ESF WP No. 2 E-Version
THE M ACEDONIAN C RISIS AND B ALKAN SECURITY ESF WORKING PAPER NO. 2 J ULY 2001 W ITH CONTRIBUTIONS BY NICHOLAS WHYTE N ADIA ALEXANDROVA ARBATOVA D ANA H. ALLIN FOREWORD BY FRANÇOIS HEISBOURG ISBN 92-9079-330-9 © Copyright 2001, CEPS & IISS All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the Centre for European Policy Studies and the International Institute for Strategic Studies. THE MACEDONIAN CRISIS AND BALKAN SECURITY WORKING PAPER NO . 2 OF THE CEPS-IISS EUROPEAN S ECURITY FORUM CONTENTS FOREWORD FRANÇOIS HEISBOURG 1 “L’HEURE D’EUROPE’ ENFIN ARRIVÉE? NICHOLAS WHYTE 4 MACEDONIA AND EUROPEAN SECURITY NADIA ALEXANDROVA ARBATOVA 13 SOUTH BALKAN CONFLICTS, NATO’S MISSION AND THE AMERICAN INTEREST DANA H. ALLIN 19 FOREWORD * FRANÇOIS HEISBOURG n May 28th, the second meeting of the CEPS/IISS European Security Forum turned its attention to the Kosovar/Albanian insurgency and Balkan security. In Oother words, the current Macedonian crisis was at the heart of the discussion which greatly benefited from three well focused papers, speaking from clearly distinct geopolitical perspectives. Thus, Nicholas Whyte suggested tongue-in-check that this time, Europe's hour had finally struck, that Europe's broad-spectrum systemic approach gave the EU pride of place in dealing with the Balkans. For the short run, he mentioned the risk of Kosovar guerrilla activity against KFOR, if the latter's presence were seen as the main obstacle to independence – an ‘Irgun scenario’, as it was dubbed by the chairman.
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