Karen Ehman,Candace Cameron Bure | 224 pages | 17 Nov 2012 | ZONDERVAN | 9780310333920 | English | Grand Rapids, United States This is what you need to know if the darkness never lifts

Thus when David had become an adulterer, he was without faith and the Holy Spirit, and would have been lost if he had not afterward been restored through repentance. Here belongs what is said in this passage: "If you will live according to the flesh," that is, if you will obey the evil desires, "you will die. Puritan demonstrated that Melanchthon fully supported the possibility of Christians committing apostasy:. Saul and David pleased God, were righteous, had the Holy Spirit given unto them, yet afterward fell, so that one of them perished utterly; the other returned again to God. There are many sayings" to the same point. And having cited, upon the said account, Matthew ; 2 Peter ; 1 Corinthians ; Revelation Writing upon the those words of the apostle [Paul], 1 Corinthians , "Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall,"—"But that in some who had the beginnings of faith, and afterwards falling, return not, that faith of theirs was true before it was lost" or shaken out, "the sayings of Peter, 2 Peter , testifieth. Thomas Helwys was one of the joint founders of the Baptist denomination along with John Smyth. And after they have escaped from the filthiness of the World, may be tangled again therein and overcome 2 Peter A righteous man may forsake his righteousness and perish Ezekiel , Therefore let no man presume to think that because he has, or once had grace, therefore he shall always have grace. But let all men have assurance, that if they continue to the end, they will be saved. Let no man then presume; but let all work out their salvation with fear and trembling. Simon Episcopius was the leader of the and primary author of "The Opinions of the Remonstrants " and "The Arminian Confession of And having abandoned the way of righteousness, they revert to their worldly impurity which they had truly left, returning like pigs to wallowing in the mud and dogs to their vomit, and are again entangled in lusts of the flesh which they had formerly, truly fled. And thus totally and at length also they are finally torn from the grace of God unless they seriously repent in time. John Goodwin was a Puritan who "presented the Arminian position of falling away in Redemption Redeemed Apostasy receives allegorical treatment in John Bunyan 's Pilgrim's Progress. Christian and his companion Hopeful, soon after their first encounter with Ignorance, "entered into a very dark lane, where they met a man whom seven devils had bound with seven strong cords, and were carrying him back to the door that they saw on the side of the Hill. Thomas Grantham "was for many years the principal minister among the ," and he wrote "chiefly in explanation or defense of Baptist sentiments. The largest was a folio volume, entitled Christianismus Primitivus. That such who are true believers, even branches of Christ the vine, and that in the account of Christ whom he exhorts to abide in him, or such who have Charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned, 1 Timothy , may nevertheless for want of watchfulness, swerve and turn aside from the same, and become dead branches, cast into the fire, and burned [John ]. John Jefferson Davis writes,. In the treatise "Predestination Calmly Considered" Wesley observed that believers might infer from their own experience of grace that it is impossible to finally fall away. Nevertheless, whatever assurance God might give to particular souls "I find no general promise in holy writ, that none who once believes shall finally fall. In his treatise "Serious Thoughts on the Perseverance of the Saints" Wesley allows that the apostle Paul—and many believers today— were fully persuaded of their final perseverance. Nevertheless such an assurance does not prove that every believer will persevere or that every believer enjoys such assurance. Based on his reading of Hebrews , 6; —29; 2 Peter —21 and other NT texts, Wesley is persuaded that a true believer can make shipwreck of his faith and perish everlastingly. Apostasy is certainly a biblical concept, but the implications of the teaching have been hotly debated. Based on the concept of God's sovereign grace, some hold that, though true believers may stray, they will never totally fall away. Others affirm that any who fall away were never really saved. Though they may have "believed" for a while, they never experienced regeneration. Still others argue that the biblical warnings against apostasy are real and that believers maintain the freedom, at least potentially, to reject God's salvation. McKnight says that "apostasy ought not to be used as a continual threat so much as an occasional warning of the disaster that Christians may bring upon themselves if they do not examine themselves. As a warning, apostasy can function as a moral injunction that strengthens commitment to holiness as well as the need to turn in complete trust to God in Christ through his Spirit. In classical canon law , apostasy a fide , defined as total repudiation of the Christian faith, was considered as different from a theological standpoint from heresy, but subject to the same penalty of death by fire by decretist jurists. The first was conversion to another faith, which was considered traitorous and could bring confiscation of property or even the death penalty. The second and third, which was punishable by expulsion from home and imprisonment, consisted of breaking major commandments and breaking the vows of religious orders, respectively. A decretal by Boniface VIII classified apostates together with heretics with respect to the penalties incurred. Although it mentioned only apostate Jews explicitly, it was applied to all apostates, and the Spanish Inquisition used it to persecute both the Marano Jews, who had been converted to by force, and to the Moriscos who had professed to convert to Christianity from Islam under pressure. Temporal penalties for Christian apostates have fallen into disuse in the modern era. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Further information: Conditional preservation of the saints. The Tyndale Bible Dictionary defines apostasy as a "Turning against God, as evidenced by abandonment and repudiation of former beliefs. The term generally refers to a deliberate renouncing of the faith by a once sincere believer. Elwell and Philip W. Comfort, editors, Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words : "People who commit apostasy abandon their faith and repudiate their former beliefs. Apostasy is a complete and final rejection of God" "Apostasy," Eugene E. Comfort, The Dictionary of Christian edited by Alan Richardson says apostasy "means the deliberate disavowal of belief in Christ made by a formerly believing Christian" "Apostasy," R. Hanson; The Westminster Press, , Baker's Dictionary of Theology editor in chief Everett F. Harrison "Cremer states that apostasia is used in the absolute sense of 'passing over to unbelief,' thus a dissolution of the 'union with God subsisting through faith in Christ'" "Apostasy," Robert Winston Ross [Baker Book House, ], The passages of Scripture on which the treatment of this form of apostasy is based on are Heb. Other signs of apostasy include loss of belief, personal suffering and hardships, malaise, and negligence towards the things of God such as found in certain of the churches in Revelation , according to Oropeza's conclusion in Apostasy in the New Testament Communities 3 vols. In Acts , "Paul was falsely accused of teaching the Jews apostasy from Moses. Here it is to lose faith in the Christian message, to quit believing" Robert G. Miller: "in a religious sense fall away, become apostate Luke " Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament , Mounce, Gen. Nigel Turner says, "A look at the New Testament and patristic phenomena reveals that the meaning is two-fold, 'either to put someone off from becoming a believer or to cause a believer to fall away. The scandal of the Cross is an instance of the first meaning, to cause to apostatize an instance of the second' [quoting from G. Christian Words [T. The Old Testament ring of the second member transgressor of the Law suggests that [ skandalon ] are those who seduce into breaking the Law. In the New Testament interpretation they are those who lead into sin and apostasy. As the [weeds] are sown by the devil v. Their end will come with that of the devil and his hosts on v. The counterpart cf. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament , Nigel Turner: "To be a skandalon is to achieve the moral ruin of another person. The angels will gather the offenders [i. At issue are the loss of eternal salvation and eternal perdition. This is again an eschatological saying, for the one thing more terrible than being drowned with a mill-stone about one's neck is damnation at the Last Judgment. The punishment fits the offence. No price is too high to avoid this; hence the relentless demand of Jesus. Geoffrey W. Bromiley, trans. The freedom of those who have fully cast off the past causes offense to those who have not, but it also creates the danger that these will act against their consciences or with wavering faith. In this case the danger is the serious one of an ultimate eschatological fall Rom. The strong with their freedom may destroy the weak [v. Paul, then, sides with the weak even though he shares the faith of the strong Rom. Paul Barnett says, "Jesus foresaw the fact of apostasy and warned both those who would fall into sin as well as those who would cause others to fall see, e. So Oropeza, Paul and Apostasy , However, one should keep in mind that he says: "And we, too, [like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob]. To all them that repent, the Lord grants forgiveness, if they turn in penitence to the unity of God, and to communion with the bishop" Philadelphians Be delivered, children, from all these. For it is no small reward to turn back a wandering and perishing soul for its salvation. Let us, therefore, continue in that course in which we, righteous and holy, believed. So, then, brethren, having received no small occasion to repent, while we have opportunity, let us turn to God who called us, while yet we have One to receive us. For if we renounce these indulgences and conquer the soul by not fulfilling its wicked desires, we shall be partakers of the mercy of Jesus. Let us, then, repent with our whole heart, that no one of us may perish amiss. For if we have commands and engage in withdrawing from idols and instructing others, how much more ought a soul already knowing God not to perish. Rendering, therefore, mutual help, let us raise the weak also in that which is good, that all of us may be saved. Let us remember the commandments of the Lord, and not be allured back by worldly lusts, but let us. But this also, [as the presbyter states,] has Paul declared most plainly in the Epistle to the Corinthians, when he says, "Brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and were all baptized unto Moses in the sea, and did all eat the same spiritual meat, and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them; and the rock was Christ. But with many of them God was not well pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness. These things were for our example in figuram nostri , to the intent that we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted; neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them, as it is written: The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them also did, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand. Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. Neither murmur ye, as some of them murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. But all these things happened to them in a figure, and were written for our admonition, upon whom the end of the world saeculorum is come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall. For there are many wolves. Instead it has selected a tribulation that forms a constant threat for the community: the dangers of betrayal and of apostasy" as quoted by Shawn Wilhite, The Didache: A Commentary, Of these the practical effects are false doctrines, called in Greek heresies, a word used in the sense of that choice which a man makes when he either teaches them to others or takes up with them for himself. For this reason it is that he calls the heretic self-condemned, because he has himself chosen that for which he is condemned. We, however, are not permitted to cherish any object after our own will, nor yet to make choice of that which another has introduced of his private fancy. In the Lord's apostles we possess our authority; for even they did not of themselves choose to introduce anything, but faithfully delivered to the nations of mankind the doctrine which they had received from Christ. If, therefore, even "an angel from heaven should preach any other gospel" than theirs , he would be called accursed by us. Heretics are those who are "giving themselves up to pleasures, [and] wrest Scripture, in accordance with their lusts," and "wrest them to their own opinions" The Stromata , Book Furthermore, when they quote from the Scriptures they "alter the meanings. Therefore, the author concludes that "we must never, as do those who follow the heresies, adulterate the truth, or steal the canon of the Church, by gratifying our own lusts and vanity, by defrauding our neighbors; whom above all it is our duty, in the exercise of love to them, to teach to adhere to the truth" The Stromata , Book Oropeza adds: The use of anathemas and excommunications became the normative means of handling heresy. Hippolytus c. Cyril of Alexandria c. The condemnation of heretics gave way to abuse as church and state distinctions were blurred after the time of Constantine. Terrullian c. And yet I might venture to affirm that He does, if man also covets the kingdom of heaven, if man covets a sure salvation. From his extensive research New Testament scholar B. Oropeza arrived at the same conclusion: "The church fathers would affirm the reality of the phenomenon of apostasy" Paul and Apostasy , Traditional Calvinists Thomas R. Schreiner and Ardel B. One can find each of these views being represented in the book Four Views on Eternal Security Grand Rapids: Zondervan, , which deals with the topic of apostasy. The fourth view in this book, "Wesleyan ," shares so much in common with "Reformed Arminianism" regarding apostasy that it does not seem to warrant a separate treatment. Davis goes on to write: "This view is apparent in Calvin's comment on 1 John 'No one born of God commits sin, for God's nature abides in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God'. Calvin argues that the apostle John 'plainly declares that the Spirit continues his grace in us to the last, so that inflexible perseverance is added to newness of life. No, because 'the seed, communicated when God regenerates his elect, as it is incorruptible, retains its virtue perpetually. Zane Hodges says: ". We miss the point to insist that true saving faith must necessarily continue. Of course, our faith in Christ should continue. But the claim that it absolutely must. A Biblical Reply to Lordship Salvation , Charles Stanley writes, "To say that our salvation can be taken from us for any reason, whether it be sin or disbelief, is to ignore the plain meaning of this text [Ephesians —9]" Eternal Security , Dillow believes: "it is possible for true Christians to fail to persevere in faith and, in remote cases, even to deny the faith altogether Hebrews , 35 " Reign of the Servant Kings , What a Christian "forfeits when he 'falls away' [into unbelief and apostasy] is not his eternal destiny but his opportunity to reign with Christ's metochoi [companions] in the coming kingdom" The Reign of the Servant Kings , Dillow comments, "Even though [Arminian] Robert Shank would not agree, it is definitely true that saving faith is 'the act of a single moment whereby all the benefits of Christ's life, death, and resurrection suddenly become the irrevocable possession of the individual, per se, despite any and all eventualities'" The Reign of the Servant Kings , For Dillow, any and all eventualities would include falling away from the Christian faith and to "cease believing. A Biblical Reply to Lordship Salvation Jesus Christ also by his Spirit assists them in all their temptations, and affords them the ready aid of his hand; and, provided they stand prepared for the battle, implore his help, and be not wanting to themselves, Christ preserves them from falling. So that it is not possible for them, by any of the cunning craftiness or power of Satan, to be either seduced or dragged out of the hands of Christ. But I think it is useful and will be quite necessary in our first convention, [or Synod] to institute a diligent inquiry from the Scriptures, whether it is not possible for some individuals through negligence to desert the commencement of their existence in Christ, to cleave again to the present evil world, to decline from the sound doctrine which was once delivered to them, to lose a good conscience, and to cause Divine grace to be ineffectual. Though I here openly and ingenuously affirm, I never taught that a true believer can, either totally or finally fall away from the faith, and perish ; yet I will not conceal, that there are passages of scripture which seem to me to wear this aspect; and those answers to them which I have been permitted to see, are not of such a kind as to approve themselves on all points to my understanding. On the other hand, certain passages are produced for the contrary doctrine [of unconditional perseverance] which are worthy of much consideration" Works of Arminius, William Nichols notes: "Arminius spoke nearly the same modest words when interrogated on this subject in the last Conference which he had with Gomarus [a Calvinist], before the states of Holland, on the 12th of Aug. Oropeza says, "Although Arminius denied having taught final apostasy in his Declaration of Sentiments , in the Examination of the Treatise of Perkins on the Order and Mode of Predestination he writes that a person who is being 'built' into the church of Christ may resist the continuation of this process. Concerning the believers, 'It may suffice to encourage them, if they know that no power or prudence can dislodge them from the rock, unless they of their own will forsake their position. In another place he writes: "[God] wills that they, who believe and persevere in faith, shall be saved, but that those, who are unbelieving and impenitent, shall remain under condemnation" Works of Arminius , ; cf. Philip Schaff, editor. However, we believe that the Christian retains his freedom of choice; therefore, it is possible for him to turn away from God and be finally lost. A Assurance: Matthew ; 1 Corinthians ; Hebrews But the cause is not as though God were unwilling to grant grace for perseverance to those in whom He has begun the good work, for that is contrary to St. Paul, Philippians ; but the cause is that they wilfully turn away again from the holy commandment [of God], grieve and embitter the Holy Ghost, implicate themselves again in the filth of the world, and garnish again the habitation of the heart for the devil. Also, "The Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord" reads: "Above all, therefore, the false Epicurean delusion is to be earnestly censured and rejected, namely, that some imagine that faith and the righteousness and salvation which they have received can be lost through no sins or wicked deeds, not even through willful and intentional ones, but that a Christian although he indulges his wicked lusts without fear and shame, resists the Holy Ghost, and purposely engages in sins against conscience, yet none the less retains faith, God's grace, righteousness, and salvation. Against this pernicious delusion the following true, immutable, divine threats and severe punishments and admonitions should be often repeated and impressed upon Christians who are justified by faith: 1 Cor. Evangelical Wesleyan Church. Everts, : "Arminian churches. They ground their belief further on the warnings which are given by our Savior and his apostles, in teaching the necessity of watchfulness and prayer, in the warnings against falling away contained in many passages of Scripture, and the express declaration that some had been made 'shipwreck of faith' and had fallen away. The Methodist Churches, being Arminian in theology, totally reject the doctrine of the necessary perseverance of the saints, while at the same time they teach that the prayerful and obedient, while they remain in that condition, can never be separated from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. They believe it, however, to be necessary to use all diligence to make their 'calling and election sure'" "Perseverance, Final," — Leland Scott, in Encyclopedia of World , Nashville: The United Methodist Publishing House, : [ says] "Arminians hold, that a true believer may 'make shipwreck of faith and a good conscience;' that he may fall, not only foully, but finally, so as to perish forever. Perseverance in grace, therefore, was conditioned upon the believer's persevering! Although the believer continued dependent upon atoning, redeeming grace throughout the course of his salvation, nevertheless—for Wesley—such grace as seen through Scripture must be considered finally resistible, the Spirit could finally be quenched. Thus the believer is "saved from the fear, though not from the possibility, of falling away from the grace of God" Sermon 1. Mark B. Stokes says: "Other people say, 'once in grace always in grace. But we United Methodist believe that we are still free to turn away from Christ even while we are Christians. The Bible is filled with examples of people who started out well and ended up tragically. We experience no state of grace which is beyond the possibility of falling" Major United Methodist Beliefs , Revised and Enlarged [Nashville: Abingdon Press, ], — Wherefore, the grant of repentance is not to be denied to such as fall into sin after justification. After we have received the Holy Ghost, we may depart from grace given, and fall into sin, and, by the grace of God, rise again and amend our lives. And therefore they are to be condemned who say they can no more sin as long as they live here; or deny the place of forgiveness to such as truly repent. Archived from the original on Retrieved CS1 maint: archived copy as title link Charles Yrigoyen writes: "Article XII addresses the problem of our disobedience and sin after we have been prepared by grace and have accepted God's offer of pardon and forgiveness justifying grace by faith. At the same time, they stem from quick judgments made by our brains about the nature of the world around us. If emotions are one way we make sense of the world around us, why does our culture often devalue emotions, seeing them as irrational and childish? That question is quite complex and can be answered in many ways. Greek philosophers continue to exert a fair amount of influence on our culture. Plato and Aristotle thought that emotions, especially anger, could be irrational. There are other reasons than simply our philosophical heritage. Peter Stearns, in his book American Cool , argues that our culture has developed a set of rules governing the expression of emotions. He suggests that as consumerism, corporate management, and the service sector arose in twentieth-century America, the middle class devalued displays of emotions, particularly in the workplace where they could interfere with the generation of profits. Employees who appear angry or sad could hurt the bottom line. Flight attendants, for example, are trained to avoid emotional displays even amid the most taxing of situations. Instead, we feel uneasy about emotions because we know they can negatively affect us. We have seen loved ones trapped in cycles of negative emotion, or perhaps we have experienced depression ourselves. There are times when our emotions do not make much sense. We have all done things motivated by emotion that we end up regretting later. For some of us, we simply like feeling in control of our lives, and emotions are a powerful reminder that there is much we cannot control. Stoics believed that while individuals cannot control the initial feelings that arise in response to situations, one can choose whether to continue to be moved by what transpires. Our culture often practices something similar. When someone starts expressing a negative emotion, many of us, as a matter of habit, try to talk people out of that emotion. We try to help others see why they need not continue in a place of sadness or anger. Sometimes, those in the church are especially prone to do so. We feel Christians should have the joy of the Lord in our hearts, and we are concerned that emotions like anger can lead us away from God. Emotions threaten us. In fact, when we feel persistent negative emotion, many of us feel it is time to consult a specialist. We go to therapists and counselors, who give us safe environments to express emotions. Does our faith make any difference when it comes to the world of emotions? The Bible speaks about the transformation of our minds Rom , but what about the transformation of our feelings? Should we, as Christians, experience emotions differently than those outside the faith? How does the Bible relate to guilt, anger, sadness, and fear? Should Christians feel less of these emotions and more of the positive ones like happiness, joy, tranquility, and hope? At first glance, the emotional landscape of the Bible seems rather confusing. Both the Old and New Testaments seem to uphold fear as a good emotion, particularly when people fear God Deut ; Acts New Testament epistles frequently mention anger in their lists of sin Eph ; Col , but the Bible describes both God and Jesus as angry Num ; Mark ; Rom How does one make sense of the wide spectrum of emotions and the variety of things the Bible says about them? First, the Bible recognizes that human experience can be quite diverse. A word that works well in one situation may not work well in another situation see Prov When it comes to the emotional life, the Bible does not offer commandments that hold for everyone in every circumstance. Instead, there are particular words for particular people in particular circumstances. Certain times call for certain emotional reactions. Second, the Bible makes clear that we are broken people living in a fallen world. There will be times when we resemble Potiphar in the book of Genesis. When Potiphar received news that Joseph tried to seduce his wife, he became angry and had Joseph imprisoned Gen —a seemingly reasonable response. However, we as readers know that his anger caused an innocent person to suffer. The situation was more complex than he realized; the accusations against his servant were false. Potiphar did not always get his emotions right, and we will not either. God gives us many ways of making sense of the world around us: the Bible, tradition, friends, experience, reason, and emotion. None of these faculties are completely sufficient on their own. We can misinterpret the Bible. Friends can misguide us. Experiences are open to multiple interpretations. Reason has its limits. Emotions do not always make perfect sense. God gives us all of these faculties to work together. Relying on just one of them can lead to a skewed view of God and the world. Third, the Bible envisions that faith can have a significant impact on our emotional lives. As just stated, the correlation between our faith and our emotional life will not always be perfect. We may find ourselves unmoved by hearing the good news. Or, we may be unable to rid ourselves of anger even after attempting forgiveness. We are not perfect. However, even in our broken bodies, there will be times when the reality of our faith profoundly touches us. Clearly, there will be times when we join Jesus in weeping over the death of those we love John However, as St. Many of the author's examples seemed dated and weirdly misogynistic. Her examples were so extremely petty tha Humorous and easy to read, was useful in a small group study and contained some gems of wisdom. Her examples were so extremely petty that she seemed to be describing clinical personality disorders. It is helpful to remind modern humans that we don't need to control everything in our lives. It is much less useful to specifically criticize one gender or assume the very worst motivations in others. Sandi G. Jan 08, Janet rated it it was ok. I found that this book did not give enough specific, actionable advice. The advice was more general. I also had not realized that the book was heavily focused on women who are wives and mothers, so I could not relate to many of her examples. There were a few parts that I found hard to align with my personal thinking such as a woman's role is to follow, and a man's is to lead. Sep 28, Janis rated it liked it. Plus, there are times when we need to take control; more needed to be said about discerning when we should do that or when we should let it go. Dec 10, Shelly Troup rated it it was amazing. By far this is one of the best books I have read! Karen Ehman shows you the ropes with lots of humor, how to stop being a control freak! She makes it easy to understand, and give great encouragement along the way. Mar 23, Julie rated it liked it. Very quick. Not as "deep" as I'd hoped, but some good advice in parts. Nov 28, Aminata Coote rated it really liked it. Karen uses the story of Adam and Eve to show why a woman is prone to over control and also why she should not. Throughout the book, Karen is our control recovering mentor urging us to a more peaceful experience of a life lived out of control. I know what you're thinking. How can a life out of control be more peaceful? Where things could be done by other people the way they envision it… scared? Me too. But l Karen uses the story of Adam and Eve to show why a woman is prone to over control and also why she should not. Can you see it? No more hurt feelings because of inflexibility. Jul 26, S. Boren rated it it was amazing. I purchased this book from Amazon to buddyread with kaylasonlyheart. Let It Go by Karen Ehman. It isn't always a bad thing for a woman to control but how you wield that sword determines a certain aspect of your walk in faith, the way your family perceives your behavior, and may cause friction with friends. Not to mention the tool is plays on the stress factor in your daily life. Sometime I purchased this book from Amazon to buddyread with kaylasonlyheart. Sometimes its ok to not have it done your way. Learning when and where to just let it go and let it be is rewarding in so many more ways in our journey for Faith. May 17, Kelly rated it really liked it. This book was just what I needed! I happened upon this book by browsing, no recommendation was given or anything like that, but it was meant to be. Ehman has a beautiful way of writing, humble and down to earth, that really resonated with me as a busy wife and mother. For a Christian writer, too, it was very kind, gentle, and nowhere near as "preachy" as many I have read. Her focus is on her opinions and experiences, and she calls them just that. As part of a 12 step program, I found so many int This book was just what I needed! As part of a 12 step program, I found so many interrelated ideas and themes between this book and what we discuss in meetings. Truly, this book was so special to me. I loved it! Nov 10, Stacy rated it liked it. This took me longer to get through than I originally thought, but that's because I got sidetracked binge watching Grey's Anatomy! Lol This book is pretty awesome. Some of the stuff I could really relate to, and then other things were very astutely aligned with other women in my life. There are many thought provoking ideas here, and overall, I would recommend it to anyone who is trying to let go of the things in life you cannot control which is probably more than you think it is or realize. It ge This took me longer to get through than I originally thought, but that's because I got sidetracked binge watching Grey's Anatomy! It gets a little repetitive in the middle, but the beginning and end were definitely worth the whole read! Jan 14, Joseph rated it it was ok. This book is geared towards mothers and home makers, especially of the micro-managing and image conscious variety. It sometimes focuses too much on the minutia and gripes more powerfully than it displays and reveals where God is in the details. While the book is preachy, it sometimes places the Christian context of the challenges of motherhood and marriage as more afterthought than focus. While looking though my digital collection of Christian books, I came upon this title and knew this had to be read immediately- and proceeded to finish it in one day. I've read from Karen Ehman before and appreciate her straightforward writing style, which serves as motivation to strengthen my obedience to God while providing practical ways to focus on the topic at hand. This book was the kick in the pants I needed to look at my own actions and begin to make changes rooted in the Word. I already While looking though my digital collection of Christian books, I came upon this title and knew this had to be read immediately- and proceeded to finish it in one day. I already know I'll be revisiting this book again many times! Jan 24, Lindsey rated it liked it. I really wanted to love this book. I did enjoy parts of it, and Ehman offers some insight on how to "let go" but ultimately, it seems like she is more concerned about trying to be funny and giving shout outs to her many friends e. Letting go is important because it forces us to trust God in all circumstances, but I wish Ehman would have focused more on that than trying to be light-hearted and cute. I needed more meat. Dec 11, Ashley Schantell rated it did not like it. I was trying to listen to this book, but between the author reading the book and the chapter on submission to husbands I just couldn't. She spent a lot of time trying to be funny, and it just felt like there was no real content. Jan 06, Dana Herndon rated it it was amazing. And it is a book I already had on my bookshelf, so I am also helping fulfill one of my New Year's resolutions. Soulful and heart warming Another great read by Karen Ehman. Her work is funny, well spoken, and most of all truthful and insightful. Lyrics | Imagine Dragons

I have always believed in God and prayed. I know our relationship was ment to end because it was not right, an obviously we both had things to learn form it. Last year she end up leaving me for a guy she met online and was talking to behind my back. I was hurt and sad because I really loved her and I still do just In a different way. I was heartbroken and hurt I thought about killing myself but i know that was not the way. After the break up all I could do was pray because I had no hope. I hope you all pray for me to keep overcoming my struggles. And I will also pray for everyone in this post in past and future. God Bless! Everyone has lived multiple lifetimes and been men and women in different lives. God loves all his children, and if he made a child guy he loves them and made them that way. I am a firm believer in Christ and god, but not religion for this very reason. God also has brought together MANY twin flames, which is a divine and holy partnership centered in god, that are gay. So please let this go. Love is LOVE. Im going through this right now. I want to trust God so desperately but I am so sad and so devestated. Please pray for me. I am a recovering alcoholic, 2 years sober. I have messed up more than I can say. I treated him awful, but he stayed with me. And let me come back to him many times. I take full responsibility for all the harm I have done. And it could be about any little thing. That, if I can handle the relationship as it is, fine. I know God wants me out. I feel His presence. But, I simply cannot or will not let go. And i think it has something to do with my additive personality. But, I love this man. He pretty much is leaving the decision up to me. I know I should move on. Thanks for any suggestions. First off I think you should be very proud that you are 2 years sober. It certainly sounds like there was a lot of hurts inflicted by both of you during your relationship. Have you at all sought out Biblical counseling? It really sounds like that could help where you would get individual counseling and then come together for couple counseling after that. Let me know your thoughts. We have a 17 year old son. I moved out in April In October I was served divorce papers. We are now toward the end of finishing the divorce paperwork. Life will never be the same but I continually pray to God to guide me and help me. I just ask for prayers to help me move on. Gosh my heart breaks after hearing your story John. Sending prayers up for strength and comfort for you and your entire family. My ex boyfriend and I dated back in high school and we dated for more than a year. One day, he just stopped loving me. He was following his feelings. He said he wanted to be alone. He broke up with me in This year in April, he came back saying he feel this pain in his heart and that he regretted his decision. He told me he was a better person when he was with me. I have been waiting for him since the break up and I never stopped loving him so when he came back I was so just so happy and relieved. I really thought he changed this time. I thought our relationship would last this time but all of a sudden he told me to give him a break and that he is confuse at the moment. So I didnt know what I should do. I thought he just needed time alone. So please pray for me that this time I truly move on and let him go. I hope this scripture provides you some comfort. Thanks for asking! When I wrote the article I was referencing a time in my life that was many years ago so a lot has changed since then. You know Peter, tonight I am crying and asking Jesus to take away my pain brought by envious heart I have with my friends who are currently in their 7- year relationship. The guy and I had a mutual understanding before, I knew he was starting to fall in love with me. Until he met his current girlfriend who had a boyfriend too. They both ended their relationships they had and pursue each other. After 6 years he confessed to me that he really did like me but I drifted away and he kept asking himself why. I told him my reason. Hi Peter — my boyfriend of 2 and a half years broke up with me very recently. I wanted to meet him half way — understand his religion, possibly convert, but in the end he ended our relationship because he wants to marry someone who is of the same culture, religion, family background. And even though I was willing to do everything in my power to minimize the differences, he would not allow me to do so. I am heartbroken and hope that God will bring someone to my life who accepts me for who I am. The pain is real. I met my ex when he was 11, and I was But for years, God told me not to be in that relationship, but I didnt wanna hear it cause dispite the troubles, hes the only one that knows all of me, and has been with me through the heartbreaks and trauma of my life. Unfortunately we live together, as I have no family besides my sick mom who lives with us, and no money to leave. Not anytime soon I hope, as I feel I really need to focus on myself and the Lord. I have never felt so broken as I do right now. I truly believed this person who just recently summarily dropped me in a text message was who God wanted me to be with. Have a great life. It has now been 8 days since he sent me that text and I cannot say his name without crying. All I know is that reading your story relieved some of the pain and I am constantly praying that God will grant me the peace that I need to quiet my soul. I love you Lord — I trust you and I know you only want good things for all of your children. I was in a relationship for 10 years and I did a mistake where anyone would get angry and he broke up with me. From the other side I feel more than my mistake he would have stood with me whatever the mistake was he would not break our relationship cause 10 yrs is not an easy way. My circumstance is different from most here. I was contacted by my daughters friends in college telling me that they were afraid she was depressed and suicidal over an abusive relationship she was in with a grad student and also that she was using drugs. I rushed to her but was rejected by her and told to never contact her again. She has even rejected any contact with her dad, best friends, her brother, aunts uncles cousins, literally everyone from her life before the abusive boyfriend became a part of her life. Please God help me to let go and concentrate on the loving family who remains in my life. Thank you Peter. This article really speaks to me. Your past experience is almost exactly what I am facing. Just that we did it peacefully and became friends again. She is my best friend even before we were together. People need to mend their ways and return to God now more than ever to avoid suffering from His rightful judgement. I broke up with my boyfriend and tried many ways to resolve the issue for 6 months before meeting priest manuka and he was able to get him back to me even though he already had another girlfriend, priest manuka spells broke them up and got him back for me, I highly recommend him and his service. Notify me when new comments are added. Total Like Tweet 28 Pin 9. March 22, at am. August 22, at am. Anonymous says:. March 3, at pm. Lace says:. March 22, at pm. Peter says:. March 23, at am. Katherine says:. September 29, at pm. October 7, at am. Sherri says:. March 29, at pm. May 1, at am. Nancy says:. March 2, at am. Heartbroken says:. April 28, at am. March 1, at pm. Hope Carla says:. October 23, at pm. November 5, at pm. December 12, at pm. Heart broken says:. January 8, at am. February 4, at am. Priscilla says:. April 9, at am. Lorenza says:. May 28, at pm. Jeff says:. August 6, at pm. Grace says:. April 8, at pm. May 15, at am. Jackson says:. May 21, at pm. Jamie says:. June 22, at pm. Eunice Oni says:. July 4, at pm. Fady says:. August 11, at pm. Elizabeth says:. August 12, at pm. August 24, at am. Seyi says:. September 12, at am. September 23, at am. Mary says:. September 26, at pm. September 28, at am. Eric Burgess says:. November 25, at am. December 29, at pm. Dylan J. December 27, at am. Angela,m says:. February 20, at am. March 26, at am. Sara says:. April 20, at pm. April 30, at pm. Ruth says:. May 3, at am. Alison says:. May 3, at pm. July 22, at am. Dan says:. May 10, at pm. John says:. June 25, at am. June 26, at am. Aaron Monteiro says:. July 16, at pm. Alexander says:. July 21, at pm. Joan says:. March 19, at pm. Myki says:. Guilt arises when people judge that they have done something wrong. Anger occurs when someone else commits a wrongdoing. Sadness results from the perception of loss. Emotions, then, are not merely feelings. They do not reside solely in our hearts. Instead, they lie at the intersection of the body and mind. They cause changes in what our bodies feel. At the same time, they stem from quick judgments made by our brains about the nature of the world around us. If emotions are one way we make sense of the world around us, why does our culture often devalue emotions, seeing them as irrational and childish? That question is quite complex and can be answered in many ways. Greek philosophers continue to exert a fair amount of influence on our culture. Plato and Aristotle thought that emotions, especially anger, could be irrational. There are other reasons than simply our philosophical heritage. Peter Stearns, in his book American Cool , argues that our culture has developed a set of rules governing the expression of emotions. He suggests that as consumerism, corporate management, and the service sector arose in twentieth-century America, the middle class devalued displays of emotions, particularly in the workplace where they could interfere with the generation of profits. Employees who appear angry or sad could hurt the bottom line. Flight attendants, for example, are trained to avoid emotional displays even amid the most taxing of situations. Instead, we feel uneasy about emotions because we know they can negatively affect us. We have seen loved ones trapped in cycles of negative emotion, or perhaps we have experienced depression ourselves. There are times when our emotions do not make much sense. We have all done things motivated by emotion that we end up regretting later. For some of us, we simply like feeling in control of our lives, and emotions are a powerful reminder that there is much we cannot control. Stoics believed that while individuals cannot control the initial feelings that arise in response to situations, one can choose whether to continue to be moved by what transpires. Our culture often practices something similar. When someone starts expressing a negative emotion, many of us, as a matter of habit, try to talk people out of that emotion. We try to help others see why they need not continue in a place of sadness or anger. Sometimes, those in the church are especially prone to do so. We feel Christians should have the joy of the Lord in our hearts, and we are concerned that emotions like anger can lead us away from God. Emotions threaten us. In fact, when we feel persistent negative emotion, many of us feel it is time to consult a specialist. We go to therapists and counselors, who give us safe environments to express emotions. Does our faith make any difference when it comes to the world of emotions? The Bible speaks about the transformation of our minds Rom , but what about the transformation of our feelings? Should we, as Christians, experience emotions differently than those outside the faith? How does the Bible relate to guilt, anger, sadness, and fear? Should Christians feel less of these emotions and more of the positive ones like happiness, joy, tranquility, and hope? At first glance, the emotional landscape of the Bible seems rather confusing. Both the Old and New Testaments seem to uphold fear as a good emotion, particularly when people fear God Deut ; Acts New Testament epistles frequently mention anger in their lists of sin Eph ; Col , but the Bible describes both God and Jesus as angry Num ; Mark ; Rom How does one make sense of the wide spectrum of emotions and the variety of things the Bible says about them? First, the Bible recognizes that human experience can be quite diverse. A word that works well in one situation may not work well in another situation see Prov When it comes to the emotional life, the Bible does not offer commandments that hold for everyone in every circumstance. Instead, there are particular words for particular people in particular circumstances. Certain times call for certain emotional reactions. Second, the Bible makes clear that we are broken people living in a fallen world. There will be times when we resemble Potiphar in the book of Genesis. When Potiphar received news that Joseph tried to seduce his wife, he became angry and had Joseph imprisoned Gen —a seemingly reasonable response. However, we as readers know that his anger caused an innocent person to suffer. The situation was more complex than he realized; the accusations against his servant were false. Potiphar did not always get his emotions right, and we will not either. God gives us many ways of making sense of the world around us: the Bible, tradition, friends, experience, reason, and emotion. None of these faculties are completely sufficient on their own. We can misinterpret the Bible. Friends can misguide us. Experiences are open to multiple interpretations. Reason has its limits. Emotions do not always make perfect sense. God gives us all of these faculties to work together. Relying on just one of them can lead to a skewed view of God and the world. Third, the Bible envisions that faith can have a significant impact on our emotional lives. As just stated, the correlation between our faith and our emotional life will not always be perfect. We may find ourselves unmoved by hearing the good news. Or, we may be unable to rid ourselves of anger even after attempting forgiveness. We are not perfect. However, even in our broken bodies, there will be times when the reality of our faith profoundly touches us. Clearly, there will be times when we join Jesus in weeping over the death of those we love John However, as St. Paul reminds us, the resurrection has blunted the sharp edge of such grief 1 Thess Emotions result from assessments made about the past, present, and future—and Christianity grounds its believers in a specific past, present, and future. Through the act of baptism, we are incorporated into the story of God healing a fractured world. Thus, we no longer see the past, present, and future the same way as the world. We no longer need to embrace a narrative that says only the fittest will survive. We no longer need to see our happiness as tied to what gadgets and goods we possess. We no longer need to live in denial of the immense suffering and death that pervades human existence. We no longer need to look to the future with utter uncertainty, for we know that our story ends with fellowship with God and all the saints. Through conversion and discipleship, our personal story becomes fused with the biblical story. We see miracles unfold before our eyes. We find reason to be happy, even when poor, because we know we possess the kingdom of God. Most of the time, these changes in our emotional life do not result from will power. Rather, I mean being able to see what is real but not at all obvious. Many biblical texts give people reason to rejoice, even when surrounding realities look exceedingly grim. Consider the book of Exodus. For the Hebrews in Egypt, slavery and genocide were not abstract concepts but defining characteristics of their lives. The Bible describes their bitter, groaning misery. No one would expect that they would soon have reason to sing, dance, and rejoice. Yet, their given realities are shattered by a miracle-working God who hears the prayers of the oppressed and turns the mighty Pharaoh into a powerless fool. While Daniel and Revelation are a very different type of literature, they function likewise, addressing those facing systematic persecution by state powers. Prophetic messages of hope, such as Isaiah and Jeremiah , similarly help readers imagine different realities. They are written to refugees, those in exile. Yet, these texts reach out to readers, inviting them to imagine a different way of conceiving reality. Similarly, the New Testament offers hope and joy over against the given realities and accepted wisdom of the day. Apostasy in Christianity - Wikipedia

Love That I Can Touch. Luckiest Guy In The World. May The Ride Last Long. Morning Light. My Eyes Dance. My Fathers Son. My Friends Are Gone. My Lady. My Lord. My Sons. My Sweet Angelina. My Way Home. New Health Care The. No Emotion. No Regrets. No Time Today. On A Higher Plane. One Foot On The Ground. One Life. Outcast The. Outside Your Love. Perfect Love. Philosopher The. Poet The. Power From On High. Pure Of Heart The. Rising With The Sun. River The. Road The. Seattle Calling. Sing It Low. Sky Sometimes. Slip Right Away. Solitary Candle. Some Will Say Goodbye. Song For The Family. Song For You. Song Of A Lost Friendship. Song To God. Soul Of A Man. Stronger Than Me. Terminal Vacation. This Man Jesus. Thou Art The Lord. Thunder Mountain. Tough Guy. Victim Of Privilege. Visitor The. Waiting Your Arrival. We Are Each Other. We Can Be Free Again. We Can Be Free Again 2. Wedding Song 1. Wedding Song 2. Weep For Stephen. What Does It Matter? What Lies Beneath The Surface. Where Is The Peace? Without Him. Wrapped In Red Pajamas. Written On The Wind. You Are. Your Healing Grace. Your New Pants. Alphabetized for your convenience. Denes McIntosh. The crowd was quietly shaken by the turn of events. Indifference thick like traffic, grown far beyond reason. A city once warm is now freezing. Something terribly sad has come between us. Repeat Verse Morning holds the promise that a new day is upon us. The gentle breezes seem to whisper sacred reasons. The silence of the summer sky serves somehow to remind me. The calm and quiet country side helps make me conscious of the time. I'm spending in the comfort of his love. I will praise you Lord forever. I will worship you wherever. I will sing and shout your glory. I will let your name be known. I will lift my heart before thee. I will look to you alone. Yesterday has come and gone, tomorrows in the makin'. The joy that only Jesus gives just keeps on growing stronger. And the blessings that He brings to me. So many days and night I've spent in marvel of the miracles. I've seen my Lord performing for his flock. So many ways his life has lent it's guiding light to help prevent. His love cannot be measured by the boundaries of the pleasure. But it goes beyond the strongest understanding of the fondest feelings. Rumble, the earth shakin' it up again. I stumble tryin' to make my way. It's been quiet following the rain,. Visionary, what do you see out there? Can you read the rising tide? It's always calm beneath the wind blown sea,. Beyond the vision of mortal men. It can't be found in this heartless world,. It can't be seen with the naked eye,. Some people call it paradise,. Beyond the vision of broken men,. A solitary candle burning brightly again. Trouble, you won't find me anymore,. I will not stumble or fall. You can throw the world at my front door. You tried to make me think. You slammed me up against the door. I knew you in the neighborhood. With your predatory nature. Yeah, surrounding me like a bad disease. Go away, I don't want to play with you. Go away now, I don't like the way you play. I saw you pissing on the wall. You tried to break my door down. You tagged my house to let me know. You tagged my house just to let me know. The dogs are gone with the dinosaurs. The snakes have taken to their dens,. It's passed you by like the winds of war. The enemy have all gone home. The wounds will heal themselves now. You've watched the hate consume itself. Now play the cards that you've been dealt. Chorus :. You have survived. You are alive again today. You're holding all the aces. You've been through that revolving door. You escaped the trap they set. And came back stronger yet. I'd rather have my freedom than your water. American boy got your Camels on the dash. American boy got your foot on the gas. American boy haven't got enough cash. American boy get your food on the run. American boy, micro brew at the bar. American boy gettin' further in debt. American boy, you say "life is a drag. American boy just livin' for today. American boy don't need to get involved. Just a little bit of New York City. I met her at a party on the back porch. I liked the way she rose above the other women on the porch. Darlin' you ought to get to know my son. Darlin' you ought to hear the boy sing. Her laughter echoed through the back yard. Had I been 25 years younger, maybe 20,. Would have asked her for her number,. Wind across the water in the afternoon. There's a choir in the distance. I know a fire needs a spark. If you would listen I would sing for you. There's a smile babe I could bring to you. If you would listen there's an ancient tune. I would play on the day that you come back. It seems like centuries. It's been so quiet here. Those vivid memories bring a silent tear. Tonight I just can't take, can't take the cold babe. There's nothing I wouldn't do to have you back. I'd build you a castle with my very own hands. I'd cut the stone babe, and dig the sand. I'd paint the sky for you and till the land. The sun rises, the grasses dry. The glimmering dawn greets my tired eyes. The cold has left me, the dark is gone. There'll be time for sleep again when midnight comes. Daylight lingers as the evening fades. A last impression of another day. We leave no footprint on this sacred ground. We leave no shadow, we leave no sound. That's how it's always been. That's how it always goes. We walk a common road, we sing the same song. Life is so short for some, for some it's long. It's not the years we have, it's not the days. It's not how long we live, it's the way. Fog settles in the valley. Every timber tells a story. I know of nothing finer than to lay beneath her breast. It's an Atheist's dilemma. Well, I suppose the Mona Lisa. The pyramids of Egypt. Dylan didn't really write. The wind whispers softly. Like stone on a mountain. The breath of life had kissed her. Laughter like a bubbling spring. And if you see her. I can't seem to get it right. I can see beyond the dreams I used to entertain. Occasional lovers, we hurt one another,. You had me long before you ever knew my name. Rugged like the banks of Coyote Creek. Where gold lies hidden beyond our reach. Where snakes lay coiled quick to strike. Barren like the white desert sand. Where the sun beats hot across the land. Cooling shade cannot be found. Water runs too deep underground. Sometimes faith is beyond our reach,. There is no guide to point the way,. Hungry like a ravaged deer. The cougar stalks the weakened doe. But we will somehow find our way. We will somehow find our way. Sometimes I feel like I'm blowin' away. But I look to Jesus and I hear Him say. I have provided a way. But you know you've got to come to me. I know you often want to run from me. But you know I'll always love you. Sometimes I run like the wind on the sea. In the latest afternoon. Waiting still beneath the moon. The day is done. The sun is gone. With a vague familiar presence. Sunlight dancin' in your eyes. Come take your place beside me. We'll paint your canvass different colors. Life made you sad. And you won't have to hide anymore. And you won't be ashamed anymore. Sunlight dancin' in your eyes again. Like the sparkle of the sidewalk. Every morning I wake and wonder. But he keeps me with tender mercy. And we climb that hill together. I realize I'm gonna live forever. I've been seein' what I've been needing. As I've been seekin' Him. I find that I've been reachin' Him. And the blood is flowing crimson red. To move the rocks and envelop the land. And the sun has burned the night away. And darkness falls like a heavy rain. When the friends that you have loved. My baby she comes home now. She makes some right nice sweet potatoes. Well I've tasted other cookin'. I got them "ain't bad, I'm glad I have. Chicken Gravy Blues". Repeat: Verse 1. No matter how well you write it. Just a flickering flame on a candle in the wind. No matter how well you light it. Lightening never strikes in the same place twice. The sun always sets in the west. So do what you think is best. Got to sleep in the bed that you made. All that glitters is not gold. In your 15 minutes of fame. One mans ceiling is another mans floor. A rolling stone gathers no moss. But I want to die with his boots on. You were right from your side, babe,. But I was right from mine. Better read between the lines. And water always flows down hill. Break the body, but not the will. Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades. Take one day at a time. You can look but you better not touch. She died doing what she always loved. Burning the candle at both ends. But a good man is hard to find. Lightning never strikes in the same place twice. The end never justifies the means. And the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Give me liberty or give me death. It's not too easy all the time. I can't always blame the Prince of the Power of the Air. Praise the Lord. He can see beyond the things that be. He's ordained the victory. He brings understanding. It's not for me an easy thing. To walk the way that Jesus walked nearly all the time. Honesty demanding I be standing near the Lord. I often wonder what I'm standing for. Relationships so often slip. Sometimes I want to run. May the trail not be rocky when you ride. May your spurs jingle-jangle in perfect time. May you hook on with a good cattle drive. And work hard into the fading light. May your saddle always fit like a glove. May you be guided by your faithful dog. Protected by the hand of God. May your woman give you love. May you find that perfect ranch. May a thousand cattle carry your brand. May they drink from the Rio Grande. May your rope never tangle in your hands. May your herd be carefully tended. May your fences all be mended. May your whisky never be blended. May your territory be defended. May you always be a cowboy to the bone. May your stature be chiseled in stone. May your restless nature let you roam. May your horse always get you home. May your boots always get their kicks. May your pistol never jam in a fix. May your draw be lightening quick. May you always shoot from the hip. May your partner never let you down. May your bedroll find warm ground. May good fortune follow you around. If you get lost may you be found. May your jeans never be designer. May your beans be heated on an open fire. May your voice be heard in a midnight choir. May you become an old cowboy survivor. May the stars light your way in the dark. May you speak no unkind remark. May your bite be not as bad as your bark. May your brand be like no other mark. May the band always play your song. May you dance with the girl that you brung. May you prosper on the land where you live. With a few good next of kin. When you get hurt may you learn to forgive. May you take disappointment on the chin. May your chaps flap free in the wind. May your laughter be quick among friends. May you see down around the next bend. May you never look back till the end. May your horse always have enough hay. May your hat never shrink in the rain. May the sun set slowly at the end of the day. And may that Old Coyote sing at your grave. Too many drinks, too many one-night stands. Too many self-penned songs about a broken man. Too many towns along too many roads. Too many dwindling crowds, too many midnight shows. He was too long lonely, He was too long gone. He had a crazy heart, it got the best of him. He had a wounded heart, it took the rest of him. He had a crazy heart, it had a hold on him. He had a heavy heart from the outside in. He had a heart of gold from the inside out. He was a broken man with a broken heart. He was an absent father to an orphan son. He was down in the dumps, he was down on his luck. He was down to the wire, down to his last buck. Like ripe fruit ready to fall from a tree. Life can bring a wandering man to his knees. Green hills and berries. Oh how much greater. He's the master of all. He's the maker of everything. In this crazy world. Everybody seems to know my name. It's time to make my way. Too much confusion here. Just can't think clearly anymore. I can feel your cold breath on my back. A familiar recollection. You move me like a forbidden dance. My heart relies on circumstance. I always love what I can't have. I will not tell your secrets. I'll live with my regrets. A reminder of the not too distant past. Bewildered and forlorn. I'll let the next desire be my last. It's best to not let pleasure in the way. I would build a small fire. I would know what it means. I believe that I could be redeemed. He was baptized by some guy. He was tried and tempted in every way. The devil came and said "If you be hungry. Christ, use your head. Don't be hungry, have some cheese and bread. But Jesus said "I shall not live on bread alone,. I need the word of God to keep me where I'm at. The devil took him up on high. Angels will catch you before you hit the stones". Well Jesus said "That's not my style. I'm certain you're some kind of fraud. And the Scripture says "Don't test the Lord your God". Well the devil showed him all the kingdoms. Jesus said "Satan be gone. I can't relate to your sad song. I think you're throwin' me a curve. I'm gonna worship God, He's the only one I'm gonna serve. The angels came to comfort Him, said. You look like you been through a lot. Can we join you singin' praises to our God? My friend, do not be afraid of life. Do not be afraid of the increasingly foreboding skies,. Do not be afraid of the cold, hard, and ugly facts,. Do not be afraid of what people might say about you. Do not be afraid of the darkness, or of the light,. Do not be afraid of fiction, or of the truth. Do not be afraid of the ignorance of youth. Do not be afraid of the wisdom of age. Do not be afraid of the joker or the sage. Do not be afraid of what people might say about you,. Do not be afraid of the well known, or of the unknown. Do not be afraid of the well worn, or the newborn. Do not be afraid of a different point of view. Do not be afraid of the old, or of the new. Do not be afraid of the apparent, or the obscure. Do not be afraid of the sickness, or the cure. Do not be afraid of the sacred, or profane. Do not be afraid of the blessing or the flame,. Fear, it will only kill you. Do not be afraid of the future, or of the past. Do not be afraid of being first, or being last. Do not be afraid of being afraid, my friend. Do not be afraid, do not be afraid of death. Do not be afraid, do not be afraid, my friend. I believe we were free. Dogs on the run. Flower garden in the yard. Early mornin' in the fog. Used to be twenty three. I used to be thirty one. I can't believe the change I've seen. Night owls and street freaks. All the downtown ladies, they line the roadways. Doubt, like dust, covers my soul. Standing naked on one leg. Dorothy's comin' back to Kansas. The winter of my discontent. All the solitary fires. I fell asleep while it was warm. The earth was covered over. And took the hope of my salvation. I fell asleep while it was calm. The night took my courage. The sky will be clear again. The clouds will be gone. The noise will be muted,. Further on, further on. Dwight Jordan, don't look back. Dwight Jordan, you're still black. Dwight Jordan, it's a fact. Dwight Jordan, you're no match. You were such a young man. They made you hard as sin. You were such a pleasure to be with. You can be that man again. Dwight Jordan repeat. Dwight Jordan, how'd you get so tough? Was your gentle nature somehow just. Dwight Jordan, don't give up. Dwight Jordan, take some time. Dwight Jordan, make up your mind. You got one foot on a ladder you can't climb. Dwight Jordan, it's quite clear. Dwight Jordan, don't trade your pride. Dwight Jordan, it's a heavy price. Watchin' the boy become a man. Watchin' you find your own way. Like jazz in funky time, y' know. Chasin' abstract rhythms home. Standin' tall as you've ever been. Makin' some damn good friends. I am not yet alive to you. Not yet awake to your presence. Not yet in time with your breath. I am not yet fully conscious. Not yet home from the river. Not yet back from the dead. But in the late afternoon. I am alive again to you,. In the late afternoon,. Walkin' on a lonely beach early Sunday morning. I've just come through a storm. He could feel the things that I've been feeling. Burdened by the world around me, darker every day. I've been angry with the devil. Lookin' down at the ground. I find a pebble lying in the sand. I begin to see that pebble is a sign for me from heaven. It's rounded out and wearin' smooth. Repeat 1st Verse:. There's a woman out there weepin'. There's a drifter in a doorway sleepin'. They're somebody. There's a junkie in the street. There's a prisoner counting' time. Some say the hardship has been over for awhile, that everyone's O. But recently I heard the screaming, the weeping. I've seen the bleeding hearts and tormented minds of those that justice shit on. They're left to reconstruct their trampled lives alone, to mend their broken hopes and battered dreams without the help of those who at one time seemed to care, somewhere back before the sky fell in. But where are all the friends of the unfortunate now? Have they run to houses on secluded hillsides to hide from the discomfort of their past participation in the pain? Well, the cause goes on without them, but it's crippled. How easy we forget. I know your desires child. I will never fail thee. I'll surely never leave. Unknown riches await thy discovery. My hand shall be upon you. Of course, the one thing that remains constant in every trial is the steadfast love of Jesus Christ. He is the remedy for every single aftershock of this massive earthquake called a breakup. He has experienced every struggle you can name; loneliness, frustration, sadness, betrayal, and even death. He knows that despite the trouble of this world, true joy can be found in following Him. If you feel dead inside, chances are that you need to be spiritually refreshed. Read the Word, and pray constantly. When I moved out to California I did so for my ex-girlfriend. When she broke up with me for another guy, I was devastated. I had no friends or support because all of my friends were basically her friends. I was honestly all alone. So what did I do? What did I do? What could I have done differently? As I look back now, I realize that it was during that time period that I have never felt closer to God. With that step of faith, he will reveal his power in us and through us to handle whatever comes our way. What has your experiences been like with a break up? Has it helped you move closer to God? Im married for a year an 8 months together with her for 3 yrs seeing therapist to make myself better. An thats it Im destroyed as i did this to myself. Very nice! Thank you. I need God to heal me and help me to let go. Lord forgive me for not listening to you. Just wanted to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you right now. Praying that God brings peace, comfort and strength. I so need to talk with someone. I am having such a hard time letting go. I know I have to so why do I break down and beg him to love me? Thank you for this article. Im actually in the process of letting go of someone i should have let go a long time ago yet i find myself going back to him. Im hurting because i dont wanna let go. Im holding on too tight im hurting myself at the same time. Please help pray for me that i will be able to really do it this time. Relationship has been going downhill. The pain continues. I just wish this feeling was over. One of the important things in healing is acceptance and also acknowledging the pain you feel. Its ok to feel pain, its a healthy response that lets you know you lost something or someone that was important to you. Hi I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 8 years now and I have been failing to break up with her because of fear, its not been easy for me but after reading your story I got a little strength and I am ready to face this giant…thanks a lot.. I believe God is able to help everyone like me Amen. Your breakup story has helped me understand a Lil better of how to let go.. I loved this women with all my heart , and for two years I truly believe she loved me, the last couple months she grew distant from me, so now she tells me she just wants her freedom , I truly thought we were on our way for marriage, now my heart is so heavy, it hurts, I pray God will give me all I need to let go, because I so much want her, but she does not want me anymore… help me heal Lord…. I would highly recommend connecting with a senior leader in your local church or pastor to talk things through. Praying for you brother. Wow beautifully lifted my spirit through tears of joy. Really for your everything you written …I hope things for you are being filled now with enormous joy. Really grateful that God touched you through this article and thank you so much for the kind words. Yes, definitely more at peace with God now and I think one of the big things that God always teaches us through difficult times is to trust in Him. In retrospect, I see through all of the pain that I experienced that ultimately my relationship with God grew. Hi I was married for 8 years. I been divorced for 1 year starting dating around the 7 month of my divorced now me and the guy been dating for 6 months. Sometimes I think about the good days me an my ex had. I wanna heal my broken heart. Dear Lorenza — I am struggling also with letting go of a broken heart. My love is still so strong after a year apart. Did you finally let go? Can you share with me how you did it? Thank you for your kindness in helping see a future. I read the passages and is just filled with tears and possible sorrow. I have been with my boyfriend for close to 10 years. Please help pray for us- and especially for him to allow God to heal him too. I will be praying for you both, if you need to talk or have any questions feel free to comment or message me. I told him if I love him and willing to cancel the wedding because I realized he is the one I want to be with. But sadly he decided to let go. I am now broken and confused.. Im praying to God to enlighten me so I can do what is right. Not coming home till the next day and he say he with his friends… But I pray that God can let him see how much. Things are really bad as we have not been together for the past 7 months. Please pray that we get no aullment. Please pray that Joffy will come back to my home willingly and reach out to my dad and people who can help us back together so this marriage can be Saved. Time running out, I only have 2 months left before the judge decides the final decision in this marriage. Thanks God bless you. If one is in Christian courtship where no sex is allowed because the Bible speak against sex outside marriage,if there is a break up, yes it hurts but not much emotionally. You just put all your trust in God and move on. I have passed through a breakup.. He is already winning battles for me. Hi Peter. Reading your story has really helped me to see things in the right way. I have liked this guy- a gamely friend ogunesan mine right from the first day I heard about him, without even seeing him, and over time as we became friends my feelings for him developed and increased. I was shocked by that because I believed in gave him every reason to believe I was interested in being more than a friend. When I realized that day that he was able to get over me. I decided to do her same, I did the wrong thing by telling him to delete my number giving him a disguised reason. I was angry that he had not deleted my number as I told him too and lashed out at him. I went back to plead with him to become friends again and he agreed. I want to get over him and stop having feelings for him. Thank you for sharing your story! Like any person that we begin to really like, develop feelings for, and then are hurt later by that person it takes time Seyi. Do you have a Christian mentor? Even a good friend that you can confide your feelings with? For me, like I mentioned in the article was my good friend, mentor, who also happened to be the Pastor for my local church. I have no doubt you will be able to get through this Seyi. I have been trying to get over him for that long. Almost 4 years and he just left with no word, 2 months ago. He is already in another relationship…his soul mate he says. Never have I felt so useless. You were with him for 4 years as you say and then just left. Anytime you are in a relationship, you share roots together and when 1 person leaves those roots are torn up and it takes time for them to regrow and heal. Did friends or family notice and say something? I think when the time comes, its something to definitely explore because usually there are warning signs albeit subtle. Your comment reminds me so much of the comments and messages I get which is always, why!? Why did they do that!? Feel free to message anytime and know that you are not alone. Peter, thanks for the article. I know it was probably written for non-married peeps but I still found a lot of encouragement from it. The truth is, my wife of 10 years wants a divorce and I want to reconcile. We are at a standstill. In the end, she will get the divorce she seeks because I have to honor it. Only the Holy Spirit can. At this point though, even that seems unlikely. Is she open at all to Christian-based counseling? Really praying for you brother, it was hard enough being in a relationship and having to watch someone you care about leave. Must be x harder when you have known that person and are married as well. For the last year, I was very irresponsible with finances and contributed very little, but never was I unfaithful, not even in thought or emotion. I am heartbroken. I will miss her and her beautiful poetry. Sorry to hear about your situation. How were you irresponsible with your finances? Which preceded the other, finances or her unfaithfulness? Very encouraged that you seem to be relying on that scripture, that is one of my favorites and one that I used A LOT when going through tough times. My name is Angela, I have been married to my husband for 16 years and we have 4 kids. I pray to god for him to give me strength to let go of my husband because I know its not good for the kids. Any relationship where you are being abused, you need to get out. There is a zero tolerance for any abuse like what you are experiencing, your safety and the safety of your children is the immediate concern. Do you have some place you can go? Thank you for this. I just had to let my twin flame go. It was who Jesus told me it would work out with, but right now he chose someone else in his heart. I am very confused and hurt. He was quite literally the love of my life in my soul and I searched and found him after 30 years of this life, but this ended terribly. The pain is truly unbearable. I deserve someone who chooses me. Hello My story is different. I was in a same sex relationship with another girl, We met when I was 22 and she was I thought she was a good person,very sweet. I have always believed in God and prayed. I know our relationship was ment to end because it was not right, an obviously we both had things to learn form it. Last year she end up leaving me for a guy she met online and was talking to behind my back. I was hurt and sad because I really loved her and I still do just In a different way. I was heartbroken and hurt I thought about killing myself but i know that was not the way. After the break up all I could do was pray because I had no hope. I hope you all pray for me to keep overcoming my struggles. And I will also pray for everyone in this post in past and future. God Bless! Everyone has lived multiple lifetimes and been men and women in different lives. God loves all his children, and if he made a child guy he loves them and made them that way. I am a firm believer in Christ and god, but not religion for this very reason. God also has brought together MANY twin flames, which is a divine and holy partnership centered in god, that are gay. So please let this go. Love is LOVE. Im going through this right now. I want to trust God so desperately but I am so sad and so devestated. Please pray for me. I am a recovering alcoholic, 2 years sober. I have messed up more than I can say. I treated him awful, but he stayed with me. And let me come back to him many times. I take full responsibility for all the harm I have done. And it could be about any little thing. That, if I can handle the relationship as it is, fine. I know God wants me out. I feel His presence. But, I simply cannot or will not let go. And i think it has something to do with my additive personality. But, I love this man. He pretty much is leaving the decision up to me. I know I should move on. Thanks for any suggestions. First off I think you should be very proud that you are 2 years sober. It certainly sounds like there was a lot of hurts inflicted by both of you during your relationship. Have you at all sought out Biblical counseling? It really sounds like that could help where you would get individual counseling and then come together for couple counseling after that. Let me know your thoughts. We have a 17 year old son. I moved out in April In October I was served divorce papers. We are now toward the end of finishing the divorce paperwork. Life will never be the same but I continually pray to God to guide me and help me. I just ask for prayers to help me move on. Gosh my heart breaks after hearing your story John.

How To Let Go Of Someone You Love -

The pretense of perfection will fade away, and a stunningly striking authenticity will be reflected instead. Life becomes not about self but all about the Savior. We can mentally ask ourselves questions that will empower us to maintain calm emotions and keep a healthy perspective. If so, what? Counsel is not barking. Counsel is not belittling. Yes, we should be conscientious, giving counsel; but we should not be controlling, or complaining with criticism. Its kindling goes waaaaay back— back to expectations and perceptions. For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water, however suddenly jolted. Seek margin. And space. And, more importantly, how to decide which is which! When we even subconsciously think we can control the situation and the outcome but fall short, we may succumb to situational depression. We must remember that God is God and we are not. We must look to him for our role in the scenario being played out. How should we respond? What should we do? How should we pray? And his children shall be filled if they will only hunger and thirst after what he offers. Richard Holloway there is the real issue. What is best? Do we always know? And how do we know the difference between what we should try to control and what we should let go of? Soul control is when we pause to remember our place. Soul control is learning to idle our brains before we engage our mouths, thereby saving ourselves a boatload of heartache, wounded relationships, and regret. Soul control is when we finally realize that it is only God who has sole control over the universe. We do not. What does God want me to learn about him that I might never discover if he were to suddenly pluck me out of this situation? Father, may I learn the secret Paul knew and live it well. I want to be content in whatever circumstances you place me instead of trying my best to wiggle out of them. Teach me to look for you in the midst of what might seem a less- than- lovely situation. I want my heart to no longer be disturbed or disquieted but instead to be confident in and content with you and you alone. I know you already know what is best for me. Help me to see and know it too. Apr 23, Bethany B. Wonderful book that applies to all women all the time and I should probably read regularly, but the style and humor were very Learned a lot and was definitely challenged though! I loved this book. And yes, letting go is a problem for me : The most useful thing I learned was the difference between tools, toys and tangents, and knowing when to use each of them. I love the fact that she addresses letting go in all areas of life - home, husbands, kids, etc. Very freeing Great book This book highlights a lot of areas of life. Opens a whole new world. Definitely a keeper in our house. Sep 24, Sandi rated it it was ok. Humorous and easy to read, was useful in a small group study and contained some gems of wisdom. On the other hand, I was bothered by the way the author addressed women in a belittling sort of way. She described manipulative ways women try to get their own way. She failed to even recognize that groups who have traditionally lacked power or authority have needed to resort to other methods. Many of the author's examples seemed dated and weirdly misogynistic. Her examples were so extremely petty tha Humorous and easy to read, was useful in a small group study and contained some gems of wisdom. Her examples were so extremely petty that she seemed to be describing clinical personality disorders. It is helpful to remind modern humans that we don't need to control everything in our lives. It is much less useful to specifically criticize one gender or assume the very worst motivations in others. Sandi G. Jan 08, Janet rated it it was ok. I found that this book did not give enough specific, actionable advice. The advice was more general. I also had not realized that the book was heavily focused on women who are wives and mothers, so I could not relate to many of her examples. There were a few parts that I found hard to align with my personal thinking such as a woman's role is to follow, and a man's is to lead. Sep 28, Janis rated it liked it. Plus, there are times when we need to take control; more needed to be said about discerning when we should do that or when we should let it go. Dec 10, Shelly Troup rated it it was amazing. By far this is one of the best books I have read! Karen Ehman shows you the ropes with lots of humor, how to stop being a control freak! She makes it easy to understand, and give great encouragement along the way. Mar 23, Julie rated it liked it. Very quick. Not as "deep" as I'd hoped, but some good advice in parts. Nov 28, Aminata Coote rated it really liked it. Karen uses the story of Adam and Eve to show why a woman is prone to over control and also why she should not. Throughout the book, Karen is our control recovering mentor urging us to a more peaceful experience of a life lived out of control. I know what you're thinking. How can a life out of control be more peaceful? Where things could be done by other people the way they envision it… scared? Me too. But l Karen uses the story of Adam and Eve to show why a woman is prone to over control and also why she should not. Can you see it? We have pumped the new delusion through our jugular vein. Forsaken a warm heart for the profane. Well I only wanted to make you smile. I had no idea I'd fall in love with you. How was I to know I'd end up walkin' you home? Through your tears I saw those shining eyes. Well I only wanted to make you laugh. I had no idea it would all come back. You read me from cover to cover. That I'll ever need. Well I only wanted to be your friend. I had no idea you'd fall in love with me. I guess that's how it had to be. We were born in the Garden. Sunshine warm on our bodies. We were alive in the Garden. Our laughter echoed through the canyon,. We made love in the Garden. Beneath the silent mountain. There was music in the Garden. It was quiet and assuring. We were a family in the Garden. There was kindness and compassion. Got to get back to the Garden. Born down in the valley, and I watched it grow. Used to ride my pony down to the creek. But I got to get outta Dodge. Gotta get the hell outta Dodge. I would do my business with neighbors and friends. The handshake turned into a legal decree. Get away from the hustle of the rat race. Gonna build my ranch in some wide open space. Some would call it a nervous break down. And she wants to blow up balloons like he did. And sit on the porch swing watching them all day long. Give em' a Drum. Mickey walked the halls all night. Billy slumped down low in his chair. They couldn't cope with societies stuff. Benny sits and swears at the wall. Lucy likes to stay up all night. Martin says "it just doesn't matter". Linda watches television all day. There are many who have traveled. This is no mans land. We read His Word, we hear His voice,. We say we know His way. We serve Him in the Temple,. We give our time, we pay our tithe, confess our sins. We say our prayers. Just like He wants. We know His politics, social positions,. We know His mind, His will,. We say we know God. Let my song massage the wind. Gonna take my woman. Gonna take my dog. Gonna take my pony. Gonna bring em all along. Gonna take my rifle. A clanking across the vineyard like pipe against rock. Wind on the surface of an irrigation pond. Canadian geese engaged in lively foreign talk. The last swig left on my best bottle of booze. The sound of a lie that just never rang true. The final refrain of the Mule Skinner Blues. I can hear every one of these familiar sounds. I just put my hand to the proverbial plow. The sound of somebody breaking a bond. The echo of lyrics from a faraway song. Sound track of a lifetime three-quarters gone. I just put my hand to the proverbial plow,. Laughter as phony as a three dollar bill. A young woman swallowing a bottle of pills. Life will first mock, and then kill you. Put my hand, put my hand, put my hand to the plow. Put my hand, put my hand to the plow. Your thoughts are spent on memories of laughter and of tears. As springtime turns to summer and the sky begins to rain. The Harvester is coming soon to gather up His grain. To separate the living from the dead. He came to me when I was hungry. He came to me when I was cold. He came to me when I was dying. The Son of Man He came and made me whole. You say that time has taken all the friends that once were yours. The sunshine on your life is growing cold. A certain contradiction. Like a lion in a rage. Like a child in the arms. Like a lover in the arms. He could have been a dancer in the Bolshevik ballet. He could have pointed fingers, could've found someone to blame. Your window is open, step out from your pain. I'll be right there behind you. I'm only human. I've been thinkin' bout the Lord. The son of God He came to save my soul. And I can see Him in the Garden. I can see Him back a bleeding. Now I can see Him deathly hangin'. Now I can see Him clothed in Glory. And I can feel Him living for me. This highway I've been travelin'. I found that it gets hard. And I spend time unravelin'. Lord, here I am again. I want to sit with you and talk. Here I am again. Seems I'm always lookin' for. It's just a state of mind. And I pour out my life. I wrote my own story, took a stand for what's right. Raised a flag every morning in the early light. Stood naked in the shade, tossed my fate to the wind. Fell asleep in the bed I made, embraced the blessed, cursed the sin. I wandered through the desert, stumbled lost across the sand. I made my way alone through the darkest of night. There is a God somewhere. There is a God, I'm sure,. I can hear the distant thunder. But I don't fear Him. And I can hear Him talk to me. I raised my fist to the sky, caught lightening in my hand. Turned my back on the devil, he was not my friend. I bowed before your altar, a broken man. Forgiven for what I haven't been, and loved for what I am. I don't fear Him. He's the One. Look to the one. Look to that one to come again. He's the one who knew me. He's the one who showed me. He's the one who came and gave. His life to save my own. He's the sun shining on my road. He said "Father forgive them. He left His throne of glory. He suffered on a cross. Lord I'm so grateful for the freedom that you give. I just want to thank you for the life you let me live. I know you'd turn around, look down and say. But still I feel that you treat me much too good. I often wonder bout the way I'm treating you. I fail so often in the things I say and do. I know that I'd be able to pour forth. And that would only be half as much as you've given me. It's such a blessing Lord to have you on my side. There is no other one in whom I would abide. You loved me right on out of my sin. No there wasn't any price I had to pay. I thank you Lord for given me a brand new day. Hole in the Sun. You could burn a hole in the sun with your smile. You could take the ugly from the world with your face. You could tame a raging storm with your charm. You put the beat back in my heart and the heat in my desire. You're everything I've wanted, everything I need. I'll learn to give you honesty like you have given me. I will love you like the man that you have wanted me to be. You could make a blind man see with your eyes. You could make a boy out of a man by your choice. I've made mistakes. That doesn't mean I didn't love you. And how many tears. Fifteen long years. I have been alone of late. How many tears? How many tears will you require of me? I cannot see. My eyes have grown accustomed. The future waits impatient. She's hungry, and she's homeless. The hard side of the tracks. Inner city families. Suburban middle class. Hollywood mentality. I Ain't Him. Everybody wants me to be their Jesus. Everybody broken in a million pieces. The same familiar story. This and that disorder. Feet stuck in the sand. Look what you've been doin'. Do something different, have some courage. It gets tough. You gave me sight. I can see you. I love you. You gave me hope. I no longer have to cope. But I've failed you so often. I nailed you on Golgatha. In the deepest moment of the darkest night. I find my way without a light. I find my way without a map. Without a guide I find my own way back. I look beyond the crumbled walls. The shattered dreams of nightfall. Those shattered dreams have breathed their last. The road's been long. Well I've been tired babe, and I've been broke. I keep pushing on. I feel a breath upon my brow. I see a fire before me now. The sky has opened on my path. I know You Lord. Jesus, you are my freedom. Jesus, you are my strength. Well I know you're a man who understands where I've been. I believe in you, and I've been born again. God, you are my Father. Father, I am your child. You're never too busy to bother. Well I know that you've been hurt a thousand times in every day. And I know you've been forgotten by the people that you made. But there are still a few who love you and who long to hear you say. Spirit, flow right on through me. Spirit, you are my guide. Well I know of the wonders that you wish to be revealed. And the aching, empty, lonely lives with which you wish to deal. Oh holy Spirit, lead me where you will. My Lord Jesus, I am yours to fill. Heavenly Father, use me as you will. On a quiet morning in the early spring. Sipping green tea and gathering your thoughts. It would be a cold day, it was a long night. You watched me standing in the frozen yard. I watched the shadows struggling to leave. The sun was creeping slowly through the garden gate. I remember when we met. It felt alot like that. I watched you sitting on an old chase lounge. I remember how I felt. I watched the sunlight warm your face. She beckoned me to come back inside. Coffee was brewing in an old copper pot. She said "I know you were only in the garden babe,. I need you. I see you. You've opened up my eyes. I feel like I could fly. It's good to know I know where. I'm goin'. You're the springtime of my life. Sittin' alone in my big old home. I thought I heard them singing. I started to dance round the room. I had to raise my hands. I'm a fortunate man to have the memories. It ain't all in the past, it's so close that I. I want to know you like your daddy did. I want to love you like your mama would. I see your burning heart. A kind of silent prayer. I see the love you have for me. I see your kind eyes. I see your quiet smile. I see the beauty. I see the tenderness. I see your passion. I see your faithfulness,. When the walls come tumbling down. I will be there to bury the dead. When the water rises up. To move the rocks and cover the land. When the sky begins to rumble. I will build a sturdy shelter. When the ground begins to tremble. I will steady the earth beneath us. And I will find a cooling shade. And when the sun begins to fade. I will keep you safe and warm. And I will chase the dark away. Have vanished like a passing wind. I'll be here to stand with you, babe. I will sing of the Lord. He forgave me, my God He saved me. He's prepared a place for me. Hallelujah repeat 6 times. And I'll see Him face to face. He saved me by His grace. I'll be Safe. Let it rain on me. Let the river rage. In the light of day babe, I turn away. Let the rumors fly. Let the darkness come. I'll be O. I'll be safe. There's a place where it cannot touch me. Alternate Chorus:. I'll Give Him My Life. I've got a debt I can never repay. Jesus he carried all my sins away. I know He won't come collecting today. He says it's been covered by His saving grace. I'll give Him my life. I'll make Him my Lord. I've got a Lord who holds all things in line. I found sweet salvation in the nick of time. Jesus don't want to leave no one behind. He gave me His life so I'm givin' Him mine. I've got a friend who could never betray. He knows me like nobody's known me this way. If I could have my way. Your load would always be much lighter than mine. Every word would be spoken with kindness. I will love you all day long. I will sing you're favorite song. And I will love you every day of my life. I'd put a smile on your face. Wake each morning with a glass of champagne. Let the world fix itself for a change. The storms would die and the dead would live. The forlorn would wipe their eyes again. The rain would wash our lingering sin. In the Company of my King. I've been called a poet. Sung my songs for everyone. I spoke when I should speak. I led a few towards freedom. I'll be standin' with my king. I'm thinkin'. Will I have loved Him. Will I have taken time. I know many of you have done a lot for the sake of the gospel. I know that you've sacrificed of your money and your time, and given of your talents. I know that many of you have dedicated your lives to the service of your Savior, and that's commendable. But the most important thing that we can do is to be in love with Him, to spend some time with Him, silent before Him. To wash his feet, as it were, with the tears of our love, and to anoint his head with the oil of our appreciation. And to count all else as worthless in comparison to knowing Him. Repeat Chorus:. Stuck Time goes by and still I am stuck on you Yeah time goes by and still I am stuck on you, you. You were my one, you were my one When all has been said, all has been done You were my one, you were my one Now I am left reaching above me. Time goes by and still I am stuck on you, you Time goes by and still I am stuck on you, you. Why did you leave, why did you go leaving me lonely? Come back to me. You were my one, you were my one When all has been said, all has been done You were my one, you were my one Now I am left reaching above me Time goes by and still I am stuck on you, you Yeah time goes by and still I am stuck on you, you Time goes by and still I am stuck on you, you Yeah time goes by and still I am stuck on you, stuck on you As time goes by, as time goes by Time goes by and still I am stuck on you, you Time goes by and still I am stuck on you, you. Where did we all go wrong? Love, love, love La la la love, love, love La la la love, love, love La la la love, love, love Where did we all, Where did we all go wrong? All around the world We are one We are one All around the world We are one. So where did we all go wrong? Where did we all, Where did we all go wrong?

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