Greybarn-Sayville PDD-GS Change of Zone Application DEIS APPENDIX C FISCAL AND ECONOMICS-RELATED DOCUMENTS Greybarn-Sayville PDD-GS Change of Zone Application DEIS Appendix C-1 Market Analysis for the Proposed Greybarn Sayville Project bae urban economics November 29, 2018 bae urban economics Market Analysis for the Proposed Greybarn Sayville Project Prepared for Rechler Equity Partners November 29, 2018 bae urban economics November 29, 2018 Gregg Rechler, Managing Partner Mitchell Rechler, Managing Partner Rechler Equity Partners 85 South Service Road Plainview, NY 11803 Dear Messrs. Gregg and Mitchell Rechler: On behalf of BAE Urban Economics, Inc., I am pleased to submit this Market Analysis of the Proposed Greybarn Sayville Project. Research for this analysis was prepared July-August 2018. Through analysis of demographic, employment, and real estate data collected we have determined there is sufficient market demand for the proposed apartment development in the study area. Should you have any questions about the analysis, please contact me at
[email protected] or (202) 588-8945. Sincerely, Mary Burkholder Vice President, BAE Urban Economics San Francisco Sacramento Los Angeles Washington DC New York City 2600 10th St., Suite 300 803 2nd St., Suite A 448 South Hill St., Suite 701 700 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, 2nd Floor 215 Park Ave. S, 6th Floor Berkeley, CA 94710 Davis, CA 95616 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Washington, DC 20003 New York, NY 10003 510.547.9380 530.750.2195 213.471.2666 202.588.8945 212.683.4486 Table of Contents