GOP Backs Daly Plan WALL TOWNSHIP—Monmouth Man Irving E

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GOP Backs Daly Plan WALL TOWNSHIP—Monmouth Man Irving E .. .. Weather ( Red Bank Area per m aad lower «• throws tomorrow. Oatlook Friday, lair ~ Coeyrlgbt~Tbe Red Bank Register, Inc. 1966. «»d much wanner. MONMOUTB COOm'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 , luued lilr. Moatw through FiU>y. iKMfiw Po«UI»" PAGE ONE VOL. 89, NO. 6i Paid at Bed Bank Mul at AddHloml tralUna offina. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1966 7c PER COPY Ovatjon Follows Appeal by Keith GOP Backs Daly Plan WALL TOWNSHIP—Monmouth man Irving E. Keith to demon- replied obliquely to a denuncia- board's staff for study and for ting their concurrence that no County Freeholder Marcus Daly'i strate their backing of Mr. Daly's tion Monday by County Welfare recommendations. such thing was done, he had Campaign against unwed parents efforts with their applause. Board Chairman Ernest W. Lass Afterward, the freeholder, who Instructed Welfare Director Bob- on welfare rolls got a rousing Though the freeholder, who Is over Mr. Daly's interpretation, of is a member of the board, told ert C. Wells to do nothing that endorsement last night from the a candidate for re-election, wasn't welfare board reaction to his some newspaper and television might "implement" the Daly plan. county Republican Executive there to hear it, be got the big- proposals. reporters that the board had Though he had offered no com- Committee. gest ovation of the night just as, At a, meeting last Wednesday, voted to "implement" his Ideas. ment on Monday, Mr. Daly issued More than 550 members of the in last week's primary election, Mr. Daly dropped a plan to seek Not Done this statement yesterday: committee and other party lead- he drew the greatest vote on the board endorsement of his pro- Mr. Lass said Monday that, "According to the'news stories ers at Sea Girt Inn responded ballot. posal but went along with a mo- after checking with all other read today, the chairman has to a plea from former Assembly- Earlier in the day, Mr. Daly tion to have it referred to the board members present and get- either misread or misinterpreted the resolution that I presented to the board on Sept. 14, which was unanimously adopted. County Welfare Program "The chairman clearly, at that time, explained that the policy of the board was to bring to the attention of the county prosecutor all matters that came to the at- Lauded for Its Efficiency tention of the board that were in violation of the laws of New By FRANK W. HARBOUR efficient in the state and one mouth County's $6,883,681) — and Jersey. SAD DAY FOR PERCYS — The Charles Percy family wallcs mournfully to Kenilworth, of the least costly. for assistance to.dependent chil- Going to Board MIDDLETQWN — Frederic III., Union Church yesterday to .attend memorial service for Valerie Percy, who was At a meeting of the local Wel- dren, $8.91 per capita. "In the light of the chairman's Scovell, deputy director of' the fare Board, attended by Free- Prosecution Proposed clear statement, I offered the beaten and stabbed to death Sunday. From left are Mrs. Percy, Mr. Percy, Illinois County Welfare Board, last night holder Marcus Daly, Mr. Scovell, Mr. Daly's proposal is that the motion to turn the matter over Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Sharon, 21-year-old twin sister of Valerie, and called Monmouth County's wel- while not commenting directly Monmouth County Welfare Board to the staff and legal counsel for on the Daly-Welfare controversy, Study and recommendations. Roger, 19. , (AP Wirepho+o) fare program one of the most refer the names of unwed par- admitted that this county has its ents- (welfare cases) to the coun- These studies and recommenda- problems, but declared: ty, when they apply for aid for tions are to be presented to the Bids $700,000 Below Estimate "In comparison with the rest their children, for possible prose- board at the Oct. 19 meeting. of the state we are doing very cution on charges of adultery or I shall have to await that date well." fornication. and see how it Is suggested that In the category ol controver- The freeholder last night again the policy as laid out by the sy, assistance for dependent chil- defended his position, saying, chairman Is carried out." Let Courthouse Wing Pacts dren, he provided statistics for 'If anyone else can come up Mr. Lass said he would not the fiscal year ending in June, (See WELFARE, Page 3) Irving E. Keith (See GOP, Page 3) FREEHOLD - With bids rang- The wing will be joined to the non-«ourt offices could be Schmidt, Passaic, the other bid- showing that Monmouth County is under the state cost average. ing v more than $700,000 below present courthouse at Monument switched to an administrative of- der, at $74,200 failed to qualify estimates'; the Monmoutli County Square. That structure, which fice tower it believes should be by including certain required The county figure is $8.85 per Board of Freeholders awarded cost $1 million, was opened 11 built adjacent to the courthouse. data. capita, as compared to a state Move for First contracts yesterday for $2,332,972 years ago. James W. Mancuso, Long Frank C. Gibson, Co., Free- average of $9.80, and a high of for an addition to the courthouse. More Court Rooms Branch, was 'architect tor both hold, low among two bidders, won $27.24 (Essex County). Work will sUtrt this month and Included in the addition are the original courthouse and for Hie award for plumbing at $87,- In Caraden County, which has completion is set for January, seven court rooms and offices the addition. 710. approximately the same jiopuhv 1963. tion as Monmouth (445,000 as Of Coppolino at Shore for several non-court related of- S. J. Day Associates, Asbury Santo, Inc., Middletown Town' compared to Monmouth's 411, Bidding in all seven categories fices. The latter will be as- Park, won the general construc- 9iip, low among six bidders, 1 000) the per capita amount was FREEHOLD — Arrangements are under of a legal tug-of-war between toe two states. was exceptionally-close, persuad- signed space which may jeadily tion award for $1,380,303, low bi received" the award for heating, $12,73, and in Passaic County, way to try Dr. Carl Coppolino on a murder Florida Gov. Haydon' Burns at first re- ing Freeholder Benjamin H. be converted to court rooms in among seven which ranged up ventilating and air conditioning 444,000 population, a figure of charge here before he stands trial in Florida, fused to sign extradition papers, but since has Danskin, director of public future years. to J1.5S1.243. at $384,6(5. $10.75 also topped Monmouth's according to the Monmouth County prosecutor. said he will release Coppolino to New Jersey property, to assert that the Park Steel and Iron Co., Nep- : Under a guideline the board Dover Electric Co., Toms cost. Prosecutor Vincent P: Keuper said yester- authorities.! ,. • " . • county had the benefit of keen has in mind, the new wing should tune City, only qualified bidder River, low among six bidders, The amount per capita for all day he had received the go-ahead to try Cop- . Coppqlpfo's attorneys have not yet tntf- competition. He noted that many meet court needs for at least 10 after his only competitor was received the electrical contract : welfare programs is Monmouth, polirio in New Jersey first in a telephone con- cated whether he.tatends to fight extradition. local bidders had submitted most years. When hew court rooms disqualified, bid $73,467 for the for $249,859. during the past year, was $16.74 versation with Florida Atty. Gen. Frank Bail' has been set in Florida, at $15,000 but ol the 35 offers considered. are sought, the board feels, the iron -and steel work. J, G. : Holly Acres Nurseries, Inc., — also under the state average Schaub. • • ' iCoppoltaq has, not ptij. up the money, re- lew among .seven bidders, re- of 118.33. The only 'drawback' to trying the young portedly, because his lawyers haven't decided ceived- the Whdscaping contract anesthesiologist-author in New Jersey next ,1B-figurg e in Camden County . whether lip should remijn, in .Florida, or return month would be if he decides to light extra- ; is* #0.20244 andd LL-v P Passaici , »1U4»1U4 , dition, Mr7 Keuper indicated. Haughton Elevator Co., Toledo,' The next closest county in Mr. Keuper said a lawyer for Coppolino, »ect Marcos to Ask low among five bidders, received In that event, a Florida circuit court population, however, Middlesex, F. Lee Baily of Boston, already has named a the «waid for elevator Installa- at 529,000, has. a better record, would have to rule on the matter. New Jersey attorney of record through whom tion at $145,980. at least from a dollar expendi- Coppolino, 34, is charged with murdering 1 . he will have to file to defend Coppolino in Freeholders bad estimated the ture standpoint, than Monmouth, his next-door neighbor, Ret. Army Col. William For Negotiated Peace total project at $3.5 million, al- Passaic or CamdeV-'i- • .' Farber, in Middletown Township three years New Jersey, ; lowing $440,000 for furnishings The Middlesex per capita cost ego. He is also accused of murdering his first After a visit with New Jersey officials UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) Marcos said the Philippines, Ma- can't afford to disregard Asian and architect and legal fees. was $8.91, for all programs (a wife, Carmela, in Sarasota, Fla., last year.
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