Royalty Court Chosen Nursing Awaits Inaugural Year
October 4, 1985 Volume 78 CONCORDIAN Number 5 Concordia College Moorhead, Minn. Royalty court chosen an English major with minors in philosophy and by Jill C. Otterson business administration. He has been involved in news reporter Temple Band, choir, and he has been an Orienta- tion club communicator. Homecoming festivities for Concordia College are The Queen candidates are: drawing near. Everything is ready and it will all begin on Sunday, October 6. Christine Daines, from Bozeman, Montana. She is an international business and French double ma- Coronation of the Homecoming Queen and King jor. Christine's activities include Religion Commis- will take place on Sunday. The King and Queen sion, Concert Choir, and Orientation club will reign over the festivities throughout the week. communicator. Ten seniors were chosen by the student body on Sept. 30 as royal homecoming, finalists. Front row: Tori Gabrielson, Christie Daines, Karen Wickstrom, Ann Rimmereid, The finalists for Homecoming King and Queen are Tori Gabriejson, a native of Lodi, California, is a as" follows: business administration and French double major. Rachel Hanson. Back row: Dan Ankerfelt, Tom Madson, Dave Milbrandt, Craig Snelt- Religion Commission, aerobics, Campus Life, in- jes, Randy Curtiss. Dan Ankerfelt, from Glencoe, Minnesota. A tramurals, Ah-Ker and the Big Brother/Big Sister psychology major with minors in music and religion, program keep her busy. Dan has been involved in Freshman Choir, Chapel Choir, Band, Orchestra, fellowship teams, and is Rachel Hanson is from Minneapolis, Minesota, and president of Mu Phi Epsilon. is involved in choir, Outreach, and dorm staff. She is a biology major with minors in both chemistry Bismarck, North Dakota, is home to Randy Cur- and psychology.
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