Macomb Community College
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, llliillllllldau------~'iI1~!<,~,!!,I""~,~~•• - ••• • • _ ...,~qjiT3,. ~r:;'V'~ ( '1. j , ~ws j ,.i Two Names You Can Trust, 51.John to break ground for cancer center By Brad Lindberg The three-story, state-of-the- mg the development and con- bUlldmg WIll cost $19 mllhon, Staff Wnter The center Will abo have a art faCIlity should be open by structIOn of the faclhty WIth another $6 mIllion needed An ea<;t"ldp eflncpr cpntpr Octohpr 2001 nutntlOn and massage therapy SINE & "<\ largc proJcct lIke thiS fur ne", equlVlIlent A cam- r will break ground thl:, week center, a healmg garden With a It has taken a lot of plannmg reqUires a great deal of care to paIgn IS under way to raise pn- MONAGHAN ConstructIOn of the St John labyrmth walkway and a r for the project to reach the prepare," he added vate funds to develop the cen- I _, resource center staffed by can- Health System Cancer Center ground breakIng stage Suprenant said the faCIlity ter Better WIll :,tart Fllday, Dee 17 The cer survivors "It sure has," ~ald John wIll help meet the "growmg ServICes will range from can- I • Hamesand Gardens~ bUIldIng Will be located on the "The state of the art center IS Suprenant, the recently named number of cancer patIents on cer screemngs to a cancer sur- St John Ho,pltal and MedIcal excellent news for cancer corpol ate dIrector of oncology the east SIde Our numbers vlvor program Treatments WIll Center campll' at Mack and services for the St John patients In the regIOn," said contmue to ~ow dramatIcally" range from radiatIOn therapy Anthony Terslgnl, presIdent Moro"" Health System He IS oversee- The 69,OOO-square-foot to pedlatnc oncology and CEO of St John FelVer lot splits, Mack-Moross use Thursday, Dec. 16 St Paul Catholic Church concerns in Farllls m Grosse Pomte Farms By Jim Stlckford Rogel's' report also men- ho;,ts a free concert tItled, Staff Wnter tIoned the value of supportmg "MUSICfor MedItatIOn" by Dr Grosse Pomte Farms plan- retall busmesses on the Hill DaVId Wagner The concert mng consultant Brandon The proper mix of commercIal begIns at noon An addItIOnal Rogers turned m the final draft property and retaIl bus mess concert takes place on last week of an updated land- bnngs a VItalIty to a commum- Fnday, also at noon use report ThiS report IS a fol- ty, he saId But It would be dIf- low-up to one he submItted to ficult to enact zomng regula- Friday, Dec. 17 the cIty m 1972 tIons for the H11ISImIlar to the The malO thrust of the ones the CIty of Grosse Pomte The Judelalre;, present report, Rogers saId, IS to offer has for the Village religIOUS and contemporary suggestIOns on how toe Farms CIty ordmances mandate musIc at Chnst the Kmg counCIl can act to mamtam the retail busmesses on the first Lutheran Church 10 Grosse hIgh quality of hfe 10 the CIty floor of bUIldIngs m the Village. Pomte Woods The concert as well as the rugh cIty ser- When the regulatIOns were begIns at 7 p m DonatlOns VIces passed in the early 1980s, saId are accepted For more mfor- To that end, he suggests the Rogers, there were only a cou- matIon, call (313) 527-7600 councd consIder changmg some ple of offices m the Village of the zomng regulatlOns m That's not the case for the H1l1 certam neIghborhoods m the He estImates that the commer- Sunday, Dec. 19 cIty He noted that m the CIal space on the HIll IS about Photo by Rosh S, 1980s, the councIl changed the 60 percent office ChrIst Church Grosse zorung m the middle part of the If the Farms counCIl were to POInte In Grosse Pomte Buzzster mugs for Santa CIty, between Grosse Pomte pass an ordmance SImilar to Farms presents ItS annual No animal is too scraggly to share holiday joy with Santa Paws and the Grosse Boulevard and RIdge Road the one for the Village, all first- Candlehght Semce of Nme Pointe Animal Adoption Society. Witness Buzzster the dog. adopted by society "To prevent the destructIon floor offices would enJoy Les;,ons and Carols for president Korinne Martin, who poses with Santa. Buzzster is one of more than 120 of one large horne to make "grandfather clause" protec- ChrIstmas, begInnmg at 4 30 pets photographed during a fund raising event for the animal society at the Chil. room for two smaller homes on tIon So any changes m the p m The musIc I, performed dren's Home of Detroit on Cook Road in Grosse Pointe Woods. a lot, I suggested that the coun- office/retaIl mIx would take by thE' ChOirs of Boys, Girls In addition to photos. the society closed in aD. a mUestpne by arranging the adop- ell reqUIre at least 15,000 yE'ars to change and Men The pubhc IS wel- tions of a dozen animals. Since being founded in Januiry 1997. the lUUmalgroup square feet per lot before allow- He acknowledged that there come and there IS no charge mg a splIt," sa1d Rogers "But has placed 799 animals (327 cats. 472 dogs). The Society will hold Its first animal IS a trend toward commercial adoption of the year 2000 at the Children's Home on saturday. Jan. 22. there are a number oflarge lots space and that retaIl busmess- where that's possIble, so I've es mus~ be able to compete, Monday, Dec. 20 suggested that the lot size rent-WIse, Wlth office renters reqUIrements be changed to If they can't, there's not a lot The Grosse Pomte Woods 20,000 square feet." the Farms can do, he saId CIty CounCIl meets at 730 Detroit water is Y2K compliant Rogers' plan also calls for the Rogers does not recommend pm m the Woods city hall, By Brad Lindberg supphes Grosse Pomte Park sItes throughout the system In cIty-owned property at the cor- expandIng the commercial area ! 20025 Mack Plaza Staff Wnter Woods and Shores WIth water addItIon to redundant electn- ner of Mack and Moross to be around the HIll He saId that It • Y2K won't hurt DetrOIt's and sewage semces, gave the cal hnes that feed the depart- zoned as commumty semce ISsurrounded by school proper- ablhty to pipe fresh water to update thIS week to the Park ment's statlOns, generators The Gro;,se Pomte Public He does not recommend that It ty and homes Unless someone the Grosse Pomtes, accordmg city counCIl prOVIde a "tnple layer of pro- L1brary board meets at 7 be commercIal WIth very deep pockets can to a DetrOit water offiCIal Even If computer problems tectlOn," saId Leavey p m m the Neighborhood "There are a number ot pos- purchase 20 houses on a near- Kathleen Leavey, deputy crop up, the Fox Creek pump- "We WIll SWItch on some of Club, 17150 Waterloo m the SIble uses for commumty ser- by street, It really wouldn't dIrector of the DetrOIt Water mg statIOn on East Jefferson the generators Just before m1d- CIty of Grosse Pomte vice-zoned property at Mack make sense to change the zon- and Sewerage Department, WIll be Immune It IS operated mght to ensure there IS no sud- and Moross," Rogers saId Ing said, "I assure you, we're confi- manually, not by computer, she den outage," she added "There IS a great demand for "One of the benefits of hav- Tuesday, Dec. 21 dent that we're gomg to have saId Power doesn't have to fall market-rate, unassIsted hous- 109 an updated land-use report regular servIce - water and To play It safe dunng the completely for a problem to mg for semors WIth no chIldren 1S that should the council The Gro<;se Pomte Shores sewer - dunng the (New Y2K rollover, the water depart- develop As feared last summer at horne There aren't a lot of deCIde to change the zonmg VIllage Board of Trustees Year's) rollover and afterward ment has Installed generators places for that kmd of con- and those changes were chal- meet~ at 930 a m m the VIl- Leavey, whose department to operate pump;, at cntlcal See WATER, page 8A structIOn to go m the Pomtes lenged In court, the councIl's lage offices 795 Lakeshore There's the old nurse's resI- pos1tlOn 1S bolstered by haVIng The pubhc IS mVlted to dence behmd Cottage and a master plan," Rogers said "It attend there's Mack and Moross " shows that there IS a long-term • But semor housmg IS not the goal and that any changes only pOSSible use of that land, were not made precipItously" The City of Grosse POInte Rogers saId He saId the C1ty CouncIl meets at 7 30 p m m could move the pubhc safety Rogers was commissIoned to cIty hall, 17147 Maumee department there, or It could update hIS plan last spnng HIS The public IS InVIted to budd some sort ofmdoor recre- contract w1th the city was attend Fink tree atlOn center It's up to the coun- $19,000 He presented the cd, but he beheves the Farms counCil WIth the final draft on would best be served by haVIng Dec 6 He WIll make a fuller all aglow the land zoned for commumty presentatlOn at the January service counCIl meetmg Opznwn. .. 6A at Cottage Schools . .. lOA The branches of the Obltuanes. 14A douglas fir tree in front of Senwrs .. I6A Cottage Hospital were aet Autos.. 18A aglow Thursday.