Connecticut History Illustrated
w A**-. i ^ ^..v - • & :"##S ?'•< r •! ; * — mum. - ^' Sk ft«BflaiW*BI 1. •-.»«•*•»*»* • mte&atOik. -•• .•>;• . .:.:i-? r .g^st ,<n:o --• ^ _ | ftt'U'l j ' i ^ > iv» •: U« « /:•:! v: ii * • .! ''jit l^B ••!•,•" »h * '• P ' i 'i:. ,^u-M'fT'j;;*; - - :; '''i: 1 «vj - •- ft; • ;> /iiii (9 ' .» •• -**• •fim""" ;• :Vi I'UBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING BY a. ja. byington & co., ;•• ; AT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, IN ADVA fCE•I & |MiIg §mw|»j>«, §mtd itt i#aI §** «»a l»tmsts, drnwrt infcltegaw*, fteitej, fflliltoi, ^ptadtaw, fgwtoniws, 1800 .Yulmat' Mtmt> ii VOLUME XLV—NUMBER 6. NUMBER 736--NEW SERIES, NORWALK, C-ONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1862. L.f •oil-.? !.f Wade put on his cap mechanically. This 2ST © \xr Only a Pic tare. with the newspaper article in his hand, and As the train rattled round the curve below kept unfrozen by the warm influences of the NORWALK GAZETTE. j DRESS MAKING. fired their souls. They determined to be the tunnel through Skerrett's Point, Wade Foundry. He ran through a little dell hedg little action calmed him. *ssv?ljmv ; » , Only a picture—and is that : all ? "Bill," said he, "I'm afraid it is a' WdMfin, " OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. HE subscriber would inform her friends HARDWARE & PAINT STORE, . ".Only a picture upon the w. ill : great Iron-Kings,—magnificent thought!— could see his skatiDg course of Christmas- ed on each side by dull green cedars. It was and the Ladies of Norwalk generally The »mile so becoming, th e cheek so bright, They wanted to read in the newspapers, 'If severely cold now, and our young friend con —a dear friend of mine,—a very dear friend.' : || Tthat she has again commenced the Dress y Main Street, Day with the ladies.
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