66 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, 16th MARCH, 1951. STATUTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORS 18-26 Stepney Causeway, London, E.I, the sum In the Goods of Susanna Carey, late of Waterfoot, of £200, to be applied for the general purposes Glenariffe, in the County of Antrim, Spinster of the said Association. and Retired School Teacher, deceased. To the Presbyterian Minister Widows' Fund in connection with the General Assembly of the NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute Presbyterian Church in Ireland, the sum of £200, 22 and 23 Vic., Cap. 35, that all persons claiming to to be applied for the general purposes of the be creditors, or otherwise to have any claims or said Fund. demands against the estate of the above named Testatrix directed that the above legacies should Susanna Carey, deceased, who died on the 2nd day be paid free of legacy duty and that the receipt of of November, 1950, at Our Lady's Hospice, Beech- the respective Treasurers for the time being of the mount, Falls Road, Belfast, are hereby required to said Association and Fund should be a sufficient furnish (in writing) the particulars of such claims discharge for the said respective legacies. before the 21st day of April, 1951, to the under- Probate of said Will was on the 27th day of signed, Solicitors for the Executor, to whom Probate February, 1951, granted forth of the Principal of the Will of said deceased was granted forth of Registry, King's Bench Division (Probate) of the the Principal Registry of the King's Bench Division High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, to David (Probate) of the High Court of Justice in Northern McDowell, of Knockalla, Lurgan, in the County of Ireland on the 12th day of January, 1951.
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