Water Sharing Plan for the Hastings Unregulated And

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Water Sharing Plan for the Hastings Unregulated And Locality Map ek re C s p o h s ek i re B C e r Stum ek y Kumba py C re p tine e C l re e e k T R e e d y C re e k G e a k ry Karst Cree C K o r i g k e Karst Gowings ll in e ek ic D e ek k Easy Creek r re Gowings Hill C C C C P r le a e d e g r Gl nc r Hill ip e h a o a k orn Big e y e s C H p C k r re i C p re c s ll i e ek C k o a t Karst C k re s K e k S re e CRESCENT HEAD e c B Gowings ek Cr k a a e n d e o n i e r t ! C d Hill g a C c or e r C e G e r g C e e in n re k e s n ek k s Creek o ro ank C C eb Sm in iths T k Cree P e k k ie e Mo r e ek untai re Maria River re n C C ls C C r n el i e K ca w C o e o rri s o v k g o e Ca b k je Creek rlo M Water Source cro e n a fts e u M Cr r er eek C v C i O Forbes River n R 'L s so ea s Wil k r o e y re B C Goolawah Lagoon C r Water Source y e k e e n k e Pige e o o r n M C C y T o s b ad rry r o ra e Ba ive p b R R a Wilson River C l ia r d r e a e C M k r e e Water Source Big k Hill Cundle C C k r r e ee e e k Cr e ls Karst k l k e e B Big Hill B e r F r il C B o rabung Point rs k r k e Cr r ye ree i ree p eek b w C l C oo Sa sh C low C k e u s br ree ng e R tle k Ba e ot r i ve B C r e e D k tr ead M e Fe s Horse Creek ans Cre e e r nwicks ras k Creek G C Barneys Creek t le Creek In ders TELEGRAPH POINT R ud Saltwater Pappinbarra River ! Lake Water Source Upper Hastings River a C C oolapatamb re e k C e Limeburners dar Cree k Wat Creek Bitter G ound Co erfal r wal Cre l C Water Source ek r e e Creek k B re Mortons Creek alyngara C ek Water Kindee Creek Water Source reek Source M Loggy C o Ba r nj ek t Ra o Creek re Water Source on wdo C s k n r P Cr Stony o C k a e Cre B o re e ee p ek ek r sp r p yrnes B e Lim a C in k e J ee ba b ind rra Gre u K R e r S er iv nb n To s Riv e ou e to b in rne ek Mun r Cre ns r c Ch s k l Creek a C y wbal n Ginger Gully a no n r rd ings Riv F S e C Hast e ra e e r l re ze k e rs k e es Cr e Cr alf k ee R k k e Coastal Hastings e Hu r s Creek rsley Creek C li l Blue s o ra Bay r H Water Source a Pip PORT MACQUARIE Y ec r s Cre lay e e v m C gs Ri k! k r n o e sti e T Carecorara Inlet a e e H r ush k C e R es C ng ittl r u L ee b k k n e k o Ha e o re Double Gully stin re l C g WAUCHOPE C o k e R s s g o ush e e R k trid re e r K ittle R n C k ive k ! re a L u Cree r ree C P o C s ek p in K iah Cre F ri pp g a im ly i in pe rr n o Y ar e n K ro T s M G arik w C t Sinai r K ere reek C n Cr a e C re u e y re ek o ek ek py Middle Hastings River s Stum Fla M C t Creek r Wetland e e Innes ek ngle C k re r A r gut C e ull e Water Source Swamp Narrow v G y C e G i r n ee k e k r R re k e s G e e e e n yl r o C W LAKE D g ek ek n e a re o r t C INNES L C t e p le lu m B lack Ca C G B r a e n B e n u k o Lake Innes n n n o s C o re k e e R k ek eek e iv ek k Barn Water Source e e r r e e e e r C r lli Cr y r k C u C r s C B k e l e g C e l r e e e Pitt Gully y n e r i r a i r e C h w r e k y a t C p a iv rr g M e R H a a i S S n w B o o C h yn C T d ek m re Thone River a C Ellenbrough River n s Ferny Gully hs c C ring n r Sp e e ree G r C k Water Source e ar ull F y Water Source k d e Blacksan H C Gully d Karst a r w C t lo r y el e Comboyne T s Y e C Cedar Creek o R F o Stennetts Gully r k c e o m k r Te C e k a K ek C ettle Cre s r k e r L C e i e HERONS CREEK t r k e t e k l e S e m k ! T i o ek t k re h e m l e a ls C s Queens Lake r s C s p rs C C C ke r r k Wal e is C U r c ll e e a r e v Mum r COMBOYNE e l e a e i fo k B k Cr ek J rd e e rm E R a s e W Moores Creek ll h c C k Water Source A e g k k Branch Gully nbo rou ys re ! Bulli Gully th Cr e u ee k o k k S awa Cree n ri Queens Lake B Camden Haven River Mid dle Gu Little Creek Cre k lly ds Creek KENDALL cks e Mcleo Ma ! NORTH HAVEN Water Source ! LAURIETON r n Rive ! Ca ave mden H eek r Cr a C at amden H B av en R iv e r Legend ek Camden ls Cre Gil Watson Taylors Lake Haven k Inlet e re High Priority Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Saville s C Water Source Water Sharing Plan Boundary EXTRACTION MANAGEMENT UNIT KEY k J ee er sio Watson Cr ry as nfruit rs s C P G St ar re u Taylors e l Water Sources Boundary k ly Lake reek tewa Deep C S r Stewarts River ts River k Washtub Extraction Management Unit e arts R r e S tew ive Inlet r Bensons C Water Source rs Inlet le Highly connected alluvium G y Dirty Corner River Swamp Creek Lake / Water Body HIGHHIGH PRIORITYPRIORITY GROUNDWATERGROUNDWATER DEPENDENTDEPENDENT ECOSYSTEMECOSYSTEM MAPMAP (GDE011_Version(GDE011_Version 1)1) ! Town WATERWATER SHARINGSHARING PLANPLAN FORFOR THETHE HASTINGSHASTINGS UNREGULATEDUNREGULATED ANDAND ALLUVIALALLUVIAL WATERWATER SOURCESSOURCES 20192019 Highway Road Minor Road ± Camden Haven River Catchment Extraction Management Unit National Park Hastings River Catchment Extraction Management Unit State Forest 0 5 10 20 Lake Innes Catchment Extraction Management Unit Kilometres Compilation Date: 23/09/2020.
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