Terhune, Bachman, Polk Assume Key Positions on New Echo Staff

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Terhune, Bachman, Polk Assume Key Positions on New Echo Staff Evelyn Richards Wins Reitenour Scholarship Evelyn Richards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Neff The Student of Taylor U. of Marion, Indiana, has been awarded this year's I. N. Reiten­ our scholarship. Evelyn was selected from among the appli­ cants for the Selective Honor scholarships, one of which she received. February 11, 1960 Taylor University, Upland, Indiana Vol. XLII—No. 7 This year's scholarship was | "Ye Shall Know The Truth" awarded to the applicant having the highest grade point average at the end of the first semester. The scholarship totals $1,000, Kinlaw To Bring Revival Message and is applied at the rate of $125 The Reverend Dennis Kinlaw, Seoul Theological Seminary in given the opportunity to realize per semester. It is granted to Methodist minister from Loudon- Seoul, Korea. Mr. Kinlaw is pastor the aim of the school to be ef­ an entering freshman on the basis ville, New York, opens the spring of Community Church, Loudonville, fectively Christian. of scholarship, need, character and series of spiritual emphasis meet­ New York. promise of future usefulness. ings this Sunday evening in In 1951 Mr. Kinlaw was ordain­ Lyceum To Feature As a graduate of Marion High Shreiner auditorium at 7:30 p.m. ed in the Methodist ministry. He School, Evelyn was awarded the Mr. Kinlaw preached a series has done graduate work at Prince­ Eger Players' Concert AAUW award for the most out­ of revival meetings on the Tay­ ton Theological Seminary and at Joseph Eger's world-renowned standing senior girl. She also re­ lor campus in the fall of 1958. Edinburgh University in Scotland. chamber ensemble, The Eger ceived the Kiwanis "Builds For­ Players, featuring the French He was well received by the The week of special services in­ ever" scholastic award. horn with cello, violin and piano, student body as both an evangelist cludes meetings on Monday Her high school activities in­ and a counselor. will be presented in Shreiner au­ through Thursday evenings at cluded serving as editor of the ditorium on February 26 at 8 p.m. A graduate of Asbury College 7:00 p.m. Services Friday through school paper, the Y-Teen cab­ as part of the Lyceum series. and Asbury Theological Semin­ Sunday will begin at 7:30. In addi­ inet and membership in the Na­ The Eger Players have toured ary in Wilmore, Kentucky, Mr. tion services will be held each tional Honor Society, Science Club, Europe for four seasons, offering Kinlaw made a trip to the morning Monday through Friday Latin Club, the advanced Chorus a distinguished repertoire of Orient last year. While in Korea at 9:30 a.m. and the Girls' Glee Club. Evelyn Richards he served as a guest lecturer at great music for this unique in­ The purpose of Spiritual Em­ strumentation, ranging from phasis Week is to give each stud­ baroque to contemporary, from Girls Invite Boys Dean's List Honors Students ent an experience which stimulates Handel and Haydn to Hindemith, To Annual Banquet and cultivates his spiritual life. through Brahms and Beethoven At the same time the student is to Benjamin Britten. Tradition just may capture the With Minimum 2.6 Point Average annual Valentine banquet yet. As Forty - six students qualified Elaine Grit, Nancy Hinkle, Leif the Gamma Delts' idea of the for the first semester of 1959-60. Holgersen, Marjorie Kaufmann, girl-invite-boy method proved to A student must have a minimum and James King.. be quite successful last year, the 2.6 average to attain this honor. Marian Lehmer, George Marr, Terhune, Bachman, Polk Assume Gamma Delta Beta Society is Judy Boll, Curt Carter, Rosalia Teddy Marr, Donald Melton, Nor- sponsoring the banquet in the Closson, Marjorie Cook and Kath- ene Menningen, Janice Miller, same manner again this year. ryn Heavilin had a 3.0 grade point Gloria Moennig, and Melvin Moe- "Reflections" Is Theme Key Positions On New Echo Staff average, which means that they shberger. The theme of the banquet, which received all "AV for the semes­ Paul Moyer, Sharon Oostman, will be held February 12, is "Re­ ter. flections." Patricia Orem, John Oswalt, Rob­ Other students on the "Dean's ert Palmer, Roger Peck, James At 5:15 p.m. a pre-party in List" are: Campbell Parlors will begin the Reynolds, Anita Rice, and Evelyn evening's festivities. The banquet Sue Andrews, Adriana Asal- Richards. will begin at 6:00 pun. with a gado, Carolyn Bennett, David Roger Roth, Edward Russell, brief program following. Boyer, Joe Brain, Ediythe Brown, Richard Stepp, Fred Stockinger, Band Concert Sam Delcamp, and Arthur Deyo. Carl Thompson, Joan Warfel, After the banquet a concert will Timothy Diller, David Gehres, and Gertrude Zeilenga. be given in Maytag Gymnasium by the Taylor University Sym­ Trojan Players Announce Plans phonic Band, under the direction of Prof. Dale Shepfer. The band will be performing For Euripides' Trojan Women "The Little Organ Fugue in G" Trojan Players will present Martin, the new president and by Bach, a trumpet concerto by Euripides' Trojan Women on his wife. Invitations will entitle Haydn, "West Point Suite" by March 3, 4 and 5. Two perform­ a person to buy a ticket for this Milhaud, the well-known "Irish ances will be presented on Fri­ performance. Washerwoman" and other con­ day night, March 4, to accommo­ The setting for the play is Troy temporary works. date those attending the banquet after its fall to the Athenian sol­ A special feature will be Anton scheduled for that night. diers. It is really a funeral dirge Bruckner's "Gloria" performed by The play will be presented in- over the fallen city. the combined band and A Cappella the-round in the Campbell Parlor. Individual tryouts for both Choir. The Thursday night performance Trojan Women and As You Like The entire program is a co­ will be by invitation for only It were held on February 4 and 5. Recently-elected Echo editor, Jim Terhune, formulates plans for operative project of the Gamma the members of Trojan Players The cast for The Trojan Women front page layout with associate editor, Ray Bachman. Delta Beta Society and the Con­ and the Taylor faculty. The for­ cert Band. Admission to the con­ includes Norene Menningen as Jim Terhune, Ray Bachman and Irvin Polk will fill key cert is .75 for couples and .50 for mal occasion will be the Trojan Pallas Athene, Janet Watson as single admission. Players' salute to Dr. and Mrs. Echo positions during the coming year. The Echo staff in Hecuba, Lloyd Tucker as Cassan­ cooperation with the Public Relations staff recently chose dra, Gloria Moennig as Andro­ the new leaders. Social Science Club Delegates mache, and Eileeji Saint as Helen Editor-in-chief Jim Terhune is a pf Troy. Other members of the social studies major from Carth­ treasurer of the sophomore class cast are Siteve Balanda (Taly- age, Indiana. In high school he and a member of the Social To Attend Washington Seminar thybius), Roger Erfourth, (Mene- was editor of his school paper. Science Club and Trojan Players. Taylor's Social Science Club is sponsoring four students Iaus), John Oswalt, (Posieden) Jim is sports editor of the Gem, A transfer from Manchester who will attend the Washington Seminar on Federal Service and the members of the chorus, College, Ray Bachman, associate held in the nation's capital February 17-19. This year's dele­ Leona Lewis, Gail Ensor, Sophia editor, was a member of the Man­ gates are Dave Boyer, Joe Brain, Curt Carter, and Marge Marshall, Bertha Shepherd, Doro- Rupprecht To Receive chester Oak Leaves staff. Cook. Dr. Frank Roye will accompany the group. bhy Baker and Sandra Rupp. Doctorate On Feb. 13 He was associate editor of both The Office of Public Affairs and his high school paper and year­ the Commissions on Higher Edu­ Professor Arthur A. Ruppre-cht, book. cation and Social Action of the assistant professor of classical He served in the Army. He is a National Association of Evangeli­ languages at Taylor since 1957, graduate of International College cals sponsor the Seminar. will receive his doctorate by School of Commerce, His home is The 120 delegates are required proxy from the University of in Lagrange, Indiana. to have maintained a "B" aver­ Pennsylvania Saturday, February age in the previous semester at 13. Business manager Irvin Polk is an evangelical Christian college, Following graduation from majoring in Christian education. to have completed one college Houghton College, Mr. Rupprecht Although the Army interrupted course in American Government received the B.D. degree from his college career at Taylor, Ir­ or American history and to have Faith Theological Seminary and vin returned as a junior this year. demonstrated interest in public af­ the M. A. degree from the Uni­ Band, brass choir and oratorio fairs. versity of Illinois. chorus claim his attention. He Purpose of the Seminar is to ac­ Mr. Rupprecht completed his dis­ comes from Wabash, Indiana. quaint the delegates with the sertation, entitled "A Study of Other staff members include functions of the major areas of Slavery in the Late Roman Repub­ Lanelle Shafer, copy editor; government and to inform them lic from the Works of Cicero," Janet Hardy, feature editor; Mar­ of the opportunities for college during a leave of absence the first jorie Komp, news editor; and graduates in federal service. semester of this year. Audrey Berndt, circulation man­ One of last year's delegates, Pat Mrs. Rupprecht and daughter ager. Orem, says that seeing "the gov­ Taylor's delegates to Washington Seminar, (1-r) Curt Carter, Joe will join him later this month.
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