Berkshire. [ Kelly's

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Berkshire. [ Kelly's 56 CHOLSEY. BERKSHIRE. [ KELLY'S barley and beans. The area is 4,426 acres of land and in a modified style of Early English ; the Asylum stands. 12 of water; rateable value, £r8,oo1; the population ill on an estate of 8o acres, extending from the Walling­ 1891 was 2,014, which included 58I in the Lunatic Asy­ ford road to the banks of the river Thames, forming lum, of whom 520 were patients. nearly a square; it was designed to hold 285 patients,, at a cost of £68,6oo, but has been enlarged for an. WINTERBROOK, 2 miles north-east, is a part of this parish. additional 324 patients at a cost of about £ss,ooo and Parish Clerk and Sexton, Job George Finch. is now in process of further enlargement; the numbel"' of patients is now (1899) 650, of whom 290 are males­ Post, M. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel & 360 females Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-(Railway Medical Superintendent, Jas. Wm. A. Murdoch M.B.,C.M. Sub-office. Letters should have R.S.O. Berks added). Assistant Medical Officers, Edwin Lindsey Dunn B.A., -Timothy Sawyer, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive M.B., B.Cb. & Thomas Leonard Johnston L.R.C.P. &. direct from London, 7 a.m. & 4.15 p.m.; despatched at S.Ed., L.F.P. & S.Glas 10.30 a.m., 4·15 & 7·I5 p.m Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Thomas Stewart Dyer B.A Wall Letter Boxes Clerk to the Committee of Visitors, Jn. Thornhill Morland Cholsey & Moulsford Railway station, cleared at 4• 5.40 Steward &! Clerk of the Asylum, Moses Nich0lls & 9.40 p.m.; sundays, 9·45 p.m Housekeeper, Miss :Browne Winterbrook, cleared at 8.15 & n.s a.m. & 2.15, 5·55 & A school board of 5 members was formed 23 Dec. r875;; 7 p.m George .Frederick Slade, Wallingford, clerk to ths County Lunatic Asylum. board; .A.ugustus Green woad, attendance officer The County Lunatic Asylum is in this parish, although Board School (mixed), established in I875, for 210 chil­ called the Moulsford Asylum, it was opened in Sept. dren; average attendance, 70 boys, 6o girls &:. 70 in­ 1870, and occupies a position on the Wallingford fants; 1Yilliam Harvey, master; Miss Annie Worrall, road, three-quarters of a mile from Moulsford station mistress & 2 miles from the town of Wallingford; it is built of Cholsey & Moulsford Railway Station, Waiter Martin,. red brick relieved with stone & coloured brick dressings, station master CHOLSEY. Brooks William, beer retailer Silvester Hy. farmer, Kentwood frllll Carter John, bricklayer & farmer Smith Fletcher, farmer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Caudwell Gordon, farmer Smith J ames, boot maker .Arnould Mrs County Lunatic Asylum (James Stevenson Hy. farmer, Heathercroft Broad Miss William Aitken Murdoch M.B., C.M. Turnock Harry, beer retailer Cooper Rev. Thomas M.A. (vicar), (medical superintendent) W allin William, farmer, The Beeches Vicarage Cozens Stephen, jun. farmer, Manor Watts George, shopkeeper Dunn Edwin Lindsay Il.A., M.Il., farm Wyatt Geo. blacksmith & beer retail!!' B.Ch. County Lunatic Asylum Cozens Stephen Wellesley, farmer, Hawkins Henry J.P. Cranford house :Blackball farm & Offiands farm WINTERBROOK. Hensley Rev. Alfred M.A. Bucklands Eltham Alfred, Star inn P .H PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hooper J ames, The Cott~ge Finch Job, builder Bradford William, 6 Elmscroft J ohnston Thomas Leonard, Oounlty Freeman Mary .Ann (Mrs.), beer retlr Buckell Anthony, The Lawn Asylum Greenwood Augustus, school attend- Bunting Mrs Kent Horace, Cholsey mill ance officer Crook Chas. I Elmscroft, Winterbroog. Miller Fred, Chestnuts H-awkins Peter, dairyman Dodd Francis Miller Mrs. The Willows Hearmon Edward, Swan P.H Dunell Cyril, White Cross Moore Alfred IHenderson Helen (Miss), day school Faulkner Ml"s. lrinterbrook house~ Moore Miss (mixed) Gale Mrs. Elms Mur:loch James Wm. Aitken M.B., Hawse John, jun. Chequer's inn P.H Gilkes Miss, 3 Elmscroft C.M. County Lunatic Asylum How se John, farmer, East End farm Hill Mrs. 1'he Lodge Nicholls Moses, County LunaticAsylm Hunt Charles Hewett, farmer Paynton Oharles, 4 Elmscroft Taylor Mrs. River view Larkcom George, baker Shrubb Walter F ,Trollope Mrs. Highcrorft Lewis Chas. & Reuben, basket makrs Smith Miss Millard Henry, land surveyor & col- W eedon Francis Hedges, Quick Elm COMMERCIAL. lector of Queen's taxes Westley Mrs. 5 Elmscroft .A.bbott George, farmer, Hazel's farm Nicholls Moses, clerk & <Steward to COMMERCIAL, Ashforth George, Waterloo hotel P.H. Moulsford Lunatic Asvlum• Dodd Francis, farmer & farmer Norcutt George Robert, grocer J<mes Geo. Henry, Nag's Read P.H Baker & Fitt (Edward Nash, mana­ Saunders .Sophieo (Miss), Railway htl Painton Oliver, florist & seedsman ger), florists; & Reading Sawyer Timothy, draper & clothier, Steer Chas. insur. a~rent, 2 Elmscroft JJosher Chas. Wm. & Son, builders & sub-postmaster Warner Esther (Mrs.), laundres8, :Bosher JO"hn, Brentford Tailor P.H Sheldon J ames, grocer Winterbrook laundry CLAPCOT, formerly a hamlet and liberty in the parish J. K. Hedges esq. Charles Fuller esq. the trustees of th& of All Hallows, "\Vallingford, was constituted a separate late P. L. Powys-Lybbe esq. (d. 1897) and Charles parish in , under the " Local Government Act, Morrison esq. The land, both arable and meadow, is 1894" (56 & 57 Vict. c. 73). It lies 1 mile north-east very good. The soil is green sand; subsoil, chiefly clay. from 'Wallingford, in the Northern division of the county, T.lie chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area is Moreton hundred, W allingford petty sessional division, 876 acres; rateable yalue £1,426; the population in union and county court district and in the rural deanery r8gr was 176. of 1Vallingford, archdeaconry of :Berks and diocese of Oxford. There is no church. Wallingford Castle is the Letters through Wallingford. Wallingford, I mile dis- residence of John Kirby Hedges esq. J.P. and Shillingford tant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office Hill of Frank Sweetland esq. The chief landowners are Hedges John Kirby J.P. Wallingford Fuller Charles, farmer & landowner, recognised as one of the most castle Rush court comfortable hotels on the river, & l!oneybone William, River view Reynolds Wm. Jordan, Shillingford stands midway between Oxford & Sweetland Frank, Shillingford hill Bridge l!otel; first class accommo~ Reading Davies George, farmer, Park farm dation for private families &tourists; CLEWER WITHOUT, anciently Cleworth, is a style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, village and scattered parish, I mile west from Windsor, 6 aisles, south porch and a western tower with broach miles south-east from Maidenhead and 23 from London, shingled spire, containing 6 bells; the nave and tower are situated on the banks of the Thames, in the Eastern divi- Norman, but have Deeorated and Perpendicular windows;. sion of the county, hundred of Ripplesmere, petty ses- in the chur~h is 1!1! tablet to Field-MaTsiha1 William, 3rd sional division, union and county court district of Wind- Earl Harcourt G.C.B. who died June 17, 183o. IIII sor, rural deanery of Maidenhead, archdeaconry of Berks the lady chapel is a brass, with six verses to Marti1.11 and diocese of Oxford. The parish was in 1894, under Expence, who "shott with Ioo men him selfe alone, a.t the provisions of section r of the " Local Government ould feild rut Bray ; " on the chaneel floor is a brass ro Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), divided into two, Lucy, daughter of Sir Willirum Wray bM>t. ailld wife of Clewer Within and Without, the former being that part John HDbsonl gent. ob, 29 Ma,y, r657, and there- are of the old parish in Windsor municipal borough. The two modern brasses to Emma. Oha,rlotte, daughter of parish church of St. .Andrew is a buildin()' of Admiral SiT Edward Codrington, d. May 13, 1863, and to flint and rubble, chiefly in the Early N~man Ma,ria. Elizabeth her sister, d. March I8, 1865; and m-.
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