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[email protected] https://www.facebook.com/ins.federation.of.Egypt/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/ifegypt https://twitter.com/I_F_Egypt Insurance Federation of Egypt 1 Insurance Federation of Egypt “IFE” [ With all grief and sorrow … With all love and appreciation for everything she has done … The Insurance Federation of Egypt and its Board of Directors and employees mourn the dearest colleague and instructor Mrs. Azza Arfeen, the executive director and senior advisor of Insurance Federation of Egypt since 2018. The lady who had exerted her efforts for the Egyptian insurance sector for more than 40 years since her career began in 1976. The lady who, throughout her career, has been known for her integrity, good morals and a pleasant biography. The lady who gave all that she had and She did not hold back The lady who brought out generations of employees in the sector and contributed in preparing a next generation of leaders. With deepest sympathy we are saying Farewell to one of the Egyptian insurance sector pioneers. We dedicate this annual report to Mrs. Azza Arfeen, which would not have been accomplished without her great efforts and outstanding giving for the last minute of your life. We ask God to bless you with the His mercy and to rest in peace in His spacious paradise… Ameen Annual Report 2019 2 Contents Chairman Message Pg.