Jumping in with Both Feet
SIX JUMPING IN WITH BOTH FEET I. APPLYING FOR THE COURSE 600740 Lance Corporal Abdul Samad s/o Athambava, Signals Platoon, HQ Coy, 2nd Battalion, Singapore Infantry Regiment proactively wrote through his Commanding Officer, LTC J.P. Durken to the Ministry of the Interior and Defence on 3rd February to be considered as a candidate in the course. Samad, as he has always been known, had joined the army against his father’s wishes to begin with. His father had come to Tanah Merah Camp, then home of 2 SIR, with his hard-earned savings of $150 to buy out Samad. In the meantime, Samad had approached his company 2 I/C Lieutenant Henry Velge and begged him to persuade his father that the army was okay, and at worst, turn his father away. Samad may have also been seriously affected by the picture of handsome Lieutenant Clarence Tan, lately Malaysian Special Service Unit (psst! commando, paratrooper, stealth fighter, etc.) inside his shiny red MG Midget (Registration Number SP 7008) in the enlistment promotional brochure SERVE WITH PRIDE widely distributed by the MID. Swee Boon Chai had also been in the Army before applying for the course. Having enjoyed his school cadet corps, he had enlisted earlier as a Volunteer with the 14th Malaysian Signal Squadron. He had been mobilised as a Lance Corporal to work with then MAJ Seah Peng Yong (later Lieutenant-Colonel (Ret)), Commanding Officer HQ PDF, in Pearl’s Hill where he was assigned to the office of Director, Manpower to help with the recruitment of the first intake.
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