it’s a haven of tranquillity. Emily

36 Living out All students live in college accommodation in their first and usually last year, so there’s no need to look for accommodation before you arrive. In many colleges, you can live in for your whole course. If you do have to live out of college (or you prefer to) you can share a house with friends or rent a room in a family home. Most students who live out do so in the area around the Cowley and Iffley Roads, or in Jericho. See ox.ac.uk/ugcolls.

special events City centre Summer events include Cowley Road Carnival, the You will find the usual high street Jericho Street Fair and Oxford Pride. Historic events stores, as well as smaller independent include May Morning, where crowds gather at sunrise retailers. The famous Covered Market on 1 May to hear choristers sing an invocation to summer has everything from quirky fashion from the top of Magdalen College tower. boutiques to pie shops and a brand new shopping centre is due to open in My best Oxford memory (so far) is spending May Morning the autumn in the Westgate area. with friends, watching Magdalen Choir sing at sunrise. Ben Many student club nights are held in the city. The city centre is so alive with people and music and colour. Louise museums I’ve only visited the Ashmolean and Pitt Rivers, and I still haven’t been able to fully explore them. The special events are really enjoyable - Northern Lights at the Pitt Rivers had a arts AND theatre beautiful atmosphere to it, and the Ashmolean’s Egyptomania-themed ‘LiveFriday’ was right up Modern Art Oxford is one of the UK’s my street. most exciting and influential contemporary Jordan art spaces, with an international reputation for ambitious and innovative projects. The is one of Britain’s jericho leading theatres, with regular high-profile Just north-west of the centre, the part productions. The New Theatre stages a of town known as Jericho is famous for variety of touring shows, including West End its arthouse cinema, cocktail bars and musicals and famous comedians. high-end restaurants. Pepper’s burgers are also legendary. From here you can also take picturesque walks across Port Meadow: a large area of common land mentioned in the Domesday Book.