About the Authors
ABOUT THE AUTHORS BONSIEPEN, WOLFGANG (1946): Research Fellow, the Hegel Archive, Bochum; co-editor of Hegel's Phenomenology (1980), 1827 Encyclope dia (1989); research interests - post-Kantian philosophy of nature; address - Hegel-Archiv, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Overbergstrasse 17, Postfach 102148,44801 Bochum 1, Germany. BORZESZKOWSKI, HORST-HEINO VON (1940): Professor of Theoretical Physics, East Berlin; research interests - history of science, epistemology, theoretical physics; address - the former Einstein Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Rosa-Luxemburg-Strasse 17a, 14482 Potsdam, Germany. BRACKENRIDGE, J. BRUCE (1927): Professor of Physics, Lawrence Universi ty; research interests - Newton's early dynamics and the opening sections of the Principia; address - Department of Physics, Lawrence University, Post Box 599, Appleton, Wisconsin 54912, U.S.A. BRONGER, PATRICK P.A. (1972): is studying Philosophy and Econometrics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam; special interests - methodology and the philosophy of mind; address - Struissenburgdwarsstraat 128, 3063 BV Rotterdam, The Netherlands. BUCHDAHL, GERD (1914): Readerin the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, emeritus; research interests - metaphysics and the philosophy of science, especially Kant and the dynamics of reason; address - Department of the History and Philosophy of Science, Free School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3RH, England. BURBIDGE, JOHN W. (1936): Professor of Philosophy, Trent University; President of the Hegel Society of America 1988/90, author of Hegel's Logic (1981), Within Reason (1990), Logic and Religion (1992); address -'- 379 Stewart Street, Peterborough, Ontario K9H 4A9, Canada. M. J. Petry (ed.), Hegel and Newtonianism, 721-726, 1993. 722 About the Authors BunNER, STEFAN (1958): Research Assistant, Research Institute for Phi losophy, University of Hanover; research interests - Hegel's philosophy of nature, Spinoza's concept of space; address - St.-Peter-Strasse 2, 69126 Hei delberg, Germany.
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