Oakland Road Comfort Suites Project Public Draft Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration
Oakland Road Comfort Suites Project Public Draft Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration March 2021 Prepared for: City of San José Planning Building and Code Enforcement 200 E. Santa Clara Street, San José, CA 95113 Prepared by: Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. 75 E. Santa Clara Street, Suite 1225 San José, CA 95113 Planning, Building and Code Enforcement ROSALYNN HUGHEY, DIRECTOR MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION The Director of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement has reviewed the proposed project described below to determine whether it could have a significant effect on the environment as a result of project completion. “Significant effect on the environment” means a substantial or potentially substantial, adverse change in any of the physical conditions within the area affected by the project including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ambient noise, and objects of historic or aesthetic significance. PROJECT NAME: Oakland Road Comfort Suites Hotel Project PROJECT FILE NUMBER: PD18-042 & PDC18-032 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Planned Development Rezoning from the CIC Combined Industrial/Commercial Zoning District to the CIC(PD) Planned Development Zoning District and Planned Development Permit to allow to allow the construction of a 5-story, 48-room hotel with an alternative parking arrangement (mechanical lifts) on a 0.24-gross acre site. PROJECT LOCATION: northeast corner of Oakland Road and Faulstich Court ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: 241-13-019 COUNCIL DISTRICT: 3 APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION: Pillars Architecture and Design (Attn: Alex Ross), 12 South 1st Street, Suite 808, San Jose, CA 95113, (408) 295-5667 FINDING The Director of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement finds the project described above would not have a significant effect on the environment if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project.
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