83 Years of Chamber Music Excellence: A Chronology of all artists’ appearances with the Chamber Music Society of Louisville

st 1 ​ Season, 1938 – 1939 ​ Kathleen Parlow, violin and Gunnar Johansen, piano The Gordon The Coolidge Quartet The Heermann Trio

nd 2 ​ Season, 1939 – 1940 ​ The The Stradivarius Quartet Marcel Hubert, cello and Harold Dart, piano

rd 3 ​ Season, 1940 – 1941 ​ , harpsichord and Lois Wann, oboe Belgian Piano-String Quartet The Coolidge Quartet

th 4 ​ Season, 1941 – 1942 ​ The Trio of New York The Musical Art Quartet The

th 5 ​ Season, 1942 – 1943 ​ The Budapest String Quartet The Coolidge Quartet The Stradivarius Quartet

th 6 ​ Season, 1943 – 1944 ​ The Budapest String Quartet Gunnar Johansen, piano and Antonio Brosa, violin The Musical Art Quartet

th 7 ​ Season, 1944 – 1945 ​ The Budapest String Quartet The Pro Arte Quartet Alexander Schneider, violin and Ralph Kirkpatrick, harpsichord

th 8 ​ Season, 1945 – 1946 ​ The Musical Art Quartet Nikolai Graudan, cello and Joanna Graudan, piano Philip Manuel, harpsichord and Gavin Williamson, harpsichord The Budpest String Quartet

th 9 ​ Season, 1946 – 1947 ​ The Louisville Philharmonic String Quartet with Doris Davis, piano The Albeneri Trio The Budapest String Quartet

th 10 ​ Season, 1947 – 1948 ​ Alexander Schneider, violin and Ralph Kirkpatrick, harpsichord The Budapest String Quartet The The Walden String Quartet The Albeneri Trio

th 11 ​ Season, 1948 – 1949 ​ The Alma Trio The Louisville Philharmonic Quartet with William Pickett, baritone and Edna Whitney Louis, The Schneider Piano Quartet The Budapest String Quartet

th 12 ​ Season, 1949 – 1950 ​ The The Louisville String Quartet with Fritz Magg, cello and Carl Genovese, oboe The Budapest String Quartet The New York Piano Quartet (same performers as the Schneider Piano Quartet) The New York Piano Quartet

th 13 ​ Season, 1950 – 1951 ​ The Aleneri Trio The Louisville String Quartet, with Edna Whitney Louis, violist; Renato Mastropaolo, cello; and Calvin Bisha, double bass The Budapest String Quartet The New York Piano Quartet Alexander Schneider, violin and Eugene Istomin, piano

th 14 ​ Season, 1951 – 1952 ​ The Albeneri Trio The Miami University String Quartet with George Seltzer, clarinet The New York Piano Quartet with Philip Sklar, double bass The Budapest String Quartet

th 15 ​ Season, 1952 – 1953 ​ The New Music String Quartet The Louisville String Quartet with Edna Whitney Louis, viola and Renato Mastropaolo, cello The New York Piano Quartet The Budapest String Quartet The

th 16 ​ Season, 1953 – 1954 ​ Nikolai Graudan, cello and Joanna Graudan, piano The The Albeneri Trio The Amadeus Quartet

th 17 ​ Season, 1954 – 1955 ​ The New Music Quartet Quintetto Boccherini The Budapest String Quartet The Louisville String Quartet with Conrad Crocker, flute Alexander Schneider, violin and Mieczyslaw Horszowski, piano

th 18 ​ Season, 1955 – 1956 ​ The Amadeus Quartet The Albeneri Trio Mack Harrell, baritone and Sergus Kagen, piano The Budapest String Quartet with Gregor Piatigorsky, cello

th 19 ​ Season, 1956 – 1957 ​ The Juilliard String Quartet The Louisville String Quartet with Dennis Larson, oboe The Vienna Octet The Budapest String Quartet The

th 20 ​ Season, 1957 – 1958 ​ The Alfred Deller Trio The The Albeneri Trio The Budapest String Quartet with Mieczyslaw Horszowski, piano Alexander Schneider, violin and Mieczyslaw Horszowski, piano

st 21 ​ Season, 1958 – 1959 ​ The Vienna Octet Ianos Starker, cello and Bela Boszormenyi-Nagy, piano The Budapest String Quartet Quartetto Italiano

nd 22 ​ Season, 1959 – 1960 ​ Camera Concerti The Begh String Quartet The Albeneri Trio The Amadeus Quartet The Budapest String Quartet with Walter Trampler, viola rd 23 ​ Season, 1960 – 1961 ​ The New Danish Quartet The Juilliard String Quartet The Budapest String Quartet with Mieczyslaw Horszowski, piano Alexander Schneider, violin and Mieczyslaw Horszowski, piano The Vienna Octet Adele Addison, soprano and James Payne, piano

th 24 ​ Season, 1961 – 1962 ​ New York Pro Musica with Noah Greenberg, conductor The Pasquier Trio The Amadeus Quartet The Budapest String Quartet The Juilliard String Quartet

th 25 ​ Season, 1962 – 1963 ​ New York Pro Musica with Noah Greenberg, conductor The of the University of California at Santa Barbara The Budapest String Quartet Alexander Schneider, violin; Mieczyslaw Horszowski, piano; and John Barrows, horn

th 26 ​ Season, 1963 – 1964 ​ The Carnegie Fine Arts String Quartet The Amadeus Quartet (concert in memory of President Kennedy) The Budapest String Quartet The Baroque Chamber Players The Alma Trio

th 27 ​ Season, 1964 - 1965 ​ Alexander Schneider, violin and Mieczyslaw Horszowski, piano The Berkshire Quartet with James Livingston, clarinet The Juilliard String Quartet The Budapest String Quartet New York Pro Musica with Noah Greenberg, conductor

th 28 ​ Season, 1965 – 1966 ​ The Brahms Quartet The Amadeus Quartet The LaSalle Quartet The Juilliard Quartet The Vienna Octet

th 29 ​ Season, 1966 – 1967 ​ The Guarneri String Quartet Ianos Starker, cello Hermann Prey, baritone and Paul Ulanowsky, piano The Juilliard String Quartet The

th 30 ​ Season, 1967 – 1968 ​ The Amadeus Quartet Jean-Pierre Rampal, flute and Robert Veyron-Lacroix, harpsichord The The Juilliard String Quartet I Virtuosi di Roma

st 31 ​ Season, 1968 – 1969 ​ Alexander Schneider, violin; Mieczyslaw Horszowski, piano; and Leslie Parnas, cello The Ciompi Quartet Ernest Haefliger, tenor and Franz Rupp, piano Jean-Pierre Rampal, flute and Robert Veyron-Lacroix, harpsichord The Juilliard String Quartet with Jorge Mester, viola

nd 32 ​ Season, 1969 – 1970 ​ The Deller Consort The Melos Ensemble of London The Bartók Quartet The Juilliard String Quartet Eric Rosenblith, violin and Lee Luvisi, piano

rd 33 ​ Season, 1970 – 1971 ​ The New Cleveland Quartet , soprano; Lee Luvisi, piano; and James Livingston, clarinet The Juilliard String Quartet Jean-Pierre Rampal, flute and Robert Veyron-Lacroix, harpsichord Charles Tregor and Peter McHugh, violins; Jorge Mester, viola; Leopold Teraspulski, cello; and James Livingston, clarinet

th 34 ​ Season, 1971 – 1972 ​ The Starker Trio The Juilliard String Quartet The Berlin Philharmonic Octet The Guarneri String Quartet with Lee Luvisi, piano The Amadeus Quartet with Jorge Mester, viola

th 35 ​ Season, 1972 – 1973 ​ The Juilliard String Quartet New York Pro Musica The French String Trio Music from Marlboro The Amadeus Quartet with Jorge Mester, viola

th 36 ​ Season, 1973 – 1974 ​ The Tel Aviv String Quartet with Yona Ettlinger, clarinet David Soyer, cello and Lee Luvisi, piano Patricia Brooks, Soprano; Harriet Wingreen, piano; and Daniel McAninch, oboe Jean-Pierre Rampal, flute and Robert Veyron-Lacroix, harpsichord The Juilliard String Quartet

th 37 ​ Season, 1974 – 1975 ​ I Solisti di Zagreb The Juilliard String Quartet The Beaux Arts Trio Music from Marlboro The Borodin String Quartet

th 38 ​ Season, 1975 – 1976 ​ Les Menestriers (Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance) Tashi The Juilliard String Quartet The Jan De Gaetani, mezzo-soprano; Lee Luvisi, piano; and Philip West, Oboe

th 39 ​ Season, 1976 – 1977 ​ The Juilliard String Quartet - Beethoven Festival The Beaux Arts Trio

th 40 ​ Season, 1977 – 1978 ​ The Guarneri String Quartet The Festival Winds The St. Paul Chamber Orchestra The Juilliard String Quartet with Lee Luvisi, piano Hermann Prey and Michael Krist, piano

st 41 ​ Season, 1978 – 1979 ​ The Beaux Arts Trio Concentus Musicus of Vienna The Juilliard String Quartet Jean-Pierre Rampal, flute and John Steele Ritter, harpsichord The Tokyo String Quartet

nd 42 ​ Season, 1979 – 1980 ​ The Cleveland String Quartet New York Chamber Soloists The Beaux Arts Trio The Juilliard String Quartet The Schneider-Luvisi Quartet

rd 43 ​ Season, 1980 – 1981 ​ Tashi Hermann Prey, baritone and Michael Krist, piano The Juilliard String Quartet Concert Royal with New York Baroque Dance Company The New York String Quartet

th 44 ​ Season, 1981 – 1982 ​ The Beaux Arts Trio The New World String Quartet The Juilliard String Quartet The Beaux Arts Trio The

th 45 ​ Season, 1982 – 1983 ​ The American String Quartet The Polish Chamber Orchestra with Jerzy Maksymiuk, conductor Maureen Forrester, contralto and Derek Bampton, piano The Juilliard String Quartet The Muir String Quartet

th 46 ​ Season, 1983 – 1984 ​ The Music from Marlboro Richard Stoltzman, clarinet and Irma Vallecillo, piano The Ridge String Quartet The Juilliard String Quartet The Emerson String Quartet

th 47 ​ Season, 1984 – 1985 ​ Ianos Starker, cello and Charles Webb, piano The Beaux Arts Trio Ianos Starker, cello and Shigeo Neriki, piano The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center The Juilliard String Quartet

th 48 ​ Season, 1985 – 1986 ​ Elly Amerling, soprano and Rudolf Jansen, piano The Emerson String Quartet with Lee Luvisi, piano The Juilliard String Quartet The New York Chamber Soloists Tashi

th 49 ​ Season, 1986 – 1987 ​ The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center The Tokyo String Quartet Pomerium Musices The Juilliard String Quartet The Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra with Patrick Strub, conductor

th 50 ​ Season, 1987 – 1988 ​ Hermann Prey, baritone and Leonard Hokanson, piano The Guarneri String Quartet with Lee Luvisi, piano The Dorian Wind Quintet with Claude Frank, piano The Juilliard String Quartet The Beaux Arts Trio

st 51 ​ Season, 1988 – 1989 ​ The Emerson String Quartet The Buswell – Parnas – Luvisi Trio The American Chamber Players The Juilliard String Quartet The Vienna Chamber Ensemble

nd 52 ​ Season, 1989 – 1990 ​ Music from Marlboro Arnold Steinhardt, violin and Lee Luvisi, piano The Cleveland Quartet The Aulos Ensemble The Juilliard String Quartet

rd 53 ​ Season, 1990 – 1991 ​ The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center Orpheus Chamber Orchestra The Juilliard String Quartet The Cavani String Quartet Peter Schreier, tenor and Armen Guzelimian, piano

th 54 ​ Season, 1991 – 1992 ​ The Juilliard String Quartet The Beaux Arts Trio The Emerson String Quartet with Lee Luvisi, piano The American Chamber Players The Lark Quartet

th 55 ​ Season, 1992 – 1993 ​ The Juilliard String Quartet The Mendelssohn String Quartet Tashi The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center The

th 56 ​ Season, 1993 – 1994 ​ The Juilliard String Quartet Tafelmusik Saturday Brass Quintet The Emerson String Quartet with Carol Wincenc, flute The Lark Quartet with Tom Gallant, oboe

th 57 ​ Season, 1994 – 1995 ​ Ani Kavafian, violin and Lee Luvisi, piano The Juilliard String Quartet Chicago Pro Musica Guarneri String Quartet Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet

th 58 ​ Season, 1995 – 1996 ​ String Quartet John Sharp, cell and Anton Nel, piano The Juilliard String Quartet The King’s Noyse The Beaux Arts Trio

th 59 ​ Season, 1996 – 1997 ​ The Juilliard String Quartet The with Ignat Solzhenitsyn, piano and Todd Palmer, clarinet The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center Theresa Santiago, soprano and Jeremy Denk, piano The Emerson String Quartet

th 60 ​ Season, 1997 – 1998 ​ Guarneri String Quartet with Lee Luvisi, piano Kalichstein - Laredo - Robinson Trio Chicago Pro Musica with Carl Gpapentine, narrator and T. Daniel, mime The The American Chamber Players

st 61 ​ Season, 1998 – 1999 ​ Gilbert Kalish, piano; Lees Luvisi, piano; Richard Fitz, percussion; and Gordon Gottlieb, percussion Yizhak Schotten, viola; Erling Bengtsson, cello; and Katherine Collier, piano The Artis Quartet Dorian Wind Quintet with Richard Ormrod, piano The Juilliard String Quartet

nd 62 ​ Season, 1999 – 2000 ​ The Emerson String Quartet The Peabody Trio with Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano Artemis Quartet The New York Festival of Song The Ying Quartet with Anton Nel, piano

rd 63 ​ Season, 2000 – 2001 ​ The Juilliard String Quartet The Debussy Trio Pacifica Quartet The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center Musicians from Marlboro

th 64 ​ Season, 2001 – 2002 ​ Guarneri String Quartet Kalichstein – Laredo – Robinson Trio The Los Angeles Piano Quartet Artemis Quartet The American Brass Quintet

th 65 ​ Season, 2002 – 2003 ​ The Emerson String Quartet Kurt Ollmann, baritone and Jeffry Peterson, piano The Juilliard String Quartet The Chicago Chamber Musicians The Beaux Arts Trio

th 66 ​ Season, 2003 – 2004 ​ Miró Quartet Musica Antiqua Koln with Reinhard Goebel, director The Takács Quartet Eroica Trio Pacifica Quartet with Ursula Oppens, piano

th 67 ​ Season, 2004 – 2005 ​ The Juilliard String Quartet eighth blackbird The Los Angele Piano Quartet with Kurt Ollmann, baritone Orion String Quartet The American Chamber Players

th 68 ​ Season, 2005 – 2006 ​ Claremont Trio Miami String Quartet Chicago Pro Musica Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet The Emerson String Quartet

th 69 ​ Season, 2006 – 2007 ​ The Czech Nonet The Los Angeles Guitar Quartet The Takács Quartet Kalichstein – Laredo – Robinson Trio Cavani String Quartet

th 70 ​ Season, 2007 – 2008 ​ Trio Con Brio Copenhagen The Juilliard String Quartet The Diaz Trio The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center The Artemis Quartet

st 71 ​ Season, 2008 – 2009 ​ St. Lawrence String Quartet The American Brass Quintet From the Chicago Symphony: Robert Chen and John Sharp with Jorge Federico Osorio Music From Copland House The Emerson String Quartet

nd 72 ​ Season, 2009 – 2010 ​ Brentano String Quartet eighth blackbird Metropolitan Museum Artists in Concert Members of the Takács Quartet Atos Trio

rd 73 ​ Season, 2010 – 2011 ​ Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet The Juilliard String Quartet Shanghai Quartet The American Chamber Players Trio Con Brio Copenhagen

th 74 ​ Season, 2011 – 2012 ​ Metropolitan Museum Artists in Concert The Emerson String Quartet Morgenstern Trio Euclid Quartet and Carpe Diem String Quartet

th 75 ​ Season, 2012 – 2013 ​ The Takács Quartet Chicago Pro Musica with Lucy Shelton, soprano Kalichstein – Laredo – Robinson Trio Pacifica Quartet with Ursula Oppens, piano Tokyo String Quartet

th 76 ​ Season, 2013 – 2014 ​ Juilliard String Quartet Los Angeles Guitar Quartet ATOS Trio Elias String Quartet The Debussy Trio with Suzanna Guzmán, mezzo-soprano

th 77 ​ Season, 2014 – 2015 ​ Los Angeles Piano Quartet Johannes String Quartet Amernet String Quartet with Lauren Skuce Gross, Soprano Music from Copland House Emerson String Quartet

th 78 ​ Season, 2015 – 2016 ​ Liba Shacht - John Sharp - Milana Pavchinskaya Trio The Takács Quartet Chicago Pro Musica Lorelei Ensemble St. Lawrence String Quartet

th 79 ​ Season, 2016 – 2017 ​ Kalichstein - Laredo - Robinson Trio The Juilliard Quartet Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet Aviv Quartet The American Chamber Players

th 80 ​ Season, 2017 – 2018 ​ Emerson String Quartet Morgenstern Trio Music from Copland House The American Brass Quintet Momenta Quartet

st 81 ​ Season, 2018 – 2019 ​ Takács Quartet Tessa Lark & Andrew Armstrong Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet (farewell tour) Claremont Trio Dover Quartet

82nd Season, 2019 - 2020 Trio Con Brio Copenhagen Juilliard String Quartet Emerson Quartet - Beethoven Festival

83rd Season, 2020 - 2021 Emerson Quartet - Beethoven Festival Danish String Quartet Eighth Blackbird