Elected Members Appointed Members * H C Birkbeck Breckland DC * A Borthwick * S G Bambridge J Bracey W Borrett * J F Carrick M Kiddle-Morris H G Cator * N W D Foster Broadland DC B J Hannah * Mrs C H Bannock J P Labouchere * A P Findley * M R Little * R R Nash * T Mutimer * Mrs B Rix J F Oldfield * P D Papworth King’s Lynn & WN BC M J Sayer * Mrs E Watson S Shaw * R Wilbourn North Norfolk DC Mrs A R Green Ms B Palmer J H Perry-Warnes R Shepherd J A Wyatt

South Norfolk DC * C Gould * Dr N Legg * T Lewis

Present (55%)

Mr P D Papworth in the Chair

In attendance:

Mr P J Camamile (Chief Executive), Mr A Goodwin (District Engineer/Health & Safety Officer), Mr G Bloomfield (Catchment Officer), Ms C Laburn (Technical and Environmental Officer) and Mrs M Creasy (minutes)

1 ID Norfolk Rivers IDB, Minute Action


58/14/01 Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Messrs W Borrett, J Bracey, H G Cator, B Hannah, M Kiddle-Morris, J P Labouchere, J F Oldfield, J H Perry-Warnes, M J Sayer, S Shaw, R Shepherd, J A Wyatt, Mrs A R Green and Ms B Palmer.


59/14/01 There were no declarations of interest other than those already recorded in the Register of Members’ Interests.


60/14/01 The minutes of the last Board meeting held on 14 August 2014 were approved and signed as a true record. Arising therefrom:

60/14/02 Norfolk Rivers IDB Pilot Catchment Study (44/14/03)

The Chief Executive reported that he was waiting for details of the amount of General Drainage Charge (GDC) from the EA before preparing a proposal for the Board to consider. RESOLVED that this be noted.

60/14/03 Capital Schemes (46/14/04) Strategic Review 2014 – 2016

The District Engineer reported that the EA had advised that the scheme for the hydraulic modelling of the Board’s watercourses to inform its strategic review would only attract 50% grant aid rather than 100%. The grant application would therefore have to be amended and re-submitted to reflect this. RESOLVED that this be noted.

60/14/04 Drainage Issue (47/14/03)

The District Engineer reported that he understood the drainage issue under the railway bridge at Wymondham to be a result of the existing pipe being too small in diameter and set too low under the River Tiffy to get water away from under the railway bridge. He understood that NCC had budgeted for works in 2015/16 to rectify this problem.

60/14/05 Restoration (48/14/02)

Mr N Foster recorded that the new river course had virtually CL disappeared under new weed growth over the course of the Summer. The Technical and Environmental Officer intended to raise this at the next River Nar Steering Group to determine a course of vegetation management. RESOLVED that this be noted.

2 ID Norfolk Rivers IDB, Minute Action


61/14/01 The minutes of the last Executive Committee meeting held on 14 August 2014 were considered in detail and approved. Arising therefrom:

61/14/02 Meeting Venue (23/14/06)

Mr G Bambridge declared an interest at this point due to his role as councillor with Breckland DC. RESOLVED that this be noted.

61/14/03 Members considered the three quotations received for the hire of a Board meeting venue, (copies of which are filed in the Report Book) Arising therefrom:

61/14/04 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to approve the Executive Committee’s recommendation arising from its meeting earlier this morning, to approve the quotation received from Breckland District Council and to therefore hold all Board meetings for 2015 in the Conference Suite at Breckland District Council offices, at a cost of £150 per meeting date for both the Executive Committee and full Board meetings.

61/14/05 On behalf of the Board, Mr P D Papworth recorded his thanks for the service provided by Hunters Hall and its staff over the number of years it had been used as the Board’s meeting venue. RESOLVED that this be noted.


62/14/01 The Operations Report was considered in detail and approved (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book). Arising therefrom:

62/14/02 Health and Safety (2)

Members considered the recommendation from the Board’s Health and Safety Consultant that the Board’s machine operators all use the ‘Supa-Rule’ cable clearance meter to reduce the health and safety risk to machine drivers working under overhead power cables.

62/14/03 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to approve the use of the AWG ‘Supa-Rule’ cable clearance meter, including training in the use of this meter for machine operators, and that the District Engineer should liaise with other WMA Member Boards to procure the meters at the most cost effective price. RESOLVED that this be noted.

62/14/04 Plant (3)

Members considered the proposal and associated costs for one additional FTE machine operator and 13t hydraulic machine to use in the event of the expansion of the Board’s district to its full catchment. Arising therefrom: 3 ID Norfolk Rivers IDB, Minute Action

62/14/05 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to put any decision about recruitment of additional machine operators and any associated plant on hold until the Trial Catchment Study had been confirmed. RESOLVED that this be noted.

62/14/06 Complaints/Enforcement (7)

Members considered the complaint received, together with the Board’s response, (copies of which are filed in the Report Book) concerning the receipt of Notice of Entry from the Board’s Officers after the maintenance works in question had already been completed.

62/14/07 It was agreed that the Board’s Notice of Entry procedure should be AF improved to ensure that all Notices are received at least seven days in advance of any commencement of works. RESOLVED that this be noted.


63/14/01 The Planning Report, (included within the Operations Report) was considered in detail and approved, (a copy of which is filed on the Report Book).Arising therefrom:

63/14/02 Breckland DC 3PL/2014/0666/0 Development at Holt Road, North Elmham

Members considered the District Engineer’s report on the proposed AWG development at Holt Road, North Elmham, which, although outside the IDB district, would discharge surface water into the Board’s district via an IDB maintained watercourse. It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED that the District Engineer consults with the applicant on surface water discharge matters and secures the appropriate surface water development contribution payable to the Board for taking the additional surface water entering its district. RESOLVED that this be noted.

63/14/03 Delegated Consents

The Schedule of Delegated Consents granted by Officers was considered in detail and approved.


64/14/01 The Catchment Officer’s Report was considered in detail and approved (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book). There were no matters arising.

4 ID Norfolk Rivers IDB, Minute Action


65/14/01 The Environmental Report was considered in detail and approved (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book). Arising therefrom:

65/14/02 Water Vole Class Licence System - Update

Members considered the Technical and Environmental Officer’s update reporting that a letter from Diana Ward, representing the Bedford Group of IDBs and Ely Group of IDBs, with representation from the WMA also, had been sent to Natural England, (NE), questioning the necessity for a class licence, (due to be implemented 1 January 2015). The letter questioned the use of a licence for small scale works and requested that the class licence should take into consideration river restoration and SSSI improvements. The letter also considered whether legal representation may be required to ensure any water vole class licence would be workable within the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) framework. A response from NE had not yet been received.

65/14/03 Members considered and approved the Consortium Management CL/PJC Committee recommendation that if necessary, the WMA Member Boards would take legal advice on the necessity of the water vole class licence before writing to Defra and Natural England.


66/14/01 The Financial Report for the period 1 April 2014 to 30 September 2014 was considered in detail and approved (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book). There were no matters arising.


67/14/01 The Schedule of Paid Accounts for the period 1 July 2014 to 30 September 2014, totalling £98,313.59 (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book), was considered in detail and approved. There were no matters arising.


68/14/01 Members considered the risk register for those risks with a matrix risk score of ≥ 6. Arising therefrom:

68/14/02 Members considered the risk of the EA either withdrawing from sea defence works or undertaking these to a reduced specification. Since the current Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) states that the EA will hold the line until 2030, it was considered that the level of perceived risk should remain at the current risk score of 6. RESOLVED that this be noted.

5 ID Norfolk Rivers IDB, Minute Action


69/14/01 Members considered the audited Annual Return for the financial year ending 31 March 2014, (a copy of which is filed on the Report Book). Arising therefrom:

69/14/02 The clean audit opinion awarded by Mazars LLP was noted.


70/14/01 Members considered the Briefing Paper on PSCAs, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book), which had been prepared for all WMA Member Boards as agreed by the Consortium Management Committee at its meeting on 7 October 2014. Arising therefrom:

70/14/02 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to approve the recommendation that the Board responds positively to requests from the EA and other Risk Management Authorities to undertake rechargeable works for them using the PSCA.

70/14/03 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to approve the recommendation that the PSCA would not be used to engage the Board on providing unpaid works on low consequence systems or assets where the RMA had no monies allocated to pay for these works.

70/14/04 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to approve the recommendation to initially use contractors for any PSCA work and at the same time monitor the frequency of and income generated from rechargeable work, in order to review the position after a year to determine if there is a business case for the employment of additional staffing on permanent or fixed term contract.


71/14/01 The Election of Members Policy, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book), was considered in detail and approved. There were no matters arising.


72/14/01 There was no correspondence for consideration during this reporting period.


73/14/01 The calendar of meeting dates for 2015 was considered in detail and approved:

6 ID Norfolk Rivers IDB, Minute Action

29 January 2015 28 May 2015 13 August 2015 22 October 2015


74/14/01 The next Board meeting would take place on 29 January 2015 at 10.00am in the Anglia Room, Conference Suite at Breckland District Council, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham NR19 1EE.


75/14/01 There was no other business to discuss.


76/14/01 The unconfirmed minutes of the last Consortium Management Committee held on 7 October 2014 were considered in detail and approved. Arising therefrom:

76/14/02 Short Term Investments (31/14/03)

It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to approve the Consortium Management Committee recommendation to consider Santander UK when placing short term investments, subject to the approval of the WMA Member Boards’ Internal Auditor.

76/14/03 IDB Consortia and compliance with EU Procurement Rules Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (37/14/01)

Members were apprised of the letter circulated by North Lincolnshire Council to all IDBs, (a copy of which is filed on the Report Book), concerning the new Public Contracts Regulations coming into force in 2015 and the perceived impact of these on how IDBs’ procurement of services.

76/14/04 The Consortium Management Committee had referred this matter to CMC ADA to take legal advice on behalf of its member IDBs and would provide an update in due course. RESOLVED that this be noted.

76/14/05 Schedule of Paid Accounts

The WMA Schedule of Paid Accounts for the period 1 April 2014 to 31 August 2014, totalling £401,758.82 as approved at the Consortium Management Committee meeting on 7 October 2014, was considered in detail and adopted. Arising therefrom:

76/14/06 Mr P J Camamile declared an interest in respect of the payment for 7 ID Norfolk Rivers IDB, Minute Action

DRS rechargeable works recorded in the WMA Schedule of Paid Accounts made to Byzantine Ltd. Mr Camamile is the Company Secretary of Byzantine Ltd and also a shareholder, as is his wife who is also the Company Director of Byzantine Ltd. RESOLVED that this be noted.

76/14/07 Financial Report

The WMA Financial Report for the year 1 April 2014 to 31 August 2014, as approved at the Consortium Management Committee meeting on 7 October 2014, was considered in detail and adopted by the Board. There were no matters arising.

76/14/08 Issues for discussion at the next CMC meeting

There were no specific issues raised by members that would require discussion at the next Consortium Management Committee meeting on 12 December 2014.


77/14/01 There was no confidential business to discuss.




Works were carried out on board main drains in the following districts:

Board Machine: Billingford Lakes Dereham Drayton (Mr Mack) Fakenham Golf Course Holme King’s Beck Norfolk Rivers Trust (Mileham) Thornham

Contractor’s Machine (M Williams): Burnham Overy Dereham King’s Beck Norfolk Rivers Trust (Mileham) Thornham

Handwork: NRIDB Operative + Contractor (N Marshall): Aylsham Coltishall Corpustry Dereham Haydon Mannington Wymondham


No incidents this period. H&S review of Risks Assessments, including procedure for working under or near overhead power lines. Copes H&S advised each machine operator should have a ‘Supa-Rule’ measuring device to double-check cable clearances. Discussions with other WMA Boards.


Should the expected expansion of the district, including EA main river occur, then it may be prudent to employ another machine operator and purchase a 13t hydraulic machine. Employee all-in costs - £34,000pa; new 13t machine – £75,0009has resale value); 4WD truck - £10,000. Could be hired out for rechargeable works. To hire a man & machine costs approx £30ph x 40hrs x 50 weeks =£60,000pa.



See separate Note to the Board included after the Planning Report.


This was originally intended as a study to determine, in flood risk/land drainage terms, whether some IDB-designated watercourses should be de-mained in favour of some en-maining of more critical ones. As the role of NRIDB in relation to EA is evolving (maintenance of main river, district boundary at watershed etc) this capital scheme has itself evolved to an hydraulic modelling exercise of some smaller watercourses with a view to restoration. Watercourses such as Dereham Stream, , Reepham Beck and are likely candidates. Obviously any restoration will need to balanced by flood risk, but the hydraulic modelling will be a useful planning tool. The scheme should attract 100% grant from the EA. The Project Appraisal Report for £83,000 grant submitted 15 September 2015, approval imminent.


20 August 2014 Upper Wensum Restoration meeting with consultants at Kettlwell House.

16 September 2014 Upper Wensum Restoration meeting at Raynham Estate with Trustees etc.

30 September 2014 Coastal Issues Forum at North Norfolk DC offices, review of recovery engineering works from December 2013 surge. Presentation by UEA on research project into ecological and socio-economic changes in Cley-Salthouse due to surge.

2 October 2014 Broads Authority steering group of Broadland Catchment Partnership, water quality, flood risk etc., catchment includes upper Bure, Wensum etc.

3 October 2014 H&S meeting with Copes re review of Risk Assessments etc.

6 October 2014 Norfolk Resilience Forum severe weather and flood warning group at County Hall, review of Dec 2013 surge, and preparations for 2014/15 flood warning period.


Tidal: High spring tides on Thursday 14 August passed without incident.

Rainfall: Occasional periods of intense rainfall during August.

RAF East Marham East Buxton West Anglia 1981-2010 Lexham Local Buxton Month Anglia 1971-2000 Somerton 1981-2010 average Estate average observed 2014 Actual average observed average mm observed mm mm** mm* mm** mm mm*

90.1 JAN 53.4 99.2 56.1 93.5 59 (13.2 on 57.8 58 31st)

FEB 37.2 72.3 39.3 91 44 75.4 38.0 57

MAR 44.8 20.1 49.1 21.5 51 33.2 49.0 24

APR 45.3 18.6 47.2 19 46 21.6 45.8 12

131.8 115 MAY 44.8 88 53.3 th 47 (35.8 on 41.4 104 (27 on 27 ) th 27 )

30.1 JUN 54.3 34.5 59.2 46 64 (10.4 on 55.2 34 27th)

64.6 JUL 46.0 68.4 52.1 31.5 59 (38.6 on 51.6 53 13th)

72.4 115.5 AUG 50.1 94.4 58.8 th 67 (17.4 on 53.2 111 (55 on 8 ) th 25 )

SEP 55.6 18.7 55.3 18 58 13.1 57.8 13.5

OCT 59.0 67.3 69 64.3

NOV 58.5 62.2 71 66.1

DEC 56.8 52.7 61 59.5

TOTALS 605.8 652.5 696 640

* http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/summaries/2014 ** http://www.buxton-weather.co.uk/weather.htm#daily

The actual rainfall figures are an estimated mean for the district, are indicative only and can vary substantially from sub-catchment to sub-catchment.


Complaint received from Lord Melchett regarding intensity of works carried out to Board drains at Holme-next-the-Sea. Letter explaining maintenance works, compliance with Natural England etc sent to complainant, (see Appendix A).



All planning applications made to Broads Authority, Breckland District Council, Broadland District Council, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council, North Norfolk District Council and South Norfolk Council were viewed for August and September, although a considerable number there was only one that had a direct effect upon Norfolk Rivers IDB interests:

Breckland DC: 3PL/2014/0666/O - Development at Holt Road, Nth Elmham. Response to LPA 18/08/14 -This site lies just outside of the Norfolk Rivers IDB district, but surface water discharges into the district via an IDB-maintained watercourse. The IDB is entitled to a financial development contribution for additional surface water entering its district. The IDB is to be consulted on all matters relating to surface water discharge.

Land Drainage Byelaw Consents: One Land Drainage Byelaw consents was approved this reporting period involving IDB-maintained watercourse:

Twin 750mm dia culverts as cattle crossing IDB main drain at Ingworth bridge for A Bambridge.



EA approval received on 2 July 2014, total approval £643,525. Spend profile: 2014/15 - £276,850 [claimed and received August 2014 – see note (a) below] 2015/16 - £165,025 2016/17 - £170,900 2017/21 – £30,750 See note (b) below for breakdown of grant. Atkins appointed as consultants, with Robin Chase nominated as project engineer [see note (c) below].

1. Caroline had site walk-over with Atkins on 19 August to assess possible works, I had start-up meeting with Atkins on 20 August to agree project management. Both meetings successful and promising.

2. Topographical survey completed, hydraulic model underway as is environmental baseline monitoring, preliminary designs, contact with landowners (mainly Lord Townshend Raynham estate) etc.

3. Construction Design & Management Regs Coordinator (CDM-C) appointed, this role will be managed by Atkins CDM-C based in Peterborough. Site supervision by Robin Chase with back-up by Atkins in Peterborough. List of all contacts prepared.

4. Agreed to use New Engineering Contract 3 – Engineering and Construction Short Contract (NEC3-ECSC), I have experience in this on several Broads schemes of £150k+.

5. The scheme is to be in 3 phases, each approx 2km of river, 8 weeks each, approx construction costs £100k each, first one commencing August 2015 (too late to get anything in place to commence this year). Tenders to be invited early- 2015.

6. Whether the NRIDB workforce tenders for some of this work is for the Board to decide. My own view is that with the extra 80km of main river coming in 2015, and the work that entails, it would be better to use experienced river restoration contractors but NRIDB could be nominated sub-contractor on part of the works. Also with additional works coming if the IDB boundaries are extended, the in- house workforce will be pushed. After all, the whole scheme is 100% grant-aided so there are no costs to the Board – we just project manage, let Atkins do the leg-work and the Board will win ‘brownie’ points at the end.

7. Ian Morrissey (Robin Chase’s manager, Robin is on leave) will give a project report update to the Board at the meeting on 23 October 2014.

8. On Tuesday 16 September, a meeting was held at Raynham Estate Offices between trustees of the Estate, farm manager, Atkins staff, EA and IDB officers to discuss both the EA and IDB restoration works in the area. It was successful and good working relations are building up.

9. Atkins will give a presentation to the Board in the October 2014 meeting. 10. At the Board meeting in May 2015 it is proposed to visit some completed EA works, and view the proposed NRIDB works.


a) As it is not possible to commence any works on site this year, due to late approvals, the EA is concerned we have overclaimed grant. But with Atkins pre- construction fees, bat survey preceding winter tree clearance, tree clearance works itself, and stockpiling gravels (there is little on site and will need to be imported) most of this year’s grant can be spent (approx £180k of the £273k) and we can carry rest over into 2015/16 construction. Costs will need to be reviewed annually anyway.

b) Grant profile (approximate estimates):

Type of expenditure Estimated cost £

Existing staff costs (part Atkins) 25000 Additional staff costs (incl Atkins) 75000 Fees 58000 Site investigation and survey 50000 Construction 227300 Environmental mitigation & enhancement 60000 Site supervision 39000 Compensation 15000 Subtotal £549300 Contingencies 94225 Total £643525

c) Robin Chase is no longer employed by Atkins consultants, but is now with Capita consultants who have agreed to Robin’s secondment back to Atkins for this scheme, as requested by the Board.

Tony Goodwin NRIDB District Engineer 01692 631284 07788 914392 [email protected]


Kettlewell House Austin Fields Industrial Estate KING’S LYNN Norfolk PE30 1PH

t: +44(0)1553 819600 f: +44(0)1553 819639 e: [email protected] w: www.wlma.org.uk

Our Ref: PJC/mec

24 September 2014

Lord Melchett Courtyard Farm Ringstead Norfolk PE36 5LQ

Dear Lord Melchett

I refer to your letter of 9 September expressing your concerns about the Board’s maintenance of watercourses at Holme-Next-The-Sea, and my initial response sent 12 September 2014.

This matter has been investigated by the Board’s District Engineer, Mr Tony Goodwin who has now briefed me on the situation.

I can only reiterate the Operations Manager, Adrian Fowle’s apology for the unfortunate timing of the Notice of Entry and the works commencing; this does happen on occasion where we have Assent from Natural England in place and, at the same time, we have a machine in the area. The notices were posted on 28 August 2014 so works should not have commenced before 6 September 2014. However, this does not affect the landowner’s rights as defined in Section 64 of the Land Drainage Act 1991.

The procedure for working within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or other internationally- designated site, involves our officers applying for Assent from Natural England to carry out the works, and this Assent permits working within a SSSI, providing we work to the Board’s Standard Maintenance Operations document which has been agreed with Natural England. There can be some delay in receiving this Assent as officers at Natural England are few, and there is often some discussions regarding details. Hence there can be discrepancies in the timing of applying for Assent, receipt of same, serving Notices of Entry and orchestrating work on site. However, please be assured that a consultation took place and assent was applied for on 22 July 2014 and a Formal Assent was received from Natural England on 28 August 2014, prior to any work commencing on site.

Mr P D Papworth (Chairman) Mr J F Carrick (Vice-Chairman)

Mr P J Camamile (Chief Executive)

Cert No. GB11990 Mr A W Goodwin (District Engineer) Mr A Fowle (Operations Manager) Cert No. GB11991


Page 2 OPERATIONS REPORT APPENDIX A Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board Tony Goodwin has inspected the works, together with our Environmental Officer and Adrian Fowle, and agrees that the flailing of part of the east side of the drain was carried out over-zealously, and some self-seeded trees were cut back unnecessarily. The machine driver had been instructed not to carry out further work on that side of the drain. It was in this instance necessary to flail the track to allow the machine safe access and allow the driver a clear view of the edge of the drain for health and safety reasons. However, please be assured that none of this was carried out to the detriment to any of the designated features of the site and that no re-profiling or slubbing-out of the drain took place. Work was carried out only by the use of a weedcutting basket, as evidenced by the small quantities of cut weed lying along the track.

Tony Goodwin has also informed me that the drains that run from south to north from the high ground at Holme to the are, essentially, ‘fen’ drains, straight, trapezoidal, artificial watercourses that assist in carrying water away from the dwellings on the higher ground to the south, and were probably constructed during the various marsh reclamations during the 18th and 19th Centuries. Their importance for conveying water from the upland is recognised as necessary and therefore these channels have been subject to a biannual maintenance programme, to date. The channels have not been deepened during this maintenance exercise, but they have been cleared of instream weed with the primary aim of enhancing conveyance to the outfall.

I hope that the above helps allay your concerns, but should you wish to discuss the matters on site, Tony Goodwin (01692 631284, 07788 914392, [email protected]) will be happy to meet you.

Yours sincerely


Catchment Officer Report



Emanuel’s Common Unit 11- Norfolk Rivers Trust Works have been delayed until October due to significant archaeological & environmental constraints. Final design drawings from the Norfolk Rivers Trust near completion with provisional start date w/c 03 November 2014.

Image provided of Norfolk Rivers Trust


The first phase to install small woody debris and other in channel soft engineering works from Newton Road Bridge, through Castle Acre and onto Castle Acre Common near completion. Norfolk Rivers Trust appointed Cain Bio-Engineering Ltd to supervise these works funded by the Catchment Restoration Fund. In phase 2, Norfolk Rivers IDB will deliver the machine works for this scheme on a rechargeable basis in part and using funds as bid through the FDGiA Grant. Works will involve creating riffles & pools, re-meandering and narrowing using historically dredged gravels beneficially, reconnecting the river to its flood plain reducing flood risk downstream and enhancing biodiversity potential of the area.


Catchment Officer attended the following meetings:

09 September 2014 River Restoration Centre- Training Course highlighting challenges of river restoration, followed on by site visit to EA Main , Peterborough to look at sections of restored channels.

07 October 2014 Optimising Investment in Flood Risk & the Environment in Norfolk Discussions centred on funding, identification of common interests, aims for multiple benefit solutions to relieve flood risk pressures while enhancing biodiversity interests & Water Framework Directive targets.

10 October 2014 Options - West Lexham Lakes River Nar, Norfolk Initial meeting with the landowner to discuss options of bypassing a number of vertical weir and water control structures through their curtilage as part of the River Nar restoration programme of works.

Norfolk Rivers IDB Environmental Report October 2014

The following information pertains to environmental work carried out for Norfolk Rivers IDB involving the Technical and Environmental Officer (TEO), 01 August – 08 October 2014:

1. Statutory Duties towards Conservation

1.1 Prework Checks and Site Visits The following is a list of site visits and pre-works checks undertaken by the TEO:

04 August 2014 Visit to Binham Stream with the Operations Manager, Steve Lane (EA Fisheries Officer) and Jonah Tosney (Norfolk Rivers Trust). The aim of the visit was to walk the stream and discuss any potential restoration maintenance which could be carried out in the short term on the Binham Stream during forthcoming maintenance and to discuss the potential for any restoration measures in the future. The Binham Stream is a tributary of the Stiffkey, an EA main river, on which the EA have carried out a high profile eel and sea trout pass.

19 August 2014 The Upper Wensum was walked from Raynham down the confluence with the , with officers from Atkins to determine restoration proposals on this final Unit.

17 September 2014 Visit to Holme-Next-the-Sea with the Operations Manager and the District Engineer, to investigate a complaint received form a local landowner. (See District Engineers Report).

A visit was paid to Burnham Ovary with the District Engineer and Operations Manager to discuss the proposed maintenance of the drain.

A visit was made to Fakenham Golf Course to meet the driver and audit maintenance in the drain.

18 September 2014 A visit was made to Burnham Ovary to meet the driver and audit maintenance in the drain.

25 September 2014 A visit was made to Fakenham Golf Course with the Operations Manager to discuss the maintenance in the drain.

A visit was made to Gt Ryburgh with the Operations Manager to discuss the future maintenance of the drain and assess a blocked culvert..

A visit was made to Newton Mill to assess the river and determine the vegetation management protocol for the river below the mill.

A visit was made to Mimm’s Meadow to determine future vegetation management for the river in this section.

2. Information for the Board

2.1 New Water Vole Class Licence System - Update

A draft of the Water Vole Class Licence was discussed at a meeting of IDB Ecologists on 22 August 2014 with a view to presenting a new draft at the ADA Technical and Environmental Committee Meeting in September 2014. The aim of the submission to Natural England was to allow them to consider the thoughts of the Ecologists as being representative of all the IDB Boards. However, not all IDB Ecologists and Boards wished to sign up to this new draft of the proposed Water Vole Class License. Subsequently, a letter from Diana Ward (Bedford Group of IDBs and Ely Group of IDBs) with representation from the WMA, has been sent to Natural England. This letter questions the necessity of a class licence in small scale works and looks at the need to make the class licence a workable, non-woolly document which makes room for the need to take river restoration measures and SSSI improvements into consideration. It also considers taking legal representation to ensure any Water Vole Licence is as workable as it can be whilst working within the framework of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981).

We await a further draft from Natural England. It is proposed that a new class licence will become operational as of 01 January 2015.

3. Non - Compliance Nothing to report in this period

4. Complaints A letter of complaint was received from Lord Melchett with regard to works on drains at Holme-Next-the –Sea. (See District Engineers Report).

5. Meetings and Training attended

All meetings attended by the Technical and Environmental Officer (TEO) and other relevant parties in representation of the Norfolk Rivers IDB between 01 August – 08 October 2014:

09 September 2014 Attended a training course run by the River Restoration Centre. The course was entitled, “Best Practice River Restoration Design: Getting to grips with the links between Hydromorphology and Design”.

This course sought to outline the complex interactions between morphology, ecology and hydrology necessary to achieve the best river restoration outcomes for different river types.

10 September 2014 Attended a CIWEM conference entitled – “Natural Flood Management: The Evidence Requirements for Wider Delivery”.

The flooding experienced in the UK during winter 2013/14 created a high profile discussion concerning the benefits of working more closely with natural processes to mitigate flood risk. Several examples of Natural Flood Management were showcased and discussed. Whilst Natural Flood Management is not a new concept, there have been a number of research projects that have recently concluded, which, combined with fresh interest in the approach, are timely in expanding the evidence base underpinning understanding of the application and effectiveness of NFM.

07 October 2014 Optimising investment in Flood Risk and the Environment in Norfolk. The aim of this workshop was to bring together different organisations working in Norfolk to identify common interests, align plans to bring about more benefits to Norfolk in terms of project delivery.

08 October 2014 Three consecutive meetings; Eastern Area Operations Meeting, Staff Meeting and Best Practice meeting were held at Kettlewell House.

6. Assents Granted and/or Applied for:

• Assent was granted for Holme, Thornham and Burnham Norton drains on 28/08/14 • Assent was applied for Fakenham Golf Course on 02/09/14 and granted on 02/09/14.

7. For Consideration by the Board

No items for consideration in during this period. Water Management Alliance Public Sector Co-operation Agreements: Briefing Paper


1. The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (the Act) introduced new powers for Risk Management Authorities (RMAs) where one RMA can delegate their flood risk management functions to another. The Act also imposed a new duty on RMAs to cooperate. IDBs and the Environment Agency (EA) are both RMAs, as defined in the Act.

2. The Association of Drainage Authorities (ADA) and the EA have recently developed a legal agreement, which allows RMAs to use these new powers collaboratively, without having to go through a potentially lengthy and costly procurement process. This agreement is known as the Public Sector Co-operation Agreement (PSCA).

3. To enter in to a PSCA with the EA the Board has had to provide robust evidence that it is a competent RMA. We have also had to provide the EA with a list of charge-out rates that will apply for 2014/15. The PSCA is now in place for a five year term and we will need to advise the EA of any changes to our charge-out rates at the beginning of every financial year, during the next five years.

4. The PSCA can be used by the Board to do work for the EA and vice-versa. However the Board can only do work for the EA and potentially other RMAs if it has the capacity to do so. We have known for some time that the Board is under resourced and unable to achieve its strategic objectives without additional manpower. The PSCA now presents us with an opportunity to add resilience and build capacity internally in advance of possibly taking on an extended area, adopting ‘low consequence’ main-rivers and maintaining ‘un-economic’ sea defences (this paragraph does not apply to South Holland IDB, which is already hydraulically perfect – a Catchment Board, with no main rivers and in control of its own outfalls. There is just the uncertainty of the sea defences to resolve).


5. Agree to respond positively to requests from the EA and other RMAs to do paid work for them; using the PSCA. However this agreement should not be used to carry out ‘free’ work on ‘low consequence’ systems or on other assets where the RMA has no money to pay for the work – the Board’s strategy of adopting low consequence main-river and extending the drainage district to its watershed is still the right approach to look after these assets in future, moving forward.

6. In the short term use contractors to service the EA workload. Monitor the frequency of and income generated from rechargeable work over the next year. Review the position at the end of the year and consider whether there is a business case for employing additional staff (either permanently or on fixed term contracts).




Payment Date from: 01/07/2014

Payment Date to: 30/09/2014


Anglia Farmers Ltd Timber/hydraulic pipe 85 220.78 Allstar Ltd Fuel – Operations Manager 0 850.12 Atkins Ltd PAR Preparation 100 12,710.52 Broads (2006) IDB Fuel/consultancy/labour 34 3,110.27 Child Support Agency Child support payments 0 783.14 Dingles Isuzu New Ops Manager vehicle 0 28,559.62 Ernest Doe & Sons Ltd Grease cartridges/belts 0 596.39 Engineering & Hire Ltd Rivets 0 118.56 G M Hydraulic Services Hydraulic hoses/couplers 0 123.59 Inland Revenue PAYE 0 5,470.21 King’s Lynn IDB NNNSI Contribution 0 1,667.00 Kingsway Tyres Wheel alignment 0 30.00 Mervyn Lambert Ltd Welfare unit hire/plant service 65 954.04 Neil Marshall Labour 0 5,810.00 R H Matthews & Son Machinery Transport 0 2400.00 Norfolk County Council Mink Control Project 0 2,500.00 Norfolk Pension Fund Superannuation 0 3,835.19 Rocksure Systems Ltd Lone Operator Service 0 355.86 Rouse Power Equip Chainsaw parts 0 82.97 Sewter Electrical Serv Portable Appliance Testing 0 36.00 Shell UK Oil Products Fuel 0 406.80 Sunshine Solar Ltd Inverter Generator 100 338.99 Vodafone Ltd Mobile phone charges 0 266.08 WMA Toners/windscreen excess 0 269.11 Heather Wallis Archaeological monitoring 100 3,445.05 Matthew Williams Plant/labour hire 7 23,373.30 Total 98,313.59

26 From: 01 April 2014 Period To: 6 To: 30 September 2014 Year Ended: 31 March 2015

Actual Actual Annual Notes Income and Expenditure Account 2013/14 2014/15 Estimate Variance £ £ £ £


Occupiers Drainage Rates 72,607.50 73,700.90 73,694 6.90

1 Special Levies issued by the Board 281,017.00 285,223.00 285,223 0.00

2 Highland Water Contributions from EA 105,740.86 109,810.31 75,000 34,810.31

Grants Applied 73,565.22 80,008.39 428,060 -348,051.61

3 Income from Rechargeable Works 116,362.59 5,417.49 5,000 417.49

Investment Interest 2,373.76 1,177.37 0 1,177.37

4 Net Surplus on Operating Accounts 2,509.29 -4,358.31 0 -4,358.31

5 Other Income 950.00 0.00 5,000 -5,000.00

Total Income £655,126.22 £550,979.15 £871,977 -£320,997.85

Less Expenditure

6 Gross Cost of Capital Works 73,565.22 80,097.64 428,060 347,962.36

7 Precept Contributions to EA 57,462.00 59,096.00 59,014 -82.00

8 Maintenance Works 282,908.55 125,897.73 302,928 177,030.27

9 Administration Charges 94,136.41 54,730.31 112,405 57,674.69

Cost of Rechargeable Works 110,860.57 3,040.50 0 -3,040.50

4 Net Deficit on Operating Accounts 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

Total Expenditure £618,932.75 £322,862.18 £902,407 £579,544.82

Profit/(Loss) on disposal of Fixed Assets £0.00 £6,679.58 £0 6,679.58

Net Surplus/(Deficit) £36,193.47 £234,796.55 -£30,430 £265,226.55

From: 01 April 2014 Period To: 6 To: 30 September 2014 Year Ended: 31 March 2015

Opening Movement Closing Notes Balance Sheet as at 30-9-2014 Balance This Year Balance £ £ £

10 Fixed Assets

Land and Buildings 43,956.00 -499.50 43,456.50 Plant and Equipment 27,862.90 14,665.62 42,528.52 71,818.90 14,166.12 85,985.02 Current Assets

11 Bank Current Account 57,793.17 81,820.77 139,613.94 12 Debtors Control Account 1,459.92 108,798.59 110,258.51 Work in Progress 0.00 1,791.19 1,791.19 13 Term Deposits 600,000.00 200,000.00 800,000.00 14 Special Levies Due 0.00 140,093.07 140,093.07 15 Ratepayers Due 6,255.15 5,375.25 11,630.40 Prepayments 565.20 -565.20 0.00 16 Prepayments WMA 22,082.00 -19,509.00 2,573.00 VAT Due 10,453.79 -7,504.01 2,949.78 Grants Due 0.00 0.00 0.00 698,609.23 510,300.66 1,208,909.89 Less Current Liabilities

Creditors Control Account 47,183.59 -16,397.49 30,786.10 17 Grants Unapplied 127,474.23 286,159.72 413,633.95 Accruals 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 Special Levies paid in advance 5,092.00 -5,092.00 0.00 Finance Leases 0.00 0.00 0.00 PWLB Loans 0.00 0.00 0.00 179,749.82 289,670.23 469,420.05

Net Current Assets 518,859.41 220,630.43 739,489.84

Less Long Term Liabilities

18 Pension Liability 76,000.00 0.00 76,000.00

Net Assets £514,678.31 £234,796.55 £749,474.86

19 Reserves

Earmarked General Reserve 297,936.12 234,796.55 532,732.67 20 Development Reserve 177,792.19 0.00 177,792.19 21 Plant Reserve 65,000.00 0.00 65,000.00 540,728.31 234,796.55 775,524.86 Non-Distributable 22 Revaluation Reserve 49,950.00 0.00 49,950.00 18 Pension Reserve -76,000.00 0.00 -76,000.00 -26,050.00 0.00 -26,050.00

Total Reserves £514,678.31 £234,796.55 £749,474.86


From: 01 April 2014 Period To: 6 To: 30 September 2014 Year Ended: 31 March 2015

Note Notes to the Accounts

1 Special Levies due from constituent Billing Authorities are as follows:

2013/14 2014/15 Breckland District Council 44,995.00 45,668.00 Broadland District Council 67,187.00 68,193.00 King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council 17,089.00 17,345.00 North Norfolk District Council 89,659.00 91,001.00 Norwich City Council 5,017.00 5,092.00 South Norfolk District Council 57,070.00 57,924.00 281,017.00 285,223.00

2 The EA Highland Water Claim for 2014/15 is slightly greater than was estimated. Highland Water Income is a voluntary contribution we receive from the EA towards the Board's costs of maintaining its infrastructure that takes water from the hydraulic catchment area outside the Drainage District. The payment is due to be paid in September each year.

3 Rechargeable work includes professional supervision and contracting services to the Norfolk Rivers Trust.

4 Net Surplus/(Deficit) on Operating Accounts is made up as follows: 2013/14 2014/15 Labour Operations Account 5,657.65 -8,634.53 Mobile Plant Operations Account -3,148.36 4,276.22 2,509.29 -4,358.31 Hourly Charge-out Rates are as follows: 2013/14 2014/15 Operatives (2) 27.75 27.00 Doosan DX80R Excavator 10.00 14.25

Detailed operating surpluses/(deficits) for the Labour Operations Account and each item of mobile plant are shown in the Labour and Mobile Plant Operations Reports, which can be made available to members on request.

5 Other income is made up as follows: 2013/14 2014/15 Development Contributions 0.00 0.00 Other income 0.00 0.00 Summons Costs 950.00 0.00 950.00 0.00

6 Capital Works Expenditure is approved by the Board annually and made up as follows: 2013/14 2014/15 WLMP 1,381.00 0.00 River Nar Restoration Scheme 0.00 0.00 River Nar Restoration Scheme (100% GiA) Litcham to Lexham Hall 20,897.19 0.00 Giant Hogweed Removal Scheme (100% GiA) 284.46 317.46 River Wensum Restoration PAR Preparation 6,685.00 3,404.25 River Nar East Lexham Lakes Bypass 44,317.57 65,752.72 River Wensum Restoration Scheme 0.00 10,623.21 73,565.22 80,097.64

7 The EA Precept due for 2014/15 is payable to the EA on 31 May and the other half is payable to them on 30 November.

8 Detailed maintenance operations are approved by the Board annually and shown on the Operations map, together with the schedule of maintenance works for each catchment, which can be made available to members on request. Expenditure is analysed as follows: 2013/14 2014/15 Labour Charges 97,701.07 44,394.75 Plant Charges 11,162.45 13,197.30 Colkirk Depot 3,278.78 1,869.18 Materials 14,876.79 737.90 From: 01 April 2014 Period To: 6 To: 30 September 2014 Year Ended: 31 March 2015

Note Notes to the Accounts

Contractors 99,225.46 40,108.60 Plant Hire 4,173.00 0.00 Direct Works 230,417.55 100,307.73 Technical Support Costs 48,324.00 20,423.00 Biodiversity Action Plan Costs 4,167.00 5,167.00 Maintenance Works 282,908.55 125,897.73

9 Administration charges reflect the Board's share of consortium expenditure (excluding technical support costs). Detailed expenditure is monitored by the Consortium Management Committee and the Board every three months:

2013/14 2014/15 Consortium Charges 93,010.00 54,086.00 Drainage Rates AV Increases/(Decreases) 127.41 144.81 Depreciation Kettlewell House 999.00 499.50 94,136.41 54,730.31

10 TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Land and Plant and Cost Buildings Equipment Total Opening Balance as at 1 April 2014 49,950.00 80,095.62 130,045.62 (+) Additions 0.00 23,621.35 23,621.35 (-) Disposals 0.00 -17,047.00 -17,047.00 (=) Closing Balance as at 30 September 2014 49,950.00 86,669.97 136,619.97

Depreciation Opening Balance as at 1 April 2014 5,994.00 52,207.72 58,201.72 (+) Depreciation Charge for year 499.50 7,660.31 8,159.81 (-) Accumulated Depreciation written out on disposal 0.00 -15,726.58 -15,726.58 Closing Balance as at 30 September 2014 6,493.50 44,141.45 50,634.95

Net Book Value at 31 March 2014 43,956.00 27,862.90 71,818.90 Net Book Value at 30 September 2014 43,456.50 42,528.52 85,985.02

Full details of all movements during this year are recorded in the Board's Fixed Asset Register, which can be made avaialable to members on request.

11 Additional sums are now being invested on the short term money market to maximise the return on the working balances, in accordance with the Board's Investment Policy. The Bank Current Account is reconciled as follows:

2013/14 2014/15 Opening Balance as at 1 April b/fwd 50,540.99 57,793.17 (+) Receipts 900,615.82 672,993.11 (-) Payments -893,363.64 -591,172.34 (=) Closing Balance c/fwd 57,793.17 139,613.94

Balance on Statement as at 30 September 2014 83,948.17 139,613.94 Less: Unpresented payments -26,155.00 0.00 Add: Unpresented receipts 0.00 0.00 Closing Balance c/fwd 57,793.17 139,613.94

12 Aged Debtor profile is currently as follows: Number of Debt period Amount Debtors <=30 days 448.20 1 >30 days and <=60 days 109,810.31 1 >60 days and <=90 days 0.00 0 >90 days 0.00 0 From: 01 April 2014 Period To: 6 To: 30 September 2014 Year Ended: 31 March 2015

Note Notes to the Accounts

110,258.51 2

>90 days Amount Inv. Date Originator None 0.00 N/A 0.00

13 Term Deposits are currently as follows: Investment Maturity Variable Financial Institution Capital Date Date Interest Rate Natwest 95 Day Account 400,000.00 17/01/2013 Ongoing 0.55% National Counties Building Society 400,000.00 30/09/2014 05/01/2015 0.50% 800,000.00

14 Special Levies are due to be paid by Constituent Councils in two halves on 1 May and 1 November every year.

15 There are currently 144 Ratepayers that have not paid their Drainage Rates for 2014/15, as compared to 114 Ratepayers this time last year. Summarised transactions for Drainage Rates and Special Levies during the year are as follows:

2013/14 2014/15 Arrears b/fwd 3,314.12 6,255.15 Drainage Rates for the year 72,607.50 73,700.90 Special Levies for the year 281,016.96 285,250.57 New Assessments 0.50 19.28 Value Increases (Decreases) -0.50 -19.28 Payments Received -351,560.28 -213,702.41 Returned/(Represented) amounts 54.22 0.00 Paid Refunds 0.00 0.00 Irrecoverables and write offs -227.37 219.26 Summons collection costs 1,050.00 0.00 Arrears c/fwd 6,255.15 151,723.47

16 Prepayments represent the amount that has been paid to the WMA in advance, which will be used by the WMA to pay the Board's share of consortium expenditure during the next reporting period.

17 Grants Unapplied are those grants that we have received in advance of doing work on the following schemes:

2013/14 2014/15 Giant Hogweed Project 4,109.15 3,791.69 River Wensum Restoration Project 6,233.41 6,233.41 River Wensum Restoration PAR Preparation 315.00 0.00 River Nar Restoration Scheme 0.00 0.00 River Nar Litcham to Lexham Hall Lakes 797.46 871.45 River Nar East Lexham Lakes Bypass 5,682.43 -70.29 River Wensum Resoration Scheme 0.00 263,226.79 River Nar Restoration Scheme 4 Year 110,336.78 139,580.90 127,474.23 413,633.95

18 The Board provides its employees with access to the Local Government Pension Scheme but does not need to Account for this as a defined benefit pension scheme to comply with the limited assurance audit regime. However the Board has chosen to do so because it does have a pension liability, which has been calculated by the LGPS Fund Actuary as at 31 March 2014. It is important to note that the Board also has an additional pension liability for shared employees that are employed by King's Lynn IDB t/a the Water Management Alliance. This liability has not been shown in the Accounts.

19 The Reserves are managed in accordance with the Capital Financing and Reserves Policy for 2014/15, as approved by the Board on 30 January 2014. This policy is available for viewing on the Board's website.

20 The purpose of the Development Reserve is to reduce the impact on drainage rates from development that takes place in the area. The Board charges developers a standard rate per impermeable hectare for agricultural land which is developed and becomes a hard standing area, such as housing, roadways etc. The money is credited to this Reserve and then used to reduce the gross cost of capital work needed to cater for the additional flows arising from such development. The income for this

From: 01 April 2014 Period To: 6 To: 30 September 2014 Year Ended: 31 March 2015

Note Notes to the Accounts

Reserve therefore comes exclusively from developers and is used to fund in part improvement works that are necessary because of development.

21 The purpose of this Reserve is to reduce the impact on drainage rates as and when equipment is bought and sold, in accordance with the mobile plant renewals programme. Depreciation is its primary source of income, which largely comes from drainage rates/special levies in the form of plant charges included within the maintenance budget, together with any profits on disposal. Changes in hourly charge out rates are determined by the Operations Manager and the Chief Executive. Expenditure is determined by the Board, following recommendations made by the Chief Executive and Operations Manager.

22 This Revaluation Reserve has arisen from the revaluation of the Board's share of Kettlewell House on 31 March 2009 (approx. 10%).

Recommended Actions:

1. It is recommended that the Board approves the Financial Report for the period ending 30 September 2014.