““GroundGround ControlControl toto MajorMajor Tom,Tom, MartianMartian MEDIAMEDIA SpokenSpoken HERE.HERE.””

Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association Conference

Anna Johnson DESCHUTES COUNTY Public Communications Coordinator “Ground Control to ...Ground Control to Major Tom. Take your protein pills and put your helmet on.”

LaunchingLaunching OrdersOrders

1. Researching the unknown 2. Organize your message 3. Interviewing tactics & avoiding traps 4. Taking control of the interview 5. Communicate better as a team 6. When something goes wrong

2 “Ground Control to Major Tom. Commencing countdown, engines on.”

ResearchingResearching thethe UnknownUnknown

1. Who IS the (Martian) media? 2. How do they work? 3. What do they want from me? 4. If I ignore them, won’t they just go away?

3 “Check ignition and may God’s love be with you.”

OrganizeOrganize YourYour MessageMessage

1. Organize your priority talking points 2. Ask yourself the toughest question 3. Tailor your interview style TO the media format (radio, TV, print, online)

4 “This is Ground Control to Major Tom, you’ve really made the grade.”

TheThe InterviewInterview Good Astronaut Behavior:

1. Conduct a pre-interview before you start 2. Make your point in 20 seconds or less 3. NO STATIC: Make your point and STOP 4. Consider each moment and every word with the reporter as “On the Record”

5 “...and the papers want to know whose shirts you wear. Now it’s time to leave the capsule if you dare.”

TheThe Interview,Interview, contcont’’dd Good Astronaut Behavior:

1. Speak for yourself and not for others 2. Speak conversationally, audibly, clearly, briefly and concisely, don’t speak too fast 3. Tell them only what they’ve asked

6 “This is Major Tom to Ground Control, I’m stepping through the door...and I’m floating in a most peculiar way...”

TheThe Interview,Interview, contcont’’dd Good Astronaut Behavior:

1. Be honest 2. NEVER argue with the media 3. Avoid using ALL jargon at ALL times 4. Don’t introduce new issues or subjects

7 “...and the stars look very different today. Here I am floatin’ ‘round my tin can far above the world.”

TheThe Interview,Interview, contcont’’dd Good Astronaut Behavior:

1. Be quotable 2. Use a visual if possible 3. Respond to the call promptly 4. Never repeat an inaccurate comment made by the media

8 “Planet Earth is blue and there’s nothing I can do.”

TheThe Interview,Interview, contcont’’dd Good Astronaut Behavior:

1. Don’t speculate or give your personal opinion 2. Don’t assess blame 3. Don’t use the terms “always” or “never” 4. Frame your statements with positive words

9 “Though I’m past 100,000 miles, I’m feeling very still... And I think my spaceship knows which way to go.”

TakeTake ControlControl ofof thethe InterviewInterview

1. Establish ground rules during pre-interview 2. Consistently bring your talking points into the conversation 3. Off track? Bring the reporter back... 4. Summarize talking points when closing 5. Always include contact info at close

10 “Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows. Ground Control to Major Tom...”

TakeTake ControlControl ofof thethe Interview,Interview, contcont’’dd

1. Establish signal: Supply reporter with electronic docs that support the story and your talking points 2. Abort mission: Reschedule the interview 3. Reporter contact before/after story is distributed

11 “...your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong. Can you hear me, Major Tom?”

TheThe Interview:Interview: TRAPSTRAPS toto AvoidAvoid

1. Leading questions 2. String of questions 3. Inaccurate assumptions

12 “Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom?

CommunicateCommunicate asas aa TeamTeam

1. Internally explain story and establish goals 2. Establish talking points together 3. Appoint one (or two) contact people 4. Regularly communicate with media contacts 5. Continue to meet (staff) to discuss progress & next steps

13 “Planet Earth is blue and there’s nothing I can do...”

““ThereThere’’ss somethingsomething wrong...wrong...”” Crisis Communication: BE PREPARED 1. Regularly hold disaster/emergency exercises 2. Perfect the process until it runs smoothly 3. Attend FEMA and local joint information center exercises 4. Build relationships with local PIOs who can help you when an incident happens

14 “Planet Earth is blue and there’s nothing I can do...”

““ThereThere’’ss somethingsomething wrong...wrong...”” Crisis Communication THE INCIDENT

1. Express empathy 2. Only share confirmed information 3. Acknowledge uncertainty-admit what you don’t know (yet) 4. Commit to helping people through the crisis

15 “Can you...here am I sitting in my tin can far above the Moon.”

““ThereThere’’ss somethingsomething wrong...wrong...”” Crisis Communication

1. What happened? 2. What does it mean to the public? 3. What are you doing about it? 4. Guide people to where they can get more information 5. Regularly hold public/media information meetings

16 Anna Johnson DESCHUTES COUNTY Public Communications Coordinator [email protected] (541) 280-5263

Lyrics credit: , 1969