Joining the circus Page 16 VOL.VOL. XVII,XVII, NUMBER 31 • AUGUST 26,26, 2016 WWW.PLEASANTONWEEKLY.COM 5 NEWS Mayoral candidate sues after ballot statement rejected 5 NEWS Citizens’ coalition seeks Costco-city correspondence 18 SPORTS Tri-Valley boys win Babe Ruth World Series Page 2 • August 26, 2016 • Pleasanton Weekly AROUND PLEASANTON BY JEB BING 2016 ADOPT-A-THON TRI-VALLEY HEROES Saturday, AMADOR VALLEY-LIVERMORE VALLEY-SAN RAMON VALLEY August 27 Searching for our 10am-2pm 2016 heroes Jack London Square, Oakland e’re putting out a call once Lifetime Achievement: Recogniz- More than 300 adoptable again for nominations es an individual or group for con- animals of all kinds! Wand sponsorships for the tributions, leadership, enthusiasm annual Tri-Valley Heroes awards, our and tireless efforts on behalf of his salute to community members dedi- or her community and neighbors. presented by: cated to bettering the Tri-Valley and Candidates for consideration the lives of its residents. should stand out because of their The awards are given each year by actions, integrity or honor, whether Embarcadero Media’s East Bay Divi- that hero is a firefighter who res- sion, which includes the Pleasanton cues a child from a burning house, sponsors: Weekly and the PleasantonWeekly. the girl who is courageously bat- com and DanvilleSanRamon.com tling leukemia, the business that online editions, with this year’s event allows its employees to mentor eastbayspca.org/adoptathonFind out more at on Monday, Oct. 17 at the Double- teens or the neighborhood group Tree by Hilton Hotel in Pleasanton. that cleans up the creek. Individuals who live or work in Here’s the criteria for award Pleasanton, Dublin, San Ramon, Dan- consideration: ville, Alamo or Livermore are eligible, • For the individual component, Jana Bouc as are organizations and businesses nominees for the awards must be headquartered in these six communi- a resident of the six communities ties. If you know a person, organiza- named above or working or volun- tion or group deserving of recogni- teering in them. Their contribution The Caledonian Club of San Francisco presents...... tion, complete the nomination form must have made a significant im- and send it to us by 5 p.m. Sept. 5. pact to a cause, a person or a group Our panel of “hero” judges will in that market. Nominees must be bestow honors in seven categories: at least 16 years of age during the 151st Scottish Highland Gathering & Games Arts and Culture: For acknowl- active program year, except for the edgment/recognition of achieve- Rising Star award. September 3 & 4 • Pleasanton ments or contributions within the • Organizations, groups or busi- area of arts and culture. nesses that are nominated must Alameda County Fairgrounds • 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Community Spirit: For selfless, be based in the six eligible com- tireless and largely unacknowl- munities and serve the residents in 30+ Pipe Bands from the U.S. & Canada in daily show.* edged actions that have enriched them. They must have made their 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Band & L.A. Scots Pipe Band in concert or improved the quality of life for contribution during the 12 months * the local community. prior to nomination. 42nd U.S. Invitational Heavy Events Championship Courage: For an act of bravery or • Nominators may remain anony- * Grandstand Show Daily at 4 p.m. for determination and strength of mous to their nominee, but they character to triumph over adversity. must provide their contact infor- Innovation: For a person, group mation to Embarcadero Media for or business who applies innovative verification purposes. ideas or programs to enhance the A committee of staff and com- community. munity members will select re- Rising Star: An individual between cipients for each award category 22 Attractions.... 10 and 18 whose services directly based on the criteria mentioned benefit Tri-Valley citizens through above. Where applicable, individu- •Living History with Mary Queen of Scots outstanding volunteer work, serv- al nominations will be evaluated in •Western U.S. Highland Dancing Championships ing as a community role model and respect to other individual nomina- mentor or demonstrating random tions within a category and organi- •Six Stages Continual Entertainment acts of kindness. zations/groups/businesses will be •100+ Vendors..... and so much more! Role Model: For displaying com- evaluated in respect to other similar mon sense, compassion and wisdom nominations within a category. while teaching, coaching and men- For more information, send an toring others with a vision for people email to GChannell@embarcadero- to strive to be the best they can be. mediagroup.com. Q About the Cover The Amador Valley Dons start their 2016 football season tonight at De www.TheScottishGames.com La Salle while the Foothill Falcons travel to San Leandro to open their regular season. Shown in 2015 game action (clockwise from top left): PRESENT THIS Discount applied Heritage Ministry Taste Johnny French returns as a linebacker for the Falcons, Bruce Taylor is again COUPON handling kicking duties for the Dons, Foothill’s Dylan Walsh is blocking for on orders of $10 Meat Pies of Food of Britain quarterback Ben Wooldridge and Tore Wiley is another two-way starter $2 or more....One Steak, Shepard’s Pie, Bangers, Pasties, Fish & Chips, Corn Save Beef & Cabbage for Amador Valley. Foothill photos by Paula Walsh. Amador Valley photos Coupon per Meat Pies, Sausage Sheppies,& Celtic Rolls & More...Corn Beef courtesy of AVHS Football. Cover design by Kristin Brown. cutomer Rolls, Haggis & More.. Vol. XVII, Number 31 Ethnic Food Court PW Daily Breakfast & More located in Wine Garden Pleasanton Weekly • August 26, 2016 • Page 3 Don’t forget your back-to-school eye exam! Streetwise Amador Valley ASKED AROUND TOWN Optometric Family Eyecare For the Professional What type(s) of people do you Attention Your Eyes Deserve Prescription Sunglasses tend to gravitate toward? The North Bay’s most trusted Homecare • UV protection • Polarized to company is now open in the Tri Valley! reduce glare Zach Stine Business owner Convenient Weekday & Evening Hours I own a sports bar, so I tend to gravitate Since the Winter Family opened • Trend Styled Eyewear with excellent toward sports enthusiasts because we frame stylist to help your eyewear needs always have plenty to talk about, espe- our first office nearly 20 years ago,o, • “No-Line” Lenses / Computer Lenses cially during the Olympics. Plus, they • Specialty contact lens care, including tend to be good for business. HIRED HANDS HOMECARE CRT for nearsightedness reduction and scleral lenses for keratoconus and has built a sterling reputation for irregular corneas • “Dry Eye” Treatment and Management • Macular Degeneration Assessment trustworthy and compassionate caregiving.ii • Soft and Gas Permeable Bifocal Contact Lenses We now look forward to sharing our expertise and • Laser Vision Care - LASIK Lisa Imran Foreign language teacher passion for service with the Tri Valley community. I gravitate toward people who are not • Most Vision Plans Accepted judgmental, and who are happy to accept • Medicare Assignment Accepted me for who I am as a person in terms of • Ask About AARP Discount my actions, as well as the thoughts in my Downtown Pleasanton: Dr. Barry C. Winston head and the feelings in my heart. I prefer Faculty, UC Berkeley School of Optometry these people to those who care about 240 Spring Street, Suite B Certified in the Treatment of Ocular Disease VISIT US AT OUR WEBSITE whether I’m wearing a cute outfit or am (lower level) BARRYCWINSTONOD.COM having a good hair day. Black Avenue Professional Offices 4450-C Black Ave, Pleasanton Roger Catanzaro 925-621-7650 Call today for a complimentary 925.462.2600 Graphic artist Care Consultation. Also serving Marin, off Santa Rita Road behind I tend to gravitate toward people I have HIREDHANDSHOMECARE.COM Sonoma, Napa and Solano Counties. Lynnewood Methodist Church things in common with, like other artists and people who derive satisfaction from creating something new and different. These are great people to collaborate with and bounce ideas off of. I believe they probably feel the same way about me. We have a certain kinship. Martha Egan Physical therapist I like to surround myself with positive people who are grateful for what they have and like to focus on all that is good in their lives. I find few things more exhausting than being around negative people who spend all of their time grip- ing about one thing or another. That kind of vibe just totally saps all of my energy. Amanda Major Insurance agent I’d have to say I gravitate toward people whose moods are consistent because I find comfort in knowing what to expect from someone when I interact with them. Even if they are cranky all the time, I’m fine with that because it is what I’m expecting. I’m not one for surprises. —Compiled by Nancy Lewis and Jenny Lyness Have a Streetwise question? Email [email protected] The Pleasanton Weekly is published every Friday by Embarcadero Media, 5506 Sunol Blvd., Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA 94566; (925) 600-0840. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Rate, USPS 020407. The Weekly is mailed upon request to homes and apartments in Pleasanton. Print subscriptions for businesses or residents of other communities are $60 per year or $100 for two years. Go toPleasantonWeekly.com to sign up and for more information. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Pleasanton Weekly, 5506 Sunol Blvd., Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA 94566. ©2016 by Embarcadero Media. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Page 4 • August 26, 2016 • Pleasanton Weekly Newsfront DIGEST Mayoral candidate Julie Testa files suit New Life Store Nonprofit Shepherd’s Gate is after ballot statement rejected set to celebrate the grand opening of its newly relocated New Life City clerk says Testa’s statement for printing with sample ballot submitted after deadline Store next Thursday at 9 a.m.
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