Environment Agency Anglian Region Strategy for Groundwater
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£A-Ari0liAn W-uVer R^'Source.a ^ o x i3 Environment Agency Anglian Region Strategy for Groundwater Investigations and Modelling: Yare and North Norfolk Areas Scoping Study 27 January 2000 Entec UK Limited E n v ir o n m e n t A g e n c y NATIONAL LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICE ANGLIAN REGION Kingfisher House, Goldhay Way, Orton Goldhay. Peterborough PE2 5ZR En v ir o n m e n t Ag e n c y Report for Environment Agency Environment Agency Kingfisher House Anglian Region Goldhay Way Orton Goldhay Peterborough Strategy for PE2OZR Groundwater Main Contributors Investigations and Stuart Sutton Modelling: Yare and Tim Lewis Ben Fretwell North Norfolk Areas Issued by Scoping Study Tim Lewis 27 January 2000 Entec UK Limited Approved by Stuart Sutton Entec UK Limited 160-162 Abbey Forcgatc Shrewsbury Shropshire SY26BZ England Tel: +44 (0) 1743 342000 Fax: +44 (0) 1743 342010 f:\data\data\projects\hm-250\0073 2( 15770)\docs\n085i 3 .doc Certificate No. FS 34171 In accordance with an environmentally responsible approach, this report is printed on recycled paper produced from 100V. post-consumer waste. Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Strategy for Groundwater Investigations and Modelling 1 1.2 Structure of Strategy Projects and Approach to Seeking Approval 2 1.3 Organisation of this Report 3 2. Description of the Yare & North Norfolk Groundwater Resource Investigation Area and Current Understanding of the Hydrogeological System 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Location 7 2.3 Geology 7 2.4 Hydrology and Drainage 8 2.5 Basic Conceptual Hydrogeological Understanding 9 2.6 Water Resources 11 2.7 Conservation Interest 13 3. Consultation with Interested Parties 15 3.1 Introduction 15 3.2 Internal Consultation 15 3.3 External Consultation 16 3.4 Summary 17 4. Identification of Water Resources and Other Related Issues 19 4.1 Introduction: Generic Issues 19 4.2 Regulatory Framework for Abstraction Licensing 20 4.3 Issues identified in LEAPs and Other Documents 20 4.4 Scientific Issues and Uncertainties 23 4.4.1 Inputs to the System 23 f:\da ta\data\projects\hm-2S0\00732( 15770)Uocs\n085i3.doc 27 January 2000 Entec 4.4.2 Outputs from the System 23 4.4.3 The Groundwater and Surface Water Flow Framework 24 4.5 Specific and Operational Issues 25 4.6 The Habitats Directive 27 4.7 Complementary Studies 28 5. Data and Information Currently Available 31 5.1 Data Summary 31 5.1.1 Meteorology 31 5.1.2 Hydrology 31 5.1.3 Hydrogeology 31 5.1.4 Abstractions 32 5.1.5 Discharge consents 32 5.1.6 Geology 32 5.1.7 Topography , 33 5.1.8 Soils and Land Use 33 5.1.9 Water Quality 34 5.1.10 Groundwater Models 34 5.1.11 Contaminated Land and Landfill 34 5.2 GIS 34 5.3 Data Outside the Agency 35 6. Yare & North Norfolk Project: Overall Project Structure and Management of Risks, Constraints and Uncertainties 39 6.1 Introduction 39 6.2 Major Options 40 6.3 Risk Management 42 7. Yare & North Norfolk Project: Description of Tasks and Options for Stage 1 45 7.1 Introduction 45 7.2 Project Meetings (Task 1) 47 7.3 Data Collation 50 7.3.1 Task 2 Hydrogeological and Meteorological Data Assembly 50 7.3.2 Task 3 Geology 56 7.3.3 Task 4 Soils, Land Use and Drainage 57 7.3.4 Task 5 Local Studies 58 f:\data\dat2\projects\hm-250\00732(l 5 770)\docs\n085 i3.doc 27 January 2000 Entec 7.3.5 Task 6 Literature Review 60 7.3.6 Task 7 Data Catalogue 60 7.4 Data Analysis 61 7.4.1 Task 8 Rainfall Distribution 61 7.4.2 Task 9 Groundwater Head Interpretation 62 7.4.3 Task 10 Interpretation of Hydrochemical Data 63 7.4.4 Task 11 Riverflow Analysis 65 7.4.5 Task 12 Effective Rainfall Calculation 67 7.5 Data Interpretation and Integration 68 7.5.1 Task 13 Calculation of Preliminary Water Balances 68 7.5.2 Task 14 Development of Conceptual Model 69 7.5.3 Task 15 Proposed Development and Refinement of Numerical Model(s) 70 7.5.4 Task 16 Define Further Investigations 71 7.5:5 Task 17 Stage 1 Report 71 7.5.6 Task 18 Update PID 72 8. Yare & North Norfolk Project: Stage 1 Preferred Options and Plan of Work 73 8.1 Introduction 73 8.2 Categorisation of Options 73 8.3 Comparison of Input Estimates 74 9. Yare & North Norfolk Project: Stages 2 to 5: Potential Options and Outcomes of the Overall Project 75 9.1 Introduction 75 9.2 Stage 2 75 9.3 Stages 3,4 and 5 78 10. Summary of Recommendations 81 10.1 Stage 1 81 10.2 Stage 2 81 10.3 Risk Management 83 10.4 Benefits 83 f:\daia\da ta\projects\hm-250\00732( 15770)\docs\rr085 i3 .doc 27 January 2000 Entec iv Table 2.1 Yare & North Norfolk Area - Summary Statistics 12 Table 3.1 Yare & North Norfolk Area, Water Resources, Local Government and Conservation Organisation 16 Table 4.2 Partnership Initiatives 29 Table 7.1 Stage 1 Task List and Component Activities 48 Table 7.2 Potential Water Balance Components 69 Table 10.1 Stage 1 Preferred Option Summary 82 Box 1.1 Flow Chart Showing Strategy Project Stages and Approvals 5 Box 4.1 LEAP Issues and Support from the Yare & North Norfolk Project 21 Box 4.2 Specific and Operational Issues and Support from the Yare & North Norfolk Project 26 Box 7.1 Uncertainties in Understanding of the Hydrogeological System 46 Figure 1.1 Anglian Region Investigation Units (from the Strategy) After Page 6 Figure 2.1 Project Area Showing Main Rivers and Hydrometric Areas After Page 14 Figure 2.2a Hydrogeology of the Yare North & North Norfolk Project Area (West) After Page 14 Figure 2.2b Hydrogeology of the Yare North & North Norfolk Project Area (East) After Page 14 Figure 2.3 Project Area Showing Main Rivers and IDB Drains After Page 14 Figure 2.4 Schematic Hydrogeological Cross-Section through the Project Area After Page 14 Figure 2.5 Conservation Sites within the Project Area After Page 14 Figure 6.1 Yare North & North Norfolk - Estimated Overall Timescale After Page 44 Figure 6.2 Yare and North Norfolk Project: Groundwater Investigations and Modelling After Page 44 Options Figure 6.3 Yare North & North Norfolk Project: Proposed Project Organisattion After Page 44 Figure 7.1 Yare North & North Norfolk Project: Stage 1 Summary Programme After Page 72 Figure 7.2 Habitats Directive Wetland Sites within Yare and North Norfolk Area After Page 72 Figure 7.3 Effective Rainfall Calculation and Partitioning After Page 72 Figure 8.1 Yare & North Norfolk Project * Summary of Stage 1 Task Options and Input After Page 74 Estimates Figure 8.2 Yare & North Norfolk Project: Variations from Preferred Option After Page 74 Figure 9.1 Yare & North Norfolk Project: Stage 2 Options After Page 80 Figure 9.2 Yare & North Norfolk Project: Optionsfor Stages 3, 4 and 5 After Page 80 Appendix A Data Listing and Condition Appendix B Bibliography Appendix C External Consultation f:\data\data\projects\hm-2S0\OO73 2( 15 770)\docs\rr085i3 .doc 27 January 2000 Entec 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Strategy for Groundwater Investigations and Modelling The Anglian Region ‘Strategy for Groundwater Investigations and Modelling’ was accepted by the Project Approval Board in February 1998. The Strategy was prepared following the publication of the Anglian Region Water Resources Strategy (September 1994). The Water Resources Strategy identified the groundwater resources available for abstraction within the main aquifer units across the Anglian Region and identified the amount of resource which it was believed should be allocated to maintain acceptable river flows. This assessment of groundwater resources was based on simplistic groundwater balance techniques (see Annex 4 of Water Resources Strategy) using average climatic conditions. The Strategy for Groundwater Investigation and Modelling (The Strategy) which was prepared in the context of the National Environmental Strategy and the Water Resources Functional Strategy, sets out detailed proposals for the review of the groundwater resources in line with sound science and defensible technical practice. The national initiative for the implementation of this review of groundwater resources is being led by the National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre. The overall aim of the implementation of The Strategy is to provide a resource management tool that is demonstrably based on sound science and good technical practice. In the process of development of this tool (probably a distributed groundwater model) improved understanding and resource assessments of groundwater systems of main aquifers across the Region will be achieved. The need for a more rigorous and technically defensible groundwater resource appraisal is driven by the combination of increasing resource usage and increased awareness of the importance of groundwater in environmental conservation. These drivers have led to a series of regulatory and consultative documents which provide (or imply a future) statutory obligation to improve resource assessments and to generate public understanding of these assessments. Specifically the key documents are: • the EU Water Framework Directive and its requirement for the preparation of river basin management plans and their review on a 6 year cycle; • the DETR White Paper, ‘Taking Water Responsibly’ which recognises the obligations imposed by the Framework Directive; • The EU Habitats Directive and the obligation to review abstractions with potential impacts on designated conservation sites by March 2004; • the developing Area Management Strategies as a first step to implementation of Framework Directive and White Paper requirements; • the LEAP process and the issues identified in the LEAP reports.